Abraham at Mecca, Israel in Arabia

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Makkah or Makteshwar?
Manu or Hazrat Nooh ?
Purush medha or Bakri Eid?
When Kalki Avtar will come?
Who is holy Narashansa?
Common verses between holy Vedas & holy Quran?
Impression of
Ship of of Ship of
/ Hazrat Nooh (a.s.)


Some of his book are:
Management Topics: Law of success for both the Worlds.
How to prosper the Islamic way?
Yashachi Gurukilli (Marathi Translation of Law of success for both the Worlds.)

Religious Topics: Teachings of Vedas and Quran (Also translated in Hindi & Marathi)
Daulat Mand kaise banen? (Urdu)
Hajj Journey Problems and their easy Solutions.
Safar-e-Hajj (Urdu, Hindi, Bengali & Gujarati)
Kya har mah Chand dekhna Zaroori hai? (Urdu)

Engineering Topics:1. Introduction to Hydraulic Presses and Design of Press Body.

2. Design and Manufacturing of Hydraulic cylinders.
3. Study of Hydraulic Valves, Pumps and Accumulators.
4. Study of Hydraulic Accessories
5. Study of Hydraulic Circuits
6. Study of Hydraulic Seals, Fluid Conductors, and Hydraulic Oil.
7. Design and Manufacturing of Hydraulic Presses.


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(Detail of link to free download are given on last page of this book)

Vedas & Quran
Q.S. Khan
B.E (Mech)


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Teachings of Vedas and Quran

2nd Edition: Year 2012

978- 81- 904591- 4- 3



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"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

This book has been written to reduce communal
hatred between Hindus and Muslims, and to give
them knowledge about what is common between
these two religions.
This book is dedicated to all those peace-loving
individuals who dreams for a peaceful and
prosperous India.
Q.S. Khan
[email protected].

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

1. I ntroduction to Holy Vedas ........................................................... 05
2. How to Understand Holy Quran ......................................................... 08
3. How the Holy Quran describes the Holy Vedas? .................................... 13
4. Purush Medha or Bakri Eid ............................................................... 16
5. Manu or Hazrat Nooh ..................................................................... 20
6. Makkah or Makteshwar .................................................................... 25
7. Aawagawan & life after death .......................................................... 30
8. When will Kalki Avatar appear? ....................................................... 33
9. To whom should we worship? .........................................................


10. What is Islam? ............................................................................ 48

11. Who is God? ............................................................................... 55
12. Cause of Calamities .......................................................... ........... 62
13. Common Verses between Vedas & Quran (Supplicate ).......................... 67
14. Verses Related to Praises of God (Prayer) .......................................... 71
15. Verses Related to the Blessings of God ............................................. 74
16. Verses Related to Warnings for the Disobedient ................................. 76
17. Verses Related to Divine Punishment .............................................. 77
18. Verses Related to the Features of God .............................................. 79
19. Verses Related to the Knowledge of God .......................................... 83
20. Verses Related to the Creation of the Universe ................................... 85
21. Verses Related to Divine Instruction for Mankind ............................... 87
22. Verses Related to Divine Instructions for Social Life ............................ 88
23. Verses Related to Divine Instructions for Women & Family Life .............. 90
24. Secrets of 'Holy Narashansa............................................................ 92
25. Introduction to some of books written by Mr. Q.S. Khan ........................ 99

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

1. Introduction to Holy Vedas

The name Veda is derived from vid or
vidya, which means knowledge.
Vedas means knowl edge par
Duri ng period of Mahamunee
Patangalee there were approximately
1121 Vedas. As per Swami Dayanand
there are only four Vedas, namely Rig
Veda, Atharva Veda, Sama Veda, and
Yajur Veda, and remaining are
explanations of Vedas.
Rig Veda:
Rig Veda is oldest among the four
Vedas and contains songs of praises
of God. It is of two types: First type
of Rig Veda is divided in to ten
mandals (equivalent to volumes of
Book) Anwak (equivalent to chapter
of a book) and 10589 Sokt (It is like
sentence or verses).
In second type of Rig Veda, it is
divided in to eight Ashtak (Volumes),
64 Addheyae (Chapters) and 10589
Sokt (Verses).
Yajur Veda:
It is mainly in prose form. It
describes t he det ail sacrificial
formulas or yagna. I n volume it is
75% of Rig Veda.
Sama Veda:
Sama Veda describes religious
knowledge and prayers. All verses of
Sama Veda are in verse (Poem) form,
and it is sung at the time of

sacrifices or yagna. It contains 1810

mantras or verses. Out of which 1735
are from Rig Veda.
At harva Veda:
It is a summary of all the vedas. It
contains verses in poems as well as
prose form. It has verses related to
magic, evil soul, prayer as well as
political and social laws. It also
contains verses related to marriage
and ceremonies etc. It also has
prediction of Last Prophet.
A group of verses ( Mantras) are
called sanghta. The great scholar,
Veda Vyas, has arranged the sanghtas
in all the holy Vedas.
English writers, who researched on
Hindu script ures such as Mr.
Magdanel, Mr. Reverent Immersion,
Mr. Max Muller, believe that holy
Vedas were revealed between 800 to
1200 BC. While according to Swami
Dayanand, holy Vedas are revealed
millions of year ago at the time of
birth of this world.
Common people consider holy Vedas
as Apoorshee. That means it is not
written by any purush or man. They
also call it Adi Gyan ( vknh Kku) and Adi
Granth ( vknh xzaFk). That means verse of
God, and anci ent scri pt ure
Vedas are also known as Shruti Gyan
( Jq r h Kku) that means 'Heard
knowledge or knowledge which is to
be heard'. For thousands of years it

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

was not in book form, but complete
Vedas were memorized by priest
community. At the end of the
eighteenth century for the first time
Mr. Max Muller has converted holy
Vedas from memories to written
form, after listening it from various
scholars and priests.
The book Tatriya Brahman and some
Sanskrit scholars say that Vedas are
compiled by human beings. Reason
of such thinking is that many verses
of Vedas are not as per the greatness
and standard of God. For example Rig
Vedas says: A good piece of advice
should not be given to a Shudra.
( Rig Veda 110/ 70/ 8). Another verse
says that if a person from lower caste
starts doing business or profession
of upper caste, then king should
forfeit the property of person of
lower caste and exile him.
( Rig Veda 14/ 53/ 3; Ref. W. J. Wilkins in
Hindus Mythology)

Some scholars say that as holy Vedas

were in memory of the priest
community, so while writing down,
because of their confusion some
non-Divine matter also got mixed
with the text of holy Vedas.
Otherwise verses of Vedas are clearly
of Divine nature, and equivalent to
same text in other Divine books,
such as holy Quran and holy Bible
etc. (Ref. Griffith in his book, Hymns of Rig
Veda - Volume - 1)

Holy Vedas are called Adi Granth.

That means Ancient verses or the
Divine verses, which God revealed at
initial stage of civilization of human
beings. In Holy Quran, holy Vedas
are referred to as Suhfe Oola. That

also means initial, prior or ancient
Divine verses.
Mr. Max Muller, after searching for
twenty years and spending too much
money, was able to collect only one
explanat ion of holy Vedas in
complete form, and that was written
by Acharya Sayan. And on basis of
that translation, he was able to
search for many more divine books
(Ref. Bhomica Yajurveda, Page 403. Tantra
Maha vigayan (1:2) Pandit Shriram Shamji.)

Yask wrote the first explanation of

holy Vedas. His book was called
Narkat. But it is not available in
complete form. Modern scholars,
who wrote explanations of Vedas, are
Swami Dayanand, Arvind Ghosh and
Dr. Anand Kumar Swami etc.
Vedas cont ai n a t reasure of
wisdom. Some of them are as

This is mine and that is yours, such

t hinking is of mean-minded
people. Broadmi nded people
consider this whole universe as a
single family. ( mnkj pfjrkukUrq olq/kSo


Right path is simple ( Rig Veda 8/ 3/ 13)


Every breath curses a gambler. His

wife deserts him, and no one lends
money to a gambler.
( Rig Veda 10-34-3)


Oh gamblers, do farming and quit

gambling, and remain satisfied
with whatever you earn through
farming. ( Rig Veda 10-34-13)


Liquor drinkers lose controls over

themselves. They do those things

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

which annoy you. Oh Ishwar! you
also don't help such people.
( Rig Veda 8-21-14)


O, God! you forfeit the prosperity

of those who give loan to get more
and more profit (interest).
( Rig Veda 3-53-14)


(O, human beings) respect your

elders, have noble thoughts. Don't
get divided (among yourself) have
friendship and unity. Come to me
practicing noble deed. I will
create understanding and unified
thinking among you.
( Rig Veda 10-191-3)



Because you are born as a woman,

keep your eyesight down, keep
your feet close together, and don't
wear dresses, which reveal your
body.( Rig Veda 8-33-19)
The son should be subordinate to
his father and obedient to his
mother. ( Atharva Veda 3-30-2)

10. Generous donor s become

immortal. Neither they get fear,
nor sorrow. They remain protected
agai nst dest ruct ion. Charit y
makes these donors succeed in
this world as well as after death
(Donor gets heaven)
( Rig Veda 10-197-8)

11. O, friends! If you don't worship

anyone except God, then you will
be saved f r om vi ol ence
(punishment). ( Rig Veda 08-01-01)
12. One who eats alone his hard
earned money, (without sharing it
with poor) then he is eating sinful
money. ( Rig Veda 10-117-6)
13. O, God! You bless the righteous

man, this is your peculiarity.

( Rig Veda 01-01-6)

14. O, God! This universe trembles

under influence of your great
glory. People with wrong deed get
punishment by your wrath, and to
righteous people you appreciate
with your blessing.
( Atharva Veda 01:80:11)

15. Rig Veda says, Obelievers! Do not

worship anyone except Him (God).
He is the only God. ( Rig Veda 8:1:1)
16. Atharva Veda says, That God is
one.( Atharva Veda 10:9:29)
17. All human beings are children of
Manu (Adam). ( Rig Veda 01-45-1)
(There are fourteen Manu in holy
Vedas one of them is Adam. The
Manu who Survived in ship at the
time of great flood is seventh
Manu. In general prophets are
called as Manu in Holy Vedas.)
18. Human beings should walk the
right path humbly.
( Rig Veda 10-31-02)

19. Without struggle, a deity also does

not get the friendship (favor of
God). ( Yajur Veda 01-45-1)
20. (The God) Instruct you (mankind)
harmonious thinking, tolerance
and hatred-free emotions. Love
each other as a cow loves its calf.
( Atharva Veda 03:30:02)


"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

2. How to Understand Holy Quran

Holy Quran introduces itself in the
following words. This is the Book,
about which there is no doubt,
guidance for those conscious people,
who take great care to avoid the
displeasure of God. Who believe in
the unseen, establish prayer, and
donate (wealth) which God have
provided them, and who believe in
what has been revealed to you [O
Muhammad], and what was revealed
earlier to you, and for those who
believe in hereafter (life after
death). Such people are upon [right]
guidance from their Lord, and it is
these who are the successful.
(Holy Quran 2:1-4)

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) received

the first verse of Quran in 611 ADand
the last in 634 AD. So in a span of 23
years, part by part, as per the
situation, God continued to reveal
verses t o Prophet Muhammad
Quran is like a syllabus of a subject.
It is not a text book. God defined the
topic and the Prophet taught the
subj ect . For exampl e, God
commanded Namaz (Ritual Prayer) in
Quran, but Quran does not describe
how to perform it. It was Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) who taught it. So
while reading it, don't expect a
systematic description of a religious
subject, like a text book.
To understand Quran correctly, one

has to keep in his mind the following

figures and facts:
1. Text of Quran was not received as
written commandment from God to
human beings, but it was received in
speech form. God dictated his
command t o his Prophet via
archangel, Gabriel, or directly to his
2. Holy Quran has three types of verses.
In the first type we have history of
other religions, their prophets and
books, and how they spent their life
in this world.
The second types of verses are about
rules of religions. That is what is
right and what is wrong? What is sin
and what is noble deed? What is
allowed and what is prohibited?
The third types of verses are for
guidance of mankind. That is within
boundaries of religion, what further
we should do to have peace and
success in life as well as after death?
3. Every verse was revealed for some
particular reason. To understand any
verse, one also has to understand in
which situation it was revealed.
4. In Quran, God calls to think, analyze
and to improve ourselves. So its
verses compel us to thinking
logically and to accept and follow
the truth.
5. Quran was revealed in Saudi Arabia,

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

and first it was addressed to Arabs.
So the examples of old civilizations
described in holy Quran are only
from in and around Arabia, about
which Arabs were already aware.
Because of this when they were
warned with reference to known
civilizations, it deeply impressed
and influenced them.
When a prophet preaches the
message of God, people always
doubt about credibility of that
prophet. So God also gave some
miracle of supernatural kind to most
of prophets. For example Prophet
Moses (a.s.) lived in an age when
witchcraft was at its peak. So
Prophet Moses (a.s.) was endowed
with the miracle of converting his
stick into a python. This miracle was
much superior to any witchcraft.
Jesus Christ (a.s.) lived during the
period of education and of the great
Greek civilization, so he was given
the miracle of making the dead alive,
and healing lepers and blind. These
miracles were beyond any scientific
and medical achievement.
Si mi larl y, Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) appeared in an age when
Arabic literature was at its peak; so
God gave Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) a miracle in the form of holy
Quranic verses of the finest literary
caliber. In the initial five years, the
verses of holy Quran, which revealed
were so good and mesmerizing that
just by listening to it, people use to
realize that a human being cannot
compose it. It is Divine, and people
embraced Islam just by listening to

the holy Quran.
The people to whom Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) was preaching in
Makkah believed that God is one and
He has created this universe. They
also performed Hajj. But they also
believed that they directly cannot
approach God. To approach God, they
need a middleman. So they also
worshipped many idols or deities like
Laat, Manat, Uzza and Hubal, etc.,
with the assumption that they will
support or advocate for them before
God, or will directly bless them with
prosperity or eternal success.
After migrating to Medina, Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) preached to the
Christians, Jews and hypocrites, etc.
These people also believed in one
God, but they also included Jesus
Christ or Uzair etc. in category of
God or considered them as son of
In Makkah, Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) was a Prophet, but like a
saint. In Medina, he was a prophet as
well as the head of state or a king.
Hence those verses, which were
revealed in Makkah, were literary
masterpieces. They invite to worship
of one God and were related to
teachings of Islam. While those
verses, which revealed in Medina,
were addressed to Christians, Jews,
hypocrites and followers of other
religions. These verses invited them
to follow the commandments of one
God. These verses also taught about
how to manage the society and

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

country. How to defend, how to fight
with those who try to suppress the
worship of one God etc?
The Holy Quran was compiled by
placing longer chapters at the
beginning and smaller chapters at
the end. Hence all verses, which
were revealed in the initial, middle
and last period, got mixed. Hence,
sometimes we find sudden change in
topic while reading holy Quran. But
the way in which it is compiled is
di ct at ed by God. And aft er
under st andi ng hol y Qur an
thoroughly, we find that it is the
best possible way in which it could
be compiled.
We again summarize that Islam was
taught by Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh). And to guide Prophet
Muhammad ( pbuh) and hi s
followers, God revealed Quran, as per
requirement of situation during a
period of 23 years. Hence, Quran is
not like any text book' but is a record
of commandments of God. Whoever
will read the holy Quran will be
definitely benefit from it; but for
thorough understanding, one has to
study the situation under which
those verses were revealed and for
whom. Hence along with text of holy
Quran al so read explanat ion
( Tafseer) of holy Quran by a known

from this treasure are as follows:

(Holy Quran 4.147)


Holy Quran is also a treasure house

of wisdom. Some of the jewels

If a person kills an innocent man

(then it is such a great sin that) it
is equivalent to killing the whole
mankind. And if a person saves life
of an innocent man (then it is such
a good deed) that it is equivalent
to saving the whole mankind.
(Holy Quran 5-32)


Refrain from major sins, (if you

do so) then God will forgive your
small mistakes. (Holy Quran 4:31)


Do not wish for riots, as God does

not like the rioters.
(Holy Quran 28:77)


If God does not keep the rioters

away from each other, then places
of worship (of many religions),
churches, synagogues, and the
mosque, in which God is often
worshiped, would have been
destroyed. God is most merciful to
His creatures. (Holy Quran 22:40)


Those who struggle only for

materialistic life (and ignore life
after death) then I (God) give him
prosperity whatever I wish to give
him. Then (because of his deed)
he will enter Hell .


If you remain thankful to God,

and believe in Him, then what
God will gain by punishing you?
He is aware of everything and
appreciates your good deeds.

(Holy Quran 17:16)


Do not worship anyone, except

God. Serve your parents humbly

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran



and respect fully, and seek

blessings for them. (Holy Quran 17:23)

Help the relatives, poor and

travelers (who are away from their
home) and don ' t spend
wastefully.(Holy Quran 17:26)


Don't kill your children because of

fear of poverty. (Holy Quran 17:31)

10. Conduct your business honestly.

Don't manipulate while weighing
(measuring). (Holy Quran 17:35)
11. Don't walk arrogantly. Neither
you can tear up the earth nor
become taller than mountains.
(Holy Quran 17:37)

12. Don't gamble. Don't drink wine

(liquors). (Holy Quran 5:91)
13. Never commit adult ery.
(Holy Quran 17:32)

14. Those who give charity will be too

much rewarded by God, and will
have a respectful life.
(Holy Quran 57:18)

15. Ask the pious men and women to

keep their eyesight down, and ask
pious women to veil their chest
and not t o exhi bi t t hei r
(Holy Quran 24:30:31, 33:59)

16. Life on earth is a time pass and

fun. The true and eternal life is
life after death. (Holy Quran 29:64)

Some t eachi ngs of Prophet

Mu h amma d ( p b u h ) w h o
conveyed the holy Quran to us are
as follows:


Walking on religious path is

simple. ( Bukhari)
The key of heaven is prayer
(Namaz). ( Ahmad)
Those who cheat, cannot be
Muslim. ( Muslim)
Always greet before talking.


( Bukhari )


Always speak truth. ( Muslim)

Reward of your deed will be as per
your intention. ( Bukhari)
7. 50% of true Religious faith
depends on cleanliness. ( Muslim)
8. An extortionist cannot be a
Muslim. ( Tirmidhi )
9. Heaven is below the feet of
mother. ( Kanzul Ummal)
10. Don't get annoyed unnecessarily.
( Kanzul Ummal)

11. The ( Qiyamat ) Judgment Day will

not occur, till a single person on
earth recites the name of God.
12. Supplication ( Prarthna) is weapon
of a righteous person ( Jamius
13. Those who give and take bribes,
both are cursed by Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh). ( Abu Dawood)
14. By pleasing father one can please
God. ( Tirmidhi )
15. Cheaters, misers, those who assert
or announce their favor after
donating will not enter heaven.
( Muslim)

16. You cannot become a Muslim

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


unless you like for others what you

like for yourself. ( Bukhari )
17. To please Me serve the weaker
section of the society, because
God helps you and gives you
prosperity due to them.
( Ahmad, Dawood, Tirmidhi )

18. Pay wages of the laborers before

their sweat dries up. ( Ibne Majah)
19. Best among you are those, who are
best for their family. ( Tirmidhi )
20. Treat your wife nicely. ( Bukhari )
21. One who finds parent in old age
and does not earn heaven by
serving them, his nose may lick
the dust (he may be Humiliated).
( Bukhari )

22. There is an element of prosperity

in consultation. ( Hadees)
23. Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
God says: Remain engaged in My
worship and I will give you a
respectable life and prosperity;
but if you ignore it, I will keep you
busy and will never end your
misery and humiliation.
(Ibne Majah 11-4107)

Those who consult (to well wishers in

import ant mat t ers) never get
This world is sweet and beautiful. By
giving you authority on it, God
observes your deeds.
The worst kinds of people are those
scholars who get misled or forget the
right path.
(On Judgment day) A person will be
raised along with those whom he
More you eat the more disease you
will have. The less you eat less
medicine you have to take.
Be moderat e i n your l ove
(friendship), because one day your
beloved (friend) may be your foe
If a respected person of a community
comes to you, give him due respect.
A strong person is not that who
defeats the opponent in wrestling,
but that is strong who controls
himself when he is angry.

Not e: Bukhari, Ahmad, Muslim,

Tirmidhi etc are names of scholars
and authors who compiled books
on the statements of Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh).
24. Following statements of Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) are copied
from Jawamaul Kalam by Dr.
Zahoor Ahmad Azhar.

Some speeches have magical effect.

(that means if many people get
mesmerized by speech of an orator
than that orator may not be right.
Speeches have magical effect, hence
people get influenced).

After believing in God, the second

great act of wisdom is caring for

Hoping for wealth and prosperity

from God is also a prayer.

A righteous is that who repents his

mistakes and is pleased with his
good deed.

You cannot influence people by

wealth, but by your noble deed.

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


3. How the Holy Quran

Describes the Holy Vedas?
Holy Quran says For every nation,
we sent a prophet (10:47).
India is a great nation since ancient
times; hence this country must be
havi ng a prophet i n every
According to Islamic history, the first
human being and prophet was Hazrat
Adam (a.s.). The place where he
descended from heaven was India.
Hence we can say that Islam
originated in India.
The t erm, I slam means t ot al
obedience to commandment of God.
After Hazrat Adam (a.s.), the second
great prophet, which this country
(I ndia) had was Hazrat Nooh (a.s.) or
The Holy Quran mentions only five
Great prophets, who brought a new
religious law and a Divine book. They
are Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.), Hazrat
Moosa (a.s.), Hazrat Dawood (a.s.),
Hazrat I sa (a.s.) and Hazrat
Muhammad (pbuh).
The Holy Quran also mentions the
name of the Divine books given to
each of them: Suhfe Ibrahim, Tohra
(Old Testament), Psalm (Zaboor),
Bible (New Testament) and holy

Quran respect ively. (There are

approximately 124000 prophets, but
holy Quran mentions only 5 of them
who brought a book and a religious
Hazrat Nooh (a.s.) or Manu was a
great prophet. In the holy Quran, he
is always mentioned along with other
great prophets, for example the holy
Quran says, He ordered you
Muhammad (pbuh) to follow the
same religion, which He ordered
Manu (Noah) t o follow; same
commandments He had sent to
Abraham (Abiram) Moses and Jesus
Christ. He also commanded all of
them to establish religion and not
divide themselves. (Holy Quran
42:13). But name of the Divine book
given to Hazrat Nooh or Manu is not
clearly mentioned. This may be
because all the five Divine books
mentioned above were in written
form. And the Divine verse or
commandment given to Hazrat Nooh
(a.s.) (Manu) might be only verbal
commandment, and not in book form.
Hence name of book could not be
Vedas are called as Shruti , which
means something, which is revealed,
which is heard, which is perceived
and which is understood. They were
memorized by the priest community

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

and converted in writing form at the
end of the eighteenth century.
Holy Vedas contains the names of
414 Rishis. And Sukth (Chapter) of
Veda begins with the name of a
particular Rishi, who compiled that
Sukth. But no one is sure about origin
of the holy Vedas. Rig Veda, Yajur
Veda, and Sama Veda only describes
Hazrat Adam (a.s.), Manu [Hazrat
Nooh(a.s.)] and prediction about
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), and they
mention no other prophets who came
in this world after Manu. Hence it is
assumed that holy Vedas are revealed
to Manu.
' commandment or details are
either clearly described in prose form
such as in Yajur Vedas; or explained
through examples and in poetic form
such as in Rig Veda and Sama Veda.
At the end of the eighteenth century,
Mr. Max Muller recorded Vedas after
listening to various scholars and
converted them into book form.
People of India or followers of Manu
[Hazrat Nooh (a.s.)] call their Divine
book as Adi Granth, which means
ancient scripture, and Dev Vanee,
which means commandment of God.
So whenever the holy Quran referred
to the holy verses, which follower of
Manu were having, it either called
them by equivalent name to Adi
Granth, or referred to them as per the
state or condition in which they were
preserved or existing. Equivalent
Arabic name of Adi Granth is Suhuf

Oola. Suhuf mean granth or a book,
Oola means first or earlier or at the
beginning or ancient.
As the Holy Vedas were not in a book
form and its various verses were
recorded by different rishis and
followers at different places. (Or were
scattered throughout the nation)
hence the holy Quran also referred to
them as ancient scattered Divine
pages or Zabral Awwaleen. Another
meaning of Zabral Awwaleen is
scripture of former people.
Verses of holy Quran, which mention
the above terms related to the holy
Vedas are as follows:
They (followers of Sanatan Dharma)
said Why this person [Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh)] does not bring
any solid proof from his God to
convince us? (Then God revealed this
verse and replied). Whatever we have
revealed in Suhuf Oola ( Adi Granth,
which you have) is not a solid proof
for you? (Holy Quran 20:133)
One of the possible explanations of
above verse is as follows:
I ndians and Arabs are having
business and trading relations since
ancient times. Many Indian tribes
had settled down in Yemen, Saudi
Arabia and Bahrain, and the Jat
community was practicing medicine
there. When some of them asked: Why
this Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
doesn't bring a solid proof about his
true prophecy from God for us? God
revealed the above verse. God said:
Whatever We revealed in Suhuf Oola
( Adi Granth) or the holy Vedas; are

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

not a solid proof for you? Because
Vedas had clear prediction about
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He is
predicted more than 31 times with
names such as Narashansa, Kalki
Avatar, Mahamad (pbuh), Ahmad and
Mamah Rishi or Antim Rishi etc.
Indians used to believe in the Vedas
from the bottom of their hearts. If
the said Vedas also confirm Hazrat
Muhammad (pbuh) as prophet, then
it is more than any other solid proof.
The second verse, which describes
Vedas as Zabral Awwaleen is as
No doubt in Zabral Awwaleen this
book (the Holy Quran) is included.
(Holy Quran 26:196). That means,
whatever teachings are written in
the Holy Quran are also described in
ancient scriptures of former people
that is in Adi Granth. (We have
quoted 80 such verses in this book).
Another verse, which describes Adi
Granth is as follows:
"And prior to you [O Muhammad
(pbuh)] , We sent many prophets on
whom We revealed Our verses. If you
want to know more about them, refer
to those who know about it. We sent
earlier prophets with Bayyanat .
(Verses clearly stated in prose form)
and Zabur, (verses which are in
poetic form and with examples).
(Holy Quran 16:43:44).

( Yajur Veda is in clearly stated prose

form and Rig Veda and Sama Veda are
in poetic form.)
The terms Bayyanat and Zabur refer

to ancient scriptures, which were not
in book form. These terms do not
match any ancient scriptures or
Divine book of any known ancient
civilization, except the holy Vedas.
So the Quran referred to Vedas with
names as Suhuf Oola, Zabral
Awwaleen, Bayyanat , and Zabur.
The real name of Hindu dharam is
Sanatan dharam or Vedic dharam. The
Holy Quran calls the followers of
Sanatan dharam as Sabeans. The
verse, which mentions this term or
name is as follows:
Muslim, Jews, Christians or Sabeans
(Hindus) whoever believes in one
God, believes in Judgment Day,
believes that all prophets are true
and right, believes that all divine
books are true and right, and follow
the right path, then they need not
fear about life after death.
(Holy Quran 2:62 and 5:69)

The Holy Quran asks all human beings

to live together with peace and
harmony, and asks them to recognize
and follow the teachings that are
common in all scriptures, and these
common teaching and verses should
be the basis of unity. (Meaning of verse
No. 64 of chapter No. 3 of Holy Quran)

We will study the common teachings

of Vedas and Quran in this book and
try to follow them to have a peaceful
and a prosperous society.


"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


4. Purush Medha or Bakri Eid

God has many names. Some of His
names are as per his features, Such as
Merciful, (Raheem), forgiving (Rauf)
etc. Such features are also common
in human beings. Hence sometimes
God addresses many prophets with
his own name, which is as per His
feature, for example God called
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) in Quran
with his own name as Rauf and
Raheem. (Holy Quran 10:128)
Similarly, in the holy Vedas and
Puranas, many prophets are referred
by the feature name of God: such as
Agni, Brahma, etc. Brahma means
sust ainer. Anot her meaning of
Brahma is merciful, because only the
merciful will sustain or protect
anyone. This feature of mercy and
protection was common in many
prophets, hence God referred to many
prophets, such as Hazrat Adam and
Ibrahim, etc. with his own name:
For example in Hariwansh Puran, first
human being, Hazrat Adam is called
as Brahma. It says: Brahma divided
his body into two parts: One become
a man and second a woman. We find
similar description in the holy Quran
and Bible also. These scriptures say:
Eve or Hawwa was created from the
left rib of Adam(Rif). Similarly in Rig
Vedas God calls Kalki Avatar or
Narashans as Agni (Agni is again a
name of God). For example Rig Vedas

O Agni ! Manu confi rm your

prophecy.(Rig Veda 1:13:4)
O Agni! we consider you similar to
Manu, the religious leader, preacher,
expert of religious teachings, a man
with wisdom. (Rig Veda 1:44:11)
In these verses, Kalki Avatar or
Narashans is called as Agni, and he is
accepted as a great prophet before
his birth.(To know more about Agni
read book with title Who is Agni? A
Prophet or Parmeshwar? written by
Q.S.Khan. Download this book free of
cost from www.freeeducation.co.in)
Similarly Atharva Veda referred to
Prophet Abraham (pbuh) as Brahma
in description of human sacrifices.
(Bhavishya Puran (Creation part 1,
chapter.4) calls Abraham as Abiram
A. H. Vidyart hi in his book,
Muhammad in World Scriptures, says
on page 136, that as per his research
Abraham is mentioned as Brahma in
Atharva Veda, his elder son Ishmael
or (Hazrat Ismail) as Atharva, and
younger son, Isaac or Hazrat Ishaq
(a.s.) as Angira. Prophet Abraham is
well known among Jews, Christians
and Muslims, but he is called with
other names in Atharva Veda hence he
could not be recognized easily. The
holy Vedas are not as much read as
Ramayana and Mahabharata, and
important event of human sacrifices
and construction of Kaaba is related

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


to Abraham; so let us study about

him in brief.

said fountain with permission of

Hazrat Hajra (a.s.).

Prophet Abraham was the son of a

sculpt or. During childhood, he
realized that his father makes idols
by his own hand, so how could they
be worshiped as creator of this
universe? He expressed his opinion
openly to his companions, and one
day when the whole city was
celebrating a festival outside the
town, he damaged some idols.

When Ishmael was young, Abraham

repeatedly dreamt of sacrificing his
most beloved thing. The dream of a
prophet is equivalent to Divine
inst ruct ion, hence init ially he
sacrificed many things, but at last he
realized that the most beloved thing
for him in his life is his son Ishmael
or Atharva.

The King got furious because of

insult to his deities, and ordered his
men to throw Abraham into an
inferno (huge fire). As per the order
Abraham was thrown into the fire,
but the fire did not harm him and he
remained safe.
Abraham migrated to Palestine and
settled down there. He had no
children till old age. At the age of 90,
God blessed him with a son, Ishmael
or Atharva.
When Ishmael was a few month old,
God ordered Abraham to settle his
wife Hazrat Hajra (a.s.) and son
Ishmael in a deserted valley, which is
now called as Makkah.
The said valley was having no food,
water and shelter; hence Archangel
Gabriel struck his heel on earth and
started a fountain, which is called
Zamzam. And this fountain is still
flowing. As water is a very precious
commodity in desert, many tribes
came and settled down around the

Ishmael (Atharva) was son of a

prophet and destined to become
another prophet, so he had the most
noble thought and deed. Thus when
Abraham mentioned his dream to him
and asked his consent, Ishmael said,
Father, you please fulfill the
command of God, you will find me
most steadfast. (Holy Quran. 37:102)
Abraham took him to a valley called
Mina, which is near Makkah and tried
to sacrifice him. God was only
checking the obedience of Abraham.
He did not want a human sacrifice. So
God saved Ishmael and in his place a
sheep was sacrificed.
(Holy Quran. 37:107)

In the holy Bible also, we have same

description. (Genesis-22)
Whatever we described is mentioned
in Atharva Vedas (10-2-26) as Purush
Medha or human sacrifice.

The last verse of said description in

holy Vedas and holy Quran are as

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

The Quran says: So when they both
obeyed Me and he (Abraham) lay
down (Ishmael) on his forehead (for
sacrificing him) We called out to him,
and said: O Abraham, you have
indeed did what you saw in your
Dream. Surely we do reward the doers
of good. (Holy Quran 37-103-105)
In the Atharva Veda we find:

ew/kkZueL; lalhO;kFkokZ gn;a p ;r~ A

efLr'dknw/oZ% iSj;r~ ioekuksf/k kh'kZr% AA26AA
Atharva sewed together his head
and heart, piety was moving on his
forehead. (Atharva Veda X2-26)
That means when Brahma asked
consent of Atharva, he replied
Fat her, pl eases obey t he
commandment of Ishwar, you will
find me of the patient ones. As
Atharva gladly submitted to his
father's proposal, hence this verse
says that Atharva sewed his head and
heart, and agreed to lay down his
When Abraham was taking Atharva
outside city (at Mina) for the
sacrifice, the Devil tried three times
to mislead Abraham, and prohibited
him from sacrificing his son. But
every time Abraham fought with the
Devil and threw a stone to repel him.
These three places, where the devil
tried to mislead Abraham, and
Abraham threw a stone at him, is
marked and a stone column is
erected. And as on today also stone
throwing is repeated as one of the
rituals of Hajj. This ritual signifies
that we will fight the devil and we are

not going to be misled by him to the
wrong path.
Adam was the father of mankind;
Manu (Noah) repopulated the earth
after the great flood (Deluge).
Abraham is the forefather of most
prophets of Jews, Christians and
Muslims. By sacrificing his son, he
physically showed that he fully
submitted to all the commandments
of God. We should also follow him and
su b mi t o u r sel v es t o t h e
commandment of God.
Muslims celebrate this day of human
sacrifice or Purush Medha as Bakri Eid
or Eidul Azha. And to commemorate
the remembrance of sacrifice of
Atharva (Ismail) or as a symbol of
total submission to commandment of
God as Abraham did, they also
sacrifice cattle and distribute its
meat to the poor, relatives and feed
their own family.
Hajj is also performed on same day.
Hajj pilgrims stay at same place in
Mina in tents where this sacrifice was
performed for three days to perform
Let us follow Abraham or Brahma, or
Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.) and completely
su b mi t o u r sel v es t o t h e
commandment of God, as Abraham


"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Hajj pilgrims throwing pebbles at

the column (where the devil tried
to mislead Hazrat Abraham).

The valley of Mina: At this place

the Purush Medha, which is
descri bed in Atharva Veda,
occurred or Hazrat Abraham tried
to sacrifice Hazrat Ismail or
Atharva. At this place Hajj
pilgrims stays in tent for 3 days
and engage in worship.


"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


5. Manu or Hazrat Nooh?

Indians are the most intelligent
people of the world. 35% of NASA
(America's National Aeronautics and
Space Administration) scientists are
Indians. Indians are most tolerant,
non-violent , hard working and
cultured people of world; that is why
Canada, New Zealand, Australia and
many countries of the world prefer
Indians as their new citizens.
But why does this great nation
differs drastically with other people
of the world in the matter of religion?
Every religion has a prophet and a
book, but I ndian cannot define it
clearly. Why is it so?
It is not true. This great nation had
many prophets and divine books. But
unfortunately there was a great
barrier between the common people
and religious teachings. Hence as the
time passed, they could not remain
in touch and forgot their identity.
Till the end of the 18th century,
Vedas were not in written form. They
were in the memory of the priest
community. According to law defined
by the priest community, only they
had the right to religious teachings.
Hence no other community could
learn religious teachings from them
and as the Vedas were not in book
form, other communities could not
learn them on their own.
The priest community is only 5% in
India. But the security system of

priest community was so good and

effective, that for 3000 years they
had complete control and authority
over every religious matter.
No doubt this gave very sound
financial and social security to priest
communit y. But 95% common
people, who were dependent on them
for reli gi ous knowledge, lost
knowledge and identity of their
prophet and revealed divine books. It
was a great loss for this great nation.
Now, in this new era, in which the
priest community is not depending
financially on religious teachings and
authority, they should now struggle
to spread religious knowledge and
religious teachings to the common
How to identify divine books or
revealed texts?
Those books and text, which matches
with other identified and proved
revealed books of world may be
considered as revealed book and text.
Many texts of Rig Veda matches with
Bible and Quran, and people of India
also call Vedas as Aprooshi, Adigyan,
Adi Granth. Hence in general, Vedas
could be called as the revealed books
of Hindu religion and in particular
those texts of Vedas, which describe
one God, hell, heaven and life after
death, are truly revealed texts.

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

(Some texts do not match with other
divine books such as a good advice
should not be given to Shudra, such
texts cannot be considered divine.)
So we conclude that as the holy
Quran is a revealed book of Muslim,
holy Bible is the revealed book of
Christians, holy Tohra is the revealed
book of Jews, similarly the holy
Vedas are the revealed books of
Sanatan or Hindu dharma.
Now let us study and identify the
prophet of Sanatan Dharm.
Prophets of Sanatan Dharm
As names in Sanskrit drastically differ
with names in Arabic and English,
hence to identify the prophet we
have to consider and identify
common events.
Verses of Puran say, Adam and
Hawwa-vati were created by wet-clay
by Vishnu. On eastern side of Pradan
Nagar (Heaven), which was created
by Parmeshwar. There was a jungle of
4 square Kos (Kos is bigger than a
kilometer). Curious to see his wife,
Adam went below the tree of sin. Kali
(Devil or Shaitan) approached them
in form of a snake and misled both of
them. By eating the fruit of that tree
Adam broke the rule of Parmeshwar
and was expelled to the earth. Both
had many children. Adam lived for
930 years.
The above details 100% match with
holy Bible and holy Quran.(Rif) Adam

i s considered as prophet by
Christians, Jews and Muslims. Hence
as per details given in Puran, Adam
also could be considered as prophet
in Sanatan Dharm.
Now we refer to Bhawishya Puran
(Pratisag Paro, 1st Khand, 4th
Adheyay). Bhawishya puran says
Newh (Manu) was born to them, who
ruled for 500 years. He had Sim, Sam
and Yakoot, three sons. Newh was
engaged in worship of Vishnu. Once
Vishnu said to Newh in dreams: O
Newh! on seventh day the parlay will
occur. That time you should take
shelter in a ship. O! worshiper of
Indra, save yourself. You will prosper.
Obeying the instructions of Vishnu,
Newh constructed a ship which was
300 hands (hand is slightly bigger
than 18 inches) long, 50 hands wide
and 300 hands deep. He took a pair of
each animal, seven Rishis and his
family and stayed in the ship. It
rained heavily for forty days. Bharat
varsh (India) was submerged in and
the four oceans got combined.
The saintly Newh along with his
family stayed there after the deluge.
Sons of Newh were famous with
names as Sim, Hem and Yakoot.
The above descript ion exact ly
matches with flood details described
in Bible and Quran. As both the
divine scriptures call Noah as
prophet, hence Newh who is also
known as Maha Nov or Manu could
also be considered as a prophet of
Sanatan Dharm.

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Newh or Manu (Noah) or Hazrat Nooh
(a.s.) is mentioned 75 times in the
Vedas. 51 times in Rig Vedas, 2 times
in Yajur Veda, 14 times in Atharva
Veda and 8 times in Sama Veda. Some
verses are as follows:
O Agni ! Manu confi rm your
prophecy.(Rig Veda 1:13:4)
O Agni! we consider you similar to
Manu, the religious leader, preacher,
expert of religious teachings, a man
with wisdom.
(Rig Veda 1:44:11)

(I n these verses, Kalki Avatar or

Narashans is called as Agni (a feature
name of God), and he is accepted as a
great prophet before his birth.)
Manu is the author of Manu Smiriti
a book of religious laws of Sanatan
Christians count their years from the
year of birth of their prophet, Jesus
Christ. Muslims count their years
from the year in which Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) migrated to
Medina city (an important event in
Islamic history). Similarly followers
of Hindu Dharm also count their
important events with reference to
the end of great flood, which
occurred during the period of Manu.
A.J.A Dubois writes in his book,
Hin du mann er s, cust oms &
ceremonies that in Hindu dharam

all important events are counted or

referred with reference to this great
flood, which is also called as Jal
parleyawan. For example Kalyug

starts after the end of this great
Depending on the above fact and
figures, Dubois and other scholars
conclude that Vedas are revealed
divine books of Sanatan Dharm and
followers of Sanatan Dharam are
followers of Manu, just as Christians
are followers of Jesus Christ and
Muslims are followers of Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh).
It is true that the said flood story is
common throughout the world, so it
also proves t hat world was
populated again by Manu and his
sons only.
Main features of this flood story are
as follows:
1. Before the flood inhumanity was
common in world.
2. Flood was a Divine punishment
for mankind and to purify the
world from non believers.
3. Only Manu and his companions
4. One pair of each animal was
5. Each kind of seed was saved.
6. Birds were sent out to check the
condition of flood.
7. Ark (ship of Manu) was anchored
on top of a mountain.
8. After the flood, the world was
repopulated by Manu and his
sons only.
Following countries have stories or

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

legend of flood:
Iraq, Iran, Syria, Greece, Egypt, Italy,
Lithuania, Russia, China, India,
Canada, (Cree tribe) USA, (Cherokee
Tribe), Mexico, (Papago and Aztecs
tribe) Peru, Leeward Islands, Fiji
islands, Hawaii and more than fifty
other countries.
Descript ion of flood in the holy
The holy Quran says in chapter 11
verses 25-48 that God sent Noah
(Manu) to guide mankind to the right
path and to the worship of one God.
But except for a few people from
weaker section of society, no one
took Noah seriously. On the contrary
they become more adamant and
made fun of Noah.
According to the holy Bible (Genesis)
and holy Quran, Noah preached for a
very long period. And when he got
convinced that remaining people are
not going to change, and will not
accept truth at any cost, he prayed to
God and pleaded: Oh God, I am
defeated (I could not complete my
responsibility) You may please
destroy them. (Holy Quran 54:10).
He also pleaded to terminate every
non believer on earth and not to
spare a single one. God accepted his
prayer and ordered him to build an
ark or ship, which Noah did. When ark
was ready, God ask Noah t o
accommodate in it two pairs of each
animal, his family and all believers of
God. Which Noah did?

Divine punishment came in the form
of a flood and heavy rain. It
submerged and terminated each and
every land creature on the earth. The
flood continued for almost 150 days
and the boat remained anchored at a
mountain top. This mountain is
known as Judi (Ararat). When the
wat er receded, Noah and his
followers came down. Three sons of
Noah (Shem, Ham and Japheth
(Yakoot) survived this flood and
repopulated the earth. In Bible also,
we get a similar description about
this universal flood. (Genesis 6-8)
This hill is mentioned in the Holy
Quran as Judi and Ararat.
Impression of wooden ark or ship of
Manu or Noah or Hazrat Nooh (a.s.)
still exists in world. It is on top of the
Ararat Mountain. This place is on the
Turki sh- I rani an border. Thi s
impression could be viewed on the
internet (Youtube). Search for Ark of
Noah to study boat of Noah and
search flood legend to study this
great universal flood.
Learning some lessons from this
flood legend.
Are you going to live forever? No.
Are you going to die? Yes.
But are you not afraid? A prisoner
who is going to be hanged does not
smile; he eats little, sleeps little and
remains depressed, whereas you are
bubbling with joy. Why is it so?
It is so because you have only
knowledge that you will die, but don't
have the feeling of death. The day

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

when you will feel it, you will take
sanyas (renunciation).
Each and every religion agrees that a
devastating flood occurred in the
world; and only Manu or Noah
survived that calamity; and this
earth was repopulated by the sons of
Manu. This flood might have occurred
5000 years ago. So 5000 years ago we
all had a common ancestor, Manu.
After every 25 years a new generation
becomes ready for reproduction.
Hence in 100 years we get four
generations. So in 5000 years we are
approximately the 200th generation
of Manu. Along with this knowledge
that all of us had a common ancestor,
let us have a feeling of it and let us
consider all human beings as our
brothers and sisters.
God says in the holy Veda (O human
being) hatred should not exist
between brothers and sisters. Your
talk should be constructive and your
thinking should be harmonious.

Veda (1:45:1).


Real Impression of boat.

Analysing the boat impression

(Atharva Veda 3:30:3)

Let us practice it in our social life

(Note: I n general, in the holy vedas,
prophets are called by name of Manu.
There are fourteen personalities in
the holy Vedas who are called as
Manu. The Manu who survived in ship
is the seventh manu. Prophet Adam is
also referred to as Manu in the Rig

Expert trying to analyse the boat of Manu (Noah)

Imaginary diagram of ship of

Manu or noah or hazrat Nooh

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


6. Makkah or Makteshwar
Whether it is build high, its wall are
in a straight line or not, but God is
seen in every corner of it. He who
knows the house of God, knows it,
because God is remembered (as soon
as we approach the Kaaba).

Initially the structure of the holy

Kaaba was constructed by angels.
After the great flood during the
period of Manu (Noah) the structure
of the holy Kaaba become weak and
collapsed and the city of Makkah got
deserted. Abraham (Brahma) and
Ishmael (Atharva) reconstructed the
Kaaba on the same old foundation.
There are many verses of Atharva
Veda describing and praising the holy
Kaaba. Few of them are as follows:

(Atharva Veda 10-2-28)

Note: The structure of the holy Kaaba

looks cubical, but it is not made with
perfect dimensions, due to which all
i t s di mensions have di fferent
measurements. You can observe this
in the following drawing (from Top
view) of Kaaba. Even though it is not
made with perfect dimensions, then
too it has great spiritual attraction.

/oksZ uq l`"Vk 3 fLr;ZaM% uq l`"Vk 3% lokZfn'k%

iq:"k vk oHkwokWa3A
iwja ;ks czjkkks osn ;L;k% iq:"k mP;rs AA28AA

Cross-section of holy Kaaba.

Copied from: http://www.al-qiyamah.org





Door for


Black Stone
(Hijre Aswad)


Brass Rings


"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

;ks oS rka czjkkks osnke`rsuko`rka iqjeA

rLeS cz p czkkp p{kq% izkjk iztka nnq% AA29AA

He who knows this sacred house of
God, which is full of life, God and
Brahma (the prophet of God) grants
him (knowledge) insight, life and
children.(Atharva Veda 10-2-29)
(That means by visiting the holy
Kaaba one is blessed with religious
knowledge, prosperous life and more
v"Vkpk uoOnkjk nsokuka iwj;ks/;kA

rL;ka fgjjk;% dks'k% LoxksZ T;ksfr"ko`r% AA31AA

This abode of the angels has eight
circles and nine gat es. It is
unconquerable, there is eternal life
in it and it is resplendent with divine
light.(Atharva Veda 10-2-31)
Note: The complex around Kaaba had
nine main gates which are as follows:
1. Baabe Abraham 2. Baab Al-Weeda
3. Baabe Safa 4. Baabe Ali 5. Baabe
Abbas 6. Baabe Nabee 7. Baabe
Salaam 8. Baabe Ziyad 9. Baabe
Haram (Baab means door).
The Kaaba is surrounded and
protected by eight hills, which are
mentioned in Sloka as circles. The
eight hills are: 1. Jable Khaleeg 2.
Jable Qeeqaan 3. Jable Hindi 4.Jable
Laalaa 5. Jable Kada 6. Jable Abu
Hadeeda 7. Jable Abee Qabees 8.
Jable Umar.
rfLeu fgjjk;;s dks'ks = ;js f=izfr"BrsA

rfLeu ;n ;{kekReUor rn oS czfonks

The supreme spirit, worthy of
adoration lives in the house, which is

build on three pillars and three
wooden beams and is the centre of
eternal life. Men of God know this
well. ( Atharva Veda 10-2-32)

Cross-section of Kaaba

Note: The above photograph shows

the inside section, showing three
pillars and three beams. Photograph
and video of the inside view is
available on the internet. Search for
Kaaba on internet and Youtube.
izHkzktekuka gfjjha ;'klk laijho`rkeA

iqja fgjjk;;ha czk foos'kkijkftrke AA33AA

Brahma or (Abraham) stayed in this
abode, which is illuminated by
heavenly light and covered with
divine blessings. It is the place that
gives (spiritual) life to the people
and is unconquerable.
(Atharva Veda 10-2-33)

A Sloka of Rig Veda says,

"O you who pray! In far off country,
near the seashore there is Daroka
Ban, which is not constructed by
humans. By performing prayer in it
and by blessing of God enter heaven.
(Rig Veda 10-155-3)

(Makkah is far from India and

situated near seashore.)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Dif ferent names of the holy Kaaba:
The Kaaba is described with the
following names in various religious
books of Sanatan Dharm.
Illayaspad: Eil, illa, illaya, ellaya,
Allah, all these names are used for
God in various religions. Pad means
Place. Illayaspad means Place of God.
Makteshwar: Mak means Makkah,
Ishwar means God. Makteshwar
means city of God or God's Makkah.
Accordi ng t o Sanskri t -Engli sh
Dictionary by Sir M. Monier William,
Mak means city of Makkah or Yagna
(Place of sacrifice).
Nabhi Kamal : As per Hadees
[statement of Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh)] initially the whole earth was
covered with oceans (water). The
first land to emerge from the ocean
was exactly the location of Kaaba.
Then land continued to spread in all
As per Padam Puran, initially the
earth was covered with water. First of
all a lotus flower emerged from the
ocean (and grew to a large size).
Then it's leaf and petals, etc. took the
shape of earth and trees etc. The
central part is known as Nabhi Kamal
(Kaaba) the most sacred place for
worship. (This place is also known
Adipushkar Teerth: Padam Puran says
that the most ancient nourishing and
the most sacred place of worship is
Adipushkar Teerth. Padam Puran

descri bes t he i mport ance of
Adipushkar Teerth in the following
1. I f someone serves at Adipushkar
Teerth, his sins will be washed
2. Whoever visits Adipushkar Teerth,
gets unlimited blessings.
3. It is the most ancient place. Those
who take bath here get Mukthi
(Zamzam well is just next to the
Nabha Prithiviya: Rig Veda says,

byk;kLRok ins o;a ukHkk izfFkO;k vf/kA

_Xosn 3-29-4
House of God is at the navel of the
earth.(Rig Veda 3-29-4)

Let us find the navel or the center of

the earth. Equator passes from the
center of planet earth. But if we
observe closely, human population is
not distributed equally on both sides
of the equator. It is more in the north
upto 80 latitude, and less in south
upto 40 latitude. Hence if we try to
find the center of land with human
population as criteria, it will be 20
latitude to the north of equator.
Similarly 0 longitude passes from
Greenwich, but again we see that in
the east there is more population
than in the west. Hence to get the
center we have to shift east by
approximately 40.
Makkah city is at 21.5 to the north
of equator, 39 to the east of 0
longitude and approximately at the
center of populated land on the

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


earth, which you can observe from

t he following diagram. Hence
Makkah is called as the navel of the
earth or Nabha Prithviya. and as per
Rig veda. (3.29.4) at this place house
of God exist.















As they pass through the valley of

The place of spring.
The autumn rains also cover it with
Better is one day in Your courts,
Than a thousand elsewhere.
I would rather be a doorkeeper in
the house of my God.
Than dwell in the tents of the
O Lord Almighty, blessed is the man
who trusts in You. (Psalms 84-1-12)


Verses of the holy Bible related to

Makkah are as follows:
According to the holy Bible, Prophet
David prayed to God to win the battle
against Palestine and occupy the
land of Jerusalem (Israel) and expel
non-believers from there. (Psalms
83-84) Some verses of his prayer are
as follows:
How lovely is your dwelling place.
O Lord Almighty
My soul yearns,
Even faints for the courts of the
My heart and my flesh cry.
And for the living God.
O Lord Almighty, my King and my
Blessed are those who dwell in Your
They are ever-praising You.
Blessed are those whose strength is
in You.
Who have set their hearts on

Scholars say: I n the above verses,

'Your House' means 'Kaaba',
pilgrimage means Hajj, Baca means
Makkah and 'Spring' means 'Zamzam',
which is near to Kaaba.
Note: The Holy city of Makkah is
referred to with five names in the
holy Quran; one of them is Baca.
For example, in following verse
Makkah is refered as Baca.
Surely the first house appointed for
men (for worship of God) is the one at
Baca, blessed and guidance for the
mankind. In it there are clear signs
(miracles, and one of it is) the
standing place of Abraham (That is
deep foot impression on hard rock).
Whoever enters it, shall be protected.
It is compulsory for those who can
afford, to visit this place (perform
Hajj). If you don't do, then God also
doesn't depend on anyone.
(Holy Quran 3:96)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Why non-Muslim are not allowed in
Makkah cit y?
Since the ancient times, residents of
Makkah used to believe in God as
they were followers of Prophet
Abraham and Prophet I smai l
(Atharva); they also performed Hajj.
But after a certain period of time
they forgot the teachings of prophets
and along with God they also started
praying to the idols of various
deities, such as Laat, Manat, Uzza
and Hubal etc. and kept their idols
inside the structure of the holy Kaaba
assuming that these deities will
advocate for them before God or will
bless them with prosperity and
protect them from calamities.
This belief was against the teachings
of Noah (Manu), Abraham, Moses and
Jesus etc. Hence God revealed verse
of Quran (9:28) to Muhammad
(pbuh) and prohibited the entry of
anyone who has belief other than
what God want us to have. So
because of this instruction of God,
even the original residents of
Makkah, who used to perform Hajj
and had belief in God, but also had
belief in various deit ies were
prohibited from entering this sacred
city. And it is the same reason
because of which everyone is
prohibited to enter this city, if he has
belief in multiple deities, along with
one God.
What is inside the holy Kaaba?
The Kaaba was basically made for
prayer, like a mosque. Hence from
inside, it is totally empty. Till 1950,

trustees of the holy Kaaba use to
allow even common pilgrims to
perform Namaz inside the holy Kaaba,
but as enemies of Islam increased,
entry of common people was banned
to avoid any sabotage.
Now only head of an Islamic country
can pray in it. The inside of the holy
Kaaba could be viewed Internet on
Fact about Kaaba.
Kaaba is only a place of warship.
I nt i t ally Musli m use t o face
Jerusellaume whi le performi ng
Namaz. As per instruction of God in
holy Quran (2:144). Muslims turn
their faces toward holy Kaaba. The
structure of holy kaaba was never
worshiped. Hazrat Bilal climed on
roof of kaaba and said Aazan (call for
prayer). From this incidence you can
understand that kaaba itself was
never worshiped. But it is only a
holiest place on earth for worship of


"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


7. Aawagawan & life after death.

Aawagawan means a person takes
birth again and again after each
death. It is also called Samsara, or
reincarnation or transmigration of
the soul; and in the new birth his
condition and status will be as per
the deeds of his earlier life (Karma).
And to come out from the cycle of
birth and re-birth or for Mukti or
Moksha, one has to adopt noble
deeds in his life and fulfill his
Dharma (Righteous Duties).
Hereafter means whoever took birth
in this world will die; but after death
he will be given one more life and
body in Parlok or Pitrlok (Alame
Barzakh), and the body will be like
soul, and will not be a physical body.
And in Parlok he will be broadly
assessed for his deeds in his life
before death. If deeds are found to be
noble, then till Judgment day he will
be as comfortable in Parlok as he
would be in heaven. Then on
judgment day he will be assessed
thoroughly and on clearing all his
accounts he will go to heaven. But if
the person committed sins in his life
on earth, then in Parlok initially he
will be broadly assessed for his
deeds, and confined in a placed
where he will be as uncomfortable as
in hell. On judgment day he will be
assessed thoroughly and will be
punished in prison of fire in hell. Life
in hell or heaven will be forever, and
no one will get a second chance to
improve his deed after first death.

Muslim, Jews and Christians believe

in the Hereafter. But in Sanatan
Dharm or Hinduism there are two
opi ni ons. Many bel i eve i n
Aawagawan, and few believe in
Hereaf t er. The concept of
Aawagawan was present even at the
time of revelation of the holy Vedas,
but it was Chandoggeya who firmly
presented and advocated the idea of
repeated births. After him many
rishis also advocated it. So this
concept got widely accepted by
society. Scholars say that the basic
reason of popularity of Aawagawan
concept is the deep rooted caste
system in society. Whenever a lower
c ast e p er so n q u est i o n ed
untouchability, Brahmins justified it
through Aawagawan philosophy.
That means, he became untouchable
and is suffering in present life not
because of the arrogance of upper
caste, but as a result of his own deeds
in earlier life.
Vedas are the most authentic books
of Hindu religion. When there is
conflict in commandments of various
books, it is the holy Vedas which are
The Holy Vedas reject both the ideas:
caste system and Aawagawan. (Rig
Veda 1:92:10). Vedas say that no one
is lower caste by birth. But a person
becomes Shudra due to profession.
Anyone can change his profession
and caste as per his ability and will.

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

(Rig Veda 10:90:12, Atharva Veda 19:6:6)

Holy Vedas never taught about

repeated birth or Aawagawan. It
does describe Punar janam or Pratiya
bhaw, (Punar janam means second
birth or one more birth, but it does
not mean taking birth again and
again). Pratiya bhaw means next
birth or new life after death in Parlok.
In both the terms re-birth is only one
time after death and not again and
again. And after first death when the
person is raised again, then as per
the deeds of that person either he
will go to hell or heaven.
Scholars such as Shri Satya Prakash
Vidhayankar, Pandit Durga Shankar
Satyarthi and Dr. Farida Chawhan
have described the hereafter in detail
in their books.
Few verses of holy Vedas, whi ch
confirm hereafter and are relat ed to
a new li fe in Parlok are as follows:
He (God) who punishes by lightning
slashes, terminates evil power, bring
to senses thousands of deadly violent
( human bei ngs) . Merci f ul t o
hundreds (of human beings). Owner
of great roof (sky). He is not going to
give five rebirth to the deceased. O
followers (Of Sanatan Dharm) get
obedient to the owner of lighting
(God).( Rig Veda 1-100-12)
Like devil, the topic of rebirth is
(often referred by) ancient (people).
Suppress those who harbor such
belief like a sinful person. The
goddess of death burns the age (That

means balance age is getting reduced
day by day). (Rig Veda 1-92-10)
By denying the hereafter, and
rejecting knowledge and wisdom (of
scriptures) as nonsense, they are
holding our defined boundary (that
means they are crossing the boundary
of obedience to God).(Rig Veda 3-4-1)
After acquiring sweet language,
people count their doubts. (That
means after getting enlightenment,
people assess their shortcomings or
faults) convey to those who praise
God, it is certain that you will get an
immortal life. (Rig Veda 1-44-6) (All
the above translations are by Pandit
Durga Shankar Satyarthi, Publish in
Kanti, July 1969)
O' Agni, get access to Parlok through
your Divine spiritual power.
(Rig Veda 10-16-4)

O' Agni, this deceased person will get

a new life (in Parlok). (Rig Veda 10-16-5)
Those who believe in God always
remember life after death. Together
they continuously perform noble
(righteous) work. (Atharva Veda 122-3)
Above verses indicate that after
death man will get an immortal life in
Parlok. He will not get involved in the
cycle of life and death till he gets
Moksh. But after death he will either
be awarded heaven or be punished in
hell forever as per his deeds.

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Verses describing hell are as follows:
Their body will be burn with burning
planks. And they will be fed with
their own flesh, which either they
themselves will cut off, or someone
else will do it for them.

Those who have knowledge, get
immortal breath and shift from their
human body to sky, and stays with
their companions. They also travel
the path through which angels travel
and reach the heaven.

(Shrimad Bhagwat Purana 3-30-25)

(Atharva Veda 2-34-5)

In their conscious condition, their

intestines will be pulled out by dogs
and vultures of the world of dead.
They will be tortured by snakes and
scorpions that bite or sting.

After getting purified through those

who purify with (new) body, which
will not have bones, and with
enlight enment t hey ent er t he
illuminated world. Fire cannot burn
their body and they will have a great
pleasure in heaven.(Atharva Veda 4-34-2)

(Shrimad Bhagwat Purana 3-30-26)

Their body will be cut into pieces.

They will be fed to the elephant. They
will be dropped from mountain cliffs
or will be confined in water or a
ditch. All punishments and other
punishments in hell named Andh
Tamis and Rawraw will be given to all
men and women who committed sins
in this world.
(Shrimad Bhagwat Purana 3-30-27/ 28)

The extreme deep place has been

made for the sinful persons.
(Rig Veda 4-5-5)

As per Achraya Sayan, the extremely

deep place means hell.
Those who in their life harm their
soul (by committing sins) after death
they will go to the dark world of
demons. (Yajur Veda 40-3)
Verses related to heaven are as
Your followers will serve God by their
charity and you will have the
pleasure of heaven. (Rig Veda 10-95-18)

Milk and wine will flow in canals

made from butter, whose shore will
be of honey, and all with extreme
pleasing sweetness. All these will
reach you in the heaven; you will also
have lakes full of lotus flowers.
(Atharva Veda 4-34-6)

Because of your piety you will see

that place which is extremely vast.
(Rig Veda 1-21-6) .
As per Acharya Sayan who wrote the
explanation of Vedas, the extremely
vast place means heaven.
You husband and wife stand in front
of Me (God), the obedient are blessed
with heaven.(Atharva Veda. 6-122-3)
Scholars say that presence of heaven
and hell proves that a man will not be
punished for his misdeeds by getting
reborn; but after death he will be
punished in hell. Hence the concept
of Aawagawan or re-birth is not


"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


8. When Kalki Avtar will appear?

Figures and Facts about Kalki Avatar:
Holy Purana says that there are total
24 Avatars and Gautam Buddha is the
23rd Avatar.
Bhagwat Purana says that the name
of the 24th Avatar will be Kalki
Gautam Buddha said to his follower,
Nanda, Oh Nanda, I am neither the
first Buddha nor the last. After me
one more Buddha will come. His
name will be Maitreya. (Gospel of
Buddha by Carus, Page 217)

Swami Vivekananda, Gurunanakji

and great scholars of Hindu religion
such as Pandit Sunderlal, Shri Balram
Singh Parihar, Dr. Ved Prakash
Upadhyay, Dr. P H. Chaube, Dr.
Ramesh Prasad Garg, Pandit Durga
Shankar Satyarthi, Shri Kasheeri Lal
Bhagat agreed that Avatar does not
mean that God takes birth on earth,
but Avatar means one who represents
God and conveys His message or is a
(Hazrat Muhammad Aur Bhartiya Dharm
Granth by. Dr. M.A. Shrivastav)

Why Avatar comes?

;nk ;nk gh /keZL; XykfuHkZofr Hkkjr A

vH;qRFkkue/keZL; rnkRekua l`T;kE;ge~ A xhrk
That means, whenever evil people
dominate the society and inhumanity
spreads in the world, Avatar will
come to terminate evil power and
restore peace and humanity in the

world and restore the prestige of

saintly people.
In which era will the Last Avatar
According to Encyclopedia of World
History by Usborne, the age of this
planet earth is 4550 million years.
According to Hindu religious books,
time is divided into four eras:
The first was Satya Yug. It is also
known as Krit Yug. It lasted for
1728000 years.
The second era was Treta Yug. It
lasted for 1296000 years.
The third was Dwaper Yug. It lasted
for 864000 years.
The last era is known as Kalyug. It will
last for 436000 years.
The running era is Kalyug, and at
present approximately 5100 years
have passed in this Kalyug.
The Last Avatar who is also known as
Kalki Avatar will take birth in Kalyug.
(Bhagwat Purana 12:2:27)

bRFk dykS xrizk;s tus"kq [kj /keZf.k&1

/keZ =k.kk; lRosu Hkxokuorfj";fr&2
In which year will Kalki Avatar take
As per Trilok Sagar Granth of Jain
religion compiled by Nemeechandra,
605 years and five months after the
death of Mahavir Swami, Shakraj took

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

birth; and 394 years and seven
months after the death of Shakraj,
Kalki Avatar took birth.

i.kNLl;a oLlai.k ekltan xfe; ohj f.koqb nks

lxjktks lks dfYd prq.kofr; efgi lxekla
f=yksdlkxj i-32

According to Uttar Puran, Kalki

Avatar took birth 1000 years after
the death of Mahavir Swami.
(Gunbhadra Indian Antiquary Vol. X UP. 143)

The estimated year of the death of

Mahavir Swami is 500 BC. Hence the
approximate date of birth of Kalki
Avatar is 500 AD.
On which day will Kalki Avatar take
Kalki Avatar will take birth on the
12th of bright fortnight of the month
of Madhav. (Kalki Purana 2:15)

}kn';ka 'kqDy i{kjL; ek?kos ek?koe%&1

tkrks n'kqrq% iq=a fi=kS"VekulkS&2
Where will Kalki Avat ar take birth?
Kalki Avatar will take birth in
Sambhal gram.

'kEHkys fo".kq;'klks x`gs izknqHkZfo";kE;ge~ AdfYd

iqjk.k] 2%4

be Sumati. (Kalki Purana 2:4 and 2:11)

lqeR;k fo".kq;'klk xHkZ/kRr oS".koe~ A

What will be features of Kalki
Bhagwat Purana (12:2:19) says:
having (Adorned) with eight good
qualities, riding a swift horse given to
him by angels and with a sword in his
hand, the savior of the world will
subdue all the miscreants.

v'oek'kqxek:e nso nRra txxRifr%&1

vfluklk/kq neue"VSo;Z xq.kkfUor%&2 A
Hkxor iqjk.k] 12 vLda/k] 2%19
Bhagwat Purana says that Kalki
Avatar will be Antim or final Avatar.
(Bhagwat Purana 1:3:24)

Kalki Purana says that Parshuram will

give knowledge to Kalki Avatar on a
hill in a cave.
Kalki Purana also says that Kalki
Avatar will go towards north and then
Kalki Purana (2:5) says that Kalki
Avatar will have four companions,
who will help him to overpower the

prqfHkZHkzkr`fHknsZo dfj";kfe dfy{k;e~A

dfYd iqjk.k] 2%5

What will be family background of

Kalki Avatar?

Kalki Purana (2:7) says that Kalki

Avatar will be assisted by angels.

Kalki Avatar will be born at the home

of the chief priest. His father's name
will be Vishnu-yash.

Bhagwat Purana (12:2:20) says that

Kalki Avatar will have the most
graceful personality.

'kEHky xzke eq[;L; czk.kL; egkReu%&1

Hkous fo".kq;'kl% dfYd izknqHkkZfo";fr&2
The mother's name of Kalki Avatar will

fopjUuk'kquk {kks.;ka g;sukizfre|qfr%&1

u`ikfyaxIrNnks nL;qu~ dksfV'kksfugfu";kfr%&2
Hkxor iqjk.k 12] vLda/k 2] 1%20

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Bhagwat Purana (12:2:21) says that
body odor of Kalki Avatar will be
sweet smelling, and the air around
him will become fragrant.

vFkrs"kka Hkkfo";fUr eukafl fo'knkfuoS A

olqnsokaxjkxfr iq.;xa/kk fuyLi`'kke A
Hkxor iqjk.k 12] vLda/k ] 21

In Bhagwat Purana (12:2) it is

mentioned that Kalki Avatar will have
the following eight special qualities.
Wi sdom, respect abl e l i neage
(respected family background), self
control, revealed knowledge, valor
(bravery) measured speech, charity,
and gratefulness.

v"Vk xq.kk% iq:"ka nhI;fUr

izKk p dkSY;a p ne% Jqr p
ijkdze' p cgqHkkf"krk p
nkua ;Fkk 'kfDr d`rKrk p AA egkHkkjr
Kalki Avatar will establish a Vedic
Now since we know so many details
about Kalki Avatar, let us find
whether he still has to come or has
already arrived and passed away.
When America attacked Afghanistan,
B-52 bombers took off from USA.
They bombarded Afghanistan and
wi t hout t ouchi ng t he ground
ret urned t o America. America
successfully attacked hideout of the
Taliban in Pakistan, with satellite
guided missiles.
So we are in an era when a man can
travel and come back after attacking
the other side of the world, and an
unmanned satellite guided missile

can be fired from a distance of 3000
kms to destroy the establishments of
the enemy with pin point accuracy.
Research work and development is so
fast that within a very short time
people will fight with laser guns
placed in satellites in the sky. Do we
still expect that the savior of world
the Antim Avatar will take birth and
fight with the enemy on horseback
and with a sword?
For such thing to happen, first the
complete human race has to be
destroyed along with its scientific
development, and then those who
survive have to restart life and
development from zero position.
Then those few individuals who
survived, among them if any wicked
person is there, he could be
eliminated with a sword and riding
on horse. But if such thing has to
happen, what is the use of the savior
of world, aft er t he complet e
destruction of world? Hence, if we
think in this way, we may be wrong.
Since 1100 A.D. Arabs are using
explosives by mixing soda and coal
powder. With invention of explosives
sward becomes less important. Hence
the era of Kalki Avatar must be before
1100 A.D.
As per Uttar Puran and Trilok Sagar,
Kalki Avatar has to take birth after
1000 years from the death of Mahavir
Swami; that is approximately 500
A.D. Now let us study whether any
sai nt or a famous rel i gi ous
personality took birth in India in 500

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

The 24th Avatar cannot be an
unknown person. He has to be
famous, as all earlier Avatars such as
Gautam Buddha, Shri Krishna and
Shri Ram are very famous, and are
known to all. But unfortunately we
do not find any famous person who
could be considered as Avatar and
who took birth around 500 A.D. in

Other related forecasts.
Dat e of birth:
As per Kalki Purana (2:25), Kalki
Avatar will born on the 12th of the
month of Madhav. Muhammad Sahab
(pbuh) also born on the 12th of
Rabiul Awwal, which is equivalent to
Place of Birth:

So let us look for him outside India.

Let us study the list of the most
influential people of history in last
1500 years. If we refer to the book,
The 100 most influential persons in
history, by W. H. Hart, we find that
the name of Hazrat Muhammad
(pbuh) in first position in this book
and he was born in 571 A.D. And no
other personality with the same fame
was born in and around 500 A.D.
It could be a coincidence that the
period of the birth of the Kalki Avatar
and Muhammad Sahab (pbuh) is
same. For conf i rmat i on and
recogni zi ng Muhammad Sahab
(pbuh) as Kalki Avatar let us match
the follow details and predictions by
holy Purana about Kalki Avatar with
Muhammad Sahab (pbuh):
Date of birth
Place of birth
Family background
Father's name
Mother's name
His teacher or source of knowledge
His responsibility
His associates
His basic personality
Being last Avatar.

As per Kalki Puran, Kalki Avatar will

take birth at Sambhal Gram. There is
no place in India called Sambhal. Two
places have similar name: that is
Sambalpur and Sambhar Lake. But no
one knows of any great person ever
having born over there.
Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay (Sanskrit
scholar of Prayag University) says
that Sambhal is characteristic of
place and not name. In Vedic
Sanskrit, Sam mean peace; Sambhal
means, the place where one gets
Muhammad Sahab (pbuh) born in
Mecca. This city is called Baladul
Ameen (Holy Quran 95:3). Balad
mean city and Ameen means peace.
That is, 'a city where one could get
Family background:
As per Bhagwat Purana, Kalki Avatar
will be born at the home of the chief
priest. (Bhagwat Purana 12-2-18)
Hazrat Abdul Muttalib, who was the
grandfather of Muhammad Sahab
(pbuh), was the chief priest and
trustee of Kaaba (Mecca).

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Parent's Name:
As per Bhagwat Purana (12-2-18) the
father's name of Kalki Avatar will be
Vishnu-yush, which means worshiper
of Vishnu, or worshiper of God. The
father's name of Muhammad Sahab
(pbuh) was Abdullah, which also
means the obedient one of God.
As per Kalki Purana, the mother's
name of Kalki Avatar will be Sumati,
which means gentle and thoughtful.
The mother of Muhammad (pbuh)
was Aameena, which also means
peaceful, gentle and thoughtful.
Kalki Purana says that Kalki Avatar
will go north from his city and then
Muhammad Sahab (pbuh) migrated
to Medina, a city to the north of his
native city, Mecca. After eight years
of his migration, he again conquered
Mecca. That is he returned to his
native city.
Kalki Purana says that Kalki Avatar
will go to the mountains, where he
wi l l recei ve knowl edge f rom
It is a historical fact that Muhammad
Sahab (pbuh) used to go to a hill to a
cave called Hira for silence, deep
thinking and worship of God. In this
cave, at the age of 40, he received
knowledge of holy Quran from
archangel, Gabriel.

Bhagwat Purana (12:2:9) says Kalki
Avatar will be the savior of the world.
The Holy Quran says, We sent
Muhammad Sahab ( pbuh) as
Rahmat ul l i l al ameen ( Quran
21:107). Rahmat means blessing,
Alameen means worlds. That means
the world will get guidance from
Muhammad Sahab (pbuh) for a
peaceful life on the earth and a
pattern of life for a guaranteed
Mukti, salvation or eternal success.
Kalki Purana (2:5) says that Kalki
Avatar will defeat Kali i.e. the Devil
with help of his four companions.
Encyclopedia of World History by WL.
Langer (Page 184) says that after
Muhammad Sahab (pbuh) four of his
companions: Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman
and Ali, spread the message of Islam,
and the worship of one God and
dest royed t he ol d i nhuman
Kalki Purana (2:7) says Kalki Avatar
will be assisted by angles in the
Muhammad Sahab (pbuh) and his
companions were only 313 in the
battle of Badr, while the enemy was
having 1000 soldiers. In the battle of
Trench, Muslims were about 3000,
while the enemy was having more
than 15000 soldiers. In these two
battles, and many times he received
assistance by angles for victory over
the enemy. The Holy Quran also
confirmed it in chapters 3:123-125,
8:9, 23:9 etc.

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Bhagwat Purana (12:2:21) says his
body odor will be sweet smelling,
because of which, the air around him
will become fragrant.
The book of Hadees says that once
while Muhammad Sahab (pbuh) was
sleeping, Umme Salma collected his
sweat. When he woke up he asked,
what you will do with my sweat? She
said: We will use it as a fragrance.
The hands of one who shook hands
with Muhammad Sahab (pbuh) would
remain fragrant all day (Shamael
Tirmidhi, Page 208)

Anas, the servant of Muhammad

Sahab (pbuh) said, We always used
to know when Muhammad Sahab
(pbuh) had come out from his
chamber by the sweet smelling
fragrance that filled the air. (Life of
Muhammad by Sir William Muir, Page 342)

Bhagwat Purana (Section 2, Chapter

2) says that Kalki Avatar will be
adorned with eight special qualities,
i.e. wisdom, respectable lineage,
self-control, revealed knowledge,
valor, measured speech, exceeding
charity and gratefulness.
The following books by non-Muslim
authors confirm these qualities in
Muhammad Sahab (pbuh):
1. Life of Muhammad by Sir William
Published by Smith Elder & Co.
2. I ntroduction to the speeches of
Muhammad. by: Lane Pool e.
Published by: Macmillan & Co.
3. Muhammad and Muhammad by R.

Bosworth Smith.
Bhagwat Purana (12:2:19) says that
adorned with eight qualities and
riches, riding a swift horse given to
him by angle and with a sword in his
hand, the savior of the world will
subdue all miscreants.
Muhammad Sahab (pbuh) received a
special swift horse called Burraq by
Muhammad Sahab (pbuh) was having
seven personal horses and nine
swords; and he used them to spread
the message of God, either by peace
or war.
Bhagwat Purana (1:3:24) says: Kalki
Avatar will be the last Avatar. Holy
Quran also described Muhammad
Sahab (pbuh) as the last prophet.
(Holy Quran 33:40)

Holy Purana says that the Kalki

Avatar will establish Vedic Dharm.
Muhammad Sahab (pbuh) taught
religion as per Quran. And overall
teachings of the holy vedas and holy
Quran are same. (we have quoted
eighty similar verses of holy Quran &
holy vedas in this book): that is
worship of one God and humanity.
Hence Islam is also a Vedic Dharm.
All the features predicted for Kalki
Avatar match Muhammad Sahab
( pbuh), hence most Sanskri t
scholars, such as Dr. Ved Prakash
Upadhyay, Dr. M.A. Shrivastav and
Pandit Dhanveer Upadhyay say that
Muhammad Sahab (pbuh) is the Kalki
Avatar, for whom everybody is still

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Kindly refer to following books for
detailed and in-depth knowledge
about Narashans, Kalki Avatar and
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh):
1) Kalki Avatar and Hazrat Muhammad
by Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay
2) Narashansa aur Antim Rishi
by Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay
3) Muhammad (pbuh) aur Bhartiya
Dharm Granth
by Dr. M.A. Shrivastav
4) Muhammad (pbuh) i n World
by A.H. Vidyarthi
Buddhists are followers of the 23rd
Avatar of Vedic Dharm, because
Gautam Buddha was the 23rd Avatar.
Muslims are followers of the 24th
Avatar of Vedic Dharm, because Kalki
Avatar was the 24th Avatar and
Muhammad (pbuh) is Kalki Avatar.
When Manu (Hazrat Nooh, the
prophet) cursed the non-believers, a
deadly flood engulfed the whole
world, and in this flood, only
believers of one God survived along
with Manu, and all others perished.
If Manu and his followers were
following Vedic Dharm after the
flood, then Islam is truly a Vedic
Dharm, because Hazrat Muhammad
(pbuh) did not introduce a new
religion as Islam, but revived what
Manu and earlier prophets taught.

The following verses of holy Quran
confirm this statement.
He ordered you Oh Muhammad
(pbuh) to follow the same religion,
which He ordered Manu (Noah) to
follow, same commandment He had
also sent to Abraham (Abiram) Moses
and Jesus Christ. He also commanded
all of them to establish the religion
and not divide themselves.
(Holy Quran 42:13)

The Quran t eaches supreme

principles of life, decent conduct,
universal love and oneness of God
etc. We can see glimpses of all that in
the Vedic scriptures as well.
Whatever we discussed was corelation between Kalki Avatar and
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh), but one
can say that whatever we discussed
was our imagination and there is no
solid proof that holy Narashansa and
Kalki Avatar is Hazrat Muhammad
(pbuh) or Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh)
as predicted in holy Vedas.
So to confirm the identity of holy
Narashansa and Kalki Avatar and to
confirm the predictions of Hazrat
Muhammad (pbuh) in holy Vedas, we
refer to following verses from the
holy books of Hindu religion:
Bhavishya Puran says: In another
country, a prophet will come along
with his companions. His name will
be Mahamad and he will appear in a
desert country.
Pandit Dharam Veer Upadhyay wrote
a famous book, Antim Ishwar Doot,

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

which was published in 1923 by
National Printing Press, Daryaganj,
New Delhi. In his book he writes:
Kag-Busandi and Garud remained in
the company of Shri Ram for a long
period of time; they not only used to
follow but also conveyed the same
advices of Shri Ram to common
people. Tulsi Dasji has mentioned the
above advice in his translation of
Sangram Puran. He wrote that
Shankarji predicted about the Future
religion to his son in the following

earth, salvation is
not possi bl e
without Mahamad

rcls ekugq tUrq fHk[kkjh People, beggars,

leLFk uke ,fg ozr/kkjh A i n s e c t s a n d

animals will all

become obedient
t o God af t er
t aki ng hi s
( Mohammed's)

After him none

gj lqUnj fuekZ.k u gksbZ
rqylh opu lR; lp gksbZA shall be born like
him. What Tulsi
Das says will truly

Prediction by Tulsi Dasji:

;gka u i{kikr dNq jk[kgqa Wi t h o u t any

osn] iqjk.k] lar er Hkk[kgqa A p a r t i a l i t y I

ex p r e ss t h e
t each i ngs of
saints, Vedas and

laor foe nks vuk

egkdksd ul prqiZrk

He will take birth

i n sev en t h
Bikrami century
with rise of four
stars (sun).

jktuhfr Hko izhfr fn[koS He will be eligible

vkiu er lcdk le>koS A to rule. By logic
( l ove and
wisdom) or by
force, he wi ll
con vi nce h i s

lqju prqlqnj lrpkjh A He will have four

frudks oa'k Hk;ks vfr Hkkjh su b or d i n at es
because of which
his followers will

rc rd lqUnj efdks;k A Till t he divine

fcuk egken ikj u gks;k A book remains on

(Sangram puran skand.12, Khand-6, Translated

by Gowswami Tulsidasji)
(Hazrat Mohammed (pbuh) in Bhartiya Dharam
Granth, by Dr. M.A. Shrivastav, Page no. 18)

In second part of Encyclopedia

edited by Nagendra Nath Basu few
verses of Upanishads about God and
Muhammad (pbuh) is as follow:

vknYyk cwd esdde

vYycwd fu[kkne AA4AA

This verse could

not be translated.

vyk ;Ku gqr gqRok vYyk A l l a h i s

lq;Z panz loZ u{k=k AA5AA worshipped since

Yag Age. Sun,

Moon and Stars
are because of

vYyks _kh.kka loZ fnO;ka Allah is of Rishis

bUnzk;iwoZ ek;k ijeUrfj{kk (saints). He is
Greatest of all,

prior to Indra and

more mysterious
t h an sp ace

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

vYy i`fFkO;k vUrfj{Ka

foo:ie~ AA7AA

Allah is visible in
Earth, Sky and
everyt hi ng of

bYykadcj bYykadcj bYyka Allah is Great,

bYyYysfr bYyYyk AA8AA Allah is Great. No
one equals Him.

vkse vYyk bYYkYyk vufn OM means Allah.

We c a n n o t
ascert ai n Hi s
begi nni ng and
end. We pray such
Al l ah f or
prot ect i on
against evil.

ns Lo:ik; vFkoZ.k ;kek Allah! Terminate

gqg~h tuku ikwu fl)ku wicked criminals,
tyojku~ vn`Va dq: dq: m i s g u i d i n g
religious people

and evil creatures

of water in a
moment. (protect
vlqjlagkfj.kh gqa gha vYyks us from them)
jlqy egenjdcjL; vYyksAlla is terminator
of evil power and
great Mohammed
i s Prophet of

vYyke bYyYysfr bYyYyk Allah is Allah. No

one is like Him.
bfr vYyksi fukn~ Et i Allopni shad (Hazrat
Mohammed in Bhartiya Daram Granth, By Dr.
M.A. Shrivastav, Page no.30)

The Kalyan Magazine, published by

Geet a Press, Gorakhpur has
mentioned 220 Upanishads in its
special issue named Upanishadank.
I n these 220 Upanishads, the
Allopnishad is mentioned at the 15th
position. Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay
also described Allopnishad in his

book, Vedic Sahitya, Ek Vivechan,
published by Pradeep Prakashan in
Holy Vedas are approximately 4000
years old. Divine books revealed after
Vedas also predicted Narashansa or
Kalki Avatar or Hazrat Muhammad
(pbuh) in the following words:
Prediction in Jewish religion:
I will raise up a prophet from among
their brothers, similar to him (Moses)
and will put My words in his mouth
and he shall speak to them all that I
shall command him.
(Old Testament, Deuteronomy 18:18)

Predictions in the Christian religion:

Jesus Christ said in holy Bible:
I indeed baptize you with water to
repentance: but he that cometh after
me is mightier than I, whose shoes I
am not worthy to bear: he shall
baptize you with the Holy angel and
with fire. (Matthew 3:11)
Bible was originally revealed in
Hebrew language, in Old Testament
(in Hebrew language), in the book
Solomon, Chapter 5, Verse 16, says:
Hi kko Momi t t aki m we Kul lo
Muhammadi m. Zehdoodeh wa
Zehraee Bayna Jerusalem.
(Old Testament, Book of Solomon, Ch. 5,

His mouth is most sweet, ye, he is

altogether lovely. Muhammad is my
beloved, and this is my friend, O
daughters of Jerusalem. (In Hebrew
'Im' is added with the name to
express respect. Hence Muhammad is

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

referred as Mohammadim).
Predictions in Buddhism:

This sense of 'something common'
reduces the distance between two

Holy Puran says, Gautam Buddha is

the 23rd Avatar. Gautam Buddha said
to his servant, Nanda:

The same thing will happen if we

learn of something common among
our and others' religions.

O Nanda, I am not the first Buddha

in this world, nor am I the last. In
time, there will appear a Buddha in
this world, who will give the
teachings of truth and charity. His
disposition will be pure and holy. His
heart will be clear. He will possess
knowledge and wisdom. He will be
the leader and guide of all men. He
will teach the truth, as I have taught
the truth. He will give the world a
way of life, which will be pure and at
the same time complete. ONanda, his
name will be Maitreya.

Now we know that the holy Narashans

Kal ki Avt ar, Purush medha,
Makteshwar, Manu, holy Kaaba and
80 verses of holy Vedas of Sanatan
Dharm are same as Hazrat Muhammad
(pbuh), Bakri-Eid, Makkah, Hazrat
Nooh and 80 verses of holy Quran.
This sense of commonness will reduce
hatred and distance between Hindus
and Muslims.

(Gospel of Buddha by Carus, Page 217)

Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay proved in

his books (two books mentioned
earlier) that all predictions in holy
religious books are for Hazrat
Muhammad (pbuh).
What is the purpose of wri ting all
these detai ls?
If we go to a foreign country, where
everyone is new and stranger for us,
and if we come to know that among
them one person is from our own
country, then even without knowing
anything about that person, we feel
friendship, sympathy and attraction
towards him, because something is
common between that person and
oursel ves, and t hat i s our

Let us spread this knowledge among

common people to reduce hatred and
bring peace and prosperity in the life
of human beings and in this world.


"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


9. To whom should we worship?

There are thousands of Dargah
(Mausoleum) in I ndia, and at the
time of Urus (Festival) lacs of people
visite their. But Islam dont teaches
worship of a dead saint. It is a blind
fait h of common people, and
tradition in india. But foundation of
a religion dont rest on blind faith
and traditions. What is wrong remain
wrong only, even if all the muslim
start doing it.
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) has
prohibited from making grave from
construction and decorative material
(Pakki Qabr). Hazrat Muhammad
(pbuh) has also prohibited from
making a monument structure or
house or place of worship on grave.
(Muslim, ref. Maraful Hadees.Vol-3, Page486)

The holy grave of prophet Muhammad

(pbuh) is of plain soil, slightly raised
from ground, and there is no
decorated structure or monument on
his holy grave.
Few jews tried to steal the body of
prophet Muhammad (pbuh), hence
for protection, wall of stone and lead
metal is constructed around his holy
grave from ground level to water
level below ground. And above
ground level there is a chamber of
four walls and a roof, but without any
door and window. Hence no one can
even look at it.
I nitially holy grave of prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) was outside

Mosque of Prophet. But due to

shortage of space when all the area
around mosque was included in
mosque, t hen t here was no
alternative other than including holy
grave also inside mosque.
For repearing leaking roof, labours
always use to climb on the roof of
mosque. To avoid anyone stepping on
roof exactly above holy grave, that
much portion made in form of tomb.
Nowadays we see a beautiful green
colour tomb and people assume that
it is over holy grave of prophet
(pbuh), but it is not so. That tomb is
on roof of mosque but exactly above a
close chamber in which the holy
grave of prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
situated. Making Tomb on grave is
prohibited in Islam. Hence you will
never find any tomb on anyone grave
in Saudi Arab. Even grave of present
king of saudi Arab will be of plain
soil, without a single brick, and this
is Islam.
So if lacs of Indian Muslim start
worship graves then it will never
become a part of Islam. What is
wrong will remain wrong only.
When a hindu brother wants wealth,
he worshipe Laxmi devi. When he
want wisdom, he worship Ganeshji.
When he wants education he worship
Saraswati devi. If he is suffering from
Shani (Saturn) or any spiritual
problem he worship Hanumanji.
Let us study the divine scripture of

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Sanatan Dharam and find out
whether idol worship is written in
there divine book or again it is a
Most Authentic book of sanatan
dharam is holy vedas. When I
studied holy vedas and some other
religious book I found, that idiol
worship is actually prohibited in
Sanatan Dharam. Some of such
slokes are as follow.
1. God is neither in wood nor in stone.
He is neither in idol made from
clay. He is in feellings. (When you
think about this universe you feel
God). Feeling about God is biggest
proof of existence of God.

x:M iqjk.k /keZ dkUM ijssr [kaUM 38&13

2. Idols made from clay or stones are
not God. Jhen Hkxor egkiqjk.k 11%84%10
3. Those fools who dont know My
feat ures, t hey insult Me by
considering Me in body form.

xhrk 9%11
4. Living creature dont exist in My
entity. It is Me who created them
and sustain them. Than also I don't
stay in them. (Geeta 9:5)
5. God is a light which is everywhere
(in universe) (Yajurveda 40:1)
6. There is no idol of God. His name is
Great ( Yajurveda 3:32)
7. They enter in darkness, when they
worship natural things (such as
Air-water, fire etc). They sink
deeper in darkness when they
worship Sambhuti. (That is created
things, such as idols, chair etc.)
(Yajur Veda Samhita by Ralph T.H. Griffith


8. Holy Vedas are most authentic

scripture of sanatan dharam and all
of tham strictly prohibited idols
9. After Holy Vedas Upnished are next
Authentic book of Sanatan Dharm.
There are 108 upnisheds. Out of
108, ten are accepted by all
scholars and Acharyas. Name of
these ten Upnisheds are :-

,sjk] dslqn] dB] izku] eaMd] ekaMksD;k] ,=s;k

rs=;k] NknksX;k] c`gn vkZMZdAll these upanished also prohibited
idol worship.
Holy vedas and upnishedas are
ancient scriptures. Puran are written
by Rishies (Scholar) and they are not
ancient. Some puran advices for idol
worship. Reason of such advices are
explained by Swami Vivekanand are
as follow;
Rishi started the tradition of idol
worship. So that worshiper could
easily concentrate or visualise the
God who is most difficult to imagine.

fo.kq _f"k i`B - 149] foosdkuan lkghR; vnksgksr

vkJe] iFFkksjk x<] nqljh vko`Rrh 1973
But if we follow the following sloke of
Geeta then even idols are not
required for concentrations.

Those who want to perform prayer

should sit erect with neck and head
straight. Then he should look and
concentrate at tip of his nose, and
should not look in any direction.

xhrk 6%13

So Sanatan Dharm dont teaches idol

worship. And those who do it may not

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

be having religious knowledge.
Who are Dei ties?
People worship to Devi, Devta,
Prophets, Angels, Jinns and Babas
etc. Let us see what holy scriptures
says about them.
Rig Vedas says:

;ks nsoof/k nso ,d vklhr~A

_Xosn 10%121%8
This shlok means, there is one God of
all the deities.
Holy Quran says, "The deities to
whom these (non believers) people
worship, these deities also seeks
blessing of God. (Holy Quran 17:57)
(That means, in actual, the deities
may be saints or angel, and they also
worship one God. Hence the God is
supreme and He is God of everyone,
human being as well as deities.)
Yajur Veda says

^^u _rs JkUrL; l[ik; nsxAA**

;tqosZn 33%11
That means without struggle even
devtas could not get the favour of
From above slokes and verse we
conclude that all Devi, Devta, Baba,
saint, Mahapurush, Prophet etc. to
whomsoever people respect or
worship are not God by themself.
Neither they can harm or benefit
anyone. They also pray and worship
one God for their own salvation.
Why Avtar are not God?


;nk ;nk gh /keZL; XykfuHkZofr Hkkjr A

vn~ H kq r Fkkuk; v/kZ e L; rnkRE;e~
l`tkuE;ge~A xhrk
"This shlok says that whenever
inhumanity increase on earth, then
to establish religion I will take
birth." This shri Krishnaji said in
Geeta. Then why shri Krishnaji could
not be considered as God.
To answer this question we have to
understand the literature of divine
scripture. That means what is style or
way in which God dictates or address
to human-being. Let us study it in
Islamic religious books.
Holy Quran says:
"There has certainly come to you a
messenger from among yourself. It
grieves him that you should receive
any injury or difficulty. He is
concerned (anxious) for your
guidance. He is Rauf (forgiving) and
Raheem (merciful) to believers."
(Holy Quran 9-128)

In this verse God called Hazrat

Muhammad (pbuh) as Rauf &
Raheem. These two name are of God.
So does it means prophet Muhammad
is also a God? (May God forgive as for
such thinking.)
God says When a worshiper or saint
perform dedicated prayer for me, and
obeys all my commandment then I
become his hand by which he work, I
because his eyes by which he sees.
(This paragraph is Summerside)

God is formless. I have not seen any

saint turning formless like God after

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

dedicated prayer.
As per a Hadees, on Judgement day
God will ask a person that I was
hungry, thirsty and sick. You never
feed or cared about me? That person
will say Oh God! you feed, sustain
and care everyone. How can you
become hungry and sick? God will
say My such and such slave was
hungry and sick, and you never cared
about him. I f you would have fed and
cared him, you would have found me
just beside him. (Bukhari)
Out side Mosque and Temple there are
so many hungry and sick people. Just
fed and care them, and try to find
God around them. If you do so, do
you thing you will find God?
If your son scores first rank in college
or university. You proudly say He is
my son. While saying so what is your
opinion about your younger son, who
failed in exam. Do he belongs to your
neighbors . (Sorry for saying so.)
Those who have knowledge of
literature will understand that when
you say he is may son you mean he
has my good features.
Similarly when God says I become
hand and eyes of a dedicated
worshiper. It means that hand and
eyes of that worshiper are used
exact l y as p er My ( God )
When God says, if you would have fed
and cared that hungry and sick
person you would have found Me
beside Him. It means by feeding and
caring him you would have become

My beloved.
By saying Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh)
in Rouf and Raheem. God means that
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) is also
forgiving and merciful like Me (God).
Similarly when God says that
whenever their will be inhumanity on
earth I will take birth means, that
means the prophet to whom I will
send will be My representative and he
will establish My commandment.
And this is the openion of following
scholar of sanatan Dharm.
( Swami vi vekanand, Pandi t
Sunderlal, Dr. Ved Prakash Upadyay,
Dr. P.H.Choube, Dr. Ramesh prasad
garg, Pandit Durga shanker satyarthi,
shri lal Bhajat etc.etc)
(Ref.: Hazrat Muhammad and Bhartiya dharm
granth by Dr. M.H.Shrivastav.)

In exile period of Fourteen years

when Shri hanumanji asked shri
Ramji that in what way I should offer
prayer to God. Shri Ramji neither
replied that Oh Hanuman, In Kalyug
people are going to worship you,
hence you yourself are a God. Nor Shri
Ramji said that, in coming era people
will worship me hence I am the God,
So your worshipe me. On the contrary
Shri Ramji said:

izFke% rkjkd% p;okfnfr; naM eqP;rs rhr;

dkje prqFkZ v)sZ paUnzd iap fcUnq la;qDr
vksm~e feR;T;ksrh :idA Jh jke rRoke`r
Traslation: First stand straight And

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

then do Dandwat (That means
touch your forehead to ground). Then
sit on ground (with kundli) then bow
down like half moon, then sit down
wi t h f ul l concent rat i on and
remembrance of God.
That means, worship one great God
who is without a form (Nirankar).
Hence we should also follow the
advice of shri Ramji, and worship
only one formless God.


"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


10. What is Islam?

Islam means sincerely following the
instructions of God or surrendering
ourselves to God.
What are the instructions that God
has given to the human beings?
There are five main instructions of
God for human beings, they are as
1. Acknowledge Him alone as God and
follow His instructions.
2. Worship Him.
3. Control evil nature and become
4. Help the poor.
5. Once in the lifetime, all wealthy
people should gather at the center
of the earth and pray to God
Let us study each instruction in
detail as follows:
First Instruct ion of God:
Acknowledge Him alone as God and
follow His instruct ions.
Upanishad says, He (God) is one,
without partnership of others.
(Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1)

Rig Veda says, O believers do not

worship anyone, except Him (God).
He is the only God. ( Rig Veda 8:1:1)
Brahma Sutra says, God is one, no
one is there, except Him, never, not a

little bit.
Atharva Veda says, That God is one.
(Atharva Veda 10:9:29)

In Holy Bible, God says, I am God,

except Me, there is no other God.
(Holy Bible 46:9, Deuteronomy 6:4, Mark

The Holy Quran says, No one is

eligible to be worshiped, except one
God. (Holy Quran 48:19)
God does not speak to human beings
direct ly. He sends inst ruct ions
through His instructors and through
If we acknowledge and accept the
instructor as the true representative
of God, then only we can accept His
t eachi ngs. Hence along wi t h
acknowledging God as a supreme
power, we also have to accept the
instructors of God as His true
The last instructor of God in this
Kalyug is Kalki Avatar or Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh).
According to the holy scriptures of all
religions, God is one and according to
the prediction of books of all
religions, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
is the last prophet of God. So the first
instruction of God is to accept this
fact from bottom of our heart.
Acknowledging and accepting the
truth should be pronounced verbally.
It could be said in any language. In

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Arabic, it is said as follows:
La ilaaha illal laahu Muhammadur
Rasoolul laah.
(Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 2, Hadith No. 7)

yk bykgk byYyykgq eksgEenqj jlqy vYykg

It means that no one is eligible to be
worshi ped, except God, and
Muhammad (pbuh) is His Messenger.
This is also called as Kalimah.
Kalimah means a sentence, a word or
a statement.
The non-Muslim priest community
calls t his as Un-kahee. It is
whispered in the ear of a dying
person, so that he may also recite it.
By reciting it, the process of
separation of body and soul become
easy, and the soul conveniently
t ravels to Parlok t o its final
Second instruction of God:
'Worship Him.'
In the Holy Quran, God says, I have
created human beings and Jinns for
My worship. (Holy Quran 51:56)
The Last Messenger (pbuh) said, God
says, O children of Adam, remain
busy in My prayer and I will make you
prosperous and end your miseries.
And if you don't do, then I will keep
your hand busy and never end your
miseries and poverty.
(Ibne Majah, Hadith 4107)

The Holy Bible says, The righteous

shall flourish like a palm tree.
(Holy Bible PS 92:12)

That means as a palm tree is taller

than other trees similarly prosperity

of the righteous will be more than
that of a common man.
Rig Veda says, One who does not
believe in Him (God) is His (God's)
enemy. He destroys the possessions
of His enemies. (Rig Veda 2:12:5)
How to pray?
During the exile period of 14 years,
Hanumanji asked Shri Ram about how
to pray to God. Shri Ram taught him
the following method of prayer (Sri
Ram Tatwamreet):

izFke% rkjkd% p;okfnfr; naM eqP;rs rhr;

dkjeprqFkZ v/ksZ paUnzd%
iapa fcUnw la;qDr% vkse feR;t;ksrh :id
(Sri Ram Tatwamreet)

Translation: First stand straight. And

then do Dandwat (means touch your
forehead to the ground). Then sit on
the ground (with kundali), then bow
down like half moon, then sit down
wi t h f ul l concent rat i on and
remembrance of God.
Shashtang is a type of prayer, in
which eight body parts touches the
ground, while we worship God. These
eight body parts are forehead, nose,
two hands, two knees and two feet.
(ASHT means eight, ANGmeans body
part s. SHASTANG means prayer
touching eight body parts.)
SHASHTANGis called Sajdah in Arabic
and 'prostration' in English. It is also
described in The Holy Bible.
(Genesis 17:3, Numbers 20:6, Joshua 5:14,
Mathew 26:39).

NAMAZ is somewhat similar to or a

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

combination of Shashtang and what
Shri Ram taught to Hanumanji.
In general, all religions advise three
times prayer. That is early morning,
noon and evening. For example in
Trikal Sandheya, prayer is offered at
sunrise, noon and at sunset.
In Islam, it is five times and takes
only 5 to 10 minutes. The timing of
prayers in Islam are: before sunrise
(Fajr), at lunch time (Zuhr), at
teatime (Asr), after sunset (Maghrib)
and at dinner time (Isha).
God promised in the Holy Quran to
give pious and comfortable life to the
righteous people.
(Holy Quran 16:97)

Prayers bring peace and prosperity in

life; hence even for materialistic
prosperi t y, we should become
righteous and religious and worship
our God sincerely and regularly.
Third instruction of God:
Control your evil nat ure.
How to control our evil nature?
Why people become alcoholics or
gamblers etc? Because they don't
have the will power to control
t hemselves. When wi l l power
becomes strong, then only a human
being can control his evil nature and
walk comfortably on the righteous
To develop will power, fasting is
prescribed. In Manusmriti (Chapter

6, verse 24) one month fasting is
instructed. The holy Bible also
prescribed fasting. (Mathew 17:21
Mark 9:29). The Holy Quran also
orders a month of fasting.
God says in the holy Quran: Fast i ng
was compulsory for all earlier
civilizations and nations and for you
also it is compulsory. And We have
made it compulsory for you so that
you can become righteous.
(Holy Quran 2:183)

So the reason of fasting is to develop

will power to become righteous
person. It is not for torturing the
human beings. God is most merciful.
He does not trouble anyone.
Fasting means not eating and
drinking from early morning to
sunset . Whi le fast i ng, sexual
relationships and sins are prohibited
Controlling hunger and thirst is most
difficult emotion or necessity. The
person, who can control himself and
remain hungry willingly, can control
any kind of natural human urge. For
such a person, controlling the evil
nature and becoming righteous
becomes very easy.
Fourth instruction of God:
Help the poor.
God feeds everyone, but through
some source or means. Sometimes it
is you, through whom God wants to
feed someone else. And to feed
someone else through you, He will
increase your profit. So after having
surplus profit, it becomes your duty

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

to pass-on a small quantity of it to
the person for whom God has given
you surplus money.
For example, Mr. A has two children:
a son B and a daughter C. Both his
children got married and Mr. A died.
Suppose after sometime daughter 'C'
becomes a widow and her in-laws do
not support her, and if she does not
have any source of income, then it
become the religious duty of brother
B to help his sister.
According to religious instruction,
whatever surplus profit (or saving)
brother B gets, at the end of a year,
he has to spend 2.5% of that saving
for poor and first he has to start with
those who are closest to him, that is
his poor sister. And after fulfilling
the needs of his sister, he can pass on
the balance amount to distant
relatives and after them to the poor
of society.
For a respectful society, this system
of looking aft er t he poor is
necessary; hence God has made it
compulsory. This yearly donations of
2.5% of saving is called ZAKAT.
In Zakat, we have to donate 2.5% of
our surplus profit or savings for the
following purposes:
1. Poor (without source of income).
2. Ne e d y ( r e s p e c t e d b u t
underprivileged people of society).
3. Salary of those who render their
servi ce f or col l ect i on and
distribution of alms (Donation).
4. To attract people for noble causes.
5. To free slaves.

6. To free those who are in debt-trap.
7. To wayfarers (travelers who lost
their money in journey).
8. To spread the message of God.
(Holy Quran 9:150)

In this book, in the chapter of

Divine Punishment we studied
many verses of holy Vedas which
describe the importance of donation,
and punishment for consuming our
own hard-earned money alone.
In Bible also, (1 Peter 4:8) donation
is firmly recommended. Hence for our
own prosperity and to earn the favor
of God, we should donate regularly.
Fifth instruct ion of God:
Gather at the center of the earth.
We studied the legend of flood in
chapter Hazrat Nooh or Manu. As
the whole world was again populated
by Manu and his sons, hence each and
every civilization, nation and culture
of the world should have only one
common story of the Great flood.
They do have common story of flood,
but unfortunately there are great
difference between names, places
and descriptions of this great event.
It is due to communication gap or
errors. As there was no one there to
correct it, or there is no reference to
match it, hence error continued to
accumulate and the whole story got
changed. To avoid accumulation of
such errors in religious faith, God
made it compulsory for wealthy
human beings of the entire world to
gather at one place, once in the
lifetime, at the center of the earth,

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


and pray to God, all together in one

house. Get-together of all human
beings of the world at one place
creates a sense of brotherhood
among people. They learn from each
other, correct each other and advice
and help each other. Hence the errors
of belief do not accumulate or

that God has given all these five

instructions in every divine book and
to every nation and every prophet
since the beginning of the world. But
it is the priest community which
always changed it in every age. And
this was the biggest hurdle between
the common man and righteous path
of God.

The center of the earth is Makkah and

the said house is Kaaba and the
process of this get-together is called
Another reason for Hajj is cleaning
our selves from the burden of sins
and rehearsal of Judgment Day. (For
details read Chapter 42, Page 356 of
Law of success for both the worlds
at www.scribd.com)
In Chapter 7, entitled Makkah or
Makt eshwar we st udi ed t he
importance of Kaaba as per Atharva
Veda and the blessing which we get
by visiting it.
The Holy Bible (Psalms 8:4-6) also
describes the importance of visiting
the Kaaba.

When laws of all religions are same,

why there is so much difference
between followers of all religions?

Why t here are such drast i c

di f f erences bet ween var i ous
reli gions?
Holy Vedas says:
Law of God does not change.

( Rig Veda 1:24:10)

Holy Quran also confirms:

(Such has been) the law of God
already in the past. And you will not
find any changes in law of God (with
change in era). (Holy Quran 48:23)
In our research study also we found

We will answer this question with an

Holy Quran says, Say (OMuhammad)
that I do not possess the treasures of
God, nor I have knowledge of the
unseen (future), and I don't say that
I am an angel. I follow only that
which is revealed to me.
(Holy Quran 6:50)

As per Hadith, Prophet Muhammad

(pbuh) clearly told his daughter,
Hazrat Fatima (r.a.) that even though
you are my daughter, on Judgment
Day, I will not be able to help you.
You will be judged as per your deeds.
God is one and final authority, and
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is His
slave and messenger. This is the basic
faith of Islam. But slowly some sects
of Muslims are changing their faith.
Few lines of a poem, which expresses
their changing faiths are as follows:
1. Main to Maalik hi kahoon ga ke ho
Maalik ke habeeb.
Yaanee Mehboob aur Muhib mein

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


Naheen tera mera.

This means (OMuhammad!) I will call
you as Lord only. As you are beloved
of the Lord (God), Admirer (God) and
beloved (Muhammad) (pbuh) do not
dispute over their authority (to
govern this universe).

God does.

What is happening with Muslims

in present era has already happened
with other religions. Their divine
scripture clearly states that God is
one and supreme, but priest
community engraved on their heart
that along with that unseen God,
who is hard to believe and visualize,
there are many deities whose photos
or idols could be seen or visualized or
could be worshiped, and they also
can bless the same way in which our
supreme God can bless.

As even one in ten thousand

doesn't have true knowledge of
di vi ne scri pt ures, hence t he
statement of the priest community is
the final religion and faith and this is
the basic reason of difference
between teachings and practices of
various religions.

2. Wahi jo mustavee tha arsh par

khuda ho kar
Nikal pada hai Madine main Mustafa
ho kar
This means that the God who was
sitting on His throne as God (in
heaven) , has i ncarnat ed as
Muhammad in Medina.

People engrave such teachings in

t heir mosques and the priest
communit y forcefully advocates
them. As in common people even one
in ten thousand do not have
thorough knowledge of their holy
scriptures, hence people blindly
accept and follow them.
Some Musli m sect s are i n
transition. They are taking U-turn
from teachings of Islam and going
back to square one.
Before Islam and Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh), (1500 years ago), Muslim
believed in one supreme God, and
they used to perform Hajj, but they
also believed in many deities. After
100 or 200 year, some sects of Muslim
will again believe in one supreme
God, will perform Hajj, but may also
believe in many Babas and Prophet
Muhammad (pbuh) as deity, or
someone who can bless same way as

The difference and hatred is not only

among various religions, but also
between sects of the same religion.
For example there are four Muslim
sects in I ndia: Shia, Barailvi (Sunni),
Deobandi, Ahle-hadees, and all of
them hate each other from the
bottom of their heart. And this
happens in every religion.

Hence the five instructions God

has given to every prophet since
beginning of the world. But it is
priest community which always
changed it in every era and remained
the biggest hurdle between common
man and righteous path of God.
Hence let us study the holy Vedas,

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

holy Quran and the holy Bible
oursel ves, underst and t hem
thoroughly and then select the right
What should we do?
The Holy Quran says: God ordered you
O Muhammad, to follow the same
religion, which He ordered Manu
(Noah) to follow He also sent to
Abraham (Abiram), Moses and Jesus
Christ. He also commanded all of
them to establish religion and not
divide themselves. (Holy Quran 42:13)
We should cross check this verse. We
should find in our religion, that has
God given such five instructions or
not? This book has given references
of verses in the holy Vedas and holy
Bible in which the five instructions
are mentioned. We should read those
verses and if found true, we should
follow them too.
Otherwise the Great God, Who
controls life and death, Who controls
hell and heaven, has warned that He
will never accept any other religion
or way of life other than what He has
ordered t o follow. And such
disobedient persons will be in loss.
You can see His warning in the holy
Quran, Chapter 3, Verse 85 which say
And whoever desires other than
Islam as religion - never will it be
accepted from him, and he, in the
Hereafter, will be among the losers.
(Holy Quran 3:85)

May God bless us with wisdom to

understand the truth and follow it


"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


11. Who is God?

We keep on reciting the name of
our creator as God, Parmatma,
Ishwar, Allah, etc. but do we truly
understand Him?
Who is He? How does He look like?
Where He stays? etc etc.
Frankly speaking I also don't know.
And in fact, about God, only God
Himself knows better, and no one
Because God says, There is nothing
like God
(Holy Quran, 42:11, Yajur Veda 10-71-4)

That means we can not give his

example. He is unique beyond
imagination of human being.
Rig veda also says Oh God! There is
no one like you in universe, Nither
anyone (Like you) ever existed on
earth or will exist in future.
(Rig veda 7-32-23)

Hence we can not explain or

convince you about him. Then also
after deep thinking, meditating,
reading Holy Scripture etc, scholars
get some ideas and information
about God. Which could be right or
wrong? But with positive intension I
will describe some of their views as
follow. After reading this article it
will be easy for you to understand
verses of holy Scriptures related to

Concept No. 1 ( About knowledge

and awarness of God)
When we switch on a bulb, it emits
light. Bulb is a small source of
energy; hence the light emitted by
the bulb is also weak and could be
blocked by a sunglass.
A welding arc has stronger level of
energy, hence its rays cannot be
blocked by plain sunglass, but
require a special glass to block its
ultraviolet rays.
X-ray has still higher level of energy
and cannot be blocked by welding
glass. Even mass of human being
cannot block it. It is blocked by
denser material like bones.
Radioact ive rays emit t ed from
uranium etc., which are used in
atomic plants, have such high energy
level that they even penetrate bones
of human beings, wooden partitions
and brick walls etc. To block them,
scientist uses three-feet-thick wall
made from lead bricks. Hence higher
the energy level, more penetrative
the rays emitted.
In hypnotism when a person with a
stronger will power looks into the
eyes of another person with weaker
will power, he takes over the control
of brain of the weaker person and the
weaker person follows the command
of hypnotist.
I have seen a person moving a coin

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


on the table with a stare of his eyes.

Many Yogis and Rishis, who awake
their Kundalni, also can move things
with a stare of their eyes. From above
two examples I assume that like
light, eyesight or vision of a person
is also like rays of light and have
energy like rays of light or electromagnetic waves etc., which we still
have not understood scientifically.
The great God is the basic and
highest source of energy in universe.
His vision has highest state or level
of energy, which can pass each and
everything in this universe. A ray
emitted by radioactive material
could be blocked by a thick wall of
lead. But nothing can stop the vision
of God. This whole universe is
transparent to God.
Consider that there is a glass in your
hand. The Glass is transparent and
the water in it is transparent. You
can look in it, you can look at it and
you can look through it. Like glass in
between your fingers, so you have
full control over it.
I want to be






Similarly this whole universe is

transparent to God. He can look

into it, He can look at it and He

can also look through it. This

whole universe is between the
two fingers of God. He can do
anything with it according to His
wish and He has full control over
(God has no shape, for explanation we
say, 'finger')

God says:
All that is in heavens and earth
belongs to God. Whether you reveal
which is in your mind, or you conceal
it, God will call you to account for it.
He will forgive whom He wills and
punish whom He wills. God has
power over everything.
(Holy Quran 2:284)

Your father knoweth what ye have

need of. (Holy Bible, Matt. 6:8)
Before they call I will answer.
(Holy Bible, Isa. 65:24)

We human beings are transparent to

God. He hears every beat of our
heart; He knows even a slightest
thought at the bottom of our hearts.
He looks at us, He looks in us, and He
looks t hrough us. He is our
manufacturer. He knows more about
us than we know about ourselves.
(Holy Quran 67:14) . He loves us. He
guards us. He feeds us. He has fixed
various norms about how to spend
life on this planet earth. If a person
obeys His commandments, He makes
that person's life easy on this planet,
where the person is in form of
matter. He also makes that person's
life easy (after death), when he will
be in form of energy.

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Concept No. 2 ( About


Hi s

Theory of Einstein says that when

the velocity of a thing increases
more than light, that is 300000
kms/ sec or (186000 mile/ sec) time
starts slowing down for that object.
For better understanding let us
consider an example of a spaceship
or rocket and a wall clock. Suppose a
spaceship has capacity of travelling
more than the speed of light and a
clock is fixed to its cabin wall.
When the spaceship travels below
the speed of light; the wall clock
would work with its regular speed. As
the speed of the spaceship crosses
the speed of light, the wall clock
starts slowing down. And at infinite
speed it would stop completely. That
is, t ime would st op in t hat
spaceship. It will not age and
become old.
Initially it was thought that light has
only spectrum of seven colors and
seven types of rays. Then it was
discovered that other types of light
also exist; for example infrared and
ultraviolet. Then other types of rays
were discovered, such as the x-rays
and radi at i on of radi oact i ve
elements. The process of discovery is
not over, and still many more types
of rays and waves remain to be
discovered, some of which we
commonly known, such as rays of
eyesight, rays of thought energy etc.
Eyesight and thought both travel at
a high speed similar to light or may
be more than that.

The mind and heart work on complex

nature of electrical energy and
thought which is generated in the
mind; is also some form of energy.
That is why in telepathy messages
can be transmitted to another person
who is far away, but this form of
energy is yet to be discovered and
As per news paper Indian express
dated 24 th September 2011 (page
17), European organisation for
nuclear research (CERN) has found
that sub atomic particles can move
more faster than light.
In line of the above scientific facts,
philosophers and thinkers say that
no doubt God is some form of energy
or (Noor) light, but the nature and
speed of that light is not known. It
may be having infinite speed. Hence
time has stopped for Him. Hence He
is in the same condition since
eternity and He would remain in the
same condition for eternity. Hence
He is neither born nor would die.
Suppose the universe has a diameter
of 600000 kms, a light starting from
its centre would reach the edge of
the universe in one second. (At a
speed of 300000 kms/ sec)
Similarly Noor (light or vision) of God
has infinite speed; hence He reaches
any place in the universe in zero time.
Hence He is everywhere all the time;
hence He is Omnipresent.

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Concept No.3.
( About feat ure of God)
Let us consider following example to
understand features of God more
As per I ndian Panel Code (IPC)
No.302, if one person kills another
person, then killer should be given
death penalty.
Where this IPC. 302 or law stays? In
Delhi? In books of constitution? If
yes, then suppose due to any
calamity if the books of constitution
got washed away, then do you think
that in period of re-printing of
books, India will remain without a
constitution? No.
This law is in mind of its citizens.
Even if all the books of constitution
get washed away, then also this law
will remain in mind of juries, and
every killer will be punished.
Now suppose the law (IPC) 302 got a
Divine power, and due to this power
as soon as a killer kills someone,
killer dies automatically. Now what is
your opinion about this law?
Can you define following detail
about this new law with divine

It 's shape or outlook.

It 's address of residence.
It 's mother, father, and children.
Can it take a shape of human
5. Can you benefit or harm it? Etc
The right answer may be as follow.
1. Law does not have a figure or

2. It resides nowhere, but applicable
everywhere in India. That means,
underwater, in sky, in close room etc
etc. whatever place may be, if it is
within boundary of India, then it will
be applicable.
3. A law cannot have a natural mother,
father, or son, as we human being do
4.Law is power, without a shape. (IPC
No. 302) cannot become a worrier to
kill a killer. Whatever shape we will
give him, it will be pure imagination.
That image has nothing to do with
law with power.
5. Law 302 neither could be shoot down
by criminals nor it could be pleased
by offering gifts. So law cannot be
harmed or benefitted like human
As this constitutional law is related
to India, or a country, hence it could
be change in parliament. So now
consider another universal law, that
is gravitational force of earth, which
is again a law with power. The law
part of gravity is that, every freely
falling body will have certain fixed
rate of acceleration. And power part
of this gravity is that it applies
pulling force on all the object which
are in field of gravity, toward center
of earth. In this case nothing could
be done with gravitational force. Or
gravity cannot be changed by human
being. And whatever we described
about law 302, all will also be
applicable to it. For example it has
no shape, no address, no family, or it

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

cannot be harmed or benefitted.
God introduce Himself as He is Noor
(light) of heaven and earth
(Holy Quran: 24:35)

I don't say that God is a Law with

power. What I want to convince you
is that His features are like a Law
with power.
For example:
1. God do not have a physical shape.
2. God has no mother, father, son etc.
3. God does not take shape of human
4. God could not be harmed and
From t hi s exampl e we can
understand that if there is some
power which can creates, destroys,
blesses or punishes, then it need not
be like a human being.
God provided us power or ability to
see. He knows our vision or at what
we are looking. God can look in all
the direction at one time, but He
don't have eyes.
God can even hear the sound of
walking of black ant, walking on a
black stone, in a dark night. He
provides everyone the ability to
hear, but God don't have an ear.
God defines the process, He designs
the process. He provided power for
functioning. But He is not part of the
system, He is much above the
God was knowing us before our birth.
God knows more about human being
than what we know about over self.

He knows what we are thinking, as
well as what we will think in future.
He also knows whatever is going to
happen till judgment day, before it
Holy Rig vedas says, the supreme
Being (God) manifests the manifest
(God create the process by which
creation occurs). He fulfils the
desires of the good-natured humanbeing. He is the Lord. He is
omnipresent. He is worthy of all
praise. He is the Object of all respect.
He is Rich. He is the Greatest. He is
the Creator of everything and has the
knowledge of everything.
(Rig veda 2:1:3)

Holy Upanishad says, He (God) who

does not need an ear to hear, and yet
is the source of the power of hearing,
Know that He is Brahma.
The Deities to whom you worship are
not Brahma! (Upanished)
Holy Quran says, Say (O Muhammad
(pbuh): "He is Allh, (the) One
Allh the Self-Sufficient Master,
Whom all creatures need, (He
neither eats nor drinks). He begets
not, nor was He begotten; And there
is none co-equal or comparable unto
Him." (Holy Quran Chapter. 112)
Chines philosopher Lao Tzu has

described God in best possible way

in his book called Tao Te Ching.
Which is translated by john Heider
in his book Tao of Leadership.
Published by Bantam books. Three
chapters of said book is are follow.

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Tao means how:
Tao means how: how things happen,
how things work. Tao is the single
principle underlying all ereation.
Tao is God.
Tao cannot be defined, because it
applies to everything. You cannot
define something in terms of itself.
If you can define a principle, it is not
Tao is a principle. Creation, on the
other hand, is a process. That is all
there is: principle and process, how
and what.
All creation unfolds according to
Tao. There is no other way.
Tao cannot be defined, but Tao can
be known. The m e t h o d i s
meditation, or being aware of what
is happening. By being aware of
what is happening, I begin to sense
how it is happening. I begin to
sense Tao.
To become aware of what is
happening, I must pay attention
with an open mind. I must set aside
my personal prejudices or bias.
Prejudiced people see only what fits
those prejudices.
The method of meditation works,
because principle and process are
inseparable. All process reveals the
underlying principle. This means
that I can know Tao. I can know
By knowing Tao, I know how things

Tao is not a thing:
Dig as deep as you can, you will
never come to a thing called Tao or
God. Tao is not a thing. Tao is a
principle or law. Tao means how.
All things behave according to Tao,
but Tao does not behave. Tao is
never an object or a process.
Tao is the law of all things, of all
events. Tao is the common ground
of all creation.
Creation consists of things and
events. All things and events are
vibratory. Vibration consists of
opposites or polarities. Polarities
may cooperate with one another, or
they may conflict to varying
All things and events, whether they
are cooperative or conflicting,
harmonious or turbulent, take their
form and become resolved in
accordance with Tao.
But Tao is not a vibratory event. Tao
is not, for example, a sound. Tao
has no opposites or polarities. Tao
is one; Tao is unity.
As far as I know, nothing comes
before Tao. Nothing made Tao.
Nothing created God.
Tao: Is and Isnt
This i s what Tao is not:
It is not a thing.
It is not a sound or any other
It is not divisible into parts.
It does not change.

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

It cannot be diluted or augmented.
It has no partner or complement.
This is what Tao is:

It is one; it is unity.
It determines everything.
It comes before everything.
It is the law of everything.
The clearest, most helpful word I
know to use for Tao is How, because
Tao is t he principle of how
everything works.
Remember that while it has no form
or qualities, it is everywhere, all the
time, forever.
Imagine four levels of infinity:
people are infinite in a sense; the
earth is infinite; the cosmos is
infinite; Tao is infinite. Although
each of these four may be infinite in
a way, the first three are subject to
the next greater one.
People are dependent on the earth.
The earth is dependent on the
cosmos. The cosmos is dependent on
But Tao is not dependent on
Holy scri pt ures says Not hing
resembles God.
(Holy Quran 42:11, Holy Yajurveda 10-71-4)

Hence there is no way by which we

can describe God. We have to just
remember that He is one, He neither
took birth nor He will die, there is no
one like him, and he don't depend

upon anyone.

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


12. Cause of Calamities

Rai n of fire
Since three days it was so hot that
everybody in the city of Madain was
desperate for some relief. They saw a
dark cloud with cold wind outside
their city. The whole city ran out
below the cloud for some relief. When
all of them gathered below the cloud
expecting few cold showers, fire
st ar t ed r ai n i n g o n t h em
accompanied with loud thunder,
killing every individual of that city.
One of the reasons of such a severe
divine punishment was Tatfeef. (A
sin similar to cheating)
Madain is a place between Saudi
Arabia and Syria. God sent Prophet
Shuaib (pbuh) to teach and guide
When Prophet Shuaib (pbuh) used to
preach, they used to ask, Does your
teaching and prayer prohibit us from
worship of idols whom our ancestors
worshiped since a long time, or
should we stop using our own hard
earned money the way we want?
(Holy Quran 11:85).

The above verse means that they

were extremely annoyed with the
idea of worshiping only one God, and
di vi ne guidance for fi nancial
The reason of getting annoyed at
pr each i ng about f i nanci al
transactions was that all of them
were traders or someway related to

busi ness and whenever t hey

conducted business transactions
they used to cheat. They used to
give less, inferior or defective
material when they sold, and when
they purchased, they expected the
best. They also used to threaten
innocent people and rob the
caravans passing through their
God condemned them in following
Woe for the defrauders. Those who
when they take the measure for
themselves they demand it full, but
if they measure for others or weigh
for others, they cause them loss. Do
such (men) not consider that they
will be raised again?
(Holy Quran 83:1-6)

God said:
They neglect ed and refused
Prophet Shuaib (pbuh), because of
which the punishment of the black
cloud was imposed on them.
(Holy Quran 26:189)

Rai n of stones
Prophet Lut (pbuh) was the nephew
of Prophet Abraham. He was a
resident of Ur, an ancient town in
Mesopotamia (Iraq), but he was
commanded by God to go to Sodom
and Gomorrah for guidance of
The people of Gomorrah and Sodom
were involved in grave sins, such as
homosexuality and robbery. When

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


Prophet Lut (pbuh) preached them

right conduct, they threatened him.

this Divine punishment, because she

had sympathy with homosexuals.

According to the holy Quran, they

said And the answer of his people
was no other than that they said:
Turn them out of your town, surely
they are a people who seek to purify
(themselves).(Holy Quran 7:82)

In the holy Bible also we get this

detail of Prophet Lut (pbuh) and his
followers with minor difference. In
the Holy Bible angels rained burning
sulphur on both the cities to kill
them. (Genesis, Chapter 19, verses 1-30)

One day three angels disguised as

handsome young boys came to
Prophet Lut (pbuh) as guests. When
people got the news of visit of
charming boys, they came running
and tried to enter the house of the
prophet and demanded Prophet Lut
(pbuh) to deliver the guests to them.
The prophet was much upset and said
to them: My people! Here are my
daughters. You can marry them. Fear
God, don't degrade me (in presence
of) my guests. Is there not among
you any righteous man?

Homosexuality is a deadly sin.

Neither one should commit it nor
have sympathy with homosexuals.

They rejected the prophet's appeal

and said Well you know that we have
no interest in your daughters and you
know what we want.
(Holy Quran 11:78-79)

When the angels saw the anxiety of

the prophet, they said: OLut, we are
angels of your Lord. These people
cannot touch you. (We have come to
punish them). You and your family
should leave this city before dawn,
because they will be punished in the
morning. (Holy Quran 11:81)
Before sunrise, a deadly earthquake
overtook them with an extremely
loud sound. Angels also rained stones
on them; so not a single person
survived in that city. The wife of
Prophet Lut (pbuh) also was killed in

Deadly sandstorm
Manu, Noah or Hazrat Nooh (pbuh)
had three sons: Ham, Shem, and
Yakoot. Aad communities had settled
down in Yemen and were descendants
of Shem. God blessed them with
abundance of wealth, cattle, children
and gardens. They were tall in stature
and were skillful masons. They built a
magnificent palace near Aden, which
is known as 'the garden of Iram'. They
had a mighty empire, which spread
over Syria, I raq, Iran, Pakistan and all
Arab countries. These people were
proud of their achievement and
considered themselves invincible.
Slowly they deviated from the
teachings of Manu and indulged in
sins, acts of injustice, violence, and
worship of many deities such as
Saqiah, Sali mah, Razi qah and
Hafizun etc.
God sent Prophet Hud (pbuh) for
their guidance. Prophet Hud said to
them: Brothers, worship one God.
Only He is eligible to be worshiped.
Why don't you fear Him? Leader of
the Aad community replied, Hud,
you look like a fool and a liar.

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Prophet Hud said, People, I am not a
fool, but a messenger of your Lord. I
am your well wisher and delivering
you the message of God. Are you
surprised that God had sent you a
message through a human being?
Remember the favor of God, Who
blessed you with prosperity and gave
you power after Manu (Nooh). The
Aad community said, Have you come
to distract and stop us from worship
of those deities, whom our ancestors
are worshiping (since a long time)? If
you are a true prophet then, bring
Divine punishment about which you
are threatening us. (Holy Quran

And the punishment came in form of

a deadly sandstorm. It remained
blowing over them for seven nights
and eight days, and destroyed
In the end, God says We saved
Prophet Hud and his followers and
cut off the roots of those who denied
our revelations and those who did
not believe in Me. (Holy Quran 7:72)

worshiping deities other than God.
God sent Prophet Salih (pbuh) for
their guidance. Arrogant Thamudies
demanded a miracle from Prophet
Salih (pbuh).
On their demand, God created a Shecamel from a solid rock. But the
feeling of prosperity and strength
was so intense that it overtook their
senses. They killed She-camel and
challenged Prophet Salih (pbuh)
saying, Bring the Divine punishment
about which you were threatening
And the punishment came in form of
a deadly loud sound. By the following
morning everyone was dead. (Holy
Quran 91) (Their houses which they
made in mountains still exist.) (See

Pri nciples of God

The Holy Vedas say,
Principles of God do not change.
(Rig Veda 5:24:10)

No one can change the law of God.

( Atharva Veda 18:1:10)

The Ki ller Scream

Bani Thamud (Samud) people were
settled in Wadiul Qura and Al-Hijr,
which is between Syria and Saudi
Arabia. They were also descendants
of Shem (son of Hazrat Nooh or
God blessed them with prosperity
and physical strength. They were so
strong that they carved out their
homes in solid rock in the mountains.
Strength and prosperity took away
their wisdom and they also started

Holy Quran says, Principles of God

do not change. (Holy Quran 10:64)
And you will not find any changes in
Laws of God. (Holy Quran 48:23)
God has destroyed and punished
many civilizations, cities and tribes
when they ignored Him and His
commandments and He will continue
it if we also ignore Him and His
To warn the people, God has said:

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Look at the deserted cities of these
ancient civilizations that never
occupied or populated after I
destroyed them, but very few. (After
their destruction) No one claimed
t heir property and wealt h; so
everything (returns to) belongs to
God. (Holy Quran 28:58)
Read books about anci ent
civilizations in your nearby library or
study on the internet. You will find
history of many civilizations in which
their buildings and monuments still
exist, but people died without a clear
reason. You will not find any of those
books saying that many ancient
civilizations were destroyed because
of God's wrath. But when you read
them you will realize or feel that
nothing but God's wrath must have
destroyed them, similar to the
destruction of the civilizations of
Hud, Aad, Thamud and Madain, which
are described in detail in the Quran,
Bible and Tohra.
For exampl es ( Accordi ng t o
Whitaker's World of Fact by Russell
Ash, Page 119) abandoned cities or
cities in which only people died and
their houses still exist are Angkor of
Cambodia, Chichen Itza of Mexico,
Cliff palace (Mesa verde) Colorado of
USA, Machu picchu of Peru and Ur of
Iraq etc.
Cities destroyed by other calamities
are Pompeii of Italy, Troy of Turkey
Cities submerged in sea are Atlantis,
the sunken city in Okinawa waters
(Japan), sunken city off Cuba etc. No

one can give exact reason of
extinction of these civilizations.
With the onset of prosperity, people
generally ignore religious teachings
and adopt a lifestyle and religious
rituals according to their likes or
preferences, instead of what the
truth is. When he deviates too much
from the right path, God warns him
with a mild punishment, such as
drought, flood, earthquake, recession
and epidemic etc. But generally man
remains adamant and refuses to take
God says, We opened the door of
prosperity on them and when they
were enjoying it, We seized them all
of a sudden.
(Holy Quran 6:44)
The stories, which we described and
t he phot os are of all t hose
civilizations, which were seized by
divine punishment.
So even after having prosperity, let
us not lose our sense and respect for
religious teachings and try to follow
the righteous path, because only
righteous will flourish like a palm
tree. (Bible PS92:12)
Unfair business practice, injustice in
society, violence, committing sins
openly and boldly, homosexuality
and worshiping various deities as
God, and ignoring the commandment
of God are some of the crimes, which
bring wrath of God. Hence let us try
to avoid them for prosperity of
ourselves, our society and our


"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


Chichen Itza (maya) of Maxico

Ur of Iraq

Troy of Turkey

Angkor of Combodia

Machu Picchu of Peru

Houses of Thamod

Dead Pompeii of italy.

Cliff palace (Mesa Verde)

Colorado of USA.

Some of the civilisations which might have got terminated

due to divine punishment.

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


13. Common Verses between

Vedas & Quran
Verses Relat ed to Supplication ( Dua)
Seeking blessing of God is called Dua
in Urdu, Prarthana in Hindi, and
supplication in English. There is too
much importance of Prarthana in
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said
Prarthana is the heart of a prayer

He also said: After committing sin,

apologize to God and seek His
blessings. If you don't do it than God
may replace you with those who will
do it (Mishkat).
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said:
Prarthana is weapon of a prophet,
(Mishkaat). Because a prophet gets
his work done through God, by doing
prayer and pleading to Him). So to
conquer, instead of weapon, he uses
Prart hana. Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) also said: By Prarthana, even
deat h coul d be post poned

Seeking the blessings of God is very

import ant for mankind, hence
merciful God taught human beings
the proper way of Prarthana by
revealing verses i n t he Holy
Scriptures. In these scriptures, God
either directly taught how to seek
blessings or taught by examples of
saintly people.
Prarthana itself is a prayer. So
whenever we have free time, such as
while traveling or waiting for
someone, in such free time we should
keep on reciting verses of Prarthana
in our heart. It will greatly improve
our standard of life and prosperity.
Reciting any verse of the Holy
Scripture is a prayer, but reciting
verse of Prarthana gives double
benefit. It gives blessing along with

Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

gksrkja lR;;ta jksnL;ks:Rrku gLrks uelk


mn~vw jCcqdqe~ r&tjZqva o~&o [kq; bUugw yk


Raise your hand humbly for seeking

blessing of God and for prayer of great
God, who controls the heaven and the
earth. ( Rig Veda 6:16:46)

Seek blessings of your God, humbly and

secret ly. God doesn ' t l i ke t he
wrongdoer. (Holy Quran 7:55)

rL; rs HkfDrokal% L;ke

b;k&d uv+cqnq o b;k&d uLrvhu

(O' God) we are your worshiper."

(Atharva Ved 06-79-3)

(O God) You alone we worship and You

alone we call on for help." (Holy Quran 1:4)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Verses of Holy Vedas

vouks o`ftuk f'k'kh fg

(O' God) wash away our sins from us.


Verses of Holy Quran

jCcuk QkxfQjyuk tquwcuk o dQ~fQj vUuk

O' God, (Please) forgive our sins and
purify us from our wrong habits; and
please give us death in the company of
righteous peoples. (Holy Quran 3-193)

(Rig Veda 10-105-8)

vo'klk fu%klk ;r~ ijk'klksikfje tkxzrks ;r~

"Consciously or unconsciously, the sins
which we have committed under
influence of dishonesty, hatred or
ignorance, O great God, kindly forgive
our all such undesirable sins."
(Atharva Veda 6:45:2)

bUnz _rq u vk Hkj firk iq=sH;ks ;FkkA f'k{kk .kks

vfLeu~ iq:gwr ;kefu thok T;ksfrj'khefgAA
(O' God) bless us with (Devine)
knowledge so that in our span of life we
get enlightened. " (Atharva Ved 18-3-67)

jCcuk yk rqvkf[kTu+k bu~ ulhuk vo~

v[krkukA jCckuk oyk rg~fey vySuk bl~ju
dek gey~rgq vyy~ yt+huk feu d+fCyuk]
jCcuk oyk rqgfEey~uk ek yk rk&drk yuk
fcfgA ovwQqvUuk ox~fQj yuk oj~ gEuk vu~&r
"OGod, don't condemn us if by mistake
we commit sins. OGod, forgive us; free
us from our sins, have mercy on us and
assure that we always stay with
righteous people. (Holy Quran 2:286)

;qvfry~&fgde&r ea;'kk&m o
ea;qvry~&fgDe~&r Q&dn fr&; [k;ju~
dlhju~ o ;TtDd: bYyk mywy&vyckc
"God gives wisdom to whom He wishes,
and to whomsoever He has given
wisdom, then that person has indeed
received abundance of good."
(Holy Quran 7:269)

u; lqiFkk jk; vLeku

bnhul&fljkry eqLrdhe

O' God, for our own salvation, kindly

lead us to the right path.

(OGod!) Guide us to The Right Path."

(Holy Quran 1:5)

(Atharva Ved 40-16)

bUnz _rq u vk Hkj A

"O' God, please bless us with (Devine)
wisdom" . (Atharva Ved 18-3-67)

la Jqrsu xesefg
" O' God, bless us wi t h di vi ne
knowledge." (Atharva Ved 1-1-4)

jfCc ftnuh fvYek

"O' God! bless us more knowledge
(Wisdom)." (Holy Quran 20-144)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

vfXu% izkr% lous ikRoLeku~ oSpkujks


oyk;qghrw&ufc'kSbafEeu~ fv+fYegh bYyk fcek

'kk&v ofl&v+ dqflZ;qgqLlekokfr oy~vtZ

(O' God you are) beloved of all human

beings, creator of the whole universe,
beneficent on every individual. O' God,
please protect us when we perform our
early morning prayer."

"No one is eligible to be worshiped,

except one God. He is the creator of the
heaven and the earth. He never gets
tired while protecting this universe.

(Atharva Veda 6-47-1)

" (Holy Quran 2:255)

o dqj~vkuy~&Qt+j bu&u&dqjvkuay~&Qt+jh
dk&u e'gwnk
"[ O' Muhammad (pbuh], offer prayer
from afternoon till night and recite the
holy Quran in (early) morning, as angels
are present i n earl y Morni ng
Prayer.(Holy Quran 17:78)

rL; o;a gsfMfl ekfi Hkwe lqe`Mhds vL; lqerks

"May we remain under the blessing and
love of God, and we should never come
under the wrath of God.
(Atharva Ved 7-20-3)

jCCkuk yk rqftx+ dqywcuk cv~nk bt+ gnSruk

o gc yuk fey~ ynqUdk jg~ekA bUUkdk
vUry jgkc
" O' God! After blessing us with your
Guidance (of right path), please don't
allow our heart to follow the wrong path
again. (Please) bless us with Your
mercy. And You are the most generous
(Bestower)." (Holy Quran 3:8)

_Ro% legnhurk izrhia txek 'kqps e`yk lq{k=


bUuYyk&g yk ;fTyeqUuk&l ;'kvao~&o yk

fdUuUuk&l vUQqlgqe~ ;fTyewu

"O' Almighty God, because of our

ignorance, we get distracted from the
right path. Have mercy on us."

"Surely God doesn't do any injustice to

men, but men are unj ust t o
themselves." (Holy Quran 10:44)

ku% dq: iztkH;%

o vfLyg yh Qh tqfjZ;rh

"O' God, bless our children." (Yajur Ved

" O' God, guide our children." (Holy

(Rig Ved 7-89-3)


Quran 46:15)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

;=kuUnk'k~p eksnk'k~p eqn% izeqn vklrsA dkeL;

;=kIrk% dkekLr= ekee`ra dq/khAA

oQ+ h gk ek r'rghfgy~ & vUQq l q o

r&yTtqy~&vv&;qfu o vUrqe~ Q+hgk [kkfynwu

"O' God, please bless us with heaven,

where peace and love prevail forever,
and desire gets fulfilled as soon as they
arise in the heart." (Rig Veda 9-113-11)

" And they shall have everything that

their souls can desire, and all that their
eyes can delight in; and it will be said to
them: 'Now you shall abide therein
forever. (Holy Quran 43:71)

J)ka izkrgZokegs J)ka e/;afnua ifjA

J)ka lw;ZL; ftezqfp J)s J)ki;sg u%AA

o lfCcg fcgfEn jfCc&d dc~&y

rqyfv'k&'kfEl o dc~&y xq:fcgk o feu~
vkukbYy;fy Q&lfCcg o vr&jkQUugkjh
y&vYyd&d rtkZA o&yk reqn~&nu~&u
,su;&d byk ek eRrv&uk fcgh vTokte~
feUgqe~ tg~&j&ry~&g;kfrnnwU;kA fyuQfrugqe~

"O' God, we express our faith in You; in

morning, afternoon and after sunset. O'
God, make us your most faithful in this
world." (Rig Ved 10-151-5)

"Offer your prayer to God before sunrise

and sunset. Also recite His praise in the
night and at day time, so that you get
satisfied (with blessing and mercy of
God). " (Holy Quran 20:130)

o;a nsaokuka lerkS L;ke

"O God, bless us with the company of
holy personalities." (Atharva Ved 6-47-2)

o vn~f[k+Yuh



" And admit me by Your mercy among

Your righteous servants.
(Holy Quran 27:19)

"One who does not believe in Him (God) is His enemy. He

destroyed the possessions of His enemies." (Rig Veda 2:12:5)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


14. Verses Related to Praises

of God (Prayer)
For just 60 years of a prosperous life,
we spend twenty-one years for
education; and after education, we
work for 8 to 10 hours everyday to
earn our bread and butter till the end
of our guarantee period (life span).
But for the infinite life after death,
we take it for granted and think that
everything will be fine there. For 60
years of life, we don't take anything
for granted, and for the infinite life
after death, we take everything for
granted. Don't you think that we are
doing something wrong? Or that we
are taking too much risk?
Don't take risk and become religious.
Rig Veda says. Righteous path is
simple. (8:31:13). In the Holy
Quran, God says: We have not
revealed this holy Quran to put you in
trouble. (20:2). So, if we become
righteous and religious, our life will
not become unbearably tough, but it
will get simplified and peaceful. In
the holy Bible, God says: The
righteous shall flourish like a palm
tree. (PS 92:12); that means by
becoming righteous, not only we will
get peace of mind, but our prosperity
will also be much more than the rest
of the people.
So let us not just plan to be religious,
but let us think that from this
moment we are religious, and we will

always follow the right path, and

henceforth we should sincerely try to
follow it too.
Whoever is righteous is not because
of his will power, but due to the help
and wisdom provided by God. Hence
let us seek help from God and pray to
Him to make us righteous, then He
will do the needful, so that walking
the right path will become easy for
How to pray to God?
Praying to God is basically pleasing
Him. To please Him, we recite the
verses of praises of God, which are
mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. So
to pray, we have to recite humbly and
sincerely t he verses of praise
everyday and a number of times in a
How prayer is physically performed?
During the exile of 14 years, one day
Hanumanji asked Shri Ram how to
pray to God. Shri Ram taught him the
following method of prayer:

izFke% rkjkd% p;okfnfr; naM eqP;rs rhr;

dqaMyk dkjeprqFkZ v/ksZ paUnzd% iapa fcUnw la;qDr%
vkse feR;t;ksrh :id (Sri Ram Tatwamreet)
Translation: First stand straight and
then do Dandwat (that means touch
your forehead to the ground). Then
sit on the ground (with kundali ),

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


then bow down like half moon, then

sit down with full concentration and
remembrance of God.

100% perfection, at least we should

avoid doing that which invites the
wrath of God. And we should always
remember the aim of our life. And the
aim of our life is to please God and
get Moksha after death. Earning
bread and butter should never be the
ultimate purpose of our life. God
says: I created the human beings
and jinn only for My worship.

Whatever Shri Ramji has advised

Hanumanji about physical posture
and act of prayer, Hazrat Muhammad
(pbuh) has also taught somewhat
same type of prayer to Muslims and it
is called Namaz.
Along with physical prayer as
mentioned above, we should also
follow commandment of God in our
day to day life. And if it is not
possible to follow the right path with

(Holy Quran 51:56)

The verses of praise of God from

the holy Vedas and the holy Quran are
as follows:

Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

HkqouL; ;Lifrds ,o ueL;ks fo{ohM;%

jCcqLlekokfr oy~vftZ o ek c;ugqek

Qv~&cqngq oLrfcj~ fyfvcknfrgh gy~
rv~&yeq ygw lfe;k

"God alone is the master of the whole

universe. Every creature bows down
before Him. Only He is eligible to be
worshiped. " (Atharva Veda 2-2-1)

" He is the Lord of the heavens (Sky) and

the earth, and of all that lies in
between; so worship Him, be steadfast
in His worship. Do you know any other
deity with the qualities like Him?
(Holy Quran 19:65)

; ,d b Rreq"Vq fg f"Vuka fop"kZf.k%A

" Only God look after the human

beings. Only God is to be praised."

(Rig Veda 6-45-16)

gq&oYykgqYyth yk byk&g bYyk gqo vkfyeqy

x;fc o''kgknfr
" He is God, besides Whom there is no
God. He is the Knower of the unseen and
the seen; He is the Compassionate and
the Merciful." (Holy Quran 59:22)

u HkofRonza rh


Great God is emperor of heaven and

earth. (Rig Ved 1-100-1)

He is the Supreme One, the Most High.

(Holy Quran 13:9)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Verses of Holy Vedas

v/nk nso egk

"No doubt, God is great."
(Atharva Ved 20-58-3)

Verses of Holy Quran

v&ye~ rv &ye~ vUuYyk &g&ygw

eqYdqLlekokfr oYvftZ o ek ydqe~ feu~
nqfuYykfg feOOkfyf;ao&o yk ulhj
Do you not know that to God belongs
the dominion of the heavens and the
earth, and that besides God, and except
God no-one can help you?
(Holy Quran 2:107)

egh nsoL; lfor% ifj"Vqfr%

b;k&d uv+cqnq o b;k&d uLrvhu

O' God, please help us. (Rig Ved 5-81-1)

(O God) You alone we worship and to

you alone we ask for help.
(Holy Quran 1:4)

All praises are for God, Who is the
creator of this universe. (Rig Ved 3-34-1)

vy~ g Enq fyYykfg


jfCcy&vk+ y ehu

All praises are for God, Who is the

creator of the whole universe.
(Holy Quran 1:1)

egspu Rokefnzo% ijk'kqYdk; ns;keA u lgL=k;

uk;qrk; cftz oks u 'krk; 'krke/kAA
O' Almighty God (faith in) You is so
important to me that I will not disobey
you at any cost; nor in thousands or in
millions of materialistic gain.

o yk r'r: fc vk;krh l&e&uu~ dyhyao~

Don't exchange My revealed verses for
materialistic or monetary gain and fear
Me. (Holy Quran 2:41)

(Rig Veda 8-1-5)

;L;ses fgeoUrks efgRok ;L; leqnza jl;k

;L;sek% izfn'kks ;L; ckgw dLeS nsok; gfo"kk
How can we worship anyone else,
except God, who is praised by
mountains covered with snow, rivers
along with the ocean and whose rule is
in all the directions?(Rig Ved 10-121-4)

vEEu~ t&v&yy~ vj&t djkajo&o t&v&y

f[kykygk vUgkjao&o t&v&y ygk [kkfl&o
t&v&y c;uy~&cgj;fu gkfttu~ v
bykgqe&e vYykfg cy~ vDl:gqe yk
And Who has made the earth a place of
rest and caused in it rivers to flow, and
set in it firm mountains, and placed
barriers between the two bodies of
water? Is there besides Allah another
god (who is His associate in these acts)?
No one, but most of these people have
no knowledge. (Holy Quran 27:61)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


15. Verses Related to the

Blessings of God
God has promised many rewards for sincerely following the Right Path. Few
verses confirming certain blessings against certain noble deeds are as follows:

Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

u Hkkstk eezqua U;FkZeh;qua jf";fUr u O;FkUrs g

bna f;Onpa Hkqoua LopSrRloZ nf{k.kSH;ks n~nkfrA

vYyth&u ;qfUQdw&u vEokygqe~ fcYYk;fy

oUugkfj flj~joa&o vykfu&;ru~ Q ygqe~
vtw:gqe~ fvu&n jfCcfge~ o yk [koQqu~
vy;fge~ o yk gqe~ ;gtuwu

Charitable people become immortal.

Neither do they get fear nor sorrow. They
remain protected against destruction.
Donation makes these donors succeed in
this world as well as after death (Donor
gets heaven).(Rig Ved 10-197-8)

lbn~ Hkksxks ;ks x`gos nnkR;Uu dkek; pjrs

vjeLeS Hkofr ;kegwrk mrkijh"kq .kqrs
Those who donate to the poor and
depressed people of the society
themselves get benefited. His enemy
also becomes his friend.

Those who donate their wealth secretly

and openly by day and night, will have
their reward with their Lord, and they
have nothing to fear nor grieve.
(Holy Quran 2:274)

oTTk+jk&b oy Qft+ehuy&x;t oy~vkfQ+&u

vfUkUukfl oYykgq ;qfgCcqy&eqfgluhu
Those who donate (freely), whether in
prosperity or in adversity; who restrain
anger and pardon (all) men; (to please
God). God loves those who do good.
(Holy Quran 3:134)

(Rig Ved 10-117-3)

;g ,d bn~ fon~;rsolqa erkZ; nk'kq"ks

o vfUQdw [k;jy~&fyvUQqfldqe~

God is one and He blesses the donor

with many blessings. (Rig Ved 1-84-7)

And be charitable, this is for your own

good.(Holy Quran 64:17)

bu~ rqd~fjtqYyk&g dj~&tu~ g&l&ua;qt+kfvQ+gq

ydqe~ o ;fXQj~ ydqe~
If you lend to God a goodly loan, He
will pay you back much more (than what
you donated) and will forgive you (your
sins). (Holy Quran 64:16)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Verses of Holy Vedas

reso foOnku~ ufcHkk;k e`R;ks%

After recognizing God, human beings
do not fear death.
(Atharva Ved 10-8-44)

ioeku _ra c`gPNaq T;ksfrjthtur~A

This Holy Scripture illuminated a bright
light (awareness) and alone terminated
the darkness (wrong believes).
(Rig Veda 9-66-24)

Verses of Holy Quran

vyk bUuk vkSfy;k vYykfg] yk [kkSQqu vySfge

oyk gqe ;g~tuwu
Righteous people (Those whom God
loves and calls friends) will not have
fear and anxiety. (Holy Quran 10:62)

fdrkcqu~ vUtYukgq by;&d

fyrq f [k~j tUuk&l&feuTtq y q e kfr byUuw f j
This is a Book, which We have revealed
to you, that you may bring forth
mankind from every kind of darkness
into the light. (Holy Quran 14:1)

Lo;a ;tLo Lo;a tq"kLo

vYyk raft: okftjrq ofot~&j m[kjk

Whatever way you will behave (right or

wrong), accordingly you will be
rewarded (punished or blessed).

That no bearer of burden shall bear the

burden of anot her (That means
whatever you do, accordingly you will
be punished or rewarded).

(Yajur Ved 3-15)

(Holy Quran 64:17)

vnC/kkfu o:.kL; ozrkfu

yk rCnh&y fydfyekfrYykfg

"Law of God doesn't changes."

No change can there be in the words of

God.(Holy Quran 10:64)

(Rig Ved 1-24-10)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


16. Verses Related to Warnings for

the Disobedients
Verses of Holy Vedas

;LrUu osn fde`pk dfj";fr

Those who don't believe in God, then
reading Divine scripture will not benefit
them. (Rig Veda 1-164-39)

Verses of Holy Quran

;qft+Yyq fcgh dlhjao&o ;nh chgh dlhju~&oek

;qft+Yyq fcgh bYyy~&Q+kflfd+u
By it (holy Quran) God leads many to
the right path and some get misled. And
only those get misled who do not
believe in God and His religion.
( Holy Quran 2:26)

mrRo i';Ur nn'kZ okpeqr Ro% J`.oUu Jq.kksR;s

Ignorant people, even if they look at
the scripture, they don't understand it.
Even if they listen to it, they don't
understand it. (Rig Veda 10-71-4)

ek fpnU;fOn 'klar l[kk;ks ek fj"k.;A

O' friends, if you don't worship anyone,
except one God, you will be saved from
violence. (Rig Veda 8-1-1)

vU/kare% iz fo'kfUr ;svlaHkwfreqiklrsA

rrks Hkq; vbo rs reks ; v m vEHkwR;ka jrk%AA
Those who worship natural things
(such as Air, Water, Fire etc.) enter into
darkness. They sink further deep in
darkness those who worship sambhuti
(created things, such as idols, statues
etc.). (Yajur Veda 40:9)

oygqe~ vv~&;quqy&yk&;qfCl:&u fcgk o

y g q e ~ v k t k u q y ~ & y k &
;Levw&ufcgk&mykb&d&dsZy~vUvkfe cy gqe
They have a heart, but don't understand
anything, (Cannot understand the
truth). They have eyes, but can't see
anything. They are like cattle, or even
worse than cattle. These are the
misguided people.( Holy Quran 7:179)

vYyk rv&cqn~ bYyYyk&g bUuh v[kkQq

vy;dqe~&c& ;ofeu~ vyhe
Don't worship anyone, except one God,
otherwise I [Manu or Hazrat Nooh
(a.s.)] fear that one day you will be
grievously punished. ( Holy Quran 11:26)

dqyw v&rv&cqnw&u feu~ nqfuYykfg ek yk

;fEydq ydqe~ tj~jao&o yk uQvu~ oYykgq
Ask them why you worship those
(deities) who have no authority or
power to harm or benefit you? Only God
hears you, and know everything.
( Holy Quran 5:77)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


17. Verses Related to Divine

Holy Quran says that whatever hardship human being gets are returns of their own
deed. God does not trouble anyone. (Holy Quran 2:286)
Following verses describe some of the mistakes of human beings and their respective

Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

vlq;kZ uke rs yksdk vU/ksu relk o`rk%

rkWaLrs izsR;kfi xPNfUr ;s ds pkReguks tuk%

oYythuk d&Q&: fcvk;kfruk gqe vLgkcqy

e'k~vekA vySfge uk:e eqv~ lnk

Those human beings, who in their life

harm their soul (by committing sin);
after death they go to the dark world of
demons. (Yajur Veda 8-1-1)

Those who rejected God's instruction

are wrong doers. They will be confined
in fire (Hell). " ( Holy Quran 90:19-20)

; vk/kk; pdekuk; fiRoks vUuokURlu~

lfQrk;ks itjXHkq"ksA
fLFkjaeu% ".kqrs lsors iqjksrks fpr~l efMZrkj u

Q+&tkfydYYkth ;nqv&vqy&;rhe o yk ;gqTtq

vyk rvkfey~&fefLdu Qo;yqy&fyYeqlYyhu

Even after having surplus food, if

someone doesn't donate it to poor and
weak human beings, he doesn't get
relief when he is involved in a problem.
(Rig Veda 10-117-2)

(In Hell, fire will not be bright or glowing; it

will be black and dark.)

When a person faces financial

problems, he says, God has humiliated
me. In fact (this happens because) you
don't feed orphans and poor, and you
eat away heredi t ar y weal t h
indiscriminately, and you love money
too much. (Holy Quran 89-16-20)

_rL; iUFkk u rjfUar nq"r%

o ba;jkS lchyjqZf'n yk ;Rrdf[ktwgq lchyu~

Sinful persons cannot walk the right

path. (Rig Veda 9-79-6)

And even if they see the right path,

they shall still not follow it.
( Holy Quran 7-146)

dsoykxks Hkofr dsoyknh _Xosn 10%117%6

yUrukyqy~fcjZ&j g~Rrk rqfUQdw feEek rqfgCcwu

Those who eat alone their hard earned

money, (without sharing it with poor)
then they are eating sinful money.
(Rig Veda 10-117-6)

dqjvku 3%92
You shall not attain righteousness
until you donate (or sacrifice) those
things, which you love most (such as
wealth, pleasure and your time etc.).
(Holy Quran 3-92)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

ek/keU=a foUnrs vizpsrk% lR;a czohfe o/k bRl

uk;Ze.ka iq";fr uks l[kk;a dsoyk/kks Hkofr
dsoyknhA _Xosn 10%117%6

Qqj&d&cfru] vkSbr~vkequ Qh ;kSfeu t+h

eLx+ck] ;rheu~ t+k e er~jckA lqEek dkuk
feuy~ yt+huk vk&e&uw o&r&oklkS fcLlczh o
r&oklkS fcy ej~gek] mykbdk vLgkcqy eS euk

Those who easily earn wealth and don't

feed saints and friends, and eat their
earning alone, then eating (their own
earned money) is sinful and their
ultimate fate is destruction.

Those who free a slave, feed in days of

hunger (tough times) the orphan
relatives and poor people, (are the
righteous people). (Holy Quran 90-13-18)

(Rig Veda 10-117-6)

Rig Veda says, O believers, do not worship

anyone, except Him (God). He is the only God.
(Rig Veda 8:1:1)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


18. Verses Related to the

Features of God.
Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

u rL; izfrek vfLr

y;&l dfefLygh 'k;mu

"God has no image." (Yajur Veda 10-71-4)

"Nothing could resemble God." (Holy

Quran 90:19-20)

baUnza fe=a o:efXuekgq jFkks fnO;% l lqi.kksZ

,da lfOnik cgq/kk onUR;fXa u ;ea
"Scholars call God with various names
such as Indra, Mitra, Varun, Agni, Yam,
Garatthana and Matarikha etc."

Rig Veda 10:114:5)

uq y ~& vthtq y &tCck:y&eq & r&d dfCCk:
lqCgkuYYkkfg vEEkk ;q'k~fjdwu
gqoYykgqy&[kkfydqy&ckfjmy~&eqlfOOk: ygqy
He is God, the creator, the evolver, the
Bestower of forms (or colors). To Him
belong the Most Beautiful Names.
Whatever is in the heavens (sky) and on
the earth, all recite praises and glory of
God. He is mighty and wise.
(Holy Quran 59-24)

fooL; fe"krks o'kh

o gqoYdkfg: Q+kS&d+ fv+ckfngh

"He (God) controls every creature."

(Rig Veda 10-190-2)

God has full control over His slaves

(creatures). (Holy Quran 6-18)

ifrcZHkwFkkleks tukuesdks fo';oL; HkouL;


tkfydqeqYykgq jCcqdqe~ ygqYeqYdq yk byk&g

bYyk gq&o

He (God) is the Lord of human beings,

no one equals Him, He is the ruler of the
entire world. (Rig Veda 6-36-4)

(O human being), your God is one and

He is the owner of heavens (sky) and
earth, and all that is between them.
(Holy Quran 37:4-5)

,da lfOnizk cgq/ kk




dqfyn~vqYyk&g vfon~vqj~ jek&u v;e~&ek

rn~vw Q+&ygqy~ vLek&my~&gqLuk (17:109-110)

"He (God) is Agni, Yam and Matridha,

scholars call Brahm by different names."

"Say to them (O Prophet!): 'Call upon

Him as Allah or call upon Him as alRahman; call Him by whichever name
you will, all His names are good."

(Rig Ved 1-164-46)

(Holy Quran 17:109-110)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

;nax nk'kq'ksRoeXus Hknza dfj";fl Rosr rr~


fuv~&e&re~&feu~ fvfUnuk dtkfy&d uUt+h eu~


" O, God, You bless the righteous man,

this is Your peculiarity. " Rig veda 1:1:6)

"Whoever will do the right thing,

whether male or female, and believe in
Me also, then We will keep them in this
world with pious and comfortable life,
and after death give them the best
return of their noble deeds. "
(Holy Quran 16-97)

Roauks vUre mr =krk

o uq vd~&jcq by;fg feu~ gcfyy~&ojhn

" O, God, You are closest to us and our

protector." Rig Veda 5:24:1)

" We (God) created the human being and

;ks ekj;fr izk.k;fr ;Leku izk.kfUr Hkqokukfu


vYYkkgqYyth[k+&y&d+dqe~ lqe~&e ;qehrqdqe~

lqe~&e ;q;hdqe~

" God gives life and death, and only


because of His favor all creatures remain

alive." Atharv ved 13:3:3)

We even know the thought in his mind.

And We are nearer to him than (his)
jugular vein (meaning that God is very
close to us or as close as our own blood
vessels)." (Holy Quran 50-16)

is God, who has created you. Then

He sustains you, (provides you food,
water, air, light etc. to survive). Then He
will cause you to die and again He will
give you life after death (in Parlok)."
(Holy Quran 30-40)

u fdjL; izfHkufUr ozrkuh

"No one can change the law of God."

Atharv Veda 18:1:5)

o yu~ rft&n fylqUUkfrYYkkfg rCnhyk

" (Such has been) the Law of God already

in the past and you will not find any

change in the Law of God (with change
in era)." (Holy Quran 48-23)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

bls fpr~ ro eU;os os isrs fHk;lk

egh ;fnUnz oftzUukstlk o`=a e:Roka
vo/kksjpZUuuq LojkT;eAA

o fYkYykfg ekfQ+Llekokrh o
ekfQ+y~vftZfy&;fTt&;Yyth&u vlkm fcek
vfeyw o ;fTt+&;Yyth&u vg&luw fcYgqLuk

"O, God, this universe trembles under

the influence of Your great glory. People
with wrong deeds get punishment by
Your wrath and You appreciate the
righteous people with Your blessings."

" To God belongs all that is in the

;ks nso"of/k nso ,d vklhr~A

mYykgdYyth&u ;n~vq&u ;Crxwu

jfCcfgeqy&olh&y rA

(Atharva Veda 1:80:11)

"He is the God of all the deities

(devatas)." (Rig Veda 10:121:8)

heavens (sky) and on the earth. He

punishes those who do evil, according
to their deeds, and He blesses those who
do good." (Holy Quran 53-31)


" The deit ies, whom t hese (nonbelievers) people worship, also seek the
blessings of God (in fact these deities
may be saints or angels, and they also
worship one God. Hence God is supreme
and He is the God of everyone, human
beings as well as deities). "
(Holy Quran 17-57)

That God is one. ( Atharva Veda 10:9:29)

yk bykgk byYyykgq eksgEenqj jlqy vYykg

"No one is eligible to be worshiped,
except one God. And Muhammad (pbuh)
is His messenger." (Kalima

ukczek ;K _/kXtks"kfr RosA _Xosn10%105%08

" O, God, You hate the prayer, which is
without sincerity of intention."

( Rig Veda 10:105:8)

Qo;yqy~&fyYeqlYYkhu vyyt+huk&u gqe~ vu~

lykfrfge~ lkgwu vYyth&u gqe~ gqe~ ;qjk&u
" Great sorrow is for those worshipers,
who are neglectful of their prayer and
who pray only to show-off. (They pray so
t hat peopl e shoul d cal l t hem
righteous)." (Holy Quran 107-4-5-6)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

u ;L; |koki`fFkoh vuq O;pks u flU/koks jtlks


oyk;qghrw&ufc'kSbfEeu~ fv+fYegh bYyk fcek

'kk&v ofl&v+ dqflZ;qgqLlekokfr oy~vtZ

uksr Loo`f"aV vL; ;q/;r ,dks vU;p~ p"ks


"No one can understand or (know) the

(great) knowledge of God, except to the
extent, which God (Himself) permits.
His throne spreads over the heavens
(sky) and the earth. "(Holy Quran 2-255)

"Neither heaven nor earth and no planet

or rain falling from the sky can confine
the infinite existence of God. Except
God, no one can control this universe."
(Rig Veda 1:52:14)

l ,d ,d ,do`nsd ,oA

dqy gqoYykgq v&gn vYykgqLlen

"He is one, alone, immortal. God is one

only." Atharva Veda 1:52:14)

" Say: He is God, the one and only, the

eternal and absolute (does not depend
on anyone)." (Holy Quran 112-1-2)

O believers, do not worship anyone,

except Him (God). He is the only God.

No one is eligible to be worshiped,

except one God. (Holy Quran 3-2)

(Rig Veda 8:1:1)

rL;ke~ lokZ o{k=k o'ks pUnzelk lg

" All celestial bodies, including the
moon, (planet and stars) are under His
control." (Rig Veda 13:4:28)

o ''e~ l oy d&e&j

oUuq t ~ & e

"God created the sun, moon and the

stars. (All) are governed by laws under
His command." (Holy Quran 7-54)

;L;Sek% izfn'k%

o fyYYkkfgy~&ef'jdq oYefXjcq

"All direction are for him." (At a time

he can look and control in all the
direction) Rig ved 10:121:4)

" To God belongs the east and the west.

In whichever direction you turn your
face, presence of God is there."
(Holy Quran 2-115)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


19. Verses Related to the

Knowledge of God
Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

;ks u% firk tfurk ;ks fo/kkrk /kkekfu osn

Hkqoukfu fo'okA

vEe;Cnmy~&[kyd&lqe&e ;qqvhnqgw
e~;j~tqdqe~ feuLlekb oy~vftZ+

" (The God) Who feeds us, who created

" Who created the nature (world) for first

us and who is our Lord, knows each and

everything in the universe."

time? And who keeps on reviving it? And

who feeds you from the heavens (in
form of rain & light) and earth (in form
of grains)? (It is God)." (Holy Quran 27-64)

(Rig Veda 10:82:3)

dqy yk ;v&yeq eu~

oYxvftZYx;c bYyYykgq A


Tell them: None but God has the

knowledge of t he unseen, and
everything, which is in the heavens and
on the earth. (Holy Quran 27-65)

loZ rn~ jktk o:.kks fdp"Vs ;nUrjk jksnlh ;r~

" Whatever is between the earth and the
sky and whatever is beyond them, God
can see everything." (Atharva Veda 4:16:5)

;v~&yeq ek ;fytq fQ+yvftZ o ek ;[k+:tq

feUgk o ek ;fUtyq feuLlekb o ek ;v&:tq
" God knows what enters into the earth
and what comes out from it; what comes
down from the sky and what ascends to
the sky. He is with you wherever you
may be. And God sees all that you do. "
(Holy Quran 57-4)

lfork i'pkrkr~ lfork iqjLrkr~ lforksRrjkRrkrs

lfork /kjkRRkkr

Q v;uek rqoYyw Q+&le~&e oTgqYykfg

bUuyk&g okflvqu vyhe

"The Creator of t he universe is

everywhere, above and below (the
planet earth), front as well as back."

" To God belongs the east and the west.

(Rig Veda 10:34:14)

(Holy Quran 2-115)

I n whichever direction you turn your

face, the presence of God is there."

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

osn okrL; oRrZfueqjks_Z"oL; c`gr%A os{k ;s


o gqoYyth vlZ&yjh;k&g cq'je~&c;&u ;n;


" God knows the passage of air-flow (up

" And He (God) sends winds as good

to the sky) and he knows those who

depend on that flow of wind."

news, before sending His blessing

(rain)." (Holy Quran 25-48)

;ks fookfe fo i';fr Hkouk lap i'pfrA

oYYkkgq ;v~&yeq ek fQLlekokfr o ek fQYvftZ

oYykgq fcdqfYy 'k;bEu~ vyhe

(Rig Veda 1:25:9)

"God knows this universe thoroughly."

(Rig Veda 10:187:4)

" God knows all that is in the heavens

(sky) and on the earth. He has full
knowledge of all things."
(Holy Quran 49-16)

;fLr"Bfr ojfr ;p oTofr ;ks fuyk;a pjfr

;% izradeA
OnkS lafu"k ;UeU=;srs jktkrn~ osn o:.kLr`rh;%AA

;v&yeq fljZdqe~ o tg&jdqe~ o ;v&&yeq ek


"God knows everyone who stands, who

walks, who cheats, who hides and who
troubles others. Whenever two persons
whisper among themselves secretly,
the third among them is God, Who
knows everything." (Atharva Veda 4:16:2)

and on the earth. He knows what you

hide and what you reveal, and knows
your deeds (good as well as bad) too."

osn uko leqfnz;%

"God knows (every) ship (sailing in the
vast ocean, far away from land)."
(Atharva Veda 1:25:7)

" And He is the God in the heavens (sky)

(Holy Quran 6:3)

v&ye~ r&j vUuYQqy&d rtzh fQ+Ycfgj

" Don't you observe that ships sail
through the ocean by the Grace of God?"
(Holy Quran 31:31)

The Supreme Being manifests the manifest (God creates the

process by which creation occurs). He fulfils the desires of the
good-natured human beings. He is the Lord. He is omnipresent.
He is worthy of all praise. He is the object of all respect. He is
Rich. He is the Greatest. He is the Creator of everything and has
the knowledge of everything.
( Rig Veda 2:1:3)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


20. Verses Related to Creation

of the Universe
Verses of Holy Vedas

tua euqtkra
"All human beings are children of
(Adam is also called Manu in the holy
Vedas.) (Rig Veda 1:45:1)

Verses of Holy Quran

;k v;qgUUkklq bUuk [k+&yd+ukdqe~ feu~

t&dfjo&o mUlk
" O mankind, We created you from a
single (pair) of a male and a female
(Adam and Eve)." (Holy Quran 49:13)

iztk ifrtZu;fr iztk bek%

o [k+&y&d+ dqy~&y 'k;budqjvku 25%2

" God has creat ed t hi s nat ure

" God created everything in nature."

lfork ;U=S% i`fFkohejE.kk nLdEHkus lfork


[k&y&dLlekokfr fcxj;fj v&efnu~ rjkSugks

o vYdk fQy~ vftjokfl&; vu~ reh&n fcdqe

" God has created the earth with His

" He created the heavens (sky) without

technology and sustains the sky

without support." (Rig Veda 10:144:1)

any pillars that you can see and firmly

placed mountains on the earth for
stability." (Holy Quran 31:10)

fOnrk foozs lutk luhMs v;kL;%

Hkxks u esus ijes O;kseUu/kkj;n jsnlh lqnalk% AA

v&o y e ;&j Yyth&u d&Q+:

vUul~&lekokfr oyvj~&t dkurk jr~&du~

" (The Great) God who is praised by

" Do not the unbelievers see that the

saints has separated earth and sky

which were initially attached together.
Than these two were populated by
(occupied or stabilized by) the people
with sun like noble character."

heavens (sky) and the earth were joined

together, (as one unit of creation), then
We parted them, and We made every
living thing from water?"

(Universe)." (Atharva Veda 7:19:1)

(Rig Veda 1:162:7)

(Holy Quran 25:2)

(Holy Quran 21:30)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

czEgk HkwfefoZfgrk czEg |kS:Rrjk fgrkA

czEgs ne`/oZ fr;Zd~ pkUrfj{k O;pks fgreAA
" God has created this earth. God has

oy&bu~&l&vYrgqe~ eu~ [k&y&dLlekokfr

oy&vj~&t o l[l&j''ke~&l oyd&e&j
y&;dwyqUuYykgq Q&vUuk ;qv&Qdwu

raised the heavens (sky) and it is God

Who has created the Universe, which
spreads all over." (Atharva Veda 10:02:25)

" If you ask them, who has created the

vgksjk=kf.k fon?kn~ fooL; fe"krks o'khA

v&ye~r&j vUuYyk&g ;wfytzqYYk; &yfQ+Uugkjh

o ;wfytqUugk& jfQ+Yy;fy o l[kw[kj''ke~&l
oYd~&e&j dqYYka;tjh byk v&tfye~&eqlEeao~

" God, Who has complete control over

the universe, has made the system of
day and night." (Rig Veda 10:190:2)

heavens (sky) and the earth and who

controls the sun and moon, they will
certainly reply 'God'. How are they than
deluded away (why do they not accept
the truth)?" (Holy Quran 29:61)

" Don't you see that God merges the

night into the day, and He merges the
day into the night, and He controls the
sun and moon, each will run its course
up to a fixed or appointed term
(period)?" (Holy Quran 31:29)

He (God) Who doesn't need a ear to hear, and yet is the

source of the power of hearing. Know that He is Brahma. The
deities you worship are not Brahma!

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


21. Verses Related to

Divine Instruction for Mankind
Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

_rL; iFkk uelk fooklsr

bUuYyk&g yk ;qfgCcq eu~ dk u& eq[k~rkyu Q+[kwjk

"Human beings should walk the right

path humbly." (Rig Veda 10:31:2)

"God does not love the arrogant

(proudly) and boastful (who present
themselves as great)." (Holy Quran 4:36)

lqxk _rL; iUFkk%

ek vUt+Yyk vySdy&dqj~vk&u fyr'dk

"The Right Path is (as per God's

commandment) simple (peaceful)."

" God has not revealed the Holy Quran to

put you to trouble (hardship)."

n`"V~ok :is O;kdjksRlR;k u`rs iztkifr%A

vJ)k eu`rks vn/kkPN)kWa lR;s izrkifr%A

dRrc;ujZq'nq feYxf; ea;dQqj fcRrkxwfr o

;qv~fee&fcYykfg Q+&dfnLre~&l&d

(Rig Veda 8:31:13)

" God has separated the right path from

(Holy Quran 20:2)

t he wrong, and t hen inst ruct ed

(mankind) to believe in the right path
and reject the wrong." (Yajur Veda 19:77)

" There is no compulsion in religion. The

uw uO;ls uho;ls lwDrk; lk/k;k iFk%A izRuon

jksp;k :p%AA

oy+ rdqe feUdqe mEerqu~ ;nvwuk byy~ [kSfjA

o;v~eq"uk fcy ev:fQ o ;u go~uk vfuy eqUdjh
o vwykbQk gqeqy eqQ~fygwu

"Day by day (for leading people) make

righteous way, as good as possible with
sweet language and illuminate it as
saints did it earlier." (Rig Veda 9:9:8)

u _rs JkUrL; l[;k; nsok%

"Without struggle, even a deity also
does not get the friendship (favor of
God)." (Yajur Veda 4:33:11)

right path has been clearly separated

from the wrong path. So whoever stops
worshiping deities and start believing in
one (Supreme) God has grasped the
most trustworthy handhold (rope),
which will never break. God knows and
hears everything." (Holy Quran 2:256)

"Among you there should be a group of

people, who should call people to the
right path and prohibit them from doing
wrong. Only those who do this will be
successful." (Holy Quran 3:104)

ve~ gflCrqe~ vu~ rn~[kqyy&tUu&r o yEek ;v~

y feYykgq Y yth&u tkgnw feUdq e o
"Did you think that without giving any
examination, you will enter heaven?
(No) Among you, God has yet to check
those who remain steadfast and who
struggle hard." (Holy Quran 3:142)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


22. Verses Related to Divine

Instructions for Social Life
Verses of Holy Vedas

ek Hkzkrja fOn{kUek Lolkje`r LolkA

lE;Xp% lozrk HkwRok okpa onr Hknz;kA
"Hatred should not be there between
brothers and sisters. Their talks should
be const ructive wit h harmonious
thinking and attitude." (Atharva Veda

Verses of Holy Quran

;k v;qgyftuk vkeuw yk ;L[kj~

doeqe~&feu~&dofeu~ vlk va;dwu~ [k;[de
feUgwe~ o yk fulkme~&feu~ fulkbu~ vlk
va;dwu~ [k;[de feUgwu&u o yk rfYetw
vUQql dqe o yk u rukctw fcy~&vYdkfc
fcv&l&fyLeqy&Qqlwd cv&ny&bZekfu o
eYyu~ ;rqc Q&mykb&d gqeqTtkfyewu
"O you who believe! Let not a
community laugh at another. It may be
that the latter may be better then the
former. Nor let some women laugh at
others. It may be that the latter may be
better than the former. Neither defame
nor insult anyone. After a person
become righteous, then calling such a
person with bad name (because of his
earlier bad deeds) is a sin. And whoever
does not stop committing this act is
(indeed) doing wrong." (Holy Quran 49:11)

vUokj HksFkkeuqlja HkFkkesra yksda Jn~n/kkuk%

"Those who believe in God always
remember the life after death. Together
t hey cont inuously perform noble
(righteous) work." (Atharva Veda 6:122:3)

v&jt+hrqe~ fcy~&g;kfrn~nqU;k feuy~ vkf[k+kjfr

Q+&ek erkvqy~ g;kfrn~ nqU;k fQ+y~ vkf[k+jfr
bYyk d+yhy
"Do you prefer (or are satisfied with) the
life of this world, as compared to life
after death? In fact, the benefit
(pleasure) in this world is very little as
compared to the Hereafter (life after
death)." (Holy Quran 9:38)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Verses of Holy Vedas

ln; lkaeuL;ufoOns"ka .kksfe o%A

vU;ks vU;efHk g;Zr oRla tkrfeok?U;kAA
"(God) Instruct you (mankind) in
harmonious thinking, tolerance and
hatred-free emotions. Love each other
as a cow loves its calf."
(Atharva Veda 3:30:1)

T;k;LoUrfpfRruks ek fo ;kS"V lajk/k;Ur%

vU;kS vU;LeS oYxq onUr ,r l?kzhphuku~ o%
" (O human being) Respect your elders,
have noble thoughts. Don't get divided
(among yourselves), have friendship
and unity. Come to me practicing noble
deeds. I will create understanding and
unified thinking among you."

Verses of Holy Quran

o&yk rLrfoy~&g&l&urq o yLlf;vrq

bn~Qv&fcYyrh fg&; vgluq Q&btYyth
c;&u&d o c;qugw vnkorwu d&vUugq
ofy;qu gehe
"Good deeds and wrong deeds cannot be
same or equal. Reply evil deed (towards
you) with a noble deed. By doing so, you
will find that your enemy will become
your fast friend." (Holy Quran 41:34)

o fcy okfynSfu ,g~lkuu~ o fty~ dqch oy

;rkek oy~ elkdhfuA o dwyq fyUukfl gqLuk
"Treat with kindness your parents,
relatives and orphans; and those in
need and speak politely with people."
(Holy Quran 2:83)

(Rig Veda 10-191-3)

lekua eU=efHk eU=s;s o%

" My commandment s are same
(common) for all human beings."

(Rig Veda 10:191:3)

'k&j&vk ydqe feun~nhu ek oLlk fcfg uqgao

oYyth vkSgSuk bySdk oek oLlSuk fcfg bczkghek
o ewlk o bZlkA vu vdheqhuk oyk
r&r&QkjZdw Qhg~
" He ordered you (O Muhammad) to

follow the same religion, which He has

ordered Manu (Noah) to follow. Same
commandment He also sent to Abraham,
Moses and Jesus Christ. He also
commanded all of them to establish
religion and not divide themselves."
(Holy Quran 42:13)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


23. Verses Related to Divine

Instructions for Women & Family Life
Verses of Holy Vedas

vuqczr% firq% iq=ks ekrk Hkorq laeuk%A

"The son should be subordinate to the
father and obedient to his mother."
(Atharva Veda 3:30:2)

Verses of Holy Quran

fcy~&okfyn;fu bglkuu~ bEEkk ;Cyqxu~&u

fvUndy~&fd&c&jv&gnqgqek vo fdykgqek
Qyk rdqYygqek mQ~fQo&o yk rUgjgqek o
dqYygqek doyu~ djhek
" Your God has ordered you that you
should not worship anyone except God,
and that you should be kind to your
parents. And if one or both of them
attain old age with you, then you
should not say even a small word of
contempt (insult) to them nor repel
them, but address them in terms of
honor." (Holy Quran 17:23)

tk;k iR;s e/kqrha okpa onrq 'kfUroke~A

"The wife should be courteous (talk
sweetly) to her husband."
(Atharva Veda 3:30:2)

o feu~ vk;frfg vu~ [k&y~&ydqe feu~

vUQqfldqe vt~&oktyk&yrLdqu~ by;gk o
t&v&y c;udqe e&on~&n&rao o jg&e&ru~
" The sign of greatness of God is that He
created for you your mates similar to
yourself (human being) so that you may
find tranquility with them. And He put
love and mercy between your (hearts)."
(Holy Quran 30:21)

v/k% i';Lo eksifj lUrjka ikndkS gjA ek rs

dk'kIydkS n`'ku L=h fg czEgk cHkwfoFkAA
" When women become like men (that
means they go out of the house like
men) she should keep her eyesight down
and walk with feet close together and
wear such garments that their body
should not be visible to anyone."
(Rig Veda 8:33:19)

odqf Yyy~&eq vfeukfr ;x~&tqtq&u feu~

vCl+kfjghu&u o ;g&Q>u Qq:tgqu&u oyk
;qCnh&u t+h&u&rgqu
"And say to the women who believe in
God, that they should lower their gaze
(eye contacts) and guard their modesty.
And they should not display their
beauty and ornaments, except what
(must ordinarily) appear thereof. They
should draw their veil over their
bosoms." (Holy Quran 24:31)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


Verses of Holy Vedas

Verses of Holy Quran

mnh"oZ uk;SfHk thoyksd xrklqesreqi 'ks"k ,fgA

gLr xzkLHkL; fnf/k"kksLrosna iR;qtZfuRoefHk la

Q btk c&yx~&u v&t&ygqu&u Q&yk tquk&g

vy;dqe~ Qhek Q&vy&u Qh vUQqflfgu~&u

" O' widow, don't remain dependent on

" If any of you die and leave widows

this deceased (expired) man. Walk

towards the living society. Now you may
be helpful for the children of your new
husband." (Atharva Veda 18:3:2)

behind, then (widows) shall wait

(keeping themselves apart) for four
months and ten days. When they have
fulfilled their terms, there is no blame
on you if they dispose of themselves in a
just and reasonable manner. (This
means that after waiting period, a
widow has right to remarriage)."
(Holy Quran 2:234)

The Supreme Being is the Sustainer of the heavens and the

earth. He is the source of power of 'wind of prosperity'. He is
the one Who gives provisions (feeds us). He goes everywhere
riding a powerful wind. He is the Beneficent. He is the
He protects His worshipers. (Rig Veda 2:1:6)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


24. Secrets of 'Holy Narashansa'

Narashansa is mentioned in all the
four holy Vedas, but since the last
4000 years he was a mystery. Till the
20th century no one was confident
enough to issue a statement about
his identity. In the 20th century
when literature and knowledge about
other religions was easily available
and when Sanskrit scholars studied
literatures of other religions, then
only could they solve the puzzle of
the identity of the most respected
religious personality referred to as
Scholars who did this research are Dr.
Ved Prakash Upadhyay (Research
scholar, Sanskrit, Prayag University),
Dr. M. A. Shrivastav and Pandit
Dharam Veer Upadhyay etc.
Det ails of Narashansa in holy Vedas:
Details available in the holy Vedas
about holy Narashansa are as follows:
In all the four holy Vedas, he is
ment ioned wi t h t he name of
Narashansa. For example:

ujkkal% lqkwnrhea ;KnkH;% A

dfofgZ e/kqgLr% A
(Rig Veda, Hindi Bhashya 25, Published by
Arya Society)

The Holy Vedas have predicted many

things about him. Some of them are
as follows:
1. Vedas says that he will be soft
spoken or that his speech will be
mesmerizing (t oo sweet and

ujkkal% fegfiz;e fLe;K e/kqft mi

gfod`re~ A (Rig veda Sanghita 1.13.3)
2. Vedas says that he could forecast
the future.

ujkkal% lqkwnrhea ;KenkH;%A dfofgZ

e/kqgLr%A(Rig veda Sanghita 5.5.2)
3. Vedas says that he will have
extremely pleasing personality.

ujkkal% izfr /kek;ku frL=ks fno% izfr

LofpZ%A(Rig veda Sanghita 2.3.2)
4. Vedas says that holy Narashansa
will purify human beings from sins.

ukkal% okftua ok;t;fUug {k;}kja iwk.ka

jFka u nqxkZn olo% lqnkuoks fookLekUuks vgalks
fufiirZuA(Rig veda Sanghita 1.106.4)
5. Vedas says that holy Narashansa
will ride a camel. He will have 12

mVk ;L; izokfg.kks o/kweUrks f}nZk A

oekZ jFkL; fu ftghMrs fno bZkek.k miLi`k% A
(Atharv veda verse: 20/ 127/ 2)

6. Vedas says that holy Narashansa

will be praised by masses in every

bna tuk mi Jqr ujkkal% Lrfo;rs A

(Atharv ved Hindi Bhashya 1401)

7. Vedas predicted that God will give

holy Narashansa following things:
1) 10 garlands

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

2) 100 gold coins
3) 300 horses
4) 10000 cows

,k bkk; ekegs kra fudku~ nk lzt%A

=hf.k krkU;oZrka lglzjknk xksuke~AA

holy Vedas, says: Narashansa means
'One who is praised by human beings'.
The Sanskrit meaning of the said text
is as follows:

ujkkal% ;ks ujS% iz;kL;rsA

(Sayan bhasha, Rig veda 5-5-2)

(Atharv veda verse 20-127-3)

Shree Dayanand Saraswat i also

confirms the same meaning.

8. Vedas says that God will save holy

Narashansa from 60,090 enemies.

(Rig Veda, Hindi Bhasha, Page 25, published

by Arya Samaj)

vuLoUrk lrifrekZegs es xkok psfrBks vlqjks

=S o ` .kks a vXus nkfHk% lglz S o S Z okuj%
;:.kkfpdsrAA(Rig veda 5-27-1)
Since the last 4000 years, people
could not co-relate the above
mentioned figures and facts to any
holy personality of history or Avatars
or Devta.
In the present time, when scholars
search in other religions then only
coul d t hey i dent i f y Hazrat
Muhammad (pbuh) of Islam as the
holy Narashansa, who has been
predicted 4000 years ago in the
Mat ching the predi ction:
Predictions about holy Narashansa in
the holy Vedas matches with Hazrat
Muhammad (pbuh) in the following
1. The similarities between names of
Muhammad (pbuh) and Narashansa.
'Narashansa' is combination of two
words: Nar and Ashans. Nar means
human being and Ashansh means 'the
praised one'. The great scholar, Sayan
who wrote the explanation of the

Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay says: The

word Nar is used only for a human
being. It has never been used for
Devtas (supernatural beings). Hence
hol y Narashansa cannot be
considered as any Devta. He has to be
a human being.
In Arabic, 'Hamd' means praise, and
Muhammad means 'the praised one'.
So the meaning of Muhammad in
Arabic language is same as the
meaning of Narashansa in Sanskrit.
2. First prediction in Vedas says: Holy
Narashansa will be soft spoken or his
conversation will be too sweet.
( Rig Veda 1-13-3)

Historians know that the nature and

conversation of Hazrat Muhammad
(pbuh) was extremely soft and sweet.
Read the following two books for
more knowledge:

Life of Muhammad by Sir William

(Published by: Smith Elder and
Co. London)

Introduction to the Speeches of

Muhammad by Lane Poole
(Published by Macmillan & Co.

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

The Holy Quran also confirms this
fact in the following verse:
O Muhammad, (pbuh) your nature is
so soft and sweet, that is why your
companions don't desert you. (Quran

3. The second prediction of the holy

Vedas says that the holy Narashansa
will be able to forecast the future.
(Rig Veda 5-5-2)

Since Muhammad was a prophet, the

archangel, Gabriel used to visit him
regularly. Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh)
used to regularly get information
about future either through direct
revelation of holy Quran or through
the archangel, Gabriel, which he
(pbuh) used to convey it to people as
per the situation. One of his well
known predictions was the victory of
Rome over Persia (I ran). Just after
the defeat of Romans in 648 A.D.,
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) predicted
that Romans will again defeat Persia.
And the Romans defeated Persia at
Nainawa in 657 A.D, and his
prediction came true.
4. I n the Holy Vedas the third
prediction was that holy Narashansa
will have an extremely pleasing
personality. (Rig Veda 2-3-2)
It is a historic fact that Hazrat
Muhammad (pbuh) was having an
extremely charming personality.
Not only Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh),
but in general all Prophets or Avatars
were blessed with a charming
personality, a respectable family
background, noble charact ers,

pat ience, int elligence and farsight edness etc. so that nonbelievers may not t aunt and
denounce them on a personal level.
Shri Krishna and Shri Rama were also
sai d t o have very charmi ng
personalities. Shri Ram is also known
as Adarsh Purush that is 'the ideal
5. The fourth prediction of the Holy
Vedas was that Narashansa will purify
human beings from sins.
(Rig Veda 1-106-4)

The basic duty of prophets is to purify

human beings from sins and indeed
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) did it.
God says in the holy Quran: We sent
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) as His
(God's) blessing to mankind. (That
means he (Hazrat Muhammad) has
been sent so that mankind could get
salvation or Mukti.) (Quran 21:107)
6. The fifth prediction of the holy
Vedas says that holy Narashans will
have 12 wives. (Atharva Veda 20-127-2)
This prediction holds good only for
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) as no
religious personality of any religion
had twelve wives, except Hazrat
Muhammad (pbuh). For example
prophet Soleman had 300 wives, shri
krishnaji had more than 16 thousand
wives. Only Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) had 12 wives and Names of his
12 wives are as follows:
(1) Hazrat Khadija (r.a.), (2) Hazrat Sauda
(r.a.), (3) Hazrat Ayesha (r.a.), (4) Hazrat
Hafasa (r.a.), (5) Hazrat Umme Salma
(r.a.), (6) Hazrat Umme Habiba (r.a.), (7)
Hazrat Zainab binte Jahash (r.a.), (8)

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Hazrat Zainab binte Khuzaimah (r.a.), (9)
Hazrat Juwairiya (r.a.), (10) Hazrat Safiya
(r.a.), (11) Hazrat Raihana (r.a.), (12)
Hazrat Maimoona (r.a.)

7. The sixth prediction of the Holy

Vedas says that the holy Narashansa
will ride a camel.
As Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) stayed
in Makkah and Medina, which has
desert all around and as camel is the
best mode of conveyance in desert,
hence he also traveled by camel.
As a Brahmin is not allowed to ride a
camel, this also indicates that the
holy Narashansa was not a Brahmin
or from India (Rajasthan was not a
desert in ancient times).
8. The seventh prediction of the Holy
Vedas says that the holy Narashansa
will be praised by masses.
(Atharva Veda Hindi Bhasha 1401)

W. H. Hart has written a book,

entitled The 100 (most influential
persons in history). In this book, he
has placed Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh)
in the first place. It means the one
person of history, who influenced the
world most is Hazrat Muhammad
In Azaan (call for prayer) Muslims
recite the name of Hazrat Muhammad
(pbuh) five times a day on the
loudspeaker throughout the world.
As time changes gradually from place
to place, hence every second and
every minute in this world, his name
is recited aloud. So he is the most
praised person of the world.
9. The Holy Vedas predicted that the

Holy Narashansa will be blessed with
the following things from God.
(Atharva Veda 20-127-3)

a) 10 garlands
b) 100 gold coins
c) 300 horses
d) 10000 cows
Since last 4000 years, this prediction
was a puzzle for scholars and no one
was able to understand it. After
focusing on Hazrat Muhammad
(pbuh) this was decoded in the
following way:
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) was
having 10 dedicated followers, who
were called as Ashra Mubashshira.
Ashra means 10 in Arabic and
Mubashshira means predicted for
These 10 were as follows:
1) Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a.), (2) Hazrat Umar
(r.a.), (3) Hazrat Usman (r.a.), (4) Hazrat
Ali (r.a.), (5) Hazrat Talha (r.a.), (6)
Hazrat Saad Bin Waqqas (r.a.), (7) Hazrat
Saeed Bin Zaid (r.a.), (8) Hazrat Abdur
Rahman Bin Auf (r.a.), (9) Hazrat Abu
Ubaidah bin Jarrah (r.a.), (10) Hazrat
Zubair (r.a.).

These 10 were the most dedicated

followers and were eager to sacrifice
their lives for Prophet Muhammad
(pbuh) and they always tried to
remain close to him, hence they were
referred to as 'garlands'.
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) was
having about 100 followers who left
their country, their family and their
business etc. and stayed near the
Mosque of Prophet Muhammad

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

(pbuh). They were called as Ashaabe
These 100 people dedicated their
lives to learn the teachings of Islam
and then teach it to others. As they
were very important in spreading the
teachings of Islam, they were called
'gold coins'.
Initially, people of Makkah tried to
destroy the Muslims and Islam on
i ndi vi dual basi s. So Hazrat
Muhammad (pbuh) migrated to a
safe place (Medina) and from there
he continued his responsibility of
spreading the message of God. At
this stage, about one thousand
fighters from Makkah at tacked
Medina to destroy Islam and Muslims.
To defend themselves, about 313
followers and Hazrat Muhammad
(pbuh) fought with 1000 fighters and
defeated them.
As these 313 people fought with
courage and bravery, and horse is
also a symbol of courage and bravery,
hence they are referred to as 300
horses in the prediction of Vedas.
Eight years after migration of Hazrat
Muhammad (pbuh), when people of
Makkah breached the peace treaty,
which t hey had wi t h Hazrat
Muhammad (pbuh), he collected his
10,000 followers and marched to
Makkah; and without a fighting or
bloodshed, he conquered Makkah. As
these 10,000 followers never harmed
anyone, and as cows also do not harm
anyone, hence they were referred to
as cows in predictions.

As a prophet can only preach, he
cannot provi de wi sdom t o
understand the teachings of Islam
and follow it religiously. It is God who
does this. So whatever 10 Ashra
Mubashshira, 100 Ashaabe Suffah,
313 defenders and 10,000 followers
did was due to wisdom provided by
God. Hence we can say that God
gifted them to Holy Narashansa or
Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh).
The Holy Vedas predicted that God
saved holy Narashansa from 60,090
enemies. (Rig Veda 5-27-1)
When the people of Makkah failed to
confine or stop the spread of Islam,
they planned to assassinate Hazrat
Muhammad (pbuh). One night forty
warriors from forty families (every
tribe of Makkah) surrounded the
house of Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh),
so that in the morning when he
comes out, he will be assassinated.
That night Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh)
left his house, but the assassins
could not see him. He walked
through them and migrated to
At that time the population of
Makkah was approximately 60,000
and all were enemies of Hazrat
Muhammad (pbuh). As this was a
miracle that Hazrat Muhammad
walked through them and reached
Medina safely, hence God says that
He saved Holy Narashansa from
60,090 enemies (Only God knows the
exact popultion of Makkah).
Based on the above facts and figures,

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay, Dr. M.A.
Shri vast av, Pandi t Dhanveer
Upadhyay and many other scholars
say that the holy Narashansa and
Hazrat Muhammad are one and the
Kindly refer to following books for
detailed and in-depth knowledge
about Narashans, Kalki Avatar and
Muhammad (pbuh):
1. Narashansa aur Antim Rishi,
by Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay
Publisher:-Jamhoor Book Depot,
DEOBAND. (U.P) Pin: 247554.
2. Muhammad (s) aur Bhart iya
DharmGrant h, by Dr. M. A.
Publ i sher:- Madhur Sandesh
E-20, Abul Fazl Enclave, Jamia
Nagar, New Delhi-110025.
3. Muhammad (pbuh) i n World
by A. H. Vidyarthi
Publisher: Adam Publishers &
Distributors, 1542, Pataudi House,
Darya Ganj,
New Delhi-110002.
4. Muhammad in the Hindu Scriptures
by Dr. Ved prakash upaddhay.
Publisher: A.S.Noordeen
P.O.Box 10066, 50704 Kuala
Lumpur. Tel- 03-40236003,
E-mail- [email protected]
[email protected]

5. Kalki Autar and Hazrat Muhammad
by Dr. Ved Prakash Upadhyay,
Publisher:-Jamhoor Book Depot,
DEOBAND.(U.P) Pin: 247554.


"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


Last words
This book is a humble effort to share my knowledge with you.
I am only a student and not a scholar on these subjects. I may have made mistakes in
this book. I request you to please send me your suggestions and opinions. It will help
me in a great way to further improve this book.
Before writing this book, I have studied Agar Ab Bhi Na Jage To written by Mr.
Abdullah Tarique, and I got too much knowledge from this book.
Verses of Vedas are translated into English from Hindi translation by Acharya
Vishnudeo Pandit and Acharya Dr. Rajendra Prasad Mishra. Verses of Quran are
translated into English from Urdu translation of Quran by Fateh Muhammad
Jalandhari. Mistake may occur while translating them. Kindly refer to the original
books if you doubt my translation, and please inform me also if you find a mistake.
Thanking you. With kind regards.

Q.S. Khan
[email protected]
[email protected]

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


Introduction to some of the Books

written by Mr. Q.S. Khan
Law of success for both the Worlds
Human beings are combination of matter and energy. That is
body and soul. Similarly prosperity is also combination of
matter and positive energy, that is actual possession of wealth
and blessing.
Majority of peoples are unaware of the mental and spiritual
side of prosperity. Hence they struggle through out their career
and remain failure even at the end of their life.
Law of Success for both the Worlds. This book has been
written to introduce you both the aspect of prosperity, that is
earning wealth along with blessing. This book is in most simple
language. It refers to the teachings of reputed and time tested self-help
motivational books of the world, along with views of author. If a young entrepreneur
dose not have time and access to read many books, this book will atleast introduce
him to all those subjects. This book is already translated and printed in Marathi,
and under process of printing in Hindi language.
How to prosper the Islamic way
1500 years ago holy Quran described or predicated many
scientific facts and figures, which are proved scientifically in
last 200 years. Such as Big-bang theory, many fact about
Geology, Embryology, Astronomy etc. Similarly it has also
described many management rules for success in business
and in life.
"How to prosper the Islamic way" is an effort to collect all these
management rules which if followed will guarantee a sure
success in business and in general life.
Design and manufacturing of Hydraulic Presses.
Nowadays most of the Industrial machines work on hydraulic
system. Then also the Industrial hydraulic technology is
almost unknown in India. That mean there is no specialised
course on industrial hydraulic in engineering colleges.
Author (Q.S.Khan) is in field of design and manufacturing of
hydraulic machine since 1987, and has working experience of
about 24 year. Depending on his experience he has written
many books on Hydraulic subject, which will be very useful to
the maintenance engineer and engineering students.

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran

Hajj Guide

Hajj is a great prayer. But as it is done only once in life time,

hence generally people avoide learning anything about it. And
when people get chance of performing hajj then due to their
business and day to day activity they hardly get time to learn
rites of hajj. This problems Author himself faced in 2004. So
after returning from Hajj he wrote a simple, to the point, down
to earth, and practical book, for quick preparation and learning
of Hajj.
Said book is considered best among other Hajj book, with
respect to its simplicity and convenience of understanding,
and about 10,000 copies are distributed every year at the time of hajj season. This
book is translated and transliterated in Hindi, Urdu, Bengali, and Gujarati.
Kya Har Mah Chand Dekhna Zaroori Hai?
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said After physically sighting
moon you should keep fast and celebrate Eid. Because of
this instruction even thou scientifically as well as astrologically
first day of moon could be precisely predicted, then also
Muslim don't give any importance to them, and try to
personally see moon at the beginning of every month.
In said book I have presented my view of solving this problem.
I have pointed out the fact that sun and moon both has got a
precise time table for their rise and set. This time-table could
be precisely made even for 1000 years. On first day of moon
sighting we should record the delay time between moon set
and sun set. This observation should be done for long period of time. Then on basis
of our observation we can confidently say that if moon set after so many minute
after sun then since last ten year we are sighting it, hence in future also if moon set
equal to or more late than recorded delay setting time, then100% it could be
sighted. And that day should be considered as first day of new moon. And as our
conclusion based on our own visual observation, hence we don't contradict to the
instruction of prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Hence by this method uncertainty of first
day of moon could be avoided.


www.freeeducation.co.in / www.tanveerpublication.com

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


Name of Books with their links to download (free of cost)

Management Books

Book Type


Law of Success for both the worlds

Printed and
http://www.scribd.com/doc/37987436/Law-of-Success- E-Book


Yashachi Gurukilli (Marathi translation by Sushil S. Limay)


Printed and


Safalta ke Sutra (Hindi Translation by Dr. Vimla

http://www.scribd.com/doc/47173217/Safalta-Ke-Sutra- E-Book


How to proper Islamic way

Vol. 1:- http://www.scribd.com/doc/37932859/How-toprosper-Islamic-Way-Vol-1
Vol. 2:- http://www.scribd.com/doc/46098862/How-toProsper-Islamic-Way-Vol-2

Printed and

Engineering E-Books:(Books will be re-printed in 2012)


Vol.1-Introduction to Hydraulic Presses and press




Vol.2-Design and Manufacturing of Hydraulic



Vol.3-Study of Hydraulic Valves, Pumps and



Vol.4-Study of Hydraulic Accessories




"Teachings of Vedas & Quran



Vol.5-Study of Hydraulic Circuit



10. Vol.6-Study of Hydraulic Seals, Fluid Conductor,

and Hydraulic Oil.


11. Vol.7-Essential knowledge required for Design and

Manufacturing of Hydraulic Presses.


Religious Books:
12. Hajj. Journey Problems and their easy Solutions.

Printed and

13. Safar-e-Haj ki Mushkilat aor unka mumkin Hal (Urdu)

http://www.scribd.com/doc/7949973/Hajj-Guide-Book- Printed and
14. Safar-e-Haj ki Mushkilat aor unka mumkin Hal (Hindi)
Transliteration by Khalid Shaikh

Printed and

http://www.scribd.com/doc/15223840/Hajj-Guide-Book- E-Book
15. Safar-e-Haj ki Mushkilat aor unka mumkin Hal (Gujarati)
Transliteration by Jamal Qureshi



16. Safar-e-Haj ki Mushkilat aor unka mumkin Hal (Bengali)

Translated by Shaikh Qasim



17. Teachings of Vedas and Quran


Printed and

18. Pavitra Ved aur Islam Dharm (Hindi)


Printed and

"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


19. Kya har Mah Chand dekhna Zaroori hai? (Urdu)



20. Holy Quran in Roman Urdu

http:/ / www.scribd.com/ doc/ 54272625/ Holy-Quran-inRoman-Urdu-1-Parah


21. Agni Kaun? Paigambar ya parmeshwar? (Hindi)



22. Who is Agni? Prophet or Parmeshwar?




E-books could be downloaded free of cost from www.scribd.com or



Books Law of success for both the worlds and Yashachi

Gurukilli are available all over India in cross world book stores at
cost of Rs. 150/- and Rs. 140/- respectively.


Outside India Law of success for both the worlds could be

purchased online from amazone.com at 28 U.S Dollar.
All the seven volumes of engineering book will be printed as single
handbook with title, "Design and manufacturing of hydraulic press"
and will cost Rs. 1000/- only
Visit www.freeeducation.co.in to read and free download many
more books.



"Teachings of Vedas & Quran


Books Written By Mr. Q.S. Khan

Hindi Translation of
"Law of success for both the worlds"
By Dr. Vimla Malhotra

Marathi Translation of
"Law of success for both the worlds"
By Mr. Sushil S. Limye

Hydro Electric Machinery Premises, A/13, Ram-Rahim Udyog Nagar,
Bus stop Lane, L.B.S. Road, Sonapur, Bhandup (w) Mumbai - 400078.
Phone: 022-25965930, Mob: 09320064026. Email: [email protected]
Websites: www.tanveerpublication.com / www.freeeducation.co.in

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