Ten-Year-Old Students Solving Linear Equations: Bárbara Brizuela, Analúcia Schliemann
Ten-Year-Old Students Solving Linear Equations: Bárbara Brizuela, Analúcia Schliemann
Ten-Year-Old Students Solving Linear Equations: Bárbara Brizuela, Analúcia Schliemann
We seek to re-conceptualize the perspective regarding students difficulties with algebra. While acknowledging that
students do have difficulties when learning algebra, we also
argue that the generally espoused criteria for algebra as the
ability to work with the syntactical rules for solving equations is rather narrow. Certainly, learning and understanding
the syntactic rules for solving equations should be part of
algebra instruction. However, algebra also involves work
with other, multiple notation-systems (such as function
tables, Cartesian coordinate graphs) and with variables and
functions. Therefore, in our teaching experiments, it is only
after the students have demonstrated familiarity with the concepts and representations of variables and functions, we
introduce equations and work with algebraic syntax.
The crux of the argument of this article is that if we can
present evidence of younger, elementary school children
engaging with algebra, and using and understanding the syntactic rules of algebra, we have to ask ourselves why so
many adolescents face difficulties with algebra. Perhaps it is
not that the students are not prepared or ready for learning
algebra, but that the teaching or curriculum to which the students have been exposed has been preventing them from
developing mathematical ideas and representations they
would otherwise be capable of developing.
It is our belief that, as previously stressed by many, the
difficulties middle- and high-school students have with
algebra result from their previous experiences with a mathematics curriculum that focuses exclusively on arithmetic
procedures and computation rules. In this article, we
describe classroom and interview data showing that, if children are given the opportunity to discuss algebraic relations
and to develop algebraic notations, even ten-year-old students can solve algebraic equations with unknown amounts
on both sides of the equals sign.
Numerous researchers have suggested that algebra should
pervade the mathematics curriculum and be introduced at an
early age, thus avoiding an entrenchment of arithmetic (e.g.,
Bodanskii, 1991; Booth, 1988; Brown and Coles, 2001;
Crawford, 2001; Davis, 1985; Dougherty, 2003; Henry,
2001; Kaput and Blanton, 2001; Schoenfeld, 1995; Vergnaud, 1988; Warren, 2001). They agree that young students
can grasp both algebraic concepts and notation, and that the
boundaries between the arithmetic and algebra curricula can
and should be downplayed.
Many researchers have suggested that students difficulties with algebra arise from their previous lack of experience
with arithmetic and algebraic generalizations that should be
integral to the arithmetic curriculum:
classroom activities that explore mathematical relations, can understand and explain that an equation such
as a + b b = a is true for any numbers a and b.
More recent experiences of introducing algebraic concepts from the early school years have been developed by
the Measure up project in Hawaii (Dougherty, 2003). The
basic premise behind the project is the need to think in a
non-traditional way about what constitutes appropriate
mathematics for young children. What Dougherty and her
colleagues propose, following Davydovs (1991) work, is
for children to begin their mathematics instruction with no
numbers. Instead, they focus on comparing physical attributes of objects. These comparisons and relationships
between attributes are described with relational statements,
using letters. Only gradually are numbers introduced into the
curriculum, without ever setting aside the main focus on
comparisons and relationships. In this project, children as
young as five and six years old deal with equalities, inequalities, differences, commutativity, associativity, and inverses.
Daviss (1985) work in the Madison Project takes a different approach and focuses on eleven-year-old students
working with concepts and notations for variables, Cartesian
coordinates, and functions. Our own work has shown that
nine-year-old students can learn to think of arithmetical
operations as functions rather than merely as computations
on particular numbers, that they can operate on unknowns
(Carraher et al., 2001) and work with mapping notation [2],
such as n 2n 1 (Carraher et al., 2003). We have also
found that function tables, graphs of linear functions, and
establishing connections between tables and graphs are
within reach of ten-year-old students (Brizuela, 2004;
Schliemann and Carraher, 2002).
These demonstrations, however, may not have convinced
some mathematics educators that young children can learn
algebra. Previous research has highlighted students difficulty
in solving equations when unknown quantities appear on both
sides of the equality (e.g. Filloy and Rojano, 1989; Herscovics and Linchevski, 1994). These researchers have attributed
such findings to developmental constraints and the inherent
abstractness of algebra, concluding that even adolescents may
not be ready to learn algebra (Collis, 1975; Filloy and Rojano,
1989; Herscovics and Linchevski, 1994; Linchevski, 2001;
MacGregor, 2001; Sfard and Linchevski, 1994).
Some researchers have claimed that students are engaging
in algebra only if they can understand and use the syntax of
algebra and solve equations with unknown amounts on both
sides of the equals sign (see Filloy and Rojano, 1989). Filloy
and Rojano (1989), for example, have proposed that there is a
cut-point separating arithmetic from algebraic thought. Similarly, Herscovics and Linchevski (1994) point to students
inability to operate spontaneously with or on the unknown (p.
59, emphasis in the original) and refer to their failure to represent and manipulate unknowns as a cognitive gap.
Our approach to algebra notation
Algebra-symbolic notation is one of several basic representational systems of mathematics. In a narrow sense,
algebraic reasoning is concerned only with algebra-symbolic
notation. In the broad sense that we adopt in our research
the students discussions and written materials produced during the last lesson in one of the four
classrooms we worked in, and
Figure 9: Nancy.
Interview results
At the end of the school year, one to four weeks after the last
class, we individually interviewed the children on a series of
problems. In the last part of the interview, children were
asked to represent in writing and to solve the problem shown
in Figure 13.
Harold has some money. Sally has four times as much
money as Harold. Harold earns $18.00 more dollars.
Now he has the same amount as Sally. Can you figure out
how much money Harold has altogether? What about
Figure 13: The interview problem.
Of the eighteen children from this class who were interviewed, ten represented Harolds initial amount as N, X or H,
and Sallys amount as N 4. For Harolds amount after earning 18 more dollars, eight children wrote N + 18. Four
children wrote the full equation N + 18 = N 4 and eight
children correctly solved the problem. However, only one
systematically used the method of matching up equivalent
terms on both sides of the equal sign to simplify the equation. Another child, when prompted, correctly explained this
method. Apparently, as the children worked in their written
notations, they easily inferred that Harolds starting amount
was 6. As Albert stated, I thought about six because it just
popped in my head.
The lesson, and childrens reactions to the problem presented, suggest a number of issues related to algebra in the
mathematics curriculum. First of all, we have presented
evidence of young, elementary-school children doing algebra. The kind of problem they engaged with could be
represented by an expression that included unknown and
variable amounts on both sides of the equal sign, thus satisfying the constraints set for a particular vision of algebra as
involving the use of algebraic syntax.
One third of the children used an algebraic expression to
represent the problem, and over a third of the children
included a letter to stand for one or more of the unknown
values. Thus, we return to the question posed at the beginning of this paper: if such young children can succeed at
working and understanding algebra, why is it that so many
adolescents have trouble with algebra?
The children we were working with had been exposed to
from six to eight early algebra activities each semester for
the previous year and a half. Thus, we could argue that it was
this exposure that enabled them to approach the problem
successfully, to use algebraic expressions, and letters in their
notations. However, this still leaves two issues exposed: the
students are young, and doing at most 24 activities over the
course of a year and a half is not significant.
So we come back to the same argument presented at the
beginning of this paper: the location of the problem cannot be
found in the students themselves. If younger students were
able to work with algebra, older students could potentially
as well. It is most likely the type of instruction that the students are exposed to that is impacting on their performance in
algebra. If students were exposed to an algebrafied mathematics curriculum from the onset of their education, it is
likely that by the time they are adolescents, they would be
able to deal with a lot more complex mathematics.
The kinds of activities we developed over the last six
weeks of our longitudinal study were not simple or easy for
the students. Nevertheless, they were able to deal with the
challenges we proposed and, at the end of only six meetings
on equations, many were able to represent, discuss meaningfully and analyze problems involving unknown amounts
on both sides of an equality. In the classroom, at least a third
of the students in this class could represent the problem as
an equation, solve the equation, and meaningfully explain
why they could manipulate the elements in the equation. In
the interviews, more than half of the children correctly represented the amounts in the problem using letters to stand
for unknown amounts.
Our results suggest that dealing with equations is not
beyond ten-year-old students mathematical understanding
and that much more could be achieved if the same kind of
activities become part of the daily mathematics classes
offered to elementary school children.
[1] This article is part of a larger longitudinal study sponsored by the
National Science Foundation (Grant #9909591, awarded to D. Carraher and
A. Schliemann, see earlyalgebra.terc.edu).
[2] We use the term notation to refer to written, external representations (see
Lee and Karmiloff-Smith, 1996, who also state that these notations belong
to notational systems with which they share a set of rules).
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But what about me? Suppose I am a blind man, and I use a stick. I go tap, tap, tap. Where
do I start? Is my mental system bounded at the handle of the stick? Is it bounded by my skin?
Does it start halfway up the stick? Does it start at the tip of the stick? But these are nonsense
questions. The stick is a pathway along which transforms of difference are being transmitted.
The way to delineate the system is to draw the limiting line in such a way that you do not cut
any of these pathways in ways which leave things inexplicable. If what you are trying to
explain is a given piece of behaviour, such as the locomotion of the blind man, then, for this
purpose, you will need the street, the stick, the man; the street, the stick, and so on, round and
But when the blind man sits down to eat his lunch, his stick and its messages will no longer
be relevant if it is his eating that you want to understand.
(Bateson, G. (2000, first edition 1972) Form, substance and difference, in Steps to an
ecology of mind, Chicago and London, The University of Chicago Press, p. 465.)