MS Parent Bulletin (Week of November 28 To December 2) .Compressed
MS Parent Bulletin (Week of November 28 To December 2) .Compressed
MS Parent Bulletin (Week of November 28 To December 2) .Compressed
Friday Bulletin
Service Learning
When both parents are going to be away
temporarily, It is important for them to notify
the Middle School Office in advance, stating
who will be responsible for the student and
who the school should contact in case of
emergency. Domestic helpers or emergency
contacts in Powerschool do not qualify as
guardians. For more information please contact the Middle school office.
[email protected]
If your child is interested in auditioning for the Association of Music in
International Schools (AMIS) Middle
School Honor Boys' and Girls' Choir
Festivals in Jakarta from 5-9 April,
please have them attend the following informational meeting and rehearsal in Ms. Grev's classroom
(1149): Thursday, December 1st, 3-4
pm. If s/he wishes to audition but is
unable to attend the meeting, please
have them stop by Ms. Grev's classroom to sign up for an audition slot
and to get the audition materials anytime after the meeting. Auditions will be
held on Tuesday, December 6th, 3-5 pm, and Thursday, December 8th, 3-5
pm. Please see below for further details about AMIS and the festivals.
Dear Parents,
The ISM Music Department is delighted to invite all grades 6, 7,
& 8 male and female singers to audition for the 2016-2017 Honor Choir Festivals in Jakarta, Indonesia! The festivals are hosted
by the Association of Music in International Schools (AMIS
pronounced like the French word for friends ah-mee). This
is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to participate with some of
the best young voices throughout Asia.
Postponed to a
later date.
The season practice schedule for MS/HS S2 sports is posted at link below for -Basketball/Tennis,/Rugby/Touch for
MS and Basketball/Tennis,/Rugby/Touch and Varsity
Swimming for HS. Schedules are also posted on notice
boards around school. S2 practice schedule Nov-Feb.
Housing requests for ATAC IASAS events- Thanks to all
our ISM host families that housed the tennis players last
weekend. ISM appreciates your support to open your
homes to our guest IASAS athletes. The exchange was
very successful and all teams and coaches had a great
time with us in Manila last weekend.
We are calling now for community support to host for
IASAS Basketball (Feb 1-5 need 100 beds- online basketball housing registration ) and for IASAS Badminton (April
5-9 need 80 beds- online badminton housing registration ) and for IASAS Golf (April 8 need 60 beds one night
only- online golf housing registration )
Online housing forms for these events are available as
listed and at IASAS housing and hosting tabs on ATAC
blog or under the helpful shortcuts on ATAC blog main
page. Should you require further information about
hosting for IASAS events go to or contact ATAC office or
email [email protected]
Well done to all players and coaches who attended the
pre-I exchanges last weekend in Taipei for Basketball,
Bangkok for Rugby, Singapore for Touch and Swimming
and here at ISM for Tennis. This has provided valuable
early season competition for our teams and has enabled
coaches to see what needs to be worked on for the remainder of the season in the lead up to IASAS the first
week of February.
Upcoming events- (full match schedule available ATAC
Game schedule)
Nov 25th Friday nights lights (Rugby/Basketball/
Touch) games from 4:15pm. Come on out to support
our teams at FNL #2.
Nov 26 Local league Basketball/Rugby/MS Tennis at
Nov 26 Local league Touch at BSM
Nov 26 Sailfish Aquathon MS field/pool 8-11AM. See
Coach Hazel for entry details.