Lifting Lug Calculation

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Method Statement

Construction Grout
Economical, class A shrinkage compensated grout (10 mm to 100 mm thickness)


This method statement should be read in conjunction with the Application Instructionssection of the relevant Technical
Data Sheet(s). Please refer to Parchem for advice on selection of the most appropriate product for your application.


It is suggested that, for temperatures above 35oC or below 10oC, the following guidelines are adopted as good working
I. Store unmixed materials in dry conditions, in original unopened packs, avoiding exposure to direct sunlight.
II. In high temperature environments, keep equipment cool, arranging shade protection if necessary. It is especially

important to keep cool those surfaces of the equipment that come into direct contact with the material itself.

III. Try to avoid application during the hottest times of the day, arrange temporary shading as necessary.
IV. At lower temperatures, Construction Grout should be applied only when the substrate temperature and the ambient

temperature is above 5C and rising.

V. Make sufficient material, plant and labour available to ensure that application is a continuous process.

It is suggested that the following list of equipment is adopted as a minimum requirement for the correct application of this
material (N.B. Product users must adhere to current OH&S requirements applicable to their site and all statutory
Protective clothing :

- Protective overalls, safety helmet and safety shoes

- Good quality gloves, goggles and face mask

Preparation equipment : - Electric / pneumatic breaker

Mixing equipment :

- Measuring jug

- 1 KW slow speed drill, 400 or 500 rpm, plus Parchem mixing paddle and mixing pail, or

- Festo drill fitted with Parchem mixing paddle and mixing pail

Application equipment : - Formwork

- Pouring or proprietary pumping equipment


Parchem operates a policy to encourage the use, where possible, of recommended applicators, since the long-term
performance of the materials is dependant upon proper application. For contractors who wish to apply the materials
themselves, Parchem is also able to offer technical assistance.





7 Lucca Road, Wyong NSW 2259


Phone 1300 737 787



ABN 80 069 961 968

Construction Grout


Attention to full and proper preparation is essential to successful grouting.

1.1 The substrate shall be scabbled to provide a clean surface, free from laitance, oil, grease and any other contamination.
1.2 Bolt holes or fixing pockets must be blown clean of any dirt or debris.



2.1 The underside of the base plate should be clean and free from oil, grease, rust, scale, or other loosely adherent
2.2 It may be necessary to provide air-pressure relief holes to allow venting of any isolated high spots.
2.3 The base plate shall be located to line and level and braced to minimise movement of the baseplate during the cure

period of the grout. If levelling shims are to be removed once the grout has hardened, then they should be pre-treated

with a thin layer of grease.



3.1 Before fixing any formwork, ensure that the area to be grouted is clean.
3.2 The formwork shall be designed so that the grout must flow beneath the base plate to reach the side furthest from the
pouring hopper and not have any easier routes around the sides.
3.3 The formwork itself must be constructed to be leak-proof, to prevent any possible grout loss. This can be achieved by
using a foam rubber strip or Parchem Construction Silicone beneath the formwork, and at any joints of the formwork. It
shall, however, also be provided with drain holes and plugs.
3.4 Grouting of holding-down bolts at the same time as under-plate grouting shall not be allowed. All bolt pockets and
sleeves shall be grouted with a proprietary anchoring material, such as Resibolt EASF.
3.5 The formwork shall be constructed in such a way as to keep the final, unrestrained surface area of the grout to a
minimum, to avoid problems with cracking at a later stage. Wherever possible unrestrained shoulders are to be
avoided. These have a tendency to crack and / or debond, due to their unrestrained nature.
3.6 Formwork will be coated with a suitable mould release agent where necessary to enable the easy removal of the

shuttering. It should be done in such a way as to allow easy stripping, without causing damage or distress to the grout
particularly if this is to be done whilst the grout is still green.
3.7 All dirt and debris are to be removed from the grout area before the last piece of formwork is fixed, to facilitate pre-
soaking (see below).




- set up so that grout will be poured the shortest distance across the base plate
- erected a maximum of 150 mm from the base plate edge
- erected a minimum of 150 mm higher than the underside of the base plate


- set up directly opposite the pouring side

- erected a maximum of 50 mm from plate edge

- erected a minimum 25 mm higher than the underside of the base plate

Construction Grout

- set up flush with the plate edge

- close attention to grout tightness of the formwork

5.1 All concrete surfaces within the formwork should be saturated with clean, fresh water for several hours prior to
5.2 Immediately before grouting takes place, any free water should be removed using an air lance and the shutter checked
for stability.

6.1 For best results a mechanically powered grout mixer should be used do not use a colloidal impeller mixer.
6.2 For small quantities of grout a slow speed drill (400/500 rpm) fitted with a high shear paddle is acceptable, but mixing
should be restricted to one bag at a time in a container of minimum capacity 20 litres.
6.3 The quantity of clean water, required to be added to a 20 kg bag of Construction Grout to achieve the desired
consistency is:

- Dry Pack 2.0 to 2.4 litres

- Trowellable 2.4 to 3.2 litres

- Flowable 3.2 to 4.0 litres

Carefully measure out appropriate quantity of clean water and pour into the mixing vessel first.
6.4 Slowly add the full pack of Construction Grout powder to the water and mix continuously for 3- 5 minutes, until a
smooth, free flowing consistency is obtained.
6.5 Under no circumstances should part bags be used, or additional water employed. Either of these two actions will
change the water:powder ratio, adversely affecting material performance and automatically invalidating Parchems
standard product guarantee.

7.1 It is essential that the machine mixing capacity, material supply and labour availability is adequate to enable the
grouting operation to be carried out continuously. This may require the use of a holding tank, with provision for gentle
agitation to maintain fluidity.
7.2 Immediately prior to placement, the mixed grout should be briefly agitated to release any surface tension. At 25oC,
place the grout within 15 minutes of mixing to gain the full benefit of the expansion process.
7.3 The grout shall be placed in accordance with good grouting practise and within the time restraints of the selected
7.4 Construction Grout can be placed in thicknesses from 10 mm minimum up to 100 mm in a single pour when used as an
under-plate grout. For thicker sections, it is necessary to fill / bulk out Construction Grout with well graded, silt free
aggregate such as Conbextra Grout Aggregate, to minimise heat build up. Filling / bulking out of the grout should not
exceed a ratio of 2:1 grout to aggregate (N.B. the addition of aggregate will change the characteristics and properties of
the grout).
7.5 Any bolt pockets must be grouted / anchored, prior to grouting between the substrate and the base plate.
7.6 Continuous grout flow during the grouting operation is essential. Sufficient grout must be available prior to starting,
and time taken to pour a batch must be regulated to the time taken to prepare the next one.
7.7 The mixed grout should be poured only from one side of the void to eliminate the entrapment of air, or surplus pre-
soaking water. The grout head must be maintained at all times so that a continuous grout front is achieved.
7.8 When the grout reaches the open side of the formwork, and rises above the underside of the base plate, pouring should
continue slowly down the length of the base plate until completed.

Construction Grout
7.9 If any leaks occur from the formwork shuttering these shall be immediately plugged with an appropriate quick setting
compound such as Vandex Plug.

8.1 Following the grouting operation, the formwork shall be left in place for a minimum of 24 hours if ambient and
substrate temperatures are above 10oC and a minimum of 48 hours if the temperatures are 5-10oC.
8.2 On completion of the grouting operation, all exposed areas of grout should be thoroughly cured. For best results use of
a Fosroc Concure curing membrane is recommended. Alternatively, the grout may be cured via continuous application
of water and / or wet hessian for a period of 7 days.
8.3 Once formwork is removed, all exposed faces of the grout should be thoroughly cured as per section 8.2.


This method statement is offered by Parchem as a standard proposal for the application of Construction Grout. It remains
the responsibility of the Customer to determine the correct method for any given application.
Parchem does not accept any liability either directly or indirectly for any losses suffered in connection with the use or
application of the product whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation or information
given by it.





7 Lucca Road, Wyong NSW 2259


Phone 1300 737 787



ABN 80 069 961 968

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