Pavitt Icc 1998
Pavitt Icc 1998
Pavitt Icc 1998
Adam Smith's insights into the increasingly specialized nature of knowledge production
art crucially important in understanding the contemporary problems of managing
innovating firms. Products and firms are based on an increasing range of fields of
specialized technological understanding. Competition is not based on technological
diversity, but on diversity and experimentation in products, etc. Firms rarely fail
because ofan inability to master a new field oftechnology, but because they do not succeed
in matching the firm's systems of coordination and control to the nature of the available
technological opportunities.
based in OECD countries. The main problems arise in organization and, more
specifically, in coordination and control.
This can best be understood if more attention is paid to what Adam Smith
said about the division of labour, and less to what Schumpeter said about
creative destruction. Smith's identification of the benefits of specialization in
the production of knowledge has been amply confirmed by experience.
Professional education, the establishment of laboratories, and improvements
in techniques of measurement and experimentation have increased the
efficiency of discovery, invention and innovation. Increasingly difficult problems can be tackled and solved.2 Two complementary forms of specialization
have happened in parallel.
First, new disciplines have emerged, with all the benefits of the division of
labour highlighted by Smith himself at the beginning of this paper. These
specialized bodies of knowledge have become useful over a growing range of
applications, so that products incorporate a growing number of technologies:
compare the eighteenth-century loom with today's equivalent, with its fluid
flow, electrical, electronic and software elements improving the efficiency of
its mechanical functions. In other words, products are becoming increasingly
'multi-technology', and so are the firms that produce them. Each specific body
of technical knowledge cannot be associated uniquely with a single, specific
class of product. 3 Products and related technologies co-evolve within firms,
but their dynamics are different. For example, Gambardella and Torrisi (1998)
found that the most successful electronics firms over the past ten years have
been those that have simultaneously broadened their technological focus and
narrowed their product focus. In other cases, firms have used their range of
technological skills to create or enter new product markets (see Granstrand,
1982; Granstrand and Sjolander, 1990; Oskarsson, 1993; Granstrand and
Oskarsson, 1994).
Second, in addition to the benefits of the cognitive division of labour into
more specialized fields, the rate of technical change has been augmented by
the functional division of labour within business firms, with the establishment
of corporate R&D laboratories and similar groups devoted full-time to
inventive and innovative activities. In addition to the Smithean benefits of
specialization, professionalization and improved equipment, these laboratories
enabled firms to monitor and benefit more systematically and effectively from
The dassic texts on thii are Rosenberg (1974), de Soil* Price (1984) and Mowery ind Rosenberg
(1989) See, for example, the reasons why problems in mechanics were solved more easily than those in
' Amongst other things, this a a source of frustration for economists who would like to match statistics
on inventions from technology-based patent classes with product based trade and production statistics.
See, for example, Scherer (1982).
' For measurement of corporate technological competencies through the fields of qualifications of
technical personnel, see Jacobsson and Oskarsson (1995); through patenting, see Patel and Pavitt (1997);
ind through scientific papers, see Narin and Olivastro (1992), Godin (1996) and Hicks and Kan (1997).
' The difference between the two forms of knowledge isnicelyillustratedin the following passage from
Iansiti and dark (1994), in relation to the firm-specific capabilities for the design and development of dies
used in the production of body panels for automobiles: The knowledge that underlies that capability
includes an understanding of metallurgy, the flow of metal under pressure and che relationship between
the characteristics of the material, the forces and pressures applied to the material and the surface
properties that result. These kinds of knowledge pertain to the fundamental properties of the die and its
production system. But the firm must also have knowledge about how the fundamental concepts can be
operationalised into effective actions. These include knowledge of techniques of die design, die modelling,
die testing and finishing, for example. Additionally, knowledge can take the form of the skill of die
designers in anticipating processing problems, customised software that allows for rapid and effective
testing, patterns of communication and informal interaction between die designers and manufacturing
engineers that allow for early identification of potential problems, and an attitude of co-operation that
facilitates coordinated action between the die designers and the tool makers that will build the dies. These
elements (and many others) define an organisational capability for die design and development' (p. 560).
The starting point for our analysis is the large, multi-divisional manufacturing
firm, with established R&D activities and a product range that has grown out
of a common, but evolving, technological competence. In part, this reflects
the focus of this author's recent research (Patel and Pavitt, 1997; Tidd et al.,
1997). More important for the purpose of this paper, large multi-divisional
firms are the largest single source of the new technological knowledge on
which innovation depends. They perform most of the R&D activities, employ
most of the qualified research scientists and engineers, perform and publish
most of the corporate basic research, and maintain the closest links with
academic research (Hicks, 1995). They also contribute to the development of
knowledge and products for their suppliers of production equipment,
components and software (Rosenberg, 1963; Patel and Pavitt, 1994). Finally,
even when they fail in innovation themselves, they remain the major source of
the technological and other competencies which enable new firms with
different organizational approaches to succeed. Understanding the reasons for
their success and failure therefore has the widest implications, not only for
their managers, but also for the distribution of innovative activities amongst
companies of different sizes and ages. It is not the main concern of this paper
to argue in general for or against the large firm's ability to sustain radical
innovation, but to understand better the reasons for its success and failure in
trying to do so.7
We divide our analysis into four parts, reflecting four mechanisms identified
by earlier analysts of the innovating firms: competition, cognition, coordination
and control.8 Table 1 sets out schematically how the division of labour, both in
knowledge production and in corporate innovative activities, has influenced
these four mechanisms. We argue in Section 2 that failure to distinguish
between technologies and products has led to confusion in evolutionary
Many analysts in the evolutionary tradition are pessimistic about the ability of large firms to sustain
radical innovations, pointing to recent spectacular failures and to the emergence of new organization
forms: Teece (1996) recently identified four types of firm: conglomerate, multi-product integrated
hierarchy, virtual corporation and 'high flex' Silicon Valley type. Others argue that the obituary of the large
innovative firm may well be premarure, since there remain many examples of their success in developing
and exploiting major innovations: for example, according to Methe a *l. (1996): 'established firms,
including industry incumbents and diversifying entrants, play vital and underemphasized raid as sources
of major innovations in many industries' (p. 1181). And now even the oldest and best established of
capitalistsgrocers (supermarkets) and moneylenders (financial services)have become major players in
the development and exploitation of information technology.
These dimensions of the innovating firm emerge from the original work of Nelson and Winter (1982),
and from later work by Cohendet tt tt. (1994). In the language of Teece and Pisano(1994), in their analysis
of the 'dynamic capabilities' of the firm, our competitive mechanisms relate their notions of corporate
pesilin, cognitive mechanisms to corporate paths, and coordination and control mechanisms to corporate
TABLE 1. Some Consequences of the Division of Labour in the Production of Technological Knowledge
Technology ^
Division of
labour in
Trained scientists and
Increasing output.
range and usefulness
of knowledge
Division of
labour in
Specialized technical
functions, inc. R&D
competence to
understand and
improve artefacts
discontinuities *
Technological diversity within
firms, and within countries,
but not within industries
> Multi-product firms
competence to
experiment and learn
across organizational
enhancement >
Organizational competence to
reconfigure divisions and
evaluate options in the light
of technology characteristics
" In this context, a recent paper, Stankirwia (1998) proposes the notion of interrelated 'design space'
for artefacts, and 'operands' for the underlying knowledge base, techniques, etc.
R&D, production, marketing, logistics, strategy, finance, etc. Such coordination cannot realistically be reduced to designing flows of codified information
across functional boundaries. It also involves coordinated experimentation
(e.g. new product launches), and the interpretation of ambiguous or
incomplete data, where tacit knowledge is essential. As the observations of
Iansiti and Clark in footnote 6 (p. 436) show, personal contacts, mobility and
interfunctional teams are therefore of more central importance than pure
information flows.
In our present state of knowledge, effective coordination belongs in the
field of practice rather than the field of understanding. Unlike purely
technological processes, organizational processes are difficult to measure and
evaluate, and do not lend themselves readily to rigorous modelling and
controlled experiments. In addition, the coordination processes in which we
are interested are complex. Experimentation and learning across critical
organizational interfaces are particularly difficult when combining knowledge
from different functions, professions and disciplines, each with their distinct
and different analytical frameworks and decision ruleswhich is another
reason why firms may try to compensate for greater technological complexity
by greater market focus.19
In addition, the identification of the location of critical interfaces is not easy,
for three reasons. First, there are potentially several such interfaces, involving
a multitude of possible linkages between R&D, production, marketing and
logistics within the firm, and a variety of sources of outside knowledge in
universities, other firms (suppliers, customers, competitors, etc.) and other
countries. Second, the interfaces that merit analysis and managerial attention
vary considerably amongst technologies and products. Compare firms in
Pharmaceuticals and automobiles. In the former, strong interfaces between
in-house R&D and the direct output of academic research (in medicine,
biology and chemistry) are essential. In the latter, they are not, but strong
interfaces between in-house R&D and production are of central importance.
These differing characteristics have important implications for both the
appropriate organizational forms, and geographical location of corporate
innovative activities.
Finally, the key interfaces for organizational learning change over time, very
often as a result of changes in technology-related factors themselves. Witness
the growing importance for the pharmaceutical industry of the interface with
Models of inert-corporate coordination have not got very far in grappling with these essential features
of innovative activities. For example, in Aoki's models (1986), problems of coordination are in production
and dealt with through information flows, rather than in learning and innovation mediated through tacit
knowledge. Furthermore, sources of instability and change are in an exogenous environment, rather than
created by the firms themselves.
See also the earlier pioneering work of Goold and Campbell (1987).
(Graham, 1986). And it will certainly require the capacity to reconfigure the
composition and objectives of established divisions in the light of changing
opportunities (Prahaled and Hamel, 1990).
Different balances between the administrative and the entrepreneurial
functions are likely to be appropriate to different levels of technological
opportunity. In addition, the appropriate degree of decentralization of the
entrepreneurial function within the corporation will depend in part on the
nature of the firm's core technology.23 The higher the costs of product
development, the greater the need for central control of the entrepreneurial
function. In other words, the appropriate system of corporate control will
depend in part on the nature of the technology.
Thus, Table 2 suggests that firms with low technological opportunity are
likely to be compatible with an emphasis on the administrative rather than
the entrepreneurial function, and with more centralization with increasing
capital intensity. Firms with high technological opportunities and high
costs of product and process developmentsuch as those in drugs and automobilesare likely to be best suited to a strong entrepreneurial function at
the corporate level. Those with high technological opportunities, but low
costs of product developmentlike those in consumer electronics and the 3M
Corporationwill be best served by more decentralized entrepreneurial
Table 2 also shows that there can be mismatches between strategic style
and the nature of technological opportunities. For example, tight financial
control and emphasis on short-term profitability do not allow investments in
exploring longer-term options emerging from new technological opportunities: this is one reason why GEC in the UK and ITT in the USA have
progressively excluded themselves from many high-technology markets
{Economist, 1995, 1996). Similarly, the characteristics of technology, and the
corresponding organizational requirements, change over time. Thus, one
reason for the recent deliberate demerger of ICI was the reduced technological
opportunities in the previously fast-moving field of bulk chemicals (Owen and
Harrison, 1995). Similarly, the high costs of mainframe computers in the
1960s and 1970s, and their specificity to the corporate office market, imposed
centralized entrepreneurship. With the advent of the microprocessor and
packaged software, the costs of experimentation tumbled and new markets
emerged. Mainframe firms had great difficulty in adjusting in time to the
requirements of greater decentralization.
Marengo (1995) models learning, and comes to tome intuitively appealing conclusions about the
balance between organizational centralization and decentralization. But his learning is also about changes
in the environment, rather than about internally generated changes.
44 6
Strategic style
Levels of
_. . .
Low-tecb opportunity +
bigb cost of investments
bulk chemicals in 1960s >
mainframes in 1970s
Low-tecb opportunity +
low cost of investments
consumer electronics
6. Conclusions
The main argument of this paper is thatas foreseen by Adam Smith
specialization in knowledge production is a central feature of the innovating
firm. It is therefore of great importance to distinguish products (and other
artefacts) from the underlying bodies of technological understanding on
which they are based. Although the two evolve together, they do not have the
same dynamics. Inadequate care in distinguishing the two can result in
mistaken policy prescriptions (e.g. Granstrand etal., 1997). And it can lead to
too much emphasis in evolutionary theorizing on the economic benefits of
technological diversity, on the frequency and causes of creative destruction,
and on the nature and implications of changes in technological paradigms.
The main challenge is to improve understanding of the organizational
processes of coordination and control that make for a successful matching
between the development and deployment of bodies of technological
knowledge, on the one hand, and commercially successful (or useful) working
artefacts, on the other. We have stressed that our practical and theoretical
knowledge of these organizational processes are less well grounded than
our knowledge of the processes of technological advance per se. This why
companies with outstanding technological competenciesXerox and IBM
in the early days of personal computers, for examplefailed to develop
organizational forms to exploit them. Nonetheless, large firms are capable of
restructuring their activities to benefit from the new technological oppor447
tunities that they have mastered. 'Routines' can and do change. 'Creative
destruction' is not inevitable.
The appropriate organizational processes will depend on the characteristics
of the technologies, such as their sources, the rate and direction of their
change, and the costs of developing and building artefacts based on them.
And since technologies vary greatly in these characteristics, and they change
over time, any improved knowledge that we acquire will be highly
contingent. Nonetheless, the research of Woodward (1965) and Chandler
(1977) on the organizational dimensions of changes in process technologies
shows that such research can make a major difference to our understanding
of innovation in firms. The following avenues of research appear to be
particularly fruitful:
Finally, our analysis suggests that truths about the real innovating firm will
never be elegant, simple or easy to replicate. It is nonetheless to be hoped that
formal theorizing will try to incorporate more real-world features of the
innovating firm. In particular, evolutionary economics grew out of dissatisM
See Miyazaki (1993) for an account of the extended period that Japanese firms spent learning about
opto-dectronics. It might be argued thai the personal computer began with a component innovation (the
microprocessor) which, after a number of complementary component innovations (e.g. memories), and
architectural innovation] (internaliiing the dislc drive) and incremental improvements, created the
conditions for the emergence of the revolutionary innovation that was the P C
The author has benefited greatly in the preparation of this paper from the
comments of Stefano Brusoni, Mike Hobday, Patrick Llerena, Richard Nelson,
Ed Steinmueller and two anonymous referees. The usual disclaimers apply.
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