Being A Nationalistic Leader: Lesson 2

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Lesson 2

Being a Nationalistic Leader

Its a great way to think that after studying and working on all activities in
This lesson, you will be able to:
Pick out the clues in the sentence that help point to the meaning of a word.
Get the main idea and the theme of a selection.
Distinguish literal language from figurative language.
Identify and interpret figurative language.
Write a personal reflection on a given topic


Words are very important. They help us communicate with each other. They help us
give out information. And they help us take the information in. Words are tools people use.

Pre Reading
What among your possessions do you consider the most valuable or important? Is this a gift,
an heirloom or personally acquired through purchase? Suppose somebody would offer a very
handsome price for it, would you sell it? Why or why not?
Look at the title of the story. What could the story be about?

While Reading
by Petrus Alphonsi
Translated by William C. McDermott
1. Heres a tale from the mysterious East that was written in the twelfth century. See if you dont think
its an ancestor of our modern detective stories.
2. It happened that a certain man died and left his only son his only possession a house.
3. Now, the young man had to work hard to keep body and soul together and he lived in great
poverty. But although he often went hungry, he did not wish to sell the house he had inherited from
his father.
4. Often he was approached by his rich neighbor, who wanted to buy the house in order to make his
own larger. But still the young man would not sell.
5. Finally the greedy man was convinced of the young mans determination and considered more
devious and underhanded

means of getting the house away from him. If, the rich man thought in some way he could get the
young man convicted of a crime, he could easily get the house.
6. He went to the youth and said, Rent me part of your courtyard. I wish to store ten casks of oil in
it, under the ground.
The oil barrels will be no bother to you and you can certainly use the money I will pay you.
7. With some doubts the young man agreed. But the neighbor did not bury ten full casks of oil in the
courtyard. Instead, because he was unscrupulous, he buried five full casks and five half-ful casks.
The young man knew nothing of this, for the rich man simply said, I entrust my ten casks of oil to
8. Some time later, oil became scarce. Learning of this, the wealthy man decided to dig up his casks
of oil in order to sell them at a big profit. He offered the young man a reward if he would help in the
digging and the young man agreed.
9. Buyers were invited to examine the oil as it was dug up, for the rich man wanted witnesses. When
it was discovered that five of the casks were only half full, the rich man took the youth into court.
There he accused him of theft.
10. The judge, after hearing the wealthy mans story, decided the youth should be brought to trial.
But because he was fair, the judge postponed the trial one day so that the young man could get
evidence of his innocence, if possible.
11. The poverty-stricken youth felt totally helpless, and despaired. Then he heard of a wise man
called Mr. Aid-for- the-Needy. This man was said to be very intelligent and beneficent.
12. The young man sought out this sage, who listened quietly to the story. The elderly man was
touched by the youths sincerity, and was filled with pity. Finally he said, I believe I can help you.
Be in court tomorrow and I will help prove you speak the truth.
13. The next day, both the old wise man and the unhappy young man appeared in court. The judge
was so impressed by the wisdom of Mr. Aid-for-the-Needy that he asked him to sit beside him. Then
he ordered the trial to start.
14. The rich man told his story first. I trusted this youth with ten full casks of my oil. Not only did I
trust him, but I paid him rent for the ground in which the casks were buried.
15. Now The young man protested, I know nothing of his casks, except that he buried them in my
courtyard. I am an honest person and have never stolen anything. Least of all would I steal from a
man who has trusted me.
16. The case against the young man looked very damaging. There seemed to be no way that he
could prove his innocence.
17. The judge stroked his chin. Then he turned to Mr. Aid-for-the-Needy and asked, What do you
think of the case, sir?
18. And the wise man spoke as follows: The oil itself will tell us the truth. We all know that oil
contains solid matter called sediment-that settles to the bottom of the cask. A full cask will have quite
a bit of this sediment at the bottom. Half a cask of oil will have only half as much.
19. Now, Judge, order that the sediment at the bottom of the casks be measured. If it is true that
the young man dipped oil from five of the casks, those casks will have the same amount of sediment
as there is in the full casks.
20. If, however, the casks were only half full when they were put into the ground, there will be half as
much sediment at the bottom.
21. The judge agreed to the wisdom of the plan, and ordered that the sediment in all the casks be
measured. Sure enough,
there was less solid matter at the bottom of the half-full casks. This proved that they never had
been full.
22. Thus it was that the old wise man proved the young mans innocence. The youth went happily to
his house and, although this was a sort of detective story, he probably lived happily ever after. I need
the oil, but when I went to get it, lo and behold, I found that five of the casks were half empty. He
has dipped oil from my barrels.

You may not always use the dictionary to get the meaning of words. Often you
can tell the meaning of a word from the words around it. We call this getting
meaning from context.

Complete these sentences by adding suitable
reflexive pronouns. The first one is done for you.

A. Write the words used in the selection that match the definitions below. The number in
parentheses tells you the paragraph of the story to look at.
1. firmness of purpose (5)
2. barrel-shaped container for liquids (6)
3. without principles (7)
4. put off (10)
5. gave up hope (11)
6. kind (11)
7. one distinguished for wisdom (12)
B. Choose the letter of the meaning of each word in boldprint as it is used in the story. The number
in parentheses tells you which paragraph of the story to look at.
1. ground (6)
A. soil, earth
B. reason for action
C. foundation
C. Fill in the chain with the synonyms

2. court (9)
3. case (16)
A. an enclosed yard
A. box
B. a place of law
B. evidence
C. the residence of a king
C. covering
of the word in the first chain. Choose from the words in the barrel.

Post Reading

Sometimes, you read only those parts of a reading material that will give you
the information you need. One way of doing this is through scanning which is a
hunt-skip-read search for answers to specific questions. When you scan a material,
you read as little as possible. You move your eyes rapidly over the page, looking
for the information you need.
Now, scan the selection for answers to the following questions.
1. What is the setting of the story? How do you know?
2. What was the young mans only possession? How did he come to have it?
3. What was the economic status of the young man?
4. Who wanted to buy the property? Was the young man willing to sell?
5. What means did the rich man attempt to use to get the property? Did he succeed? Give


Write the letter of the best answer for each question.

_____ 1. The young man did not want to sell his house because he
a. didnt like his rich neighbor.
c. had nothing else in the world
b. wanted to rent it instead.
d. didnt want to move from the city.
_____ 2. The rich neighbor wanted the youths house because
a. he wanted to enlarge his own.
c. he needed more room to store oil.
b. the house was very valuable.
d. he thought he had a right to it.
_____ 3. Mr. Aid-for-the-Needy helped the young man because he
a. felt sorry for the youth.
c. wanted to get the youths house himself.
b. believed the youth was telling the truth.
d. Both a and b.
_____ 4. The rich man tried to involve the young man in a crime because he
a. wanted revenge for something the youth had done.
b. could think of no other way to get the young mans house.
c. thought he could get the court to return the stolen oil.
d. wanted the youth to go to jail.
_____ 5. The young man agreed to store the oil probably because he
a. needed the rent money.
c. really liked his neighbor.
b. planned to steal the oil.
d. was afraid of his neighbor.
_____ 6.The neighbors plan to have the youth brought to trial was made
a. before he buried the ten barrels of oil.
b. when he discovered that his oil had been stolen.
c. after he saw the youth would not sell the house.
d. Both a and c.
_____ 7. If the youth had stolen the oil it would have been easy to tell, because
a. his oily fingerprints would have been found on the casks.
b. the tops of the casks would have been loose or broken.
c. there would have been the same amount of sediment in all the casks.
d. oil would have been spilled on the ground around the casks.
_____ 8. After the trial, the young man probably
a. sold his house to another buyer.
b. filed countercharges against his rich neighbor.
c. gave his house to Mr. Aid-for-the Needy.
d. lived peacefully and contentedly in his house.
_____ 9. The young man is to be admired because he is
a.determined and resourceful.
c.sentimental but reliable.
b.principled and truthful.
d.poor but honest.
_____ 10. If the youth had stolen the oil it would have been easy to tell, because
a. his oily fingerprints would have been found on the casks.
b. the tops of the casks would have been loose or broken.
c. there would have been the same amount of sediment in all the casks.
d. oil would have been spilled on the ground around the casks.

Look at the Across Column below. In the Synonym Column next to it, find the
synonym for each numbered word and write it in the corresponding boxes. Do the
same for the Down Column. The number before the word tells you in which box to

Across Column
Synonym Column
1. resort
4. parched
6. inexpensive
8. tariff
9. level
10. jumble
12. hurry
15. obligation
16. seashore
18. mist
20. toward

Synonym Column

Down Column


1. appear
2. deeds
3. jinx



4. imitate
5. thought




21. unbiased
22. melts


19. quantity


Inferring is reading between the lines or finding the hidden meaning. Literary
writers make their readers do this to make reading more exciting and pleasurable. To help
the reader they provide all kinds of clues to enable the readers mind to see thoughts
suggested by what the words say and read more than what their eyes see. One kind of
making inferences is inferring character traits, feelings and motives by what a person says
or does.
Read the following sentence and see how much you can tell about the
character of the woman and even about her appearance, although the writer does
not mention either.

At the very sight of her, the children would instantly stop their
merry chatter and freeze into silence until she was out of sight

Answer the following
1. What was there about her that made the children stop their happy conversation?
2. What did they see in her face?
3. Was she smiling or was her lips drawn into a tight line?
4. Did they like her or fear her? Why?
5. What clues suggested your answers?

Write the letter that best completes the sentence.

_____ 1. Molly threw her coat over a chair, flew past her surprised parents to her room,
slammed the door and
flung herself face down on the bed. Molly feels
a. tired
b. disappointed
c. frightened
d. worried
_____ 2. She spoke as if her tongue had been dipped in acid. She spoke
a. cheerfully
b. calmly
c. angrily
d. carefully
_____ 3. I heard mother sigh, I hope your father is safe on his way home tonight. She
felt silent after that. The
mother feels
a. anxious
b. confident
c. bad
d. proud
_____ 4. I think Ana is guilty of telling lies about her family. When I visited their home, I
learned that her parents
are dead. An old aunt had been taking care of her since childhood. This aunt
earns her living by selling
comics and magazines in front of her house. Ana lied about her family because
a. she was afraid to be alone.
c. she was ashamed of her family.
b. she was ordered by her aunt.
d. she was popular in school.
_____ 5. They are all dead. The evil spirits that live in the mountains became angry. They
pushed down the
mountainside and Tolya, Bantay and Bongsod were buried underneath. The
speaker is
a. fanatical
b. superstitious
c. prophetic
d. religious
_____ 6. I hold the world but as the world a stage where every man must play a part,
and mine a sad one. The
trait revealed is
a. resignation
b. endurance
c. determination
d. pride
_____ 7. His right hand fumbled at his waist. But then both his hands balled themselves
into mighty knotty fists of
iron. The feeling expressed is one of
a. disappointment b. anger
c. frustration
d. embarrassment
_____ 8. Beholding a man that had no feet, I offered up for Gods goodness and
submitted with patience to my want
of shoes. The speaker is
a. cooperative
b. generous
c. obedient
d. contented
_____ 9. Twenty talents, he said icily. My good fellow, I am afraid neither of you know
your business. Anyone
who knows me will tell you that I am well worth fifty talents. The speaker is
a. confident
b. boastful
c. envious
d. satisfied

_____ 10. She had to paint horses; they were the only models she could afford because
they cost nothing. She is
a. poor
b. lazy
c. stingy
d. horse-lover


This portion starts with a short narrative. Read the story and answer the questions
following it.

A group of animals started a school. Each was going to study something he
knew nothing about.
So the duck, an excellent swimmer, took up running. Well, try as it
might, it remained a poor runner. And in the meantime became secondclass in swimming too.
The dog was a good runner, but it broke its leg trying to fly.
The cockatoo was a natural at flying, but almost drowned trying to
At the end of all these special courses, none of the animals was very good
at anything.
It is a simple story but the message is profound, dont you think so? Now
answer the following questions.
1. Who are the characters in the narrative?
2. How do they behave?
3. What is the lesson taught by the narrative?
4. What literary type is the selection? Why?
Lets check your answers. If you answered duck, dog, and cockatoo in
number 1, youre right. For number 2, the answer is : The duck studied running;
the dog, flying; and the cockatoo, swimming. The story teaches us not to try being
what we are not. The selection is, of course, a fable, a story about animals that
teaches a moral lesson.
1. Is the duck a good runner?

each question orally. Use the rising

2. Can the dog fly?
3. Has the cockatoo learned to swim?
4. Did the animals become good at anything?
5. We shouldnt be what we are not, should we?
Here are some generalizations we can draw from the question and answer exercise.
Some questions can be answered by yes or no. They are called yes/no questions. In
sentences using the verb be we form questions by reversing the position of the subject
and the verb. Look at the examples below.

The duck is an excellent swimmer.
it is.
The duck is not a good runner.

Is the duck an excellent swimmer
Is the duck a good runner?


No, it isn't.

If the verb is not a form of be examples of this. but has a helping verb, we start
the simple the helping verb. The following are:
The dog cannot fly.
it cant.
Missey will come.
she will.
No, she wont

Can the dog fly?


Will Missey come?


If the verb is not the form of be and if it has no helping verb, we supply a form of
do (do, does, did) and change the main verb to simple or base form.
The story teaches a lesson.
does./No, it doesnt.

Does the story teach a lesson?

Yes, it

They listen well.

Yes, they do./No, they dont.
The cockatoo almost drowned.

Do they listen well?

Did the cockatoo almost drown?

Yes, it did.
No, it didnt.

Practice asking yes-no questions by doing the
following activities.


The following statements center on the topic light. Change each statement to a
yes/no question. Number 1 is done for you.
1. Light is a form of energy.
Is light a form of energy?
2. It is closely related to heat and nuclear energy.
3. Wherever there is light, there is usually heat.
4. We are dependent on light for the plants we grow and the food we eat.
5. The sun is our chief source of light.
6. It is a luminous body.
7. Fire, too is a luminous body.
8. A bonfire and a candle flame are luminous objects.
9. Luminous bodies are objects shining by its own light.
10. Light is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Complete each sentence with has or have.
1. _____________________ you conducted an investigatory project?
2. _____________________ the class been given an assignment on one?
3. _____________________ the boys set up the apparatuses?
4. _____________________ Nina copied the procedure from the teachers manual?
5. _____________________ the teacher assigned the group leaders?
6. _____________________ anyone ever experienced doing an investigatory project
7. _____________________ Liza and Meg agreed on who is going to write the report?

8. _____________________ the class fully discussed the procedure?

9. _____________________ the group members jotted down the important data?
10._____________________ we agreed on the date of submission?


The topic of this grammar exercise is the Theory of Evolution. Change each
statement to a yes/no question. Decide whether to use do, does or did. Number 1 is
done for you.
1. Charles Darwin developed the theory of evolution.
Did Charles Darwin develop the theory of evolution?
2. The theory of evolution introduced the idea that species change over a long period of

3. This theory explains extinct forms, or fossils as ancestors of present day organisms.
4. Fossils give evidence for evolution.
5. Fossils preserved in successive vertical layers indicate the sequence in which plants
and animals evolved.
6. The theory of evolution helps to explain the variety of life.
7. It also gives biologists a more logical way of classifying organisms.
8. The theory raises questions as to the manner and means of its occurrence.
9. The theory operates in natural selection.
10. The theory of evolution occupies a unique place in biology.

The next exercise will give you practice in making
tag questions, or short yes-no questions added to
statements to seek confirmation.
A. Add a tag question to each statement then give a short affirmative or negative
response. The first one is done for you.
Solar Energy
1. The sun gives off solar energy, doesnt it? Yes, it does.
2. Solar energy can be in the form of heat or light, ___________? _________________.
3. The earth is always receiving solar energy, ________________? ________________.
4. Solar energy is partly absorbed and partly reflected, ___________? ______________.
5. Light-colored objects cannot absorb solar energy well, __________? _____________.
6. The earth has a blanket of air around it, ___________________?
7. The atmosphere keeps the earths surface from getting much hotter or much colder,
__________________? ___________________.
8. Without the atmosphere, the plants and animals that live on earth could not exist, ____
________________? __________________.
9. The angle of sunlight affects the temperature of a sunlit surface, _______________?
10.Some parts of the earth are not as warm as others at the same time of the year,
______________? ________________.
B. Read the story below and form five simple or yes/no questions and five tag
questions based on it.

Be What You Are

A.R. Walls
He never did anything wrong, and yet, everybody ran away from him, or else
they threw Once there was a snake who was not happy because he seemed to
upset everyone. and so he made up his mind to change that. He placed his tail
in his mouth and formed sticks and stones at him. He figured out that it must
be because of his personal appearance himself into a perfect circle. He then
stiffened himself and seemed perfectly wooden. Soon some children found
him, pounced on him eagerly and screamed, Oh, what a pretty green hoop.
And taking a stick, they began to roll it along the ground, every now and then
giving it a smart smack to keep it rolling along. The poor snake stood the
punishment as long as he could. At the first opportunity, he rolled off into the
bushes and slipped back into his former shape and slithered away safely.

2. ________________________________________________________________________
Write the letter of the answer that is closest in meaning to the italicized word.
_____ 1. He is an agile basketball player. He moves easily and quickly on the hard court.
a. strong
b. fast
c. experienced
d. powerful
_____ 2. I had made this request before but I should like to reiterate it now.
a. explain
b. ask
c. prove
d. repeat
_____ 3. The meticulous student reviewed his test paper so carefully that there was not a
single error to be found.
a. intelligent
b. punctual
c. careful
d. observant
_____ 4. Government is trying hard to ameliorate the housing condition of the urban poor
by building low cost houses.
a. improve
b. lessen
c. end
d. raise
_____ 5. The firemen heard the occupants of the burning building shouting and coughing.
The smoke was suffocating them.
a. choking
b. helping
c. burning
d. heating


Write the word to which the underlined pronoun refers.
_____ 1. It was perhaps the education which I received from my tenderest infancy which
has molded my habits.
_____ 2. The sky would seem to look clear and blue when we heard mothers voice
although it was not always bright.
_____ 3. Molecules of a substance in liquid form are closer together and move more
slowly than those in a gaseous
_____ 4. One of the most famous stories in the world is that of the wooden horse.
_____ 5. Because the moon has no atmosphere, scientists are looking forward to setting
up an observatory there.


Write the letter of the dominant sensory image suggested by the following lines.
Choose from the box below.

a. touch

c. sight

e. smell

b. motion

d. sound

f. taste

1. Pebbles cold and sharp under my feet

2. Green mangoes with bagoong
3. Perfume, roses and baking bread
4. Continuous as the stars that shine
5. The grating of cartwheels on the pebbles


Read the passages carefully then write the letter of the best answer to each
question that follows.
_____ 2. The battle continued furiously. It was like a hurricane. I could not see what was
going on because it was so fast
and feathers were flying and rising all around like smoke. What is described?
a. a badminton match b. a whirlwind
c. a cockfight
d. wild duck hunting
_____ 3. The night had come quickly and stars were twinkling overhead. We could hear
the mighty throb of the engine far
below down the deck. Where were the people?
a. on a train
b. in a trailer
c. on a plane
on a ship
_____ 4. We can only set out nets a few times a day. Setting the nets and hauling them
in takes a lot of time and work.
Who is the speaker?
a. a stevedore
b. a fisherman
c. an acrobat
d. a hunter
_____ 5. Tense, silent moments of pain followed when the old body was shaken with the
agony of knife meeting flesh. And
calm, sure hands ripped open the boil on the quivering lid; knife cut a nerve,
nerve trembled with infinite pain.
What is going on?
a. a surgical operation
b. a vehicular accident
c. a stabbing affray
d. slaughter
1. I circle several times while I lose altitude trying to penetrate the darkness from
different vantage point, getting the lay of the land as well as I can in the darkness.
Who is the speaker?
a. a skydiver
c. a cameraman
b. a pilot
d. a photographer


Each number consists of an initial statement that uses a figure of speech and
three interpretations. In your notebook write the letter of the figure of speech used
on the first number and the letter of the interpretation that best expresses the
meaning of the statement on the second number. Choose the figure of speech from
the box below.

a. simile

b. metaphor

c. personification d. hyperbole

_____ 1-2. The stalks were taking on gold in the late afternoon sun.
e. apostrophe
a. The palay were turning to gold.
b. The palay were ripening.
c. The palay were drying up.
_____ 3-4. From the cradle to the grave is but a day.
a. The baby died one day after it was born.
b. The cradle is a days walk to the grave.
c. Life is short.
_____ 5-6. My uncle is as talkative as a parrot.
a. My uncle talks a lot.
b. My uncle is a politician.
c. My uncle doesnt talk much.
_____ 7-8. Freedom: Let your bells ring.
a. The speaker longs for freedom.
b. The speaker wants to hear the bells.
c. The speaker rings the bells of freedom.
_____ 9-10. The man is a diamond in the rough.
a. He is wealthy.
b. He wears precious stones
c. He is good despite his appearance.


Complete the dialogs with the correct question words as suggested by the
1. Q: ______________ were you absent last Friday?
A: Because I had a sore throat.
2. Q: ______________ is that aromatic odor coming from?
A: The kitchen, I suppose.
3. Q: ______________ is that boy approaching us?
A: Paolo.
4. Q: ______________ birthday are we celebrating on December 25?
A: Jesus Christs.
5. Q: ______________ will you bring with you tomorrow?
A: Some sandwiches, juices and fun snacks

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