8 Grade English/Language Arts: Ms. Griffith
8 Grade English/Language Arts: Ms. Griffith
8 Grade English/Language Arts: Ms. Griffith
8 Grade
Ms. Griffith
Hello & welcome to the 2017 school year! I am so excited to be your
English/Language Arts teacher for your last year at Mountain Trail
Middle School! Over the course of the semester, we will have the
chance to cover a broad range of topics and works (including but not
limited to):
The Heros Journey
The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton
Society/Social Class
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Various Writing Genres (Argumentative, Persuasive, Expository,
Over the course of the year, we will complete various assignments and
activities that will sharpen your critical thinking and analytical skills. In
addition to the topics listed above, you will also read short stories,
poems, listen to songs, watch video clips, and much more! In addition
to the topics listed above, you will also complete various writing
assignments to fine-tune your writing and editing abilities over the
course of the year.
The grading scale for this class is shown below:
Grading Scale
A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
Assignment Breakdown
Homework: 10%
Tests/Quizzes: 30%
Essays: 25%
D 60-69%
F 59% and below
Projects: 10%
Final Exam: 25%
You will need to bring the following everyday to class:
Lined paper
Pen (blue, black, and red)
College-ruled spiral notebook
2 binder
Additional materials may be requested as the school year progresses.
If you have trouble getting any of these materials, please do not
hesitate to reach out to me!
Late Work Policy
I have a flexible and accommodating late work policy. For all major
assignments, there will be an initial due datewhen I expect
everything to be completed and turned in, and a deadline dateone
week after the due date, and the absolute last chance for you to turn in
an assignment for half credit. If you do not turn in your assignment by
the deadline date, then that assignment will be entered into the grade
book as a zero. You must make me aware of any assignment turned in
Homework Policy
All students will place their homework in the respective tray for their
class period (Ex: if you are in Period 1, your homework will go into the
tray labeled Period 1 the morning that it is due. Expect all homework
to be graded and returned a week after the due date at the latest.
Absence and Make Up Work Policy
Attendance and class participation is a requirement as outlined in the
Mountain Trail Middle School Student Handbook.
I recognize that unplanned instances occur, and I will be very
accommodating to those cases. However, if a student has a prolonged,
scheduled absence (family vacation, surgery, etc.), they must inform
me so I can make the proper accommodations ensure that they do not
fall behind the rest of the class.
In the case of sickness or an unplanned absence (an absence that lasts
1-2 days), students should always check what they missed on my
class website. On my website, I will have any lessons, worksheets,
activities, homework, and assignments that we may have completed
that day for their perusal. As always, they can contact me with any
questions they may have.
Students have as many days as they were absent to complete their
missing work. For example, if a student is absent for two days, they
have a two day grace period after the initial due date to turn their
assignment in. After that, I will not accept any assignments they
missed while they were absent.
Cell Phone Policy
All students must keep their cell phones put away in their backpacks. I
will verbally warn students two times. The third time I have to ask
them to put their phone away, I will confiscate their phones and they
may retrieve it at the end of the day.
Food/Drinks In Class
Students may eat in class as long as they are respectful of their
surroundings. All drinks must have a cap to avoid spilling and
damaging any technologies, worksheets, etc. that are being used in
School Guidelines and Policies
All students must follow all behavioral and academic policies and
procedures that are outlined in the student handbook (i.e.: dress code,
chewing gum, academic integrity, etc). All policies that are listed in the
student handbook will be carried out in my class.
Classroom Rules and Discipline
Rule #1: All students will be respectful of one another. It is
extremely important to me that we create a safe and encouraging
classroom dynamic. While in this classroom, we will all strive to be
open-minded, respectful, and supportive individuals that encourage
one another to achieve success.
Rule #2: All students will arrive to class on time and prepared
to learn. Arriving to class on time with the intention to learn is a key
component to success in this classroom. From the second you step foot
in this class until the time you leave, you will always be exerting your
best efforts.
Rule #3: Keep all of your personal electronics put away. Unless
otherwise instructed, I ask that you keep all of your cell phones,
laptops, iPads, etc. put away in your backpacks. You are only in my
classroom for an hour a dayyou Twitter feeds can wait!
Rule #4: Be accountable for your own success. The first step to
success is establishing a sense of accountability, and realizing that it is
up to you to put forth the effort to reach your goals. I will provide you
with all the tools to get you there, but you have to want it!
Rule #5: Be a person. To put it simplybe the unique,
compassionate, hardworking people that I know you are. Dont be
afraid to express your thoughts and at the same time, be respectful
and open-minded of your classmates thoughts.
All of these rules are mandatory, and I expected them to be
adhered to every day. Failure to follow our classroom rules may
result in a phone call home, a referral to the principals office,
or removal from my class.
Disciplinary Actions
I hold all of my students to a high standard, and I expect them to be
accountable for all of their actions. I will allow my students two verbal
warnings. If I have to ask the student more than twice to behave, get
back on task, etc., I will either write them a referral to the office or
send them to another classroom for the duration of the period
(depending on the severity of their actions).
Any work they miss due to being asked to leave the classroom will
have to be made up on their own time. I will not excuse any work that
they missed because of inappropriate behavior.
I do not anticipate having to constantly send students out of the
classroom as I expect them to uphold a high standard of behavior.
Communication & Contact Information
First and foremost, a weekly breakdown will be sent out via our
classroom website every Sunday night. This will include a brief
overview of what students can expect over the course of the week.
These weekly overviews may vary from time to time depending upon
the class period that day.
Students will be made aware of any changes to the weekly schedule.
Students, it is your responsibility to make sure that you remain on
track with your assignments.
Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions or concerns that
you may have.
Should you need to make an appointment with me, please send me an
email with any additional contact information and we can schedule a
time to meet.
Parent Signature
Student Name
Student Signature