Sbi (HRM)
Sbi (HRM)
Sbi (HRM)
(Prakash .H. Nagarji)
For success in any walk of life we need proper guidance especially when we are walking on
the new way, so was the situation for we, BMS students. We had been given an opportunity
for the first time to take up topic of our choice and to make a project on the same which gave
us chance to prove ourselves by putting in hardcore efforts and to bring out the best possible
I am grateful to Prof. Mr. Navaj Mulani, as she devoted her precious time for making us
cognizant about different aspects of project.
It is the matter of ut most pleasure to express my ineptness and deep sense of gratitude to our
college principal Dr. (Mrs.) Leena Sarkar, and BMS Co-ordinator Dr. (Mrs.) Surekha
Verma & various people who extended their maximum help to supply the necessary
information for the present project which become available on account of the most selfless
Last but not the least, I would like to thank my parents who encouraged and motivated me
and I am also thankful to my friends and colleagues who helped and supported me for the
work I have done.
2.1 Meaning
2.2 Characteristics
2.3 Need and Importance
3.1 Job Analysis, Job Design, Job evolution
3.2 Job Enlargement
3.3 Job Enrichment
(4)Organizational Development:
HRM includes organizational development, which includes effective communication within
the organization, coordination of different activities elimination of conflicts of different types
and creation of orderly atmosphere in the whole organization.
(5) Team Spirit:
HRM is basically for developing team spirit in the whole organization. For this, departments
and levels of management are properly integrated. Team spirit facilitates orderly growth of
the organization in the right direction.
higher levels can be filled in internally due to HRM programmes as they provide training and
opportunities of self-development to employees working at lower levels.
(3)To develop strength for survival:
HRM programmes are necessary for survival in the present competitive marketing
environment. An enterprise can face market competition only by improving quality, reducing
costs and avoiding wastages. All this is possible through HRM.
(4)To face challenges of technological changes:
Technological changes are taking place rapidly in every area of business. HRM programmes
are needed in order to absorb technological changes taking place with speed. In fact,
introduction of new technology, computers, automation, etc. will not be possible unless
training is provided to the manpower.
(5)To satisfy the demand of self-development of employees:
HRM is needed to meet the needs of employees in regard to self-development and career
development aspirations. Employees demand, training facilities, refresher courses,
promotions and transfers, career guidance, etc. for their self-development. HRM programmes
are needed to fulfil self-development and career development of employees.
(6)To meet future manpower needs:
HRM is needed to meet the future manpower needs of the organization. Executives,
managers, supervisors leave the job or retire due to age factor. Competent juniors must take
their positions. HRM is needed in order to keep ready a team of competent managers as a
second line of defence.
(7)To facilitate expansion and diversification:
HRM activities are needed to meet the manpower requirements resulting from expansion and
diversification programmes undertaken at the enterprise level. Attention should be given to
HRM much before the introduction of expansion programme.
(8)To utilize production capacity fully:
HRM is needed in order to use the available production capacity to the optimum level. It
provides skilled manpower for this purpose.
Job analysis, Job design and Job evolution
A job is defined as a collection of duties and responsibilities which are given together to an
individual employee. Job analysis is the process of studying and collecting information
relating to operations and responsibilities of a specific job. It can be explained with the help
of the following diagram
Job analysis
Job description Job specification
Job title/ name of the job Qualification
Working hours Qualities
Duties and responsibilities Experience
Working conditions Family background
Salary and incentives Training
Machines to be handled on the job Interpersonal skills
As mentioned in the above table job analysis is divided into 2 parts
a) Job description
Where the details regarding the job are given.
b) Job specification
Where we explain the qualities required by people applying for the job.
2. Recruitment and selection:Job analysis helps to plan for the future human resource. It helps to recruit and select the right
kind of people. It provides information necessary to select the right person.
3. Performance appraisal and training/development:Based on the job requirements identified in the job analysis, the company decides a training
program. Training is given in those areas which will help to improve the performance on the
job. Similarly when appraisal is conducted we check whether the employee is able to work in
a manner in which we require him to do the job.
4. Job evaluation:Job evaluation refers to studying in detail the job performance by all individual. The
difficulty levels, skills required and on that basis the salary is fixed. Information regarding
qualities required, skilled levels, difficulty levels is obtained from job analysis.
5. Promotions and transfer:When we give a promotion to an employee we need to promote him on the basis of the skill
and talent required for the future job. Similarly when we transfer an employee to another
branch the job must be very similar to what he has done before. To take these decisions we
collect information from job analysis.
6. Career path planning:Many companies have not taken up career planning for their employees. This is done to
prevent the employee from leaving the company. When we plan the future career of the
employee, information will be collected from job analysis. Hence job analysis becomes
important or advantageous.
7. Labour relations:When companies plan to add extra duties or delete certain duties from a job, they require the
help of job analysis, when this activity is systematically done using job analysis the number
of problems with union members reduce and labour relations improve.
8. Health and safety:Most companies prepare their own health and safety, plans and programs based on job
analysis. From the job Analysis Company identifies the risk factor on the job and based on
the risk factor safety equipments are provided.
9. Acceptance of job offer:-
When a person is given an offer/appointment letter the duties to be performed by him are
clearly mentioned in it, this information is collected from job analysis, which is why job
analysis becomes important.
6. Log records:Companies can ask employees to maintain log records and job analysis can be done on the
basis of information collected from the log record. A log record is a book in which
employees record/writes all the activities performed by them on the job. The records are
extensive as well as exhausted in nature and provide a fair idea about the duties and
responsibilities in any job.
7. HRD records: Records of every employee are maintained by HR department. The record contain details
about educational qualification, name of the job, number of years of experience, duties
handled, any mistakes committed in the past and actions taken, number of promotions
received, area of work, core competency area, etc. based on these records job analysis can be
Job design
Definitions: Job design is the process of
a) Deciding the contents of the job.
b) Deciding methods to carry out the job.
c) Deciding the relationship which exists in the organization.
job analysis helps to develop job design and job design matches the requirements of the job
with the human qualities required to do the job.
Factors affecting job design: There are various factors which affect job design in the company.
1. Organizational factors
2. Environmental factors
3. Behavioural factors
I] Organizational factors:Organizational factors to refer to factors inside the organization which affect job design they
a) Task characteristics:12
Task characteristics refer to features of the job that is depending on the type of job and the
duties involved in it the organization will decide, how the job design must be done. In case
the company is not in a position to appoint many people; a single job may have many duties
and vice versa.
b) The process or flow of work in the organization:There is a certain order in which jobs are performed in the company. In case the company
wishes it could combine similar job and give it to one person this can be done if all the jobs
come one after the other in a sequence.
c) Ergonomics:Ergonomics refers to matching the job with physical ability and characteristics of the
individual and in providing an office environment which will help the person to complete the
jobs faster and in a comfortable manner.
d) Work practices:Every organization has different work practices. Although the job may be the same the
method of doing the job differs from company to company. This is called work practice and it
affects job design.
II] Environmental factors:Environmental factors which affect job design are as follows
a) Employee availability and ability:Certain countries face the problem of lack of skilled labour. They are not able to get
employees with specific education levels for jobs and have to depend on other countries due
to this job design gets affected.
b) Social and cultural expectations :The social and cultural conditions of every country is different so when an MNC appoints an
Indian it has to take into account like festivals, auspicious time, inauspicious time, etc. to suit
the Indian conditions. This applies to every country and therefore job design will change
III] Behavioral factors:Job design is affected by behavioral factors also. These factors are
a) Feedback: Job design is normally prepared on the basis of job analysis and job analysis requires
employee feedback based on this employee feedback all other activities take place. Many
employees are however not interested in providing a true feedback because of fear and
insecurity. This in turn affects job deign.
b) Autonomy:Every worker desires a certain level of freedom to his job effectively. This is called
autonomy. Thus when we prepare a job design we must see to it that certain amount of
autonomy is provided to the worker so that he carries his job effectively.
c) Variety:When the same job is repeated again and again it leads to burden and monotony. This leads to
lack of interest and carelessness on the job. Therefore, while preparing job design certain
amount of variety must be provided to keep the person interested in the job.
iii. Avoiding fraudulent practice:-In an organization like bank jobs rotation is undertaken to
prevent employees from doing any kind of fraud i.e. if a person is handling a particular job
for a very long time he will be able to find loopholes in the system and use them for his
benefit and indulge (participate) in fraudulent practices job rotation avoids this.
b. Encouraging participation.
c. Giving employees the freedom to select the method of working.
d. Allowing employees to select the place at which they would like to work.
e. Allowing workers to select the tools that they require on the job.
f. Allowing workers to decide the layout of plant or office.
Job enrichment gives lot of freedom to the employee but at the same time increases the
responsibility. Some workers are power and responsibility hungry. Job enrichment satisfies
the needs of the employees.
It is the process of ascertaining the qualifications, experience, skill, Knowledge, etc. of an
applicant to ascertain his/her suitability for the job applied. This includes:
2. Training:
It is the process of transmitting the employees the technical & operating skills and
It includes
a) Identification of training needs of the individuals & for the organization.
b) Developing appropriate training programmers.
c) Assisting & advising the management in the conduct of training programmes.
d) Transmitting requisite job skills & job knowledge to the employees.
e) Asses the effectiveness of the training programmes.
Management Development:
It is the process of designing & conducting appropriate executive development programmes
so as to develop the managerial & human relations skills of the employees.
It includes:
a) Identification of the areas in which management development is needed.
b)Conducting development programmers.
c)Motivating executives/managers.
d) Designing special development programmers/ assessment procedures for promotions.
e) Utilizing the services of specialists-both internal & external for development &/or
Institutional (external) development programmes.
f)Evaluating the effectiveness of executive development programmes.
c) Executions of promotional policies are as per policies & procedures.
D) DemotionIt is the downward assignment of an employee in an organization. The department must
ensure that:
a)Equitable, fair & consistent demotion policies are drawn up.
b) Assisting & advising employees regarding demotions.
c) Ensure fair implementation of demotion Policies & Procedures.
Organizational Development:
The planned process drawn up to improve organizational effectiveness through changes in
individual & group behavior, culture & systems of the organizationdrawing models from
applied behavioral science.
Compensations Management
Compensation includes all the extrinsic rewards that an employee receives during and after
the course of his sob. For his contributions to the organization. The principles of
compensation payment are that it has to be adequate, equitable and fair to the employees.
Compensation encompasses base salary, incentives, bonus and benefits and is based on job
Job evaluation- It is a systematic determination of the value of each job in relation to other
jobs in the organization, in the industry and in the market. In other words, job evaluation
involves classifying a job based on its importance and its contribution to the organization and
its requirements.
It involves
a) Identifying/designing suitable job evaluation techniques;
Wage and salary administration - The process of formulating and operating a suitable wage
and salary program is known as wage and salary administration.
It includes:
a) Conducting wage and salary survey in the market and in the industry;
b) Determining wage and salary rates on the basis of various factors like law, equity, fairness
and performance;
c) Implementing wage and salary administration programs;
Incentives- Incentives are the rewards an employee earns in addition to regular wages or
salary based on the performance of the individual, the team or the organization.
Bonus Bonus is primarily a share in the surplus or bounty and is directly related to the
organizations performance. In India, the payment of bonus is a very popular means of
rewarding employees and is governed by The Payment of Bonus Act 1965.
Fringe benefits Fringe benefits are those monetary and non-monetary benefits given to
employees during their employment, and sometimes, in the post-employment period also.
These benefits are connected to employment with the organization and are not related to the
employees performance.
These benefits provide a sense of security to the employee and keep them committed to the
organization. Some of the marginal benefits include;
a) Disablement benefits
b) Housing facilities
c) Canteen facilities
d) Conveyance facilities
e) Educational facilities for employees and their children
f) Credit facilities
g) Recreational facilities
h) Medical and welfare facilities
i) Post-retirement benefits
j) Company stores
k) Legal aid
What is a Bank?
The word bank is derived from the Italian banca, which is derived from German language and
means bench. The terms bankrupt and "broke" are similarly derived from banca rotta, which
refers to an out of business bank, having its bench physically broken. Money lenders in
Northern Italy originally did business in open areas, or big open rooms, with each lender
working from his own bench or table.
The essential function of a bank is to provide services related to the storing of deposits and
the extending of credit. The evolution of banking dates back to the earliest writing, and
continues in the present where a bank is a financial institution that provides banking and
other financial services. Currently the term bank is generally understood as an institution that
holds a banking license. Banking licenses are granted by financial supervision authorities and
provide rights to conduct the most fundamental banking services such as accepting deposits
and making loans. There are also financial institutions that provide certain banking services
without meeting the legal definition of a bank, a so called non-bank. Banks are a subset of the
financial service industry.
Human resource management (HRM) has long been overlooked in the corporate sector in the
country where a small section, comprising mostly the multi-national companies was
practicing the same. With the growing realization of proper HRM in the corporate sector, it
has grown into an important activity. Now the head of HRM is an important member of the
senior teams of any thriving business.
Although the idea is new for many local businesses where entrepreneurs are at the beginning
of the learning curve yet in reality the theme is getting support from the organized
The banking sector has grown from a few institutions primarily involved in deposit
acceptance and trade finance into a complex multi-player markets where large number of
commercial banks, financial institutions and specialized banks are operating with various
products and activities.
The work force constituting all levels of employees is constantly thinking in many
dimensions. On the one hand it is the assigned duty and task they are to perform and for
which they are paid by their employer, on the other they think of their long run goals and
By no means, their brains can be controlled to think beyond the current situation of
employment. Managing this educated, skillful and trustworthy work force is not an easy job.
A few of the current challenges faced by the banking industry in terms of human resource
management may be the following:
To make the Indian Banking System stronger, efficient and low-cost, the creation of
fundamentals must include in the banks operations, strategies and processes: strengthening
the prudential norms and market discipline; adoption of international benchmarks;
management of organizational change and consolidation within the financial system;
upgrading the technological infrastructure of the financial system; and human resource
development as the catalyst of the transformation (2002).
The Human Resource field in the Banking Industry is considered as one of the process of
discovery and transformation. The field of Human Resource can be described as emergent
and dynamic within the cultural business aspect in a Banking Industry. The success of todays
banking business will sparsely depends on the human resources of the organization, in which
plays a crucial role in providing the services needed.
The evolution of banking system in India affected the human resource practices, recruitment
and selection practices, and training system. It is very important that the details of human
resource are discussed along with the employees, to build their own career planning,
perceptions and development.
The primary strength of the industry is the human resource that is why the efforts to develop
the skills and management are the main subject placed before the human resource. A major
challenge for many banks will be to develop the special competencies and skills for credit
appraisal and risk management. Putting the information technology is a key contributed in
human resource development. Therefore, the HR model of the future will require
professionals to be both driving and anticipating change, understanding the complexities of
the new business environment and forces shaping it.
The HR planning, the start of the strategy, illustrates the process of developing human
resource plan. The strengths and weaknesses of staffing options such as outsourcing, use of
contingent workers, and downsizing are involved in planning.
The recruitment process is done strategically to determine the talented employee fit for the
position. The selection process emphasizes the ways in minimizing errors in employee
selection and placement to improve the companys competitive position. The selection
method standards such as validity and reliability are utilized.
An effective training systems of the managers role in determining employees readiness for
training, creating a positive learning environment, and ensuring the training is used on the
Beyond the human resource strategies are the rewarding and compensating that can
strengthen or weaken the employee effectiveness. In order to give recognition and increase
motivational levels amongst the employees, some Banks linked the individual performance in
an incentive scheme or for some rewards that may come into any form .In summary, all of the
HRM strategies and function should be aligned to help the company meet its objectives as
well as focusing on their customers .
The best practice approach assert that certain HR practices are found to consistently lead to
higher organizational performance, independent of an organizations stated strategy. The high
performance HR practices foster innovation through the development of innovation values,
encouraging of information sharing, goal setting and appropriate training and development.
Classification of Bank
The classification of the Indian banks into broad groups such as public sector, old private
sector,new private sector, foreign, regional rural banks & cooperatives are largely on the basis
of ownership pattern. It is also well known that the business mix, delivery channels & IT
strategies of these organizations vary substantially. What is little known but of greater
importance is that each of these banks follows very distinct HR practices which have
contributed, substantially, to the business processes.
In the case of PSU Banks, the compulsory leave system has not yet taken root. In the
circumstances an important task at hand is training the staff member, who, on account of age
profile is not comfortable working in an IT environment. HRM should also take immediate
steps to improve productivity. There is a simultaneous need to balance the demand of IT
savvy youngsters joining the organization who ask for high salaries.
PSU Banks are not able to offer market driven salary. Given that banking business & the
business of Government are distinct, there is, in the case of PSU Banks, an urgent need that
salaries are not limited by what is paid in the ministry but unshackled. Till that happens,
HRM should, innovatively tackle the issue.
This has been facilitated by specialized hiring agencies who may take up the job of hiring in
case of large number of vacancies.
Right People:
The most difficult agenda of HRM across the banking sector is to retain the right people.
Sudden growth of retail banking & other services has put pressure on HR Managers in banks
to engage more professionals within shorter span of time thereby attracting manpower in
other banks on attractive packages has made the job market very competing. A bank in a
normal course invests time & money to hire & train the appropriate workforce for its own
operations. This readymade force is often identified & subsequently picked-up on better
terms by others.
How much to pay the right employee & how much to the outstanding performer. Banks have
traditionally followed pay scales with predetermined increments, salary slabs, bonuses &
time based fringe benefits like car & house advance, gratuity, pensions, etc. The situation is
not the same anymore. An increment of Rs.500-800 per annum is no more a source of
attraction for a professional anymore. A basic pay with traditional formulas of linkage with
medical & other facilities has no soothing today.
A promise of future growth, learning culture & corporate loyalty is out of dictionary & does
not mean anything to this energetic & competent performer today. A waiting period of 3-4
years in each cadre haunts the incumbents who strongly believe in immediate compensation.
A freshly hired professional requires a brand new car or car loan n resuming office quite
contrary to his previous breed of bankers who would wait for the job seniority to qualify for a
car loan.
Job Satisfaction:
Everybody in the bank wants to work in the preferential department, preferential location,
city of his own choice & boss of his liking. An administrative deviation from any of these
results in lowered job satisfaction. Although hiring is normally based on regional requirement
matching the area of activity with that of employees nativity yet other elements like
appointment in the department of choice & preference makes the job of HR manager quite
What the HR manager cannot afford is the dissatisfied employee who not only disrupts the
smooth working him, but also spreads the negativity to others by his de-motivated attitude.
Morale Boosting:
What has long been overlooked is the morale boosting of the employees by the organizations.
Human beings even if satisfied of material wellbeing need to be appraised & encouraged
Smart banks have realized this need & have taken steps to keep their work force motivated
through proper encouragement like man of the mouth awards, repeat get-togethers,
conferences, sports events, dinners, company sponsored travel, reunions, etc. This is the way
employees create a feeling of belongingness.
The banks must emphasis on human resource development as one of the critical areas of its
operations. It should redraw its training & development schedules to suit the requirements of
the current emerging scenario. Requisite training should be imparted to various branch level
functionaries as also administrative staff. Besides in-house training the reputed external
agencies should be utilized for human resource development with a view to updating their
knowledge & to keep them abreast of the current banking scenario for meeting the challenges
ahead. The concept of segment specialization may be resorted to in respect of the personnel
selected therefore. It is now thought expedient to plan & strengthen the squad of skilled
officers in various segments as IT, marketing management, risk management, risk based
supervisors, law, security, etc. The lead bank must play an effective role in improving the
work environment & pursuing staff welfare measures in the form of whole range of financial
assistance with reference to various loans of sorts.
Human resource skills are other areas of challenge. Because of modernization &
technological advancement rigorous training & man power planning are required.
In the market scenario characterized by heightened competition, growing customer needs &
technological up gradation, the bank fine tunes its HT policy to meet its corporate objectives.
New training systems have been developed to impart competencies & a broad range of skills
among the employees to deliver faster & superior service that can delight the customers. The
Industrial Relations in the banks have been harmonious & cordial.
through human resource development. Employee training is the important sub system of
human resource management. Employee training is a specialized function & is one of the
fundamental operative functions for human resources management.
After an employee is selected, placed & introduced he or she must be provided with training
facilities. Training is the act of increasing the knowledge & skill of an employee for ding a
particular job. Dale S. Beach defines the training as the organized procedure by which
people learn knowledge & skill for a definite purpose. The training system in the banking
industry has a strong structural base.
However, in the past the training activities have been more ritualistic due to absence of a
strategic link between training & human resources development. Today, it is important that
the training function is made an effective organizational intervention by establishing a clear
policy of training & development within the framework of total human resource
development. The training establishments need to be actively involved in the total training
process starting from the identification of the training needs, evaluation of training
effectiveness & the benefits of training to the end users viz. the internal & external customers.
The need for training & development is determined by the employees performance
deficiency, computed as follows:
Training & Development Need = Standard Performance Actual Performance.
We can make a distinction among training, education & development. Training, as was
started earlier, refers to the process of imparting specific skills. Education, on the other hand,
is confined to theoretical learning in the classrooms.
Give a man a fish, & you give him meal. Teach man to fish, & you give him a livelihood.
This ancient Chinese proverb seems to describe the underlying rational of all raining &
development programs. No banking organization can long ignore the training & development
needs of its employees without seriously inhabiting the performance. Even the most careful
selection does not eliminate the needs for training, since people are not molded to
specifications & rarely meet the demands of their jobs adequately.
This HRM function deals with the overall development of the employees. This includes their
professional & well as their personal development. It is a part of HRM function to identify
opportunities for enhancing the skills of the resources. Promotion is regarded as one of the
ways of recognizing development undertaken by an employee. Development is also largely
dependent on training. Generally people think that training & development are one & the
same, but there are many differences between them.
Process of Recruitment:
Recruitment refers the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so as to build a pool
of qualifies applicants. This process comprises of five interrelated stages, viz,
a) Planning
b) Strategy development
c) Searching
d)Evaluation and control
The ideal recruitment process is the one which attracts relatively larger number of qualified
applicants who will survive the screening process and accept positions with the organization,
when offered to approach the ideal people, individuals responsible for recruitment process
must know how many types of employees are needed, where and how to look for individuals
with appropriate qualifications and interests, what inducements to use for various types of
applicants group, how to distinguish applicants who are unqualified from those who have a
reasonable chance of success, and how to evaluate their work.
Selection is defined as the process of differentiating applicants in order to identify and hire
those with a greater likelihood of success in a job. The objective of selection decision is
basically picking an applicant from a pool of applicants who has the appropriate
qualifications and competency to do the job. The selection procedure cannot be effective until
and unless-
Selection Process:
The selection process consists of the following steps:
1. Application form: Many companies formulate their own style of application form
depending upon the size and nature of business carried on, type and level of the job etc.
Information is generally required on the following items in the form: personal background,
educational attainments, work experience references etc.
2. Written test : Written test is conducted for the qualified candidates after they are screened
on the basis of application form to measure the candidates ability towards the job, his aptitude
reasoning, knowledge in various disciplines, English language etc.
3. Preliminary Interview: The next step that tag along the selection procedure is a preliminary
interview wherein the applications are scrutinized so as to eliminate unqualified applications.
Preliminary Interviews are short. This interview thus provides information about the
candidate related to the job or personal specifications.
4. Selection Test: After passing through the interview the next stage that applicant has to
prove himself on are the selection tests. There are different types of selection tests for
different levels of the organization and that too is further differentiated within different types
of organizations. Some of the most common and well-known tests that an applicant has to go
through are;
a) Aptitude test
b) Personality tests: This is common mostly for the higher levels of management are given to
measure a prospective employees motivation to function in a particular working
c) Internal test: To measure an individuals activity preferences.
d) Graphology Test: is an art wherein the individuals handwriting is seen and accordingly his
personality traits are derived by the way he writes.
e) Polygraph Test: Are designed to ensure accuracy of the information given in the
f) Medical Tests: Reveal physical fitness of the candidate.
g) Drug test: Help to ensure the presence of illegal or Performance- affecting drugs.
1. References and background checks: Many employer request names, address, and telephone
numbers or references for the purpose of verifying information and, perhaps, gaining
additional background information on an applicant.
2. Selection Decision: After collecting data from all the preceding steps, this is the most
crucial step in the entire selection process. The main difference between the preceding stages
and this is that former is used to short list the number of candidates and later one is to make a
final decision from the pool of individuals who pass the tests, interviews and reference
checks. The view of line manager will be generally considered in the final selection because
it is he/she who is responsible for the performance of the new employee. The HR manager
plays a crucial role in the final decision.
3. Physical Examination: After the selection decision and before the job offer is made, the
candidate is required to undergo a physical fitness test. The result of the medical fitness test is
recorded in a statement and is preserved in the personal records. The main objectives of this
test are as follows:
a) To detect if the individual carries any infectious diseases.
b) To determine whether an applicant is physically fit to perform the work.
c) It helps to determine if there are any physical capabilities which differentiate successful
and less successful employees.
d) Medical checkup protects applicants with health defects from undertaking work that could
be detrimental to them or might otherwise endanger the employers property.
e) Last, but not the least such examination will protect the employer from workers
compensation claims that are not valid because the injuries or illness was present when the
employee was hired.
1. Job offer: The next step is selection process is Job offer for those applicants who had
passed the previous stage. Job offer is made through a letter of appointment. Such a letter
usually contains the date by which the appointee must report on duty.
Appointee must be given a reasonable time for reporting because it may be quite possible that
the appointee is employed in some other company or must be residing in some other city and
for such other reasons. Company may also want the appointee to delay in joining the job
because the job may require undergoing some training program. Decency demands that
rejected applicant must be informed about their non-selection. These applicants data must be
used for future references.
2. Contract of employment: After the job offer is made and the candidates accept the offer,
certain documents need to be executed by the employer and the candidate. One such
document is Attestation form. This form contains vital details about the candidate, which are
authenticated and attested by him/her, which could be used for future reference. Another
document is contract of employment. This document contains the terms and conditions of
employment like designation, perks, term of job and so on. The information written in the
contract may vary according to the level of the job. The main drawback of the contract is that
it is difficult to enforce them.
3. Concluding the selection process: The selection process will not end with executing the
employment contract. The step is reassuring the candidates who have not been selected. Such
candidates must be told that they were not selected, not because of any serious deficiencies in
their personalities, but because their profiles did not match the requirements of the
4. Evaluation of selection process: The broad test if the effectiveness of the selection process
is the quality of the personnel is hired. An organization must have competent and committed
personnel. The selection process, if properly done, will ensure availability of such employees.
Audit must be conducted by the people who work independent of the HR department.
benefits. Thus, the significant performance of the executives forms basis for selecting them
by invitation.
State Bank of India is the largest and one of the oldest commercial bank in India, in existence
for more than 200 years. The bank provides a full range of corporate, commercial and retail
banking services in India. Indian central bank namely Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the
major shareholder of the bank with 59.7% stake. The bank Total is capitalized to the 359.237
billion with the public holding (other than promoters) at 40.3%. SBI has the largest branch
and ATM Network spread across every corner of India.
The bank has a branch network of over 15004 branches (including subsidiaries). including
157 foreign offices in 41 countries around the world making it The Largest Banking and
Financial Services Company in India, correspondent relationship with 520 International
banks in 123 countries. In recent past, SBI has acquired banks in Mauritius, Kenya and
Indonesia. The bank had total staff strength of 292,215 as on 31st January, 2013. Of this,
29.51% are officers, 45.19% clerical staff and the remaining 25.30% were sub-staff. The bank
is listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, National Stock Exchange, Kolkata Stock Exchange,
Chennai Stock Exchange and Ahmedabad Stock Exchange while its GDRs are listed on the
London Stock Exchange. SBI group accounts for around 25% of the total business of the
banking industry while it accounts for 35% of the total foreign exchange in India. With this
type of strong base, SBI has displayed a continued performance in the last few years in
scaling up its efficiency levels. Net Interest Income of the bank has witnessed a CAGR of
13.3% during the last five years. During the same period, net interest margin (NIM) of the
bank has gone up from as low as 2.9% in FY02 to 3.40% in FY06 and currently is at 3.32%.
Today, banks focus on designing programs and process and services to attract,
develop and retain top talent. Utilizing the latest technologies HR team has
launched sophisticated online systems that provide the employees with details on benefits,
compensation, special programs and internal job opportunities. As a global employee
population continues to grow, these cutting edge activities are increasingly important to the
deliver world-class HR solution.
The core function of HRD in the banking industry is to facilitate performance improvement,
measured not only in terms of financial indicators of operational efficiency, but also in terms
of the quality of financial services provided. Factors like skills, attitudes and knowledge of
the human capital play a crucial role in determining the competitiveness of the financial
sector. The quality of human resources indicates the ability of banks to deliver value to
customers. Capital and technology are replicable but not the human capital which needs to be
valued as a highly valuable resource for achieving that competitive edge. The primary
emphasis needs to be on integrating human resource management strategies with the business
strategy. HRM strategies include managing change, creating commitment, achieving
flexibility and improving teamwork. The other processes representing the overt aspects of
HRM are recruitment, placement and performance management.
KUMAR NIRMAL, Human resource management and industrial relations, Himalaya
Publishing House
DEBRA L NELSON, ET. AL, Organisational Behaviour, South-Western, 2001
STAINER, G., Manpower Planning, William Heinemann, 1971
HACON, R.J., Management Training: Aims and Methods, English University Press, 1961
EDWIN B. FLIPPO, Personnel Management, Sixth Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1984
FRANK, H.E., Human Resources Development: Psychology, Dorsey, New York, 1974