Birkat hamazonASHKENAZ PDF
Birkat hamazonASHKENAZ PDF
Birkat hamazonASHKENAZ PDF
A song of ascents. When God brought the exiles back to Zion it was like a dream. Then our mouths were filled with laughter and our tongues with song. Then was it said among the nations: God
has done great things for them. Truly God has done great things for us, and we rejoiced. Bring us from exile, God, as the streams return to the Negev; those who sow in tears shall reap in joy.
Those who go out weeping, bearing sacks of seeds, shall return with joy, bearing their sheaves.
Thilat Adonai ydabeir pi vivareich kol basar Sheim kodsho lolam va-ed.
Va-anachnu nvareich ya mei-ata vad olam halluya.
Hodu Ladonai ki tov, ki lolam chasdo.
Mi ymaleil gvurot Adonai, yashmi-a kol thilato.
Now let my mouth declare praise for God, and let the whole human race bless Gods holy name for all time. As for us, we will bless God from now on and forever more: Praise God! Give thanks
to God who is good, whose kindness is everlasting! Who can describe the mighty deeds of God, or utter all Gods praise?
f n: yarb
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A .c"#
" |frobm
: yy {"$ yihy: .(hnw# c"#) lhq
.{flO( da(w: hfTa(m
f n: yarb
" x
A tU$:rB
i .c"#
.OLe<im Un:lakf)e$ Uny"holE) |"rb
f ObU+:bU OLe<m
i Un:lakf)e$ Uny"holE) |UrfB .(hnw# c"#) lhq
.Om:$ |UrfbU )Uh |UrfB .{lwk
Chaveirai nvareich.
Yhi sheim Adonai mvorach mei-atah vad olam.
LEADER: Birshut chaveirai nvareich Eloheinu she-achalnu mishelo.
GROUP (LEADER REPEATS): Baruch Eloheinu she-achalnu mishelo uv-tuvo chayinu.
ALL: Baruch hu u-varuch shmo.
Let us thank God. Blessed is the name of God now and forever. With your permission, let us thank God whose food we have eaten.
whose goodness we live. Blessed is God and Blessed is Gods name.
: ObU+:B OLuK {flO(fh-te) }fZh
a ,{flO(fh |elem Uny"hol)
E ,yy hfT)
a |UrfB
f {flO(:l yiK ,rf&B
f -lfkl: {exel }"tOn )Uh ,{yimx
A arb
: U desex:B
: ey la)w: Unfl rasx
f )ol dyimT
f lOdfGah ObU+:bU
.de(wf {flO(:l }Ozfm Unfl-rasx
" U loKal byi+m
" U ,loKal s"n:rap:mU }fz l") )Uh yiK ,lOdfGah Om:$ rUbA(aB
f re$)
A wyftOYirB
: -lfkl: }Ozfm
.loKah-te) }fZah ,yy hfTa) |UrfB .)frB
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu melech ha-olam, hazan et ha-olam kulo btuvo bchein
bchesed uv-rachamim, hu notein lechem lchol-basar, ki lolam chasdo,
uv-tuvo hagadol tamid lo chasar lanu val yechsar lanu mazon lolam va-ed.
Ba-avur shmo hagadol, ki hu Eil zan um-farneis lakol, u-meitiv lakol u-meichin
mazon lchol-briyotav asher bara. Baruch atah Adonai, hazan et hakol.
Blessed is The Lord our God, Sovereign of the universe, who sustains the entire world with goodness, kindness and mercy. God gives food to all creatures, for Gods mercy is everlasting.
Through Gods abundant goodness we have not lacked sustenance, and may we not lack sustenance forever, for the sake of Gods great name. God sustains all, does good to all, and provides
food for all the creatures whom God has created. Blessed is The Lord our God, who provides food for all.
Uny"tObA)al T
f l: axn: h
i e$ la( Uny"hol)
E yy !:l hedOn
Unft)"cOhe$ la(w: ,hfbx
f r: U hfbO+ hfDm
: x
e jer)
,{yidfbA( tyi"Bim Unftyid:pU {iyarc
: m
i jere)m
" Uny"hol)
E yy
!:tfrOT la(:w ,Un"rf&:biB T
f m
: atx
f e$ !:tyirB
: la(w:
}"x ,{yiYax la(w: ,UnfT(adOhe$ !yeQx
u la(w: ,UnfTd
: M
f Li e$
s"nr: pa m
: U }fz hfT)
a $
e }Ozfm talyik)
A la(w: ,UnfTn: na Oxe$ desx
e wf
.hf(f$-lfk:bU t"(-lfk:bU {Oy-lfk:B ,dyimfT UnftO)
Nodeh lcha Adonai Eloheinu al she-hinchalta la-avoteinu eretz chemda tovah urchava,, val she-hotzeitanu Adonai Eloheinu mei-eretz mitzrayim uf-ditanu mibeit
avadim, val britcha she-chatamta biv-sareinu, val torat-cha
she-limad-tanu, val chukecha she-hodatanu, val chayim, chein
va-chesed she-chonantanu, val achilat mazon she-ata zan
um-farneis otanu tamid, bchol-yom uvchol-eit uvchol-shaah.
We thank The Lord our God for having given a lovely and spacious land to our fathers and mothers; for having liberated us from the land of Egypt and freed us from the house of bondage; for the
covenant which God has sealed in our flesh, for the Torah which God has taught us; for the laws which God has made known to us; for the life, grace and loving kindness which God has
bestowed upon us, and for the sustenance with which God nourishes and maintains us continually, in every season, every day, even every hour.
{yikr: b
f m
: U |fl {yidOm Un:xanA) Uny"holE) yy loKah la(:w Val hakol Adonai Eloheinu anachnu modim lach um-varchim
,de(eaiuwuf {flO(:l dyimT
f yax-lfk yipB
: !:m$
i |arB
f t
: yi .|ftO) otach yitbarach shimcha bfi chol chai tamid lolam va-ed,
kakatuv: Vachalta vsavata uveirachta et-Adonai Elohecha
!yeholE) hwhy-te) fT:kar"bU fT:(fbf&:w fT:lakf):w .bUtfKaK
al ha-aretz hatova asher natan lach.
.|fl }atfn re$A) hfbO=ah jerf)fh la(
Baruch Atah Adonai, al ha-aretz val hamazon.
.}OzfMah la(:w jerf)fh lf( ,yy hfTa) |UrfB
For all these blessings we thank The Lord our God with praise. May Gods name be praised by every living being forever, as it is written: When you have eaten your fill, give thanks to The Lord
your God for the good land which God has given you. Blessed is God for the land and its produce.
May The Lord our God have mercy on Gods people Israel, Gods city Jerusalem, Zion the abode of Gods glory, the royal house of David, Gods anointed one, and the great and holy Temple that
bears Gods name. May our God, our Parent, tend and nourish us, sustain and maintain us, and speedily grant us relief from all our troubles. May God make us dependent not on the alms or
loans of others, but rather on Gods full, open and generous hand, so that we may never be humiliated or put to shame.
May it be Gods will to strengthen us in Gods commandments, especially regarding the seventh day, this great and holy Sabbath, for today is great and holy before God--a day on which to rest
and repose in love, according to Gods command. May it be Gods will to grant us relief from all care, sorrow and grief on our day of rest, and may God enable us to see Zion comforted, and
Jersualem, the holy city, rebuilt. For it is God who is the master of salvation and comfort.
: hfrh
" m
: B
i $edoQah ryi( {iyal$
f Ur:y h"nb
: U
.Uny"myf b
f $
f Ur:y wyfmx
A arb
: henOB ,yy hfTa) |UrfB
.}"mf) .{iyl
May God rebuild Jerusalem, the holy city, speedily in our lifetime. Blessed is God, who restores Jerusalem with mercy. Amen.
Blessed is The Lord our God, Sovereign of the universe, who is our God, our Parent, our Sovereign, our Mighty One, our Creator, our Redeemer, our Maker, the Holy One of Jacob, the Shepherd
of Israel, the good Sovereign who does good to all. May God who continually shows us kindness continue offering goodness to us. As God has ever bestowed favors upon us, may God continue
to bless us with grace, loving kindness, compassion, deliverance, prosperity, redemption, consolation, sustenance, and mercy; a life of peace and all goodness. May God never withhold
goodness from us.
f |olm
: yi )Uh ,}fmx
A arh
.de(wf {flO(:l Uny"l(
f b
f U {iyam<
f aB |arfB:tiy )Uh ,}fmAxarfh
May the Merciful One be praised in all generations, be glorified through us to all eternity, and be honored among us forever.
Un"r)fUac la(m
" Un"L(
u rOB:$yi )Uh ,}fmx
A arh
.Un"c:ra):l tUYim:mOq Un"kyilOy )Uh:w
May the Merciful One break the yoke of our oppression and lead us in dignity to our ancient homeland.
la(:W heZah tiyaBaB hfBur:m hfkfr:B xal:$iy )Uh ,}fmAxarfh Harachaman, hu yishlach bracha mruba babayit hazeh val
.wyflf( Un:lakf)e$ hez }fx:lu$ Shulchan zeh she-achalnu alav.
May the Merciful One send abundant blessing upon this dwelling and the table at which we have eaten.
rUkfz ,)yibNf h
a UhfYli )
" -te) Unfl xfl$
: yi )Uh ,}fmx
A arh
Harachaman, hu yishlach lanu et-Eliyahu Hanavi, zachur
a yiw ,bO=al latov, vivaser-lanu bsorot tovot yshu-ot vnechamot.
.tOmfxne w: tO(U$:y tObO+ tOrO&:B Unfl-re>b
May the Merciful One send Elijah the Prophet to us, and may he bear good tidings of salvation and comfort.
Even as our forefathers: Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and our foremothers: Sarah, Rebecca, Rachel, and Leah, were blessed in every way;
so may God bless all of us together with a perfect blessing, and let us say: Amen. May our merit and the merit of our ancestors secure enduring peace for all of us. May we receive a blessing
from God, and justice from the God of our salvation. May we find grace and favor in the sight of God and humankind.
l")fr:&iy y"n:B Un"xA) lfK te) |"rfb:y )Uh ,}fmAxarfh Harachaman, hu yvariech et kol acheinu bnei Yisrael
" )
A m
" {")yicOy:w ,hfrfc:B {yinUt:nah hantunim betzarah, vyotzi-eim mei-afeilah lorah.
.hfrO):l hflp
May the Merciful One bless all of the children of Israel who are now oppressed and bring them from darkness into light.
May the Merciful One grant us a world that shall be entirely Shabbat and eternal rest.
;#dx #)rb
A arfh
.)fBah {flO(fh y"Yax:lU ,axyi$fMah tOmyil Un"Kazy: )Uh ,}fmx
May the Merciful One grant us this new month for good and blessing.
May the Merciful One enable us to live in the Messianic age and in the world to come.
lyiDg: am Magdil (ON SHABBAT AND ROSH CHODESH: Migdol) yshu-ot malko voseh chesed limshicho, lDavid ulzar-o ad olam.
: U diWd
f l: ,Oxyi$m
: li desex he&O(:w
.{flO( da( O(:razl
God grants deliverance (on Shabbat and Rosh Chodesh: God is a tower of deliverance) to Gods chosen sovereign, and shows kindness to Gods anointed one, to David, and his descendents
{Olf$ he&(
A ay )Uh WyfmOr:mB
i {Olf$ he&O(
f .Ur:m)
i w: ,l")rf &
: yi -lfK la(w: Uny"l(
May the One who makes peace in the heavens let peace descend on all us and all of Israel, and let us say: Amen.
: a(yiB&
: amU ,!edyf -te) axt
" OP
.}Ocfr yax-lfkl
: m
i hwhy hfyh
f W: ,hwhyaB xa+b
: yi re$)
A rebGe h
a |UrfB
f -$eQabm
: O(:razW: bfz(
E en qyiDac yItyi)rf )olW: ,yiTn: aqzf {aG yityiyh
f ra(an
Be aware of God, you who are consecrated; those who are aware of God will be sustained. Those who deny God are lacking and hungry. Those who seek God shall not lack anything that is
good. Give thanks to God, for God is good; Gods mercy endures forever. God opens Gods hand and satisfies every living thing with favor. Blessed is the one who trusts in God, for God will be
their protection.
I have been young, and I have been old, but I have not seen a righteous person abandoned, nor that persons seed destitute.
: zo( hwhy
.{OlfJoab OMa(-te) |"rfb:y hwhy }"Tyi OMa(l
May God give strength to our people; may God bless our people with peace.