The Optimization of Multi-Stage Friction Pendulum Isolators For Loss Mitigation Considering A Range of Seismic Hazard

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The 14 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China

The Optimization of Multi-Stage Friction Pendulum Isolators for Loss

Mitigation Considering a Range of Seismic Hazard

Troy A. Morgan and Stephen A. Mahin


Postdoctoral Researcher, Dept. of Civil & Environ. Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Professor, Dept. of Civil & Environ. Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Email: [email protected], [email protected]

An objective in the design of seismically isolated structures is the selection of bearing properties so that optimal
performance is achieved over a range of excitations and performance metrics. A challenge in the design of
isolation systems is that, to withstand very severe or near-fault motions, bearings often become so large, stiff
and strong that they provide little isolation during moderate seismic events. Experimental and numerical
investigations are presented to characterize a new multi-stage friction pendulum (FP) isolation bearing, capable
of progressively exhibiting different hysteretic properties at various levels of displacement demand. This
newly-developed triple pendulum isolator incorporates four concave surfaces and three independent pendulum
mechanisms. Through the selection of geometric quantities such as spherical surface radii and slider height,
combined with specification of friction coefficients for each interface, pendulum stages can be set to address
specific response criteria for moderate, severe and very severe events. The feasibility of targeting these
properties to achieve specific performance goals for a range of ground motion intensities and structural
dynamic characteristics is investigated. In particular, the tradeoff between limiting very rare isolator
displacement demands and inducing high-frequency floor accelerations and inter-story drifts is examined for a
range of levels of seismic hazard. Nonlinear dynamic analyses of realistic building systems are presented,
including a thorough, probabilistic description of key structural demand parameters suitable for reliability
analysis and loss estimation. Recommendations for a design methodology leading to optimal parameters for
multi-stage FP bearings given a particular super-structural system and seismic hazard environment are
presented. This optimization procedure targets the minimization of loss estimates for over seismic events
having a range of mean annual frequencies.

Seismic isolation, friction pendulum, performance-based design

Since the 1970s, the design of structures to resist earthquake ground motion has benefited tremendously from the
application of seismic isolation. This technology provides one of the few means of reducing seismic-induced
deformations while simultaneously mitigating high acceleration demands in nonstructural components and
contents. As performance-based design has evolved in recent years, a focus on the total seismic performance of
structures has emerged in both research and practice. In particular, the consideration of damage due to both
seismic induced deformations and accelerations has received attention because of the high-value associated with
non-structural components and building contents (Astrella and Whittaker, 2005.)
Because of the importance of contents damage in seismic loss estimation, a consideration of the intensity and
frequency content of floor accelerations in base isolated buildings is warranted. Indeed, isolation is often
implemented as a means of significantly reducing accelerations transmitted to a structure, particularly with
high-value content buildings such as data-storage centers, hospitals, and museums. Existing buildings with
brittle appendages such as towers, domes, and cupolas may also be vulnerable to high accelerations. While
linear theory of seismic isolation suggests that an isolation system will filter out virtually all acceleration
content associated with modes greater than the fundamental mode, the introduction of hysteretic energy
dissipation at the isolation interface excites higher-mode accelerations. The effect of nonlinear isolator behavior
on the frequency content of floor accelerations has been discussed in Kelly (1981) and Dolce et al. (2003.) This


The 14 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China

study is concerned with how innovative isolation systems can enhance seismic performance through the
reduction of acceleration-induced damage, especially considering high-frequency acceleration content. Such
innovative systems will likely see increased development and application as building owners and financial
stakeholders look to mitigate content-related damage in buildings over a wide range of seismic hazard levels.
To improve the expected behavior of isolated structures subjected to small and moderate seismic events, a series
of enhanced friction pendulum bearings have been developed by Earthquake Protection Systems, Inc. of Vallejo,
California. These enhanced FP bearings are termed multi-stage in this paper because they progressively
exhibit different hysteretic properties at different stages of displacement response. A recent addition to the
collection of FP bearings is the Triple Pendulum (TP) bearing. This bearing incorporates four concave surfaces
and three independent pendulum mechanisms. A section through a typical TP bearing is shown below in Figure
1. The cyclic behavior of TP bearings has been described by Morgan and Mahin (2007) and Fenz and
Constantinou (2008a,b.)
Inner slider
Outer slider

Figure 1: Section through Triple Pendulum bearing (concave radii shown for each dish.)

The outer slider consists of minor concave surfaces (each of radius R1) on either side of a cylindrical inner slider
with a low friction interface (having friction coefficient 1) on either end. This forms one pendulum mechanism,
and defines the properties of the isolation system under low levels of excitation. The outer slider also consists of
sliding interfaces between each outer surface and the major concave surfaces of the bearing. The lower sliding
interface (having friction coefficient 2) is in contact with a lower concave dish (of radius R2), forming the
second pendulum mechanism. This mechanism defines the primary properties of the isolation system under
moderate levels of excitation. The upper sliding interface (having friction coefficient 3) is in contact with the
upper concave dish (of radius R3), forming the third pendulum mechanism. The friction coefficient of this third
sliding interface is sufficiently large to prevent sliding until an extreme level of excitation occurs. The properties
of these three pendulum mechanisms may be selected to optimize the performance of the seismic isolated
structure considering multiple levels of seismic hazard.
The isolator stiffness for each stage of sliding may be expressed in terms of effective pendulum lengths. The
effective pendulum length L for each of the three pendulum mechanisms is given by

L1 = R1 h1 , L2 = R2 h2 , L3 = R3 h3


Where Rj is the radius of the jth concave surface as indicated in Figure 1, and hj is the distance from the center
of the jth slider to the concave surface. By taking equilibrium of each pendulum mechanism in the deformed
position, and imposing compatibility of rotations, a force-displacement relationship may be generated. Given the
above definitions of Lj and j, the monotonic force-displacement behavior of the TP bearing is shown in Figure
2. A complete derivation of the stiffness for each stage of sliding is given in Morgan (2007.) In Figure 2, the
effective pendulum length is denoted Leff
where A is a roman numeral between I and V to indicate the sliding
stage. The ordinate axis is the normalized isolator shear F = f / W . Indicated on this axis are the friction
coefficients for each pendulum mechanism. These friction coefficients are ordered such that 1 <2 3 . This


The 14 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China

follows from the design philosophy of the TP bearing, whereby very little frictional resistance is desired for low
level excitations, and large frictional resistance (and hence energy dissipation) is desired for intense excitations.


L2 + L3
L1 + L2


L1 + L3


u 3




Figure 2: Monotonic normalized force-displacement relationship for the TP bearing (showing sliding stages I through V)

It should be noted that the last two stages of sliding (IV and V) indicate overall stiffening of the isolation system
due to the lower and upper concave surfaces reaching their lateral deformation capacities, respectively. The total
displacement at which each of these transitions occur is a function of the dish diameter, and may be adjusted as
required given the desired cyclic behavior.
To characterize the behavior of TP bearings under dynamic excitation, an experimental program was conducted
at the Earthquake Simulator Laboratory (or shaking table) at EERC in Richmond, California. This experimental
program included: a) harmonic characterization tests at multiple amplitudes and b) earthquake simulation tests
considering three historic acceleration records scaled to three levels of intensity. Shaking in one-, two-, and
three-directions was considered to evaluate bi-directional behavior, and the effects of vertical acceleration. The
specimen consisted of a 1/4-scale three-story steel braced frame building, supported on four scale TP bearings. A
section through the scale model TP bearing is shown below in Figure 3, including all relevant geometric
properties needed for characterization. Considering the properties of this scale bearing, the model pendulum
lengths were L1 = 2.1, L2 = 17.2, L3 = 17.2, respectively. In prototype scale (with length scale = 4, time scale
= 2), this corresponds to natural periods in each stage of sliding of TI = 1.32 sec, TII = 2.8 sec, and TIII = 3.76 sec
for sliding stages I, II, and III, respectively.
R3 = 18.64 "

R1 = 3 "

h1 = 1.8 "

R2 = 18.64 "

D1 = 3.5 "

h2 = 2.8 "

D2 = 9 "

Figure 3: Scale model of TP bearing used as part of the experimental specimen.


The 14 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China

To model the cyclic behavior of TP bearings, a three-component series hysteretic spring model was developed to
replicate exactly the multi-linear force-displacement relationship shown in Figure 2. Each spring component has
essentially rigid-elastic behavior, and parameters of secondary stiffness and yield strength calibrated to represent
the stages of sliding I, II, and III. Gap and hook elements are able to replicate the hardening regimes of Stage IV
and V. A comparison between the cyclic model and the experimental results are shown for Stage I through IV
sliding in Figure 4. The friction coefficients for each of the three interfaces were calibrated my minimizing the
difference in dissipated energy between the experiment and the model.

Figure 4: Comparison of cyclic model (left) and experimental results (right) for model TP bearings
considering Stage IV sliding

The above-described cyclic model was implemented in nonlinear response-history analysis, and parametric
studies were undertaken to assess the sensitivity of important demand parameters to TP characteristics,
considering a range of seismic hazard.
To investigate the performance of buildings isolated with TP bearings, a study was undertaken considering a 3and 9-story structure. The seismicity of the site was taken as downtown Los Angeles, and the SAC suite of
acceleration records was used to characterize the seismic hazard at three return periods: 72-year, 475-year, and
2475-year. The SAC records are described by Somerville et al. (1998.) Both structures were designed according
to response-spectrum analysis considering the median SAC 475-year return period spectrum. This procedure
leads to fixed-based fundamental periods of the 3- and 9-story structures as indicated in Table 1. Additionally,
key properties of the four TP isolators studied in this paper are presented in Table 1. The parameters L and are
defined above, and Ulimit are the displacement capacities of each of the three pendulum mechanisms. Here, only
the second sliding surface has a displacement limit since this follows the design approach for TP bearings.
Table 1: Properties of model structures


11", 54", 54"
0.01, 0.042, 0.10
15", 88", 88"
0.05, 0.075, 0.20
TP-4-0.10 44", 122", 122" 0.001, 0.035, 0.035
TP-4-0.25 16", 150", 150"
0.02, 0.05, 0.08
1. NL = No Limit
2. Tfb = fixed-based fundamental period


Tfb (3-Story)

Tfb (9-Story)

NL, 18", NL
NL, 11", NL
NL, 14.5", NL
NL, 11, NL

0.71 sec.
0.71 sec.
0.82 sec.
0.82 sec.

1.18 sec.
1.18 sec.
1.36 sec.
1.36 sec.


The 14 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China

For each level of hazard, four demand parameters were computed: peak interstory drift ratio (PIDR), peak floor
acceleration (PFA), peak isolator displacement (Uiso), and peak floor spectral acceleration (PFSA.) For a
particular model structure, the median demand is computed for each of the above parameters, and plotted as a
demand hazard curve. These curves express the 50% probability of experiencing some level of demand given
the occurrence of a seismic event having some mean annual frequency (MAF.)
Demand curves for the 3- and 9-story isolated buildings are described in Figures 5 and 6, respectively. Each of
these figures describe a family of demand hazard curves corresponding to the four TP isolation systems
considered as part of this study. The notation for a TP system indicates the important properties of effective
stiffness and equivalent viscous damping. For example, TP-3-0.10 is a TP bearing designed to exhibit an
effective period of 3 sec and equivalent viscous damping of 10% critical at some reference displacement (in this
case, the 2475-yr isolator displacement).
From the data of Figures 5 and 6, several important observations are made for the 3- and 9-story isolated
structures. First, the level of target damping clearly has an effect on the behavior of the superstructure. The
PIDR is lowest for the TP-4-0.10, considering all levels of hazard. This system experiences the largest Uiso in the
2475-yr event. The TP-4-0.25 has Uiso which is about 25% lower than TP-4-0.01, but the PIDR and PFA are
increased as a result of the increased damping. This illustrates the tradeoff between increased damping and
superstructure performance. It is noteworthy that the TP bearings achieve effective isolation across a range of
seismic hazard, since peak response quantities show significant reduction for low compared to high seismic
hazard. This may not always be the case for bilinear hysteretic isolation systems, particularly for acceleration
demands, details of which may be found in Morgan and Mahin [2007.]
It is interesting to focus on the cases TP-3-0.1 and TP-4-0.25. The isolator displacements for these two systems
are nearly identical for all levels of seismic hazard. However, for both 3- and 9-story structures, the
superstructure demands differ between the two. Considering the most frequent earthquake (TR = 72 years), it is
clear that TP-3-0.1 results in lower PIDR and PFA compared to TP-4-0.25. This indicates the favorability of an
isolation system which controls displacement by reducing the isolated period rather than by increasing the
damping. However, for all isolation systems considered, the structural performance should be considered
exceptional since PIDR demands are less that 0.5% in all most the most rare events. This corresponds roughly to
serviceable performance considering structural and nonstructural components.
The parameters for TP bearings appear to have en effect of response of non-rigid nonstructural components. By
examining the data for PFSA, it is clear that the damping has a significant effect on the frequency content of
floor accelerations. The lowest PFSA demands occur for the TP-4-0.10, which is expected given the
combination of period elongation and low damping in this system. For the 3-story structure, there is some
decrease in PFSA in the frequent earthquake by using a TP-3-0.10 bearing instead of a TP-4-0.25 bearing. This
benefit decreases for the 9-story structure, indicating less sensitivity of floor spectra to isolation damping as the
structure becomes more flexible.
A final observation of the results presented here is the importance of period separation in isolated structures.
Conventional design of isolated buildings places importance on stiffening of the superstructure to achieve
effective protection of the structure and its contents. However, for the cases studies here, the period separation
is not necessarily dramatic. Consider the 9-story isolated building. From Table 1, the fixed-base period of the
structure on TP-3 and TP-4 bearings is 1.18 sec 1.36 sec, respectively. Even for these moderately flexible
structure, the isolation systems considered here provide clear protection of the structure. PIDR demands for the
9-story building do not exceed 0.8% even for the 2475-year event, which is near elastic behavior for many
structural systems. Further study is needed, but there appears to be promise in applying TP isolation devices to
tall, flexible structures to achieve improved seismic response.


The 14 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China

MAF of Exceedance

MAF of Exceedance






Peak Interstory Drift Ratio
x 10

Peak Floor Accel. (g)





MAF of Exceedance

MAF of Exceedance






Peak Isolator Disp. (in.)



Peak Floor Spectral Accel. (g)

Figure 5: Median demand hazard curves for 3-story building on TP isolation system

MAF of Exceedance

MAF of Exceedance




MAF of Exceedance


Peak Interstory Drift Ratio








Peak Floor Accel. (g)

MAF of Exceedance





Peak Isolator Disp. (in.)



Peak Floor Spectral Accel. (g)

Figure 6: Median demand hazard curves for 9-story building on TP isolation system


The 14 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China

The studies presented highlight a potential dilemma in the design of base isolated structures to simultaneously
achieve stable performance of the bearings in a very rare seismic event and functionality of the superstructure in
an occasional event. This stems from the desire to limit displacements through the introduction of large amounts
of hysteretic energy dissipation. Since this form of energy dissipation is highly effective at small displacements,
and less effective with increasing displacements, the cyclic behavior of traditional isolation systems does not
efficiently meet the performance objectives of isolated buildings.
To address this dilemma, a new class of isolation devices has been developed. These multi-stage friction
pendulum bearings have the advantage of three independent pendulum mechanisms whose stiffness and
damping can be selected based on multiple levels of seismic demand. The benefits of these devices is
demonstrated in this study by looking at the tradeoff between isolator displacement and peak floor acceleration
and floor spectra. All four TP isolation systems presented in this study provide effective isolation for the model
3- and 9-story buildings studied, based on computed drift and floor acceleration response. Whereas increased
damping leads to reduction at the isolation level, this also leads to modest increases in acceleration and drift
demands in the superstructure. It is apparent that, for protection of structural and non-structural elements in
frequent earthquakes, the tradeoff between elongation of period and increased damping through friction should
be evaluated carefully. For the studies presented here, there appears to be some benefit to reducing the target
damping and stiffening the isolation system to limit isolator displacement demands. However, this result may
not be general for a wide-class of structural systems, and further study is warranted.
Based on the results presented here, there appears to be promise in applying TP isolation devices to tall, flexible
structures to achieve improved seismic response. Even the 9-story structure achieved serviceability-level
response in the 2475-year seismic event, far exceeding the expected performance of conventional structures.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of Earthquake Protective Systems, Inc. for providing
experimental isolator specimens and financial support for the studies described herein. The results, conclusions,
and opinions expressed herein are those of the authors alone, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
sponsoring organizations.
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Report No. UCB/EERC-81/17, Earthq. Eng. Res. Ctr., Berkeley, CA


The 14 World Conference on Earthquake Engineering

October 12-17, 2008, Beijing, China

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