Knowledge About Students:: Calculus (7:30-8:55am) H. Alg. 2: (9:40-11am.)
Knowledge About Students:: Calculus (7:30-8:55am) H. Alg. 2: (9:40-11am.)
Knowledge About Students:: Calculus (7:30-8:55am) H. Alg. 2: (9:40-11am.)
Adapted from: Leinwand, S. (2009). Accessible mathematics: 10 instructional shifts that raise student achievement. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Also Adapted from Howard County Public Schools Secondary Mathematics Office
I felt like I was able to provide support for each student. I was constantly going around the room
observing what they had come up with. This allowed for a more discussion because I could see where
they were going with a problem and was able to discuss successes I saw in the classroom. I specifically
had one student that was very quiet, figure out the answer before her groupmates, and I asked her to share
with the group and she was able to explain because I praised her for her work. Eventually, students may
come out of their shell if they truly believe what they have to say it worthwhile. Thus, it was good to see
that I was able to connect with that student. Overall, I felt like each student felt comfortable asking
questions and engaged with the group, which verified to me that I was able to support each student.
Further Reflection:
This lesson went very well for both classes that I taught it in. I think students really liked the
manipulatives and how realistic the question was. I was able to see this because students when we were
reflecting explained how they thought the concept could apply to a real world situation. The biggest
change I would have made to my lesson plan, was changing the amount of fencing that I provided them.
Giving the students 100 feet of fencing created some large fractions that made them very frustrated as we
neared the end of problem. The students were happy that they were able to make the connections between
the problem and real life, but got discouraged when they ran into large numbers in the end.
I learned a lot from debriefing with my mentor teacher. He explained that my questions were well thought
out and how, I could change a couple things that would help the students make connections. For example,
when I taught the lesson to the Calculus class, I realized I needed to make sure students understood that
guessing and checking is okay. Thus, for the next time I taught it I drew up gardens and asked groups to
write up solutions they had for the problem.
My initial thoughts for this lesson were how can I connect to the students? What are some activities that
students could relate to? I realized, since we live in a rural area, where people see gardens and farms on a
daily basis, I thought everyone would be able to relate to a garden. I also thought about what is a shape
that most students would remember the area and perimeter equations for. I wanted to make sure the
activity was not to challenging since this is the beginning of this unit. This turned out to work extremely
Adapted from: Leinwand, S. (2009). Accessible mathematics: 10 instructional shifts that raise student achievement. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Also Adapted from Howard County Public Schools Secondary Mathematics Office
I choose to start out with the activity because it engaged students and make them think outside the box.
This allowed students to feel like they were involved in their learning. Then, it was great to foster
discussion about the problem and develop the steps to solving the problem on the board. I had planned in
this order hoping this would happen, and it was great to see that it did.
I did not forget to plan for anything, I had an extra activity in case we had extra time, we did use it in the
Algebra 2, because they wanted more examples!
Overall, I thought the lesson went very well both times I taught it!
Adapted from: Leinwand, S. (2009). Accessible mathematics: 10 instructional shifts that raise student achievement. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Also Adapted from Howard County Public Schools Secondary Mathematics Office