Di 0546 e PDF
Di 0546 e PDF
Di 0546 e PDF
WP No 546
March, 2004
Johanna Mair*
Ignasi Mart**
Social entrepreneurship, as a practice and a field for scholarly investigation,
provides a unique opportunity to challenge, question, and rethink concepts and assumptions
from different fields of management and business research. This paper puts forward a view
of social entrepreneurship as a process that catalyzes social change and/or addresses
important social needs in a way that is not dominated by direct financial benefits for
the entrepreneurs. Social entrepreneurship is seen as differing from other forms of
entrepreneurship in the relatively higher priority given to promoting social value and
development versus capturing economic value. To stimulate future research the authors
introduce the concept of embeddedness as a nexus between theoretical perspectives for the
study of social entrepreneurship. Different research methodologies and their implications
are discussed.
Sad Business
School (2005)
Social entrepreneurs are people with new ideas to address major problems who are
relentless in the pursuit of their visions, people who simply will not take no for an
answer, who will not give up until they have spread their ideas as far as they possibly can.
Boschee (1998)
Social entrepreneurs are not-for-profit executives who pay increasing attention to market
forces without losing sight of their underlying missions, to somehow balance moral
imperatives and the profit motives and that balancing act is the heart and soul of the
Dees (1998)
Social entrepreneurs play the role of change agents in the social sector, by:
Adopting a mission to create and sustain social value (not just private value)
Recognizing and relentlessly pursuing new opportunities to serve that mission,
Engaging in a process of continuous innovation, adaptation, and learning,
Acting boldly without being limited by resources currently in hand, and
Exhibiting a heightened sense of accountability to the constituencies served and for the
outcomes created.
Thompson, Alvy,
& Lees (2000)
Social entrepreneurs are people who realize where there is an opportunity to satisfy some
unmet need that the state welfare system will not or cannot meet, and who gather together
the necessary resources (generally people, often volunteers, money and premises) and use
these to make a difference.
Dees (1994)
Social enterprises are private organizations dedicated to solving social problems, serving
the disadvantaged, and providing socially important goods that were not, in their judgment,
adequately provided by public agencies or private markets. These organizations have
pursued goals that could not be measured simply by profit generation, market penetration,
or voter support.
Social enterprise[s] [are] business[es] that trade for a social purpose. They combine
innovation, entrepreneurship and social purpose and seek to be financially sustainable by
generating revenue from trading. Their social mission prioritizes social benefit above
financial profit, and if and when a surplus is made, this is used to further the social aims of
the beneficiary group or community, and not distributed to those with a controlling interest
in the enterprise.
medical center. Sekem was able to fill an institutional void in Egypt by providing structures
that people trust and that help them to escape the poverty trap and gain control over their
lives (Seelos & Mair, 2005a). In sum, these examples show how social entrepreneurship
catalyzes social transformation by meeting social needs. Value creation in all three cases
embraces both social and economic aspects. The main focus, however, is on social value,
while economic value creation is seen as a necessary condition to ensure financial viability.
It is important to note that while the above examples of social entrepreneurship in
developing countries have been deliberately chosen to illustrate the global dimension of the
phenomenon, social entrepreneurship also occurs and has been studied in the developed
world. A large number of studies have actually centered on community development in the
United States, Canada and the UK. The nature of the social needs and social change
addressed by social entrepreneurs differs depending on the context. In the developing world,
the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) might provide a valid operationalization of
social needs. The MDG refer to the most pressing social problems to be addressed in the
immediate future. They include goals such as eradicating extreme poverty and hunger,
achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality and empowering women,
reducing child mortality, improving maternal health, and combating HIV/AIDS, malaria and
other diseases (http://www.developmentgoals.org). In the developed world, opportunities for
social entrepreneurs might arise, for example, from gaps in the social welfare system.
Thompson et al. describe such opportunities as unmet need[s] that the state welfare system
will not or cannot meet (2000: 328).
More empirical studies are needed to map the opportunity space for social
entrepreneurs and to examine whether and how the nature of social opportunities affects the
entrepreneurial process.
social entrepreneur, the particular behavior or process involved, or the social opportunity, in
order to emphasize the entrepreneurial nature of the phenomenon and thus differentiate it
from other phenomena. A popular early stream of research has focused on the personality
of the social entrepreneur. According to studies following this approach, social entrepreneurs
are characterized by very special traits (Drayton, 2002), special leadership skills (Henton,
Melville, & Walesh, 1997; Thompson et al., 2000), a passion to realize their vision
(Bornstein, 1998; Boschee, 1995), and a strong ethical fiber (Bornstein, 1998; Drayton,
2002). To become a legitimate field of scholarly investigation this stream of research needs to
overcome methodological problems such as a bias towards studying successful entrepreneurs
or the limited ability to differentiate between successful entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs,
managers, politicians and social activists. Despite the ongoing momentum of research aimed
at identifying distinctive entrepreneurial personality traits, we are skeptical whether this
approach will elucidate key differences between social entrepreneurs and other actors. It has
been repeatedly pointed out that who the entrepreneur is is not the right question to ask
(Gartner, 1988). Building on a behavioral tradition in entrepreneurship, we argue that
examining the set of activities underlying social entrepreneurship as a process may be a more
fruitful approach. A number of researchers have emphasized the entrepreneurial process, i.e.,
how entrepreneurs act, as a way of differentiating between social initiatives and social
entrepreneurial initiatives. For instance, building on traditional entrepreneurship literature,
Dees describes what social entrepreneurs do as engaging in a process of continuous
innovation and acting boldly without being limited by the resources they currently have in
hand (1998:4). Finally, a recent stream of research has focused on the social value
creating nature of the opportunities entrepreneurially discovered and exploited, in order to
distinguish social entrepreneurship from other entrepreneurial phenomena (Hibbert, Hogg,
Quinn, 2002; Mort, Weerawardena, & Carnegie, 2002; Guclu, Dees & Anderson, 2002).
The business model that Muhammad Yunus developed for the Grameen Bank or that
Dr. Abouleish chose for Sekem, on the other hand, fits perfectly with a for-profit scheme.
Both the Grameen Bank and Sekem use profits generated by their main activities to engage in
new social ventures: Grameen has launched ventures such as Grameen Telecom or Grameen
Energy, while Sekem has launched several social ventures, including a university and a
In sum, whether social entrepreneurs choose a not-for-profit or a for-profit vehicle
often depends on the particular business model and the specific social needs addressed.
Rather than profit versus not-for-profit, we argue that the main difference between
entrepreneurship in the business sector and social entrepreneurship lies in the relative priority
given to social wealth creation versus economic wealth creation. While, in business
entrepreneurship, social wealth is a by-product of the economic value created (Venkataraman,
1997), in social entrepreneurship the main focus is on social value creation. However, this
does not mean that social entrepreneurial initiatives should not embrace an earned income
strategy, quite the opposite. All the examples described above do just that. For the Grameen
Bank, creating economic value is critical to ensure that it is able to continue with its mission,
namely to change the life of the poorest of the poor by providing loans. The same holds for
the Aravind Eye Hospital (to continue providing eye services and cataract surgery for the
poor), for Sekem (to continue building a better Egypt), and for IOWH (to develop drugs to
fight neglected diseases in developing countries). Thus, in social entrepreneurship, social
wealth creation is the primary objective, while economic value creation, in the form of earned
income, is a necessary by-product that ensures the sustainability of the initiative and financial
An additional distinctive feature of social entrepreneurship lies in the limited ability
to capture the value created. Social entrepreneurs who address basic social needs such as
food, shelter or education very often find it difficult to capture economic value because even
if the customers are willing, often they are unable to pay even a small part of the price of
the products and services provided (Seelos & Mair, 2005a).
Research on social entrepreneurship has clearly drawn on and benefited from
previous work on entrepreneurship. Approaches and constructs stemming from research on
entrepreneurship in the business sector shaped the first attempts to conceptualize
social entrepreneurship. We believe that now it is time to go one step further: the rise
of social entrepreneurship, both as a practice and as a theoretical endeavor, provides a unique
opportunity for the field of entrepreneurship to challenge, question, and rethink important
concepts and assumptions in its effort towards a unifying paradigm.
Structuration theory
The concept of embeddedness implies that it is impossible to detach the agent
(social entrepreneur) from the structure (community, society, etc.). Thus, one of the issues
that has received most attention in recent decades in sociological literature is the duality of
agency and structure, and the integration of the two (Bourdieu, 1977; Bourdieu & Wacquant,
1992; Giddens, 1979, 1984; Habermas, 1987).
The examples of the Aravind Eye Hospital in India or Sekem in Egypt illustrate this
duality of agency and structure. An important part of Aravinds value creation model are its
community outreach programs, such as screening eye camps, the school eye health program,
and the village volunteer program. Through these programs Aravind is able to pursue
different strategies for taking eye care service to the doorstep of the community. Sekem
realized the lack of an appropriate structure to cater to social needs such as education or
health in rural Egypt. It acted upon that realization and filled an institutional void by creating
schools, an adult education center, a medical center, and most recently, a university.
While the context (structure) enabled Dr. Venkataswamy and Dr. Abouleish (agents)
to act, their actions altered the socioeconomic context (structure). In response to this apparent
dichotomy and continuous dynamism, Giddens (1979, 1984) structuration theory is an
attempt to articulate a process-oriented theory that treats structure as both a product of and a
constraint upon human action. Giddens tries to bridge the gap between deterministic,
objective, and static notions of structure, on the one hand, and voluntaristic, subjective, and
dynamic views, on the other, by positing two realms of social order (analogous to grammar
and speech) and by focusing attention on points of intersection between the two realms
(Barley & Tolber, 1997: 97).
Institutional entrepreneurship
DiMaggio (1988) introduced the notion of institutional entrepreneurship as an
attempt to explain how institutions arise or change. Institutional entrepreneurs are actors who
have an interest in modifying institutional structures or in creating new ones, and who
leverage resources to create new institutions or transform existing ones (DiMaggio, 1988;
Fligstein, 1997).
The original new institutional research program emphasized isomorphism and social
conformity to explain legitimacy and institutional pressures (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983;
Meyer & Rowan, 1977). But it left little space for agency (Fligstein, 1997). DiMaggio (1988)
introduced the concept of institutional entrepreneurship to fill that gap.
The above-mentioned examples of social entrepreneurship allow us to visualize how
the activities of Grameen Bank or Sekem catalyzed social change by altering long-established
institutions or organizational fields1. Indeed, social entrepreneurs ability to change norms
(e.g., money cannot be lent without collateral, much less to the poor) may turn out to be even
more significant than the initial problems that they set out to address. Accordingly, we argue
that an institutional entrepreneurship perspective is a promising way to understand the role of
social entrepreneurship in changing or giving birth to norms, institutions and structure.
Furthermore, it may be an interesting lens through which to study how social
entrepreneurship emerges; for example, by examining the conflict between the values of
social entrepreneurs and the way they perceive reality or, in institutional entrepreneurship
terminology, between social entrepreneurs beliefs and their shared norms (i.e., institutions).
However, we also see potential for the social entrepreneurship phenomenon to inform theory
on institutional entrepreneurship. Neither DiMaggios (1988) nor Fligsteins (1997) theory of
institutional entrepreneurship are explicit about the paradox of embedded agency, which has
been described by Holm as follows: How can actors change institutions if their actions,
intentions, and rationality are all conditioned by the very institution they wish to change?
(1995: 398). Highly embedded actors may therefore not consider changing existing rules, and
embeddedness might reflect both an enabling and a constraining condition at the same time.
On the one hand, it is easier for highly embedded agents (social entrepreneurs) to ensure
access to resources and win legitimacy; on the other, less embedded actors are more likely to
engage in social ventures that challenge rules and norms, as they are not locked into the
existing structure. Clearly, an answer to whether such a paradox exists and how to resolve it
will require further research. We speculate that the ideal level of embeddedness will
depend on the specific stage of the social venture. A low level of embeddedness may be more
favorable during the motivation formation stage, while high levels of embeddedness may
have positive effects during the start-up and development stages. Furthermore, different
1 DiMaggio and Powell (1983) define organizational fields as a set of institutions, or a network of
Social capital
Social capital is broadly described by researchers as actual and potential assets
embedded in relationships among individuals, communities, networks and societies (Burt,
1997; Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998; Walker, Kogut, & Shan, 1997). Sociologists and
organizational theorists have elaborated three highly interrelated dimensions of social capital
(Liao & Welsch, 2003): structural capital the structure of the overall network of relations
(Burt, 1992); relational capital the kind and quality of an actors personal relations
(Granovetter, 1992); and cognitive capital the degree to which an individual shares a
common code and systems of meaning within a community (Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998). The
third, or cognitive, dimension also refers to how normative and mimetic forces shape
behavior, and its implications are therefore consistent with our previous discussion. In what
follows we will elaborate on how the first two dimensions may contribute to the study of
social entrepreneurship.
The structural dimension refers to the overall pattern of connections between actors
that is, whom you reach (Burt, 1992). Various authors have emphasized the importance of
networks for social entrepreneurship. The ability to develop a network of relationships and
contacts has been described as a key capability and critical skill of social entrepreneurs
(Prabhu, 1999; Thompson et al., 2000). Structural capital defines the potential or possibilities
that the social entrepreneur has to access information, resources and support. It is important
to understand the structural dimension of social capital, how it can be built, increased and,
most importantly, maintained, since it is one of the factors that will determine whether and to
what extent social entrepreneurs are able to solve and alleviate social problems, and elevate
them to the public sphere.
The relational dimension of social capital focuses on the quality of relationships,
such as trust, respect and friendliness. There is growing evidence that when trust is built up
between parties, they are more eager to engage in cooperative activity, through which further
trust may be generated (Fukuyama, 1995; Liao & Welsh, 2003). The Grameen Banks credit
delivery system is a good example: borrowers are organized into small homogeneous groups,
sharing responsibility for loans granted to other members of their group, facilitating solidarity
as well as participatory interaction. It is important to understand how trust is created among
the different members of the group, but also how trust between the members and the
Grameen Bank is sustained. Muhammad Yunus, founder of the Grameen Bank, gave an
interesting insight when explaining how a woman reacted when she received the money:
When she holds the money, it is such a huge amount in her hands, it is like holding
the hope and treasure that she never dreamed she would achieve. She will tremble, tears will
run down her cheeks, and she cannot believe we would trust her with such a large sum. And
she promises that she will pay back this money, because the money is the symbol of the trust
put in her and she does not want to betray that trust (Yunus, 2004).
It is important to note that there also exists a downside of social capital. Although
the literature on social capital mainly emphasizes its positive consequences (Portes &
Landolt, 1996; Portes & Sensebrenner, 1993), social capital may also involve risks and less
desirable effects. As Portes argued, it is important to emphasize them for two reasons: first,
to avoid the trap of presenting community networks, social control, and collective sanctions
as unmixed blessings; second, to keep the analysis within the bounds of serious sociological
analysis rather than moralizing statements (1998: 56). Previous research has identified four
important negative consequences: exclusion of outsiders, excess claims on group members,
restrictions on individual freedoms, and downward leveling norms (Portes, 1998).
Consider the above-mentioned characteristic of the Grameen Bank credit delivery
system: it enhances solidarity. While solidarity is generally thought to be positive, in some
circumstances it may backfire. Various authors have emphasized the downside of
overembeddedness: Gargiulo and Bernassi (1999) claimed that strong solidarity with ingroup
members may result in overembeddedness, which reduces the flow of new ideas into the
group and can result in parochialism and inertia. And Powell and Smith-Doerr eloquently
stated that the ties that bind may also turn into ties that blind (1994: 393).
Social movements
Social movement researchers have focused their efforts on four key issues: 1)
political opportunities and threats; 2) resource mobilizing structures and active appropriation
of sites for mobilization; 3) collective action frames and identity formation; and 4)
established repertoires of contention and innovative collective action by challengers and their
member opponents (McAdam, Tarrow, & Tilly, 2001).
Several insights from the social movements literature have been applied to the study
of social entrepreneurship (see Alvord et al., 2004, for an example). Both social movements
and social entrepreneurship are concerned with social transformation. Thus, efforts by
scholars working on social movements to understand the motivation behind the desire to
bring about social change are highly relevant to the study of social entrepreneurship.
Similarly, knowledge on the different tactics used by social movements e.g., mobilization of
people, protest, negotiation, etc. (Andrews, 2001) may be useful for social entrepreneurship
research and practice.
Finally, the social movements literature cautions about evaluating initiatives
exclusively in terms of success or failure. Andrews stated that success implies the attainment
of specific, widely shared goals, but the goals of most social movements are contested by
participants and observers. Goals also change over the course of a movement (2001: 72).
Applying these insights to assess outcome or performance of social entrepreneurship, one
could argue that, instead of focusing on the success or failure of a program or initiative, it
would be better to start measuring degrees of success or failure, always bearing in mind the
intended and unintended consequences of the initiative. This would allow us to study whether
and how learning takes place in the process, and to find out how social entrepreneurs detect
and manage problems and errors and, more importantly, whether they learn from those failures
and change their behavior accordingly.
To enhance our knowledge of social entrepreneurship as a field of study and
practice, it is necessary to consider the properties and purpose of the system in which social
entrepreneurs are embedded, and also clarify their role within the system. Our purpose in this
section has been to stress the importance of the continuous interaction between social
entrepreneurs and the context in which they are embedded. This will help us to understand
and explain why and how social change is possible.
Final remarks
The purpose of this paper has been to arouse academic curiosity for social
entrepreneurship. We consider social entrepreneurship to be a particularly exciting and
fruitful research topic and it is our hope that this paper will bring us a step closer toward
legitimizing and inspiring social entrepreneurship as a means to create social and economic
value and as a field of research.
A promising area of research lies in examining the enabling and/or constraining effects of
embeddedness. High levels of embeddedness may inhibit the emergence of initiatives aimed
at social change particularly when those initiatives involve changing the rules of the game.
This poses an interesting additional question: assuming that social entrepreneurship involves
various stages, e.g., an intention formation stage, a start-up stage, a growth stage, a
consolidation stage, etc., how does embeddedness affect social entrepreneurship at each of
these various stages? One could argue that embeddedness has a positive effect on
entrepreneurs ability to access and ensure critical resources and is therefore important during
the start-up, development, or scaling out stage. On the other hand, it may have a negative
effect during the intention formation stage, i.e., the phase when the entrepreneur decides
whether or not to take on the challenge.
It is important to note that, given the early stage of the field, a wide variety of
research questions requires further attention. As mentioned before, social entrepreneurship
provides a fascinating playground for research drawing from different perspectives and
literatures. We conclude with a list of questions that provides only a snapshot of important
issues. If context and embeddedness is so important, to what extent is it possible to transfer
practices and scale out initiatives across geographic and community borders? Are some forms
of organizing for social entrepreneurship better suited to address specific needs than others?
How does social entrepreneurship differ in developed and developing countries? Can we
observe geographical clusters with higher levels of social entrepreneurial activity, e.g., India
and Bangladesh, or Brazil and Ecuador? If so, what explains the emergence of such clusters?
Are there isomorphic forces within and across clusters? What institutional factors explain the
emergence of social entrepreneurship and what theoretical lenses may help us understand
those factors? What is the link between social entrepreneurship and sustainable development,
and how can social entrepreneurship contribute to sustainable development?
It is our hope that the answers to these questions, and the further questions and
answers to which they give rise, will help to consolidate social entrepreneurship as a fertile
source of explanation, prediction and delight.
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