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The document discusses various astrological concepts like the classification of signs, the significations and strengths of planets, determination of strength of signs etc.

The document classifies signs into watery signs, non-watery signs, human signs, quadruped signs and reptile signs.

The document mentions that the Sun, Moon and Jupiter signify the 1st, 4th and 9th bhava respectively while Mars signifies the 3rd and 6th bhava and Mercury signifies the 4th and 10th bhava etc.

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The art of prediction is undoubtedly the most difficult and intricate portion of Astrology and mastery in it can obtained
by constant study, methodical procedure, cool thinking and exercise of imagination. The student can acquire much
knowledge and experience, speedily enough, if he systematically follows the two processes analysis and synthesis. The
students should know that the rules given hereunder serve as guides but not enough as infallible dictums and that they
should cultivate their powers of judgment by intelligence and persevering study and interpretations.

No Horoscope can be perfect in all aspects. Varily mans lot in the life is not without some incongruencies of even
vicissitudes of some shape or other in a greater or lesser manner. Each planet disperses its own light from a certain
place in the heaven called sign and from certain angle with reference to the moment of birth (lagna) called house and
that light undergoes chemical changes before reaching us due to the distance of one planet from another called aspects.
The study of all these requires much care and intelligence if not patience and experience.

The strength and nature of each of the following form the main considerations in judging the effects of a house: the
sign, the planet, or planets by sign, the same by house, the same by Lordship of house. The Lord of that house the
Chief governor of the affair indicated by the house. The aspect to and between all these.

Bhavakarakas:Each of theBhavashas one or more karakas or significators who are permanent presidents. They are in
order (1) TheSun(2)Jupiter(3)Mars(4) TheMoonandMercury(5)Jupiter(6)SaturnandMars(7)Venus(8)Saturn(9)
TheSunandJupiter(10) TheSun,Mercury,JupiterandSaturn(11)Jupiterand (12)Saturn. TheSunhas three


portfolios, of the 1st , 9thand 10th. TheMoonandVenushave only one each viz. 4thand 7threspectively.Marshas two,
the 3rdand 6th,Mercuryto has two viz. 4thand 10th.Jupiterhas five andSaturnfour. From this it would be clear
thatJupiterandSaturnhold extra-ordinary positions in the life of beings.

Benefics in auspiciousBhavas those except the Dustanas, 6, 8, 12, enhance their good effects while in evil houses they
tone down their bad effects. Similarly malefics in good houses, spoil their good effects, except when they own such
houses, and enhance the bad effects, of the evil houses they are in. The important point is the karakas should not
occupy the particularBhavas. ThoughJupiterthe Karaka for fiveBhavas, 2,5,9,10 and 11, yet he ius bad only for the
5thBhavaviz.issue, if he is posited in thatBhava. For intellectual acumen etc. he must be good even there When we
want to know all about aBhava, consider that as the starting point i.e.Lagna and the next house there from as it is
house of wealth or family. If we want to know the all the details about a subject father we should take the 9thhouse as
the lagna and proceed further. The 9thhouse from this new Lagna would give an idea about the subjetcs paternal
grandfather. Similarly the 4thhouse in the case of the mother. This is not sufficient. The significator for father is
theSun. So to supplement the knowledge got through thebhavawe have to take theSunas the Lagna and proceed as
before. Even this will not give a correct and the whole picture. We should start again with the lord of the
particularBhavaas the Lagna and repeat the above process. If we put together the knowledge of all these we will have
a fairly accurate knowledge of theBhavaand its relations. The strength of theBhava, its Karaka and the lord, as well
as aspects etc. should be borne in mind while assessing the worth of aBhava. There are five kinds of relationship or
Sambandhaviz. (1) Exchange of positions between two planets or what is known as planets in mutual reception, (2)
Conjunction of the two, (3) Mutual aspect, (4) to be in mutual Kendras or quadrants, and (5) to be in mutual konas or
trines. This knowledge will help to ascertain if the lord and karaka of aBhavaare in good or bad relationship between
themselves. It is bad for the lord of aBhavato be posited in a Dusthana, 6,8,12, from thatBhava.

There are some more ideas about theBhava, their lord etc.: ABhavawill be capable of yielding its full effects if it is
aspected by or conjoined with benefics or its own lord, provided there is neither the aspect of, nor conjunction with
malefics. In this connection it is also necessary for all the concerned planets to be free from combustion, debilitation
and position in an inimical house. Secondly, aBhavais considered to bed strong and beneficent when the trines
(5thand 9th), 2nd , 4th, 7thand 10thhouses counted from thatBhavaare occupied by benefics or by the lord of theBhava,
and are unoccupied and unaspected by malefics. If malefics are in these positions, or if they aspect them, theBhavawill
be spoiled. Similarly if the lord of anyBhavais posited in the 8thhouse counted from the Lagna, then too the effects of
thatBhavawill be bad. Likewise if the lord of an evil house should occupy aBhava, the latter would suffer unless
aspected by a benefic. ABhavais also destroyed if theBhava, ots lord and its Karaka are all weak, are hemmed in
betwixt malefics, are aspected by or conjoined with malefics or enemies only and if malefics occupy the 4th,8thand
12thhouses or Konas counted from thatBhava. The possible time of destruction of anyBhavacan be found out thus:
Note the lord of the 8thhouse counted from theBhava, the lord of the 22nd decanate from thatBhavaand planets
posited in the 6th, 7thand 8thplaces counted also from theBhava. If these planets are weak, they may bring about the
destruction of theBhavaduring their Dasa periods. On the other hand the following planets will bring success and
prosperity in their dasas to theBhava: Malefics in the 3rd , 6th, and 11thhouses from it and benefics in its Kendras and
Konas, if these are strong, as well as those planets that are friendly to the lord of thatBhava, Similarly
thatBhavawherein the lord of the Lagna is posited will generally prosper. If theLagna Lord is conjoined with the lord
of anyBhava, the former will promote the effects of the latter house. If the lord of a house is weak and posited in an
evil house, the harm done to that house will be indescribable. On the other hand if the said lord is strong, the harm

will be meager. The presence of lagna lord in aBhava, if the lord were a malefic planet he would promote the effects of
thatBhava. There is a difficulty again here. A planet may own the Lagna and an evil house, 6th, 8thor 12th. For
instance,Marsis the lord of Aries Lagna as well as of the 8th; or lord of Scorpio-Lagna and of the 6th. In such cases he
should be considered as the lord of the Lagna alone, and not of the other too. The idea is that not much importance
could be attached to his ownership of the evil house. So the presence ofMarsin the 5thhouse viz. Leo or Pisces will
not harm to issue. If there is also benefic aspect onMars, the birth of a son will bemuch quicker. Suppose a planet
owns two houses, say 9thand 12, in the case of Aries Lagna andJupiter, then the effects of the planets Mulatrikona i.e.
Sagittarius, will be felt in full, where as those of the 12thviz. Pisces, which is only his Svaksetra (own house) will be only
half. In the Dasa of such a planet the effects of both theBhavaswill be felt in their order. In this caseJupiters Dasa
will give in the first half the effects of the 9thand in the latter half those of the 12 house. There is difference of opinion
among the authorities about this. They say that if the concerned planet is posited in an odd house, then it will first
produce the effects of the odd house and then of the even house, and vice versa. Similarly find out the the kind of
relationship, whether friend, intimate friend, enemy etc. that subsists between the lord of a particularBhavaand the
lord of the current Dasa. If the latter were the bitter foe of thatBhava, we may expect great harm coming to
thatBhavaduring that Dasa.

Good & Bad Aspects of planets overBhavas: The aspect plays a vital role when examining the influences over abhava.
Normally, There has been an opinion that the aspect of theJupiteris good and that ofMarsandSaturnare not good.
But, above all there still more important points are to be examined thoroughly.

1. Whether the aspecting planet is an auspiciousplanet?

2. The planet is a friendly planet or enemy one to the lord of the Ascendant.

3. The planet which aspects a sign is a friendly or enemy sign

4. The nature of the aspecting panet is favourable or not?

5. Whether the aspecting planet has enough strength or not?

If the aspecting is not an auspicious the reverse results will come out. Also if that happens to be in enemy place to the

lord of the ascendant satisfactory results cannot be achieved.Jupiterwhen stationed in scorpio sign aspects his own
house Pieces. Enemy sign Taurus and exalted sign Cancer. Very good results come from cancer and Piseces and
unfavourable results for Taurus.

Keeping in view all the above points it is also to be examined whether the planets stationed on either side of abhavaor
beneficial or malicious. This is called good or bad situation. If planets situated on both sides ofbhavaare auspicious,
than thebhavais fully
good. If not bad. That is to say if the inauspicious planets are situated on both sides, thebhavabecomes weak.

The aspects to a planet indicate the nature of assistance or hinderance that it receives. When there are no aspects to a
planet the matters governed by it will be isolated and un-influenced by others. Thus, if the Lord of the ascendant is unaspected, the native is also left to his own resources and receives little or no assistance from others.

General principles for Finance, Ranking Etc.: A planet in a favourable sign and in unfavourable house indicaes a well
developed characterstruggling in bad environment(Robson). When there is no planet in a house, consider its Lord and
also its aspect to the cuspal degree of the house and that degree as if it were a planet.

The Lord of the 1st house10this a powerful indication to raise the man to eminence and fame and gives him capacity
for self-earning. Since the Lord of the ascendant deserving primordial consideration is elevated in the 10th.

Benefics more elevated than the Malefics denote prosperity, general welfare, and good luck. (Aplanet in the 11th) is
more elevated than one in the 12th, the Most elevated planet shows generally thenature of profession and income
derived thereby.

Jupiter,Venus,SunMercuryandMoonin the 2ndhouse with benefic aspects from other planets are very potent factors
for making the man rich and giving much earning capacity. The nearer, they are to the 2ndcusp, the greater is the
wealth. The majority of the planets in movable signs and if in them are included. The Lords of 1st and 2ndgive decent
earnings in a short time. In fixed signs it is by a steady and slow process but gives the power to hoard up. In common
signs it is by partnerships, service or agencies but often denote lack of opportunity.

Planets in 4thhouse with good aspects and the Lord of the 4thhouse strong,give much maternal
property,SaturnandMarsin the 4thdenote much landed property only when strong.Jupitergives lands, palatial
buildings and gardens,Venusgives luxurious vehicles, artistic buildings and much contentment. The aspect of the Lord
of the 4thto the Lord of the 1st or to the ruling planets in the ascendants enable the natives to improve his property by
talents and virtues. When planets are strong in the 8th, Native inherits many legacies specially through his wife as the
8thdenotes the money of the wife. If in the 10th, he earns through independent exertion and personal merit, if in
11ththrough trade, money lending, friends and associations but indications are stronger when the Lord of 1st and
2ndare among those when in such positions. The mutual reception or in conjunction of the Lords of the 4thand 9thor
9thand 10thor 1st and 10thor the 1st and 9thor the 1st and 2nd, or the 2ndand the 11thtends to increase the earning
capacity and gives riches.

Conversely the 1st and 8thor 1st and 6thor 8thand 12thor 6thand 8thor 2ndand 6thtends to produced ill health,
enemies quarrels, unforeseen difficulties and increases debts expenditure far out-weighing the income. IfMercuryin
2ndhouse is strong it increases solid cash andJupiterall round property.Saturnadds caution, frugality and thrift but
gives dire want only if afflicted and weak. If strong,Saturnin 2ndis not harmful for material welfare as is commonly

Marsgives much competence for self-earning but inclines to free and lavish expenditure. The good aspects to the
second cusp are highly favourable for promoting material welfare. If the Lord is of the 1st aspects, money is got by ones
own merits, if by 11thby trade, if by investments, enterprise and speculation, if 9th, by foreign voyage, dealings and

A benefic aspect to the cusp of M.C is very powerful, almost quick to the position of the planet on M.C. good aspects
from benifics are stronger than those of malefics.

Fortune in an angle preferably in the superior ones or in the 2nd, in conjunction with or in good aspects with benefics is
a strong indication of great riches. Western Astrologers have attached much significance to it and have given many
examples of famous horoscopes to substantiate its inclusion in each judgement.

Conjuction of benefics with fortune has much significance while the aspects to do are secondary.

Fortune in conjunction with or in good aspect to the malefics promotes good luck and riches like benefics but such
planets should be well fortified or in good aspect to M.C. or its sign. The Lord should be strong.

The Lord of the sign containing fortune being strong by sign and aspects toSun,Moon,Jupiter,Venusmakes the man
rich. If fortune is in succeedent house with adverse rays from planets, the fortune that is probably obtained is not likely
to continue.

The Strength of the Lord ofBhava(Sixteen Divisions) The Aspects on theBhavaLord: While examining abhavasome
norms are to be observed. For instance, (1) thebhava, the lord of thebhava, thebhavasignifiator respective strength.
(2) Either the lord of thebhavaor thebhavasignificator had sufficient strength or not according to 16 divisions. (3) The
strength of the lord of thebhavais also an important factor, in the ascendant Aries, ifJupiteris stationed and the lord
of the house occupies an enemys place, though is strength attained to the ascendant on account ofJupiter, the person
acquires honours but he will not be independent. The independent status shall give signification. (4) If thebhavalord
possesses strength and has the aspects of friendly planets or inimical planets, the aspects of friendly planet gives support
to thatbhavaand the inimical planets do not.

Union of other Planets with the Lord of theBhava Its influence: Any planet withsungets combusted, Samagaa while
conjunction with theMoon, War withMars. The combusted planet even though have srength is of no use.

If united withMoonit is Samagama. With this conjunction the strength of the planet gets increased. Even withMarsit
is Planetary War. IfMarsand the presentbhavalord are equalMarsmoves forward the second planet is declared to
be defeated and this defeated planet cannot give good results to thebhava.

Conjunction between planets other than theSunit is regarded as union. If the united two planets happened to be
friends there is no problems, if not these planets reduce the strength thatbhavafor which they are representing.

Dwigraha Yogas(Combination of Two planets); If theSunconjoins with theMoon, the person will be skilled in
machinery and masonry; if withMarsfond of sinful deeds; if withMercury, skilful, intelligent, renowned and happy; if
withJupiter, he will be cruel and always doing others work; if withVenus, he will make money on stage and weapons;
a d if withSaturn, he will be skillful in working ores orearthenware.

TheMoonin conjunction withMarsmakes a man a counterfeit, a seller of women, wives and pots and doing mischief
to mother, theMoonwithmercurymakes a person polite in speech, clever in interpretation, popular and renowned;
theMoonwithJupitermakes a person successful against enemies, chief of that sect or family, capricious and wealthy;

theMoonwithVenusmakes a man skilful in weaving; and theMoonwithSaturnmakes a person the son of a second

WhenMarsjoinsMercurythe person will be a dealer in roots, etc., oils imitation articles and versed in
boxing.MarswithJupiterproduces a ruler of a city or Raja or a rich Brahmin.MarswithVenusproduces cowherds,
wrestler, skilful, fond of other women and gambler.MarswithSaturnmakes the man sorrowful, untruthful, and
disgraced or blamed.

WhenMercuryandJupiterjoin, they produce a man who figures constantly on the stage, whenMercuryjoins
withVenusthe man will be fond of music, dancing, eloquence and protection of lands and
assemblies.MercurywithSaturnmakes a man a cheat and disobedient.JupiterwithVenusproduces good education,
wife, wealth and men of many virtues.JupiterwithSaturnproduces barber, potter or cook.

VenuswithSaturngives a man small eyes, wealth from depending upon some females, artistic capacity, ordinary
writing and painting. Similarly results of combinations of more than two planets must be made out.

There is a general rule to the effect that Rahu produces effects similar to those ofSaturn, and Ketu similar to those
ofMars. In predicting the effects of Rahu and Ketu it is also necessary t note the planets in whole houses they are
posited as well as those whom they are conjoined. Generally these two planets become beneficial if they are posited in
Kendras or Konas and are connected (this connection is of five kinds viz. being in mutual reception or Parivarthana.
conjunction, aspect, mutual kendras positions and mutual Kona positions) with the lords of either. Their presence in
the house of benefics too is good.

When Mandi is associated with one or the other of the planets, different effects are produced. If Mandi is conjoined
with theSun, the native will murder his own father; with theMoon, he will give trouble to his mother; withMarshe
will lose his brother; withMercury, he will be a lunatic; withJupiterhe will be a heretic; withVenus, he will have
liaison with base women; withSaturnhe be leprous and short lived; with Rahu he will be afflicted with poisonous
disease; and lastly with Ketu he will have a fire accident. If the period of rising of Mandi coincides with the Tyajyakala
or Visaghati on the day in question, and if one is born at that time, the person born though a king will be reduced to
beggary. In the matter of effects Mandi is similar toSaturn. Mandi is the planet that has special capacity to bring
about death. But Mandi cannot be rejected out right as a perpetrator of bad things. At times he does good things also.
If the lord of the house occupied by Mandi is strong and posited in his exaltation, own or friendly house identical with
Kendra or Kona, the subject will be very handsome, owner of chariots, horses and elephants, very famous and ruler of
a vast kingdom. There are 8 more Upagrahas viz. Yamakantaka, Ardhaprahara, `Kala, Dhooma, Pata, Paridhi, IndraDhanus or Kodanda and Upaketu. Their position, nature and effects are explained below.

The upagras of the nine planets beginning with theSunare in order (1) Kala (2) Paridhi (3) Dhuma (4) Ardhaprahara
(5) Yamakantaka (6) Kodanda (7) Mandi or Gulika (8) Pata or Vyatipata and (9) Upaketu. The rising times of Kala
during daytime on weekdays are in order at the end of ghatis 2, 26, 22, 18, 14,10, and 6. Those of Yamakantaka are at
the end of ghatis 18, 14, 10, 6, 2, 26 and 22; Those of Ardha prahara, at the end of ghatis 14, 10, 6, 2, 26, 22 and 18.
Dhuma is got by adding 4signs-13 degrees-20seconds to thesuns longitude. Vyatipata is got by subtracting the figures
for Dhuma from 12 signs. Paridhi is obtained adding 6 signs to the figures for Vytipata. Kodanda is obtained by
subtracting Paridhi from 12 signs. Lastly Upaketu is got by adding 16 degrees-40 to Kodanda.

AUGUST 26, 2013



The secrets of predictive astrology are hidden in the divisional charts

(known asvargas). Any attempt to see a horoscope ignoring the
divisional charts may lead to grave mistakes in its interpretation and
analysis. At the same time it is difficult to clearly establish the
method of analysis ofvargasbecause of which many astrologers
either ignore them completely or glance through them halfheartedly.
It is precisely due to this that predicting through divisional charts

remains one of the greatest areas f research today.

The divisional charts are basically used to establish the strengths

and weakness of a planet. A planet is strong if posited in own or
exaltation signs invargas. Each divisional chart signifies a particular
signification or event of human life for which the chart must be
studied. These significations, the method of calculation and broad
principles of interpretation followed by the readymade tables.

Basic Chart (D- 1)The basic birth chart of a native which is also
called the Rashi chart is the 1st divisional chart termed as D 1. This
chart is seen to ascertain everything about the body, constitution and
health of the native. This is the foremost chart for predicting future
and is complete in itself. All other divisional charts only supplement
and can never supplant the birth chart.

Hora (D 2):This chart is studied for wealth and prosperity of the

native. Each sign of 30 degrees is divided into two parts called horas
of 15 degrees each. TheSunand theMoonare allotted the lordship of
these two divisions or horas. In odd signs theSunrules the 1st half
andMoonrules the 2ndhalf. In even signsMoonrules the 1st half and
theSunrules the 2ndhalf.

asMoon,VenusandSaturnare good in Mons hora.Mercuryis
effective in bothe the horas. In an odd signSuns hora is powerful
whereas in an even signMoons hora is powerful. There is another
viewpoint too. Benefic planets are considered good in even signs and
in the hora ofMoon. Whereas malefics give good results in odd signs
and in the hora ofSun. The effects of a hora are strongest when a
planet is placed in the first one third part of the hora, medium in the
second and nil in the third one third part of the hora.

Drekkana (D 3):This chart is seen for brothers and sisters (coborns) of the native and everything concerning co-borns. It is also
seen for happiness or otherwise which native may derive through coborns and family ties. It indicates the birth (and death) of brothers
and sisters. This chart also indicates the nature of death of the native
depending upon the nature of 22nddrekkana.

Each sign of 30degrees is divided into three parts of 10 degrees each.

Planets/lagna posited in the 1st drekkana falls in the sign itself. The
2nddrekkana falls in 5th from the sign and the 3rddrekkana falls in
9th from the sign under consideration where the planet is posited.

In movable signs planets posited in 1st drekkana, in fixed signs


planets posited in 2 drekkana aaaaaaaaaaand in common signs

planets posited in 3rddrekkana give good results. In analyzing this
chart one must see the strngth and position of 3rdlord of D-3
andMarsand Karaka for 3rdhouse, together with 3rdfromMars.

Chaturdhamssssssha (D-4):This divisional chart is also known as

Turyamsa or Padamsa. It is seen for fate, destiny or bhagya which is
the real prosperity. This chart therefore combines the role of fate in
achieving financial stability, movable and immovable assets and
liabilities. Each sign of

Each sign of 30 degrees is divided into 4 parts of 7degrees and 30

minutes each. Planets/Lagna posited in the first division or
chaturthamsha falls in the sign itself. Planets posited in the
2nddivision fall in 4th division from the sign. Planets posited in the
3rddivision fall in 7th from the sign and planets posited in the
4th division fall in 10th house from the sign where the planet is

4th house signifies property and conveyances the karaka

beingMarsandVenusrespectively. In analyzing this chart see the
4th house,
4th lord
4 fromMarsandVenusrespectively. The possibility of possessing

immovable property, vehicles and also the happiness, troubles or

litigations connected with these significations can be seen from this
divisional chart.

Panchamsha (D-5):This divisional chart reveals the spiritual

inclinations of the native. Any amount of happiness and prosperity is
not complete without the learning towards philosophy, religion and
compassion. This chart therefore, indicates the purvapunyas or
accumulated virtues of the past life capable of giving appropriate
results in the present life. This chart can also reveal suitable Deity
for propitiation and worship.
Each sign of 30 degrees is divided into 5 divisions of 6 degrees each.
In moveable signs the counting starts from the sign itself, in fixed
signs count from 5th and in common signs count from 9th house
where the planet/Lagna is posited. This is commonly used used
method of casting Panchamsha.

Shashtamssha (D-6):This divisional chart is related to the 6th house

of the birth horoscope and indicates health, proneness to disease,
debts, disputes etc. In astrological counseling fear of disease is to be
removed from the mind of a consultor. This chart may also be used
to suggest remedial or propitiation. This measures for which further
researches are required.

Each sign of 30 degrees is divided into 6 divisions of 5 degrees each.

In odd signs the counting starts from Aries and in the even signs the
counting starts from Libra.

Saptamsha (D-7):This chart is seen for children and grandchildren,

their possibility, well-being etc. Each sign of 30 is divided into 7
parts of 4 degrees 17 minutes and 8 seconds. Each. In odd signs
counting starts from 7th from the sign where planet or Lagna falls.

It is very interesting divisional chart which reveals a wealth of

information with regard to progeny. However it is also held by some
astrologers that in female charts it signifies the husbands wellbeing and prosperity. It is also believed that with regard to progeny
better results are obtained from female charts than from male

Ashtamsha (D-8):This divisional chart is seen for longevity or the

anticipated life span of the native. Each sign of 30 degrees is divided
into 8 equal divisions of 3 degrees and 45 minutes each. In moveable
signs counting starts from Aries, in fixed signs from Saggitarius and
in dual signs from Leo.

Navamsha (D-9):It is the most important divisional chart and is

rightly considered to be the supplementary birth chart. Normally
predictions. Are not ventured without Navamsha chart. It reveals the
strength or weakness of the planet and the periods of stresses or
strains in life. This chart is basically seen for married life, partner,
temperament, disposition, character of the spouse, happiness and
miseries in married life.

In this chart each sign of 30 degrees is divided into 9 parts of 3

degrees and 20 minutes each. One of the peculiarities of Hindu
astrology is the use of nakshatras or constellations. There are 27
nakshatra each having 4 parts or padas or parts. Thus there are 27
multiplied by 4 = 108 nakshatra padas. Dividing the 360 degrees by
108 we get each nakshatra pada to have a longitude of 3 degrees 20
minutes each, which coincides with each navamsha division of
3degreeand 20 minutes.

For a planet/Lagna posited in a moveable sign counting starts from

the sign itself, in fixed sign counting starts from 9th and in dual sign
counting starts from 5th from where the planet is posited. Planets in
the first Navamsha division in moveable signs, 5th division in fixed
signs and 9th division in dual signs are Vargottama, which means
occupying the same sign in the birth chart as well as Navasha chart.

Dashamsha (D-10):This chart is very important in judging the

professional achievements, career, trends of destiny, honour and
success in life. Results of ones personal efforts in the form of
promotions or demotions in profession or career, periods of
professional stress, change of job etc. are all seen from this chart. In
the present age of cut-throat competition this chart assumes greater
signification in counseling through predictions. It indicates those
areas where good fortune resides and where energies may be
channelised for optimum results. D-120 chart also indicates the
income earned due to natives own efforts.

Each sign of 30 degrees is divided into 10 divisions of 3 degrees each.

In odd signs counting starts from the sign itself where the
planet/Lagna is posited. In even signs however, counting starts from
9th house from the sign under consideration, where planet is posited
in the birth chart.

Ekadashamsha (D-11):This divisional chart is also known as

Rudramsha or Labhamsha. In contrast to the D-10 chart which
shows earned income of the native, D-11 chart indicates the
unearned wealth for which no effort is required this chart therefore
is very important in judging the financial stability of a person mainly
through inheritance, legacies, speculation, gambling etc.

Each sign of 30 degrees is divided into 11 equal parts of 2 degrees 43

38.1 each. In all the signs counting starts from Aries and proceed in
the reverse order with the result that Taurus gets eliminated.

Dwadashamsha (12):This divisional chart is seen for matters relating

to parents. To differentiate between mother and father, respective
karakas may be considered in the chart. This chart is also said to be
useful in dealing with higher consciousness and provides a link
between the past and future lives.

Each sign of 30 degrees is divided into 12 parts of 2 degrees 30 each.

The counting is cyclic and starts from the sign itself where planet or
Lagna is posited.

Shodashamsha (D-16):This chart is also known as Kalamsha. It

deals with conveyances and general happiness. Some astrologers
suggest that it indicates sisters also but there seems to be no
references in this regard. This chart can also be used in seeing
matters relating to vehicles and also death due to vehicular

Each sign of 30 degrees is divided into 16 parts of 1 degree 5230

each. As per Maharshi Parashara in his Brihat Parashara Hora

Shastra, in moveable signs counting starts from Aries, in fixed sign
from Leo, and in dual sign from saggitarius.

Vimshamsha (D-20):This chartis seen for worship or Oupasana and

for the blessings the native may derive from this worship. This chart
also reveals about meditation, Spiritual inclinations and religious
activities. Each sign of 30 degrees is divided into 20 parts of 1 degree
30 each. For a planet posited in a moveable sign counting starts
from Aries, in fixed sign from Saggitarius and in dual sign from Leo.

Chaturvimshamsha(D-24): This divisional chart is also known as

Siddhamsha and is seen for education, learning and academic
achievements etc. Each sign of 30 degrees is divided into 24 parts of 1
degree 15 each. In odd signs counting starts from Leo and in even
signs counting starts from Cancer and move in the same order even
after completing the first cycle of zodiac.

Saptavimshamsha (D-27):This chart is also known as Bhamsha or

Nakshatramsha and is seen for ones general strength s and
weaknesses. Even physical strength, stamina and endurance of the
body is seen from this chart. Each sign of 30 degrees is divided in to
27 parts of 1 degree 640 each. For planets posited in fiery signs
counting starts from Aries, for posited inearthy signs from Cancer,

for airy signs from Libra and for watery signs from Capricorn. The
counting is cyclic and continuous.

Trimshamsha (D-30):This chart is seen for miseries and happiness.

Also evils called arishta which means general inauspiciousness. It is
also said to be seen for the character of the native. Each sign of 30
degrees is divided into 30 parts of 1 degree each. In odd
signsMars,Saturn,Jupiter,MercuryandVenusrule 5, 5,8,7 and 5
degrees successively. In even signs reverse of the above holds good.
A planet posited in odd sign in the birth chart will continue to be
placed in odd sign of the Trimshamsha ruled by the planet. Similarly
planet in even sign will continue to remain in even sign as above.

Chatvarimshamsha and is seen for studying the auspicious and
inauspicious effects of horoscope on the native. Each sign of 30
degrees is divided into 40 parts of 0.45 each. For odd signs counting
starts from Aries and for even signs from Libra.

Akshvedamsha (D-45):This chart is seen for character and conduct of

the native and also for general auspicious and inauspicious effects.
Each sign of 30 degrees is divided into 45 parts of 0 degrees 40 each.
Counting starts from Aries in moveable in moveable signs, from Leo
in fixed signs and from Saggitarius in dual signs.

Shashtiamsha (D-60):This chart is again seen for general auspicious
and inauspicious indications. Each sign of 30 degrees is divided into
60 parts of 0 degrees 30 each. Ignore the sign position of a planet,
Multiply the degrees by two ignore the minutes and divide the
completed degrees by 12 Add one to the remainder. The resultant
figure may be counted from the sign where planet is posited.

AUGUST 26, 2013

AUGUST 25, 2013


Characteristics of Risingsigns

Aries:The person born under Aries ascendant are of middle stature, possess a lean and muscular body, neither stout
nor thick. Their complexion is rough and they have a long neck and face. They have bushy eye- brows and also have a
sharp sight. These natives will be active and ambitious. They are bold and impulsive. The natives (if there are good
influences as sign) become confident, courageous, enterprising with high aims and also liberal. If there is bad influence,
native might be rash and aggressive.
The natives of Aries ascendant desire to be at the head of all affairs and they are inclined to act according to their own
judgement. They act with self- confidence. They have much executive ability and also uncompromising spirit. As Aries
is a movable sign, the natives are capable of making changes quite often. As it is fiery sign, they are aggressive and their
desire is always to implement their ideal quickly. They are over optimistic and they like and they like to take up new
ventures before they have finished those are which is in hand. They may not be capable of amassing wealth. They
shine in professions of martial nature like police or army. The Aries people can become good surgeons, chemists law
officers, mechanics, engineers, wrestlers.
Taurus:The natives of Taurus ascendant people will have medium stature and plump body. They possess broad
forehead, thick and stout neck. Their eyes are bright. They have dark hair and fair complexion. The natives are well
built with big shoulders and muscles.
They have great endurance patience. But, some times, they become angry and vicious like a Bull. They are slow and
steady, plotting and perservering patient and persistent.
Persons born under Taurus ascendant are conservatives. They do not waste their energy. They have a strong will. They
wait for the opportunity to come and then take full advantage of it. If the ascendant is badly influenced they become
lazy and self-indulgent. The Taurus people are good food, they are very much after money and physical possessions.
They are ambitious and cheerful, fond of enjoyment. They never take risks in money matters. They may take up trade
of luxury goods, cosmetics, scents, jewellery and gems. They can also become agriculturists, and farmers, actors,
musicians, film producers. Their domestic life is stable and happy. They are generally attached to their native place.
Gemini:The Gemini natives are tall upright and have a straight body, the hands are long, moderate complexion, fair
or dark, their eyes look sharp and active, nose is long. The natives live mostly in the mind. They are carefree and
joyous. Their mind is positive, sharp and strong. They are versatile, restless.

The natives are inclined to be good readers and are fond of writing. They have the capacity to adapt themselves to any
circumstances. They travel frequently. They are of two minds and they may not be able to take decisions quickly. They
are able to follow more than one occupation at a time. They are intellects. They can understand, analise and quickly
grasp things. They have good grasping power and reproduction ability. They are curious to know new things.They can
become good research scholars, editors, journalists, businessmen, travelers, accountants, lecturers, solicitors, professors,
businessmen, secretaries, personal assistants, brokers, mathematicians, advertisers.
Cancer: The natives of this ascendant have a heavy body, slender limbs and powerful nails. The upper portion of their
body is generally large. In the later age they get pot bellied. Teeth structure. Their imaginations are fertile, but, they
are often emotional and over-sensitive and also sympathetic. They are timid at one time and courageous at other time.
They are generally successful and are able to achieve honours and wealth. They get angry suddenly, but their anger
disappears soon. They have good memory.
These people are fond of home and family comforts. They prosper in the later part of their life. They are fond of
traveling and steadfast in their life. They love money and like to hoard money. Many of them are of a miserly nature.
They can preview the future in dreams.
Leo:The people born under this lagna has well developed bones and broad forehead and of moderate stature, well
built and muscular. Their appearance will be dignified and commanding.
The natives are generally noble, broad- minded and generous, helpful to the mankind. They become head of an
organization or they may attain high position. They are kind and royal.
The natives of Leo, do not talk much and they are fair in their views. They also deal with others in the same manner.
They get honours and respect. They may be obstinate and firm in their thinking and attitude. They have splendid
constitution. They win over their enemies. They do have interest in music and poetry. They follow their superiors.
They may command their neighbours. They feel their work as work is worship. They never give importance for rest.
They can find solutions even for typical problems. They spend money for others sake. They like rich people may like.
Virgo:The natives of Virgo are tall with slender body. Their eyebrows are curved with hair growth. Their voice is often
thin and some times even shrill. They walk quickly and they often appear younger than their actual age. They like
quick changes. They desire to save money. They have sound commercial instinct and also they want to grow to rich
The natives of Virgo never care the problems of others. They never feel shy. They take care very much in their works.
They think twice before take up any work. They search mistakes in others. They follow their officials, the professions
most suited to them are auditor, doctor, journalist, teacher, commercial agent, accountants, lawyer, statistician etc.,
They do remarkable works. They like to be humorous. They may have a great friend circle. They follow social
Libra:The people born under Libra ascendant grow tall with age and have a well-proportioned body. The limbs are
slender and strong. The appearance of these natives in graceful and attractive and they get bold in adult age. The nose
will be like a parrot.
They weigh the merits and demerits of a subject and then only express their opinions and hence they may take little
time to come to a conclusion in any matters. They are no doubt and gentle. They love happy life and they want peace.

The natives are intellectual. They have fertile imagination, correct intuition and pleasant nature.
The natives of Libra ascendant want peace always. If they lose their temper, they soon subside. They like changes in
their life and environment. They lean more to the spiritual side. They respect elders. Innovative mentality will be there.
They never expect others wealth. They die for respect and honour. Some times these natives are rich and some times
poor. They can compare any things and they can well remember the materialistic as well as philosophical matters.
They honour their promises. They have time sense. These natives are most suited for law and they can also become
good actors, musicians, architects and story- writers. They may not introduce themselves. They may face teething
problems in any works but, once they start they can maintain in excellent manner. They like peace.
Scorpio:Scorpio ascendant people have well-proportioned body. Hands are generally long. The stature is above
average, face is broad with commanding appearance. They may have curled hair and in general they may have a good
These people have imaginary power, and imitation tactice. They dual mentality such as some times they are very brave
and some times they fear to any thing. They have very much concentration at some times and very fickle mind at often
times. They get angry quickly. They are stubborn in their attitude.
These people have a very harsh tongue. They are selfish in the core. They do not hesitate in passing sarcastic remarks.
They are revengeful. They wait for opportunity for the whole of their life. They take pleasure in criticizing others to
prove their superiority. They may shine if they go to the fields of chemistry, medicine, surgery, army, police, naval etc.
They can become successful detectives. They never care others if they deviate. They may have interest about women.
They do social work in a secret manner. They will adjust to any type of cultures.
Sagittarius: The natives of Sagittarius ascendant have a well-developed and proportioned body. In general they are tall
with large forehead, high busy eye-brows, long nose, bright eyes, graceful look, fair complexion and attractive figure.
The natives unable to take quick decisions. They are bold, courageous, pushful, greedy and may have high aspirations.
They have self- confidence. They have broad mind, confidence. They are truthful and spiritual.
They are always busy with work. Without proper reason they never believe anything. They struck to their principles.
The natives are god fearing and love only truths. They will be considering the pros and cons of the problems. They
have good command in spiritual, philosophical, music, academic fields. They can listen more. They love their wife.
They have helpful nature. They speak truth only. They do not like show. They are target-oriented persons. They wait
for their turn. They are very active till their end. They face any number of problems for their targets. They furnish their
own persons if they do mistakes. They never expect any thing in social service. They do not care materialistic
happiness. They do not hide anything in their heart. They speak openly.
Capricorn:The natives of the Capricorn ascendant are round-faced and weak. They grow slowly. Their body will not
be plump muscular but slender. They have rough hair. These may be changes after the age of sixteen years. They are
economical, prudent, reasonable, thoughtful, selfish minded greedy, miserly and may ever becomes criminals. They can
think deeply.
They work hard. They procure good faith in the society they will be honest, sincere and reliable. They never be idle
with bad influences on Ascendant the natives will become lazy and pessimist to the extreme. They are conservative in
nature. They do not care difficulties. They complete their work to a successful conclusion. They work for their own

benefits. Without it they never take up any work. They will cross the rules for their benefits. They can speak for hours
together. They have good memory power. They can catch even minute things even secrets.
Aquarius:The natives of Aquarius are tall with full stature. They are very strong. Complexion is fair and their
appearance will be handsome.
They are intelligent, good character readers. They act after very carefully considering the pros and cons of the situation.
They have good patience. They are active.
They have a broad out look and human understanding. They are unselfish. They like loneliness. They move in a select
society. They are reserved in nature and are moralists. They have wonderful intuitional capacity. They stick to their
principles. They are inclined towards learning psychic subjects. They like to go deep meditation. They help others.
They honour others sentiments. They never initiate any conversation. They wait for luck. They never change their
attitude. They will develop in the fields of government service, commercial institutes, engineering and in research
wings. They search for new things. They try to club materialistic and philosophical sciences. They face any type
problems to reach their goals.
Pisces:They are generally short in stature but, they are plumpy with short hands and feet. They have widened eyes.
They are honest, humane and helpful. They are by nature philosophical, restless full of imagination and fond of
romantic life.
The natives always have forget and forgive spirit. They do poetry. They can be good writers. They never waste time.
They can not lead thin life in peace. They are helpful. They are very happy when they spend money to help others and
as charitable causes. They are not steady. They may easily change from one profession to another. They can be good
occultists. They can succeed in import and export business. They are in general happy. They like peaceful life.

Spirits in Stones
AUGUST 25, 2013

Spirits in Stones


-A derived work based on Article from news paper The Hindu

A celestial shield. Indian mythology the origin of gems to the slayaing of the demon Bala, Gems, it is believed, were
born from the various parts of his dismembered body. Diamondfrom the bones,pearlfrom the teeth, rubyfrom the
blood,emeraldfrom the bile, andsapphirefrom the eye
But the more rational Brhat Samhita credits the many varieties of gems to the inherent nature of the earth. This
inherent power is attributed to the fact that metals and precious stones usually lie with their first seeds deep down in
the earth and require continuous moisture and a mild heat. This they obtain through a reflection of the sun and the
other stars in the manifold movement of the heavens. Therefore, also the metals and precious stones are nearest related
to the planets and the stars, since these influence them most potently and produce their peculiar qualities.
It is commonly believed that since gold and gemstones are products of nature, they are imbued with the power to cure
diseases and counteract the effect of planetary influences. By combining the inherent symbolism of gold with the potent

power of gems, ornaments became powerful instruments, capable of combating the unknown. From time immemorial,
Indians believed that gems are invested with the ability to direct mans destiny and character. Gazing with awe at their
fathomless depths, humans have been alternately wonder-struck and apprehensive, associating the potent qualities of
gems with the power to control destiny.
Individually gems were endowed with intrinsic powers. Of all the gemstones, the sapphire was the most powerful. As a
symbol of purity and chastity, the talismanic qualities of the sapphire, in the Hindu sphere of thought, were closely
allied to its association withSaturnthe planet of darkness and turbulence. In India, the sapphire has always been worn
with tremendous caution, and only after due consultation with an astrologer, who has determined the suitability of the
powerful gem by taking into account the planetary configurations in the natal chart of the wearer, the size of the stone
and its qualityCoral,for example, was believed to have a beneficial effect on those affected by the
planetMars(Mangal) in their horoscopes. Stones were believed to even change colour, indicating impending disaster or
bad luck. Worn close to the body, in settings which ensure that the back of the stone was in contact with the wearers
skin, the stone responded to subtle changes in body temperature. The stone thereby acted as a kind of thermometer
monitoring and indicating physical health.
If individual gems were powerful, used, in combination they became cogent entities. Hindu astrological treatises
identify seven planets and the ascending and descending nodes of the moon. To each of these is assigned a specific
deity who works in conjunction with the planets to keep the universe in a state of perfect harmony, and whose working
therefore has a direct effect on human life.
Ornaments fashioned in accordant with the nine gem (navaratna) organization became powerful objects in their own
right, and a symbiotic relationship was instituted between man, the planets and their reigning deities. Ceasing to be
mere ornaments, such jewels functioned as mediums between human and Divine, the known and the unknown.
In the Indian sphere of thought, the planets and their nine ruling gems are identified as follows:
Sapphire (nila); ascending node =Zircon(gomedagam); descending node =Cats eye(Vaiduryam); Navaratna jewels
were commonly made in the form of rings, pendants, bangles and even necklaces. Ancient texts provide detailed
instructions on the arrangement of the nine gemstones. Placement of the stones was equally important, and followed a
prescribed code laid down in theNavaratnaSastra.It was believed efficacious to place the gem associated with the deity
within the area of his terrestrial control.
Healing Powers:
Precious stones were also used for their medicinal and therapeutic properties, both as a prophylactic properties, as well
as medicine in the treatment of illnesses. In India, practitioners of traditional medicine believe that disease can be cured
by wearing precious stones, by prayer and if all else fails, by medicine, in that order.
Ayurveda,a branch of ancient Indian life, science, makes extensive use of gem and gold therapy. The healing powers
pf metals and precious stones are activated in a variety of ways. The gem is placed on the afflicted area or worn in such
a manner that it is in contact with the body or so that light can pass through the stone to the persons body. Water
stored, overnight in vessels made of gold, silver or copper is believed to have curative and prophylactic powers.
Ancient texts even talk of stones being powdered and consumed to effect an immediate And lasting cure. Pearls were

powdered and eaten as a calcium supplement. It is common practice in South India to place a gold chain around the
neck of a person afflicted with typhoid, jaundice or mumps. The gold is believed to draw out the virus in the system,
facilitating an early recovery. Some times, the mere presence of a particular gem in the home, or in close proximity to
the ill person, is believed to effect a cure.

AUGUST 25, 2013



Apparentsolar dayisfromone midnight to the next. i.e.from 00;00 hours to 24;00 hours. It is longer than the
sidereal day by about 4 minutes.
In Hindu system the apparent solar day is the period of one sunrise to the next and is called asavanna day.
The average of all the days in a year is called meansolar day. Its duration is 24 hours inmeansolar time.
A complete rotation of the Earth on its axis with reference to a fixed star is known as sidereal day. Its duration
is 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4.91 seconds in mean solar time. It is also called a daymean solar day.
In Hindu system a sidereal day is called a nakshatra day and is the time taken from one risig of a nakshatra to
its next rising.

Lunar day is also called a tithi. It is a an important concept in Hindu astrology. When Moon gains 12 degrees
over that of the Suns longitude, one tithi is completed. There are 30 tithies in a linar month , 1 to 15 in each of
the shukla and Krishna pakshas. The mean duration of a tithi is23 hours 37 minutes and 28.096 seconds.The
tithi is determined at sunrise. Whenever between one sunrise and the next, three tithies occur, there is akshay
tithior cancellation of the tithi. If one tithi continues for two successive sunrise times, it is called anadhikorextra


A solar month is determined on the suns entry into a sign or rashi. In the Hindu system there are different
rules of determining the beginning of a solar month i.e., the sunrise rule, the sunset rule and the midnight rule
etc. In the western astrologyit is calculated on the solar ingress into a sign in sayana system. Where as in hindu
astrology it is calculated on the solar ingress into rashi in nirayana and is called sankranti.In the present times
there is a difference of about 23 days between the two due to ayanansha.
A lunar month has two pakshas called the shukla paksha and the Krishna paksha each having 15 tithis. In
shukla paksha (the bright half) tithes are from 1 to 15 . The 15thtithi is called purnima or the full moon. In
Krishna paksha ( the dark half) tithies are again from 1 to 15. The 15thtithi here is called amavasya or the New
Moon. Two types of lunar months are followed.
The New Moon ending lunar month covering the period from one New Moon to the next. It is called Shukladi
or Amantha (derived from amavsya + anta). It is followed in Gujarat Maharastra and Andhra Pradesh.etc.
The Full Moon ending lunar month covering the period from one Full Moon to the next. It is called Krishnadi
or purnimanta (derived from purnima+anta) It is followed in Madhya Pradeshj, Uttarpradesh, Bihar, Punjab,
Delhi, and Rajastan etc.

The length of the lunar month is 29 days, 44 minutes, 2.9 seconds. For examp-le is there is chitra nakshatra on full
moon, the month is called chaitra and so on. The names of the Vedic months are prevalent during the vedic times and
the present. Hindu months are as follows

Vedic Month-Hindu Month


Hindu Month



1. Madhu Chaitra

7. Isha



8. Urja


3. Shukra Jyesta

9. Seha


4. Shuchi Ashadha



5. Nabha

11. Tapa Magha



6. Nabhas Bhadrapada



The period taken by the Moon to move from Asvini to Revati Nakshatra or in other words the period it takes to
traverse all the 27 Nakshatras once, is called theNakshatra Month.
The period of 30 Savana days is called oneSavana Month.
The time taken by the Moon to move from one perigee to the next is calledAnomalistic Month.Its duration is
When the Moon moves from one ascending node to the next ascending node (can also be from one descending
node to the next) the period is known as aNodical Month.Its duration is equivalent to 27 days, 5 hours, 5
minutes, 35.9 seconds. It is slightly smaller than the sidereal month because the Rahu has also moved
backwards during this period. Nodical month is also called draconic month because it was believed that the
dragon +swallows the Moon and the Sun, to cause eclipses.
The time taken by the Moon to rotate once around the Earth with respect to a background star is known as
thesidereal month. Its duration is 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 11.6 seconds.
TheSynodic Monthis the time interval between the two successive similar positions between the Sun, the
Moon and the Earth. It is also called lunation and the present duration of mean synodic month is 29 days, 12
hours, 44 minutes 2.9 seconds.
The duration of time between two successive passages of the Moon through the vernal equinox is called
atropical month.The present duration of tropical month is 27 days, 7 hours, 43 minutes, 4.7 seconds.

The period taken by the Earth to make a revolution once in its orbit with reference to a fixed back ground star
is known as asidereal year.The duration of a sidereal year is 365 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 9.8 seconds.
The period taken by the Sun from one vernal equinox to the next vernal equinox is known as atropical
year.The duration of a tropical year is 365 days 5 hours, 48 minutes, 45.2 seconds.
The mean interval between two successive perihelions of the earth is known asAnomalistic year.
The period when the Sun travels from beginning of Aries to end of Pisces is called theSolar year.
Svana yearis the period containing 360 days of 12 calendar months consisting of 30 days each.
It is the year containing 27 Nakshatras having duration of 27 x 12 = 324 mean solar days is called aNakshatra
A lunar month is from 1st tithi of shuklapaksha to amavasya. Such 12 Lunar months denote alunar
year.Similarly the 12 lunar months starting from 1st tithi of Krishna paksha to purnima is also a lunar year.
Lunar year begins from Chaitra shukla pratipada or the first tithi in shukla paksha of the chaitra month. The
duration of a lunar year is 29.53 x 12 = 354.37 days approximately.
`It is system of combination of solar year and lunar months. The duration of a lunar year is about 354.37 days
which is eleven days less than the normal solar year. A true calendar therefore becomes out of step with seasons
and is therefore replaced by aluni-solar yearin which every 3rdor 4thyear there are 13 lunar months. Thus a
leap month is added.
A lunar month which is devoid of any sankranti is known as adhik maas. Thus in whichever solar month two
amavasyas occur, there will be two lunar months of the same name. This is based on the nakshatra in which the moon
is placed on the day of pornima or full moon . This leads to 13 lunar months in a year or what is called as adhik maas
or one additional month. As we have seen that in a lunar year of 12 months there are 354 days, to adjust the number of
days with the solar year the concept of adhik maas and kshay maas comes into picture. A lunar month in which two
sanskrantis occur is known as kshay maas.
AJovian yearis also known as the Brihaspatya varsha or the year based on the planet Jupiter. It is the period in
which Jupiter stays in one sign.
Julian yearwas introduced by Julius Ceaser in 46 B.c. and was modified under Augustus. In this an ordinary
year has 365 days and every fourth year has 366 days. This year was 11 minutes and 10 seconds longer and
errors had accumulated. It was superseded by the Gregorian year.
Gregorian yearThe modified system in which the errors of Julian year were removed. It was introduced Gregory
XIII in 1582 and is now in use throughout the world. It was adopted by Great Britain in 1752 by suppressing

11 days of accumulated error of the Julian year

A few of the other calendar Years{Other Eras}prevalent in India are:

Era Year in 2006 From Christian Era Begins

1. Shaka {National} 1928 -78 years Solar ingress in sayana Aries

2. // {Lunar } 1928 -78 years Chaitra shukla pratipada
3. // {Solar } 1928 -78 years Solar ingress in nirayana Aries
4.Vikrami{Solar } 2063 +57 years Solar ingress in nirayana Aries
5. // {Chaitradi} 2063 +57 years Chaitra shukla pratipada
6. // {Kartikadi} 2063 +57 years Kartika shukla pratipada
7. *Islamic {Hejira} 1427 -579 years Moharram 1st
8.Budha Nirvana Era 2550 +544 years Vaishakha shukla Purnima
9.Mahavira Nirvana Era 2533 +527 years Kartika shukla pratipada


There are two ayanas. The first ayana isUttarayanawhen the Sun starts its northernly course at winter solstices from
the Tropic of Capricorn. The second ayana isDakshinayanawhen the sun starts its southerly course at summer solstice
from the Tropic of Cancer. The period when the Sun is transiting the signs of Capricorn to Gemini is known as the
period of Uttarayana Sun. The period in which the Sun is transiting the signs of cancer to Sagittarius is known as
dakshinayana Sun. The Hindu seasons called ritus are also related to the ayanas. The ritus of shishir (winter ), Vasant
(spring), and grishma (summer), occur during Uttarayana. This period is also called the day of Gods. The remaining
three ritus of Varsha (rains), Sharad (autumn) and Hemanth (winter) occur during dakshinayana. This period is also
called the night of Gods. As per Hindu astrology Uttarayana is considered very auspicious for performing shodas
sanskaras or the 16 rituals or ceremonies.


Almanac explains the Five organs of timeTithi, Vara(weak day), Nakshatra(star), Yoga(Combined resultof Sun and Moon
locations), and Karana(Half of a Tithi).The five items mainly depend upon the transits of the Sun and the Moon.

Tithi:Tithi is the name to various angles formed by Sun and Moon . When Sun and Moon are together at the same
degree it is called New Moon or Amavasya. As Moon moves away from the Sun at each 12 degrees difference a new
tithi is formed to put it mathematically
Tithi = (Moons Longitude Suns Longitude.)
In all there are 30 tithis. Fifteen of the bright half i.e. shukla paksha when Moon moves away from the Sun and fifteen
in the dark half (Krishna Paksha) When Moon moves towards the Sun.

Classification of Tithis: Tithis are classified in to five groups. 1) Nanda tithies ;1st , 6th,11th, tithes of bright and dark
half. 2) Bhadra: 2nd, 7th, 12thtithes of bright & dark half. 3) Jaya:3rd, 8th, 13th, tithes of bright & dark half. 4) Rikta: 4th,
9th, 14thtithi of bright & dark half.. 5)Poorna: 5th, 10th, 15th, tithis of bright &dark half. Rikta tithis are in general
considered inauspicious.
If a tithi starts sunrise and ends before next sunrise it is called loss of a tithi or tithi kshaya and is to be avoided in all

good elections. Tithis kshaya means a particular tithi which was not prevailing at the time of sunrise.
If a tithi prevails at two sunrise times or in other words if a tithi starts before one sunrise and ends after sunrise on next
day it is called tithi vriddhi and it is also be avoided in all good elections.
The ending one ghati ( 24 minutes) of porna tithis (5,10,15,30) and starting one ghati (24 minutes) of Nanda tithis
(1,6,11) are called junction points or tithi Gandantas and should be avoided in all good elections.
Krishna Ashtami (8thtithi of dark half) Chaturdashi, amavashya, poornima and tithi prevailing on Sankranti day are
called parva tithis and should be avoided for auspicious elections.
4thtithi if dark half and 7/ 8/ 9/ 13/ 14/ 15/ 30/ 1/ tithis of both dark and bright half are called Galgraha tithis and
are specially avoided in Upanayana and educational Muhurtas.

Vara (Week-day):The week-day is formed with the name of the lord of 1stHora of that day after sun rise. Every day
the Horas run in the order Saturn Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Moon respectively Hora means one hour
duration. Thus there are 24 hours in a day. Day is from one sunrise to another sunrise. Each day is allotted to a planet
e.g. Sunday to Sun, Monday to Moon, Tuesday to Mars, Wednesday to Mercury, Thursday to Jupiter, Friday to venus
and Saturday to Saturn. Out of these Tuesday and Saturday are whollymalefic and Sunday is partially malefic. There
are also classified like Nakshatras as follows:
Sunday Dhruva-Sthia (fixed and constant)Monday Chara Chala (movable)
Tuesday Ugra-Kroora (Aggressive and cruel) Wednesday Mishra (mixed)
Thursday Kshipra Laghu (short & dynamic)Friday Mridu Maitra (Gentle and Friendly)
Saturday Tikshna Darun (volatile) ________________________
Nakshatra (star):The third limb of the Almanac is the Nakshatra or constellation whose importance must needs be
specially noted by all ( already mentioned in constellation). The sun etc., nine planets along with the sub-plaets transit
in the sky in a restricted area is between 16 degrees of the universe. This path is called Zodiac or Bha-Chakra. Such
are of 360 degrees is divided into 27 equal parts, each part is allocated to one star. These are the Ashwini etc., stars.
The day is identified with that star in which the moon is located at the sun rise time of the day.

Yoga:The sidereal graha sphutas of the sun and moon when added leads to a yoga.i.e, yoga is formed by relative
position of sun and moon in the zodiac. To put it mathematically Yoga = (Moons longitude + Suns longitude) / 13
degrees 20 minutes.
This will give us the yoga number The yogas are 27 in number. Their number and names are give below

1. Vishkumbha

10. Ganda

19. Parigha

2. Preeti

11. Vriddhi

20. Shiva

3. Ayushmana

12. Dhruva

21. Siddha

4. Saubhagya

13. Vyaghata

22. Sadhya

5. Shobhana

14. Harshana

23. Shubha

6. Atiganda

15. Vajra

24. Shukla

7. Sukarma

16. Siddhi

25. Brahma

8. Dhriti

17. Vyatipaata

26. Indra

9. Shoola

18. Variyana

27. Vaidhriti

The names are suggestive of their nature. Malefic yogas No. 1 (Vishkumbha) 6.(Atiganda), 9. (Shoola), 10. (Ganda),
13.(Vyaghata), 15.(Vajra), 17(Vyatipaata), 19. (Parigha) and 27. (Vaidhriti) are particularly avoided in elections.

Karana:Karana is one half of a tithi. There are eleven Karanas out of which four are fixed and seven are movable.
Four fixed Karanas are (1) Shakuni (2) Chatushpada (3) Naga and (4) Kintughna. Second half of 14 tithi in dark half
(Krishna Chaturdashi) is Shakuni Karana. 1sthalf of Amavashya is Chatushpada and 2ndhalf is Naga Karana. First
half of first tithi or bright half (Shukla Pratipada) is allocated to Kintughna. These four Karanas are considered
Seven movable Karanas are (1)Bava (2)Balava (3)Kaulava (4)Taitila (5)Garaja (6)Vanaja and (7)Vishti.Starting from the
2ndhalf of 1sttithi in the Bright half they come in order and each Karana comes eight times in a lunar month. When
Vishti Karana prevails it is called Bhadra and is considered inauspicious in election. Bhadra will be there in 2ndhalf of
4th, 11th, 18th, 25thtithi and first half of 8th15th, 22ndand 29thtithi in a lunar month.

The Ascendant:The earth is moving on its axis from west to east so that the entire zodiac with planets and Nakshatras
located in it appear to rise in the east and set in the west. All the twelve signs or rashis of the zodiac appear one by one
in the eastern horizon and get a chance to rise once in 24 hours. The sign which is rising in the eastern horizon at the
moment of birth, event or prashna is called the ascendant or lagna.

Definition of Horoscope:In Sanskrit Ja means birth. Table iondicaing the planetary position at the time of a person
is called a Horoscope.Native of the horoscope means the person born at that time. The horoscope chart of a person
indiocates the phyhsical characterstics and a mentality of the person as well as the planetary influence upon him The
paper indicating the planetary locations etc of a person at the time of his birth is being called with different names such
as Janma Patrika, Janma Kundali, Kundali, etc names. The year, month, tithi and week-day etc in which the
native was born bear an important role in casting the horoscope chart of the person. Star, sign, Ascendant, Bhavas,
Angles, Trines and aspects etc issues bear an important role in the study of a horoscope.

Forms of horoscope:There are various forms of horoscope chart in vogue in different parts of the country and abroad,
which may be different in their form but distinctly similar in their character.
1. The North Indian Chart: The chart has 12 houses marked I to XII in the diagram. The ascendant is always in
the first house at the top and the order of signs follow the anti clockwise direction. In this case the ascendant is
Libra the 7thsign of the zodiac and the second house has 8thsign Scorpio and so on. In this chart the houses
are fixed but the signs vary depending upon the ascendant. The signs are written as 1 to 12. The house
numbers Ito XII shown in the diagram are generally not written in the horoscope as they are fixed.
2. The south Indian Chart: In this type of chart mostly followed in the southern states of India, the rashis are fixed
(as mentioned in the chart) but houses vary depending on the ascendant or lagna. The ascendant is marked as
two traverse lines marked //. The ascendant becomes the first house ad the remaining houses appear in the
clockwise order. In this case as rashis are fixed their number is not written in the chart.
3. The East Indian Chart: This chart is used in the eastern states of India e.g. Bengal, Bihar etc., It is a
combination of the north Indian and the south Indian charts in which the rashis are fixed and the counting is
done in anticlockwise order. In the diagram the ascendant again is Libra, which corresponds with the first
house. The 7thhouse has Aries, and the 10thhouse has cancer and so on.
4. The western Chart: This type of chart is used in the western countries. It is a round chart with 12 houses
marked in it. The cusp of the first house or the ascendant is considered to be the beginning of the first house
whereas in Hindu astrology the cusp of the first house is considered the middle of the first house or the bhava
Madhya. This is the essential difference between the two. In the diagram the ascendant is Libra which is the
beginning of first house and the counting of houses (as well as the signs in it) is done in the anti clockwise order.

The signs (Rashis):The zodiac or bhachakra consists of 360 degrees divided into 12 signs of 30 degrees each. The signs
of zodiac, their Hindu equivalent names, their extent of degrees, the lordship of each sign and the symbol of each sign
is given in the table. Rahu and Ketu have not been given any lordship as they are shadowy planets whereas the Sun
and the Moon are lords of one sign each i.e. Leo and Cancer respectively. All other planets have dual lordship in a
definite order of their increasing distance from the Sun (Leo) and the Moon (Cancer) respectively

No. Sign


Extent in degrees




0 to 30


2 Taurus


30 to 60


3 Gemini


60 to 90


4 Cancer


90 to 120


5 Leo


120 to 150


6 Virgo


150 to 180


7 Libra


180 to 210



210 to 240


9 Sagittarius


240 to 270


10 Capricorn


270 to 300


11 Aquarius


300 to 330



330 to 360


1 Aries

8 Scorpio

12 Pisces

Ayanamsais a very usual word for Astrologers. Due to difference inAyanamsafigures, different Horoscopes are
formed for the same person. The north point of intersection of the ecliptic with the celestial equator is taken as the
origin and the zodiac is divided into twelve equal parts by the astrologers using the Tropical (Sayana) system. This
point of origin is called as the first point of Aries or Vernal Equinox. This point is not a fixed point. It moves
backward at the rate of 50.29 seconds per year and thus completes one full cycle of rotation of 360 degrees of the
Zodiac in about 26000 years. Astrologers using the Sayana system always consider the first point of Aries under the
yearly changed conditions. This point of Aries (Vernal Equinox) is useful as a starting point for the calculations of
Rasi chart. There is difference of opinion between Indians and the Westerns in respect of this first point of Aries.

*The difference between the Rasi charts of Indian system comprising of Nakshatras and the Western System based on
seasonal set up is noted asAyanamsa. Indian Rasi chart starts with Aswini Nakshatra. The Astrological System
adopted by the Indians is called the Sidereal system, while Western AstrologicalSystem is called the Sayana or
Tropical System Sayana means inclusive ofAyanamsawhile Nirayana means exclusive ofAyanamsa. As there are
different opinions in respect of the date of Zeroayanamsa, differentAyanamsafigures are being used even in the
Nirayana System also. By understanding the concept ofAyanamsa, the differences in the various Horoscopic Charts
laid with the help of suchAyanamsafigures can be studied.

The path through which the Sun appears to have been transiting ( which is actually the path of the earth in revolution
around the Sun) is called Ravi Marga. This is also called as Apo Marga or Kranti Vruttam or Ecleptic. The time
taken by the Sun to transit through the twelve signs of the Zodiac is one year. The path is always fixed path.

Calculation of Aynamsa:The vernal equinox does not occupy any fixed position and moves Westwards due to the
precession of equinoxes at an annual rate of about 50.29 of the arc and completing the circle in about 26000 years.
Due to complex influences on our universe and new astronomical facts coming to light, various corrections are
needed from time to time. Even Surya Sidhanta spoke of bija corrections to be applied. According to new
determination of the location of equinoxes the value ofAyanamsahas been revised to 23 degrees and 15 minutes as
on 21st March 1956. Therefore any straight line method of calculating ayanams from the year 285 A.D. will not give
correct results. By adding the yearly rate of
precession of 5029 per year to the corrected value of 23 degrees 15 minutes as on 21st March 1956, We get the
presentayanamsaof 23 degrees 47 minutes 26.2 seconds as on 1st January 1995

Ayanagati:The earths orbit at a slanting angle of 23 degrees to the ecliptic, and the Moons orbit being located a
a slanting angle of 5 degrees to the earths axis and due to the mutual (magnetic) attractive power, the precession of
equinox is formed. The circle of equinoxes is pulled towards the ecliptic due to the attraction between the Sun and
the Moon spheres. The shifting of vernal equinox point towards west on the Kranti circle (Ecliptic) is called as Vishu
Chalanam (Ayanamsaor Precession of equinox)

The earth rotates on its axis and revolves on its axis and revolves around the Sun. In addition to these two motions,
the earth has another type of movement also. When a top is given motion, it rotates around itself and slowly forms a
special type of circle. Earth has also got similar type of motion. This type of motion is formed due to the (magnetic)
attraction power between the Sun and the Moon. Due to this only there exists a change in the shift of equinox points.

The precession of equinox caused due to the Sun is 16.0 seconds (of an arc of the Zodiac) while it is 34.4 seconds due
to the Moon. In total it is 50.4 seconds. This has got no fixed value and is liable to change at the rate 0of 50.2564 +
0.0222 T seconds (where T indicates thee number of Sayana years beyond 1900 A.D) The precession of equinox can
be worked out for every year with the help of the above formulae.

AUGUST 25, 2013

Nakshatra or Constellation:

From the starting point of Nirayana Zodiac if we divide the Zodiac in to 27 equal parts then one part will be of 13
degrees 20 minutes and is called a Nakshatra. Starting from the 1st point of Nirayana Aries the names of 27 Nakshatras
in order are follows:





Poorva Falguni



Uttara Falguni

Uttarashada (a)Abhijit












Poorva Bhadrapad



Uttara Bhadrapad




When Moon transits in a particular division of 13 degrees 20 minutes , it is called Nakshatra of that moment.Out of the
five components of Panchanga Nakshatra is given maximum importance.

Some times we use 28thNakshatra. Last quarter of Uttarashada and first 4 ghatis of Sravana (1/15 portion of Sravana)
is called Abhijit Nakshatra. Thus from 6 degrees 40 minutes of Capricorn to 10degrees 53minutes and 20 seconds of
Capricorn is the measure of Abhijit Nakshatra. 28 Nakshatras including Abhijit are grouped into seven categories.

1. UttaraFalguni,







2. Swati, Punarvasu, Sravana, Dhanistha, Satabhisha and Monday are movableChara Chalain nature.
3. Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapada, Bharani, Magha and Tuesxay are aggressive in nature . So
they are calledUgra Kroora(Aggressive, Cruel)
4. Vishakha Kritika these and Wednesday areMishra Sadhana(mixed, ordinary)
5. Hasta, Ashwini, Pushyami, Abhijit and Thursday areshort and dynamic{kshipra-Laghu}
6. Mrigashira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha these four and Friday are(Gently andfriendly)Mridu, Maitra.
7. Moola, Jyestha, Ardra, Ashlesha
Daruna(Ferocious & Bitter).






are calledTeekshna

Apart from the above classification, Nakshatras are also classified as facing upward, facing downward, and facing
forward.Santis are necessary if birtrhs take place in the following inauspicious time etc. :

Ardra, Pushya, Shravana, Dhanistha, Shatabhiusha, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashada, Uttarabhadrapad and Rohini are
facing upward. So they are calledUrdhwa Mukha Nakshatras.

Moola, Ashlesha, Vishakha, Kritika, Poorvashada, Poorvabhadrapad, Bharani and Magha are facing downwards and
so they areAdho Mukha Nakshatras.
Mrigshira, Revati, Chitra, Anuradha, Hasta, Swati, Punarvasu, Ashwini and Jyestha are facing straight and so they
areTiryang Mukha Nakshatras.

Santis are necessary if birth taken place in the following Inauspicious time:

Birth in the first pada of star Mula is injurious to the father, in the second to the mother, in the third it will cause loss
of money, and in the 4thit is good. This process is to be reversed in the case of star Aslesa. Jyestha Naksatra also is not
quite good, especially when the new-born has elder brothers or sisters. The last Ghati of Jyestha and the first two of
Mula together constitute what is calledAbhuktamula,which is dire in consequences. Similarly the first half of Citra,
the second and third padas of Pushya , the third quarter of Purvasadha, and the first of Uttaraphalguni are considered
inauspicious. However, U.Phalguni is not bad for female birth.
Each Nakshatra has a specific shape, specific number of stars and a particular lord.

These characteristics also decide their suitability for various acts. These characteristics are given in the table.

S.No Nakshatra No. of stars Appearance Lord

1. Ashwini 3 Horses face Ashwini kuamaras

2. Bharani 3 vagina Yama (lord of death)
3. Kritika 6 Knife Agni{fire}
4. Rohini 5 Shakat{Bullock Cart} Brahma{God of creation}
5. Mrigshira 3 Face of deer Chandra{Moon}
6. Ardra 1 Mani or JewelLord of destruction{Rudra}
7. Punarvasu 4 House Aditi{Mother of Devas}

8. Pushya 3 Arrow Guru

9. Ashlesha 5 Wheel Sarpa (serpants)
10. Magha 5 House Pitru (Ancestors)
11. P.Falguni 2 Stage Bhag (Name of Sun)
12. U.Falguni 2 cot Aryama (Name of Sun)
13. Hasta 5 Hand Sun
14. Chitra 1 Pearl Vishwakarma
15. Swati 1 Coral Vaayu{air}
16. Vishakha 4 Torana a hang Indra (Agni)
17. Anuradha 4 Pinda Mitra (Name of Sun)
18. Jyestha 3 Ear rings Indra
19. Moola 11 Stage Rakshasha
20. P. Ashada 2 Elephant teeth Jala (water)
21. U. Ashada 2 Stage Vishwedeva
22. Abhijit 3 Triangle Brahma
23. Shravana 3 Vamana(3 foot steps) Vishnu
24. Dhanistha 4 Mridanga Vasu
25. Shatabhisha 100 Circle Varuna
26. P.Bhadra 2 StageAjcharan(Name of Rudra)
27. U.Bhadra 2 TwinsAhirbudnya(Name of Rudra)
28. Revati 32 Mridanga Pusha (Name of Sun)
Counting from the birth star to the star of the day and dividing it by 9 the remainder will give the Tara on that
particular day. Taras are nine in number i.e.(1) Janma (2) Sampat (3) Vipat (4)Kshema (5) Pratyari (6) Sadhak (7)

Vadha (8) Maitra (9) Atimaitra.

The taras give results as per their names. Vipat, Pratyari and vadha taras are malefic for all purposes. Janma tara is
benefic for certain purposes and malefic for certain others. Janma Nakshatra is benefic for Upanayana, Marriage of a
boy and girl born from second conception, first feeding of child, Mundana or Tonsure and coronation ceremony.
*Janma Nakshatra has to be specifically avoided in conception and journey. Also to be avoided in marriage of a boy
and girl born from first conception. First triad is particularly malefic.

If it is extremely necessary to carry out a work in malefic Tara then following donation can be made. Vadha tara
Donated gold; Vipat tara Gur; Pratyari tara Salt; Janma tara vegetables.

* I will give the complete details about this Tara While I am explaining about the Muhurta.

Effects of stars:

Asvini:One born under this star becomes learned, resolute, clever, engaged in his own Dharma, prominent in the
family, full of self-respect, eats sparingly, highly respectable and of moderate means.
Bharani:He will be fickle-minded, capable of controlling, himself, addicted to women, fond of brothers, proud,
courageous, long-lived, helper of friends and havi9ng a few children.
Krittika: Free from confusion, strong, wavering in mind, eater of all kinds of food , very powerful, truthful, owner of
many houses and a prattler.
Rohini:Has plenty of hair on the upper part of the body, leader of groups, has moles on the face or mouth, sides and
the back, is fraudulent, unhelpful to his mother, rich and learned.
Mrigasiras:He will have vacillating mind, a broad body, be sickly in childhood, inadvertent, enthusiastic, has many
enemies and troubles.
Ardra:Fickle minded, crafty in speech, usurper of others wealth, boastful, boastful, with few children, long-lived and
receiving money from the Government.

Punarvasu: Charitable, happy, of very good character, not learned, sickly, thirsty, easily satisfied and weakminded.
Pushya: Cruel irascible, intelligent, stubborn, eloquent learned in may sastras, helper of relatives, has cleptomania and
wealth and is independent
Aslesha:Cruel, fickle, eloquent, leader of groups, wealthy, learned, having much exertion, deceitful, and with few
Magha:Learned, modest, of deep-rooted enmity, cruel, praised by the good, having many servants and riches, enjoying
pleasures, industrious and devoted to gods and elders.
Poorvafalguni:Of sweet speech, generous, mean, spending much money with obedient servants, famous, liked by kings
and afraid of fights..
UttaraFalguni:Liked by women, handsome, leader of men, learned, getting wealth from the king, having many wives,
of generous disposition, talkative, and given to sensual pleasures.
Hasta:Voluptuous, clever, eloquent, of a thievish mind, rich, fond of foreign countries, eager to fight, destroyer of
Chitra:Wicked, liked by women, (or liked by wicked women), sinful, engaged in various pursuits, fond of disputations,
happy, living in another country, and wearing colourful clothes and garlands
Svati:Happy, self-controlled, merciful, of sweet speech, engaged in Dharma, indebted, living abroad, hater of kinsmen,
and dressed sparsely, has few children.
Vishakha:Odious, prattler, having children and wife, wise, rich, devoted to Gods, elders and Brahmins, not charitable,
and afflicted with eye disease.
Anuradua:Oppressed by hunger and thirst, dejected, kind, devoted, to Dharma, handsome, fond of wandering, and
living abroad.
Jyestha:Content, intent on Dharma, endowed with many children and friends, very irascible, troubled by kinsmen, and
leader of his clan.
Moola:Learned,Happy, rich, sickly, handsome, of thievish leanings, of vacillating mind, eldest, of the family, and a
P.Ashadha:Of firm friendship,. Humble, with many children, leader of men wise, eater of sumptuous food, faithful, to
his wife, and beloved of the king.
U.Ashadha:Fond of mirth, modest, having, many enemies, distressed, possessed, of superior intellect, wanderer, with
many wives, and kind.
Sravana:Learned, living away from birth place, with an excellent wife, rich, famous, with few, children, and many foes,

spending lavishly, happy and lordly.

Dhanistha:Rich, heroic, charitable, bereaved of his wife, happy in alien lands, talkative, untruthful and fond of music
and dance.
Satabhishak:Voluble, deceitful, in servitude, without sons and brothers, rich, fickle mind, miserly, engaged in playing
tricks and destroyer of enemies.
P.Bhadra:Exceedingly fond of women, of inconstant residence, hard to be won over, given, to enjoyment of pleasures,
getting wealth from the king, long-lived, mean, and intent on his work.
U.Bhadra:Eloquent, happy, blessed with children,, having permanent enemies, virtuous, timid, greedy and anxious to
improve his strength and wealth.
Revati:Living the full span of life, attractive, in appearance, under the control of women, possessed of self-respect and
pride, jealous, of valiant heart and rich.
*In the case of female birth the following stars are said to be bad:- Ardra, Ashlesha, Shatabhishak, Pushya, Moola,
Chitra, Jyestha, and Krittika.

Introduction to Astrology
AUGUST 25, 2013

Sreerastu Subhamastu Avighnamastu

Astrology is a Mathematical Science. In the past ages, Astrology and Astronomy were
considered as one. Astronomy gives details of planets and stars of their longitudes,
latitudes, declination in a correct position mathematically. Astrology gives details of
vibrations on human, animal and plant life.
Theearthmoves around theSunwhile rotating on its axis once in 24 hours. On account
of the motion of theearthround theSun, theSunappears to move round theearth. The
path of theSunamong the stars is called ecliptic. The belt of the heavens extending on
either side of the ecliptic is called Zodiac. The Zodiac or the ecliptic is divided into 12
equal parts called signs (Rasis). The circle consists of 360 degrees, hence, each sign
consists of 30 degrees. The zodiac is called Rasi Chakram. TheSuncompletes the circle
of the zodiac in 365 1\4 days and moves roughly at the rate of 1 degree per day in the
Zodiac. The 12 signs of the Zodiac with the corresponding names are given below:

How do they rise? Do not be under the impression that all the signs rise in the same
manner. Some rise with their heads first and some others with their hind parts foremost.
Mesa, Vrsabha, Karkataka, Dhanusand Makara rise with thir hind parts first, while
Simha, Kanya, Tula, Vrscika and Kumbha rise with their heads foremost. Mithuna and
Mina rise both ways, because their two constituents face each other. The Sanskrit names
for these three types of Rasis are respectively
*Shirshodaya[rising with the head] : 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11
* Prishtodaya[rising with the hind] : 1, 2, 4, 9, 10
* Ubhayodaya[rising with both] : 12
Each of the 12 signs of the Zodiac beginning with Aries, represents some elements in
nature. These 12

Signs of the Zodiac representsfire,earth, air and waterin order. Thus, there are three
houses representing each element. Aries, Lio, Sagittarious representfire,Taurus Virgo,
Cancer,Scorpio,Pisces representWater.
Triplicities:Movable :1, 4, 7, 10Fixed:2, 5, 8, 11Common:3, 6, 9, 12
In any sign, the degree which rises at the time of birth, is calledLagna[ascendant]. Counting
from the lagna as the first sign in each Horoscope, the houses are classified as under:
1st ,4th ,7th ,10th from lagna are calledAngles(Kendras)
1st ,5th ,9th , // //Triangles(Konas)
2nd,5th , 8th ,11th // // //Succedents()Phanaparas)
3rd , 6th , 9th , 12th // // //Cadents(Apokleemas)
Those signs coming under the category of Sirsodayas, six in all, are ruled by theSunand
so called Diurnal signs, while the Prsthodayas and Mithuna come under theMoonand so
are called Nocturnal ones. Sign Mina is a Twilight (Sandhya) sign.
Effects of position:planets occupying angular houses bring the person into public
recognition , fame, power, and eminence. Planets occupying triangular and succedent
houses are also good, but are less powerful than the former, since they take longer time to
give good results, though they give good effect of more permanent nature to all the affairs
governed by them. Planets occupying the cadent houses are supposed to keep the man in
darkness and insignificance depriving him of all the opportunities in life. Thus they are
the weakest. Of all the succedents the 2ndand the 11th are stronger than the 5th and 8th .
Of all the Cadents , the 3rd , 12th, and the 9th are stronger than the 6th . Hence the
6th house is the weakest.
Various signs in the Zodiac are given certain indications to exibit the characteristics of
the persons born in them: a. Odd(male) signs [1,3,5,7.9 and 11] b. Even(female) signs

[2,4,6,8 and 12]

If more planets are stationed in male signs at the time of the birth, the native will have
more daring dashing qualities. If more planets are found in the female signs such native
will be smooth and delicate in their nature. With this division, to achieve the bhava falls
in male sign which requires dashing and sincere trials are necessary and if it falls in the
female sign careful observation is necessary. According to Brihadyasana Jatakam it was
clearly stated that each and every Bhava shall be analised according to the sign to which
Bhava belongs. With this angle when it was examined the Bhava of odd signs has
independent nature and if it is in even sign gently with the co operation of others.
For instance Aries persons 2,4,6,8,10,12 Bhavas become in the even signs, the relative
results pertain to those Bhavas are delicately without giving any amount of troubles to
others being shared will give utmost contentment. Like wise the Bhavas fall in the
1,3,5,7,9,11 of odd signs requires strenuous effort for their achievement.
Nature of mobility:
c. Movable signs[1,4,7,10] In these signs if more number of planets stationed, the
persons will be mentally active but uncertain in their action they may change the
residences or seek changes in their dwellings
Circumstances, environment, transaction, personal interests, daily activities, profession,
residence etc., subjects always interest the persons. They want always to have some
changes. Authority, acquisition of knowledge and learning new subjects will have utmost
bearing. Dashing nature in the people, taking spontaneous decisions and eager to
participate in many events could be noticed. On the whole there will be some amount of
wavering. Wavering nature can be noticed when the Bhavas fall under movable signs .
Efforts according to nature (1st Bhava) education (4th Bhava) friendly relations (7th Bhava)
profession (10th Bhava) becomes movable signs then only we can identify the fickleness.
d. Fixed signs[2,5,8,11] In these signs, if more number of planets stationed, the person
will have the qualities of firm ideas, permanent accommodation, Immovable properties
Fixed signs have firm decisions, peaceful living. Advantage, more than authority, comfort,
desirous for facilities, for the sake of place and house losing away the opportunities, fond

of field, house, immovable properties (4th Bhava also static), never trusts new subjects,
things and persons and if trusted, the opinion becomes unchanged at any cost,
concentration and perseverance in works on hand are certain qualities could be found in
these signs. With the above it is to be considered the Bhava s which are under the
influence of fixed signs, the above qualities can be observed in these Bhavas.
e.Dual[common] signs[3,6,9,12] In those signs, the first half are movable and second
half are fixed in nature. Normally every issue has to be considered in various angles,
giving equal weightage for every angle, the integration of different issues their discreption,
explanation, analysis, will come under dual signs. Generally natives cannot come to a
decision suspecting every issue at every stage. However keen observation, mediation,
compromises will also come under the sign
Inherent qualities:
f. Fiery[1,5,9]element signs, fiery nature, leadership, valor and undoubted, victory over
enemies, distress, quarrel, influencing others, making followers, blindly following advice
from not trust worthy sources, observing long standing enemity, granting pardon when
approached even to a cruel person are certain prime qualities. These are the ruling
qualities, if any other bhavas hold these signs.
g. Earthy[2,6,10]element signs, Judging merits and demerits before entering into
transactions, hobby to acquire money or rare articles, weightage to self-interests other
wise selfishness, good physiqu desire to have nutritious food, disliking of hypothecations,
materialism, preference in completing the job are the qualities found out when more
number of planets are stationed in these signs. Like wise the influence of the qualities are
also found in various bhavas which fall in these signs.
h. Airy[3,7,11]element signs, desire to be clever more than happiness, thoughts and
plans, social works, sizeable earnings, new plans, keeping contacts with many people
irrespective of any advantages, wants to learn new things and observe new places are the
qualities found in these signs. Also putting hard work is not their motto, as a result it will
take long time to stabilize their positions, unselfishness, friendly, collective welfare are the
prime qualities of these signs.
i. Watery( Aquatic)[4,8,12]element signs,living in day dreams, assuming more health
than existing, emotional excitement even on small issues, ups and downs, affectionate to

family members, inclines to environment, influenced by neighbours. On the whole

possesses fickle nature.
i.1. Watery Non watery signs:
Full watery signs-4,10,12; Half watery signs-2,9,11; One-fourth watery signs-1,7,8; Non
watery (dry) signs-6,3,5. If the lord of fifth house stationed in Non-watery signs or those
happenedtobe the fifth house, the chances of getting children are remote. Also if these
happened to be the questioner ascendants, the answer will be negative. According to
some other opinion 3,5,8,9,are non watery signs. Rest are all watery signs. Totally Gemini
and Leo are non-watery signs.
Note:Signs Karkataka, Vrscika, Makara and Mina are termed watery ones as well as
Aquatic (moving in water); Vrsabha, Kanya Tula and Kumbha are called Jalasrayas or
dependent on water and delighting in places abounding in water; and the remaining
Rasis viz Mesa, Mithuna Simha and Dhanus are Land signs. Karkataka, Vrscika and
Mina are also termed Kitas or Reptiles. This appellation, however, is mostly applied to
Vrscika.* Mesa, Vrsabha, Simha, the latter half of Dhanus and the first half of Makara
are called quadruped signs. Mithuna, kanyaaaaaa, Tula,the first half of Dhanus, and
Kumbha are designated as Human signs. Kitas ave been already named. Thus four and
half Rasis come under the human category, four Rasis (3 full and 2 half signs) under
quadruped, and three under the Reptile category. The latter half of Makara has no
special name but aquatic sign.
Directions:These are determined from the sign in the rising Lagna.
East ; Aries, Leo, Sagittarius (1,5,9) South : Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn (2,6,10)
West Gemini, Libra, Aqurius (3,7,11) North : Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces (4,8,12)
For the purpose of Arudha Lagna however the direction are allotted in accordance with
the direction from which the querist approaches the astrologer. Aries and Taurus
represent East, Gemini South-East , Cancer and Leo South, Virgo South-West, Libra
and Scorpio West, Sagittarius North-West, Capricorn and Aquarius North and Pisces
Castes:Karkataka, Vrscika and Mina are Brahmins, Mesa, Simha and Dhanus Kshtriyas,

Mithuna, Tula and Kumbha, Vaisyas, and Vrsabha, Kanya and Makara sudras. The first
eight signs of Zodiac are termed Material signs and the last four Philosophical ones.
Colours:The colours of the twelve signs are in order (1)Red, (2)White, (3)Green, (4) Pink,
(5) Brown, (6) Grey, (7) Variegated, (8) Black, (9) Golden, (10) Yellow, (11) Variegated,
and (12) Deep Brown.
Qualities or Gunas:Signs owned bySun,MoonandJupiter(4,5,9,12) are Sattwik. Signs
owned byVenusandMercury(2,7,3,6) are Rajasik. Signs owned by Mar
andSaturn(1,8,10,11) are Tamasik.
Kalapurusas Limbs:The whole zodiac consisting of the twelve signs represent the Body
of the Supreme termed Kala or time. The twelve signs, therefore, stand for the head,
face, neck, arms, heart, stomach, abdomen, private parts, thighs, knees, shanks and feet
respectivelyof Kalapurusha. For example when a horoscope is prepared for a child the
rising sign begin with the Lagna as the starting point. The Lagna represents the head of
the native and the next house his face and so on.
Appearance:The forms of the twelve signs beginning with Mesa are in order (1) a Ram,
(2) a Bull, (3) a Human couple of which the man holds a staff and the woman a luteVina, (4) a crab, (5) a Lion (6) a Maiden seated in a boat holding fire and green plant, (7)
a Man holding a scales, (8) a Scorpion, (9) a Man holding a bow and having the body of a
horse beneath the hips, (10) a Crocodile with the face of a deer, (11) a Man holding a pot,
(12) a pair of fish.
Strength of signs:When any of the Human signs mentioned above happens to be the
Lagna, then that sign attains strength ; the quadruped ones are strong when they happen
to be the 10th house from the Lagna; the Reptile signs are strong when they become the
7th house from Lagna; the Aquatic ones get strength when they come to occupy the
position of the 4th house from the ascendant.

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