Lesson Assessment 3

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Assessment 3

Name(s): _________________
Date: __________________

Brainstorming Worksheet for the Scavenger Hunt

What type of living things do you predict you will find outside?
What type of nonliving things do you predict you will find outside?

Assessment 3

Name(s): _________________
Date: __________________

Each group of 3 will be given an iPad. You are to go

outside on the playground, and use the iPad to take
photos of 10 living things and 10 nonliving things.
Once we come back inside, we will print the photos
and your group of three will put together a small
presentation for the class. Each person in the
group must be responsible for finding 3 of the 20
photos. The other 5 should be a group effort.

Below write out the 3 photos you were responsible

for taking:

Assessment 3

Scavenger Hunt Rubric

Name: ___________________



The photographs accurately represent 10 living and 10 nonliving
things. Each member of the group found and took at least 3
photos. During the presentation the student talked about the 3
photos they took and how they know they are living or nonliving.
The photographs accurately represent at least 8 living and 8
nonliving things. Each member of the group found and took at
least 3 photos. During the presentation the student talked about
the 3 photos they took and how they know they are living or
The photographs accurately represent at least 5 living and 5
nonliving things. Each member of the group found and took at
least 2 photos. During the presentation the student talked about
the 3 photos they took and how they know they are living or
No photographs were taken, and the student did not present any
photos or explanations of their findings.

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