Hello Flood Attack and Its Countermeasures in Wireless Sensor Networks

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IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol.

7, Issue 3, No 11, May 2010 23

ISSN (Online): 1694-0784
ISSN (Print): 1694-0814

Hello Flood Attack and its Countermeasures in Wireless Sensor

Virendra Pal Singh1, Sweta Jain2 and Jyoti Singhai3
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, MANIT
Bhopal, M.P., India

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, MANIT
Bhopal, M.P., India

Department of Electronic and Telecommunication, MANIT
Bhopal, M.P., India

observed: the accuracy of the observation will be

Abstract considerably improved, leading to a better understanding
Wireless sensor network have emerged as an important and forecasting of such phenomena. WSN technology
application of the ad-hoc networks paradigm, such as for enables monitoring of vast and remote geographical region,
monitoring physical environment. These sensor networks have in such a way that abnormal events can be quickly
limitations of system resources like battery power, detected. The cost of sensor nodes varies from hundreds of
communication range and processing capability. Low processing
dollars to a few cents, depending upon their size and
power and wireless connectivity make such networks vulnerable
to various types of network attacks. One of them is hello flood complexity. Size and cost constraints on sensor nodes
attack, in which an adversary, which is not a legal node in the result in corresponding constraints on resources such as
network, can flood hello request to any legitimate node and energy, memory, computational speed and transmission
break the security of WSN. The current solutions for these types range. [1]
of attacks are mainly cryptographic, which suffer from heavy
computational complexity. Hence they are less suitable for
wireless sensor networks. In this paper a method based on signal 2. Attacks on Sensor Networks
strength has been proposed to detect and prevent hello flood
attack. Nodes have been classified as friend and stranger based Most sensor network routing protocols are quite simple,
on the signal strength. Short client puzzles that require less and for this reason are sometimes even more susceptible to
computational power and battery power have been used to check
network attacks as compared to general ad-hoc routing
the validity of suspicious nodes.
protocols. Most network layer attacks against sensor
Keywords: WSN, client puzzles, signal strength.
networks fall into one of the following categories: [2]

1. Introduction 2.1 Spoofed, altered, or replayed routing information

One direct attack against a routing protocol is to target the
Wireless sensor networks are a particular type of ad hoc
routing information exchanged between nodes by spoofing,
network, in which the nodes are smart sensors. Sensors
altering, or replaying routing information. Adversaries
are small devices equipped with advanced sensing
may be able to create routing loops, attract or repel
functionalities (for monitoring temperature, pressure,
network traffic, extend or shorten source routes, generate
acoustics etc.), a small processor, and a short-range
false error messages, partition the network, increase end-
wireless transceiver [1]. In this type of network, the
to-end latency by using this type of attack. [2]
sensors exchange information about the environment in
order to build a global view of the monitored region. This
information is made accessible to the external user through 2.2 Selective forwarding
one or more gateway nodes. Sensor networks are expected
to bring a breakthrough in the way natural phenomena are
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 3, No 11, May 2010 24

In selective forwarding attack, malicious nodes may refuse 2.6 Hello flood attack
to forward certain messages and simply drop them,
ensuring that they are not propagated any more. A simple
form of this attack is: when a malicious node behaves like Some routing protocols in WSN require nodes to
a black hole and refuses to forward every packet it broadcast hello messages to announce themselves to their
receives. However, such an attacker runs the risk that neighbors. A node which receives such a message may
neighboring nodes will conclude that this node has failed assume that it is within a radio range of the sender.
and decides to seek another route. A more subtle form of However in some cases this assumption may be false;
this attack is when an adversary selectively forwards sometimes a laptop-class attacker broadcasting routing or
packets. An adversary interested in suppressing or other information with large enough transmission power
modifying packets originating from few selected nodes could convince every other node in the network that the
can reliably forward the remaining traffic and limit attacker is its neighbor. For example, an adversary
suspicion of its wrongdoing. [2] advertising a very high quality route to the base station
could cause a large number of nodes in the network to
2.3 Sinkhole attacks attempt to use this route. But those nodes which are
sufficiently far away from the adversary would be sending
the packets into oblivion. Hence the network is left in a
In a sinkhole attack, the attackers goal is to lure nearly all state of confusion. Protocols which depend on localized
the traffic from a particular area through a compromised information exchange between neighboring nodes for
node, creating a sinkhole with the adversary at the centre topology maintenance or flow control are mainly affected
like black hole attack in ad hoc networks. Sinkhole attacks by this type of attack. [3]
typically work by making a compromised node look
attractive to surrounding nodes with respect to the routing
algorithm. [2] An attacker does not necessarily need to construct
legitimate traffic in order to use the hello flood attack. It
can simply re-broadcast overhead packets with enough
2.4 The Sybil attack power to be received by every other node in the network.
In Sybil attack, a single node presents multiple identities
to other nodes in the network. The Sybil attack can
significantly reduce the effectiveness of fault-tolerant
schemes such as distributed storage, multipath routing,
and topology maintenance. Replicas, storage partitions and
routes believed to be used by disjoint nodes could in
actuality be used by one single adversary presenting
multiple identities. [2]

2.5 Wormholes

In the wormhole attack, an attacker tunnels messages

received in one part of the network over a low latency link
and replays them in a different part of the network. The
wormhole puts the attacker nodes in a very powerful
position compared to other nodes in the network. For
instance in reactive routing protocols such as AODV or
DSR, the attackers can tunnel each route request RREQ
packet to another attacker which near to destination node Figure 1(a) shows an attacker broadcasting hello packets
of the RREQ. When the neighbors of the destination hear with more transmission power than a base station. Figure
this RREQ, they will rebroadcast this RREQ and then 1(b) shows that a legitimate node considers attacker as its
discard all other received RREQs in the same route neighbor and also as an initiator. [3]
discovery process. [2]
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 3, No 11, May 2010 25

3. Countermeasures against Hello Flood policy to adjust the puzzle difficulty for each node in
Attack terms of nodes reputation value. Hence the punishment
for malicious nodes becomes more and more pressing
Multi-path multi-base station data forwarding technique is without introducing extra unnecessary burden to most
proposed in [3], in which a sensor node maintains number normal nodes.
of different secrets (keys) in a multiple tree. Sensor node
can forward its sensed data to multiple routes by using A security mechanism based on signal strength and
these secrets. There are multiple base stations in the geographical information is proposed in [7] for detecting
network that have control over specific number of nodes malicious nodes that launching hello flood and wormhole
and also, there are common means of communication attack. The idea is to compare the signal strength of a
among base stations. Each base station has all the secrets reception with its expected value, calculated using
that are shared by all the sensor nodes, covered by it, geographical information and the pre-defined transceiver
according to the key assignment protocol. Given the specification. The detection rate of the solution depends
shared secret and the generated new key between two on different parameters such as network density,
sensor nodes, the process of route setup requires much transmission power multiplier of the malicious node,
processing hence is inefficient. message checking probability etc.

In [4] author suggests that hello flood attack can be In [8] a compromised network scenario, when the
counteracted by using identity verification protocol. adversary with sensitive receiver, broadcasts a request like
This protocol verifies the bi-directionality of a link with Hello with noticeable power, many nodes hear it at the
encrypted echo-back mechanism, before taking same time, the nodes try to reply using two way or more
meaningful action based on a message received over that way handshake protocol, to this message in order to
link. This defense mechanism becomes in effective when announce their presence. However the healthy nodes have
an attacker has a highly sensitive receiver and a powerful small transmission and carrier sense ranges. So those
transmitter. If an attacker compromises a node before the located farther than the carrier sense range of each other
feedback message, it can block all its downstream nodes will try to send the messages back simultaneously. The
by simply dropping feedback messages. Thus, such an core idea is to tune the channel access and transmission
attacker can easily create a wormhole to every node within parameters so that the responses of these nodes collide
range. Since the links between these nodes and attacker with each other due to the high density in arrival time and
are bidirectional, the above approach will unlikely be able prevent the adversary from decoding the messages
to locally detect or prevent a hello flood. correctly. This way the adversary will not be able to hear
the victims replies and is obliged to reduce his power and
Considering the scarcity of energy resources of sensor act just like a normal node in the ideal form. This is like a
nodes, the authors have proposed in [5] a probabilistic well-known hidden node effect in wireless ad hoc
based approach, which forces few randomly selected networks.
nodes to report to base station about hello requests. The In fig. 2, node A represents the attacker with high
base station then further analyzes the request authenticity. transmission range equipped with sensitive receiver while
B, C and D stand for healthy nodes whose carrier
In [2] a cryptographic technique is used to prevent the sense ranges are shown by dark circles around them. b,
hello flood attack. Any two sensors share the same secret is a healthy node whose transmission is blocked and
key. Every new encryption key is generated on fly during backed off due to the transmission of other nodes[8].
the communication. This phenomenon ensures that only
reachable nodes can decrypt and verify the message and
hence prevent the adversary from attacking the network.
But the main drawback of this approach is that any
attacker can spoof its identity and then generate attacks.

In [6] the authors have proposed a security solution

framework tailored to the base station for defending
against DoS attack. After initial DoS detection, base
station challenges clients with cryptographic puzzles to
protect itself from different types of attacks. Compared
with traditional puzzle schemes, they introduce a novel
reputation based client puzzles, which applies a dynamic
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 3, No 11, May 2010 26

Figure (2) receiving node if the received signal power Pr is equal or

greater than the received signal power threshold Pthres.
A threshold based solution is proposed in [9] to defend
against flooding attacks in MANET. The mobile nodes use When any laptop class attacker sends hello message to a
a threshold value to check whether its neighbors are legitimate node in a fixed radio range then the receiving
intruders or not. When the number of route request node checks its hello message signal strength, if it is same
packets broadcasted by a node exceeds the predefined then requesting node is a legal node of the network; if it
threshold value, it is treated as an intruder and the node differs, it categorizes the sender node as stranger.
stops providing its services to the intruder.
Signal strength = Fixed signal strength in radio
4. Proposed Scheme Signal strength > Fixed signal strength in radio
In this paper we have proposed a solution for detection of
hello flood attack which is based on signal strength and
If signal strength of received hello message is
client puzzles method. Signal strength of all sensor nodes
approximately same but not equal to fixed signal strength
is assumed to be same in a radio range. Each node checks
then it may be a stranger or a friend. To distinguish
the signal strength of the received hello messages with
between a friend and a stranger we apply a technique
respect to known radio range strength; if they are same
based on client puzzles. The puzzles used take less
then sender node is classified as a friend else sender is
memory and computation power. The node sends some
classified as a stranger. When any node is classified as a
puzzles to the requesting node; if the correct reply comes
stranger, we try to check its validity using some client
in allotted time threshold then the node is considered as a
puzzles. Dynamic policy technique is used to adjust the
friend, if not then it is treated as stranger.
difficulty of puzzle level for each node in terms of number
of hello messages sent. The more the number of hello
4.1 Algorithm for hello flood prevention
message sent by a node, more will be the difficulty of the
puzzles it has to solve.
INPUT: Signal Strength
Some primary assumption are-
1: If a node receives hello message from a node S then
2: if Signal strength of received hello message =
(1) Communication is within fixed radio range.
fixed signal strength in radio range
(2) All sensor nodes in a fixed radio range have same
3: then node s is classified as a friend
transmitting and receiving signal strength.
4: Node accepts hello message and perform
(3) All sensor nodes are homogeneous (same hardware
necessary function
and software, battery power etc.).
5: Else
(4) Every sensor node knows the fixed signal strength
6: if Signal strength of received hello message fixed
used in its communication range.
signal strength in radio range
(5) A time threshold is used, which denotes the expected
7: then nodes sends puzzle to node S
time of reply message.
8: If reply message of correct answers comes in
(6) A hello message counter has been used by all sensors
fixed time threshold
to keep the record of number of hello requests received in
9: then Node is classified as friend and accepts the
an allotted time.
request and performs function
Initially signal strength is calculated as two ray
10: Else Signal strength of received message > fixed
propagation model [10]
signal strength in radio range
11: then Node S is classified as stranger and rejects the
Pr= (Pt*Gt*Gr*Ht2*Hr2)/(d4*L) (1)
further requests from S.
12: End
In eq. 1 Pr is received signal power (in watts), Pt is
transmission power (in watts), Gt is the transmission
antenna gain , Gr is the receiver antenna gain, Ht is the
transmitter antenna height(in meter) and Hr is the 4.2 Client Puzzle Method
receiving antenna height(in mete), d is the distance
between transmitter and receiver (in meter), and L is the Puzzle is basically a number that is used to check the
system loss(a constant). A signal is only detected by a validity of node. The difficulty level of Unicode is based
on the left bit. Changes in left bits increase or decrease the
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 3, No 11, May 2010 27

difficulty of puzzles. The core idea of hello message based [2] Chris Karlof, David Wagner,(2003) Secure Routing in
client puzzles scheme (MBCP) is that the larger the Wireless Sensor Networks: Attacks and Countermeasures,
number of hello messages sent, the sender will have to IEEE.
solve more difficult puzzles. Hence the difficulty of [3] A Hamid, S Hong, (2006) Defense against Lap-top Class
Attacker in Wireless Sensor Network, ICACT
puzzles for stranger will increase according to number of [4] Venkata C. Giruka, Mukesh Singhal, James Royalty,
hello messages sent. Srilekha Varanasi, (2006), Security in wireless networks,
Each node has a counter to count the hello message in Wiley Inter Science
allotted time and a puzzle generating capability. If any [5] Dr. Moh. Osama K., (2007),Hello flood counter measure for
node sends x hello message then it has to solve pth level wireless sensor network, International Journal of Computer
difficult puzzles. Science and Security, volume (2) issue (3)
For example A, B, C are three nodes that send x1, x2, [6] Zhen Cao, Xia Zhou, Maoxing Xu, Zhong Chen, Jianbin Hu,
x3(x1<x2<x3) hello message respectively to node N. N Liyong Tang , (2006), Enhancing Base Station Security
counts the number of hello messages sent and sends against DoS Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE
[7] Waldir Ribeiro Pires Junior Thiago H. de Paula Figueiredo
puzzles p1, p2, p3 according to increasing order of
Hao Chi Wong Antonio A.F. Loureiro, (2004), Malicious
difficulty level (p1<p2<p3). This means C has to solve Node Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks, IEEE
more difficult puzzles than B and B has to solve more [8] Mohammad Sayad Haghighi , Kamal Mohamedpour, (2008),
difficult puzzle than A. So, when any node sends X hello Securing Wireless Sensor Networks against Broadcast
requests then it has to solve pth level difficult puzzles. Attacks, IEEE
Xp (2) [9] Bo-Cang Peng, Chiu-Kuo Liang, (2006), Prevention
Equation (2) shows that if the number of hello message Techniques for Flooding Attacks in Ad Hoc Networks, IEEE
increases, then difficulty of puzzles also increases. [10]T.S.Rappaport,(200), Wireless communication: Principles
and practice, Prentice hall 2nd edition.
4.3 Other solutions for preventing hello flood attacks Virendra Pal Singh. I have completed my B. Tech. degree from
Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
Each node checks the number of hello message received in (India) in Information Technology in the year 2005. Presently I am
a fixed time interval with the help of a counter. The node pursuing M. Tech. (Information Security) from Computer Science
Department, Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology,
then tries to solve these requests in inverse proportionality Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India. My current research interests
of the number of incoming hello requests. This means a include Wireless Sensor Network, Network Security and computer
node which sends less number of hello messages, its networks.
request will be solved first and a node which sends more
Sweta Jain. I have done B.Tech.(CSE) and M.Tech. (CSE) from
number of hello messages, its request will be solved later. Computer Science and Engg. Department of Maulana Azad
National Institute of Technology, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India in
Another solution for preventing hello flood attacks is the year 2004 and 2009 respectively. Presently I am pursuing PhD
based on time threshold. When a node does not receive from the same institute. I am working as an Assisstant Professor in
Computer Science & Engineering Department of MANIT, Bhopal,
reply message in a predefined time threshold then it treats India. My current research interests include Mobile Ad hoc
the sender to be an attacker and this information is Networks, specifically clustering and security issues in MANETs.
broadcasted to other nodes in the network which contains
Jyoti Singhai. I have completed B.Tech. (ET&C) from Maulana
the attacker node id and the related path. Azad National Institute of Technolgy, Bhopal in the year 1991. Also
completed my M.Tech.(Digital communications) and PhD from the
same institute in the year 1997 and 2005 respectively. I am
5. Conclusions working as an Associate Professor in Electronics and
Telecommunications deptt. Of MANIT, Bhopal. My research
interests include Mobile Ad hoc Networks and Image processing.
Security plays a crucial role in the proper functioning of
wireless sensor networks. Our proposed security
framework for hello flood detection via a signal strength
and client puzzle method requires less computational
power and energy, and hence it is quite suitable for sensor
networks. In future we will be implementing the proposed
scheme in ns-2 to check its effectiveness in securing
sensor networks.

[1] Luis E. Palafox, J. Antonio Garcia-Macias,(2008) Security in
Wireless Sensor Networks, IGI Global, Chapter 34.

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