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Floormap3d MFL Tank Inspection PDF

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MFL Floor Scanner with STARS Top & Bottom Defect Discrimination

> Full Tank Floor Mapping

> Enhanced Probability of Detection



> HIGH resolution scanning UP TO 1440 m/day

> Field proven durability & reliability

Advanced MFL Tank Inspection
with STARS TOP & Bottom Defect
Silverwings Floormap3D with STARS technology is the
highest performance Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) storage
tank inspection system on the market today. Building on over
20 years experience and the best selling FloormapVS2i,
Silverwing has developed top and bottom defect discrimination
using surface topology air-gap reluctance sensors (STARS),
enabling tank engineers and asset owners to determine the
optimum repair strategy and improve risk life assessment (RLA)
& risk based inspection (RBI) maintenance programs.

Surface profile with STARS technology

The innovative STARS technology (patent pending) adds an
additional set of sensors to detect variation in magnetic field
strength caused by top side defects, and combines this with
traditional MFL indications to identify top or bottom location.
The Floormap3D has a total of 256 sensors, enhancing lateral
resolution to detect smaller defects, and reduce sensitivity
to defect orientation. The top surface discrimination works
effectively through up to 6 mm (1/4) coating, enabling effective
tank inspection without coating removal.

The Floormap3D has the highest density of MFL sensors,

coupled with advanced signal processing to deliver greater
accuracy and probability of detection at maximum efficiency.

> 20 years MFL development in over 60 global locations
> Through coating inspection up to 6 mm including FRP, GRP and SS
> Full tank floor data recording
> USB for data transfer
> Digital calibration for different plate thicknesses
> 64 channel 256 sensor MFL acquisition for 4.6 x 2 mm scanning resolution
> Battery powered, no 110/240 v cables required
> On board Sitemaster 2 providing immediate Plate scan view for defect assessment
> Field proven durability & reliability
> Motor driven, 0.5 m/s constant scanning speed eliminating API 653 Appendix G
operator requirements


The on-board computer uses touch screen technology and proven user interface for ease
of use within the hostile storage tank environment. The system captures all the MFL signals,
analyses, and displays the location and severity of the corrosion in real time. The operator
can select to view top, bottom or full defect maps, providing instant feedback on tank
condition. Plates are defined by shape and size, and the most efficient scan path displayed
for the operator to follow. Obstacles such as heater pipe, roof supports and old patch
plates are catered for, and displayed as un-scanned areas.


In addition to improved defect sizing, the new fully digital
calibration system removes the need to adjust scanner height
for different plate thickness, providing instant switching between
floor plates of different thickness. Traditionally the MFL scanner
would have to be removed from the tank and re-calibrated to
inspect different thickness plates, consuming time and placing
extra demand on technicians. The digital calibration is recorded
within each plate data file, providing traceability back to
inspection settings.


The Floormap3D has a wider sensor scanning head than previous
models capable of scanning up to 1440 m2 per day, and unlike
manual stop on defect systems, this is irrespective of the number
of indications found. The software guided mapping process
encourages the most efficient plate coverage, and helps ensure
the maximum area is scanned reducing the chance of missed
corrosion. The high resolution MFL sensor head coupled with
advanced signal processing, significantly improves corrosion
detectability and sizing over previous generation systems.
Typically on a 6 mm (1/4) plate, defects as small as 20% (as
specified by API 653) have a 100% probability of detection, with
sizing accuracy better than +/- 5%. The system will also detect
pipe type defects and through holes down to 3 mm (1/8), with the
unique raw MFL and STARS data views aiding in characterisation
of defect types.



The Silverwing System

Silverwing produce a full range of equipment for corrosion
inspection of storage tanks, including floor plate, wall and roof
structures. The product range includes MFL mapping and manual
systems, ultrasonic crawlers for thickness measurement, and
vacuum boxes for weld inspection. By supplying a complete range
we can offer unrivalled support, and ensure the highest quality
inspection in the most efficient way. All our products are field
proven by our in house teams and used by the most respected
global inspection companies. For a complete overview contact our
technical sales team.

R-Scan Lite



Vacuum Box





For more information on Silverwing Systems please visit our

web site: www.silverwingndt.com

The Floormap3D is supported by the SIMS reporting suite which automatically builds
a CAD layout of the tank floor from the data file. SIMS provides the most powerful and
efficient means to create high quality reports on tank condition, and archiving
of inspection results for traceability.
Additional data from visual, ultrasonic, vacuum box, magnetic particle inspection or even
PDFs can be added to the report, generating a full fingerprint of the tank floor including
the annular plates. An innovative feature of the software allows subsequent inspection
data to be overlaid and corrosion growth assessed as part of RLA/ RBI programme.
See separate brochure for full details.

Technical Specification
Patent Pending (EU: GB105193.5, GB1110889.1, GB1109371.3 and USA: 13175440)
Principle of operation:

Magnetic Flux Leakage & Magnetic Field Reluctance


256 Hall Effect sensors, 64 channels

Scan width:

300 mm (12)

Maximum single scan length:

15 metres (50 feet)

Position accuracy:

+/- 3 mm (0.11) or (+/- 0.04%)

Un-scanned area:

10 mm (0.4) from plate weld, 160 x 160 mm (6.3 x 6.3) corner dead zone

Method of propulsion:

DC motor


0.5 m/sec (19.6 /sec)

Thickness range:

Maximum 12.5 mm (1/2) (automated sizing mode)

Test through coatings:

Yes if non magnetic

Maximum coating thickness:

6 mm (1/4) on 6 mm (1/4) plate, 4 mm (5/32) on 10 mm (3/8) plate

Top and bottom discrimination:

Yes, STARS system

Defect Accuracy:

+/- 5% on 20 mm ball type or API 653 type defect

Max sensitivity:

20% material loss (ball type) under floor and top surface

Data storage:

Yes, internal SSD, transfer via USB

Real time analysis:

Defect size and X/Y position, plate view, top/bottom/MFL/STARS view

Supported plate types:

Rectangle, annular, sketch

Scan overlap:

0 to 50 mm (2) with transparent tracks to show all defects

Inspection Summary:

Number of plates, percentage complete, quick link to plate view

Power requirements:

Includes 4 x 12v batteries and 3 chargers for continuous use

Transit case:

Meets IATA requirements for transporting magnetisable material

Operating weight:

57.5 kg (126 lb)

System Software:

Field updatable

SIMS Reporting Suite:

Full version 3 user license included.

Read only version unlimited

Operating system requirement Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8


4 days Silverwing based training and examination included.




Standard Reference Plates:

6 mm Part No: FMCP30

8 mm Part No: FMCP28

10 mm Part No: FMCP29

12 mm Part No: FMCP31

API 653 Reference Plates

1/4 - FMCPAPI-1/4

3/8 - FMCPAPI-3/8

1/2 - FMCPAPI- 1/2

Pre-configured Reporting Laptop:

Windows and SIMS reporting suite

Additional Software Licenses:

Bundles of 3 additional user licenses

Silverwing UK Ltd - (Head Office)

Unit 31
Cwmdu Industrial Estate
Carmarthen Road
Swansea, SA5 8JF
Wales, UK
t: +44 (0) 1792 585533
f: +44 (0) 1792 586044
e: [email protected]
w: www.silverwingndt.com

Silverwing Middle East LLC

P. O. Box 75950
United Arab Emirates
t: + 971 4 338 0811
f: + 971 4 338 0992
e: [email protected]
w: www.silverwingme.com


Silverwing Africa (PTY) Ltd

Private Bag X1
Postnet Suite 419
South Africa
t: + 27 21 557 5740
f: + 27 21 557 4354
e: [email protected]
w: www.silverwingafrica.com

Silverwing USA Inc

Suite 120
2911 South Shore Blvd
League City
t: + 1 832 531 0092
e: [email protected]
w: www.silverwingndt.com


BRO-FM3D Rev 1.1

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