As Educators

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As educators, I believe it is important that personal beliefs about education be explored.

should be an ongoing and evolving process, however I find the philosophies of progressivism and
reconstructionism within my fundamental beliefs about teaching.

My philosophy of education is a student-centered one. I strongly relate to the adage of serving

as the "guide on the side", rather than the "sage on the stage", as is the case in teacher centered
philosophies. I believe in focusing on individual needs, and involving students in the process of their
learning. I am very uncomfortable with the teacher centered philosophy of perennialism, in which
multiculturalism and gender issues have no place in the curriculum. It is my belief that individual
differences need to be recognized, respected, and even celebrated. Another aspect of teacher-
centered philosophies with which I strongly disagree is the perennialist view of education as a
"sorting mechanism". I believe that all students have strengths, and that it is the goal of education to
assist students in identifying and building upon these. My personal experiences contribute to my
philosophy today in that the most meaningful learning takes place when students are motivated and
interested. It is my belief that the way to achieve this is by giving students a voice in the learning
process, and by assisting them in finding connections in the curriculum with their own life and
interests. By allowing students to bring their own stories, experiences, and ideas into the classroom,
this provides the students with opportunities to work together, to learn from each other, and respect
each others differences.

My philosophy of education also incorporates ideas of social reconstructionism. Students

should be given opportunities to relate their learning and critical thinking skills to social challenges
and problems outside of the classroom walls. Not only do students have the potential to make a
difference within our society, they can grow as individuals in the process. This approach has the
benefits of empowering students and building their self esteem and problem solving skills.

In working with individuals and groups in my current career as a social worker, I have developed
a style which is also similar to constructivism. When facilitating a class or group (or even when
working one-on-one with a client), my approach is not to lecture, but to rather allow opportunities for
participants to share their own experiences, opinions, and questions. Although I have an "agenda" of
information which I intend to communicate, I have found that by creating a non-threatening
environment, I am often provided opportunities in which I can connect my own curriculum with the
clients existing knowledge and experiences. It is my experience that people are much more receptive,
and information is much more meaningful, within this type of environment.

While I do not agree with a strict behavior modification program, I do feel that positive
reinforcement for appropriate behavior is very appropriate and effective. This can be done in the form
of a statement such as "I appreciate the way you got to work on your assignment so quickly". This
communicates to students that not just negative behaviors are noticed and given attention. I believe
that positive reinforcement can be more effective than a focus on negative consequences for
inappropriate behaviors.

I see my own personal philosophy of education as being eclectic. I believe in a student centered
approach which incorporates ideas found within progressivism and social reconstructionism. I feel
my approach to teaching also involves ideas found within theories of constructivism and behavior
modification. My philosophy has been shaped by experiences within my own life, education, and
career in working with people. As I enter the profession of education, my philosophy will most likely
evolve somewhat as I grow and gain experiences as a teacher in the classroom. However, the
foundations of my educational philosophy will continue to guide me in the way which I interact with
students and teach within my classroom.

Teacher I
Memorial School

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