WWII 3rd Army Patton Report

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This document appears to be a report on military operations conducted by the Third United States Army during World War 2 in Europe.

This document provides details on the planning and operations of the Third United States Army from August 1944 to May 1945 during the European campaign of World War 2.

The operations phase of this report covers the period from August 1, 1944 to May 1, 1945.


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APO 403

15 May 1945

SUBJECT: Report of Operations.

TO : The Adjutant General, Washington 25, D. C.

1. In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 10 of Army

Regulations 345-105, as changed to include 10 August 1944, there is

submitted herewith the report of operations of the Third United States

Army in the European Campaign. This report includes the planning phase

as well as the operations. The operations phase covers, specifically,

the period 011200 August 1944 to 090001 May 1945.

2. Inasmuch as this report on operations is reproduced by mul

tiple copy methods, the original records called for in paragraph 11

of the Army Regulations above cited are being submitted to your office

only. They have not been reproduced for the general distribution being

given this report.

3. Since the contents of the report of operations would be of

value to the Armed Forces of any enemy of the United States, and since

hostilities with Japan have not terminated, this report is classified

as SECRET. It will retain this classification until downgraded by the

War Department.



Colonel, A. G. v//,

Adjutant Genera^?






















APO 4 O 3

Regensburg, Germany
15 May, 1945

With the termination of hostilities, the Third Army and

its inseparable comrade-in-arms, the XIX Tactical Air Command,
completed 281 days of constant battle during which we have engaged
in every type of combat except defensive. In each type of fighting
successful solutions have been evolved.

This report describes in considerable detail the various

situations which developed and the tactical combinations utilized

for their successful solution.

It is noteworthy that while our operations in pursuit or
exploitation have at times developed phenomenal speed, they have
always been preceded by bitter and sometimes prolonged assaults.
This is particularly true in the initial break-through at ST. LO in
July, in LORRAINE from November 8 to December 19, and in
LUXEMBOURG and GERMANY from December 22 to March 5.
The success of all our operations has been due to team
work and mutual cooperation, to the untiring efforts of a devoted
and experienced staff, to the ability of commanders from Corps and
Tactical Air Commands to platoons and individual pilots. But above
all to the fighting heart of the American soldier.




Major General, U.S. Army
Chief of Staff
Peover Camp


The initial assault was to be made across selected beaches between

CHERBOURG (012) and LE HAVRE (L82) by American and British forces

hird U.S. Army Headquarters was located in FORT SAM HOUSTON,

First U.S. Army on the right (west) and Second British Army on -tiie left

Texas, when it was alerted on 1 January 191^ for overseas movement to

(east), both under command of 21 Army Group British.

the European Theater of Operations.

The Third U.S. Army was to land on the Continent during the period

An advance party of thirteen offioers and twenty-six enlisted men

D / 15 to D / 60 through the COTBNTIN Peninsula. Its mission was to be

left there on 12 January, to depart ten days later from the United
executed in two phases:

States "ttirough the Port of Embarkation at FORT HAIOLTON, New York,

aboard H.M.S. QUEEN MARY. The ship reached GLASGOW, Scotland, on 29

Phase 1, to oapture the BRITIAJJY Peninsula and open the BRITTANY

January, and the group was met on board by LIEU TENANT GENERAL G. S.
ports, unless this had already been accomplished by the First U.S.

PATTON JR., newly designated Army Commander. Immediately on disembark Army;

ing, the offioers and men entrained for PEOVER CAMP, about three miles

from KNUTSFORD, Cheshire, England, there to begin preparations for re Phase 2, after clearing the BRITTANY Peninsula, to concentrate on

ception of the main body.

the right of the First U.S. Army and be prepared to operate to the east,

either in close conjunction with First U.S. Army or by swinging south of

PEOVER CAMP and TOFT CAMP, approximately two miles distant, were
the LOIRE if a wider envelopment was feasible.

former British camps, and were to be used by Army Headquarters. A num

ber of Staff Offioers who had served with the Army Commander in Africa

and Sicily reported for duty.


Conferences were held by the Army Commander with GENERAL EISENHOW

ER, Allied Supreme Commander, on 16 February, and in LONDON several
Bie entire Headquarters launched vigorous individual and collective

days later with staffs of the First U.S. Army Group and Headquarters
efforts into a period of planning which was to last until 2hird U.S.

European Theater of Operations, U.S. Army. Soon afterward the Army

Army moved from England to the Continent. This planning period can be

Commander^ first letter on instructions for Corps, Division and Unit

considered from four standpoints; first, the reorganization and adjust
Commanders was published and distributed.
ment of the Command Group and staff to comply with the Army Commander's

requirements as to personnel and policies; second, the study of the

The main body of Headquarters cleared through CAMP SHANKS, New

proposed operation, tactically and logistioally; third, the acquisi
York, and sailed 13 March on the ILE DE FRANCE, arriving in the FIRTH OF
tion, reception, training and briefing of troops for the operation; and

CLYDE opposite the port of GREENOCK, Sootland, on 21 March. Troops pro fourth, coordination of operational plans and supply matters with higher

ceeded by rail to KNUTSFORD, and on 23 March were addressed by the Army

headquarters concerned, and adjustments between headquarters of Army

Commander who informed them, along with other offioers and men of the

Headquarters, of his policies, the standard of performance he expected

of them, and what Third U.S. Army would be expected to accomplish in its
On 12 March, a group of staff officers, headed by the Chief of

forthcoming mission. Headquarters was -tiien established as follows: at

Staff, conferred on LONDON with the First U.S. Ars^y Group G-3, to dis
PEOVER CAMP, the Army Commander, the Command Group, the Forward Echelonj
cuss participation of the Third U.S. Army in "OVERLORD11, and soon after
at TOFT CAMP, the Rear Echelon.
ward an intensive program of preparation was initiated throughout all

A m y units. (The Third U.S. Army Outline Plan to Operation "OVERLORD"

is reproduced in full as Special Annex "A" to this report, and is in

cluded as part of Volume I ) .


The G-2 Section set up the War Room in PEOVER HALL, and the Army

Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force had directed that

Commander started daily staff conferences there on 27 Maroh in which

an operation be conducted to seise and secure a Lodgement Area in Con section chiefs were briefed on security instructions, G-3 Section opera
tinental France from which further operations could be developed. This
tional plans, G-2 Section estimates, and staff polioy. Rigid security

was "OVERLORD", the beginning of the gigantic Allied operation from the
measures were adopted, inoluding the use, around buildings of the For
west to liberate Europe, and was to be executed in two phases:
ward Echelon, of a high barbed wire fence and oonstant guard by military

police* A new document classification of "Top Secret" was directed by

Phase 1, the assault and capture of an initial beaohead, including

Supreme Headquarters, which necessitated establishment of a top secret

the development of airfield sites in the CAEN (U06) area and the cap control room under the Adjutant General for handling of documents so

ture of CHERBOURG (012) (this being known as the "NEPTUNE" phase of



The G-3 Section was oonoerned immediately with locating available

Phase 2, the enlargement of the area captured in phase 1 to include

and suitable training areas and accommodations for units arriving daily

the BRITTA.NY Peninsula, all ports south to the LOIRE river, and the
from the United States, and wi-tfi the planning and continuation of train
area between the LOIRE and SEINE rivers.
ing of the units and the preparation of future operational plans.


S E (\R E T

Biird U.S. Army Divisions lined up in the United Kingdom as follows:

quarters and with the nany Medical units of the Army. On 31 March, for

example, Headquarters of Yfestern Base Section was consulted in connec

tion with water supply, sanitation, and venereal disease control among

troops in the United Kingdom. Investigation of ifedioal units revealed


that no major personnel shortages existed, as most units had arrived

5 th Infantry* XV Corps 2 Jan

at full Table of Organisation strength. However, in order to provide

8th Infantry* XV Corps 2 Jan

maximum efficiency, a number of Medical officers were shifted, resulting

l;th Armored 1 Feb XV Corps 20 April

in better balanced professional staffs in hospital units* Medical per
5th Armored 3 Maroh XX Corps sonnel attended department schools on a quota basis and nurses were

9 Maroh
placed-on temporary duty with Services of Supply hospitals for practical

6th Armored 3 JJaroh XX Corps 9 March

90th Infantry 5 March (Attached to First U,s.

experience. Formal training inspections were started of all units to

Army, 27 March - 30 July)

determine their ability to perform in the field. Conferences were held

79th Infantry k April VIII Corps 8 April

with the Office of the Chief Surgeon, European Theater of Operations,

83d Infantry h April VIII Corps 8 April

Headquarters First U.S. Army Group, Advance Seotion Communications

28th Infantry lh April XX Corps April

zone, and the European Theater of Operations Blood Bank, regarding

2d French Armored 21 April (Attached) XII Corps (Attached) 20 M*y

availability and distribution of whole blood during the coming opera
35 th Infantry 26 April XV Corps tion.


7th Armored 26 April XX Corps 5


80th Infantry 11 June XII Corps 15 June

The Chaplain, in ISaroh, initiated plans calling for complete reli
gious coverage of all units. Civil Affairs was established at special

* Units assigned directly to Corps by Europear\ Theater of

staff level on 31 March, conferences with First U.S. Army Group on the

Operations, U.S. Army. Headquarters Third U.S. Army was in the

need for such a section having been started late in February.

United States on this date.

The Army Commander meanwhile was making personal inspections of his

The G-2+ Section's initial work was with requirements for new equip troops throughout the United Kingdom, visiting all principal units and

ment, these being made known to Headquarters, European Theater of Opera talking witii officers and non-commissioned officers.

tions on 23 March. Plans were started for organization of a Transpor

tation Section to operate and control all motor, rail, water, pack and
The G-l Seotion reported the strength of the Army on 31 March to be

civilian impressed transportation of Army agenoies.


The Engineer Section began a period of endeavor covering terrain

analyses, bridge requirements, river crossing sites, road studies, traf

fic circulation plans, computation of supply requirements, and survey

and mapping plans. Study was made of the region of northwest France,

north of the LOIRE River and west of the SEINE, special attention being

given to its suitability for tank warfare. Hie most suitable roadnet of

foe area was chosen, in accordance with policies of "OVERLORD", and

As activities of all sections increased, it developed that a tre
bridging requirements were estimated on the assumption that all bridges
mendous amount of coordination and adjustment with higher headquarters

would be destroyed and require replacement. All major rivers were stu required almost constant presence in LONDON of key 2hird U.S. Army staff

died to determine the most suitable crossing sites.

personnel. In view of these conditions, an office was established there

early in April in Bryanston Square, adjacent to First U.S. Army Group

The task of planning a system of communications for use in the com Headquarters, with the Deputy Chief of Staff, Tactical, in charge, to

ing operation was initiated by the Signal Section. Primarily this was a
maintain contact with Headquarters European Iheater of Operations and

matter of mapping wire circuits and radio nets, but as it developed it

Headquarters First U.S. Army Group. Officers from the G-I4., Medical,

involved all of Third U.S. Army's communications facilities for the

Quartermaster, and Signal Sections were originally placed on duty in

gathering of intelligence, the establishment of security, the procure this office, and as contacts became more necessary and frequent, other

ment of Signal supplies and personnel sufficient for the operation.

Sections sent representatives to LONDON.

There was also the matter of establishing communications with subordin

ate Army units soattered over a large area of the English Midlands,
The G-2 Seotion gave a preliminary estimate of the enemy situation

Wales, and North Ireland.

at the beginning cf April, and announced completion of a terrain appre
ciation study of the Third U.S. Army target area. Security precautions

The Quartermaster Seotion was reorganized on 27 March, a new divi of this Section consisted of Headquarters security, counter-subversive

sion, Field Service, being created and the Transportation Section, now-
ooverage, security training and preparation of a countor-intelligence

taken over by the G-i; Section, being dropped.

plan. Passwords and replies were prepared for publication and dissemin
ation. A counter-sabotage plan was drafted.

Officers of the Medical Seotion began a series of conferences and

inspections which were to involve almost daily contact with higher head The Chemical Warfare Section, knowing if the enemy intended using



gas warfare at all that the time of initial landings would be a very
all changes in each unit's status from the time the unit was alerted

favorable one, provided troops which would be involved in this phase of

for overseas movement until that unit reached the embarkation point.

the operation, but which later would revert to Third U.S. Army control,
The data compiled enabled Headquarters European Theater of Operations to

with additional and appropriate equipment. Initial issues of all class control and exercise the movement of all units in the United Kingdom to

es of chemical supplies for this Army's troops was necessary, and an

the designated embarkation points for the cross channel voyage.

estimate was compiled on supply requirements.

On 16 April, a training memorandum, "Use Of Tanks In Support Of

Based on experience of past operations, a decision was made by the

Infantry", written by the Army Commander, was issued. Commanding Gen
Adjutant General to centralize all administration in administration
erals of the VIII and XV Corps were briefed on the operation "OVEBLORD"

centers of divisions for all assigned and attached troops. A circular

on 2U April at PEOVER HALL, and those of the XII and XX Corps on 26

was issued 12 April prescribing the personnel administrative plan and


the organization and function of the administration centers. A casualty

sub-section was added to the Adjutant General Section.

Target Analysis No. 1, the first of a series of reports on Third

U.S. Army's potential target area, was issued 23 April by the G-2

An Army Exchange Officer was appointed and an American Red Cross

Section. It covered "Strategical Terrain Study", "Tactical Analysis of

Field Director joined Headquarters in the first week of April. Both

Terrain", and "Possible Airfield Sites Suitable for Landing Areas."

were to operate under the Special Services Section, which had recently

issued two programs of recreation and athletics for Army troops de

signed for use either with or without standard equipment.


Through the G-3 Section an intensive aircraft identification pro

gram was started early in the month for all Army troops. Airplane

models, charts, and booklets were utilized, and arrangements made with
On the same day the Section issued nG-2 Estimate Number 1." Under

the Ninth U.S. Air Force to give demonstration flights of Allied and
enemy situation it reported that in the west (France, Belgium, and

German planes so that personnel could learn to identify them through

Holland) there were an estimated fifty-two German divisions, elements of

actual observation.
German Army Group "D n , commanded by GENERAL FELDMARSCHALL GERD VON

RUNDSTEDT, with Headquarters at ST. GERMAIN-EN-LAYE (R&O. The Army

Group consisted of four Armies, the First German Army, with six divis
ions, occupied the area along the Bay of Biscay from NANTES (005), to


the Spanish Border; the Nineteenth German Army with nine divisions

along the MEDITERRANEAN from the Spanish to the Italian Border; in

Northern France and Belgium, the Fifteenth German Army with eighteen

An Air Sub-section of the G-3 Section was activated to fill the

divisions; and Holland occupied by four divisions of the LXXXVIII

vital and recognized need for coordinating close combat Air support for
German Corps. Three other divisions with no known assignment or attach
ground troops, A G-2 Air Sub-section was organized for the purpose of
ment were also estimated in France.

securing information about the enemy from Air sources. The Quartermaster

Section began large scale planning to supply the forthcoming operation.

The estimate outlined in detail the enemy situation as it then

During this period, the Inspector General Section made extensive alert
existed in the projected Lodgement Area, that part of France west of a

inspections of and contact visits to many units, special attention being

line from CAEN (U06) to NANTES (005). Twelve divisions, under the

given to the indoctrination of troops. Schools in radio security were

Seventh German Army, were located in this sector, which included BRIT
established by the Signal Section. To hasten communications, especially
TANY, the COTENTIN Peninsula, and extended east to CHARTRES (R30) and

to higher headquarters, the Section set up an air courier system with


officers as couriers, using planes of the Fourteenth Air Liaison Squad

ron which was assigned to Headquarters.
Under "Enemy Dispositions", the estimate examined in detail ground,

naval and air defenses. The over-all European situation, including the

On 11 April the final draft of Joint Operations plan U.S. forces

battle-fronts of Russia, Italy, Norway, Finland, Denmark, and the Bal
for operation "OVERLORD" was received. Also at this time a "Mounting
kans, was covered. One section contained assumptions and enemy capa
Plan11 prepared by Headquarters European Theater of Operations was re bilities, concluding with the following statements "Except for the

ceived which set forth the procedure involved for staging troops to the
estimate of enemy capabilities to bring to and commit reinforcements in

embarkation points. In short, this plan stated the method by which each
the target area, it is not feasible at this time to forecast the sit
unit in the United Kingdom would be moved from its present location to
uation likely to confront Third U.S. Army when its first elements de
the concentration areas, there to receive the last necessary items of
bark on the COTENTIN Peninsula. The situation as it might effect Third

equipment, and then to the marshalling areas, wherein they awaited move U.S. Army is currently too obscure to prognosticate further at this

ment to the various ports of embarkation. The responsibility for the


administrative control to insure the movement of each. Third U.S. Army

unit to the Continent rested with the A.C. of S. G-3. This entailed the
First U.S. Army Group requested an "Allocation of Tonnages" esti
compilation of all necessary movement tables, and the coordination of
mate, which was submitted by the A.C. of S. G-4. on 23 April in three




BE. I . a.' -

charts, the first a detailed tonnage phasing chart, the second a re A demonstration of the use of tanks with infantry was given by the

serve buildup chart, and the third a breakdown chart. First U.S. Army
4th Armored Division, supervised by the Army Commander. First assign
Group approved the estimate soon afterward.
ments of Third U.S. Army Air Liaison officers to elements of its sup
porting XIX Tactical Air Command were made*

The G-5 Section during the first week in May started to recruit

staff officers. The Civil Affairs Sections of First U.S. Army and Su
preme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force were studied to obtain a
basis for G-5 organization. The Army Commander personally instructed
The mission, responsibility, and object of Civil Affairs was out branch chiefs of the section in what the Army expected of Civil Affairs.

lined on 26 April by the Army Commander thusly: "The sole mission of

Civil Affairs Administration is to further military objectives. The

A War Department Army Historical Section was attached on 6 May to

exercise of Civil Affairs control is a command responsibility. The

the G-3 Section for the purpose of writing the history of the Third U.S.

object of Civil Affairs is to assist in military operations." The

Army and its supporting troops for the War Department Record.

order also said that the Army Commander would "provide policies for the

Civil Affairs Section, including composition, size, relationship with

The final draft of Third U.S. Army Outline Plan was sent to LONDON

other staff Sections, scope and general directives for operations." A

on 11 May for approval. On 16 May the revised First U.S. Army Group

special order on 29 April detailed the chief Civil Affairs officer to

Joint Operations Plan for Operations "OVERLORD" was received.

the General Staff Corps, and next day the section was designated G-5.

Forms for "Report of Progress of Preparation for Continental Opera

A Public Relations Section was originally planned as an auxiliary
tions" were published for all alerted units on 12 May by the G-4 Sec
agency of the G-2 Section, but in keeping with a plan being followed
tion. The object of this report was to keep Third U.S. Army and its

in higher headquarters, work was started late in April, following a con corps informed of the progress of the various units, which were scatter
ference between the Army Commander and two officers from the Publicity
ed throughout the United Kingdom.

and Psychological Warfare Detachment of First U.S. Army Group, to set up

a Fublicity and Psychological Warfare Section.

First U.S. Army Group notified Army Headquarters on 13 May that it

would be possible to move all troops of the Third U.S. Army through

Parts interchangeability charts were started during the month by

beaches and ports of the COTENTIN Peninsula, extended to the west to in
the Ordnance Section, and basic ammunition load charts for all types of
clude ST. MALO, (S71) assuming that supplies were to be brought through

Army organizations concerned were prepared.

the QUIBERON BAY (M99) area to full capacity; that from an operational

viewpoint it was desirable that a maximum number of Third U.S. Army

On 22 April the Army was allotted control over certain established

troops be brought in from the north, and requested that plans be made

training areas and artillery ranges. The G-3 Section placed artillery
accordingly. It was considered essential that VIII and XV Corps be

ranges under control of the Artillery Section, which coordinated and

brought in through the COTENTIN Peninsula and if experience proved that

controlled their use on a monthly basis so that iiore than thirty Field
the entire Third U.S. Army could not be brought in by this means it was

Artillery, Tank and Tank Destroyer battalions used them during the
desired that alternative plans be made to bring in the XX and XII Corps

month. AAA units were inspected to determine the status of their train through the QUIBERON BAY (M99) area as early as possible after its cap
ing and equipment, and all were sent to ranges for refresher and famil ture.

iarization firing. The dual function of the Headquarters Commandant and

Provost Marshal was altered late in the month and an Army Provost Mar
shal appointed, with a special staff section established under his com Target Area Analysis No. 2 was issued 14 May by the G-2 Section.

Section 1, prepared by the Engineer Section, comprised a "Strategical

Terrain Study". Sections 2, 3, and 4 were prepared by the G-2 Section

and wore entitled respectivelys "Tactical Terrain Analysis","Special

VIII Corps was alerted on 14 April for overseas movement, XV Corps

Beach Studies", and "Railroad Situation in France*"

on 22 April, and the Forward Echelon of Army Headquarters on 24 April.

By the middle of May, the G-3 Section's planning on the Army's part

On 30 April, the G-l Section reported total strength of the Army as

in operation "OVERLORD" continued at an intense pace. Build-up priority


lists were revised continually, accommodations were obtained for the

great influx of units which included the movement of the XV Corps Head
quarters and supporting troops from North Ireland. Plans which required

participation by the Navy and Air Forces were discussed with the XIX

Tactical Air Command and Western Naval Task Force. Many such confer
ences were held before plans were considered final.

Early in May the G-2 Section received Engineer terrain studies from

Headquarters European Theater of Operations and First U.S. Army Group,

On 15 May, the Headquarters Commandant began reconnaissance south

including detailed studies of beaches. The terrain model covering the

of the line LONDON-BRISTOL for suitable accommodations for the Headquar-

southern portion of the target area was completed.



ters, in order for it to be nearer the designated embarkation area and

to build assault medical packs. Releases were obtained for the unit

to the bulk of troops assigned to the Army. The area within a ten-mile
assemblies of all evacuation hospitals (400-bed) then in the United

radius of BREAMORE HALL, Hampshire was selected.

Kingdom, Nutrition of troops was studied by the section.

On the assumption that all units of this Army would land across
Conferences were held on 19 May for the A.C. of S. G-4s for all

the beaches of France, a general purpose vehicle (-$ to 2 ton) water corps and divisions. They were oriented on procurement policies and

proofing school was set up on 15 May to provide sufficient instructors

procedures for Continental operations and given a resume of the supply

for unit schools, XX Corps opened a waterproofing school on 22 May to

picture as foreseen at that time.

augment the program.

By 20 May, all Medical units which had been in the United Kingdom

The Quartermaster Section completed a chart on "Typical Plan for

for three weeks or longer were ninety percent equipped. The forty-five

the Evacuation of Deceased in a Division", and started work on the

general surgeons and ninety surgical technicians requested for Landing

Graves Registration Plan. To provide religious services for the large

Ship Tank duties by Headquarters European Theater of Operations, report
numbers of units arriving "in the United Kingdom in the first half of
ed for briefing. A Chief Nurse was assigned.

May, especially battalions and companies whose T/0 did not authorize

chaplains, the nearest chaplain was told to assume responsibility for

On 22 May, the Build-Up Control Organization Section of Headquart
all small units in his vicinity. Vectographs were made available by the
ers, known as BUCO, left for PORTSMOUTH, where it operated under BUCO

G-2 Section. Preparations were begun on what was called a "Going Map";
West, supervising the priorities and loading of units moving to the

a map of the terrain to show its accessability to various types of mili Continent.

tary movement, to show areas subject to inundation, marshy or swampy,

mountainous, forested, or other types of areas.

A conference on 22 May, at which representatives of the G-4 Sec
tion, First U.S. Army Group, Ninth U.S. Air Force, Advance Section com
munications Zone, and European Theater of Operations U.S. Army were

present, determined "That not more than fifteen divisions could be fully

ARMY INFORMATION SERVICE supported by ST. MALO (S71) and COTENTIN Peninsula area." Entrance of

further divisions would have to await capture and development of QUIBER

On 16 May the Army Commander directed the Sixth Cavalry Group to
0N BAY (M99) area in order for such troops to be maintained.

establish a channel, both physical and technical under Army control, to

make and report front-line G-2 and G-3 information direct to the Army
The Finance Section, on 22 May, obtained 3,760,000 Francs in "In
Advance Command Post, by-passing normal communications channels. Infor vasion Money" for the use of contracting and purchasing officers.

mation was to be based on front-line observations in collaboration with

all subordinate echelons of command. The plan, called "Army Information

Loading lists for all three echelons were published on 22 and 23

Service", called for the Group to monitor continuously friendly battal May by the Headquarters Commandant to facilitate movement to the ports

ion, regimental, division, and reconnaissance units operating in the

and loading on landing craft.

Third U.S. Army, and to use an officer patrol system of visits to regi
mental and battalion command posts and observation posts periodically,
On 24 May, the XX Corps and attached units were alerted for over
and also to contact Division A.C. of S. G-2s and A.C. of S. G-3s for
seas movement.

exchange of information. The Army Information Service proved invaluable

on the Continent, once the Army became operational, by providing the

The Graves Registration plan was published by the Quartermaster on

Army Commander with the latest tactical information.

25 May. On the same date, revised ammunition estimates for expenditure

during the period D / 42 to D / 90 were submitted by Ordnance.

A Tank Destroyer staff section was established on 18 May. Author

ity to issue one tankdozer blade for medium tanks Ml in each Armored
While the Publicity and Psychological Warfare Section was being or
division prior to leaving the United Kingdom was requested of Services
ganized, a Public Relations Officer was named on 26 May to take charge

of Supply, European Theater of Operations. Ammunition tonnage estimates

of arrangements for Public Relations and a Press Camp for war corres
were submitted by the Ordnance Section for Third U.S. Army units attach pondents who were to be assigned to the Army during combat operations.

ed to First U.S. Army, based on an expenditure of 1/3 of a unit of fire

On 28 May, the Third U.S. Army was assigned supply priority to No. 5,

per day and a seven-day operational reserve for all troops ashore from
which equalled eighty percent of all organization equipment. The A.C.

D / 29 to D / 41. The G-4 Section published revised "Basic Loads of

of S. G-4, issued a memorandum to A.C. of S. G-4s of corps and divisions

Ammunition" during May.

saying supply discipline is an essential part of training and a continu
ing function of command; that the standard of supply discipline is an

indication of the general efficiency of an organization and its command

Plans were made by the Medical Section with the Ninth U.S. Air

Force for use of air evacuation facilities for Army personnel. Six C-47

planes furnished by the Ninth U.S. Air Force and Air Evacuation person
nel aided Medical personnel to train in the methods of loading casual
ties into planes. Medical officers arranged for the release of supplies



PREPARATIONS BY ARTILLERY Several matters of importance were handled by various sections on

5 June, the following being examples. The A.C. of S. G-3 ordered offi
cers from that section on duty in the War Room twenty-four hours a day,

Preparations for Artillery Operations loomed importantly through

to maintain situation maps. The final draft of the operation "CHASTITY"

the May planning. In addition to operations memoranda, annexes were

was completed, presenting the operational manner in which BELLE ISLE

published on Serenade (to expedite the massing of all artillery fires

(M77) and the QUIBERON BAY area would be secured. XII Corps and attach
within a corps sector in extreme emergency when lack of time precluded
ed units were alerted for overseas movement. Finance obtained

prearrangement of fire); special radio nets for Artillery and Tank De 352,256,000 francs for use of disbursing officers. The A.C. of S. G-4.

stroyer units5 observation of artillery fire by fighter-type aircraft;

was informed it was probable that Third U.S. Army units would be e
anti-tank measures in offense and defense; Field Artillery Intelligence;
quipped with major essential T/E or T/BA items of equipment, but not far

and Field Artillery Communications and reports. Anti-Aircraft Artillery

in advance of operations. VIII Corps was equipped with its essential

operations memoranda published included one on the use of Radar

T/E equipment and arrangements were made to carry additional ammunition

for 155 howitzers and eight-inch howitzer battalions.

Strength of the Army on 31 May was 253,500, the G-l Section report
Target area analyses No. U and 5 were published by the G-2 Section.

No. U included "A Study of Northwest France and Area South of LOIRE

On 1 June corps outline plans for operation "OVERLORD", prepared by

River As to Suitability of Terrain for Mechanized Operations", and

the VIII, XII, XV, and XX Corps, were received and approved by Headquar "German Underwater Beach Obstacles." No. 5 included four sections, the

first two of which were prepared by the G-2 Section. Subjects were: (1)

"Additional Material to Supplement Tactical Study of the Terrain, BELLE

The A.C. of S. G-5 obtained Supreme Headquarters approval to attach

ISLE-EN-MERE (M77);" (2) "Terrain and Defense Characteristics and Order

Civil Affairs troops to Third U.S. Army with an approximate strength of

of Battle, QUIBERON BAY (M99) Area"; (3) "Study of Feasability of Mount
1,200 officers and enlisted men, with 390 vehicles. On U June the G-5
ing a Seaborne Assault Force from Vicinity of GRANVILLE (T13)"; and U )

Section received copies of the Supreme Headquarters Field Handbook for

"Tactical Study of the Terrain, NORTHWEST BRITTANY."

Civil Affairs, France, enabling planning to take definite shape for

events to come.
The G-2 Section Estimate No. U was issued the same day, reporting a

total of sixty and one-half enemy divisions in the west (France, Belgium

Military Intelligence Interpretation and Interrogation of Prisoners

and Holland). This was an increase of eight and one-half divisions

of War teams commenced instruction and indoctrination of neighboring

since Estimate No. 1, dated 23 April. The report dealt in detail with

units. The Office of Strategic Services Special counter-intelligence the CHERBOURG (012) area. The COTENTIN Peninsula was estimated to in
unit and Office of Strategic Service secret intelligence detachment and
clude six and a half enemy divisions. The enemy had forty-five infantry

the evasion and escape unit reported to the G-2 Section for duty.
and two tank battalions on or in the immediate vicinity of the CHERBOURG

Peninsula. ROMMEL, with headquarters at LA ROCHE GUION (R57), was re

The Publicity and Psychological Warfare Section became officially
ported to be in command of Army Group B, which included the Seventh and

known as the G-6 Section on 1 June. From the publicity standpoint, an

Fifteenth German Armies and the LXXXVIII German Corps, It was also in
organization to service war correspondents in the field was contemplat dicated that parachute divisions were being concentrated in France.

ed. This included a field hotel, transportation, conducting officers,

a censorship group to censor correspondents' copy at Army level, and

The enemy had shown an increasing trend to thicken his coastal de
communications facilities by which censored copy could be transmitted on
fenses and it appeared that he was building up double, and in some plac
relay to main communications centers in England and the United States.
es triple, lines of defense. In the first line were limited employment

type infantry divisions; in the second, field type infantry divisions;

The Psychological T/arfare Branch of the G-6 Section was organized

and in the third, Panzer divisions.

to monitor enemy and other radio broadcasts, to originate leaflets and

other publications to persuade the enemy that his cause was lost, and to

lift the morale of the French citizenship in occupied areas by such

means as news broadcasts by mobile units. Radio monitored intelligence

D - D A Y , 6 J U N E

was considered of particular significance in determining the enemy situ

ation. Personnel of this branch consisted in part of American and

British civilians and British officers, in addition to U.S. Army person As Third U.S. Army entered the final period of its planning phase

in England, news that the whole world was waiting to hear was announced

On 2 June the Army Commander addressed assembled corps and Army

on 6 June. Airborne and seaborne landings by Allied Forces, under com
troops in the vicinity of XX Corps. Headquarters European Theater of
mand of 21 Army Group British, had started in NORMANDY early that day,

Operations notified the Ordnance Section on the same date that Class II,
the 82d Airborne Division landing in the vicinity of ST. MERE EGLISE

Class IV, and Class V supplies on the Continent would be normal after
(T39) ten miles southwest of VALOGNES, while the 101st Airborne Division

D / 4-l> and that it would be their responsibility to maintain supplies

landed in the vicinity of CARENTAN (T38) and British forces parachuted

without further action on the part of Third U.S. Army.



; f. f 3 f i r-

into an area northeast of CAEN (U06) Supported by tremendous naval and

Continent. The Army Commander explained the public relations function

air bombardment, seaborne landings were made by units of the V Corps,

at Army, Corps, and Division levels*

First U.S. Army, on the "OMAHA" (T78) beaches northwest of BAYEUX (T78),

while troops of the VII Corps fought their way ashore on the "UTAH"
Waterproofing schools previously set up had trained approximately

beaches east of ST. MERE EGLISE (T39). British forces made seaborne
4,880 instructors in the waterproofing of vehicles for Continental oper
landings north and northwest of the strategically important city of CAIN
ation* Transfers of Medical personnel were completed between 10 and 20

(U06) The enemy was reported to have been surprised as to the scope,
June, balancing the staffs of Army hospital units, and it was considered

nature, and area of the assault*

that all were now qualified to perform their mission, except that field

hospitals would need assistance through attachment of surgical teams.

Preparations continued throughout Third U.S. Army for the task a First U.S. Army Group approval of the Third U.S. Army plan for the

head. Authority was received from Headquarters European Theater of

Operation "CHASTITY* was given on 14 June* XX Corps was directed to

Operations to move Army Headquarters to the concentration area around

make detailed plans for the operation, designed to secure BELLE ISLE

BREAMORE. On 9 June the Army was Informed that it would be responsible

(M77) and the QtflBERON BAY area.

for receiving the Headquarters, Ninth U.S. Army, due to arrive in the The Provost Marshal Section, recently designated a special staff

United Kingdom on or about 29 June, section, held a planning conference with representatives from all corps,

The Forward Echelon of the Army was phased in to be lifted to the divisions, and Military Police battalions and companies of the Army

Continent on D / 29; the Rear Echelon, on about D / 44. On 10 June it

present. The Army Commander discussed the importance of traffic con
became apparent that there was a possibility the Forward Echelon might
trol, the handling of prisoners of war, appearance and aggressiveness of

become operational while the Rear Echelon was still in the United King Military Police*

dom. Furthermore, on D / 29 the great bulk of the troops assigned to

this Army would still be stationed in the United Kingdom. Many were

still to arrive from the United States. Their equipping and preparation

for combat was a task of considerable magnitude. Accordingly, the

following decisions were made:

The Engineer Section on 15 June established for the first time an

1. The Commanding General, XII Corps, was designated as Deputy

Army Map Depot, at ALTSINCHAM, England, to make distribution of opera
Army Commander, to assume command of Third U.S. Army troops in the Unit tions maps to build-up troops leaving for the Continent. VIII Corps

ed Kingdom upon the departure of the Army Commander for the Continent.
Headquarters, with certain supporting troops, was attached on this date

to the First U.S. Army, and became operational on the Continent. Liais
2. The normal Forward Echelon of Headquarters was to be pro on representatives from the G-2, G-3, Provost Marshal, Quartermaster,

vided with operational groups from the following sections normally in

and Signal Sections of Third U.S. Army Headquarters accompanied VIII

the Rear Echelon: G-5, Adjutant General, Chaplain, Finance, Inspector

Corps into action. Liaison officers from the G-l, G-2, G-3, G-4, Engin
General, Judge Advocate, Medical, Ordnanoe and Quartermaster. This new
eer, Medical and Quartermaster Sections were attached to the Advance

grouping of the staff was known as Forward Echelon, Group nX".

Section Communications Zone*

3. The Rear Echelon of the Headquarters was to be provided

During the period 17 to 24 June, the A.C. of S. G-4 sent a letter

with operational groups from the following sections normally in the For to all units on "Snbarkatlon Procedure", covering points to be stressed

ward Echelon: G-l, attached G-2 teams, G-4, Artillery, and attached
in loading, movement of vehicles on craft, preparatory to the embarka
Engineer teams. This grouping was known as Rear Echelon, Group "Y".
tion of the Army for France, and on request from Headquarters European

Theater of Operations, the G-4 Section obtained 10,000 bayonets and

4. To reinforce the staff of the XII Corps and to assist in

scabbards from various Third U.S. Army units for use by the First U.S.

its new Army mission, in addition to its own responsibilities, another


group of personnel, designated as Group "Z", was formed, with the foll
owing sections represented: G-l, G-2, G-3, G-4, G-5, G-6, Adjutant
In this period, the G-2 Section Issued Target Area Analysis No* 6,

General, Artillery, Chemical Warfare Service, Engineer, Inspector Gener containing a preliminary study of crossings of the LOIRE River, ORLEANS

al, Medical, Ordnance, Quartermaster, and Signal. Group "Z" was to re (F62) to SAXMJR (P15) (prepared by the Engineer Section), a "Study of

join Army Headquarters when the XII Corps arrived on the Continent*
VANNES (ELO)", and appendices entitled "Terrain Estimate" and "Strategic

Points in the Road Net" (prepared by the Engineer Section)*

Medical supplies and equipment were flown from England to Northern

Ireland on 10 June to complete the equipping of the 5th and 8th Infantry

On 24 June, Group "X" of Headquarters was directed to move by motor

transport to EREAMORE.

On 10 and 11 June, public relations officers of the XII, XV, and XX

Corps, the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th Armored Divisions, and the 5th, 8th,
In the last week of June, a G-2 Section memorandum* outlining the

and 35th Infantry Divisions held a conference at Army Headquarters for

function and policies of the Army Photo Center was concurred in by the

briefing, planning, and discussion of public relations activities on the



commanding officer, 10th Reconnaissance Group. The A.C. of S. G-2 (Air)

A liaison staff of four U.S. Navy officers reported to the G-5
and the 10th Group commanding officer agreed to a daily photographic
Section for duty in the French coastal area*
cover of the Army front to a depth of ten miles at 1/15,000. Pinpoints

of artillery locations, bridges, and known or suspected enemy locations

The Headquarters Commandant was concerned with several important

were to be taken on a larger scale. In slow-moving or static situa matters pertaining to efficient movement of and service in the field to

tions, photographic reconnaissance would be employed to the utmost,

Army Headquarters* The need for utility engineers, carpenters, masons,

while in fluid or mobile situations tactical reconnaissance would be em plumbers, sign painters, and electricians was met. Quartermaster truck

ployed. In this period the Engineer Technical Intelligence team report and car companies were attached, plus an Ordnance automotive maintenance

ed for duty, its mission being to search for and examine captured enemy
company to service the motor transportation. The 6th Cavalry Band,

materiel and to send to higher echelons any new-type equipment for eval later redesignated the 61st Army Ground Forces Band, was attached to the

Army Headquarters*


On 29 June Army Headquarters moved by motor from PEOVER and TOFT

Camps to the area around BREAMORE, nineteen miles west of SOUTHAMPTON*

On 2 July, verbal orders were received from higher headquarters to pre

pare for immediate movement to the Continent*

Strength of the Army was reported by the G-l Section to be 264,843

on 30 June*

On 3 July the G-6 Section, in its staging area at BROOKHEATH MANOR,

near BREAMORE HALL, was joined by its Psychological Warfare Branch per
sonnel, the Second Service Team of the 72d Publicity Service Battalion,

and forty three war correspondents who were to cover Third U.S. Army

Breamore Hall activities on the Continent for newspapers, news and photographic ser
vices, magazines, and radio stations around the world.

On 4 July, XX Corps was directed to prepare plane for the sea-borne

aspect of the Operations "Hands Up", to expedite the cutting off of the

BRITTANY Peninsula and the capture of ^UIBERON BAY (M99) by Third U.S.



The United Kingdom planning phase of the Army's activities came to

a close during 5 to 7 July, when the Forward Echelon, Group "X", sailed

from SOUTHAMPTON for France, covering a distance of approximately 150

miles In convoy, average time for transit being fourteen hours. Liberty

Ships and Landing Ships Tank were used. The transports anchored off
shore, and their loads were transferred to small landing craft and am
phibious trucks for unloading on "UTAH" Beach, vehicles going ashore

through shallow water. ISTs were beached at high tide, left dry when

the tide ebbed, and debarkation was carried out across dry land. All

vehicles moved inland about eight miles to a transit area for dewater-

proofing, and then proceeded in convoy a distance of twenty-eight miles

to the Headquarters bivouac area near NEHOU, (T19) 7 miles southwest of

VALOGNES, fifteen miles south of CHERBOURG (012) and eight miles from

the front lines of VIII Corps. The Army Commander and Chief of Staff

flew to France to join Headquarters, which was set up under canvas in

the orchards and fields of NORMANDY, lined by the famous hedgerows*

hapter 2

Immediately upon arrival of Army Headquarters in France, emphasis

The enemy continued to maintain a margin of safety in the PAS DE CALAIS

was placed upon security, particular effort being made to conceal the
sector; 7. Practically all armor was concentrated in the VILLERS BO
presence of Third U.S. Army on the Continent, documents being closely
CAGE (T85) - CAIN (V06) sector: 8* A severe scarcity of tanks was in
safeguarded, and telephone security and physical checks of the surround dicated, due either to inability to transport them to the battle area or

ing areas being maintained* Radio silence was imposed. The only troops
actual lack of armor: and 9* The piecemeal commitment of reserves in

available at the time for defense of the Command Post were those of the
an effort to oontain the Lodgement Area had impaired the enemy's capa
various sections and the 503d Military Police Battalion, so each Section
bilities to launch a coordinated major counter-offensive. Enemy casual
set up its own interior guard, including a perimeter defense of exposed
ty figures as of 7 July were: Prisoners of war captured by First U*S.

boundaries until defense was taken over by the Sixth Cavalry Group and Army 46,219, buried enemy dead, 4,739*

the 546th Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion, coordinated through the

Provost Marshal Section* The general tactical scheme of 21 Army Group British was to secure

the eastern flank around CAER (U06), captured on 10 July, and around the

The TTTY Tactical Air Command, previously designated to provide

mouth of the ORNE River, and to contain as much of the enemy strength

aerial support to the Army upon entry into action, established its Head in that sector as possible while aggressively pushing the attack in the

quarters adjacent to Army Headquarters and detailed plans for air-ground

First U.S. Army zone*

cooperation were started*

Reception of Third U.S. Army troops arriving daily on the Continent

Representatives of all Headquarters Sections began a series of ob was one of the first and biggest concerns of the Headquarters. Control

servation tours of the front and of opposite number sections of the

points were established on "UTAH" and "OMAHA" Beaches to receive all

First U.S. Army in order to profit by their lessons learned from battle
arriving troops* Military Police were utilized as escorts from points

experience* Sections studied the tactical situation and terrain esti of debarkation on the beaches to the concentration areas. Plans for

mates* Daily briefing of section chiefs was resumed* Liaison was es circulation and movement of this traffic were coordinated through Traf
tablished with 21 Army Group British, First U*S. Army, and Twelfth U.S.
fic Control Headquarters of the First U*S. Army and the A.C. of S.

Army Group (formerly known as First U.S. Army Group) The Army Comman G-3, Third U.S* Army. Some 500 units of the Third U.S. Army were thus

der made personal inspections of those divisions in the 7 and VIII Corps
moved over the narrow, crowded roads of the Peninsula*

which were to revert later to Third U*S* Army control, and conferred

with the United States Secretary of War during the latter1s tour of the

battle areas*

As of D / 30, the enemy was continuing to launch counter-attacks

Constant readjustment of supply plans was necessary. Arrangements

against the British sector, using infantry supported by tanks* In the

were made with First U.S. Army to establish Quartermaster supply points

American sector, enemy units were reported cleared from the western tip
for Class I, II, III, and IV supplies for Third U.S* Army troops on the

of the CHERBOURG Peninsula, while fighting for the port continued. De Continent, and those due to arrive. Request was made by the G-4 Section

termined pressure was being maintained along the First U.S. Army front*
to the Communications Zone for provisions for the supply and evacuation

of units when they became operational, with special provisions for

keeping supplies pushed forward in anticipation of a breakthrough*

Communications Zone became operational on 17 July, under First U.S.


Army control, its Advance Section thereafter being the supply agency

The G-2 Section's report on enemy capabilities listed the following

for the Third U.S* Army* The G-4 Section, among its varied activities,

significant facts:
requested completion of arrangements to provide, by 25 September, the

following winter clothing for troops: 370,000 pairs of overshoes;

1* There had been a continued retarded build-up in enemy infantry

100,000 overcoats; and 50,000 mackinaws. Units of the Army were placed

strength against the assault, approximately fifty percent of pre-D-Day

on equal priority within the availability of equipment, divisions to

estimates; 2. In contrast, the build-up in armor by D / 25 had reached

have first priority, units on troop movement tables second priority, and

predicted possibilities in the number of Panzer divisions, but total

all other units to have equal priority of 100 percent. All previous

tank strength was far below previous estimates, which had given the
Army priority lists were rescinded. Late in the month, conferences were

enemy a force of between 1,750 and 2,600 tanks. (As of 1 July, Head held between the A. C. of S* G-4 and representatives of the Navy and the

quarters 21 Army Group British estimated the actual enemy tank total in
Transportation Corps over possibility of using water transportation be
the battle area at 400 to 900, fifty percent of which were Mark IVs);
tween the United Kingdom and such ports as GRANVTLLE (T13), ST. MALO

3* The continued disruption of enemy lines of communication by air


bombing and sabotage by Resistance elements had materially hampered the

(M99), to supply units moving down the BRITTANY Peninsula. Twelfth U.S.

movement of enemy reserves into the battle area; 4. The further

Army Group was also contacted on policies and procedure regarding supply

stripping of the BRITTANY Peninsula by commitment in the battle area of

of Third U.S. A m y by air.

one entire division and battle groups from three other divisions had

left the 450-mile BRITTANY coastline defended by a crust of two divis Back in England, a small detachment from Army Headquarters,

ions and elements of three others; 5. An apparent thinning out of the

attached to XII Corps, was working with that corps equipping and moving

forces in the Bay of BISCAY and MEDITERRANEAN areas had started; 6.

Third U.S. Army troops for Continental operations* Units were arriving

10 E T


in the United Kingdom and being marshalled so rapidly that it m s found

The Finance Section placed its disbursing sub-sections according to

neoessary to devise means of completely equipping them in less than

the density of troops so that all units served were paid promptly.
twenty-one days* Build-up Control Organization was forced to defer
Sterling was converted into francs for these sub-sections as they
shipment to the Continent of a number of units for laok of equipment.
One of the first missions carried out by the Signal Section ivas to
Because of the small number of Catholic chaplains in certain areas,

make a reconnaissance of existing communications in the Third U.S. Army

the Chaplain arranged for use of French churches by Army troops of that

area on the Continent. Messenger service was established to the Air

faith, another step in assuring complete religious coverage.

Dispatch Letter Service landing strip, and an axis of communication was

constructed follov/ing VIII Corps as closely as possible in its advance

Profiting by field observation, the A. C. of S. G-5 established

down the coast toward B R I T M Y . On II4. July, Ihird U.S. Army was given
officer liaison with each corps G-5 Section on a daily schedule. French

jurisdiction of all circuits to its rear boundary. Coordination with

speaking officers were used to obtain intelligence direct from civil
the Provost Marshal Section resulted in an agreement that any prisoner
ians, and detachment officers were brought to Army Headquarters for dis
of war documents passing through the latter's hands would be inspected
cussions with G-5 Section staff specialists and branch chiefs. The

for information of value to Signal Section intelligence. Plans were

Judge Advocate Section supervised ten general court-martial trials, in

made for lateral communications between First and Third U.S. Amies.
most oases the defense counsel as well as the Trial Judge Advocate being

officers of the Section. The Machine Records unit of the Adjutant Gen
The Engineer Section opened its Army Map Depot for the first time
eral's Section began operations in France on 20 July. Files of Ihird

on the Continent at BRICQUEBEC (010), on 19 July, for issuance of oper U.S. Aroy troops under control of First U.S. Army were coordinated with

ational maps in limited quantities. Reoonnaissanoe of roads in liber files of the First U.S. Army's records unit. Preparations were made for

ated areas was made to acquire data for comparison with the road in the return to Third U.S. Army of all files of battle casualty records of

formation used during the planning period in England, and indicated

personnel upon their returning to this Army's jurisdiction.

that the enemy had not destroyed as many bridges as expected. No major

changes were made in the Ihird U.S. Army estimates bridging require
ments, however, which were oarried to the D / 90 to D / 120 period.

Engineer units concentrated on training in elimination of mines and


booby traps.

"War correspondents, according to plan, were cared for by the G-6

Section, whose Press Camp began operations under canvas on &' July.

Following a series of experiments, the Ordnance Section formulated

Facilities for censorship, and for wireless and radio voice transmission

plans to equip Armored divisions, tank battalions, lank Destroyer bat of their material, did not become available until the end of the month,

talions, and Cavalry reoonnaissanoe squadrons with hedgerow cutting de the latter situation being due to radio silence imposed during the

vices, over 1,000 of these eventually being produced. As of 26 July,

Army's pre-operational status. Officer couriers were used to take copy

certain tank recovery vehicles for divisions and tank battalions were
to the First U.S. Army for censorship and transmission. Though they

still not available, so it was decided to issue 132 half-tracks, not as

were' not permitted to mention the Third U.S. Army, the correspondents

a substitute but to enable the units to carry neoessary tools and equip produced over 300,000 words of news copy during the pre-operational

ment which might be utilized for recovery purposes.

phase about individuals and units in action, particularly those in di
visions which later would revert to Third U.S. Army. Many news items

HOSPITALS IN SERVICE prepared by military reporters of corps and divisions, plus articles

Third U.S. Army evacuation hospitals were being placed in service,

and photographs originated by the section itself, were forwarded to the

through attachment to the First U.S. Army, as they arrived on the Con United States. Still and motion pioture correspondent photographers

tinent. Among deoisions of consequence affeoting the Medical Section

made soores of pictures and many thousands of feet of motion pioture

during the pre-operatioDal phase were the following: the Communications

film during this period. Radio correspondents, through an arrangement

Zone detaohment was made responsible for bringing blood from airstrips
between the Public Relations Officers of First and Third U.S. Armies,

to the Blood Bank detaohment, to be delivered on a prorata basis to all

made their broadcasts to LONDON and 1 1 YORK via the First U.S. Array

units; the Surgeon's plan for the movement of collecting, ambulance,

transmitter. Radio reoording equipment was utilized by the Section in

and clearing companies on orders of the Army Group Commander without

produoing several programs about soldiers for rebroadcast in the U.S.A.

previous notification of Eiird U.S. Army Headquarters, was approved;

and immediate release on arrival for all medical supplies bearing mark During this period the Psychological Warfare Branch of the G-6

ings for this Army was agreed upon.

Section through its publications section prepared strategic and tactioal

leaflets and published daily news bulletins in French for broadcast over

.Among problems solved by the Artillery Section during this period

public address sj^terns to the people in liberated towns. The branch

was one pertaining to the movement of liaison-type aircraft to the Con utilized its radio recording teams in gathering stories for broadcasts

tinent from the United Kingdom. A marshalling airdrome and special

over facilities of the American Broadcasting Service in Europe (ABSIE)

over-water equipment were obtained, and a procedure established whereby

and the British Broadcasting Company. Ifeams from the branch's intelli
a unit's planes were dispatched in coordination with the unit's move gence section operated in prisoner of war cages of the First U.S. Army,

ment by water. Preparations were made for truokloading of aircraft

while others gathered French intelligence to be used in consolidation

when cross-channel flights to the Continent were not possible.

work by the branch and later by Supreme Headquarters teams.

Status of major units during the pre-operational period was as fol


VIII Corps First U.S. Army

XII Corps 29 July

XV Corps 15 July

XX Corps 2U July

5th Infantry Division First U S Army

8th Infantry Division First U.S Army

28th Infantry Division First U.S Army

35-tii Infantry Division First U.S Army

79th Infantry Division First U.S Army

83d Infantry Division First U.S Army

90th Infantry Division First U.S. Army

j Armored Division 16 July (employed by

First U.S. Army)

5th Armored Division 29 July

6th Armored Division 25 July (employed by

First U.S. Army)

Ihe following major units arrived on dates indicated after Third

U.S. Army became operational:


80th Infantry Division 2 August

2d French Armored Division I4. August
7th Armored Division 10 August
A speoial G-2 Enemy Situation Report was prepared for the staff at
this time, reading, in part as follows:

"1. Fighting wholly defensively south of the AY and SEVES Rivers,

the enemy has been limited to aggressive patrolling. He has maintained
a counter-reconnaissance screen challenging our patrols and resisting
locally penetrations of his defensive positions, taking advantage of the
hedgerowed terrain and canalized approaches to his position. Small ar
mored elements, working in conjunction with infantry, have been employed
in his local counterattacks to bolster weak points. An increase in the
use of mines, both anti-tank and anti-personnel, has been reported along
the entire front#
"2. Enemy artillery fire has been largely sporadic shelling of our
front, extending from LESSAY (T17), to CHAPELLB EN JUGER (T36), eight
miles west of ST. LO, with occasional oounterbattery oonoentration and
interdiction fires on road junctions. Indications point to his contin
ued use of single pieces in roving gun roles 1 however, oaptured over
lays, showing artillery group fire plans, indicate attempts are underway
On 22 July a directive was received from Twelfth U.S. Army Group by
to coordinate and possibly mass his artillery fire#
Third U.S. Army Headquarters oonoerning the Army mission upon becoming

operational* The Army Commander conferred with the Commanding General

"3 Present enemy strength disposed along this section of the
of the Army Group on the next day, and afterward had a Staff Section
front is estimated at a maximum of 15,000 Infantry, ninety artillery
conference to discuss plans for probable employment of the Army. A
pieces and forty to fifty tanks and assault guns. In immediate reserve
plan for probable employment was submitted to Twelfth U.S. Army Group.
in the vicinity of COUTA.NCES (T25), the enemy has an estimated 10,000
Corps and Division Commanders were briefed*
Infantry and 125 TJanks.

12 S E C R E T


"4. The area most likely to furnish reserves for this front is
BRITTANY. The realization by the enemy that Third U.S. Army has been

committed in NORMANDY is likely to induce him to move some of his care Having established strong bridgeheads to the east of the ORNE River

fully hoarded infantry divisions from the PAS DE CALAIS area. However,
around CAIN (U06), 21 Army Group British issued a general directive for

because of the many difficulties involved in crossing the SEINE River,

an offensive to break out of the COTENTIN Peninsula, gain control of

it is estimated that units from PAS DE CALAIS could not begin to arrive
BRITTANY, and swing wide to the east. British and Canadian Armies on

in NOBMANDY prior to 3 August."

the left flank were to attack continually to the south and east to

screen the location of the main effort, which was to be undertaken by

the First U.S. Army in a pivoting move on its left flank and a swing

Enemy capabilities were estimated as follows:

south on its right flank which would secure the whole of the COTENTIN

Peninsula. On reaching the base of the Peninsula, it was to turn VIII

"1. The enemy is capable of continued aggressive delaying action

Corps west into BRITTANY towards RENNKS (Y05) and ST. MALO (S71). Third

with the forces now disposed on our front, extending from LESSAY (T17).
U.S. Army was instructed to follow the advance of VIII Corps on the ex
to CHAPELLS EN JUGER (T36), eight miles west of ST. LO, yielding ground
treme right flank to take command of this operation when ordered.

only at the highest price obtainable by employing, (a) local counter

attacks south of AY River and inundations to the east* (b) utilization
The First U.S. Army's operation was known as "COBRA". It set forth

to fullest extent of the extremely favorable hedgerowed terrain, and (c)

the mission of effecting a penetration of the enemy defenses west of

reinforcing by piecemeal commitment reserves as they arrive on the

ST. LO (T46), by the VII Corps and exploiting this penetration with a

battlefront. The enemy is capable of piecemeal commitment with forty-

strong armored and motorized thrust deep in the enemy's rear toward

nine infantry battalions and six tank battalions by 3 August as follows:

COUTANCES (T25). It was assumed that the enemy would be forced to main
(Re-commitment of his immediate reserves and reinforcement by side tain a gradual withdrawal to expected organized positions. During this

slipping) :
withdrawal, VIII Corps, consisting of the 8th, 79th, 83d, and 90th In
fantry Divisions, was to continue to exert direct pressure.

Five Inf and 3 Tk Bns (2 SS Pz) by 27 July (now in area).

D-Day and H-Hour for this operation was set for 1300 on 24 July,

Six Inf Bns (265 Inf Div k Para Tng Regts) by 27 July (now in ar with VIII Corps scheduled to Jump off at 0530 on 25 July, but in each

ea) .
case H-Hour was postponed twenty-four hours because bad flying weather

Eight Inf Bns (2 Para) by 28 July (now in BRITTANY).

prevented the scheduled aerial bombardment. Heavy artillery barrages

Six Inf Bns (Remainder 275 & 343 Inf Divs) by 29 July (now in
and an almost continuous aerial bombing preceded the attack. Substan
tial gains were made all along the front, and by nightfall of 27 July it

Six Inf & 3 Tk Bns (9 SS, 10 SS or 130 Pz Lehr) by 30 July (now on

was evident that the enemy's left flank was collapsing. On 28 July, on

eastern sector of front).

verbal orders of LIEUTENANT GENERAL BRADLEY, Commanding General of

Six Inf Bns (Ost Bns - BRITTANY) by 30 July (now coast defense in
Twelfth U.S. Army Group, LIEUTENANT GMERAL PATTON assumed operational

command of all troops then in the VIII Corps Zone, and, acting as Deputy

Six Inf Bns (319 Inf Div) by 1 August (now on JERSEY ISLAND).
Army Group Commander, supervised the lightning-like followup with which

Six Inf Bns (363 Inf Div) by 3 August (now moving west from Bel the enemy was hit by that Corps. The 4th and 6th Armored Divisions were

quickly thrown in, followed closely by the 8th and 79th Infantry Divi
Total Infantry 45,000, Total Tanks 250.
sions, to drive rough shod to the south over a demoralized and rapidly

retreating enemy. LIEUTENANT GENERAL PATTONfS role at this time fitted

generally into plans for the coming entire Third U.S. Army operation as

n it was initially planned that VIII and XV Corps would come under Third

2 . He can withdraw to high ground south of COUTANCES (T25) - ST.

U.S. Army command when this Army became operational.

LO (T46
(T46)) road, running generally east from MONTMARTIN SUR MER (T15),

five miles southwest of COUTANCES, TORIGNY (55), five miles southwest

On 31 July the Forward Echelon of Headquarters moved to a new

of ST. LO, and maintain an aggressive defense while massing a reserve

for the purpose of endeavoring to stalemate a further projection of the

Command Post location generally north of MUNEVTLLE LE BINGARD (T26)

five miles northwest COUTANCES (T25).

"3. He may delay our advance by occupying successive defensive

positions, (a) along high ground in (2) above, (b) along high ground

south of GRANVIUX (T13) - VIRE (T63), and (c) along secondary ridge

immediately south of LA SEE River, running generally east from AVRANCHES

(T21) to MORTAIN (T51), while assembling south of the COTENTIN Peninsula

a reserve to contain the Lodgement within the COTENTIN Peninsula.

"Capabilities (1) and (2) are favored in that order as they are

in line with the strategy so far pursued by the enemy."




Lieutenant General G. S. Patton, Jr. Colonel Charles C. Blakeney
Colonel Rufus S. Bratton


Major General Hugh J. Gaffey Colonel Robert E. Cummings
Colonel Clarence C. Park
Brigadier General Hobart R. Gay Colonel Frederick R. Chamberlain Colonel Charles E. Cheever
Colonel Paul D. Harkins Colonel Edward T. Williams
Colonel Thomas D. Hurley
Colonel Frederick S. Matthews Colonel Redding F. Perry
Colonel Thomas H. Nixon
Colonel Oscar W. Koch Colonel James H. O'Neill
Colonel John C. Macdonald
Colonel Halley G. Maddox Colonel Edward C. Wallington
Colonel Everett Busch
Colonel Walter J. Muller Colonel John F. Conklin
Colonel Elton F. Hammond
Colonel Nicholas W. Campanole Lt. Colonel Charles B. Milliken Lt. Colonel Kenneth E. Van Buskirk


1 AUGUST (D + 56)

At Third U.S. Army Headquarters near MUBEVTLLE LE BIUQARD (126),

(Map for this date accompanies text)

five miles northwest of COUWJJCES (125) a conference was held during

the day by iiie Commanding Generals of the Twelfth U.S. Army Group, the

,t 1200 hours on 1 August 191&, a warm olear day with good visibil XV Corps, and the XX Corps, and the Diird U.S. Army Commander, who since

ity except in the early morning hours, the Third U.S. Army under command
28 July had been acting as Deputy Group Commander in operational command

of LIEUTENANT GENERAL G. S. PATTON JR., became operational under a

of the VIII Corps.

veil of official secrecy, although the enemy had previously suggested

the presence in France of this force. In addition to the VIII Corps,

Die Army's mission was to drive south and southwest from locations

commanded by Major General 1R0Y H. MIDDLETON, the Army took operational

generally in the vicinity of AVRANCHES (T2l) and to secure the REHHBS

control of the XII Corps,oommanded by Major General GILBERT R. COOK* the

(Y05)FOUGERES (Y37) area, to turn west to capture the BRITTUJY Penin
XV Corps, commanded by Major General "WADE H. HA.ISLIP* and the XX Corps,
sula and open the BRITTkNY Ports, and to be prepared for further opera
oommanded by Ma.jor General WALTON H. "WALKER, the latter three corps be tions to the east. Tno problems confronted the command. One was to

ing looated in the rear areas. At the same time the XIX Tactioal Air
hold open the corridor between the SEE and SELUNE Rivers against enemy

Command, which was to provide air support for the Army's activities, be counterattacks. Die second was to exploit the breakthrough already ac
oame operational under the command of Brigadier General 0. P. WEYIAND,

the Command's headquarters being located adjacent to the Army's head

quarters. Die Command had been operating for months from England as a
Die Army Commander ordered the VIII Corps (ihe 8th and 79th Infan
part of the IX Fighter Command and had participated in the mounting
try Divisions and the l^th and 6th Armored Divisions) to continue its ad
crescendo of attack whioh preceded D-Day Prom D-Day until 1 August the
vance westward and seize BREST (V99) and the QUIBEROIT Bay (l$9) area.

Command provided air support for the First U.S. Army. (She detailed re The XV Corps (the 83d and 90th Infantry Divisions and the 5th Armored

port of operations of the Command with Third U.S. Army appears in full
Division ) was ordered to move south within its assigned zone, coordina
as Annex No. 3 to this report).
ting with the VII Corps (First U.S. Army) and the VIII Corps* The XX

Corps (the 2d French Armored Division, upon arrival) was ordered to be

Operations during August developed along five phases whioh will be

prepared to move south on order, initially to the vicinity of FOUGERES

summarized in more detail at the end of the month, Diey were: 1. Die
(Y37). Die XII Corps (the 80th Infantry Division, upon arrival) was to

conquest of BRIT1MY; 2, Die ARGENT&.N (U2l)FAIAISE (U13)M0RT&.IN

continue to stage all Diird U.S. Army troops arriving on the Continent

(T51) encirclement; 3 The advance to fhe SEINE, and the MANTES GASSI and be prepared to move south on order. The XIX Tactical Air Command

COURT (R66) ELBEUF (R19) envelopment; k Die enemy evaouation of

was to provide air support.

southwestern Prance and the threat to the Diird U.S. Army's great ex
posed flank along the LOIRE River and to the vicinity of 3S0YES (Y27)
Scattered French resistance forces in BRITIA.NY, with an approximate,

5. Die rout of the enemy across the MAUNE, the AISNE and the MEUSE
strength of 30*000 armed combatants, passed to the control of the Army

Commander. Known officially as the Forces Franoaises de 1Interieur,

various groups were given the immediate mission of protecting the rail
Capabilities of the enemy as estimated at this time were divided
road f*om BREST (V99) along the north coast of the peninsula, of seising

into those of BRITTANY and those opposing the Third U.S. Army front. In
the high ground north of VANNES (H10), of providing guides for leading

BRITT&.NY it was estimated he could evaouate by land or delay to the

elements of the Diird U.S. Army, and of intensifying guerrilla activity

west, defending the peninsula by utilizing favorable terrain for spora short of open warfare throughout BRIT3MY.

dic defense. He could delay in the northern portion while evacuating to

the east by land in the southern portion* Or he could withdraw into and
Die VIII Corps oontinued to exploit the breakthrough at AVRANCHES

defend the heavily fortified BRITTA.NY ports from the landward side. On
(T21), with elements of the Iith Armored Division reaching -foe vicinity

the Diird U.S. Army front the enemy was considered capable of defending
of RENNES (Y05) and moving to the southwest. Against scattered enemy

to the south while attempting to organize a major armored counterattack

resistance, the 8th Infantry Division placed elements along the SELUNB

against the Army's east flank designed to drive a wedge to the sea and
River, while leading elements of the 6\h Armored Division advanced to

sever the Army's north-south supply line. He was also considered cap the vioinity of DOL (S90).

able of executing piecemeal counterattacks against units of the Army

then operating in the vicinity of RENNES (Y05) and DINA.N (X79), and to
Fighter-bombers of the XIX Tactical Air Command, grounded until

the north of the SELUNE River. Die situation was too fluid at the time
late afternoon by bad weather over their bases, provided armored column

to accurately formulate close-in enemy capabilities.

cover and flew armed reooxmaissanoe.

\6 E T



As the result of the operations of its first operational day, the

Third U.S. Army widened the bridgehead south of the SELUNE River, with

armored elements followed closely by infantry fanning out to the south,


southwest and west.

The Third U.S. Army reserves of Quartermaster supplies on hand at

The enemy's forces were in too fluid a condition to present an es
this time in the vicinity of NEHOU (T19) and at LA HAIE DU PUITS (T18)
tablished front line. Air reconnaissance reported possible enemy re
were 1,500,000 gallons of gasoline, plus diesel, oils and greases, and
serves in fifty small ships at GANCALE (S91) and PONT DU GRIUM (S92) and

1,500,000 operational rations. Classes I and III receipts for the day
100 barges at ST SERVAN (S71). An unconfirmed civilian report indicated

from the Advance Section Communications Zone were short of require that enemy troops were unloading at ST. MALO (S81).

ments, but the shortages were made up from reserve stocks. The "B"

ration was discontinued for all troops and operational rations were sub A directive from the Twelfth U.S. Army Group set forth a mission

stituted. Ammunition supply points operated by the VIII Corps had been
for the Third U.S. Army to secure the line ST HILAIRE DU HARCOUET (T40)
increased in capacity to furnish by 1 August a reserve of approximately
FOUGERES (Y37) - RENNES (Y05). When this line was secured, forces were

6.000 tons for Third U.S. Army operations.

to be pushed vigorously into the BRITTANY Peninsula with the objective

of seizing the QUIBERON BAY (M99) area and clearing the enemy from the

peninsula. The directive specified that ST MALO (S71) could be bypassed

and contained if its reduction took too large a force and too much time.

The Army Commander instructed the XV Corps (the 83d and 90th In
fantry Divisions and the 5th Armored Division) to occupy and hold the


(T41), and to take over the security of dams across the SELUNE River

then under the control of the VIII Corps. The 5th Armored Division was

to move south without delay, pass through the lines of the 90th Infantry

Division, and attack and secure FOUGERES (Y37) and the road net around

the town. The 83d Infantry Division was to be assembled by combat teams

at the earliest practicable moment in an area west of the 90th Infantry

Division, at the completion of which it was to take over the position

then held by the 5th Armored Division. The 5th Armored Division, after

being relieved by the 83d Infantry Division, was to be assembled for

further operations.

After this Order was issued by the Army Commander, the Commanding

General of the Twelfth U.S. Army Group arrived at the Third U.S. Army

command post and directed that the 79th Infantry Division be moved on

FOUGERES (Y37), with the mission of occupying the line FOUGERES (Y37)

The VIII Corps (8th and 79th Infantry Divisions and the 4th and 6th

Armored Divisions) was then instructed by the Army Commander to order

the 79th Infantry Division to advance and occupy FOUGERES (Y37) before

dark on 2 August and to have the 90th Infantry Division extend its front

to eecure and occupy LOUVIGNE DU DESERT (Y49).

The XV Corps was instructed orally to assemble the 5th Armored Di

vision in an area west of LOUVIGNE DU DESERT (Y49) and east of the ST

JAMES (Y29) - FOUGERES (Y37) road. The 83d Infantry Division was to be

moved motorized by combat teams with the least practicable delay via


Task Force "A" (the 1st Tank Destroyer Brigade, the 2d and 15th

Cavalry Groups, the 6th Tank Destroyer Group, the 705th Tank Destroyer

Armored Unit Passing Through Avranches

Battalion, the 159th Engineer Combat Battalion and the 509th Engineer

Light Ponton Company) commanded by Brigadier General HERBERT L. EARNEST,

was formed for the specific mission of clearing the enemy from the

northern BRITTANY route to BREST (V99).

18 T


In the VIII Corps zone, leading elements of the 6th Armored Di was referred to the Ninth U.S. Air Force*

vision reached QDEDILLAC (X67), three miles south of CAULNES (X67), and
The high ground north of VANNES (H10) was seized by approximately

pushed west toward BREST (V99), meeting sporadic resistance by small en 6,000 of the Forces Francaises de lflnterieur who also occupied an area
trenched groups, Fifteen enemy fighters equipped with rockets bombed
in the vicinity of JOSSELIN (30). Active guerrilla operations were
and strafed trains of the 6th Armored Division* Enemy aircraft bombed
initiated throughout the BRITTANY Peninsula*
the bridge at AVRANCHES (T21) and the dam at DUCEY (T30), but the bridge

was quickly repaired and there was no damage to the dam. Elements of
As the result of operations for the day the Army advanced rapidly
the 4th Armored Division had advanced to HEEMITAGE (X18), seven miles
in all zones with RENNES (Y05) being captured and armored elements
southeast oftyJINTIN(X18), and Task Force "A" was generally in the vi reaching LOUDEAC (X26).

cinity of DOL (S90). The 83d Infantry Division passed to the control of

the VIII Corps.

The Headquarters Rear Echelon joined the Forward Echelon at BEAU
The XV Corps troops were concentrating in the area ST HILAIRE BU
CHAMPS (T23), eleven miles north of AVRANCHES (T21), as did the XIX Tac
HARCOUET (T40) - FOUGERES (Y37)* The 79th Infantry Division passed to
tical Air Command Headquarters*

control of the XV Corps*

The XIX Tactical Air Command afforded armored column cover for the

assaulting spearheads, performed armed reconnaissances on the front and

4 AUGUST {D+59)
flank, and covered bridges in the AVRANCHES (T21) corridor to prevent
Still unable to present an established front line, the enemy was

incursions by enemy aircraft*

limited to the use of delaying tactics by small groups employing road

blocks, demolitions and mine fields. Harassing fire by snipers hindered

As the result of operations for the day spearheads of the Third

movement of supplies by the Third U.S. Army. Enemy aircraft continued

U*S Army made considerable progress to the south, southwest and west,
flying, attacking Army supply lines in P0NT0RS0N (T10) and AVRANCHES

while the XV Corps regrouped preparatory to commitment.


The Army Commander directed the VIII Corps (the 8th and 83d Infan
The Third U.S. Army Headquarters, Forward Echelon, moved to BEAU try Divisions and the 4th and 6th Armored Divisions) to complete clear
CHAMPS (T23), eleven miles north of AVRANCHES (T21).
ing of the BRITTANY Peninsula, to secure the ports and be prepared for

further operations to the east. He gave orders to the XV Corps (the

79th and 90th Infantry Divisions and the 5th Armored Division) to seize

3 AUGUST (D+58)
and hold a bridgehead east of MAYENNE (Y77) until relieved by the First

U.S. Army, to seize a bridgehead at LAVAL (Y64) and secure the MAYENNE

The enemy was still unable to present a cohesive front line but
River as far south as CHATEAU GONTIER (J71), to seize LE MANS (V46) and

attempted to establish a defensive line anchored on CHARBONNIERE (Y05)

to prepare for further offensive action to the north, east or northeast.

and extending southwest and southeast, with well dug-in 88 mm and as

sault guns* He continued to utilize his air force primarily as defen The XII Corps (80th Infantry Division and 7th Armored Division) was

sive cover for his ground troops* Prisoners of war stated the enemy*a
ordered to concentrate in the vicinity of LA HAYE PESNEL (T22) and be

gasoline supply was so low that its use was being limited to heavy tanks
prepared to move south on Army order. The XX Corps (5th and 35th Infan
and officers inspecting troops*
try Divisions and the 2d French Armored Division) was ordered to con
centrate in the vicinity of VITRE (Y35), to secure crossings of the

The Twelfth U.S. Army Group gave the Third U.S. Army a mission as
MAYENNE River from CHATEAU GONTJJK (J71) as far south as the LOIRE River

follows: The Army was to complete the securing of the BRITTANY ports
to advance rapidly to the east and to protect the south flank of the

and clearing of the peninsula with a minimum of forces* Crossings of


the MAYENNE River were to be secured in a zone as far south as CHATEAU

GONTIER (J71), inclusive, and the Army was to be prepared for further
In the VIII Corps zone the 6th Armored Division, having by-passed

action with strong armored forces toward the east and southeast* The
ST MALO (S71) and DINAN (X79), was north of GOURIN (W50) with its lead
area west of the MAYENNE River as far south as the LOIRE River was to be
ing elements* Task Force "A" (1st Tank Destroyer Brigade, 2d and 15th

cleared. The Army's right (south) flank was to be protected with mini Cavalry Groups, 6th Tank Destroyer Group, 705th Tank Destroyer Battal
mum forces*
ion, 159th Engineer Combat Battalion and the 509th Engineer Light Ponton

Company), with the 330th Regimental Combat Team of the 83d Infantry Di
In the VIII Corps zone leading elements of the 6th Armored Division
vision, moved north to attack ST MALO (S71) where resistance was strong*

advanced to LOUDSAC (X26), encountering enemy units which appeared im The 4th Armored Division was moving rapidly toward VANNE3 (H10) through

mobile because of a gasoline shortage* Elements of the 8th Infantry Di REDON (H60)*

vision captured RBJNES (Y05) over light enemy resistance, including ar

tillery* The XV and XX Corps continued to concentrate major elements
In the XV Corps zone a task force of the 90th Infantry Division

preparatory to commitment*
captured MAYENNE (Y77) while remaining elements of the division were de
ployed along a north-south line in contact with the 1st Infantry Divi
Despite unfavorable weather the XIX Taotical Air Command covered
sion of the First U.S. Army* The 79th Infantry Division was deployed

advancing armored and infantry columns* A request for night fighters


along a line north of FOUGERKS (Y37). The 5th Armored Division was mov Only two principal north-south highways extended through this area,

ing south to an area east of ST JAMES (Y29). The XII and XX Corps con which was cut deeply on the west by three tidal estuaries, one at the

tinued to conoentrate major elements*

mouth of the SIENNE River near COUTANCSS (T25) and the others at the

mouths of the SEX and SELUNE Rivers near AVRANCHES (T21). An adequate

The scale of protection given by the XIX Tactical Air Command rose
network of roads through the strip was necessary in order to supply

sharply with the support given to the ground forces near F0UGERE3 (Y37)
Third U.S. Army troops which were swinging west down the BRITTANY Penin
and ST 1SALO (S71).
sula, pushing south to cut off the base of the peninsula, and fanning

out east and southeast*

A company of 150 Special Airborne Services Troops from the United

Kingdom was parachuted behind enemy lines to assist the Forces Francaifl At COUTANCSS (125) where the two main highways converged it was

ea de l'Interieur in the protection of railroad trestles at MORLAIX

found possible to separate the routes and eliminate the first bottle
neck* But all axial highways converged at AVRANCHES (T21), where the

strip narrowed to ten miles or less, then followed one principal route

As the result of operations for the day the Army captured CAYENNE
south for five miles to PONTAUBOULT (T31). The town of AVRANCHES (T21)

(Y77)* At the same time armored spearheads raced to capture the major
had been badly damaged by both Allied and enemy bombing, but the bridge

BRITTANY ports and to cut off the peninsula*

over the SEE River at the edge of town was captured intact* The bridge

at PONTAUBOULT (T31) over the SELUNE River was demolished, but was re
During the first week of August the Army solved a critical problem
paired rapidly and later a timber trestle bridge was built to carry part

and bottleneck along the west coast of the C0TKNT1N Peninsula to AVRAN of the transport load* The enemy attempted nightly to bomb these criti
CHSS (T21). It was vital to maintain a supply route through the narrow
cal bridges* To meet this threat anti-aircraft defenses already estab
strip that varied in width from ten to twenty miles and to protect this
lished along the supply route were augmented by the siting of additional

Third U.S. Army lifeline from aerial attack*

automatic weapons and 90mm gun battalions which were released from the

First U.S. Army on this date* Defense of the SEHJNE River line with

90mn guns was extended east from the mouth of the river to ST HIIAIRE DU

HARCOUET (T40). The river line was extremely important, not only be
cause of the bridge across it but because destruction of the dam at

DUCEY (T30) would have flooded the area* An inner artillery zone was

established, bounded by a line 12,000 yards north and south of the river

and 12,000 yards west of its mouth and east of ST HILAIRE DU HARCOUET

(T40). In this zone anti-aircraft artillery was Instructed to engage

immediately at night any plane not identified as friendly* Of 291 enemy

aircraft reported over the area during 6 and 7 August, more than ten

percent were destroyed or probably destroyed by anti-aircraft artillery*

Among other developments within the Army at this time were the fol
lowing: (a) The Public Relations Section placed its SCR 399 and Mackay

Radio into operation at GAVRAY (T24)* With the censors present, it was

then possible for the first time to use all planned facilities and to

flash Third U.S. Army news to the press of the world* However, security

on use of the Army name and of its Commander remained in effect* (b)

French authorities were rapidly restoring their authority and assuming

their functions* The chief problem was control of civilian circulation*

(o) At this time, H O Third U.S. Army units were still in the United

Kingdom incompletely equipped. Every effort was being made to obtain

the necessary equipment*

Crossing the Mayenne River


] f

.if 3

Upon securing crossings of the MAYENNE River from MAYENNE (Y77) to

5 AUGUST {D + 60)
LAVAL (Y64), the Army was directed by Twelfth U.S. Army Group to advance

The relentless aggressiveness and wide-ranging sweep of Third U.S.

from the line of the MAYENNE River to secure the crossings of the SARTHE

Army's offensives by this time had resulted in a widespread disorganiza River from ANGERS (087) to LE MANS (V46) and to be prepared to push

tion of the enemy's forces. He continued unable to form a cohesive line

strong armored forces in the direction of the ORLEANS (F62) - PARIS

of defense except in the ST MALO Peninsula, and offered only scattered

(S04) gap. NANTES (005) and ANGERS (087) were to be occupied and the

resistance at other points. Small elements were identified but there

south flank of the Army was to be watched for possible enemy crossings

were no indications of divisional sectors or areas. There was evidence

over the LOIRE River. The reduction of BRITTANY was to be continued

that small groups of the enemy were attempting to escape from BRITTANY
with minimum forces.

by the southern route of the peninsula*

Two additional anti-aircraft artillery brigades were ordered at

The Army Commander directed the XV Corps to cross LA MAYENNE River
tached to the Army, one to be used in the defense of ST MALO (S71) and

at MAYENNE (Y77) and to secure a bridgehead east of MAYENNE (Y77) and

RENNES (Y05), the other in the defense of BREST (V99), immediately on

hold it until relieved by VII Corps (First U.S, Army), Elements not
the capture of these cities.

needed to hold the bridgehead east of MAYENNE (Y77) were to be moved

south of the inter-Army boundary without delay. The corps was also di In the VIII Corps zone the 6th Armored Division continued its rapid

rected to secure crossings of the MAYENNE River to LAVAL (Y64) inclu advance through the BRITTANY Peninsula along two roads, leading elements

sive, and to extend this front further south if deemed necessary and ad of Combat Command "A" reaching PLONEOUR (R30) and leading elements of

vance rapidly on LE MANS (V46).

Combat Command "B" reaching LESNEVEN (Rll). Task Force M A n moved rapid
ly along the northern BRITTANY route with leading elements reaching the

In the VIII Corps zone the 6th Armored Division continued its rapid
vicinity of CHATELAUDREN (S00), The 4th Armored Division advanced to
advance toward BREST (V99) with elements reaching HULEGOAT (W49) and
ward LORIENT (G72), The 83d Infantry Division continued its attack on

GODRIN (W56). The 4th Armored Division continued its progress toward
ST MALO (S71) against stubborn enemy resistance consisting in part of

VANNES (H10) and LQRIENT (G72) with Combat Command "A" capturing VANNES
mortar, automatic weapons, and 88mm fire. With the exception of the de
(HIO). Task Force "A" was withdrawn from the ST MALO (S71) area and
termined defense of ST MALO (S71) enemy activity on the BRITTANY Penin
proceeded along the northern BRITTANY route toward BREST (V99). The 83d
sula was confined to sniping and small sporadic delaying actions. Indi
Infantry Division met aggressive resistance at ST MALO (S71).
cations were, however, that BREST (V99) was being prepared for a deter
mined defense.

In the XV Corps zone elements of the 90th Infantry Division secured

MAYENNE (X77) The 79th Infantry Division concentrated on the west bank

of the MAYENNE River in the vicinity of LAVAL (Y64) while the 5th Arm In the XV Corps zone the advance toward LE MANS (V46) progressed

ored Division Moved east to cross this river in the vicinity of CHATEAU
rapidly with all major elements across the MAYENNE River and advancing

GONTIER (J71). The enemy destroyed bridges across the MAYENNE River as
east. In the XX Corps zone major elements were assembled west of VITRE

he retreated.
(Y35). The XII Corps continued to concentrate its major units.

Planes of the XIX Tactical Air Command kept the enemy away from the
As the ground campaign entered upon a phase of encirclement planes

advancing columns while attacking motor vehicles, gun positions and an

of the XIX Tactical Air Command shifted the main weight of power to the

enemy headquarters. They performed fighter sweeps in the ST MALO (S71)

eastern front and the LOIRE Valley. Patrols still covered the AVRANCHES

DINAN (X79) area.

(T21) corridor and fighter-bombers attacked tanks and other ground tar
gets ahead of the armored columns.

As the result of operations for the day Third U.S. Army units cap
tured VANNES (H10) with advances continuing to the east toward LE MANS
The Forces Francaises de l^nterieur occupied JUGON (X58) and ST

(V46), south to LAVAL (Y64), southwest toward LORIENT (G72), west to BRIEUC (S20) and were ordered to protect lines of communication.

ward BREST (V99), and north toward ST MALO (S71).

As the result of operations for the day armored spearheads raced

toward the major objectives of LE MANS (V46) to the east and BREST (V99)

6 AUGUST {D+61) to the west, these two cities being 210 air miles apart.

Capabilities of the enemy as estimated at this time were divided

Twelfth U.S. Army Group and Advance Section Communications Zone

into those of BRITTANY and those applying to the eastern front of the
were notified that arrival of supplies by water transport in the west

Third U.S. Army. In BRITTANY it was estimated the enemy would withdraw
would relieve pressure on shipment by land transport, with supply lines

to fortified ports while continuing sporadic resistance in the interior

lengthening rapidly, more truck companies were requested and the Ninth

of the peninsula to delay the Army's advance. On the eastern front of

U.S. Air Force was asked for air evacuation facilities in the vicinity

the Army the enemy was expected to combine a defense east of the MAYENNE
of RENNES (Y05). The Army was notified that 710 colored replacements

River with a counterattack in the MCRTAIN (T51) area with the intent of
were being flown in to be attached to truck companies as extra drivers.

severing the Army's north and south forces and make the latter untenable
Approximately $1,000,000 worth of captured medical equipment was obtain
ed from the hospital at St. Vincent's College at RENNES (Y05).


A total of 119 principal towns and a population normally numbering

The Army Commander verbally ordered the XX Corps to move one regi
3,500,000 were now included in the Army's zone of operations. The
mental combat team from the 5th Infantry Division to ANGERS (087), to

French people were reported caring for their own refugees with some Army
move one infantry battalion from the 5th Infantry Division to NANTES

assistance. There was a scarcity of bread, main item of French diet,

(005) and to move the 5th Infantry Division, less detachments, from

although the excellent wheat harvest underway was expected to alleviate

south of VITRE (135) to the vicinity of SEGRE (J50). He also ordered

the situation.
the corps to make plans for a possible attack in the direction of ST

HILAIRE DU HARCOUET (T40) - FLERS (T82) in anticipation of a strong

During the night the Army Headquarters at BEAUCHAMPS (T23), eleven

hostile counterattack on AVRANCHES (T21). The 2d French Armored Divi
miles north of AVRANCHES (T21), was bombed and strafed. One stick of
sion, the 35th Infantry Division, and the 80th Infantry Division were to

bombs fell into an area of Headquarters Company, but caused neither cas be used, with the 610th Tank Destroyer Battalion and the 702d Tank Bat
ualties nor damage. Ammunition Depot No. 1 near GRANVILLE (T13) was
talion attached. The 5th Infantry Division was to be attached to the

bombed with a loss of approximately 600 tons of ammunition.

XV Corps in the event the plan went into effect.

The Army Commander ordered the 2d French Armored Division held in

the vicinity of ST JAMES (Y29), the 35th Infantry Division held in the

vicinity of ST HILAIRE DU HARCOUET ( U 0 ) , and any complete artillery

7 AUGUST (D + 62)
battalions not already moving to the new area west of VITRE (Y35) to be

held in the vicinity of ST HILAIRE DU HARCOUET (T^0). He alerted one

(Map for this date accompanies text)

regimental combat team from the 35th Infantry Division for a possible

attack toward MORTAIN (T5l) - BARENTON (T60) to meet an anticipated en

The enemy situation continued fluid, his only aggressive resistance
emy counterattack in the direction of MCRTAIN (T51) - AVRANCHES (T2l).

being in the ST MALO Peninsula where mines, booby traps, anti-tank ob

stacles, and anti-tank guns were in use. The city of ST MALO (S7l) was
The XII Corps was verbally ordered to move the 80th Infantry Divi
reported to be barricaded and locks in the harbor to be mined and pre sion to the vicinity east of AVRANCHES (T21) and to turn it over to the

pared for demolition. Indications also pointed to a determined defense

XX Corps.

of BREST (V99), where among other troops there were an estimated 10,000

German marines. The enemy was also reported to have mined all roads out
In the VIII Corps zone the 83d Infantry Division continued its at
of NANTES (005) and to have circled that city with mines. ANGERS (087)
tack on ST MALO (S7l). Leading elements of Task Force "A", enroute to

.was reported heavily mined. Bridges across the MAIENNE River in the
BREST (V99), approached MORLAIX (Rl). The 6th Armored Division ad
vicinity of LAVAL (Y64) and MAIENNE (Y77) were reported blown or mined.
vanced to the immediate vicinity of BREST (V99)> meeting heavy artillery

fire. The 4-th Armored Division surrounded LCRIENT (G72). Stubborn en

emy resistance continued at ST. MALO (S71), LCEIENT (G72), and BREST

(V99) with supply lines in the interior of the peninsula being harassed

by isolated enemy groups and snipers. Tactical air reconnaissance indi

cated large fires in ST. MALO (S71) and LORIENT (G72) #

In the XV Corps zone major elements advanced to a point twelve

miles west of LE MANS (V4.6), the enemy offering only delaying actions to

obstruct them as he withdrew his forces east of the MAYENNE River.

In the XX Corps zone the 5th Infantry Division had elements gener
ally along the line NANTES (005) - CHATEAUBRIANT (J20) - ANGERS (087)

to protect the Army south flank. The 35th Infantry Division had ad
vanced to the vicinity of BARENTON (T60).

The XII Corps continued its assigned mission of moving Third U.S.

Army units from the beaches to selected assembly areas.

To meet its increased responsibilities the XIX Tactical Air Command

fcy this time had raised its strength to nine full groups of fighter-

Smoking Out Remaining German Snipers in Laval

bombers. The Luftwaffe became more aggressive and in a day of fierce

combat thirty-three enemy aircraft were destroyed. Participating in

tank battles XIX Tactical planes in one attack claimed destruction of

twelve tanks and five staff cars. Cover was continued for all columns

moving to the west, south and east. Attacks were made on enemy troops


22 S E CXE T



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Belle ll\ O4*P*


Kilometers 20 lO

The Foroes EVanoaises de l f Interieur aided in BRITTA.NY - by mopping

The XV Corps (79th and 90th Infantry Divisions, 5th Armored Divi
up pockets of enemy troops that had been bypassed by the armored spear sion, and 2d French Armored Division) was to advance along the axis LE

M O S (Yk6) - ALENCON (Z38) - SEES (Qij2), secure the line SEES (QI42) CAR
ROUGES (Z19), both inclusive, and be prepared for further advance*

As the result of operations for the day the Third U.S. Army sur
rotinded and out off from ifoe remainder of the BRITEOT Peninsula the
The XX Corps (5th, 35th and 80th Infantry Divisions and 7th Armored

city of BREST (V99), the second largest port in IVanoe. ST. MALO (S71)
Division) was to occupy ANGERS (O87) and cover the south flank of the

was being besieged and LORIENT (G72) was being contained while in the
Army within the assigned zone, hold the bridgehead east of the SARIEE

east armored spearheads rushed toward LB MANS (Vl6)*

River in the vicinity of LE MA.NS (Vl*6), and be prepared for further op
erations to the east*

During the night of 7 August and early morning of 8 August the

Prisoner of War enclosure at M&RCEY (T21), three miles northwest of

AVRANCHES (121), was subjected to an enemy bombing and strafing attack*

The XII Corps was to continue its present mission.

Brenty-one German prisoners were killed and sixty-two wounded, Two en

listed men of theff]|JjthField Artillery Battalion, operating personnel
In the VIII Corps zone the 6th Armored Division consolidated its

of the enclosure, were killed and several others were wounded. A peri position on the outskirts of BREST (V99), while Task Force w A n

meter guard was established as quickly as possible and to safeguard the

its drive toward the oity along the northern route. The 83d Infantry

German prisoners from attack they were permitted to leave the enclosure
Division continued its attack of ST. HALO (S7l), reaching the outskirts

and seek protection in the surrounding area* This raid led to a policy
of the city and engaging in bitter house-to-house fighting* The 121st

of lighting prisoner of war enclosures in emergencies only.

Infantry Regiment, attached to the 83d Infantry Division from the 8th

Infantry Division, advanoed on DINARD (S71). The lth Armored Division

Surveys showed that two-thirds of the population of RENNES (Y05),

continued to contain LORIENT (G72)

normally numbering 87,000, had returned to the city and that the medical

facilities and personnel there were adequate to meet local needs. Ample

labor was found for the harvesting in BRITIOY.

In the XV Corps zone the 79th Infantry Division oaptured LE MAJJS

(Vk6)$ (followed by elements of the 90th Infantry Division.) Eie 5th

Armored Division moved south of LE MANS (Vlj) and blocked communications

south and southeast of the city* Die 80th Infantry Division was attach
8 AUGUST (D+63)
ed and continued its movement south through LAVAL (Y61|) to an area just

east of that city* The 2d French Armored Division was attached and

Bie estimate of enemy capabilities in BRITTANY at this time still

started movement to an area near BRULON (KO7), southwest of LE MANS

held to the view that the fortified ports of BREST (799), LORIENT (G72)

and ST. NAZAIRE (N56) would be defended* The situation at MANTES (005)

remained obscure, it not being clear whether the enemy intended to use

In -the XX Corps zone elements of the 5*& Infantry Division reached

title oity as an assembly point for elements of scattered and disorganized

ANGERS (087) and NANTES (005). 2he 35th Infantry Division continued its

divisions in BRITO.NY or whether it was being prepared for a siege. The

attack on the M0RI6.IN (U5l) area where the enemy continually tried to

potential threat of an enemy breakthrough in the MORI&JN (151) area was

break through and disrupt communications between NORMANDY and BRITTANY*

viewed as diminishing. The least favored capability was that the enemy

would defend east of a line ANGERS (O87) - LE MANS (Vl+6) - MAYBNNE (Y77)

while attempting to rush up reinforcements from south of the LOIRE River

The XIX Taotioal Air Command reached a new peak of activity by fly
and possibly from the PAS DE CALAIS area to build up a foroe to protect
ing 717 sorties, bombing and strafing the enemy on all fronts. Claims

his exposed and extended west flank and rear from envelopment.
included destruction of twenty-nine locomotives, 137 freight cars, 205

motor vehicles and seventeen tanks* Armed reconnaissance was flown in

In response to Twelfth U.S. Army Group instructions the Army Com order to gain aerial superiority, with emphasis placed on knocking out

mander ordered an advance on the axis LE MANS (Vl+6) - ALENCON (Z38) the airdromes north and east of PARIS (S0l|) and on isolating the battle
SEES (QI42) to the line SEES (QJU2) - CARROUGES (Z19) and preparation for
field on the east as far as the Belgian border*

further action against the enemy flank and rear. He ordered a bridge
head to be held east of the SAR1EE River in the vicinity of LE MANS
The Forward Eohelon of Headquarters moved to a new command post at

(Vi|6), and NANTES (005) and ANGERS (O87) be occupied and the south flank
POILLEY (Y39), eight miles northwest of FOUGERES (Y37), between ST.

of the Twelfth U*S* Army Group be covered. Capture of the BRITIAJY

JAMES (Y29) and FOUGERES ("Y37). The Advance Eohelon of XIX Tactical Air

ports and the reduction of the peninsula were ordered continued*

Command Headquarters was established nearby.

The Army Commander ordered the VIII Corps (8th and 83d Infantry
As the result of operations for ifoe day the Army oaptured LE MANS

Divisions and iith and 6th Armored Divisions) to continue its assignment
(Vii6), oontinued the attack on ST. MALO (S71), and oontained LORIENT

in BRITTANY, to occupy NANTES (005), to cover the south flank to the

(G72) and BREST (V99).

corps boundary, and to be prepared for further operations to the east*

24 E T

<-. I-:.

Advance Section Communications Zone general plans for Classes I and

9 AUGUST (D+64)
III supply to Third U.S. Army included the movement of supplies to the

DOL (S90) area for support to the west and to the LAVAL (Y64) area for

Five enemy capabilities appeared possible at this time* Continued

support to the east. ST. MICHEL EN GRS7E (R62) five miles southwest of

defense of the fortified ports of BREST (799), LORIENT (072), and ST

LANNION (R73) was selected by higher headquarters as the unloading point

NAZAIRE (N56) was one, it still being obscure as to what forces were
for supplies for the EREST (799) campaign.

holding the latter port* As a second there was the continued possibil
ity of a counter-attack against the Army's east flank in the MORTAIN

(T51) area although tactical developments were diminishing the weight o(

this capability* A withdrawal of enemy forces from the LE MANS (746)

SEES (Q42) area to the north and east, reinforcing them with units from

east of the SEINE River and south of the LOIRE River, appeared possible.

Immediately available as reinforcements in this area were troops report*

ed moving west and southwest from PARIS, A fourth capability was an en*

emy withdrawal along the entire Allied front toward the east with count*

erattacks on a large scale expected in conjunction with the withdrawal.

There was also the possibility of the enemy moving reinforcements from

the PAS DE CALAIS area and from the RHONE Valley to any portion of the

Allied front in a desperate effort to strengthen his forces in present


In the VIII Corps zone Task Force "A" advanced to the vicinity of

EREST (799) and made contact with the 6th Armored Division which contin
ued to contain the big port while reorganizing for an attaok against it*

The 83d Infantry Division continued its attack against the ST HALO (S71)

defenses with most of the resistance there reduced to a small pocket*

the Citadel, The 4th Armored Division continued to contain LORIENT

(G72) where enemy defense was stubborn, while other elements moved to
ward NANTES (005)* The 8th Infantry Division remained in the vicinity

of RENNES (Y05). The Till Corps Artillery, less attachments to the 4th

and 6th Armored Divisions, was committed in support of the attack on ST

MALO (S71)# Successful artillery missions included sinking of a ship In

the harbor, a direct hit on a building suspected of being a command

post* and one adjustment on an ammunition dump followed by explosions

lasting for half an hour*

In the XV Corps zone the 90th Infantry Division mopped up LE MANS

(746). The 2d Frenoh Armored Division moved through LE MANS (746), fol
lowed by the 90th Infantry Division, to a position on the west flank of

the 5th Armored Division east of the SARTHE River. The 79th Infantry

Division moved north, following the 5th Armored Division*

In the IX Corps zone ANGERS (087) was cleared* The 7 th Armored Dl-

vision passed to control of the corps*

The XIX Tactical Air Command had Its busiest day since becoming op*

erational with Third U.S. Army, flying seventy-two missions and 780

sorties* One squadron destroyed seven of twelve ME~109s encountered. A

rocket-carrying squadron was placed In operation. Missions included the

provision of cover for armored columns in BRITTANY but most of the Com*

rnand'8 power was concentrated on the eastern battle front over the

spearheads of the XV and XX Corps*

As the result of operations for the day the Army continued to se

cure towns on its south flank, to prepare for an attack on EREST (799).
Plasma Being Administered at an Advance Aid Station

and continued the attack on ST. MALO (371). A new attack to the north

began along the LE MANS (746) - ALENCON (Z38) * SEES (<}42) axis for the

purpose of trapping enemy forces In northern France*

RET 25

ber of troops from BELLE ISLE (M77) to the QPIBERON Peninsula. His de
10 AUGUST (D*65)
fense in the Till Corps zone was generally astride the DINARD (S71)
PLBDRTOIT (S70) road. He continued unable in the X7 Corps zone to es
tablish a cohesive line*

Principal organized enemy resistance was now centered in the DINARD

Peninsula across the RANCE Estuary from ST. MALO (S71). The enemy also
The Army Commander ordered the XX Corps (35th and 80th Infantry Di
appeared determined to defend H*E3T (799) and LORIENT (G72)> although
visions, 7th Armored Division and supporting troops) to assemble on the

there were continued reports of shipping at these ports which indicated

line MAYENNE (Y77) - LE MANS (746), to attack promptly to the northeast

he might be preparing an attempt to evacuate them.

to secure the line CARROUGSS (Z19) - SEES (Q42) within the zone of the

corps, and to be prepared for further advance* One regimental combat

In the VIII Corps zone the 83d Infantry Division, with strong ar team (80th Infantry Division) was to remain in the vicinity of LE MANS

tillery support, continued the attack against the one remaining strong (746) to hold a bridgehead east of the SARTHE River. The 7th Armored

hold at ST. MALO (S71), the Citadel. DINARD (371) was attacked against
Division was to be moved from the assembly area northeast of FOUGERES

determined enemy resistance. Task Force "A" assembled in the vicinity

(Y37) to an area in the rear of the line of departure* The 35th Infan
of MORLAIX (R41) to protect the beaches and routes to BREST (799) while
try Division was to be released by the 711 Corps (First U.S. Army) at a

the besieged city and LORIENT (G72) and NANTES (005) were being con point on the inter-Army boundary to be designated later, and was then to

be moved to an area in the rear of the line of departure*

In the XX Corps zone ANGERS (087) was captured without resistance*

The XX Corps also was ordered to direct the 5th Infantry Division

The 35th Infantry Division continued to engage the enemy in the vicinity
to leave one regimental combat team at ANGERS (087), the division, less

of MORTAIN (T51) in the zone of the 711 Corps (First U.S. Army)* In the
detachments, to move northeast along the LOIR River to the vicinity of

X7 Corps zone the attack to the north continued*

CHATEAU-DU-LOIR (K50) clearing the area of enemy enroute* Upon arrival

in the vicinity of CHATEAU-DU-LOIR (E50) the division was to send recon

Despite low-hanging clouds planes of the XIX Tactical Air Command naissance to the northeast, east, and southeast as far as TOURS (P76).

provided strong support to the Army's operations* Armored columns in A further mission was to protect the south flank of the Army*

BRITTANY and major ground forces on the eastern front were covered*
Sweeping railroad reconnaissance was carried out to isolate the battle In the Till Corps zone mopping up the BRITTANY Peninsula continued*

field north, east, and south of PARIS (S04)* A series of attacks was
The attacks on the Citadel of ST. MALO (S71) and on DINARD (S71) were

begun in the semi-circle of the immediate Third U.S. Army front* Other
pressed* Task Force "A" secured ST. MICHKL-EN-GRE7E (R62), five miles

attacks followed the LOIRE River on the Army's south flank with special
southwest of LANNION (R73) The 6th Armored Division at BREST (799) re
attention being given to the area south of the LOIRE*
pulsed an enemy counterattack on its left flank* Combat Command "B" of

the 4th Armored Division still contained LORIENT (G72)* Combat Comnand

As the result of operations for the day the Army captured ANGERS
"A" deployed north of NANTES (005) and relieved the infantry battalion

(087) and cleared the enemy from ST. MALO (S71), except the Citadel,
which was containing the city* The 8th Infantry Division, less detach
while armored elements sped north toward ALENCON (Z38) and SEES (Q42)*
ments, remained in the vicinity of RKINES (Y05)*

Ten tons of captured enemy Medical equipment were obtained in the

In the XX Corps zone the 5th Infantry Division after capturing

vicinity of ST. MALO (371)* Arrangements were made for deliveries of

ANGERS (087) moved west of the MAINE River with the 11th Regimental Com
penicillin and plasma as well as whole blood on a weekly basis to Third
bat Team enroute to CHATEAU GONTIER (J71). The 35th Infantry Division

U.S. Army Medical Units*

pressed its attack to the north and northeast of MORTAIN (T51). The 7th

Armored Division continued to move into its concentration area northeast

MONT ST. MICHEL (Til), an architectural relic of the Eleventh Cen Of FOUGERES (Y37)*

tury, was found to be Intact, although the Germans had occupied parts of

the cathedral for observation posts and billets*

In the XV Corps zone the attack to the north by the 5th Armored and

2d French Armored Divisions, followed closely by the 79th and 90th In

The Army Headquarters Rear Echelon joined the Forward Echelon at fantry Divisions, continued with good progress. Increasingly violent

POILLEY (Y39) eight miles northwest of FOUGERES (Y37). enemy delaying action was encountered from infantry supported by indi
vidual tanks attempting to hold road blocks. The Army Commander ordered

the X7 Corps to push on in the direction of FALAISE (U13) after the cap
ture of ARGENTAN (U21) and allow the rear elements of the corps to

11 AUGUST (D + 66) close. Upon reaching FALAISE (U13), it was to advance until contact

was made with Allied forces pushing down from the north*

Reinforcement of his troops in the Third U.S. Army18 northward zone

of advance appeared to be the enemy's Intention in moving elements of

The XII Corps continued its assigned mission*

several divisions into the LE MANS (746) - ALENCON (Z38) - SEES (Q42)

area* The enemy was also reported to be evacuating a considerable num

26 S EC T



The XIX Tactical Air Command was charged with the security of the
Armored Division, and its supporting troops) was to advance northeast

south flank of the Army below which great numbers of the enemy were re within its assigned zone on DREUX (R33), prepared for further advance to

ported to be concentrated. Planes of the Command flew 4.54- combat sort the north, northeast or east. The 80th Infantry Division was to con
ies in support of the push to encircle the MORTAIN (T51) - FALAISE
tinue its attack until contact was made with the XV Corps on the right

(D13) - ARGENTAN (U21) area. Sweeps of railroad lines and highways con and elements of the First U.S. Army on the left. It was then to halt

and await further orders.

As the result of operations for the day the Army secured ANGERS
In the VIII Corps zone the 83d Infantry Division continued its at
(087) on the south flank, while to the north armored spearheads raced
tack against the Citadel at ST. MALO (S71) and against DINARD (S71),

toward SEES ( )
where the main enemy defensive line was breached. Task Force "A" con
tinued to protect the beaches northeast of MORLAIX (B^l) and the supply

A new policy of delivering supplies to this Army by Advance Section

route to BREST (V99).

Communications Zone was begun* Supplies for the forces in the west were

delivered to Classes I and III supply point No. 12 in the vicinity of

TRESSE DU MESNIL (X89) seven miles east of DINAN (X79); for the forces

in the east to Base Depot No. 55 of Advance Section Communications Zone

in the vicinity of LA RICOULIERE (175) seven miles northeast of LAVAL

(Y64) The ration situation became critical because forward units had

outrun their supply lines. Shipments from the beaches were short and

heavy withdrawals had to be made from reserves.

Infantry Patrol in Action

12 AUGUST (D+67)

The estimate of enemy capabilities at this time stressed as signif

icant the fact that since D-Day the enemy had shifted eleven divisions

into the battle area from his high priority PAS DE CALAIS area* Every

indication implemented the view that the Germans considered the PAS DE

CALAIS area to be of the greatest tactical importance. The sector was

the most heavily defended in the west and was the last to be tapped for

reinforcements for the battlefront. It was significant, therefore, that

the enemy was forced to withdraw eleven divisions from the PAS DE CALAIS

and adjoining areas and rush from west of the SEINE River to plug up

gaps in his sagging battle lines. Only nine enemy divisions then re
mained in France, Belgium and Holland, with five others reported moving.

In view of the tactical situation it was considered unlikely that any of

these divisions would be moved south of the SEINE River. It was esti
mated that the enemy could muster 125,000 combat effectives from the di
visions then believed to be north of the SEINE. It was estimated also

that the enemy could withdraw approximately 55,000 troops from BRITTANY

and NCRMANDY, making a total of 180,000 combat effectives from north of

the SEINE. The enemy might eventually withdraw behind the SEINE, but

then he was still trying to hold on to northern France.

The Army Commander ordered the VIII Corps (8th and 83d Infantry Di
vision, 6th Armored Division, and supporting troops) to continue the

mission of clearing the BRITTANY Peninsula, including the relief of the

5th Infantry Division at ANGERS (087). He ordered the XII Corps Uth

Armored Division, 35th Infantry Division, and supporting troops) into

action for the first time. It was to concentrate southeast of LE MANS

(V6), prepared to operate north, northeast or east, and to protect the

south flank of the Army.

3he XV Corps (2d French Armored Division, 5th Armored Division,

79th and 90th Infantry Divisions and supporting troops) was to assemble

in the vioinity of ARGENTA.N (U21), prepared for further advance to the

north, northeast or east. The XX Corps (5th Infantry Division, 7tti



The 6th Armored Division continued its attack on BREST (V99) while
13 AUGUST {D+68)
Combat Command M B" moved to LORIENT (G72) and Reserve Combat Command to

VANNES (H10)0 Combat Command MAM of the 4th Armored Division moved in
to position north of NANTES (005) and patrols entered the city. The 8th
All indications pointed to an enemy withdrawal through the FALAISE

Infantry Division continued in its location in the vicinity of RENNES

(U13) - ARGENTAN (U21) gap as being well under way. Aggressive delaying

(Y05) while preparing to move to DINAN (X79)

action with local counterattacks, especially armored, was expected to
ward the east and southeast, particularly against the western shoulder

In the XV Corps zone the attack continued to the north. The 2d

of the Third U.S. Army's advance to delay the closing of the escape cor-

French Armored Division captured CARROUGES (Z19) while the 5th Armored
rider. A considerable movement of Tiger and Panther tanks and troop

Division captured SEES (Q4.2) despite harassing armored and anti-tank

carriers from CORDEY (U13), four miles southwest of FALAISE (U13), and

resistance. Both divisions continued rapidly toward ARGENTAN (U2l) to

FLERS (T82) toward ARGENTAN (U2l) was reported.

the north with leading elements of both divisions northeast of ARGENTAN

(U21)O The 79th and 90th Infantry Divisions continued to follow the two
The Army Commander ordered the VIII Corps (8th and 83d Infantry Di
armored divisions.
visions, 6th Armored Division and 319th Infantry of 80th Infantry Divi
sion) to continue the mission of reducing the BRITTANY Peninsula and to

In the XX Corps zone the 5th Infantry Division was moving toward ST
protect the south flank of the Army within the corps zone. It was to

CALAIS (V74) The Army Commander directed the XX Corps to await further
release the 6th Armored Division as soon as it was relieved by other

orders upon contacting elements of the XV Corps in the vicinity of

elements of the VIII Corps.

ALENCON (Z38). The 35th Infantry Division reverted to control of Third

U.S. Army at ST. HILAIRE DU HARCOUET (T^O) and moved to an area south The XII Corps (4-th Armored Division and 35th Infantry Division) was

east of LE MANS (V4.6), The 80th Infantry Division launched an attack to

ordered to advance east on ORLEANS (F62) and protect the south flank of

the north toward ARGENTAN (U21)

the Army within the corps zone. This was the XII Corps' first opera
tional mission.

The XII Corps prepared to take over protection of the Army's south

The XV Corps (79th and 90th Infantry Division, 2d French Armored

Division, and 5th Armored Division) was ordered to advance east within

Planes of the XIX Tactical Air Command covered the XV Corps in its
its zone on DREUX (R33). The 90th Infantry Division was to relieve the

drive north of ALENCON (Z38) and attempted by means of strong armed re 5th Armored Division in the vicinity of ARGENTAN (U21) and the 2d French

connaissance between LE MANS (V4.6) and PARIS (S04) to cut off the bat Armored Division was to remain in position in.the vicinity of ARGENTAN

tlefield and clear the way to the capital. Planes patrolled the LOIRE

River flank and heavily attacked the ILE DE CEZEMBRE (S71) three miles

north of ST MALO (S71).

The XX Corps (5th Infantry Division, 80th Infantry Division, and

7th Armored Division) was to advance on CHARTRES (R30). The 80th Infan
As the result of operations for the day SEES (Q42), CARROUGES
try Division, less detachments, was to move to an assembly area in the

(Z19), and ALENCON (Z38) were captured in the Third U.S. Armyfs drive to
vicinity of EVRON (Y96) - MONTSURS (Y89) and await orders.

the north while armored elements pushed rapidly toward ARGENTAN (U21)

Civil affairs detachments in BRITTANY were supervising the civil

In the VIII Corps zone the 83d Infantry Division continued its at
administration of an area approximately 11,000 square miles with an
tack on the Citadel in ST. MALO (S71). The advance on DINARD (S71) pro
average population per detachment of 160,000. The important telephone
gressed to within two miles of the city. Task Force "A" continued to

center of RENNES (Y05), restored under Army supervision, was put into
protect the beaches, northeast of MQRLAIX (R41) and lines of communica
military use.
tion in BRITTANY. Elements of the 6th Armored Division continued to

contain BREST (V99) while other elements relieved the remainder of the

Operations in the field by this date had proved that the functions
4th Armored Division at LCRIENT (G72). The Reserve Combat Command of

of publicity and psychological warfare had so little in common that they

the division continued its move to VANNES (H10). The 4-th Armored Divi
could best operate separately. The G-6 Section therefore was dissolved
sion reported NANTES (005) cleared of the enemy and began to move to an

as such, a Public Relations Section being formed, and Psychological War assembly area in the vicinity of ST CALAIS (V74) where it would revert

fare becoming one of the Auxiliary Agencies of the G-2 Section.

to the XII Corps. The 8th Infantry Division, less detachments, moved

from RENNES (Y05) to DINAN (X79).

The Army Headquarters Forward Echelon moved to ST OUEN DES TOITS

(Y55) seven miles northwest of LAVAL (Y64).

In the XV Corps zone the 2d French and 5th Armored Divisions reach
ed ARGENTAN (U21). The 90th Infantry Division mopped up ALENCON (Z38)

and pushed elements on to the north approximately halfway between

* * *
ALENCON (Z38) and ARGENTAN (U2l), overcoming stiff enemy opposition.

The 79th Infantry Division occupied LE MELE-SUR-SARTHE (51), nine miles

west of MONTAGNE (Q6l).

28 S E C X E T

S E ' C X E T

In the XX Corps zone the 5th Infantry Division, less the 2d Regi
mental Combat Team, moved to an assembly area in the v i c i n i t y NOGENT LE
ROTROU (V89). The 7th Armored Division moved to the v i c i n i t y of IA
FERTE BERNARD (V77) to prepare for an a t t a c k to the n o r t h e a s t . Elements
of the 80th Infantry Division, now in the Army r e s e r v e , were pinched
out west of ALENCON (Z38).

The XII Corps assembled i t s major elements southeast of LE MANS

Planes of the XIX Tactical Air Command gave heavy support over the
FALAISE (U13) ARGENTAN (U2l) gap, destroying 710 enemy motor t r a n s p o r t .
Thirty-seven ?-hl p i l o t s made the biggest k i l l i n g of the month when they
attacked a concentration of 800 to 1,000 v e h i c l e s . They claimed l|00 to
500 enemy transport destroyed.

The VIII Corps employed heavy a r t i l l e r y extensively a g a i n s t the

oonorete f o r t i f i c a t i o n s of the Citadel a t ST. MALO (S71). In one a t t a c k
185 rounds from 8-inch guns blew a 10 by 20-foot hole in a t u r r e t b u i l t
of 26-inch concrete backed with s t e e l sheeting, blew a 20-foot hole in a
concrete tower, and destroyed tiro 88mm guns in oonorete t u r r e t s . Ammu
n i t i o n expenditures continued l i g h t in a l l corps except the V I I I , which
was using approximately one-third of a u n i t of f i r e d a i l y . Air observa
tion planes were used extensively, the hazardous nature of such opera
tions r e s u l t i n g in r e l a t i v e l y high losses of both p i l o t s and a i r c r a f t .

As the r e s u l t of operations for the day the Army occupied LE MELE

SUR-SARTHE (Q5l) nine miles west of MONTAGUE (Q6l) while armored e l e
ments spearheading to the north and northeast reached ARGENKLN (TJ21) and

Armor and Infantry Nearing Dreux

14 AUGUST (D + 69)
(Map for this date accompanies text)
Divisions) was ordered to advance as soon as ready with ORLEANS (F62) as

its initial objective. The 80th Infantry Division was to remain in

On the DlfcARD Peninsula the enemy was now dropping back toward
Third U.S. Army reserve pending the outoorae of the fight in the FALAISE

DINARD (S71) offering only delaying actions. But to the east he contin (U13)-ARGENTAN (U2l) pocket and was to be used toward the east when the

ued his desperate fight to withdraw through the ARGENTAN (U21) - FALAISE
pocket was cleared. As soon as the pooket was cleared the First U.S.

(TJ13) gap despite almost oonstant hammering by air and ground forces.
Army, following behind XV Corps, was to take over that part of the front

A Twelfth U.S. Army Group order to the Third U.S. Army stated, in fact,
in its zone as designated by previous instructions of Twelfth U.S. Army

that it was believed many of the German divisions originally in the trap
Group. XV Corps, less certain divisions to be designated later, was

had escaped.
then to be attached to First U.S. Army.

To hold and destroy the remaining enemy in the ARGENTftU-(U21) In order to speed the capture of the BRITTANY Peninsula a oorps of

FALAISE (U13) pocket, Twelfth U.S. Army Group issued a direotive that
three infantry divisions of the First U.S. Army was to be attached to

the Third U.S. Army hold the southern jaw of the trap with part of the
the Third U.S. Army as soon as pinched out of the current operation.

XV Corps and the" 80th Infantry Division, together with the VII Corps
Composition of the oorps to be designated later.

(First U.S. Army). At the same time, in order to take advantage of the

enemy's confusion, Third U.S. Army was ordered to initiate a movement to

The Army Commander ordered the XII Corps to advance to CHATEAUDUN

the east. An armored division and an infantry division of -the XV Corps

(H26), with its reconnaissance as far as ORLEANS (S62). He ordered the

were ordered to start the movement at once, with DREUX (R33) as the
XV Corps to seize and hold a bridgehead at DREUX (R33) The XX Corps

first objective. The XX Corps (7th Armored and 5th Infantry Divisions),
was ordered to seize and hold a bridgehead at CHARTRES (R30).

currently advancing toward DREUX (R33)# "was ordered to change its ob

jeotive to CHAR1RES (R30). The XII Corps (i^th Armored and 35th Infantry
In the VIII Corps zone the 83d Infantry Division continued its at-

taok on the Citadel in ST. MALO (S7l) Elements of this division and
elements of the 8th Infantry Division reaohed the outskirts of DINaRD
(S71). The 6th Armored Division, l e s s Combat Command rtArt, completed
r e l i e f of the l*th Armored Division in the v i c i n i t y of VANNES (H10) and
LGRIENT (G72). During a temporary truce in h o s t i l i t i e s 20,000 civilians
were marohed out of the besieged c i t y of BREST (V99) by the Germans.
Ihey were turned over to French c i v i l authorities* A Third U*S* Army
r e l i e f team s e t up a refugee camp a t PIABANNEC (091) and r e l i e f supplies
were brought from RENNES (Y05) in captured German trucks.

In the XV Corps zone major elements were in the area ALENCON (Z38)
SEES (QZ)-ARGEN!IAN (U21)* The 79th Infantry Division and the 5th Arm
ored Division prepared to move east on DREUX (R33) Bi 90"fti Infantry
Division held the line ARGEUKUT (U21)-GACE (Q5U) within i t s tone while
other elements of the division continued to mop up in v i c i n i t y of ALEN
CON (Z38)* The 2d PVenoh Armored Division remained in the v i c i n i t y of
ARGENTJA.N (U21)* Bie enemy continued to withdraw his forces from the
MGRT&.IN (051) pocket through the ARGENT&.N (U21) gap.

In the XII Corps zone Combat Command nAn of the Ij.th Armored Divi
sion continued i t s move from BRITTOY toward ORLEANS (F62)* Elements
of the 35tii Infantry Division remained in i t s concentration area south
east of LE MfcNS (Vlj&).
In the XX Corps zone the 5th Infantry Division, less detachments,
advanced toward CHARTRES (R30)* Hie 7th Armored Division attacked to
the northeast, making good progress toward CHARTRES (R30).
Planes of the XIX Tactical Air Command provided close support for
the ground troops in a l l zones* Three hundred to l;00 enemy soldiers
ne^ar ARGENTkN (U21) surrendered to p i l o t s of the Command by waving white
flags* Fighter Control was given the location so the nearest ground
troops oould pick up the prisoners*

As the result of operations for the day armored elements of the

Army swept to the northeast toward CHARTRES (R30) and DREUX (R33)
Unloading of Landing Ships Ounk a t ST. MICHEL EN GREVE (R62), five
miles southwest of IANNI0N (R73) *&s being accomplished at the rate of
f i f t y tons per hour for Class III supplies and thirty-tiro tons per hour
for rations and ammunition* Working time was limited to eleven to
twelve hours daily because of the tides*
On "this date there were sixty-one Third U*S* Army units in the
UNI BSD KINGDOM which were not completely equipped*

Vie Forward Echelon of Army Headquarters moved to an area a t LA

Military and Civilian Traffic in Brittany BAZOO: (Z3U ten miles north and northeast of LE MANS (vJ+6).

30 S E C R E T





Dinard Occupied

7 ^


viii CORPS



, ,J

15 AUGUST (D+70)
In the XX Corps zone the 7th Armored Division, followed by elements

of the 5th Infantry Division, entered CHAHTOS3 (R30) while the remainder

of the 5th Infantry Division moved into ST. CALAIS (V74).

The enemy appeared to be making his last stand in the DINARD Penin
sula (S71) and the ST V-ALO Citadel (S81) in the VIII Corps zone. He man In the XII Corps zone major elements advanced on the Army south

aged to form a front line generally from ECOUCHE (Ull) - ARGENTAN (U21)
flank towards CHATEAUDUN (W26). The 80th Infantry Division (less the

- GACB (0,54) in the XV Corps zone and was employing small groups of in 319th Infantry) concentrated southeast of MAYENNE (Y77).

fantry supporting tanks and occasional anti-tank guns elsewhere in that

zone* No cohesive enemy front line existed in the IX Corps zone al The XIX Tactical Air Command afforded assault aerial cover west and

though occasional road blocks defended by tanks, anti-tank guns, and

south of PARIS (S04), furnishing close support to armored columns driv-

small groups of infantry were reported. In two weeks of action against

Third U.S. Army the enemy was now losing approximately ten men killed,

wounded, and captured as against one killed, wounded, or missing in the

Third U.S. Army.

Orders by the Army Commander directed the Commanding General of the

80th Infantry Division to reconnoiter the most direct and expeditious

routes for possible movement of his command to a point on the axis LE

MANS (V46) - ALENCON (Z38) - ARGENTAN (U21), from which it could be

quickly disposed to assist in defending an area occupied by the 2d

French Armored Division and 90th Infantry Division, currently threatened

with enemy attack. These orders also directed the Commanding General of

the 80th Infantry Division that should his command be moved into this

area he would, as Senior Division Commander, assume charge and coordin

ate efforts of the 2d French Armored Division and the 90th Infantry

Division, under the Commanding General of the XV Corps*

A Provisional Corps, composed of the 2d French Armored Division and

the 90th and 80th Infantry Divisions (less the 319th Infantry) was form
ed by order of the Army Commander with Major General HUGH J. GAFFEY,

Chief of Staff of Third U.S. Army, in command. Its purpose was the

temporary coordination of these divisions which were operating in the

ARGENTAN (U21) FALAISE (U13) area while the remainder of the XV Corps

proceeded eastward toward the SEINE River*

Infantry Mops Up in Dinard

In the VIII Corps zone the clearing of ERITTANY continued. The 83d

Infantry Division occupied DINARD (S71). The Citadel at ST. MAL0 (S71)

held out against heavy aerial bombardment and attack by ground troops*
ing to the east, and conducted armed reconnaissance north of the LOIRE

The 8th Infantry Division captured CAP FREHAL (S52) and continued to mop
River to the line ETAMPES (W89) - ORLEANS (F62). Enemy fighter plane

up in the DINARD (S71) area with elements of the 83d Infantry Division*
activity rose sharply, showing that many German air units had completed

Elements of the 6th Armored Division continued containing BREST (V99)

their moves to new bases. On this date Headquarters of the Command

while other elements of the Division contained LORIENT (G72) and VANNES
moved to the vicinity of Third U.S. Army Headquarters, seven miles

(H10)* Improvement was noted in enemy defensive positions at LORIENT

northwest of LAVAL (Y64), where it remained until 30 August.

(G72). Task Force "A* continued to protect lines of communication near

MORLAIX (R41) and cleared pockets of resistance in that vicinity*

As a result of operations for the day, with the objectives of


In the XV Corps zone the 79th Infantry Division and the 5th Armored
view, the Army continued its advance rapidly in their direction. Due to

Division continued their advance toward DREUX (R33). The 90th Infantry
the rapid advance of Third U.S. Army elements the execution of the oper
Division continued to hold a line west of ALENCON (Z38) and east of
ation "TRANSFIGURE*1, a plan to use airborne troops to prevent the enemy

ARGENTAN (U21) as the 2d French Armored Division operated in the area

south of the SEINE River from escaping through the PARIS (S04) - ORLEANS

south of ARGENTAN (U21) in the vicinity of CARROUGES (Z19). The enemy

(F62) gap, was not necessary*

exerted considerable pressure against both these divisions in an effort

to keep the corridor open and to withdraw the bulk of his forces from
On this date Supreme Headquarters officially announced for world
the pocket. Planes of the XIX Tactical Air Command dropped surrender
wide dissemination the fact that the Third U.S. Army was operational on

leaflet bombs in this enemy sector*

the Continent, under command of LIEUTENANT GENERAL G.S. PATTON JR.

32 R E T


In the same order thejflll Corps (8th Infantry Division, the 83d

16 AUGUST (D+71)
Infantry Division, the 6th Armored Division, and the 319th Infantry from

the 80th Infantry Division) was directed to continue its mission of re

On the basis of enemy casualty computations and from prisoner of
ducing the BRITTANY Peninsula* The 2d Infantry Division, another in
war statements it was estimated that the total enemy force in the Third
fantry division and two ranger battalions, all from the First U.S. Army,

U.S. Army battle area was approximately 125,000 combat effectives and
were to pass temporarily to control of the VIII Corps for the accom
300 tanks, exclusive of BRITTANY and including troops only in the area
plishment of this mission. When the two infantry divisions and the

bounded roughly by the line of contact of the XII, XX, XV" Corps of the
ranger battalions passed to VIII Corps control, the 2d Cavalry Group

Third U.S. Army, the First U.S. Army, the British and Canadian areas,
was to be relieved from VIII Corps and revert to Army control*

and the SEINE River. Enemy forces in the BRITTANY Peninsula were esti
mated to total 38,300, dispersed as follows: ST. MAL0 (S71) Citadel,
In actions of the day in the VIII Corps zone the 83d Infantry Divi
8,000; PAIMPOL (S03), 2,000 (500 Army and 1500 Navy and miscellaneous);
sion continued its attack against the Citadel at ST MALO (S71) and its

BREST (V99), 16,500 (8,500 Army, 8,000 Navy and Marines); LORIENT (G72),
mopping up activities in the ST. MALO (S71) - DINARD (S71) area. The

9,500 (1,500 Army, 8,000 Navy, Marines and miscellaneous); ST NAZAIRB

121st Infantry reverted to control of the 8th Infantry Division while

(N56), 9,500 (1,500 Army, 8,000 Navy, Marines and miscellaneous)* In

the 28th Infantry of that division reached the vicinity of BREST (V99).

the VIII Corps zone on the DINARD Peninsula only small strongpoints con The 8th Infantry Division, less the 28th Infantry, prepared to move to

tinued to hold out. The enemy at LORIENT (G72) was reported to have two
the vicinity of PAIMPOL (S03) ' Task Force "A" continued its mission of

defensive lines, with anti-tank ditches, minefields, blockhouses, ob protecting the beaches northeast of MORLAIX (R41) and the north supply

stacles and bunkers. At PAIMPOL (SO3) his defensive organization was

route to BREST (V99) Combat Command "A" of the 6th Armored Division

reported to include anti-tank guns and pillboxes* In the XII Corps zone
continued to contain BREST (V99), and Combat Command "B" continued at

no established enemy line was reported* In the XV Corps zone the enemy
VANNES (H10), while the Reserve Combat Command contained LORISNT (072).

held generally the same line as the previous day and was reported to be

massing armor and infantry in considerable strength in the FORST DS

In the XV Corps zone the 5th Armored Division captured DREUX (R33)

MOULINS (Q63) -COURTOMHR (Q53) - FORET DU PERCHE (Q72) area. In the XX

The 79th Infantry Division closed into a concentration area in the

Corps zone no organized enemy line was established but he was reported
vicinity of DREUX (R33) and established a bridgehead across the AUNAY

to be defending the highway west of CHARTRES (R30) with small arms and


In the XX Corps zone the 5th Infantry Division assembled in an area

southwest of CHARTRES (R30) and the 7th Armored Division assembled in

Due to orders contained in a directive from Twelfth U.S. Army group

the area northeast of CHARTRES (R30) while Combat Command "A" and the

the Provisional Corps was dissolved and, based on the direotive, the
Reserve Combat Command established a bridgehead on the east side of the

next mission of the Third U.S. Army was announced as follows: To secure
AUNAY River* Planes of the XTX Tactical Air Command provided air cover

a position in the vicinity of MANTES GASSICOURT (R66) from which to pre for the 7th Armored Division and the 5th Infantry Division and in addi
vent enemy movement on the roads in that vicinity east of the SEINE
tion attacked airfields in the PARIS (S04) area and strafed enemy barges

River and by barges on that river. In accomplishing this mission XV

on the SEINE River.

Corps (79th Infantry Division and 2d French Armored Division with corps

troops) was directed to move out at the earliest possible moment on 18

ORLEANS (F62) was captured in the XII Corps zone by Combat Command

August to secure a position in the vicinity of MANTES GASSICOURT (R66)

"A" of the 4th Armored Division and the 137th Regimental Combat Team of

from which it could interdict the SEINE River and the road east of that
the 35th Infantry Division* The 320th Infantry of the 35th Infantry Di
river* In addition XV Corps was made responsible for the maintenance of
vision captured CHATEAUDUK (W26) while the remainder of the division

reconnaissance north of the road SEES (Q42) - MANTES GASSICOURT (R66)*

closed into an assembly area south of CHATEAUDUN (W26)* The balance of

the 4th Armored Division closed into an assembly area west of ST. CALAIS

XX Corps (5th Infantry Division and the 7th Armored Division and
(V74) while moving to an assembly area at VENDOME (F01)*

corps troops) was ordered to take over occupation and defense of the

bridgehead at DREUX (RS3) in addition to its current mission of occupy In the Provisional Corps zone the 90th Infantry Division and the 2d

ing and defending the bridgehead at CHARTRES (RSO). Mutual arrangements

French Armored Division continued to hold a line in the vicinity of

were to be made by XX Corps with XV Corps so that DREUX would be occu ARGENTAN (U21) and the 80th Infantry Division moved to an area northwest

pied by elements of the XX Corps prior to evacuation of that city by the

of ALENCON (Z38)* Indications were that the enemy was massing his armor

last elements of XV Corps.

in the ARGENTAN (U21) - ECOUCHB (Ull) area.

XIX Tactical Air Comaand conducted armed reconnaissance south of

the LOIRE River and in the PARIS (S04) - ORLEANS (F62) area.

H I Corps (4th Armored Division, the 35th Infantry Division, and

corps troops) was directed to hold ORLEANS (F62) with a minimum force,
Results of operations for the day were highly satisfactory, the

maintaining the bulk of the command in the vicinity of CHA.TEAUDUN (W26)

major objectives of CHATEAUDUN, (V26), DRHJX (R33), CHARTO23 (RSO), and

and placing an armored Combat Command in the vicinity of LA LOUPE (ROO),

ORLEANS (F62) being attained despite use by the enemy of strong delaying

This command was to be engaged only by authority from the Army*



t. f '

17 AUGUST (D+72) Capitulation of the Citadel at ST. MALO (371) was the principal

operational result of the day, while CHATEADDUN (W26), DREUX (R33)

CHARTRES (R30), ORLEANS (F62) and numerous small towns and villages were

The Army Commander directed XII Corps (4th Armored Division, the
being mopped up*

35th Infantry Division, and corps troops) to hold ORLEANS (F62) with a

minimum force, to maintain an armored combat command in the vicinity of

Responsibility for the anti-aircraft defense of ALENCON (Z38) was

LA LOUPE (R00), to move the bulk of the corps to an area south of JAN assumed by the Army from XV Corps in addition to four airstrips sched
VTLLE (167), and to push reconnaissance to the east*
uled to become operational, bridges, depots, and supply points in the

vicinity of LAVAL (Y64), ALENCON (Z38), and LE MANS (V46).

In the VIII Corps zone the 83d Infantry Division captured the Cita
del at ST. MALO (371), where the enemy commander and his staff officers
The Headquarters Rear Echelon joined the Forward Echelon at LA

were almost unanimous in stating that it was artillery fire gradually

BAZOGB (Z34) ten miles north of LE MANS (V46).

reducing their guns to uselessness which brought surrender* Reconnais

sance elements of Task Force "A" moved toward PAIMPOL (303), isolated

small groups of the enemy being reported as resisting in that sector*

Other elements of Task Force "A" oontinued to protect lines of communi

cation from the beaches northeast of MORLAIX (R41) to BREST (799)* The

2d Infantry Division moved from the First U.S. Army area to join VIII

Corps in the vicinity of BREST (V99),

In the XV Corps zone the 5th Armored Division and 79th Infantry

Division continued to hold their bridgeheads across the AUNAY River

while elements of each began movement to MANTES GASSICOURT (R66) and

initiated reconnaissance north of the road SEES (0,42) - MANTES GASSI

COURT (R66). Air cover for these movements was provided by the XIX

Tactical Air Command, which reported also that friendly aircraft were

so numerous over the FA1AISE (U13) - ARGENTAN (U21) pocket that they

had to wait their turn to attack enemy tanks and motor transport there
in* Considerable enemy movement northeast out of the MORTAIN (T51)

pocket was observed*

The 5th Infantry Division closed into an area southwest of CHARTRES

(R30) in the XX Corps zone while the 7th Armored Division maintained its

positions in the bridgehead it had established across the river north*

east of CHARTHSS (R30), preparing meanwhile to take over defense of the

bridgehead at DHEUX (R33) Indications pointed to the possibility of

the enemy taking up a defensive position west of PARIS (304) along a

line ETAMPES (W89) - DOURDAN (R70) - RAMBOUILLET (R62) - HOUDAN (R53),

Numerous enemy patrols were encountered in this vicinity during the day

and several tanks were reported defending vital road junctions, support
ed by infantry and anti-tank guns.

In the XII Corps zone Combat Command *An of the 4th Armored Divi
sion with the 137th Infantry Regiment of the 35th Infantry Division con
tinued to mop up in the vicinity of ORLEANS (F62). Remaining elements

of the 4th Armored Division moved into a concentration area at AMBLOT

(K90), seven miles southwest of VENDOME (F01), with Combat Command *B"

preparing to move to the vicinity of LA LOUPE (R00)* The 35th Infantry

Division's 320th Infantry Regiment mopped up CHATEAUDUN (W26)* In the

southern sector of the XII Corps zone, enemy forces withdrew across the

LOIRS River, destroying bridges as they retreated*

The 3d French Armored Division, the 80th Infantry Division (less

Tank Destroyer Opens Up in Orleans

the 319th Infantry) and 90th Infantry Division, together with attached

XV Corps artillery were detached from Third U.S. Army and attached to

First U.S. Army to aid in the closing of the ARGENTAN (U21) - FAIAISE

(U13) gap, against which the enemy continued to exert pressure*

r *

34 E T


on the north* Bie 7th Armored Division oooupied the bridgehead at DREDX

18 AUGUST (D+73)
(R33) while the U3<* Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron patrolled aggress
ively as far east as the SEINE River, Hie enemy continued his delay
With Biird U*S* Army foroes operating over such a wide expanse of
ing action in the area east of DREUX (R33) - CHARTRES (R30) - ORLEANS

territory the enemy was considered capable of five moves* He oould con (Fo2) and there was evidence, in addition to that gathered the previous

tinue a determined defense of the major BRITTUNY ports of BREST (V99),

day, that he intended to make a stand along the PIOHIVIERS (W?6) -

LCRIENT (G72), and ST. NAZAIRE (N5&) and by this defense and extensive
ETkMPES (HI89) - DOURDAN (R70) - RM30UILLET (R62) - HOUDAN (Rl) line to

demolitions deny the use of these ports for a considerable period. He

keep open his escape routes across the SEINE in the vicinity of PARIS

oould continue aggressive delaying action to cover withdrawals across

(SO4) and to prevent an encircling movement across the SEINE south of

the SEINE River, north and east of the line ARGENT&JJ (U21) - DREUX (R33)

- CHARTOES (R30) - ORLEANS (F62). He could mount small counterattacks

from the northwest and northeast in the A R G E N M (U21) - IAIGLE (Q7W

In the XII Corps zone, Combat Command "B n of the lj.th Armored Divi
area and the DREDX (R33) - CHARIRES (R30) - MANTES GASSICCURT (R66) sion olosed in the vicinity of LA. LOUPE (R00). Combat Command "A" con
area* He was considered capable of establishing hasty defensive posi tinued operations in the vicinity of ORLEANS (F62). Ihe 137th Infantry

tions in the northeast sector of the pocket between the LA TQNQUES and
of the 35tli Infantry Division completed mopping up ORLEANS, while the

RISLE Rivers from LAIGLE (Q7U) to the channel and in the southeastern
bulk of the corps started movements to the vicinity south of JANVILLE

seotor of the pocket from EVREDX (Rl6) - HOUDAN (Rl*3) - RAMBOUILLET

(R62) - ETAJMPES (W89). Lastly, he could establish a defensive or re


organization position east of the SEINE River, anchored on the SEINE and
The XIX Tactical Air Command flew assault cover in the MELUN (S20)

ARNE Rivers, and manned by 250,000 infantry from the battle area, PAS DE
CHARTRES (R30) - DREUX (R33) - ORLEANS (p62) area and oonducted armed

CALAIS, LOWLANDS, DENMARK, and NORWAY* None of these capabilities was

reconnaissance in the ORLEANS (F62) area* Destruction of enemy materiel

favored over any of the others*

included seventeen tanks, 205 motor vehicles, seven locomotives, and

218 railway oars.

The Army Commander directed VIII Corps to release the 319th Infan
try Regiment of the 80th Infantry Division as soon as it could be re Major operational achievements of the day were the securing of the

lieved by elements of the 83d Infantry Division, the 319th to move to

bridgeheads at DREUX (R33) and CHAR ORES (R30) and the reaching of the

the vicinity of ST. CALAIS (V7h) Bi 2d Cavalry Group was to be de SEINE River by various elements*

tached from VIII Corps and move to join the XII Corps.

XII Corps was directed to move Combat Command n B" of the I^th Arm Expenditure of communications wire by the rapidly advancing foroes

ored Division from LA. LOUPE (R00) to rejoin the division and the 3rd
of the Army was so great that a used wire recovery program was put into

Cavalry Squadron was to revert to XX Corps as soon as the 2d Cavalry

effect, utilizing certain artillery battalions to gather it*

Group arrived with the Corps*

XV Corps was direoted to continue its advance on LOUVIERS (R28) and

ELBEUF (R19) and to withdraw reconnaissance from SEES (Qi|2) to DREDX

(R33) when relieved by XIX Corps of the First U.S* Army, which was now

on the XV Corps1 left along a new temporary inter-Army boundary*

19 AUGUST (D+74)

In aotions for the day in the VIII Corps zone the 8th Infantry

Diere was little change in the BRIT2&NY Peninsula situation, from

Division completed its movements into a concentration area at PLABENNEC

the enemy standpoint* In the XII Corps zone patrols reported that the

(Q91) north of BREST (V99) the 2d Infantry Division continued its move
enemy was assembling at PIIHIVIERS (W?6) from ORLEANS (P62) and that

ments to an area in the vicinity of BREST (V99), and Tsisk Force "A" con
SAUMUR (P15) and TOURS (P76) were held by small enemy forces* In the XV

oluded its operations in the vicinity of PAIMEOL (S03) and moved to the

Corps zone the enemy was in a fluid state, only isolated small units

vicinity of MORLAIX (^)

being reported between DREUX (R33) and MANTES GASSICOURT (R66). In the

XX Corps zone E3AMPES (lflf89) and DOURDAN (R70) were reported heavily de
In the XV Corps zone the 5th Armored Division and the 79th Infantry

Division advanced toward their objectives on the SEINE River northwest

of MA.NTES GASSICOURT (R66). Corps artillery sank four enemy barges on

the SEINE River and started fires on others* Die enemy continued fran
tio efforts to withdraw his remaining elements from the M0RT&.IH (351)
Twelfth U*S. Army Group issued a new directive for action by Third

U.S* Army: to attack early on 21 August to seize and secure a bridge
head east of the YONNE River at SENS (x66) and east of the SEINE River

In the XX Corps zone the 5th Infantry Division moved into the
at MONTEREAU (Gil) and MELUN (S20); to hold the bridgehead east of the

vicinity of CHARTRES (R30), while the 2d and 10th Infantry Regiments

SEINE River at MANTES GASSICOURT (R66) and deny use of crossing sites to

formed a line HODX (Rl+l) - VOISE RIVER-AUNEATJ (R60) - VOVES (TLj.8) # main the enemy as far north as LOUVIERS (R28) until relieved by elements of

taining contact with XII Corps on the south and the 7th Armored Division
the First U.S* Army; and to complete the reduction of the BRITT&.NY Pen


VIII Corps (2d, 8th, 29th and 83d Infantry Divisions, 6th Armored
An enemy foroe estimated at tiro battalions counterattacked a

Division, and supporting troops) was to continue the reduction of the

bridgehead held by Prenoh resistance forces at (F6319). southwest of

BRIT3&NY Peninsula and to protect the south flank of the Army within its
ORLEANS (F62) and seized a bridge at that point* Orders were given re
sistance forces in the LE M&NS (Vi*6) - ALENCON (Z38) - DREUX (R33)
ORLEANS (P62 ) area to perform mopping up missions in that area*

2he XV Corps (79th Infantry Division, the 5th Armored Division and

supporting troops) was ordered to hold the bridgehead east of the SEINE
Operational results for the day were highlighted by the securing of

River a-t MANOBS-G/LSSICOURT (R66) and deny use of crossing sites to the
the bridgehead across the SEINE River at MANTES GASSICOURT (R66) and the

enemy as far north as LOUVTERS (R28) until relieved by elements of the drive north toward LOUVIERS (R28) by armored elements, cutting off pos
First U.S* Army, and also to be prepared to advance east from MANTES sible enemy escape exits across the SEINE.

GASSICODRT (R66) or advance southeast west of the SEINE River.

This was a significant day in the history of Third U*S* Army supply

XII Corps (35"th Infantry Division, the Ij.th Armored Division, and
for the first shipment of supplies by air was reoeived at the BEILLE

supporting troops) was directed to attack east within the zone, to seise
(V66) airstrip three miles south of TUFFE (V67) near LE MANS (VI46).

and hold a bridgehead east of the YONNE River at SENS (X66), to protect
Tfcenty-one Cltf transports landed, their cargoes including forty-seven

the south flank of the Army, and to be prepared to advance further to

tons of Class I supplies* Air evacuation of wounded was started the

the east, northeast, or north* Major General MAN TON S. EDDY beoame the
same day, fifty patients being flown out*

CosBnanding General of the corps succeeding Major General GILBERT R.

COOK, relieved at his own request for reasons of ill health*

A poUoy of benefit to infantry divisions was initiated to provide

that medium maintenance companies, attaohed to divisions of either the

XX Corps (5th Infantry Division, 7th Armored Division, and support First or the Third U*S* Army, would oontinue to accompany and serve the

ing troops) was direoted to attack east in its zone, to seize and hold
division despite its being shifted to control of either Army* This
bridgeheads east of the SEINE River at MONTEREAU (Gil) and MELON (S20),
policy was extended to armored divisions as well, to each of which was
and to be prepared to advanoe further to the east, northeast, or north.
attaohed a heavy maintenance company*
During the day*s operations in the VIII Corps zone elements of tiie

83d Infantry Division were enroute to ANGERS (087) and NA.NE3S (005).
20 AUGUST (D +75)
The 2d Infantry Division continued to move to a concentration area in

"the vicinity of BREST (V99)* Task Force nA" moved into the area IANDER
NEAU (RIO) - LANDIVISIAU (R2l) in the vicinity of BREST (V99). Ohe 3 M k
Closing of the ARGEN1&N (TJ21) - FALAISE (TJ13) gap on the previous
day i n the F i r s t U*S* Army zone o o s t the enemy an estimated 10,000 men
Field Artillery Brigade was attaohed to VIII Corps to support the attack

trapped t h e r e i n . In the e a s t e r n portion of the Ohird U . S . Army zone the

on BREST (V99).

enemy was continuing h i s escape e f f o r t s , meantime employing delaying

a c t i o n s while strengthening and extending defensive p o s i t i o n s , p a r t i c u
In the XV Corps zone one battalion of the 313"th Infantry of "the
l a r l y along a l i n e RAMBOUILLET (R66) - DODRDAN (R70) - EEUJPES (W89) -
79th Infantry Division forced a crossing of the SEINE River northwest of
PlffllVIERS ("W96).
MANTES GASSICOURT (R66) and established a bridgehead. !3ie 5ih Armored

Division started a movement to the north along the west side of the

river to block enemy crossings of the SEINE as far north as LOUVIERS

An attaok was launohed to the e a s t i n the XII Corps zone w i t h the
2j.th Armored D i v i s i o n leading along the route VENDOME (F01) ORLEANS
(P62) - FERRIERES (X35) - JOUY (Xl+6) - MON!IARGIS (X2ii) - VILLEROY (X66)
In the XX Corps zone the 5"tii Infantry Division completed mopping up
- SENS (X66). The 35th Infantry D i v i s i o n captured PI1HIVIERS ( 6 )
in the vicinity of CH&RTRES (R30) and organized a bridgehead over the

EURB River in that area. Hie 7th Armored Division completed its move In the XV Corps zone the bulk of the 79th Infantry Division crossed

ment to organize a bridgehead in the vicinity of DREUX (R33) 3he enemy

the SEINE River northwest of M^NTBS GASSICOURT (R66) to establish a

was reported to be establishing defensive positions in the DREUX (R33) bridgehead, encountering small arms fire from the enemy forces, one unit

LAIGLE (Q7I4) area.

of which -was a battalion recently rushed from the PAS DE CALAIS area.

The 5"tii Armored Division reached the vicinity of VERNON (Ri+7) pushing

In the XII Corps zone the 35th Infantry Division closed into a oon north toward LOUVIERS (R28). !Ihe enemy was reported to be using boats

oentration area south of J&JT7TLLB (W67). Combat Command "Bw of the 1+th
to or088 the SEINE nortfc of VERNON (Rl*7) and was fighting stubbornly to

Armored Division moved to an area in the violnity of AUI&.INVILLE (YGk)

keep open his esoape route*

Two field artillery groups and four battalions were attaohed to the

The XX Corps launohed an attaok to the east to secure crossings and

establish bridgeheads east of the SEINE at MELUN (S20) and MONTEREAU

The XIX Taotioal Air Command afforded air support in corps zones
(Gil)* Anti-aircraft inner artillery zones were established at MELUN

and despite curtailment of operations beoause of bad weather suooeeded

(S20), MONTSREAU (Gil), and SENS (X66) to protect anticipated orossings

in destroying twenty barges and damaging ninety-one others on the SEINE

of the SEINE River* Elements of the 5th Infantry Division reaohed the

vicinity of EUAMPES (W89).

36 S E C RE T

SEINE River. And in Germany available for employment east of the SEINE

In the VIII Corps zone preparations were still in process for an

attack on BREST (V99). The 2d Infantry Division closed into an area

River in fourteen days were estimated to be thirty-three divisions, with

northeast of that city. Elements of the 83d Infantry Division relieved

combat strength of 307,000 troops.

elements of the 80th Infantry Division at ANGERS (037).

Capture of SENS (X66) was accomplished by the 4th Armored Division

Besides affording armored column cover in the advance to the <east

in the XII Corps zone while the 35th Infantry Division after having cap
and normal support in other zones, planes of the XIX Tactical Air Com tured PITHIVIERS (W96) continued eastward, elements of the division

mand dropped delayed-fuze bombs at ferry slips along the SEINE River
reaching the vicinity of BOYNES (X06), six miles southeast of PITHlvUsRS

froDi which the enemy was trying to cross. Air reconnaissance reported
(W96). Only sporadic resistance was encountered.

that the enemy was moving out of PARIS (S04).

In the XV Corps zone the 5th Armored Division continued its advance

With PITHIVIERS (W96) captured and the SSUCE River crossed, the
northwest toward LOUVIERS (R28), meeting strong enemy infantry and tank

Third U.S. Army continued its vicious attack on all fronts as armored
opposition but reaching the vicinity of CHAMPENARD (R37) eight miles

spearheads raced to the north and east.

northeast of EVEREAUX (R16) The 79th Infantry Division continued to

hold its bridgehead across the SEINE River northwest of MANTES GASSI
Quartermaster supplies for Third U.S. Army began arriving in Land COURT (R66). The enemy at this point changed his air activity from an

ing Ships Tank at ST. MICHEL EN GREVE (R62) thirteen miles northeast of
almost exclusive night operation to daylight as well, repeatedly attack
MCRLAIX (R41) but since they could not provide full requirements ship ing in the vicinity of the SEINE crossing, bombing, strafing, and firing

ments by truck and rail were continued. Two refrigerator trucks from
rockets. Anti-aircraft artillery beat off the attacks and there was no

the blood bank were dispatched to the VIII Corps. Four hundred and
damage to the bridge. Sixty enemy planes were claimed as shot down.

ninety-six patients were evacuated by air from the BSILLS (V66) airstrip

three miles south of TUFFE (V67).

In the XX Corps zone against strong enemy opposition STAMPES (W89)

was captured and held against a local counterattack. The 7th Armored

Seventeen artillery liaison aircraft arrived from the United King Division moved into ARPAJON (R91) northeast of ETAMPES (W89) despite en
dom, the first such replacements to be received.
emy resistance and elements reached the vicinity of RAMBOUIUET (R62).

Increasing strength and better organization of civilian government

was found as the Third U.S. Army moved forward. ORLEANS (F62) and the
In the VIII Corps zone final preparations were made for the attack

surrounding area were reported to be ably administered. The Army Com*

on BREST (V99). The 29th Infantry Division passed to Corps control from

mander issued a letter to all troops emphasizing the extreme punishment

First U.S. Army and began moving toward BREST (V99).

which had been and would be imposed upon those committing crimes of vi
olence against civilians.

The Headquarters Forward Echelon moved to BROU (W17) twenty-two

French resistance forces were directed to protect the bridges at

miles southwest of CHARTRSS (R30).

MELON (S20) and MONTSREAU (Gil) Enemy artillery intermittently shelled

ORLEANS (F62) during the day, from positions south of the LOIRE River.

21 AUGUST {D+76)
Principal results of the dayfs operations were the capture of the

(Map for this date accompanies text)

important cities of S3NS (X66) and ETAMPES (W89) while armored spear
heads continued penetration to the north and east*

An estimate of enemy strength was issued on this date, giving the

following calculations: In the area bounded on the north by a line

A supply plan for future operations was prepared, stating in seven

DREUX (R33) - RAMBOUIUST (R62) east to the SEINE River, on south by the
points the following recommendations: that Third U.S. Army be relieved

LOIRE River, and on west by a line DRSUX (R33) - CHARTRES (R30) of the responsibility of supply and evacuation of the VIII Corps and its

ORLEANS (F62), there were five divisions with combat strength of 35,000
attached units in BRITTANY; that in the event VII Corps (First U.S.

men and seventy-five to 100 tanks. North of the DREUX (R33) - RAK Army) was substituted for XV Corps, all Third U.S. Army supporting

B0UIU2T (R62) - SSINS River line were four divisions with approximately
troops with XV Corps revert to this Army for support of VII Corps; that

39,000 combat strength. South of the LOIRE River were an estimated

aviation groups be attached to this Army for construction of airstrips

three divisions with 22,000 combat troops. In northern France east of

for evacuation and supply; that necessary railway operating and con
the SEINE River and north of the MAHNE River were an estimated eight di struction battalions follow closely behind the Army to provide speedy

visions with 75,000 men. Estimated to be in BELGIUM and available for

rail transportation; that minimum daily tonnages for supply and main
employment east of the SEINE River in three or four days were two di tenance, less any buildup for reserves, be estimated at 5,000 long tons

visions with combat strength of 19,000 troops. In Holland and available

per day; that additional truck companies be attached to the Army; and

for employment east of the SEINE River in five to six days were three
that the operation could be supported provided the main effort for sup
divisions of 23,000 combat strength. In Denmark and available for em ply and evacuation by Communications Zone and its Advance Section in
ployment east of the SEINE River in ten days were three divisions with
cluding movement of supplies by motor, rail, and air, be directed toward

35,000 combat strength, one of these divisions having an estimated 150

the Third U.S. Armyfs advance route. Class II supplies were badly need-

tanks. From Norway the enemy was considered able to bring within four
teen days, nine divisions with 75,000 men for employment east of the


I S L A N D S ( t o Great Bn

,. ftachai C u

3L ^' \


^ 0
4**'<uvau- 179 J F V h e r b o o r g 122 . ARMV TROOPS AND ENEMY DIVISIONS.

327 .36

2O3| 266 288 r r><*<&


RED ENEM? / y ^ S




Miles IO xx CORPS


: . - \

* r.

, * I.

ed by this date. Large quantities of clothing, individual equipment,

Results of operations for the day showed rapid advances being made

water cans, cleaning and preserving materials, and tentage were request toward the major objectives of MELUN (S20), LOUVIERS (R28) and TROYES

ed shipped by rail and air. Acute shortage of operating parts for med (Y27), while reinforcing of the BREST (V99) area continued*

ium and heavy caliber weapons was reported in all corps*

Communications zone was notified that tonnage scheduled for this

A survey showed that 185,835 refugees were in the Army's zone of

Army had not been delivered and was requested to extend the air lift al
operations but were being taken care of chiefly by the French under
lotment for ten daya after 25 August to meet a critical supply situa
civil affairs supervision. Arrangements were made to furnish diesel oil
tion. Signal supplies were supplemented at this time by the receipt of

for tractors harvesting crops in BRITTANY.

equipment from the United Kingdom with four truck companies, plus dis
covery of 300 miles of German wire in a cave near CHARTRES (R30). Two

During the day the Honorable ROBERT P. PATTERSON, Under-Secretary

instances of sabotage on signal lines in the vicinity of VOVES (W48)


were discovered. Ten tons of German medical equipment were captured at

of the Services of Supply, visited Army Headquarters*

ORLEANS (F62), fifteen tone at DHEUX (R33) and twenty tons at FONTAINE
BLEAU (X29).

22 AUGUST (D + 77)

There were some indications that the enemy might be planning a

stand in the vicinity of FONTAINEBLEAU (X29) where considerable troop

concentration was noted and roads west of that city being reported
23 AUGUST {D+78)
mined and covered by anti-tank guns. Bridges north of VERSAILLES (R83)

were reported blown* In the vicinity south of ORLEANS (F62) there were
The Army Commander issued a new directive for future operations*

reports of considerable troop, rail, and motor traffic, indicating a

possible plan for a counterattack against the Army's flank at that

VIII Corps (2d, 8th, 29th, and 83d Infantry Divisions, and the 6th

Armored Division, and supporting troops) was directed to complete re
duction of the BRITTANY Peninsula and to protect the south flank along

Heavy fighting took place in the XII Corps zone between the 35th
the LOIRE River as far east as ORLEANS (F62), exclusive.

Infantry Division and the enemy in the vicinity of MONTARGIS (X24)*

Combat Command B" of the 4th Armored Division encircled this area pre Plans "A* and "B" affecting future operations of XII Corps and XX

paring to attack the town from the rear to clear out enemy concentra Corps were issued by the Army Commander. Plan nA", to be executed on

tions in that vicinity*

Army order only after 1000 hours 24 August, directed XII Corps (35th

Infantry Division, 4th Armored Division, and supporting troops) to ad

In the XV Corps zone the 5th Armored division advanced to the
vance north and seize the ST. JUST (Nil) - BEAUVAIS (M90) - GISORS (R69)

northwest despite frequent and heavy attacks from enemy armor and ar road within its zone, to protect the right (south and east) flank of the

tillery fire from across the SEINE River* It was estimated that sixty
Army from ORLEANS (F62) inclusive to the east, and to be prepared for

tanks and elements of three Panzer divisions were thrown against the di further advance, XX Corps was directed under Plan WAW
to use its 5th

vision at this point* The 79th Infantry Division held its bridgehead at
Infantry Division, 7th Armored Division, and supporting troops to com
KANTES GASSICOURT (R66) against an enemy counterattack*
plete the securing of crossings at MELUN (S20) and MONTEREAU (Gil), to

advance north and seize the ST. JUST (Nil) - BEAUVAIS (M90) - GISORS

FONTAINEBLEAU (X29) was reached by the 5th Infantry Division in the

(R69) road within its zone, PARIS (S04) exclusive, to contact elements

XX Corps zone as the division drove toward MONTERSAU (Gil)* The 7th Ar of the XT' Corps holding the bridgehead at MANTES GASSICOURT (R66), and

mored Division entered MELON (320)* The enemy fought rear guard actions
be prepared for further advance.

while continuing to withdraw his forces east of the SEINE and YONNE

Plan "B", to be executed on Army order only after 1000 hours 24

August, directed XII Corps to advance east within its zone, to seize and

Combat Command WA" of the 6th Armored Division, VIII Corps, assem secure a bridgehead east of the S U N S River at TROYES (Y27), to protect

bled in the vicinity of LANDBRNEAU (RIO) while preparing to move to LOR the south flank of the Army from ORLEANS (F62) inclusive to the east,

IENT (G72). Task Force "B" was formed for the purpose of clearing the
holding its 319th Infantry (Motorized) in an area northeast of ORLEANS

DAOULAS Peninsula (W19) and attacking the CROZON Peninsula (V98). The
(F62) for this purpose, and to be prepared to advance to the east* XX

force was composed of Task Force w An

, the 38th Regimental Combat Team,
Corps was directed to advance east within its zone to seize and secure

the 50th Armored Infantry Battalion, Battery A of the 777th Anti-air NOGENT SUR SEINE (X89) and to be prepared for further advance to the

craft Artillery Battalion, Company A of the 68th Tank Battalion, and the

174th Field Artillery Group. The ST. MALO (S71) - DINARD (S71) area was

being secured. The 29th Infantry Division from First U.S. Army contin The 80th Infantry Division ( less the 319th Infantry ) and the 90th

ued moving toward BREST (V99).

Infantry Division were to be assigned to corps on Army order as soon as

they could be moved from present locations*

Planes of the XIX Tactical Air Command in addition to providing

support for columns of the 5th and 7th Armored Divisions bagged twenty
XII Corps was directed to withdraw its reconnaissance elements

enemy aircraft*
along the LOIRE River west of ORLEANS (F62) when relieved by VIII Corps*

40 E T

A z
_'- til


By order of the Commanding General of Twelfth U.S. Army Group,

visions and two Panzer elements extricated from the pocket west of the

Headquarters of the XV Corps with supporting troops, including the 5th

SEINE River, of attacking the Army east flank with the equivalent of two

Armored Division now north of PARIS (SOU) in the vicinity of LOUVIERS

divisions from Belgium and Holland and with the equivalent of one divi
(R28), and the 79th Infantry Division, now having established a bridge sion from south and east of the LOIRE River. Against Plan "B" initial
head across the SEINE River at MANTES GASSICOURT (R66), were released to
ly, he was considered capable of delaying and defending in the Army's

First U.S. Army effective at 0600 on 2U August.

zone of advance with the equivalent of one division southeast of PARIS

(S04.) end of attempting to drive a wedge into our lines on the south

A O 2 estimate of how favored enemy capabilities would effect Plans

flank to disrupt communications. Ultimately against Plan "B" he was

"A" and "BM of Third U.S. Army was issued. Initially against Plan "A"
considered capable of delaying and defending in the Army's zone of ad
the enemy was considered capable of delaying and defending to the north,
vance and attacking from the north with one plus division from units in

of counterattacking the Army's west flank, particularly north of PARIS

the low countries.

(S04), and of delaying and defending to the north and of counterattack

ing the Army west flank. Ultimately the enemy was considered capable of
In the VIII Corps zone the 29th Infantry Division closed in the

defending across the Army zone of advance by piecemeal commitment of

vicinity of PLOUDALMEZEAU (Q81) northwest of BREST (V99). Grouping for

four of his six PAS DE CALAIS divisions plus the equivalent of two di-
the attack on BREST (V99) continued. Combat Command "AM of the 6th Ar
mored Division closed in the vicinity of LQRIENT (G72).

In the XII Corps zone the 35th Infantry Division captured MONTARGIS

(124) against stubborn enemy infantry and continued its advance to the

east. The 4th Armored Division advanced toward TROYES (Y27).

The 5th Infantry Division captured FONTAINEBLEAU (X29) in the XX

Corps zone and continued its advance, elements reaching the vicinity of

MONTEREAU (Gil). The 7th Armored Division continued attacking MELUN

(S20) against small arms and mortar fire. Corps Artillery fired 1,000

rounds in support of this division silencing four naval guns.

French resistance groups continued to clean out enemy pockets and

to protect important installations throughout the Army area.

Planes of the XIX Tactical Air Command provided continued close

column cover in the various corps zones.

With only three corps, one of which was fully occupied in the BRIT
TANY Peninsula, Third U.S. Army during the day captured FONTAINEBLEAU

(X29) and MONTARGIS (X24-) and its armored spearheads continued to drive

east toward Germany.

The XV Corps was released to First U.S. Army.

Gasoline shipments were short of daily requirements and a critical

situation began to develop. No appreciable reserves of rations had been

accumulated. Communications Zone established special trucking services

from the beaches to the Army to expedite forwarding of supplies.

Among official visitors at Army Headquarters during the day were

Driving East Through Fontainebleau

the Swedish counsel with a party enroute to attempt to arrange for the

surrender of PARIS (S04). Ten representatives of American labor organi

zations visited Headquarters also.


troops) was directed, upon securing a bridgehead at NOGENT SUR SEINE

24 AUGUST (D +79)
(X89), to move on Army order within its zone to seize and secure a

bridgehead in the vicinity of REIMS (T37).

In the XII Corps zone the 4,th Armored Division continued its ad In the Army Commander's order it was also stated that prior to

vance to the east. The 35th Infantry Division reached the vicinity of
reaching the line REIMS (T37) - CHALONS SUR MARNE (T5-4) - VITRY LE

COURTENAY (154) southwest of SENS (X66). Elsewhere in the zone scat FRANCOIS (T6l) the XV Corps would probably enter the Third U.S. Army

tered skirmishes took place. The enemy continued his general withdrawal
zone to operate on the north. Anticipating this, the Army Commander di
to the northeast, east, and southeast. Reports from south of the LOIRE
rected that XV Corps when so committed seize and secure a bridgehead in

River indicated that enemy forces in that sector were drifting east in
the vicinity of REIMS (T37). XX Corps was directed in this event to

an effort to join the First German Army.

seize and secure a bridgehead in the vicinity of CHALONS SUR MARNE (T54)

and XII Corps was directed to seize and secure a bridgehead in the vi
In the XX Corps zone the 5th Infantry Division continued to ad cinity of VITRY LE FRANCOIS (T6l). A change in direction to the east

vance, crossing the SEINE River and occupying MONTEREAU (Gil). The 7th
would be necessary and new boundaries would be prescribed.

Armored Division crossed the SEINE and captured MELUN (S20). Enemy ar
tillery shelled the bridge under construction at FONTAINEBLEAU (X29).
In the XII Corps zone Combat Command "A" of the 4th Armored Divi
sion captured TROYES (Y27) after strong fighting in the streets. Com
In the VIII Corps zone plans were prepared to attack BREST (V99)
bat Command "B" reached the vicinity of AUXON (Y15) after capturing ST#

the next day.

FLORENTIN (Y04). Reserve Combat Command reached VILLIENEUVE L'ARCHEVE
QUE (X86) following on a road between Combat Commands "A" and "B". The

Although bad weather restricted the XIX Tactical Air Command in its
35th Infantry Division continued its advance to the east with elements

activities during the day missions were flown over targets along the
reaching the vicinity of JOIGNY (X74.), while remaining elements follow
LOIRE River between ORLEANS (F62) and TOURS (P76) and air cover was af ed after mopping up scattered enemy in the MONTARGIS (X24) area. The

forded the 7th Armored Division and the 5th Infantry Division.
enemy continued withdrawal to the northeast, east, and southeast and

considerable north-south traffic was observed between TROYES (Y27) and

The Army Commander directed the XX and XII Corps to execute Plan

"B" of the directive issued 23 August but to be prepared to execute Plan

"A" on Army order.

In the XX Corps zone the 5th Infantry Division established and se
cured two bridgeheads across the SEINE, one in the vicinity of MONTEREAU

Results of operations showed that the rapid advance was continuing

(Gil) and the other at MISY SUR YONNE (X58) seven miles southeast of

on the Army's front with the major objective of MELUN (S20) captured and
MONTEREAU (Gil). The enemy resisted stubbornly around the northern en
the SEINE River being bridged in several places.
trance of MELUN (S20) and the eastern out-skirts of the city where ex
tensive minefields covered by automatic weapons, mortars, and anti-tank

The newly designated French Commander of the PARIS (S04.) area, Gen guns were encountered.

eral JOSEPH R. KOENIG, visited Army Headquarters while enroute to take

his post.
In the VIII Corps zone an attack was launched against BREST (V99)

at 1300 hours with the 2d, 8th, and 29th Infantry Divisions and Task

On request of Twelfth U.S. Army Group a small group of officers and

Force "Bw engaged. This attack, preceded by an hour's artillery prep
enlisted men from the Public Relations Section were ordered to PARIS
aration, progressed slowly against well fortified positions. The build
(S04-) to assist Third U.S. Army war correspondents there in the handling
up of the attack had the 8th Infantry Division attacking from the north,

of their news articles and photographs upon the fall of the city, ex the 29th Infantry Division attacking from the west, the 2d Infantry Di
pected shortly.
vision attacking on the left flank of the 8th Infantry Division from the

northeast, and Task Force "B" attacking from the east in the Peninsula

southeast of BREST (V99).

25 AUGUST {D+80)
The XIX Tactical Air Command coordinated air support with the VIII

Orders for further action by the XII and XX Corps were issued by
Corps attack on BREST (V99) and in engagements throughout the Third U.S.

the Army Commander to carry out the Army mission of seizing and securing
Army zone destroyed 127 enemy aircraft, claimed eleven probables, and

a bridgehead along the line REIMS (T37) - CHALONS SUR MARNE (T54) - VI damaged thirty-three others, the most successful day's kill since be
TRY LE FRANCOIS (T6l). XII Corps Uth Armored Division, the 35th In coming operational.

fantry Division, the 80th Infantry Division, and supporting troops) upon

securing a bridgehead at TROYES (Y27) was directed to move on Army or

der within its zone to seize and secure a bridgehead in the vicinity of
In operations for the day the Army captured the major objective of

CHALONS SUR MARNE (T54) and to protect the Army south flank, using ad TROYES (Y27), while approximately 300 miles to the west at the other end

equate force to hold the line ORLEANS (F62) - MONTARGIS (X24) - SENS
of the Army's zone the attack on BREST (V99) was launched. Bridgeheads

(X66) - TROYES (Y27) inclusive. XX Corps (7th Armored Division, the 5th
across the SEINE were consolidated while armored spearheads continued to

Infantry Division, the 90th Infantry Division attached, and supporting

push to the east.

42 R E T


Gasoline shipments were short, the daily telegram requesting
In the XII Corps zone the 4th Armored Division advanced northeast

250,000 gallons of which 197,450 gallons were received* Frozen stores

with elements east of TROYBS (Y27) in the vicinity of CHENEY (J13) six

previously trucked from CHERBOURG (012) became available to the Army at

miles south of CHAUMONT (Z05).

LE MANS (V46). Supply of the Army by air continued, 207 transports

landing at BRICY airstrip (W55) nine miles northwest of ORLEANS (F62)

In the XX Corps zone the 7th Armored Division advanced to the east,

with 507 tons of Class I, II, IV, and V supplies.

capturing the historically prominent tows of CHATEAU-THIERRY (S86) while

other elements reached VTLLIERS (S81) north of PROVINS (S70). The 5th

In the First U.S. Army zone the 2d French Armored Division fought
Infantry Division, after crossing the SEINE River, advanced along the

its way into PARIS (304) and by the middle of the afternoon obtained
north bank of the river and the captured NOGENT SUR SEINE (X89) with

the surrender of the city from the enemy garrison commander. Refugees
leading elements reaching the vicinity of ROMILLY (Y09) east of NOGENT

from PARIS (304) in the Third U.S. Army's zone of operations were esti SUR SEINE (X89).

mated to total 100,000. Civil affairs detachments were instructed to

have local authorities exert special effort to prevent their return to

PARIS (S04) until the food situation there improved.

In the VIII Corps zone the attack on BREST (V99) progressed slowly

against concrete fortifications and road blocks

The Headquarters Forward Echelon moved to

COURCY AUX LOGSS (W85) eight miles south of

XIX Tactical Air Command planes encountered

few enemy aircraft while providing protective

cover for Army columns; however, many ground

targets were attacked.

26 AUGUST (D+81)
Gasoline supplies continued to

fall short, the daily telegram

(Map for this date

calling for 450,000 gallons of

accompanies text)
which only 315,000 gallons

were received. Eighty tons

A Twelfth U. S. Army
of oritical medical supplies

Group order directed Third

were received by air at the

U. S. Army to cross the

BRICY (W55) airstrip, nine

line of the SEINE and

miles northwest of 0R
YONNE Rivers in zone, to
IKANS (F62).

advance to the line


Ordnance heavy main
tenance tank companies

(T37), to protect the

were moved from support

right flank eastward

of armored divisions and

from ORLEANS (F62) in placed at collecting

clusive with at least

points in support of

one division, to be pre separate armored units

pared to continue the ad other than divisions. Ike

vance rapidly on order

rapid advance of armored

to seize crossings in Ger divisions made necessary

many of the RHINE River

increased maintenance for


tank and tank destroyer bat
to protect the south flank

along the LOIRS River, and,

employing VIII Corps, to com

plete reduction of the BRITTANY


The Army Commandor ordered the XX

Corps to advance on 27 August between the

hours of 1200 and 1800 to seize and secure a

bridgehead in the vicinity of REIMS (T37) and or

dered the XII Corps to advance on 28 August at 0600

hours to seize and secure a bridgehead in the vicinity of


Armor Regroups to Renew Attack

S EC 43


Great Britain )'

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131 377J l i p m ! JJ'

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191 CC
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,38-Y"^ titrm XV CORPi
oroBtw*ov oL*ntfecny 1 ' t UChiftUi
361 XX CORPS AM* / b


. VMrton VilUc*
fterzaa-Villa 2

V * 4 U

133 <hun cur

452 (T1
4IW f Kcuil y

Ihe XIX Tactical Air Command conducted air support in all Army

27 AUGUST {D+82) zones including BREST (V99) and started a rail-cutting project to cut

off the main enemy escape route of Germans trapped south of the LOIRE


Indications pointed to a marked decline in the battle-worthiness of

enemy personnel and it was evident that the enemy -mas facing a serious
Ihe Army continued its swift advanoe during the day toward the ma
manpower problem, this being partially borne out by the increasing em
jor objectives of CHALONS SUR MARNE (T5W, REIMS (T37)# and VIIKY LE

ployment of low grade units in front-line fighting. Higher headquarters

FRANCOIS (l6l) with armored columns leading the way.

estimated that enemy strength north of a line GACE (Q5W - VERNEUIL

(R03) - LOUVIERS (R28) was approximately 80,000, including elements of

Gasoline shipments received totalled 375#000 gallons which augment

nine panzer divisions and four infantry divisions which escaped the

ed by air lift, brought deliveries for the day to 1^02,635 gallons. Ihis

FAIAISE (U13) - MORTAIN - (T51) trap, and seven infantry divisions which

either were not caught in the pocket or had arrived recently. Ihe esti was not sufficient, however, to make up for past deficiencies.

mate also included 15,000 headquarters and other miscellaneous troops.

The Headquarters Rear Echelon joined the Forward Echelon at COURCY

Die enemy generally was withdrawing before the Army*s advance and was

AUX LOGES (W85) eight miles south of PITHIVIERS (\196).

reported to have blown all bridges in IROYES (Y27) and to have estab
lished a defensive position at CHA.TILLON IA BORDE (S30) including bunk
ers, anti-tank guns, machine guns, and bazookas*
28 AUGUST {D+83)
An estimate of enemy c a p a b i l i t i e s was issued covering the area
A directive was issued to XV Corps that upon release by First U.S.
south of the LOIRE River from ANGERS (087) - TOURS (P76) - ORLEANS
Army it would be prepared to move the corps, less the 79th Infantry Di (P62), the Army zone of advanoe, and the BRITIA.NY Peninsula. I t was
vision and 5th Armored Division, via RA13B0UILLET (R62) - ET&13PES )
considered possible for the enemy to attempt a northward t h r u s t from
FONT&JNEBLEAU (X29) to an assembly area in the vicinity of NANGIS
south of the LOIRE River to d i s r u p t the Army's l i n e s of communications
MB.ISON-ROUGE (S60) - ST. HILLIERS (S71) - BETON-BAZOCHES (S62) - ROZOY and force employment of troops ttiat might otherwise be used to e x e r t
EN-BRIE (Slj2). Details of movement were to be effected later through
pressure a g a i n s t him i n the Army zone of advance. I t was considered
possible t h a t the enemy, i n the Army's zone of advance, could delay and
defend to the e a s t and counterattack from the south, could withdraw
In the XII Corps zone the I;th Armored Division advanced toward
troops from the south to the n o r t h e a s t and use them as reinforcements or
CHALONS SUR MARNE (?54) with Combat Command nAfl reaohing the vicinity of
replacements across the Army's l i n e of advanoe, and could mount small
MESHIL (Y39) fifteen miles northeast of IROYES (Y27). Ihe 35 th Infantry
scale l o c a l counterattacks spearheaded by t a n k s , i n the REIMS (T37)
Division moved to positions to protect the south flank of the Army from
CHALONS SUR MARHB (I5U) - IROYES (Y27) area to cover h i s withdrawal b e
ORLEANS (P62) to IROYES (Y27). Ihe 80th Infantry Division moved north hind the AISNE and MEUSE R i v e r s . In BRITI&NY the enemy was considered
east from its concentration area west of SENS (X66) and crossed the
capable of continuing the defense of the major p o r t s of BREST (V99)#
SEINE River in the vicinity of ARCIS SUR AUBE (Y39) northeast of IROYES
LORIENT (G72), and ST. NAZAIRE (N56) i n order to deny them as long as
(Y27). Hie enemy resisted strongly in the IROYES (Y27) vicinity, but
possible, for t a c t i c a l and l o g i s t i c a l r e a s o n s .
eventually was reported withdrawing eastward.

Combat Command MA" of tiie 2j.th Armored Division advanced t o the

In the XX Corps zone the 5th Infantry Division advanced to the

n o r t h e a s t i n the XII Corps zone, crossing the 1ARUE River a t MA.IRY SUR
northeast toward REIMS (T37) along the NOGENT SUR SEINE (X89) - EPERNAY

MARNE (T53) s i x miles south of CHALONS SUR J&RNE (152+) and a t DROUILLY
(225) road, leading elements reaohing tile vioinity of BARBONNE (T01)

(062) four and one h a l f miles northwest of VITRY LE FRANCOIS ( l 6 l ) , and

five miles souifc of SEZANNE (T02). Ihe 7th Armored Division advanced to

oapturing VITRY LE FRANCOIS ( T 6 l ) . Combat Command "B n reached PINEY

the northeast toward REIMS (137) with twro columns of Combat Command "A"

(ufi) n o r t h e a s t of IROYES (Y27) Reserve Combat Command reached a p o i n t

in the vioinity of MON!IMIRAIL (S93) and two columns of Combat Command

n rl
about h a l f way between EROYES (Y27) and PINEY (Yltf). One 80th I n f a n t r y
B east oftiieoity. Ihe enemy withdrew in disorganized fashion from

Division advanced to the n o r t h e a s t and captured CHALONS SUR MARNE (T5U).

this zone, east of FROVINS (S70) and NANGIS (Sl*0) after heavy strafing

The 35th Infantry Division protected the Army south f l a n k . Indications

attacks by planes.

were t h a t the enemy was withdrawing beyond the AISNE and MEUSE Rivers i n
the d i r e c t i o n of VERDUN (U26).
In the VIII Corps zone the attack on BREST (V99) continued against

stubborn resistance. Ihe 2d, 8th, and 29th Infantry Divisions had sur
rounded the city on three sides while Task Force "B n attacked the

DA0D1AS Peninsula (7SQ.9) and CROZON Peninsula (V98) south of the city.
In the XX Corps zone elements of the 7th Armored Division advanced
Ihe 83d Infantry Division moved to positions to protect the south flank
ten miles northwest of REDS (137) while other elements reached the
of the Army from ORLEANS (F62) exclusive west along the LOIRE River.
v i o i n i t y of EPERNAY (125) and MONBffitAIL (S93). The 90th Infantry D i v i
sion advanced to the n o r t h e a s t i n the wake of the 7th Armored Division,
The Army Commander direoted ihe 6th Armored Division to move Combat
and reached the v i o i n i t y south of CHATEAU-!IHIERRY (S86). Die 5th I n
Command "B" along the north bank of the LOIRE to ORLEANS (F62), clearing
f a n t r y Division pushed northward to capture EPERHAY (125).
the enemy along the route.


u t= t

In the VIII Corps zone the attack on BREST (V99) continued with
(S53) area, to be preparedMio assume command of the 2d French Armored

slow progress against strong enemy resistance from concrete pillboxes

Division upon its arrival in the Army area, and to operate within the

and similar fortifications. The 83d Infantry Division continued pro Army area on order.

tecting the south flank of the Army along the north bank of the LOIRE

from NANTES (005) to ORLEANS (F62) exclusive.

XXL Corps (5th and 90th Infantry Divisions, the 7th Armored Division

and supporting troops) was ordered to seize and secure a bridgehead east

Low clouds restricted operations of the XIX Tactical Air Command

of the MECJSE River from ST. MIHIEL (U43) exclusive to VH2D0N (U26) in
during the day, but planes gave direct support to forces attacking BREST
clusive and be prepared for further advance to the east*

(V99) and to those advancing in the MARKS River area.

XV Corps Headquarters reverted to Third U.S. Army control and was

Results of operations for the day found the push to the east pro enroute to an area in the vicinity of NANGIS (S40)*

gressing rapidly and the cities of CHALONS SUR MARNE (T54), MOM&IRAIL

(S93), and EPERNAY (T25) being liberated.

In the XII Corps zone a task force from the 35th Infantry Division

and elements of the 4th Armored Division attacked to the southeast to

The supply situation for gasoline as well as certain other Army re clear the enemy southeast of the line BAR-SUR-AUBE (Y76) - VENDUVRS SUR

quirements was by this time alarming. All gasoline supply points re BARSE (Y56) - BRISNNB LE CHATEAU (Y68). The 80th Infantry Division ad
ported no gasoline received during the afternoon. Delivery of Class III
vanced across the MARNE River and concentrated north of CHALONS SUR

supplies was 100,000 gallons short of requirements. The Commanding Gen MARNE (T54) in the vicinity of ISS GRANDES LOGES (T45).

eral of Twelfth U.S. Army Group while in Army Headquarters during the

day advised that emphasis on supply would go to the First U.S. Army. In
In the XX Corps zone the 5th Infantry Division advanoed to the

answer to an Army Group request, daily maintenance estimates for Third

north and occupied RUMS (T37). The 90th Infantry Division crossed tho

U.S. Army were figured to be 6,416 long tons. A recommendation for air MARNE River against only scattered resistance and maintained a bridge
lift priority was submitted as follows: first, clothing and individual
head as far north as FISMES (T08). The 7th Armored Division moved to an

equipment; second, gasoline; third, rations. A conference was held with

assembly area northeast of REIMS (T37) meeting strong resistance includ
the Troop Carrier Command on plans for continued air supply of critical ing tanks and anti-tank guns at crossroads along the main EPERNAY (T25)

ly needed items, it being stressed that Third U.S. Army desired the
- REIMS (T37) highway.

following: a field close behind the Army front for evacuation of wound
ed; delivery of critically needed supplies of special types, such as
Slight progress was made in the VIII Corps zone in the attack

signal equipment, small arms, special ammunition, medical supplies, and

against BREST (V99) against determined enemy resistance*

spare parts not readily available on the Continent; the balance of the

lift to be used for gasoline, rations, and ammunition, and a rapid


method of placing requisitions for these items*

(T61) now secure, the Army made plans for an immediate effort to seize

the major objectives of VERDUN (U26), C0MM2RCY (U42), and ST. MIHIEL

Operation of the BRICY airstrip (W55) nine miles northwest of OR (U43).

LEANS (F62) was taken over by the Advance Section Communications Zone*

Over 406,000 refugees were estimated to be in the Army's zone of


29 AUGUST (D + 84)

The Army Commander announced the next Army mission: to advance to

the east to seize and secure a bridgehead east of the MEUSE River from
30 AUGUST (D + 85)

VERDUN (U26) to CQMM1RCY (U42) inclusive, to be prepared for further ad

vance to seize crossings of the RHINE River from MANNHEIM to KOBLENZ,
As the enemy withdrew closer to his own border reports indicated

to complete reduction of the BRITTANY Peninsula, and to protect the

that he would make a determined stand once prepared fortifications were

south flank along the LOIRE River as far east as NECFCHATEAU (Z57)#
reached. The following forts in the MAGINOT LIKEMETZ (U85) vicinity

were reported reequipped by the Germans and prepared for attacks from

He ordered VIII Corps (2d, 8th, 29th, and 83d Infantry Divisions,
the west: FORT DE MOUSSON at PONT-A-MOUSSON (U73); ST BLAIS (between

the 6th Armored Division, and supporting troops) to continue completion

CORNY (U74) and JOUY AUX ARCHES (U75); FORT Dl FOIRE in the vicinity of

of the reduction of the BRITTANY Peninsula and to protect the south

NANCY (U81); PLAPPEVILLE, two kilometers from MSTZ (U85); FORT JEANNE

flank of the Army along the LOIRE River as far east as ORLEANS (F62) ex DfARC on an elevation Just beyond BAN ST MARTIN (U86); ANCY SUR MOSELLE,

clusive. He ordered the XII Corps (35th and 80th Infantry Divisions,
in the face of the fort at ST BLAIS (U75); FORT DE ST JULIEN LBS METZ

the 4th Armored Division, and supporting troops) to seize and secure a
(U85); on the elevation at SAULRY, between METZ (U85) and BRIEY (U84);

bridgehead east of the MEUSE River from ST. MIHIEL (U43) to COMMERCY
and at QEJEOUKJ, suburb of METZ (U85). The enemy was also reported to be

(U42) both inclusive, to be prepared for further advance to the east,

moving troops of all types from the west and south toward the east with

and to protect the south flank of the Army from ORLEANS (F62) inclusive
screening forces along the LOIRE River in the ANGERS (087) - ORLEANS

to NEUTCHATEAU (Z57). XV Corps was ordered to concentrate its headquar (F62) area. POITIERS (U47) and TOURS (P76) were reported to be focal

ters and corps troops in the NANGIS (S40) - PROVTNS (S70) - COULOMMTHRS
points of enemy movements from south and west toward the east*


In the XII Corps zone Combat Command WA* of the 4th Armored Divi
sion reached the vicinity east of ST. DIZIER (T90) while Combat Command
XV Corps continued concentrating in the vicinity of NANGIS (340)*

"B* reached PERTHES LES BRIENNE (Y68) four miles north of BRIiNNE UK

CHATEAU (Y68) east of TROYES (Y27). The 35th Infantry Division attacked
VERDUN (U26) fell to Combat Command "A" of the 7th Armored Division

to the southeast, elements reaching a point approximately seventeen

in the XX Corps zone and the division established a bridgehead while

miles north of CHATILLON SUR SEINE (H62).

Combat Command "B" moved to EIX (U36), four and a half miles east of

VERDUN (U26), and Reserve Combat Command reached the vicinity of CH3PPY

Headquarters of the XV Corps and corps troops closed into assembly

(U07), one mile east of VARSNNES (U07) approximately twelve miles north
area in the vicinity of NANGIS (340).
west of VERDUN (U26). The 5th Infantry Division also reached the vicin
ity of VERDUN (U26). The 90th Infantry Division remained in the vicin
In the XX Corps zone the 7th Armored Division launched an attack
ity of REIMS (T37).

toward VERDUN (U26) with elements driving to an area about fifteen miles

southwest of that historic fortified city, meeting scattered resistance*

In the VIII Corps zone the attack on BREST (V99) and the CROZON

The 90th Infantry Division continued to secure the bridgehead north of

Peninsula (V98) continued while elements of the 83d Infantry Division

the MARNE River in the vicinity of REIMS (T37). The 5th Infantry Divi and corps troops prepared to assault the ILE DE CEZEMBRE (S71) three

sion concentrated its elements just east of REIMS (T37) preparatory to

miles north of ST. MALO (S71).

continuing its drive to the east*

In the Till Corps zone the attack on BREST (799) continued* Task
Despite poor flying weather the XIX Tactical Air Command flew armed

Force "B" completed the clearing of the DAOULAS Peninsula south of the
reconnaissance in the METZ (U85) area and attacked ground targets in
city, while other elements of the Force advanced to a point approximate cluding motor vehicles, tanks, and gun positions in various corps zones*

ly ten miles from CROZON (V98) in clearing the CROZCN Peninsula. Ele
ments of the 83d Infantry Division made preparations for assaulting ILK
With V2RDUN (U26) captured Third U.S. Army now occupied the line

DS CEZa&BRB (S71), three miles north of ST. MALO (S71), a small island
VHtDUN (U26) - CCMMERCY (U42) - ST. MIHIEL (U43) and awaited orders for

off the coast still held by the enemy*

further advance*

Supply problems continued to be severe as the month closed. The

The third day of poor flying weather kept all XIX Tactical Air Com A m y had no Class III reserve supplies since adequate operational re
mand planes on the ground, with the exception of two weather reconnais quirements had not been received in recent days. No gasoline shipments

were received during the day. The Army was notified that, less VIII

Results of the day* a operations showed the capture of the DAOULAS

Corps, its allocation of supplies of all classes would be 2,000 long

Peninsula south of BREST (V99) in the west, while in the east two corps
tons, as against a recommended 7,916 long tons*

abreast continued to drive relentlessly toward the German border*

Twelfth U.S. Army Group notified Third U.S. Army that there would
Strength of the Army was reported by the G-l Section to be 346,208,

be no gasoline available for it in appreciable amounts until 3 Septem

A recapitulation of operations for the month, as viewed from the

ber. The shortage of gasoline was desperate, 400,000 gallons being re

five phase standpoint, showed the following facts:

quested for the day's delivery and only 31,975 gallons being received*

All supply points were dry and unit loads were fast disappearing. The

shortage made necessary the establishment of priorities for movement of

In BRITTANY the Army's sweep through the peninsula caught the enemy

medical units. Among actions taken to alleviate the gasoline shortage

completely by surprise and with forces inadequate to cope with the tac
was an increased tonnage by Red Ball truck transport at the expense of
tical situation. He was compelled to withdraw into the fortified ports

a like tonnage of Class I supplies. It was planned to use bombers in

of ST. MALO (371), BRB3T (V99), LORIENT (G72) and ST. NAZAIRE (N56)t and

place of transport planes to haul supplies, the latter having been

by the end of the month ST. MALO (371) had been captured and the other

called off the supply lift for tactical operations.

three ports were being contained. The daring strategy employed in over
running BRITTANY blocked the enemy from moving his reserves from south

of the LOIRE River in time to be committed in BRITTANY*

The Headquarters Forward Echelon moved to LA CHAUME (H82) thirteen

miles northeast of S M S (X66)

The second phase was the ARGENTAN (U21) - FALAISE (U13) - MORTAIN

31 AUGUST {D+86) (T51) encirclement The enemy made his first attempt at a counterattack

in force against the Army in the MORTAIN (T51) area, committing a force

(Map for this date accompanies text)

of armor, infantry, and artillery supported from the air in strength in

a violent, determined drive toward the channel coast at AVRANCHE3 (T21).

In the XII Corps zone the 4th Armored Division continued its rapid
After three days* effort he withdrew when threatened with complete en
attack to the east, Combat Command "A" reaching and occupying the high
circlement and made a mass withdrawal to the east, counterattacking

ground ast of the MEUSE River in the vicinity of ST. MIHIEL (U43) and
locally the shoulders of the Army's encircling column in a desperate

C0MMM*CY (U42) Combat Command "B" reached the vicinity of JOINVTLLB attempt to keep open a corridor of escape. He sustained tremendous

EN-VALLAGE (Z08). The 80th Infantry Division advanced to the east

losses in personnel and equipment while extricating a considerable por
reaching the vicinity of BAR-LE-DUC (U12).
tion of his forces from the ARGENTAN (U21) pocket.

48 S E C X E T







The third phase was the Army's advance to the SEINE River and the

U.S. Army armored columns drove toward PARIS (S04) and the SEINE, no

MANTES GASSICOURT (R66) - ILBEUF (R19) envelopment, simultaneously with

defense the enemy devised being able to stop them, although he threw

the ARGENTAN (U21) encirclement* The Army continued to advance east,

in units of every description and from all available sources* Captured

swinging northwest of PARIS (S04) to seize a bridgehead across the SEINB

enemy documents revealed that the enemy's planned strongpolnts were

River in the Ticinity of MANTES GASSICOURT (R66) and to drive toward

overrun before they could be occupied*

SLBEUF (R19) and ROUEN (N21), along the west bank of the SEINE River.

Faced with the threat of a second encirclement west of the SEINE River,

following immediately on the ARGENTAN (U21) debacle, the enemy fought

The fourth phase was the enemy evacuation of southwest Trance, or

desperately to prevent the severing of escape routes across the SEINE

the threat to the Third U*S. Army's great exposed flank. Remnants of

River between MANTES GASSICOURT (R66) and 12 HAVRE (L42) and began the
enemy divisions from NORMANDY, BRITTANY and the Franco-Spanish border

withdrawal of his forces east of the SEINE River* To the south, Third
area, plus upgraded headquarters troops and elements of replacements

overrun in the RBNNES (Y05) - ST. MALO (S71) area, were collected in the



1 3 1
"unit H

"M rMi


277 304

160 Kilometns
ffl/ 31 AUGUST




stir X V C O R P S H-EVtRTtP TO THlfkO *M*>r 5O AU


'1 E T

LOIRE River cities of NANTES (005) - ANGERS (087) - SAUMtTR (P15) - TOURS
one more river before the SIEGFRIED Line and Germany proper, the

(P76) - BLOIS (L28) and ORLEANS (F62). Together with the regular gar MOSELLE, and it was believed that a delay in the advance at this time

risons they attempted unsuccessfully to defend these cities* Occupying

would result in a buildup in the path of Third U.S. Army. At this time

the south bank of the LOIRE River, these troops constituted a continual
this Army was responsible for operations on eastern and western fronts

threat to the Army's right flank* Remaining at first in a wholly de which were 600 miles apart, and responsible for a flank of over 1,000

fensive attitude, the enemy's primary concern later in the month was to
miles which it covered with less than two divisions. The XIX Tactical

flee to Germany before his escape routes were cut* Toward the end of
Air Command was always considered a potential threat to any concerted

the month the exodus became a race against time, with the escape channel
enemy effort that could develop and if such a condition arose plans were

between the Third U.S. Army and the Seventh U.S. Army closing rapidly*
always envisioned that the fighter bombers could break it up, delay or

destroy it, while ground forces were being directed to points of con
Rout of the enemy across three rivers, the MARNE, the AISNE, and
tact. That no such threat ever developed was probably the result of

the MECJSE was accomplished in the fifth phase* Continuous hammering by

the constant pounding from the air on enemy concentrations each time

they were discovered*

the XIX Tactical Air Command, coupled with thrusts by Third U.S. Army's

armor and infantry destroyed all enemy hopes of restoring the line of
A very close relationship existed between the infantry-tank and

the SEINE River* The line of the SCMME-MARNE Rivers was turned before
air-ground combinations. Although the advance of the ground troops con
it could be occupied and in the resulting confusion the enemy withdrew
stantly left the air forces operating from bases far to the rear, the

hastily toward Germany, not only on the Third U.S. Army front but also
support throughout the whole campaign was magnificent* When tank and

in the zones of First U.S. Army and 21 Army Group British* The speed
tank destroyer columns moved they often carried infantry on their backs.

of the Third U.S. Army's advance forced the enemy into headlong retreat
When they hit obstacles, the infantry would dismount and in many places

across the MARNE, AISNE and MEUSE Rivers without an opportunity to oc assist in clearing the way and move on again. The air would talk to the

cupy their natural defenses. But despite shattered communications,

leading tank columns telling what was in front and in many eases answer
disorganization and tremendous losses, the enemy was able to maintain an
ing questions about the enemy on their flanks*

overall control of his tactical situation* His withdrawal, though tem

pestuous, was not a mass collapse*
On the whole, Third U.S. Army, during the latter phase of this

As the month closed there was an indication that the Army's advance
action, had advanced through the very heart of France with uncovered

would necessarily have to slow its pace in order to permit supply eche flanks, but the risks calculated and accepted by the Army Commander in

lons to make readjustments that would enable them to keep up* There was
such an advance proved well taken*


AUGUST | 8 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Daily 377 450 223 597 253 408 207 322 5 6 01 I79A
1728 6 7 7' B9<?
825 553 1410 1211 4 7 8 18! 21 1409) *\
3577 1681 1012 249 695 443
14 Daily Breakdown
w 13 1 1 1 Cumulative Breakdown
^ 12


52 T

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Dud ( e a t . ) this period. Cumulative t o t a l on 8th.
Wounded (eat.]
* Inoludea 6677 Pf' vaouatwd
through msdlcal qnannela for month.









*76 699



*i. V i.-- ^ ^


V V V V V V y v /




AUGUST- 14 15 16 17 18 19 25 26 27 28 29 3 0 31

MARK V I 243




( OVER 75MM )



|L a




21 ARMY GROUP BR 6 JUNE - I AUGUST 71 Important cities captured 406,000 refugees cared for 6,163,000 population liberated

21 ARMY GROUP BR 1-31 AUGUST 35,000 square miles of territory 500 air miles distance E-W 1,000 mile south flank


iO 2O 3O AO 5O 6O 7O SO 9O IOO



o - A U O te>
1-31 AUGUST AUO I _ . O ; AUG I
C- AUfc. 13
i O - J U L 27 T JC- AUO S O-AUG I O-AIK
0-AOG 4 OAU6 +
C- AUO (0 C-AO

C-AUG 10 C-A00I7
0-AlKi IS
Zl I, m $. E\ UNLOADED C-AUG 15
13 - QEACH DUMPS _ .O- AUG S O- AUCi Z l
T J C- AUO 13 O-AUO Z l
C- AUG VI O-A06 2.4

O-AU6 3 O-AUG 15
T /C- AUfa 13 C-AUG Z6
O-AUG l(b

,O-AUG 12

\0- AUO IZ
T /C-AUG (7

C- AUG 15

> /C-AUG 25

C-AUG 30
O-AUG 16
_ .O-AUG Zl
Y / C - A U G 30
Y ./C-AUG 15 - i Jc-AUG 25





Angers XX 10 August Morlaix VIII 8 August
Alencon XV 12 Mantes - Gassicourt XV 18
Argentan XV 13 Montargis XII 23
Bar-Le-Due XII 31 Montereau XX 23
Chateaubriant VIII 3 Melun XX 25
Cap Frehal VIM 15 Montmiral XX 27
Chartres XX 16 Nantes VIII 13
Chateaudun XII 17 Nogent-Sur-Seine XX 26
Chateaulin VIM 17 Pontorson VIII 1
Chateau Thierry XX 26 Pontivy VIII 4
Chalons-Sur-Marne XII 28 Plouneor VIII 6
Commercy XII 31 Plouvien VIII 7
Ducy VIII 1 Paimpol VIM 17
Dol VIM 3 Pithiviers XII 21
Dinan VIM 5 Provins XX 28
Dinard VIM 13 Plougastel VIM 28
Dreux XV 15 Quedillac VIM 2
Daoulas Peninsula VIM 30 Rennes VIII 4
Evran VIM 2 Redon VIM 4
Etampes XX 21 Reims XX 29
Epernay XX 28 St Brieuc VIM 6
Fougeres VIII 3 St Renan VIM 7
Gourin VIM 5 St Michel -En-Grev VIM 11
Guincamp VIM 7 Sees XV 12
Houdan XV 17 St Malo VIM 17
Joigny XII 25 Sens XII 21
Loudeac VIM 3 St Florentin XII 25
Landivisiau VIM 6 " Sezanne XX 28
Lesneven VIM 6 St Dizier XII 31
Laval XV 7 " Troyes XII 25
Le Mans XV 8 " Vannes VIM 5
Le-Mele-Sur-Sarthe XV 13 Vitry-Le-Francois XII 28
Mayenne XV 5 Verdun XX ' 30

SE\ R E T 57
\ HI

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