Solving Travel Problems Textbook
Solving Travel Problems Textbook
Solving Travel Problems Textbook
Solving travel
problems: passports
Australian passports replaced British passports for
Australian citizens in 1949. On average, one Australian
passport is issued every 27.5 seconds. They are issued only
to Australian citizens. An adults passport is valid for ten
years and a childs is valid for five years. Both parents must
sign a childs passport application. Passport application
forms are available from Australia Post offices.
It generally takes ten working days for a passport
to be approved. However, at busy times, such as
Christmas, it may take longer. People must also allow
time for postage.
A visa is a stamp in a passport that provides
permission to enter a particular country. It does
A valid passport
not guarantee entry though. Visas can be applied
is necessary to travel between
for at a nations embassy or consular office and, for
many countries, should be obtained prior to leaving
When applying for a replacement passport, you
There are many different types of visa available,
will need to:
but generally they stipulate that a person may stay
s complete a new passport application form
in the country for a set period of time; for example,
s provide details of the lost/stolen passport
14 days. Failure to depart the country by the due
s attend an interview
date may result in a fine and deportation.
s pay the current application fee
Some countries ask visitors to present return
s pay the appropriate lost/stolen passport fee.
tickets and evidence of sufficient money to cover
If you are outside Australia and your passport is
their intended stay. Other countries have compulsory
lost or stolen, you must immediately report the loss
currency exchange regulations on entry and some
online or to the nearest Australian diplomatic or
refuse entry to visitors who do not comply with
consular mission. In certain circumstances, such as
requirements regarding general appearance and
short-term travel overseas, you may be issued with a
limited validity passport if you are unable to meet all
the requirements for a fully valid passport.
In 1950, 30 000 Australian passports were issued to
travellers. By 2000, this number had risen to nearly
1 450 000. Passport production accounted for 37 tonnes
of paper, 95 500 metres of thread, 69 000 metres of gold
foil and 1100 litres of glue. From 2005, a new Australian
ePassport was introduced. It uses sophisticated digital
technology, including photographs of travellers faces
stored on microchips.
A cautionary travel tale
Marlee had finally arrived in Turkey. She was exhausted
after her 20-hour flight from Sydney, but she figured a
shower and a change of clothes at the backpacker hostel
would soon refresh her. The next day she would leave to
meet up with her friends at Gallipoli to commemorate Anzac
Day. It was something she had always wanted to do after her
grandmother had told her about her great-great grandfather
who had been one of the original Anzacs. But, first, she
wanted to explore Istanbul while there was still daylight.
1 Complete the following sentences using the words from
the list below.
Chapter 11 Travel