Ecotourism in Char Kukri Mukri
Ecotourism in Char Kukri Mukri
Ecotourism in Char Kukri Mukri
The physical environment of any country provides lots of attractions for tourists for that reason
the diffusion of tourism industry with eco- balance comes up with some obvious benefits and
costs in terms of environment, society, culture and development. Bangladesh is a country filled
with natural wonders and untouched reserves and home to a variety of unique and magnificent
creatures. Although this is still a relatively new form of tourism in Bangladesh, ecotourism is on
the rise and extensive efforts are being made to promote it in the country. Bangladesh is blessed
with splendid and enchanting ecotourism spots of diverse nature. Char Kukri Mukri can be such
a spot for ecotourism.
The Char Kukri-Mukri provides a breeding ground for a large colony of herons, egrets and other
water fowls. It covers only 1118 hectares of pond or marshy land, although the char is growing
through accretion. The forest department has added plantations of Keora tree which are now
nearing 30 years of age. The beauty of this place is cannot be described in words. Char Kukri
Mukri is identified as the world's biodiversity area by the IUCN.
Ecotourism is a form of tourism which fosters environmental principles, with an emphasis on
visiting and observing natural areas and living. Ecotourism inspired primarily by the natural
history of an area, including its indigenous cultures. The Eco tourist visits relatively undeveloped
areas in the spirit of appreciation, participation and sensitivity. With the nature resources Char
Kukri Mukri holds, it offers huge potentiality to become one of the major spot for ecotourism in
Bangladesh. The possibilities of ecotourism in Char Kukri Mukri are explained below:
1. Natural resources: Char Kukri Mukri is full of natural endowment and
beauties. There are of forest sites, river, water bodies, wild birds and
animals in this small island. These resources are the main attraction for
developing ecotourism in Char Kukri Mukri.
2. Ecological specialization: Char Kukri Mukri has beautiful landscape and
ecological views which have the immense power to attract the eco
3. Geographical importance: Char Kukri Mukri is surrounded by water by
all sides. Because of its remote location, tourists coming here feels
themselves as a part of this char and its nature. This strategic geographic
advantage can immensely contribute Char Kukri Mukri to be an ideal
ecotourism destination.
4. Topographical advantages: In every season, Char Kukri Mukri beautify
her in different and unique ways which is exclusive in the world. So, the
delight of nature is a great source for ecotourism.
5. Culture and Life Style: People living in Char Kukri Mukri and their life
style is very attractive to the eco tourists. The ethnic life style of people
living here might act as a powerful component of eco-tourism.
6. People involvement: This people can be trained up as Tour operators
and guides for operating ecotourism in light of environment friendly
situation. If they trained up properly, they can ensure the effective
ecotourism as well as environmental education.
7. History and Heritage: Char Kukri Mukri also has Heritage involved with
it. One of the 48 Mujib Kellas (cyclone shelters built with high soil stacks)
is situated at the Kukri garden. The shelter is currently being used as a
forest camp also serving as a complementary attraction. This shelter
established on 300 acres of land could be a tourist spot.
8. Transportation Facilities: Different private organizations can build up
their own transportation facility to jungle safari and transport tourists in
Char Kukri Mukri.
9. Hotel & Motel Facility: Different hotel and motel should be established
for offering tourists accommodation at a reasonable price. The hotel and
motels will also be providing foods. For foreigners, they are also providing
different foods as they deserve and demands.
Educational program: Environmental education provides the school
with a positive approach to society, because environmental education
helps the entire process of education. Both national and international
organizations can promote environmental education program for the
sustained ecotourism in Char Kukri Mukri.
Government role: Lastly. Government should play a vital role for
sustainable ecotourism development in Char Kukri Mukri. It should
formulate necessary laws and regulations for maintaining ecotourism in
Char Kukri Mukri. Moreover, govt. can facilitate in environmental
educational programs in Char Kukri Mukri.
Government has already taken some projects to develop Char Kukri-Mukri as an ideal tourist
spot. Side by side Well communication system should be established with mainland which will
attract more tourists. International level hotel and motel should be built for local and foreign
tourists. Government should formulate necessary laws and regulations for maintaining
ecotourism in Char Kukri Mukri.
Research shows that the soils of Char Kukri Mukri are very much similar to those of the
Sundarbans Mangrove forest, so a larger forestation program should be planned and mangrove
forest be planted. Forest research Centre should be established. Human habitation may be
restricted in these locations, where natural calamities take a heavy toll on human lives and the
cattle population. All the wild animal habitats of the char should be well preserved and
environmental education should be provided to the people so they can work towards
development of ecotourism.
An appropriate Management plan should be prepared and well financed for the development of
ecotourism in Char Kukri Mukri. Establishing suitable linkages and accountability in order to
ensure a regular source of funding for management plans implementation is also needed. An
appropriate accountability mechanism needs to be developed in order to ensure timely
observation and implementation of ecotourism plans. Government should also encourage private
organizations to start project based tourism plans under proper supervision.
Bangladesh has quite a number of offshore islands to its south in the Bay of Bengal, especially in
the Meghna estuary. Formed by huge quantity of sediment load received from the GangesBrahmaputra-Meghna river system, these islands are at the frontal part of the Bengal delta and
are tidally affected. With area increasing gradually with new sedimentary formations in the
south, this island can be afforested with mangrove species with surprising outcome if proper
steps are taken. It is hoped that Char Kukri Mukri will serve as one of the top Ecotourism spot in
our country with the help of proper guidance and development.
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