Congestion Aware and Adaptive Dynamic Source Routing Algorithm With Load-Balancing in Manets
Congestion Aware and Adaptive Dynamic Source Routing Algorithm With Load-Balancing in Manets
Congestion Aware and Adaptive Dynamic Source Routing Algorithm With Load-Balancing in Manets
The explosive growth in the use of real-time multimedia
applications in mobile devices requires quality of service (QoS)
support for effective communication. Network congestion is the
main reason for packet loss, longer delay and jitter in streaming
multimedia applications. Most of the present routing protocols are
not designed to adapt congestion. In this paper, the original DSR
protocol is modified to define the occurrence of congestion by
monitoring and reporting multiple resource utilization thresholds
as QoS attributes and use multi-path-routing and load-balancing
during the periods of congestion to improve QoS in MANETs for
CBR multimedia applications. NS-2 simulation was extensively
carried out to evaluate the performance of the modified DSR in
terms of throughput, jitter and end-to-end delay. The results were
compared with the original DSR in random node movements
under varying traffic loads of 10, 15 and 20 CBR traffic flows to
completely assess the applicability of the modified DSR.
Simulation results showed that the proposed protocol can
significantly improve the network performance for low and
medium traffic load in multimedia based mobile ad hoc networks
by extending the network lifetime and providing fewer packet
losses than the original DSR.
Keywords: Mobile ad hoc network; DSR; Congestion; Multi-path
routing; Traffic load
The frequent and unpredictable topological changes in MANET
render the task of routing a challenging task and MANET
inherently depends on the routing scheme employed to provide
expected Quality of Service (QoS). Routing protocols for Ad hoc
networks can be broadly classified into two categories as
proactive and reactive. Proactive (or) table-driven routing
algorithms employ distance vector based or link state based
routing strategies. However, the main drawback of these
algorithms is that the need for frequent table updation consumes
significant amount of memory, bandwidth and battery power [1].
Example of such protocols is Optimized Link State Routing
(OLSR) [2] and Destination Sequenced Distance Vector routing
(DSDV) [3]. In reactive routing protocols, a node searches and
maintains a route to another node only when it requires
transmitting data to that particular node. This on-demand reactive
approach minimizes bandwidth utilization compared to proactive
routing protocols. Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV)
[4], Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) [5], Temporally Ordered
Routing Algorithm (TORA) [6] and Associatively-Based Routing
(ABR) [7] are examples of such protocols. Our proposed protocol
is based on DSR. It operates on two mechanisms such as route
discovery and route maintenance. All these protocols rely on
single-path routing algorithms, where all traffic to a destination is
RM. Chandrasekaran
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Annamalai University, Chidambaram, INDIA
required to be routed through a single successor and when a link
become congested, the entire traffic has to be rerouted. Routing
protocols for MANET can also categorized as congestion-unadaptive routing and congestion adaptive routing. Existing routing
protocols belong to the first group where congestion nonadaptiveness in routing may result in longer delay, higher
overhead and many packet losses for traffic intensive data like
multimedia applications. DSR does not make dynamic routing
adjustments based on memory, delay, number of service requests
or battery utilization information which often indicates certain
levels of usage and possible occurrences of congestion. Detection
of undesired paths enables the ability to implement route
admission control and to perform multi-path routing scheme
which could further improve the performance of the network in a
significant manner.
In the present paper, we propose a modified DSR protocol to
monitor congestion or multiple resource utilization levels, notify
the routing process of congestion and invoke multi-path routing
during the periods of congestion for streaming multimedia
applications. In addition, this paper also determine the effects of
various traffic loads(low, medium, high) models on the modified
routing protocol and compare the performance metrics of
throughput, jitter and end-to-end delay of original DSR protocol
with modified DSR protocol.
The research on congestion for MANET is still in the early stage
and there is a need for new techniques. In this section, the
research work related to congestion control and multi-path routing
is presented. Round trip time measurements are used to distribute
load between paths in Multi-path Source Routing (MSR) [8]. A
distributed multi-path DSR protocol (MP-DSR) was developed to
improve QoS with respect to end-to-end reliability [9]. The
protocol forwards outgoing packets along multiple paths that are
subjected to an end-to-end reliability model. Split Multi-path
Routing (SMR) utilized multiple routes of maximally disjoint
paths which minimize route recovery process and control message
overhead [10-11]. The protocol uses a per-packet allocation
scheme to distribute data packets into multiple paths of active
sessions which prevents nodes from being congested in heavily
loaded traffic situations. Asis Nasipuri et al [12] showed how
intelligent use of multi-path technique in DSR protocol can reduce
the frequency of query floods. They also developed an analytic
modeling framework to determine the relative frequency of query
floods for various techniques. Lianfang Zhang et al [13]
established a network queuing model in MSR that could
incorporate cross-traffic among multiple paths. The load
balancing was considered as an optimization problem and the
results are verified with the existing model. Jinglun Shi et al [14]
presented an independent stability-based multi-path routing
4.1 Simulation Set-up
The Simulation of the network has been carried out using NS-2
version 2.30 [21-23]. The 802.11 MAC protocol is defined to be
the wireless channel. Each mobile node uses a Two-Ray Ground
radio propagation model with an Omni antenna. The initial battery
capacity of each node assumed to be 100%. The battery capacity
of a mobile node was decremented in a predefined manner by the
txPower and rxPower levels which remains constant throughout
the simulation. In order to conform to the IEEE 802.11b
specification, the dataRate_ variable was set to 11 Mbps and the
basicRate_ variable was set to 1 Mbps. These settings are
important to change the default NS-2 setting of 2 Mbps. The CTS
/ RTS process used in IEEE 802.11b within NS-2 normally
generate huge volumes of data that made processing the trace files
complicated. In order to restrict the processing of unnecessary
data, the RTSThreshold_ variable was set to 3,000 bytes which
restrict the processing of packets that have a size greater than
3,000 bytes. As per the definition, the simulation scenarios did not
generate packets larger than 512 bytes which is well below the set
In this paper, congestion aware and adaptive DSR Algorithm with
load-balancing for MANET is proposed. In random traffic load
scenarios, the throughput of modified DSR is marginally lower
compared to original DSR. This is indicating the least influence
of multi-path on traffic load. The jitter values also higher for
modified DSR, except for the medium traffic load where 4 ms
reduction in jitter was achieved. However, the modified DSR
exhibits excellent performance in reducing the end-to-end delay
by distributing traffic along multi-path. A huge reduction of 565
ms in delay was achieved under medium traffic load. The results
of the investigation imply that the modified DSR with multi-path
routing strategy is a viable alternative to original DSR for
streaming multimedia applications in MANET.
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