Born in Africa Newsletter December 2016

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Born in Africa Spelling Bee a HIT!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we are so proud to announce that the first Born in Africa Spelling Bee competition
was a major success! A total number of 46 children were chosen to represent their Born in Africa peers in this
fierce competition which was held at The Crags Primary School. Four children from each grade were then
selected to spell words chosen by our master of ceremonies Juf Louw, teacher at the school. With the tension
cutting like a knife through butter, the individuals battled on until first, second and third places were selected.
We are most grateful to our judges Mrs Louw, Mrs Koeberg, Mrs Johnson and Mrs Loggenberg who did a
great job at scoring each competitor individually. Congratulations to all of our winners and all the other kids
who were selected to participate! You have all done outstandingly well and we are very proud of you! We
would also like to thank our mentors Sarija, Marita, Catherine and Belinda for putting in so much effort in
teaching the compilated words to our children! Thank you to The Crags Primary School for the venue, Woolworths for the donation snacks, Valerie, Isabelle and Veronique for all the paperwork and preparations and
last, but definitely not least, we owe a big thank you to Jef Michielsen for donating bicycles & vouchers to use
as prizes.

Our mission is to develop well rounded, independent and successful young adults acting as role
models in their communities by providing educational and social support to school going children and
young adults from disadvantaged areas in Bitou, Plettenberg Bay South Africa.

Tertiary Education Update

Despite the fact that the tertiary system in South Africa is currently undergoing major turmoil, we at Born in Africa are not
going to let that interfere with our motivation to continue to inspire the young people in the Born in Africa programme to further
their studies at tertiary level. We are kept updated with the #feesmustfall movement by means of our students in their weekly
email feedback. The situation is hindering the application process of our future applicants, by slowing the process down, but
this just means that we will take the process further into December 2016. The reason for my update concerning this is to rest
our sponsors minds at ease as we have had many enquiries into the situation.
Having said that, this year is a record year for tertiary student numbers at Born in Africa. We have a current number of 30
students studying across the country at universities, skills schools and technical colleges. We are busy with no less than 21
new tertiary applications for 2017. We hope that the majority of the applicants will be accepted. There is always the chance
that this might not be the case, however, we then make another plan for the student, keeping continuously busy assisting
them to reach their dreams.
What do they study?

1 x Preschool Teacher
5 x Primary School

4 x Business Adminis

1 x Physiotherapist
1 x Air Hostess
1 x Hotel Manager

1 x Electrical Engineer
1 x Lawyer
4 x Bookkeepers
1 x Journalist
1 x Forensic Anthropologist
2 x Home Base Care

1 x Electrician
1 x Business Marketing

1 x Chef
1 x Security Officer
1 x HR Consultant
Congratulations to Asanda Gigi (National Diploma in Safety and Society), Charn Majavie (BSc Degree in Physiotherapy),
Siya Tenge (BTech Degree in Human Resources), Suleiman Krigga (Higher certificate in Business Administration), Ruduwaan
Myburgh (BEd in Education Intermediary phase), Merilene Hartley (Flight Attendant) for all the effort you have put into your
You have made us incredibly proud to be your sponsors.

Wittedrift High School Bursary

Another amazing year was had by our strong group of 40
children at Wittedrift High. Not only do we support these
students financially covering their school fees, hostel, all
uniforms, educational materials and miscellaneous costs,
but we support them socially three afternoons a week
offering individual counselling, guidance and socially themed
group sessions. We also have a number of children who
attend the Wittedrift High / Primary division who also receive
afternoon counselling, homework assistance and fun
activities. These children all benefit by means of the holiday
outings, educational camps, additional mathematic
assistances and more.
Transition to Wittedrift High is tough for our new recruits as
they experience life at a new level meeting students from all
walks of life and with diverse cultures.

The work load is extensive

and staying at hostel during
the week can be a
Offering students the much
needed afternoon support
also assists them in adapting
surroundings and helps
independent people which
in turn will have such a
positive influence on their
tertiary education journey.

What a year 2016 has been!

400 students received a full

uniform, stationary and a
back pack

Mentors host socially relevant

group sessions to enrich Born
in Africa childrens lives

16 volunteers assisted with

educational activities, homework classes, camps, outings
and specialised projects

We suppported 30 tertiary
students studying at
universities, skills colleges
and technicons

A total number of 35 Born in

Africa children completed
the Learn to Swim

8 Olympic themed camps

took place entertaining our
children with various sporting

Educational outings focused

both on the ocean with a life
guard theme & the younger
ones visited farm animals!

We financiallysupported 40
students at Wittedrift High
School by offering them full

Nick and Penny Brooks

hosted two Enterprise
programmes this year in
Green Valley &The Crags

Over 56 children took part in

the Anthon Van Wilderode
poem competition

Career guidance was offered

to our Gr 10 - 12 pupils to
assist them in making the
right choices!

11 children took part in the

Adopt a Swimmer
programme and are part of

10 children took part in the

Kumon maths programme
and 9 attended extra intensive
maths classes

Creative sewing and art and

craft classes offered to 50
Born in Africa primary school

Continuous cycling lessons

presented to primary school
children by volunteers

We continued to offer medical

support to all Born in Africa

Food hampers were distributed thanks to Woolworths,

KwikSpar, Sao Goncalos and
Le Fournil

22 dreams were realised this

year giving children the hope
that their, or their immediate
friends, dream can come true

BIA parents attended informative parent meetings where

activities and future programmes were discussed

We built our own

Centre in Kranshoek

BIA Kranshoek Classrooms Lights Are Shining!

The building of the Born in Africa Kranshoek educational Centre commenced in May 2016. Firstly plans were put to paper, a
small building committee of volunteers was established with Born in Africa director Isabelle De Smul Brink at the helm. With
all the relevant permission given and obtained we put spade to ground. On Friday 21 October, after the completion of this
massive project the Born in Africa team moved into their new premises. We have a computer room, two mentoring rooms, a
classroom for volunteers, a kitchen, four bathrooms, a storeroom and a wonderfully secure playground where soccer, netball,
rugby, hopscotch and other fun games can be played. We are planning on growing a vegetable garden, harvest rainwater
and therefore instill the value of sustainability. A huge thank you goes to all the sponsors who worked so hard at fundraising
efforts to ensure the building of the center was a success. The official opening of the classroom will take place in 2017. Watch
this space for details!

Computer Classes
The transformation which has occurred in Kranshoek with the
arrival of 15 brand new tablets with educational programmes is
incredible. Nathalie Cupido, our computer wiz teacher,
practices with the children every week. They work per grade on
various mathematical, Afrikaans and English exercises as well
as life skills.

Times tabe Competition

Poem Competition

The first of its kind times table competition was held at

Kranshoek Primary for all the Gr 3-7 students; not Born in
Africa inclusive. Winners of the competition are Robert
Kleinsmidt, Jaymee-Lee Kortje, Talia Attwood and Cally
Kleinsmidt. Well done to you young Einstein's of the
future! We are so proud of your progress!

The Anton Van Wilderode poem competition has become

synonymous with Born in Africa and each year our children
take part in the event posting their own poetry. We are very
proud to announce the winners of this years competition;
Nazli Majavie, Sixolile Mbopa, Kirsten Links, Antonio Aaron
and Chloe Krigga from Kranshoek and Judith Arendse of
Green Valley. Talent is not taught but a gift, and it is amazing
what emotion comes to light when pen fuses with paper.

Meet our brilliant volunteers

Hello there! My name is Veronique
Claes and this is the third time I am
in South Africa volunteering for Born
in Africa. I am also a board member in
Belgium since 2015. This time around
I am staying here for a year and will
be active on different levels at Born in
Africa. I am responsible for planning
the camps and holiday outings for the
children and am also hosting my own afternoon classes at
Kranshoek Primary, The Crags Primary and Wittedrift
Primary. Every day I enjoy working in the various
communities. Being able to make a difference to Born in
Africa and the children means the world to me. I am
incredibly proud to be involved in such a wonderful

I am Taoufik Grich and am in

my third and final year of
Socio Educational Care Work
at AP College in Antwerp,
Belgium. I am completing my
six month internship at Born
in Africa. I am active at
Kranshoek Primary School
where I teach additional
Maths and English to Gr 6. I also organise bicycle lessons for the Gr R children. After school, I work with the
Born in Africa children of grades 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7. I help
them with their homework and afterwards we play with
music in all its forms. Two months into my internship, I
can say that I really like being an intern at Born in Africa.
I get the opportunity to use my strengths and organise
activities for the kids.

Hello! My name is Job Heijnen. Im 25

years old and live in the Netherlands. Ill
be volunteering for six months at Born
in Africa and so far I am loving it! On
Mondays and Wednesdays I go to The
Crags Primary with Emma. In the
mornings we give extra maths lessons
to children who need one on one time.
In the afternoons we teach life skills to
the children. These can include simple ball exercises which
help stimulate their hand-eye coordination. After school we
organise home work classes for the Born in Africa children
where they also get the chance to be creative and play games. On Tuesdays and Thursdays I go to Wittedrift High
Primary where I give maths lessons in the mornings and
teach children English. In the afternoons we play games
and I coach the boys who play soccer.

Hello, my name is Emma

Reynaert and I am 23 years
old. I am from Lauwe in
Belgium and am currently in
my final masters year at the
University of Ghent. I decided
to do my three month
internship at Born in Africa
because I wanted to broaden my horizons and I love
working with children. My work here includes very
diverse tasks. I teach individual mathematics and life
skills to Gr 2 children at The Crags, started a bicycle
project at the Gr R / kindergarten and organise home
work classes for different grades in the afternoons. Besides all of this, I also do gymnastics and team building
activities with the children. I also had the opportunity to
go on house visits with the mentor Catherine. A very
interesting experience so far!

Hi there, we are Sofie Vanden Broeck and Eline Raedschelders. We came to

South Africa to volunteer at Born in Africa earlier this year and were active at
Kranshoek Primary. We taught individual lessons to Gr 6 children who were
struggling with mathematics. Besides that, we also taught the Gr R children how
to ride their first bike and organised our own after school project. The theme of
this was Olympic Games and we tried to introduce the children to as many
sports as possible and to broaden their knowledge about the Olympics. We had so much fun!

Born in Africa Dream Project

Founded in 2013, this project has realised more than 130 dreams to date.
We strive to realise two dreams per month. Read more about the dreams and happy faces of 2016 on our website.

Thanks to the Buckinghamshire Born in Africa Charity Golf Day for realising so many of these dreams! Also to
Chantal Van Summeren, Maaswaal College, The Triangel, De Blauwe Vogel visitors and Jef Michielsen
for your support Together we can make a difference!

Fantastic Mentors!
Mentoring - Teaching Life Skills

10 year celebration

Each year Born in Africa focuses on providing social and life

skills to our children to enrich them personally on their journey
through life. This year was no different and we kicked off the
year with the Rots en Water programme which are individual
lesson plans which focus on enriching personal growth, anti bullying and helps to develop a strong rock-steady young adult.
Very important to do so when you are working with young
people who, from an early age, have been compromised due to
their social disposition.

We are incredibly proud to be celebrating Sarija Bewee and

Marita Manual 10 year anniversary with Born in
Africa. Sarija is the mentor for 100 children. She has such a
passion to uplift the young folk into becoming better
persons and always goes above and beyond her call of
duty to ensure this happens. Marita, from the original
Harker family of Harkerville grew up under touch
circumstances yet blossomed into such a vivacious caring
woman, always putting the needs of those around her first.
Her creative approach to mentoring has earned her the
reputation of Blommetjie. Ladies, we salute you and wish
you both well for the next 10 years to come, thank you for
the fantastic job you are performing.

Other themes we
worked with were self
awareness and once
we completed this,
we focussed on a fun
filled theme titled
Cover Girl / Boy.
design a magazine
these were posted to
our Born in Africa
godparents to enjoy
with a Christmas
message attached!

Happy birthday to you!


1 Donnelene Aaron
2 Micial Booysen & Timothy Hannies
6 Lee-Ray Kam
7 lene Damonds
8 Verushka Damons
10 Kihara Philander
12 Vuyokazi Magani
13 Tania Hetjies & Llu-esha Gysman
15 Lauren Gysman
16 Jaimie-Lee Kortje
17 Levenia Jefta & Jamie Cupido
18 Suleiman Krigga
19 Rivaldo Krigga
21 Hlumisa Madolo & Bianca Malgas
22 Aubenn Grootboom & Averodene Primo
& Sade Jansen / Wiesie
23 Indiphile Gqwaru
24 Carlin Booysen
26 Tariq Wiesie & Joe-Nita Johnson
27 Chevonne Arendse & Leandr Davids
28 Diego / Weppie Messieure
29 Kabelo Modise
30 Shakeelah Kiewiets & Rodelia Boesak


Auriel Thys
Merone Majavie
Ameera Wellman & Jaydin Damane
Ethan Harker & Tiffany Van Willing
Amore Booysen
Eunecia Jones & Clayton Minnaar
& Jaydene Smith
8 Adrian Jansen
9 Shaundry Jeftha & Chesmea Powie
& Nadine Hoffman
11 Chloe September & Nakasha Jantjies
& Kaysuraan / Aldorain Gwa Gwa
12 Faith Myburgh
15 Jamelia Burricks & Zinzia Mitchell
16 Loren Goeda & Kyle Oliphant
17 Marian Saaiman & Roxanne Loggenberg


Rudwaan Myburgh
Tyla Van Wyk & Carleigh Snyders
Alexis Kathleen Esau & Mizaan Kam
Tasmia Davids & Alezandro Primo
& Bongani Mdlazi
Lenishia Cloete
Bronwyn / Keshine Kiewiets
Jodie Cupido
Dermaine Kriga & Luran De Vries
Jandre Samuels
Yasmine Kriga
Mathwine Human & Craig Nappie


1 Noah McClean
3 Rayme-Lee Christiaans & Geniva Oraai
& Dionay Bailey
4 Samantha Van Schalkwyk
5 Lauren Camphor
6 Deidre Barnardo & Terence Van Wyk
8 Rashida Luiters & Dadrian Windvogel
& Mercia Hendricks
10 Yazied Everson
11 Zodwa Siyila / Thandathu
11 Celeste Windvogel & Akho Mvangeli
11 Yulicha Kamfer & Lulecia Thys
13 Tiffany Booysen & Austin Zeng
14 Eune De Lange & Galithea Barnardo
18 Terri Mellem
19 Cherniqua Luiters
20 Kehano Dyers
24 Melia Jansa & Nicole Jacobs
25 Herschelle Williams
26 Jamie-Leigh De Waal
27 Sue-Leigh Alzite Morris
28 Logan Ruiters
29 Moira Sam
31 Dovyone Jansen


1 Beugene Green
3 Akeisha Lourens & Rigard Bruiners
5 Anelisa Mbopa

7 Jean-Pierre Plaaitjies & Alberto Wilskut

9 Marcell Patterson
10 Nol De Vos & Racquel Ellenbrugh
11 Samila Oliphant & Gabriell Malgas
11 Charne Majavie
12 Rayneesha Rass
14 Nabrushca Willemse
15 Nicole Branders
16 Angelo Bailey
17 Nikita Winnaar
18 Milano Arendse
20 Dehane Barnardo & Sinoxolo Jack
21 Ashleen Plaaitjies & Jay-Cee Christoffels
21 Courtney Damons
22 Kirstin Amber Links
25 Annalin Mouton & Healasti Mitchell
25 Ruwaida Kamm /Christiaans
26 Jonell Hendrickse
28 Brihantis Salmans & Zeldorette Wildeman
30 Lee-Urtis Kamfer


2 Alwynia Simon
3 Jaylynn Leonard
6 Tamsyn Kraftt
7 Mervin September
8 Sharne Christoffels
11 Suwaida Grootboom & Shanice
11 Tracey Thombe
13 Zarah Simons
14 Cameron Kamfer & Brengilene
15 Charnelle Ockhuis
18 Lucille May
19 Shade Kriga
20 Veruschka Frans
21 Lee-Ann Fortuin
22 Demi Julies & Katleho Modise
23 Tahnsoneria
24 Kyle Ethan Davids
26 Ashylla Dawids & Luciano Louw
28 Angeline Nyumba

Thank you!
We would like to thank all sponsors who helped us build and decorate our education centre in
Kranshoek. You are all fantastic!
Thank you, Simona Ots and the children who got their confirmation of
Kring 2000, family Delaere- Vanseveren (who organized a secondhand market) to sponsor our bulletin boards.

Special thanks of course go to all the big and small sponsors who have
helped with the building of our class rooms. Your donation made it
possible to achieve what we have now.

A big thank you goes to the Maaswaal College for all the tables and

A big thank you also goes to the family

Vandermarliere to donate the money raised by
their auction for the 130- year celebration of the
cookie factory Jules Destrooper.

We are very thankful to Georges De Smul as well, for donating a part of

the profit of his book to Born in Africa, to sponsor 15 tablets and to Herman Van Bavel (presents for his 70th birthday) to pay our caretaker for
the computer classes.
Thanks to the Prinsen in de Kroonorde and the students of Maaswaal
College, The Netherlands, we could buy educational software to put
on the new tablets.
Thank you, Toon van Gelder, Alette Huisman, Jan Jacobs and Chantal
van Summeren (Action for Africa) to sponsor the necessities to
finish our classrooms, the water tanks, flower boxes, pic nic sets, kitchen
and tiling.
Thanks to the organization of Femmes dEurope we could buy more
school furniture and chalk boards, connect the electricity in the Centre and
finish tiling all the classrooms.
Thank you, Total Foundation, for the fencing.
We would like to thank Jolien and Stefaan De Clercq for the sofas in the
class rooms of our mentors.
A big thank you also goes out to Phillippe Claes for securing the kitchen.
We are very grateful for the great games and toys, plants, stationary and
first aid kit which were also sponsored by Maaswaal College.
Thank you, Nienke and Harold Van Acht (baby gifts
for birth of Mels Misha) for the safe, the headphones and finishing touches to our computer
We would also like to thank Jef Michielsen and
Drijam vzw for the help with the inside decorations and the outside play area. DK Company organized a pop-up clothing sale in Antwerp, thank you
for organizing this lovely event to help us with the
purchase of all our kitchen equipment.
Woolworths, KwikSpar, Sao Gonzales, Le Fournil and Nguni.
Thank you for the monthly donations: Tinneke & Joost Bogaert-Verlinden, Victor
Poelmans-Lambrights, Henri & Martine De Schouwer, Fons Cools, Meeus-Verheyen, Marc
en Roos Hollanders, Yvan Vandenabeele, Gilbert Verheecke, Van Steertegem-De Temmerman, Leona De Smet, Van Den Eynde-Lemmens, Geert & Sandra Vandermarliere, Rosa
Flamand, Hans Vermeersch, Moers-Scheepmans, Noor Hallegraef, Nancy Calcoen, Luc
Van Der Linden, Etienne Vyncke, Wilma Van Bronkhorst, Judo en Wendy Wechuys

Inktco bvba
THANK YOU CORPORATES for the tertiary study funds

Albert Schots recently celebrated his 80th birthday

and all the donations were given to the study bursary
fund. Thank you so much for this lovely gesture.
We are already looking forward to January 2017, when the BIA Meetjesland
team from Belgium comes to South Africa to help us with the finishing
touches to our class rooms. They will paint the insides of our class rooms and
start the planting of our vegetable gardens. Thank you for all your support and
for sponsoring the porch roof over the area in between the two new buildings.
Mario Lampaert, chairman of BIA Meetjesland helped Mr. Van den
Driescche Julien write his biography. His donation will also be used to
purchase the playground next to our education centre in Kranshoek. You are
great, Mario!
Congratulations to the team of de Scheppers from Anderlecht, Belgium.
Together with all the students of the St. Niklaas Institute they have raised a
wonderful amount to be used for the building of our class rooms. Thank you so
much for organizing such a wonderful event for us!
St-Vincentius in Buggenhout, Belgiun, for taking part in the annual
Vastenvoettocht (walking event). We
especially want to thank the thriving
force behind this all, Mrs. Iris Vande
Velde. Your donation is much needed
for our study bursary fund.
This year we were also lucky enough to
have the support of Benno Haeseldoncks and the religious community
of Woluwedal. The profit of their
celebration of friendship will be used for our study bursary fund.
We are very thankful to all our board members and volunteers who have
helped in the fundraising. Thanks to them we were able to build our class
rooms and to have a successful study bursary year. Baie dankie!

Put Born in Africa in your will or donate through a duo legacy.

Even when you are no longer here, you can still make a difference in the education of a Born in Africa godchild. If Born in Africa is close to your heart, you can put
us in your will. That way you can give Born in Africa a little push in the back even
when you have passed on. Supporting Born in Africa and making your heirs profit
is also possible, through a duo legacy. The duo legacy is a legal way through
which your heirs can receive more than through a regular inheritance and you can
support a good cause at the same time. When you donate through a duo legacy,
Born in Africa will take all of the inheriatance taxes on their account. Both Born in
Africa, as an accepted organisation, and your heirs will profit from this! To get a
better idea of your own situation, please do not hesitate to contact your own
solicitor or Jaak Leenknegt at Born in Africa ([email protected]).

Thank you for your donation: Credit Suisse AG, Chantal Van Summeren, Rotary Ieper, De Leeuwse Arend, Willems Constructie, C.A.M Renkens, DK Company Belgium NV, Reisb. V. D
Bogaard, Aftimmerbedrijf, Van Bavel Herman, IREA Holding, Wageningen Academy, het Waasmaal College, Lions Club Ieper Poperinge, Rotary Izegem, Golf Oudenaarde Senioren club, Mark
Verhaegen, INKTCO BVBA, Tamara Schamroth, Lions Club Harelbeke, Ruud van Veenendaal, F. Vanhee, H. Smets, L. Vanbiervliet, J. Noordegraaf, P. Mayele, L. Cornil, M. Van Rijn, Werk van
Don Bosco St.P.Woluwe, Toon B., L. Gebruer, G. Van Humbeek, L. Debeurme, J. & L. De Wilde-De Meyer, H. & G. Kogelman, M. Mooren-Korenmolen, RC Antwerpen-Metropool, L. Bollen, A.
Van Hecke, P. Mayele, H. Van Bavel, Mauclet-Leyman, J. & D. De Landtsheer-Verdonck, Mauclet-Leyman, H. & N. Van Acht-Van Geesbergen, A. Van Lerberghe, N. Van De Velde Nicole,
Gemeentebestuur Lebbeke, E. Van Rompuy, M. Wijnant, G. & R. Rigouts-Dingenen, E. & L. Bradt-Robyns, Saerens-Vanderstappen, J. Vaes, De Clerck-Santens, Zusters Kwanten G. & R.
Leenknegt-Brouckaert, NEOS Hoeselt, R. Schotley, Van Den Goor-Geens, G. & R. Demaegdt-Desmidt, O. Delaere, G. Verberckmoes, R. Dhaenens, F. & B. Afschrift-De Smul, Synnesael-Van
Vooren, G.& R. Rigouts-Dingenen, T. Vandormael, A. Vanheule, C. Ruelens, A. & H Boot, A. & J. Maetens-Van Eynde, F. Joosen, J. Ostyn, G. Mertens, M. Mees, J. Michielsen, J. Blockx, A.
Jacobs, Tafelronde 195, G. & R. Rigouts-Dingenen, Jo and Co BVBA Drijam, W. & C. Baets-Lenaerts, Doms-Croes, M. Van Riel, P. & M. Voorbraak-Plasschaert, C. Van Der Eycken, F. Antonissen, Geysen-Van Boxel, Koyen-Van Calster, J. Bruyndonckx, Group Eribel NV, K. Goeyvaerts, A. Vandamme, Lauryssen-Kortleven, M. Verschueren, F. Mertens, Missiekring Hoogstraten, A.
Van Bavel, C. Fransen, M. Dufraing, B. Wilde, A. Van Kerkhove, B. Van Delm, J. Gijsbregts, T. Coppens, G. De Smul, Mortiers-Soffers, Y. Segal, Vrije Basisschool, Pers.Vereniging Heieinde,
Michielsen-Aertsen, F. Mertens, J. Dufraing-Swaenen, B. Kin, DK Company Belgium NV, G. & K. Brosens-Peeters-Knaeps, P. Helsen, F. Leuris, J. Van Der Velden, F. De Jonghe, M. & J.
Melkebeke, Sofie & Emanuel Vandermarliere, A. Vermeulen, D& E. Vanheede-Decrans, K. & W. Vandermarliere (Devaere), P.D.S.COMM V, L. Destrooper L., P. Taffeiren, Mac Alba BVBA,
Willaert M., C. & J. Dubaere, P.D.S.COMM VA, S. Destrooper, Steisaren BVBA, Destrooper-Claeys, F+P NV Fam.Lefevere, K. Vandermarliere, Association Femmes D'Europe, Marnixring
Antwerpen-Centrum, Stad Eeklo, Van Summeren Chantal, Vanvoorden Leen, Puttemans Sven, Schuil-Schuil, Serrien Luc, Vanvoorden Anne, Stadsbestuur Zottegem, Marnixring Vlaemsch
Hooft, S. Puttemans, L. Vanvoorden, L. Serrien, A. Vanvoorden, M. Serrien, B. Serrien, H. Serrien, B. Vanvoorden, AM Vercruysse, Drijam Peeters-Serrien, H. Lenskens, C. Van Summeren,
anonieme donatie via kitty en kees Vanhelbergen, Rotary Club Plettenberg Bay, Lions Club Lokeren, Lions Club Ieper Poperinge, Beuningen nu en morgen/Petra Hormes, H. Oerlemans, Toralf
Nordbotten birthday party, A. & M. Van der Mersch, BIA Meetjesland team, M. & B. Lampaert - De Smedt, Katrin Rossi, Heidi Kurt, E. & K., P. Claes, S. Van Wijk-Serrien, St. Khanyo Luka Krestu
Crche, W. van Manen, M. Taelman, Preflexibel NV Rot.Cl.Coudenberg Br, J. Michielsen, Vastenactie St Niklaas instituut, G. Claeys, Rotary Club Stuttgart International, G. Munz, Tia Hellebaut,
Golfclub Oudenaarde senioren , Rotary Club Gaasbeek, Womens Club of Copenhagen, Stadsbestuur Knokke Heist, K. Van Der Hooft, Soulco NV, R. Van Veenendaal, Lions Club Harelbeke
Liederik, Vlaamse Atletiekliga VZW, Seeuws Verzekeringen BVBA, Tamar Schamroth, Haeck Pomelien, G. Lambrecht, De Bie-Wulffaert, J. De Smet, T. & N. Misman-Bonny, A. van Batenburg,
V. Naert, E. Van der Jonckheyd, G. Van Peteghem, G. & A. De Smul, C. Gey, A. Van Gansbeke, Ginneberge-Van Waeyenberghe, J. Bruyr, M. De Pover, P. Gilson, E. Dooms, J. Van der Jonckheyd, A. De Latter, L. Lemmens, R. Van Hoecke, Toralf Nordbotten, An Cattoor, Ruud van Veenendaal.T. Jans, M. Goethals, M. Van De Velde, De Praeter, M. Quinart, F. Smet, A. Verschelde,
M. & J. Melkebeke, Nobby Van Der Linden, De gemeente Sint-Lambrechts Woluwe, fam. Brooks

BIA European support is overwhelming!

Auctions and 70th birthdays - all in aid of Born in Africa - we are so grateful!

Born in Africa would like to wish our Belgium Chairman and

co-founder Georges De Smul a happy 70th birthday for the
1st October 2016. The celebration of such a remarkable
pillar of the Belgian community coincided with a party for
family and friends and a book signing. George De Smul has
been very active in fund raising for the last 30 years and a
few of the charities he assists are 11.11.11, Artsen zonder
Grenzen (Doctors without borders), Poverello (help for the
poor and homeless) and of course, Born in Africa! Profits
raised by the book sales are being donated to the above
mentioned charities. The funds destined for Born in Africa
have been used to purchase the 15 tablets used at the Born
in Africa Kranshoek Educational Centre. Georges, we wish
you all the health to continue to pursue the upliftment of
those in need!

An auction event held in The Netherlands

and hosted by Dutch TV presenter, singer
and writer Jochem van Gelderwas was a
huge success and raised an amount of 10,000 in aid of the
Born in Africa Kranshoek Educational Centre. Guests were
treated to a rhythmic ensemble by Africa Lembo and the
childrens choir followed by buffet where guests could mingle
and view the pieces on auction such as the Elephants
featured in the picture above.
The event was organised by our incredible Born in Africa
Dutch team; Toon van Gelder, Alette Huisman, Jan
Jacobs and Chantal van Summeren (Chairman). We cant
thank you enough for all your hard work and dedication!

Donor info is a public foundation specialising in the financial transparency of charities

established in Belgium. It is the first independent website that publishes high quality, objective
and verified information about the activities and resources of charity organisations. Born in Africa
is registered with Donor info and you can thus make a donation in full confidence.
Service clubs, companies, schools, seniors clubs and others who are interested: If you would like to organise something
for Born in Africa you can always contact Georges De Smul or Remi De Backer. They will be more than happy to visit you and give
an informative talk at no cost. Feel free to contact them!

This newsletter was compiled by Nele Schroyen, Emma Irvine, Veronique

Claes, Belinda Coram & Isabelle De Smul Brink.

Would you like to get involved?

Contact people in Belgium
Arlette & Georges De Smul
R. Dalechamplaan 4
1200 Brussels, Belgium
[email protected]
Tel/Fax: +32 (0) 27 706 916
Cell: +32 (0) 49 612 236

Contact people between

Contact person in:
Belgium and South Africa South Africa
Isabelle De Smul Brink
Lieve & Remi De Backer
P.O. Box 1674
Cell: +32 (0) 47 528 3873
[email protected] Plettenberg Bay 6600
South Africa

Donations are always welcome!

In Belgium:

Iban nr. BE 25 8845 03500182,

BIC-code: HBKABE22

In South Africa: First National Bank, Plettenberg Bay

62044941533, branch code: 210514

Tel: +27 (0) 44 533 6271

Cell: +27 (0) 82 857 2345
[email protected]

Contact person in:

Toralf Nordbotten
[email protected]
Dr. Reinhard Schydlo
[email protected]
The Netherlands
Chantal Van Summeren
[email protected]

United Kingdom
Corporate fundraiser
Nick & Penny Brooks
Jaak Leenknegt
[email protected] [email protected]
Have a look at our Facebook page: Born in Africa
& our new website:
Tax exemption in Belgium (from 40) & in South Africa!

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