In Conversation With Walter Mignolo: The Failures of Neoliberalism and The Roads To The Future
In Conversation With Walter Mignolo: The Failures of Neoliberalism and The Roads To The Future
In Conversation With Walter Mignolo: The Failures of Neoliberalism and The Roads To The Future
TIME: 3.00 PM
The world before 1500 (that is, before Western Civilization) was polycentric and noncapitalist. Western imperial expansion created the conditions for a polycentric and
capitalist world order which is the one we are already living in. One of the big questions
we can ask ourselves is: what are the roads to the future. I see three major global
designs in the making: re-westernization, which is the project of Barack Obama since his
first day as President (c.f.: his discourse in Cairo and the recent declaration of the 21st
Century as the American Pacific Century); dewesternization, a tendency with two
trajectories: the secular politico-economic dewesternization lead by East Asian states
and intellectuals and now being joined by African and Latin American countries; and the
politico-religious dewesternization that we can find in countries with a predominant
Muslim population from Iran to Malaysia and Indonesia; and decoloniality, a tendency
that was announced by Sukarno in the Bandung Conference, that unfolded in Africa,
South America and the Caribbean and that, today, it is the project of the political society
rather than States or Institutionalized Religions that more often than not tend to prevent
the unfolding of the political society. Neither to say, none of this tendencies are
homogeneous and fixed in one place. But they can be clearly distinguished as three
main designs of the roads to the future.
For queries, please e-mail the seminar convenor Dr. Daniel Goh: [email protected].