2015 End of Course Survey Results
2015 End of Course Survey Results
2015 End of Course Survey Results
Data is not set up in consistent format which means a lot of manual manipulation to cleanse data
Examples include:
Multiple course or programme codes on the same line
FML/FESS using different formatting
FML - consolidating responses
FCS have not asked - overall this course is good question - or results not entered on spreadsheet
Only about 55% (110 or 195) of the programmes have been surveyed. And only about 33% of the courses ha
Based on the assumption that every student has been surveyed for every course they were enrolled the resp
FESS CLDC - have asked 3 different questions and have not asked:
MN0564 and MN0565 changed to MN0562 as there were no enrolments in MN0564 during 2015
C57. Caution should be exercised in using satisfaction surveys in service performance reporting. Without care
be meaningless or misleading. For example, those refused a permit or consent are unlikely to be satisfied w
followed was consistent with that specified. Conversely, people receiving a grant (for example, grants to assi
government where the criteria have not been fully applied are likely to express significant satisfaction with th
grant was not consistent with the service performance specification.
Working file is
Y:\Strategic_Planning\Annual Programme Report Work\2015 APR & EPI Book\Calculations\8. Student Satisfacti
End of course survey results are based off information provided by the faculties and Academic Centre.
The number of enrolled students within a programme is the sum of every enrolled student in a course within
The number of responses is based off the number of responses for the first question "Overall this course is go
Response rate is calculated as the number of responses divided by the number of enrolments.
Some faculties surveyed students at a programme level and not a course level. For these programmes the r
every course.
Where surveys were conducted for more than one course these have been separated into a reponse for ever
Where the graph does not show any information this indicates that the programme was not surveyed.
Where there is no information in the graph for specific questions this indicates that question was not asked/a
The demographic information should be used with caution as there are a significant number of results where
Some results were also consolidated and for these the demographic information will not be correct as it is no
Faculty/School level results are by OWNING faculty/school as per the SMS
Some courses did not have an associated programme code - these have therefore been reported as "Not Spe
Select Faculty
Select School
Select Programme
Number of
Maori Students
Pasifika Students
Under 25 year old students
Under 25
MIT Overall
Faculty Overall
# of students
enrolled in each
course within
# of programmes
# of programmes
% of programmes
Response rate
#N/A Some programmes were surveyed at a programme level and
0% not at course level - for these surveys the response rate will
0% not be correct as there will be a lot less responses than there
should have been.
Owning Faculty
Faculty of Business and Information Technology
Faculty of Consumer Services
Faculty of Creative Arts
Faculty of Education and Social Sciences
Sum - Overall this courseSum - Overall this course is good (# responses)
Recreation and Sport
MN4424 MIT Certificate i
WK2374 Bachelor of Sport
MN4436 MIT Diploma in Applied Sport and Recreation (Level 5)
School of Education
MN4481 Bachelor of Educa
MN4500 MIT Certificate in
MN4501 MIT Certificate in
MN4532 MIT Certificate in
NC1253 National Certifica
MN0112 MIT Certificate in Work Skills
MN0568 MIT Certificate in Tertiary Teaching (Level 5)
MN0569 MIT Certificate in Tertiary Teaching (Level 6)
MN1025 Education Development Technical and Further Education
MN4101 MIT Certificate in Community and Work Skills
NC1212 National Certificate in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education (Educator) (Level 5)
School of English
MN0562 MIT Certificate o
MN1013 ESOL - Technical
MN1881 New Zealand Certi
MN1882 New Zealand Certi
MN1883 New Zealand Certi
School of Foundation Studies
MN0563 MIT Certificate
MN4360 Foundation Educ
MN4498 MIT Certificate in
MN4519 MIT Certificate in
MN4520 MIT Certificate in
G9204 General Foundatio
School of Social Sciences
MN4483 Bachelor of Appl
MN4522 MIT Certificate in
The School of Secondary-Tertiary Studies
MN0566 MIT Certificate in Pathways to Tertiary Studies (Level 1)
MN0567 MIT Certificate in Pathways to Tertiary Studies (Level 2)
MN0570 MIT Certificate in Pathways to Tertiary Studies (Level 3)
Employment Programmes
MNTOP2 Training Opportunities Programmes (Employment Skills)
Owning School
Owning Faculty
Owning School
CA2194 Certifi cate in Multiskill Building Construction (Level 2)
- all - all What have you liked about your study at MIT?
Not sure
More tools available to every students. not wasting time on waiting for tools
More tools available for use
practice practice.
the more practices the better
All good
plumbing school had too many lecturers teaching us , no one could keep up with my questions.
Want to learn more on tools. like chisel and to make some small things. tools box or some small furniture, etc
Being in the class more to answer questions "tutor solid"
My english and maths for me only to understand and learn more quick
spend more time with students at work instead of pool table and Bing pong.
More visual teaching, functions. Video about the industry, site
I am expecting have some pipe connection can be teached. But most of the course are teaching welding or metal sheet cutting. It is good. But I think can add some content we can use at home.
I love how he more communicate.
More explanation.
Not enough good!! The text book is not suitable for the new seudenes that they are know nothing knowlege about plumbing work in the house.
Ping pong table for break time
We did metal sheet too much, did not touch any water pipe connetion.
All good
None required
Test equipment for it certain that possible
On diffi cult topics there needs to be a clear understanding of questions.
The equipments in the workshop.
Welding would be a great unit to learn, so people could have a wider range in career or further studying plans.
Facilitys (workshops bigger) parkings, tools should be pointed fo us as we payed for course.
More practical and less theory work but try and keep to one unit book work for all 1 days of study time. For easier learning process.
Better tools and equipment.
Better to equipment but other wire all okay
Everything was ok.
No improvement needed
More practical work instead theory work.
1 days a week
All of it
Everything - Tutors, Facilities scholarship opportunity.
Facilities, Lecturers and the way the lecturer the tutorials were executed
Friendly Tutor. Practice at Lab.
how much the lecture tries to make sure everyone is up to date and makes time to help student who missed classes to get up to date.
I have like the working environment, and that the lecturer has been real good at teaching us the diff erent unit standards
I like the course here
I like the way out tutor taught us
I really liked how our tutor own learning, equip us with the skills to self-direct our learning. Very relatable with tutors personal experienc
I studied for free and have youth gaarentee and learnt abit from my course !
It was good learning and at a rate where we can handel.
It's been trying to engage at a practical level and asking questions helps to accquire the correct information.
Its easy to study.
It's very fun to learn and the practical side of it is very good and teaches as real life skills
L Block Electrical
Learning new things.
Not having a full week only 1 days.
Practical side of things were good
Practical was fun and engaging
Practical work being given to us more frequently
Seeing for theory and practical learning
so far just meeting people but on the other side of things only have 1 days to learn something about the test is stresfule.
The content was expected for this level, the pace of teaching was good.
The electrical part is Nice i enjoy it But this class witch is Bisness is i think can be improved in so many ways.
The electrical side of things
The facilities and the learning standard
The fl exibility and responsibility of my am time while at MIT
The lecturers, the course and meeting new people.
The opportunity to have the chance to use MIT Education prossperity
The opportunity to study at MIT
The other students
The practical
The tutors and their knowledge about electrical
The tutors have been helpful
Tutor support Excellent
Very helpful + knowledgeable lecturer
Very helpful and I enjoy the way the teacher teaches us it fun
Work load was manageable.
all of marius schinidts Study materials is inaccurate and does not cover most of the questions in the tests
Keep up the good work
More practical stuff
Computer - Logging in time wait.
The allocation of rooms for tutorials was not well organised. Majority of the time we had to look around due to room clash
Understand NZ Electric situation Install System by my self
This semester we have been moved out of our class a lot time having to move to another class interrupting the pace of learning having set up again in another class room. When that is improved all is perfect
School time
Since we started our second semester we have been changing classrooms alot because of the EST's classes but we paid for our fees so we need a permanent class to be in
Maintain our classes (classrooms) to the scheduled classrooms. (Musical classrooms) NO thank you!
Computer systems needs to be faster when logging on.
More equipment, changing of classes every week.
More time to understand the umits
Rooms were all over the show
Stop changing our rooms frequently. More better supply of equipment
Faster response on the computers
we need more tome for us to study
That there is practical considering this course had no practical at all
everything eg: the things we are learning can be put better if the teacher just worry about who wants to learn not Picking on every little thing someone does wrong eg: When we cheak our Phones for something important.
Practical we dont do any practical !!
Classroom location
I think the vending machines should be cheaper
A less Academic langauged Base delivery for better understanding
The Electrical Engineering Delivery and structure could be better
Classrooms organised better
New equipment make the class permanent, so there no one else that can take our class
Our room changing every single day which is really poor organisation by MIT
More practical work, reason as we have done none coinde semester
course Handouts Dont have all the information needed. Handouts Need to be Revised and Replaced By more Relevant Information that covers everything needed.
Include practical lessons in class
We need to do alot more practical alot more....
Faster pace.
More Workshop space....
more workshops,
Need a practical element to be able to properly understand what i am learning and the applications of such
Need some practical work it will help us to understand what we are learning alot beter
Parking for engineering students
Poor room organisation by MIT. Old equipment and facilities
Rooms more organised
Slow down the teachry Proceese
This course was not helpful - was of no use. Did not learn any new material - alot of repetition - Exercises in this class can be completed in 1 weeks ; instead of being continued for one semester.
Some instructions on Test Papers were exceptionally hard to understand/not clear, more specifi cally the PowerShell Scripting Test Papers.
For Network Infrastructure we are given PowerPoint slides with 100+ slides to "look over" in case we need a better understanding. Wouldn't it be better to put this on a word document rather? With relevant headings to make navigating and fi nding what you need to know easy.
maybe next term can we no need to print our work book ourselves any more please
More bowls.
Audio System in kitchen and little more practise on few products. Chefs are too much underload. In the class it is told that they concerned about students real knowledge BUT on the contrary in assessment students are asked about the very SPECIFIC TERMS. Does not matter how much he/she knows about the thing.
Stop increasing the tuition fees. #sopoor
at the moment everything is fi ne
Train the lecturers to TEACH AUDULTS.... some of their students are MUCH MUCH more educated and have much more experience of Life with them as compared to the lecturers.....
I fi nd that i need to learn alot to improve in my maths and temperatures
new equipment
the amount of communication with students and reps
more usable equipments like fl our sifts, other then that i really like how everything turned out.
can made more product on the practice class
Friendly environment & Friendly tutors
Good people
It is very catchy and we can work together and fi gure out task together.
Learning about new things & working with others
Learning new education
Practical in group
Practical wok in class
The demonstrations
The tutors and work load
Very friendly environment & kind tutors
Working with others
More help
Nothing needs to be improved
Lunch. costs
Not much!!
Temperature control in the room. More storage on H drive.
Computers too slow.
Nothing to improve
Nothing to improve.
Performance of computers.
Need more time on the basics.
Things are good
Class rooms (they look outdated)
Everything is good.
Glot Anything
Training on rest of the two CNC machines
All ok.
Course run at the day time and not at night
Few times computers have been tampered with and broken mouse, keyboard etc..
Maybe have one half of each day as lecture the rest of period on computer doing exercises.
The chairs
Seats could do with replacing.
Not locking the gate at the front so you have to take a long walk to get in and out of campus at night.
Everything just good as I expected
Time table should be improved. Classes should be in before 5 oclock.
Speed of computer. Training book printed in colour.
Systems, computers, need more time & computers in libray for practice.
Computers are very slow to boot up and login causing a loss in course time.
The traffi c to get here! :-)
That would have been great if we had learnt 5 axes CNC machines
Everything is fi ne.
The computers are ridiculously slow, to the point that we lose a notably signifi cant amount of lesson time. I would like a percentage of wasted time calculated and refund of my money for lost time.
Not really.
Practical hands on & friendly learning environment
Study faculties.
That i will get payed more money in the future
That it helps me a lot at work using the program. Very interesting subject and would recommend to others.
The course material fi ts with my career.
The good
The instructor was very good at explaining the subject.
The teacher designs his teaching to fi t every individual student.
The tutor Blair Cornwall, very easy to understand. Good teacher!
The tutors are really helpfull
This course improve our practical skills we also improve the word procedure.
Tutor went out of his way to help.
Tutors are good with all things like teaching or behavior.
Very good tutor who knows the subject very well.
Well taught by our instructor, it was made easy to learn and understand.
Workshop & practical bored learning
Yea, everything.
More practical assesments for students
More practical?
More practial
More practical
If we could practice other skills like NG tube insertions, IVL insertions on each ither thay could be helpful.
The content as described on the outline for Practicum was not always delivered and if it were not for personal previous experience in the fi eld, I would have felt unprepared for placement. Practicum places were not sought early enough, with many only being confi rmed days before they were due to start, and some students were without placement almost 1 weeks after the offi cial start date. I sought my own placement, contacted a number of providers, and eventually sought a placement for another student also. This was due to the lecturer only being given the practicum subject last minute to deliver. Communication within BASW is at best patchy and at worst non existent. Emails were not always followed up on and phone calls not always returned. Changes to timetables were never communicated to students, we just turned up each day and discovered who would be delivering what subject. It is my view that there are institutional problems that aff ect the smooth delivery of quality education at a bachelors level, and it is my hope that a full investigation is undertaken. Certainly I feel quite disgruntled coming to the end of this year, as the reputation of MIT in the wider social work community is not great, and this impacts on how my degree will be viewed.
Welding facility
Give daryn a pay rise and promotion..... John too I suppose
Lunch bar and a pay rise for Darren
Need more big practical room. Too many people at small place
Skill and plumbing language
My plumbing skills
Can have short lunch brake
Enough tools available for sharing
More knowledge to be learned
Nothing everything was great
More practical
Skills, earning level, practical level
more time and information on assesments.
Tools, drill etc needs to be checked more often. cant do work with broken drill bit!
All good
Could be more challenging, more tests and more assignments.
More into airconditioning ... dealing with ac units etc.
All good
More fi eld trips to course related companies to be provided and supplied by M>I>T for insight in the practical world.
Nothing needs improvement.
More practical.
More practical classes needed.
The electrical needs abit more explanary
More practical
Fun easu
The tutors and the work!
Tutora and the work!
warm welcoming feeling
the canteen food could be cheaper
Having to pay for parking outside sucks., but i do know that it is the government charging.
Building relationships with class mates that I hope to see later on in the work force.
Good tutors, practical lessons
Happy and joyfull place to come to
Help provided by the lecturers and equipment.
Learned alot, eff ective way of teaching very enjoyable course
Learning diff erent things and also getting to know diff erent people.
Teachers were always very helpful and they made you understand each lesson.
The learning environment here as well as the teaching techniques of these diff erent teachers.
The tutors are bloody awesome, really go the extra mile to help us through.
To be able to have enjoyment as well as learning due to the staff
Tutor and staff and relevant learning. Meeting other plumbers and gas fi tters.
Tutors been good. Ron organising skills are good.
Tutors, and what I have learnt. Environment.
The organisation of this particular programme which I think can be further improved by communication between admin, tutors, students and bosses.
Organising times of block courses better.
Admin and teachers need to sort dates out and talk to each other
Better equipment and materials available.
Dates for block courses could be improved as boss wanted more notice in advance.
Being well organised.
Time management. Sometimes we start class quite late which would set everything back.
Notifi cation of course date to myself and my employer.
More gear, tools & equipment
The administration due to multiple course dates being unconnected.
More gear tools & equipment for the plumbing school
Admin and plumbing school needs to get their dates sorted and no mucking around.
Administration let MIT down constant mistake with dates and fees and information to do with course. Could do better.
Challenging problems in class prepared me well for exams and cultivated a renewed interest in mathematics
Hands on work and learning
I was able to practise techniques I had not used in the past, (machining and fabrication)
It has been great having access to such a wide range of equipment and machining
Learning something new
Lecturers are very helpful. Small class sizes are good if you need to ask questions
Meeting new people, learning new things with the help of knowledgeable lecturers
Pace at which we have been learning
The content and the pace at which it is taught is managable and fi ts around our schedule
The electrical physics part of the course has been very interesting. Praneel is a great lecturer
The hands on activity project is really interesting and challenging
The lecturers are really helpful, the content has been fair & managable
The tutors/lecturers are really good and knowledgeable
The workload isn't excessive and the lecturers are really helpful
We are told how the subject material will be of use in future studies and employment
Clarity of what is being assessed
Maintenance on the equipment could be a bit better
Maintenance of facilities could be improved
Maintenance of equipment could be better - fi xing computers, replacing clock batteries etc
More time for workshop class
Facilities & equipment
Working part-time and studing full-time has not been easy so improving the support to students that are not able to live out of student allowance would be great
Number of staff avilable to be on the fl oor our tuours seem to be in forever meetings and not there to problem solve once class is over another technicin to help would be great
teaching speed, in regards to computers, needed to be slower in order to understand better
Tutors need to be more understaning of adult students and factors that impact on them also some need attuide adjustments
more teachers available. their number and workload is such that students don't get enough one on one time which cannot be underestimated.
The workshop needs a upgrade
nothing i can think off
More staff tutors always to busy over worked stuck on meeting when we need help on the fl oor
No comment
Nothing really.
If it could be updated more, it will be more helpful to start at workplace.
Improve my knowledge and speaking in the second language. (English)
Shelter or seats outside the gate when it rains and for student to eat and smoke :).
According to my point of view everything is all good.
Doing prep + masking units sooner in the course.
Nothing to improve on.
More practical
Better equipment.
Less class room more hands on.
More working tools for students to use on site
I doucl improve on More hand Skills.
more hands on.
the equipments, the draw saw is lack of maintainace
Nothing much
more acess to hot water for tea coff e
Everyone should issue the BRANZ Book because alot of the work-booklet refers back to it so it makes everything harded.
The structure of our programme. I fi nd we dont really cover all aspects of building, as we move from project to project. Not starting from the bottom working right through to the fi nish
I would love to past my level 4 and move on and fi nd a job
Everything is awesome.
Everything is fi ne
Examples greatly assisted by learning
For mathematics - I, it was good experience. Our Lecturer is very good and helping
For this course I didn't enjoy my study here
friends and facilities provided by M.I.T
Good campus size.
good environment.
MN4532 MIT Certifi cate in Preparation for Early Childhood Teacher Education (Level 4)
How helpul the teachers are
having more time while doing work
I enjoy the company and SOME of the teachers.
you could improve the teachers teaching strategy. the approach that some teachers take is very bad for individuals learning. i feel with some teachers i have no been well supported. some of the approaches that they have taken are against the curriculum. i.e not giving us enough support and help with assessments and telling us that "we're on our own"
I have liked that I got to study more about the issues that I did not know about in New-Zealand globally.
Could really improve on helping the student explore their cognitively to get a better understanding on the issue or dilemma .
I have liked that the lecturer give a time to briefl y explain the assessment.
Lack of teaching knowledge on how to do the essays, power points and reports
i have liked the amount of work i have been given
I like how Joanne help me and explain the assessment when Im confuse
I like how the lecturer support me when i don't understand with the assessment
I like how we are able to talk to Jo about any subject and she would help us the best she possibly could.
I would improve the work load because sometimes is was so much throughout the year
I like ra and jo
a lot
I like that the classes are small so there is more one on one time with the lectures.
Having better printers
I liked everything it was all good.
All over it was good.
I liked that MIT lecturers gave me the ability to use progress in my math's , English and researching.
The lecturers could improve on teaching the students how to think , what to think about the relates to assessments, teach in depth of what the students need to be doing and not just based on basic knowledge. It is important that teachers don't limit their teaching towards student as it will allow students to limit their selves towards their study because it hasn't been taught to a extend where it is likely for the student to gain excellence.
I liked that most of the teachers were very lovely and well prepared
I liked that my lecturer gives feedback until we get the work right, she helps us a lot, she is supportive.
The load of work is a little bit too much.
i love Margarette's way of teaching, really eff ective and simple to understand.
course fi nish too late 1:00pm atleaset fi nish at 1:10. too much work to process in one day should have 1 class each day
I love my Lecture because she's helpful
I'm learning heaps of new things through my reasearches
Having more time to do assignments, discuss the work more clearly.
It wasn't super intense and due dates were fl exible
everything is good
Jo has been a very understanding and considerate teacher :-) very helpful and motivates us to complete the course.
Jo has been amazing, she's really supportive and helpful. Never says no to helping us. She's very kind, friendly and just awesome.
All is well.
jo is a great lecture!!!, kind, helpfull, and supportive
not much
Jo was approachable at all times even on weekends and really helpful. she is really supportive.
nothing all is well.
just coming here and working on assessments that needs completing and just the people in this campus
Making new friends and going into a centre and making the playground in Numeracy.
In Numeracy this isnt anything they can improve.
Margaret is really nurturing and she cares about our learning and helps us and she motivates us to complete the course whereas other lect
Meeting new friends and get to work with them and i liked it.
Having some more support on our assessments
My lecturer is nice she helps me in my assessment and providing equipment.
of having tias shes a helpful lecturer funny and she also encourage us to pass our work
Ra has been really supportive, helpful, encouraging and helpful.
it is all good.
Rawinia has being amazing. She is supportive and helpful towards our assignments. She is always positive and encouraging.
All is good
some of the lecturers and students
better lecturers that answer our questions
having lecturers that answer our questions
lecturers that actually answer our questions and help us along the way
some of the lecturers, some of the students that have helped me along the way
getting better lecturers that are there to help us and answer our questions. To have good lecturers to teach us when our other ones are away
student allowance
tia makes it hard for me to succeed in this course tbh
studying at MIT. the teachers the mates and the environment
That my lecturer is helpful and if I need help she helps me.
the campus
the education
The feedback and the overall support from most of the teachers.
communication with other teachers in the same degree. Consistency with assignment teaching to get us on track quicker. Other than that, nothing :)
the friendly environment and the lectures
The lecturers are really helpful, supportive and kind. They always make time to help us.
All is well
The lecturers are really nice and supportive and provide all the resources and help we need.
Its all good :)
the lectures are really helpful and the workload that is required
The lectures are really helpful to explain anything that I am not sure about in their assessment and the people here at MIT are kind.
The small classes means more one on one time the lectures are friendly and approachable
The equipment such as printers. The printers do not work.
The students and lectures at MIT are all very friendly and willing to help.
The equipment such as the printers/ some computers are very slow or do not work.
The teacher in this class is helpful and explains what to do for an assessment thoroughly and in detail .
the teachers and the envirionemt
The teachers are understanding and fl exible
Better student instructions
The teachers are very supportive of my work,they want to see me succeed.
Teach an assessment for a bit more longer before giving the assessment.
the whole class and the environment and the nice facilities
there are people who are really helpful like the lectures with the assessments
well getting along with teachers ,peers and also the assessements they give me
I dont know
Could improve the teachers approach. I usually like to seek teachers help whenever im fi nding the work hard to understand but tia isn't as welcoming. She gets mad when we ask for help and will shame us infront of the other students, will laugh at us if we ask questions or give our opinion. Whenever we need the work broken down (to help understand) she talks to us as if we are dumb. I feel intimidated to talk to her about my work. I come to course wanting to learn and be supported but she isn't as supportive or friendly as the other teachers.
the work load
work load
All good
Not much
i fi nd that the lecture rawinia makes it hard for me to actually succeed in this course, i strongly suggest a more understanding and helpful lecture. i feel like she does not want me to pass and it makes me very very very very sad!
MN4533 Bachelor of Information and Communication Technologies
being able to discuss questions and answers with the lecturers
close to my home
WiFi connection
Course material something diff erent and new
The WiFi connection
Courses Programming Multimedia
The fi re alarm goes off alot(lots of drills)
Fantastic equipment Great teachers. Multimedia is such a great subject.
Not impressed with disability access and provisions. Lots of diffi culties getting around.
fl exible timetable, have time to manage other assignment teachers willing to help us keep up in class also assignment learning envi
Good facilities and technology
more dependable internet during tests
How the practice tests are on emit
Needs more practice work/time before sitting the tests
I like the exposure to the new, and open environment.
this course can include some more editing softwares.
I like the study Environment, its very industrial based real life hands on experience which doesn't seem diff er from the real Job situation The open class environment is quite distractive at times.
I liked because its a place where i got the real international explosure by going far away the study criteria from our basic building countryLearning skills Generation of new ideas team spirit more confi dence
I liked the friendly learning environment of the class and cooperation of teachers.
I really liked the support from my lecturer for explanations, displays and practices in areas that were misunderstood.
In MIT the study has basically basically a practical approach which is most appreciable. more over the teachers are friendly and they teac
It has been great and easy to get help when needed
it pushes me to learn.
the cleaning needs improvement there has been a hand print on the back of a toilet door since the beginning of the semester. The doors and door handles are disgusting and unfortunately I have to touch them to push or pull them open.
Lecturers help alot and take interests on students progress
More practical approach. Encourages learning from fellow students.
teachers are helpful
internet / network connections
Some lecturers make it clear what they require for assignments but others not so much
Just the people, everything else needs better planning, for instance new building in manukau waste of space, open concept doesn't wor
Everything needs improvement from the ground up.
- facilities (tables, chairs, internet,-----) - fl exible time, lecturers. - Good explanation and helpful to research topic.
- Open space cause noisy and could not concentrate. - Discount for car park fees.
- Lecturers are very informative and helpful on their specialised subjects. - Admin staff are are very friendly and helpful ...ready to advise- Lockers needed to students (suggest user pay) - Marketing assignnment no. 1 could be a "group" assignment instead of individual assignment. As an older student, I found it challenging an individual, however, it may have been easier as a group assignment. - Coin/change machines for parking change ...perhaps located inside ground fl oor.
- the environment
- internet: some fl oors the net is really hard to connect to - printing: I fi nd it hard printing from my laptop as it never connects to the printer
1.The environment is very nice 1.The lecturer is very experienced and professional
About my study here at MIT, I like most the Tutorial class and the previous test revisions which are very helpful to us students, especial There is nothing to be improved in this course.
about the friendly Nature of lecturer
After my study at MIT I will be able to work at the airport as a check-in agent
Internet/ Wi-Fi
all notes provided
the lecturer needs to speak loud
All the study information could be found on it any time
Approachable staff
assistance and assurance from the teachers
Best environment
Open Classes should have reduced noise levels.
Both the lecturers are awesome....they know what they are doing :)
Business Computing has been a complete nightmare as this class has had FIVE diff erent tutors so far. The Curriculum has been taught to Ultimately
I understand that there were some problems with fi nding replacements but the treatment I felt myself and peers got was not fair yet it was not addressed. I would only suggest that in future somebody address the issue at hand and allow the students of that class to know that there maybe issues with the teaching of the paper and then double check that the students assignments and grades are not falling behind because of these disturbances. I only hope that no other students ever have to deal with anything like this!
Class sizes and times are good - lecturers seem fairly fl exible
Hand in dates seem fairly fl exible - lecturers just seem to move them even though the rest of us have done it on time
class time, interaction with fellow students the personal challenge of applying myself to a given task
library, library opening hours study spaces could be improved subjects could be more relevant to industry more practical work during class time better preparation for work placement better preparation for entering work force free parking more class rooms more food choices better student learning support
Cleanliness of the new building.
Strongly dislike the use of open spaces - distracting, loud and uncomfortable. Food options are too limited, unhealthy and expensive.
close to home
have free parking for students
close to where I am staying
I think there is no diff erence in applied management and research methodology. I think these two courses may be merged and become as one.
Collen has been very supportive and she has depth knowledge of what she has been teaching.
Convenient, free parking. Access to lecturers.
Conveninet Location
More resources to be provided such as handouts.
easier to reach lecturers
more powerpoints
Enjoy and friendly
Learn a lot of things
Enjoy the environment, very positive surroundings and the lecturers are all really supportive. The Building is very stimulating and the f With this course (Research Methodology) it was quite confusing as in the fi rst couple of weeks the fi nal assignment was being covered. it mixed up the content learnt for the fi rst and last assignment. Very confusing.
Enjoyed this paper learning new acts that apply in employment relations
Nothing I loved this paper learnt more about employment relations & acts
If MIT Lectures know that our Assignment Due this Week on Friday. Please spent some times with the students to explain and talk about the Assignment. I know some Lectures a Close up. Im sure in their minds . They dont want to give us the answers. We are not stupid to ask our Lectures for answers. We expected the lectures to tell us. What do we need to do ??? What subject shall we study ?? Some lectures says.. This .. This... This will be in your Test..Study this .. this.. because it will come on your test ...But when the Test comes .... Opposite to what have been told to study... Some lectures need to build a good relationship with their students... Some students that I saw with my own eyes .. are scare to open up their mouth to ask the Lecture for help... Because .. The trust is not there at all....Some Lectures here at MIT have all the Degrees in this World. But when they speak English. What the Hell on Earth. We dont under stand. How will you expected us students to Pass ????
Environment good for learning.
Accessing the toilets from the library no easy access.
Everyone is friendly
Everything is great. I enjoyed studying at MIT
As such nothing need to improve. Only thing which I think should be introduced at MIT is that, college should start one department for international students counselling. In which they should be guided about New Zealand market, so that after completing their studies they should not face any problems in fi nding a job for them. As international students are totally new to New Zealand, they can't know about the market in just one year.
Everything so far, to the lectures, work assignments. it worth all the stress after all
Everything. The favourable courses, the faculty, the new friends.
-excellent and supportive lecturer
Explaining things in depth
Facilities, professional lecturers, kind and friendly staff , easy access by train
More food establishments
Facilities, Professional lecturers, Kind reception staff , easy access by train
More food establishments, more support for job match
Facilities. I appreciate the patience and tolerance shown by most Lecturers.
Access to levels with computer on week-ends.
Flexibility of having 1 class, 1 hrs, for the week. Suit work and family.
For Management, Assessments weren't properly schedules as the outline stated.
To go more depth in questions for Portfolio's B,C,D.
Francesca Horsley has a passion for the subject and it really shows, it makes learning in this specifi c class enjoyable.
Francessa was an awesome teacher, really enjoyed her work and the environment she set in the class. My favourite teacher.
For this course nothing, for others a lot.
fresh information, update knowledge, make new friends and network.
Free car park!
friendly and approachable lecturers
not in this course but taxation when the new lecturer came i was totally lost because the lecturer is not confi dent in teaching and she doesn't know her role as a teacher.i really had a had time with her.
Friendly and helping
Pass every subjects
Friendly and helping each other to achieve goals
Lecturers a specifi c lecturer for each course NOT change it every semester Night class in level 6 & 7 around 5.10 to 7 or 8pm
Friendly and supporting
More support and helpful
Friendly environment and clean & tidiness
water fountains, more pay machine for car park.
Friendly environment and well maintained and managed facilities
Friendly staff , lecturers and students Flexible approach to learning
Too many assessments on this course - 6 assignments and an exam (5 assignments with one assignment of two parts due in on separate dates) Greater organisation of lessons/fl ow of the course/how activities will work
Fun classes and collaboration
Good environment, high quality equipment, the lecturer is nice.
sometime felt confusion, need to clear content how to do it , what is next step....
Good lecturer Facilities
There should not be any group assignment :'(
Good lecturer, very informative. Enjoyed the class
I personally fi nd it very diffi cult to write using pen. It is a lot easier for me to correct mistakes and make changes if I was to use a word processor instead. I have talked with other students about this issue and they strongly agree with using a word processor instead of writing it with pen. It also is a lot faster to write an answer to a question as the 1 hour time limit is not enough time if you are not a fast writer and having to make changes without making a mess of the document. This is a major issue I have especially with tests and only think that it is appropriate as we are now moved to BYOD. If it is a problem to do it on your own computer than I would suggest that the computer rooms be used for the test with access only to what is needed for the test. Thanks
Great feedback and support from SOME lecturers, some others are hopeless and totally unapproachable which isn't a good thing.
Some lecturers are hard to approach and do not give feedback or support. please improve this area
great learning environment.
Great learning material and excellent lecturers who help you to understand
More content about sustainability in practice would be great
great study environment and teacher of this course meet our resource requirements.
no improvements as such for this course
group discussions
more evening classes, 1pm the earliest please I might look at other institutes im half way through the program but due to the limited evening classes I might leave mit. sad cause I really love the new building
group work
study area
Group work teachers fl exibility on assignments due dates in terms of extensions allowed
have a system where all the lectures of MIT can view students or other lectures' timetable or scheduled assignments due dates set for students so that students like myself don't suff er by having to work on completing two or 1 assignment all with same weight like 10% that have been set to be due on same week, then it end up either you can not do all three properly or you will do one or two assignments properly and risk failing the other.
having study groups with a group of friends and also having the environment big enough for people to have a quiet place to study.
Heaps of work to do
posting exercise solutions.
Help and support
More practice and support
help has always been available, that is very important to me
less group work, i fi nd most people feel that way because it ads to the stress of the assignment, having to think about others
Helpful lecturers, easy to access facilities
helping and Friendly lecturers. also the facilities and the material provided are really helpful
helping and support
My knowledge, and prove learning
high quailty equipment
high tec building and the teachers are very helpful
interent needs to be more fast, most of the time its very slow or can not connect.
How close it is to my house
How she teach it is very clearly and understanding.
the location of the rooms especially the open room it is very disturb when we do our class than the other class disturb us
i am enjoying the environment of MIT. All faculty member are very helping and good.
I am really impressed with the quality of teaching regards to my lecturer. I also commend my lecturer for the help he has profoundly hel The classrooms outside of a closed door classroom is completely appalling and irrelevant to the success of my learning. Everytime we have a class outside the classroom, I fi nd it very diffi cult to concentrate with the level of distractions outside.
I did not like anything about studying this course at MIT. I think i would have been taught better at a diff erent institute at AUT or either You could improve on changing the lecturer back to Heather Buchan and send this lecturer to AUT where she belongs. If anything you could improve is on keeping the same formats of the exam paper as the Test 1 was not expected as we wanted.
I enjoy the learning and my fellow students and the lecturers
supply hot water Put up a notice board Let us also have some of the things that the Otara Campus has
I enjoyed the diff erent techniques & ways in how both lectures sometimes not understanding a few at times but the pass sessions real Have both classes combined if their are only a handful of students
See Natasha become a lecture
I enjoyed the geographic proximity, stress-free learning environment and friendly pals at MIT.
Stricter control for enrollment, or supplementary courses for people in need to catch up with the curriculum as a fair play for the rest of the class, an eff ective method for teaching and a respect for learning.
i enjoyed the teachings of Francesca and Una. I enjoyed the guest speaker too. This course helped me to look into Maaori in the 1860s, The
microphone for theatre should be fi xed or a new one for the facility. it was annoying when the lecturers would insert new batteries and then the microphone would stop working after an hour
I enjoyed til Heather Bachun took us the course.The course is very helpful and informative
Lecturer needs to be supportive and helpful.she doesn't know how to teach student though she is resourceful.
I have enjoyed extending my knowledge overall in the area of marketing
I didn't enjoy International Marketing, I think partly with the way in which it was taught. It was mostly taught through Powerpoint and we rushed through a lot of the topics. Information given for assignments and the online test was often contradictory which left me feeling like I was fl oundering. I also felt communication via email was slow and this also put pressure on me to fi nish my assignments.
I have learned things that I have never knew how to create brfore
Should provide computer laps for students to use because not everyone have laptops and in terms of problems during practical tests
I have liked the support given by all lecturers and their willingness to help and give extra time when necessary
Don't give extensions so easily to students who are clearly not pulling their weight. It is not fair to those who work hard and regardless of multiply commitments still manage to get assignments in on time. Constantly allowing students more time will certainly not help them when they get a job and thus refl ects badly on MIT. You often hearing students chatting and laughing about the excuses they will give their lecturer in order to get an extension. This shows a total lack of respect.
I Have loved learning about the Heritage of New Zealand. Has given me a new perspective of business and sustainability. I have espe
NIL - Excellent course
I have really enjoyed learning new things, meeting new people, also meeting new Lecturers and the relationship I have with my Lecturers.
All classes to be indoor.
I have really enjoyed my economics class. Satya has been very helpful and very informative. I also really appreciate that he used a lot Ther
of e was a lot of content covered in the lectures, I would have liked more time to go over it all.
I have really enjoyed my time during studying at MIT. It has allowed me to gain more knowledge about specifi c areas I haven't learn't Have a marking criteria for all group work that has or has not been contributed towards the group works. The can work by creating some sort of schedule to provide evidence that group work is working smoothly and also that the lectures are aware of amount of work that has been contributed towards each groups.
I have really liked meeting all the new friends I have made this semester
I have really liked the fact that i can more of a one on one communication with the teacher which has really been useful to me and helpfu
I have to do alot of self learning.
Lecturers should taking in consideration the diff erent learning capacity of all students...Being diversity in teaching
i like about the lecture hes really helpful and willing to explain everything and to make sure that everyone understand what we do and athe open space where we have our tutorials I can't hear the lecture because walking around and talking it will be helpful if it is closed so no distractions during class.
I like MIT because they are multi-culture school. Some of the teachers are approachable.
I hate the fact that the lecturer's to my Business Computing class has to change three times. I did not expect that when I enrolled myself into MIT. I hope that MIT will sort this out and makesure that it will not happen again in the future.
I like the classroom environment and the relationships with the lecturers. They are empathetic and support in any way that is needed.
The content of this paper is huge and it's hard to keep up with the work while also completing three other papers this semester.
I like the new campus
For this course it i dont like the structure for the exam because its to much
I like the study materials available on emit. It is easy to study online and we can access from anywhere, any time, whenever we need to
Class time is too much long of the courses. 1 Hours are not needed to cover all the topics. It makes the classes boring. Sometimes it is wasting of time. Teachers should be available on other time schedules as well, not only on class time. Teachers should spend more time on discussion about assignments as like as the lectures and exams. After submitting and evaluating assignments, they should solve and explain the solutions and marking of the assignments. Before starting every topic, teachers should give a little brief of basic concepts related to those topics. Solving more maths and exercises in classes are needed to learning each and every topic of this course.
I liked almost everything at MIT except the taxation course.
To improve is the system of the faculty going through in our taxation class "IT IS REALLY HARD TO UNDERSTAND AND WE ARE FACING DIFFICULTIES FOR THE EXAM."
I liked having the option of attending the morning or afternoon accounting practises class. This proved to be benefi cial to me as I could More eff ective teaching. The accounting practises lecturer did not provide a nurturing learning environment because of this it aff ected our learning. He would get very upset if you asked him a question. He would give negative feedback to students when giving out test results. The lecturer taught at a pace continuously rushing through learning and telling our class he would not slow down and will not go any slower. He would make negative comments about other students to the class. I observed the classroom once full of students disappear as a result. Learning in an open space when learning accounting is both ineff ective and disruptive it would be better to learn in a closed space at all times. Although 1 accounting classes were on level 1 side by side the disruptions came from the closed spaces where students entering and exiting at diff erent times caused many disruptions. We had to use MYOB through the citrix receiver that when practising for our test it would kick me out every 10 minutes. The MYOB learning material projected on the screen was small it was not able to be read that the lecturer agreed and tried to get IT to fi x it to no avail. When using MYOB I was not able to open the lecturer's solutions to compare with my own exercise to compare my results against his. I would like to see lecturers establish better relationships with me as a student, to be more interested in my learning.
i liked how the lecturers teach you about the tests that come up and that they are understanding
I liked Lehan's understanding the diff erence between teaching full-time students versus full-time workers studying part-time. I also like Nothing I can think of.
I liked the atmosphere of the Lecturer interact with students to support and help them through their journey of study.
MIT could improve the learning space outside on the Tutorial period. It is very distracted from other Lecturer and students.
I liked the teacher's way of teaching this paper. Bruce is really helpful and has lots of patience.
I only like Taxation when Heather was still teaching this paper but now, i have lost hope for this paper.
You could improve by giving us a lecture that will come prepared to class and ready to teach. Not a lecture that comes to class and spend so much time fi guring out and trying to calculate an answer for one particular question. I am really not happy with this paper and to top it all, I am really not happy with the lecture and how she teaches. The lecture gives us so much information to study and only some of it will come in exam. She has told us in class that she will not give us a hint of the topics that will come in the exam, and to study whatever resources we have. Like, what the hell. What a waste of money. This is not acceptable.
I personally found Introduction to Finance to be a very informative paper. As I have been working in a full time position as a manager, I (empty)
I prefer the smaller class. It is very easy to communicate with lecture, and ask for help.
I really enjoy the group work that I have been involved in. I have met many new people and it helps me to understand the topics discuss
Course included a lot of content, I felt like we didn't have suffi cient time.
I really enjoyed other papers other than this one.
Lecturer to be more organised and know the answer to our questions.
I really enjoyed the classes, Milind explained the content very clearly and used real life examples to cement the information.
I also r (empty)
I really enjoyed this class as I got to experience interviewing a business person, which was out of my comfort zone at the time. It wa
Things that MIT could improve on is the open classes as it's very hard to hear and understand the lecturer when there is another class going on next door. Another thing I found very annoying was having to do assessment 5 before assessment 1. Here I would've thought that assessment 5 or most of assessment 5 should've been done fi rst, as it would've made it easier to record everything that's needed in the assessment, and then presenting assessment 1 by doing the presentation.
I really enjoyed this course as I have not liked this subject since high school. After giving this subject a chance, I actually enjoyed
I really like the contents of the course, Mikes Bikes Simulation related to work
Please, I felt the two roll overs were alot, due to some of the team members not participating. I believe one rollover is enough for fi ve years, this will give students the chance to understand the system well.
With this paper we are expected to do the simulation independently, with the instructions and manuals provided by simulation team. For this it took me the whole week to only read and try and understand what the system was about. I felt a lot of research on the similar system needed to be done, however given the chance I would still like to practise it on my own after my course to get higher shareholder value.
I really like the self directed style of learning.
I really like the way all the lecturers are supportive and ready to help and give extra time if necessary
I am very happy with my course thankyou
I really like the way that the subject is taught. The assessments and the marking guides are set out well and are very helpful in assisting(empty)
I really liked our lecture. Her style of teaching was very eff ective. She had a lot of patience especially with dealing with two classes in myITLab always stuff s up, especially during an actual assignment
I really liked the all facilities that MIT has been providing. All teachers were very cooperative.
I really liked the course overall.
the marking guides for each assessment was not helpful. they do not break down the assessment so do not assist with what is expected when being marked. Also i believe that assessments were marked rather strictly with this in mind that the questions or nothing else was broken down enough to understand what was meant by the questions asked so we had no expectation of how they were being marked etc.
I really love the vibes of MIT because all my Lecturer this Semester are good at teaching and very helpful.
I don't like HOLLYWOOD CAFE is too expensive, can MIT have like MacDonalds or any caf that aff ordable for us students and public.
I really the environment and my Lecture are very helpful and easy to ask questions to them.
Nothing more but to make it fair, I noticed that most students in my class hardly attend class. Hollywood caf is too expensive lol.
In terms of intermediate fi nancial accounting, the tutor Mr Vijay is really good at teaching in terms of explaining things with examples and
Information was always there and when you did not attend class an email would go out on what the class did on the day I think this i Great teaching style, but I would prefer a real life company Manager come and talk about the issues he sees in the company and maybe get the class to perform the assignment project based on what they consider helping improve the situation. This will build a better platform for those who will be entering into their last year of Degree and Diploma. .
Infrastructure Use of Technologies Curriculum
More experienced lecturers
It has been ok
It helps me gain skills about how to communicate with others professionally. I believe that I will benifi t in the future.
The study of atmosphere here would be better if most of students are hard-working.
It is a lot more relaxed more secure then the Otra Campus
The class for marketing is a bit hard to understands epically for people who never taken marketing, the concept for the report was hard, and should be explain on how to do write the report for those who never done marketing before or let alone written an 10 page report. The internet on level 1 always plays up, and should be improved.
It is interesting and benefi cial. The staff are great, both tutors and admin and helpdesk. The other students are great too. Sites are eas this is the fi rst class that i have attended that I have not looked forward to. Mukhlesur is quietly spoken and with his accent is very diffi cult to understand. I agree that he is well versed in the subject, and he is a nice person, but as a tutor is hard work to understand. If this was my fi rst taste of MIT i would have second thoughts about where to study. But it isnt and i will be continuing. Not sure how you enable someone to be better understood, and it may just be my diffi culty and not that of the tutor. This isnt a complaint, just feedback. Also, this is the fi rst night class where we have not had a 10-15min break part way through. I do think this would be benefi cial, as it is just a quick refreshing break, but makes all the diff erence to motivation during the evening, especially when a lot of eff ort has gone into understanding the tutor.
It opens my eyes to more and varied subjects and ideas.
I know that we are all adult students but is it possible to encourage students not to talk while the lecturer is talking? I fi nd it to be very disrespectful of the lecturer as well as the students who want to learn.
Its been easy to interact with anyone and able to get to the lectures when in need of help and had good environment to study and do a
Its close to my house and the facilities are new and modern.
More understanding of night time student commitments ie full time jobs and children
Its handy to work.
The open spaces need work - Having to move two hours into a three hour lecture is very disruptive and the open space we were moved to isn't big enough to accommodate all the students so you have to rush there to get a decent spot where you can see the projector.
Its location.
The lecturer was always late and would go off on a tangent about her own personal beliefs.
It's more practical
effi ciency of the system.the ongoing running of citrix
Learning about the time value of money topic
Learning about ways to set up an interview having alot of practice in the fi eld before going out into the industry
More help towards students
Learning atmosphere and up-to-date technology system
There should be a bus transport facility outside the college Printing documents should be provided .Otherwise printing should be free like other institutions
learning environment is very good.
nothing all good
learning material was relevant and easy to fi nd. Making it easy to study and learn
More beer.
learning system
taxation lecture
Learning with a wide range of people from diff erent backgroudns and experiences.
More use of group assignments and use of formula's in the end of year exam would go a long way to improving student outcomes.
Lecturer interaction
Lecturers are fl exible and helpful in times when us students are struggling with time management and everything else
I think that everything here in MIT is perfectly fi ne with my studies.
Lecturers are helpful in everything.
Lecturers are really helpful at all times
Lecturers very helpful for students to succeed.
I found assignment very hard as an individual ...could be completed as a group assignment.
Lectures have been really helpful by guiding us towards the right pathway. Always encouraging their students to do their best. Some One of the lecture that majority of the students I study with always complain about his way of teaching and when he speaks you cannot really understand. All the class should have their own room because sometimes it can be disturbing if we do our study at the open area.
like the learning enviroment
vending machines
liked studying together. friendly staff s and students.
the assessment divided into too many parts. should have 1 or 1 assessment.
Loved this paper and lecturer was knowledgable and approachable and supportive, always communicated well with the class and replied
Madame love the paper
Nothing just wish you could hire more people like this lecture who kept it fun with the many business experiences
Hope you employ more lectures like this one
Majority of faculty staff are very helpful and willing to go 'the extra mile' to help students gain a good understanding.
Need more water fountains.
Marketing Lecturers are awesome
HR Lecturers (not all of them though)
meet new and people, excellent teaching and handy to the public transport.
all good,nothing really.
Meeting new people and improved my skills about working life.
The rooms to be closed doors and the lecturers attitude to try and make the students feel welcome in their class THROUGH the whole semester.
method of teaching
methods of teaching
give more marks
MIT has a good education system, the teaching style makes me feel eff ectively of my study. All of my lecture were take responsibility of (empty)
MIT is one of the best institute in auckland,NewZealand.The best part of the institute is that they give pratical learning in form of inte
oveall everything is good ,minor things will improve according to time
MIT is the multicultural university which help us to learn diff erent culture and languages. Moreover the teachers are very cooperative and(empty)
MIT Manukau Campus
The excessive noise during class times in the open space classrooms.
Modern location and friendly people. Well structed IT etc
More structred course and teaching style
MS Project guidance on EMIT of ProjectMgt is really good
My lecture Samah
learning new things about the computer etc
assignment too long
My marketing courses, the exams in this course i believe are highly useless. I don't believe i will use these skills in my every day to lifeAs stated above.
New business campus is excellent. Tutor approachable, enthusiastic and available to help with any issues.
New campus facilities.
More night classes!
New campus. Computer based content so no need for text books
More classes at night or the option to take papers without attending classes. More options for full time workers basically
new compus
internet connection
new facility and friendly staff ...
car park...
Nice, Simple explanation by Mr. Tui with excellent examples. Really enjoyed it
No comments
assignment task needs a bit more brief explanation on what we should do and what the Lecture's expectation from it.
notes provided and the course was well explained
Nothing much
Time management. Break times should not exceed half an hour to an hour. A lot of time wasted doing absolutely nothing whilst during class hours. It's not fair that the students have to wait for at least half an hour to resume a lesson.
Keeping up to date with everything. This includes updating resources on eMIT and being consistent with the course materials. Also, uploading the most updated power points would be useful for students using the study material.
open environment to study multi cultural environment
- decrease the rate of the parking $1 a day is too expenses for a student - prices of goods of shops inside the campus is high because we are students it should be a little less - program at the beginning was slow but towards the end it was a rush to fi nish everything off on time and then study for exam.
Overall facilities and up-to-date technology
Printed notes and more explanation towards diffi cult topics
overall this paper is a great paper and also fun we learnt alot during course.
you have to improve alot this paper is good but too much work as students we have alot of other assignments to do also the rollovers were 1 times a week which was hard for us to meet up in the groups also the weight of the group work was too much and groups were also not good i personally struggled alot was alot of tension to me as i had lots of other assignments to give test my personal work, and family issues i think that this paper reallly needs alot of improvement and less group work and also the software of mikes bikes needs alot of study for the lecturer himself as to guide us well which he lacked knowledge and as well as students also lacked knowledge but accordingly all minds are not well set and clever to get everthing fast and quickly thankyou for your support i hope you take into account this feedback as i will appreciate it.
Overall, the learning environment is pretty good and courses provided by MIT is given in such a way which helps students to learn easilynothing
pass grade threshold
level 5 material to be up to a standard that prepares student for level 6 work.
project management
yes, need more practice on MS- Project more
Really enjoyed this class and the way it was taught. the marking guides assisted the assessment papers very well and helps us to underthe only thing i found diffi cult was keeping the two classes (consumer behaviour and market planning & control) separate, they got quite confusing as to which was which in regards to the assessments and ideas.
Recommend this lecturer to future students. Loved this course :)
Relaxed but helpful atmosphere
Satya is a great Economics lecturer. Really enjoyed his lectures. It's a pity there is no Economics major at MIT as am interested in pursuing
Off er Economics as a major.
Since the time our lecturer left us , this has become so diffi cult I just can't explain. The new lecturers or lecturer are just on another
There are so many things to be improved: 1. Attitude of the new tax lecturer 1. More systematic way of approach in case a lecturer resigns in the middle of a semester 1. A lot focus on international students, specially for part-time job 1. Outdoor sports and events
small class sizes have enabled us to work closely with other students in group discussions and get to know the tutor resulting in individuIt is unfortunate that our key tutor became unwell during this course, and the resultant uncertainty has meant approximately one month in the middle of the course where we were unsure whether our replacement tutor was going to be temporary or with us for the remainder of the semester. I believe MIT did an excellent job of fi nding a new tutor who was well suited to the course, and gave us an opportunity to look at the topic from a diff erent perspective. Assessment dates were able to be altered as a result. Students were also given the opportunity to have an input into these changed dates and suggestions for the delivery of the remaining part of the course. Unfortunately with this course being timetabled for a Monday, out of the 16 teaching weeks we lost 1 days due to statutory holidays and a further 1.5 days due to the tutor's illness/changeover to new tutor. Perhaps students could have been off ered formal tutorial time to make up for this. Many of the younger and/or international students may not have had the confi dence to request extra help from the replacement tutor who they didn't know as well as the usual lecturer.
Small class, nice lecture.
small group, very supportive teaching
Evening classes will be very helpful, as I work full time.
So far, as this is my fi rst year at MIT. I enjoy a number of things, for instance meeting new faces as well as making new friends. Th
So far, so good - More than what expected to have learnt. For a fi rst time student, this has been a very successful semester. Well catered More evening classes for other papers.
some lecturers, particularly Rajbir and Bruce are very helpful. enough space around the campus
stringer wifi more closed room please!! bigger library with the books we actually require
staff , environment
all gud
staff is really helpful in studies and there are number of facilities that i can use.
provide more options for students that they could get help in their carriers.
staff s are very friendly and can be approched them easily especially mycommunication teacher Liz is very good and explaining chapter
staff s, clean and tidy and a good ambence
study enviroment .
intenet services
study enviroment.
internet service.
Study material and teaching staff
study place
more information about the course
Provide more rooms for students rather than Open Space
Supported learning from certain lecturers. Ina is the BEST!!!
Supportive learning system
The open space study areas
Taxation is one of the unit that has been taught poorly and I'm not at all happy with this. In comparison with other units we are provided
MIT should look into the above issues.
Teacher's are friendly and helpful.
Teaching style. I guess there should be two classes for one subject per week for each subject, so students get more time learn and interact with teacher.
Teachers as they are so helpful.
TEACHING ENVIROMENT,most of the lectures are very helpful,supportive and encouraging
Teaching facilities clean and healthy environment
Library for instance if anyone comes to the library to the librarian if they have conversation on book issue whole library are disturbed.
Teaching style of lecturer is good. He is knowledgeable and very experienced. he creates a very friendly atmosphere in the class.
The assignments should be changed in every semester. Students who get help from the seniors scores well and other scores very low marks. So everything should be fair. Please change the questions and learning outcomes of assignments in every semester.
Teaching techniques were very useful. The tasks that were given to us in class helped me with my assignments.
Team work n collaboration
Provide extra classes to cover missed classes due to public holidays as ths occurred on several occasions
that communication studies give u real workplace issues and solutions like how to do feedback
the time between classses i have a class that fi nishes at 1pm and one the starts at 1pm
That is close to home and the working environment is good.
It could improve on more close placed for studies. Cheap for food, more food stores around campus, and lower the parking payment for student,
That it has been easy to approach to lecturers if I didnt understand a topic or question.
Doing more activites diff erent from the ones that is done in class to make learning fun.
The approachability of the lecturers is really good. They are always willing to help outside of class as well.
The building structure.
Parking (free), Internet update because it cuts out, Citrix needs to be fi x as its always crashing.
the choices you make can infl uence your learning time and what you use to be put into your schoolwork
keep teaching us
The consistency of the learning objectives and lunch time.
Utilize the unused space/ areas in the building so there is a suffi cient amount of room for students to learn and please book classes within the amount of time needed without disruptions of having to move in between class time.
The content and level of this course has been what I expected. The workload and pace has been fair and manageable. The learning maBetter classrooms.
The content of subjects the teaching environment The helpful lecturers
Sometimes it is too cold inside classrooms
The context and workload is at pace and am enjoying this course especially as the lecturer had taught and evaluated it well.
The rooms outside of the classrooms are a problem and I am appalled at the idea where there are classes outside of a classroom because of the level of noise and distraction outside. I believe it is completely stupid and appalling.
The convinient venue
The structure of the course nweds to be improved. This class was held on Mondays and there were 1 public holidays on this day and no provisions for extra classes. Course was disrupted alot and classes were cancelled at late notice
The course content and the excellent lecturers
More about sustainability
The course instructor has engaged everyone well. Has sought every students understanding.
MIT could improve the fees charged per paper. IT IS TOO STEEP. Makes it impossible to continue with the study with mortgage etc.
The course material was a good coverage. The lecturer Heather was the best and knows very well about the course and her style of tea This was my fi rst paper and it didn't go well at all. Communications are not great at all. There is Emit and Email that students can log into. I didn't know there was a email. What was the user name? what was the password? I came to know about the emails three weeks before the close of this course. This should be explained to new students at the start. No notes posted on emit, only posted if asked or followed up. Students should not be reminding lecturers! It is their job to keep information up todate. No partical work done in class, IR forms had to be fi lled and it was done in the last class in two hours. Student had unanswered questions. This is the reply from lecturer, I am only a contractor fi lling in, don't know anything = glad this is my last class! Who do students turn to for help? The last Tuesday class she came 10 mins late and left fi ve minutes early there were so many students wanting to clarify things but she rushed out. No attendance was taken after Heather left. Pass class started 19/1 should be from week one. Test two was in 19/5 and email received 17/5 advising exam date! too late notice isn't it? Mock test solutions were posted really late, fi rst attempt the answers were wrong, second time one question was wrong. third time lucky. The Friday we had test two, we had a tutorial and she did depreciation questions on the board almost three times before she could get it right. she confuses the students and we sat the paper immediately after. Imagine the outcome...She advised students FBT is not coming in test two and it was tested. why? I see there are notes on payroll giving and it is the fi rst time I have had this terminology. This sa not taught inclass. There were three classes every week, but the material covered per week was not the same. I checked with another student and their class were briefed on payroll giving. Mark, the other lecturer has not handled the matter well. Highly inprofessional. All the students were trying to tell him was" we don't understand and we need help Test two we sat the paper and we were not given the tax tables (that should be provided) at the start of he exam, very unorganised. Also the fi rst time in history that Multiple choice has multiple answers, multiple choice questions are meant to hav
the culture of the place, the learning environment and the friendly staff
cheaper food, cheaper convenience store too
the culture, the lecturers are helpful.
Not sure
The emails that are sent to all class students about what the class lectures were about on the day, really does matter. if you couldn't a I would preference that Lecturers did not read each word for word on the slides but summaries what the slides are about. It would be better for students to have a real life person come in from a company to talk about the issues that are going on in the business. In class can be used as a project assignment to fi nd solutions and provide advice with the Lecturers as the supervisor over- looking the project, therefore this would prepared the student for their individual project towards their Diploma or Degree education.
The environment lends itself well to learning. I have liked the interaction between students and lecturers. It feels like a safe place t
Because their is ALOT of content to get through, it would be helpful if their could be more course related tests throughout the semester, and less emphasis on the end of year exam. Maybe the tests could be done in such a way that you won't have to sit certain topics at the end of the semester.
the facilities and the lectures in the theatre.
having the library open longer on wed, thurs, and fridays.
The facilities are very nice and comfortable. The lecturers are very nice.
I found this course very content-heavy. I could barely keep up.
The facilities that MIT has provided, and the updated resources it provides
Nothing much on my side, I have alsways loved the facilities
The fl exibility to study and work at your own pace and a good communication with lecture about the assignment being due
Need to work on internet connection,sometimes signal is weak or no signal at all in some classes... When working on assignments ,signal is lost and so is the work been done for that hour.
The friendly environment
The friendly tutor make the studies enjoyable, Jone Moses is one of the tutor who is really good at explaining things and assisting in prac
the interaction with lecturers and their willingness to help students
The internet and its facilities
Slowing down the work being taught like in one session there is so much to grasp, somewhat making the workload manageable especially for people that work and have other responsibilities.
The knowledge is useful when doing accounting work.
Need have more computer exercises.
The learning environment
The services off ered - need a cheaper convenience store rather than the one we currently have downstairs
The learning environment has been great. I have stepped outside my comfort zone and meet some wonderful people with like-minded Igoals
sometimes felt that I couldn't ask questions to my lecturer for fear of being rebuked for not having understood some of the material that was given out. I noticed this was also the case with others in my class. Maybe an improvement on teaching skills could help to improve the learning enviroment. The approach of our lecturer was sometimes very harsh, however I understand that the lecturer means well.
The learning environment.
can provide water points on each fl oor
The lecture has been approving
MIT should improve by getting a assignment box for the lecture for student to go and drop there assignment off instead of walking around the building just to look for the lecture or knocking on the window for other lecture to get your lecture just to hand in there assignments.
The Lecture Una presented the course in away that was both informative and enjoyable.
Better open learning areas
The lecturer - Liz West has been really good.
The lecturer is very supportive.
There are some things which can be improved: 1. A lot focus on international students, specially for a part-time job 1. Outdoor sports and events
The lecturer on this particular course. She was very helpful and easy to understand. If a s
No Comment
The learning
The lecturers
I like
MNCONT Contracts
What I really liked about my study at MIT is how quickly I'm getting through the assessments because I can do them at my own pace
cafe lecturers dairy open learning spaces
teaching could be at a slower pace more practical work like learning how to answer phones, greeting people in front of reception should be more practiced throughout the course. lecturers should come around to students more often if students need help
Content was easy to understand and workload was fair
overall good to study this course to improve my administrative skills
Everything! especially the lecturers as they are all so helpful and really take the time to work one on one with the students that require it.Nothing i can think of :)
Everything, the work was easy to understand, the teachers were nice and easy to talk to and very helpful.
how the programme is self paced so that I can do it at my own speed
I have enjoyed my study time here at Manukau MIT. I found my tutors way of teacher was awesome the way they teach and explain things
way my tutors have taught me is brilliant. They make understanding business concepts easy. Needs no improvement at all. They do a fantastic job. (Business Admin Level 1) The Manukau MIT is fantastic ... I don't think anything needs to be improved.
Bacterial wipes in all classes to wipe down computer equipment. I think is a great idea to stop the spread of germs.
i have enjoyed the work, its easy but also hard if you don't pay attention. i have enjoyed the amount of information that i have learnt frtohe only improvement would be to have the classrooms set before handing out the time table because it was a little confusing having one diff erent class at the end of the week changed from time to time but otherwise i really enjoy studying at MIT. and more food stores down stairs, the food sold there is too pricey and isn't worth the price they sell it for.
I have recommended it to all my friends who are school and don't want to be there anymore! It has truly been a step up for me and giveSorting out the lecturers at the beginning and making sure they are fi t to teach the program. More time in the business centre and maybe space it out a bit. Maybe also making the class environment more about business and how it would be in the industry. I found there was a group of young girls who would always talk about boys, getting drunk, cars, and clothes. They would speak very very very loudly and play their rap music very loudly. More discipline in this area would be great as it will be a big shock to some of those girls when they go into a big work place and have the possibility of getting fi red over not doing work and not talking about work related things during work hours.
I really enjoyed everyday of studying at MIT, The Lecturers are very helpful and awesome. The part that really excites me is the job oppor
It would be helpful if MIT Manukau branch could supply hot water for our cup of teas, some of us cant aff ord to buy at the cafeteria. That would be very helpful.
I really liked how approachable our lecturers were.
it is such a friendly environment
its easy to be in a workplace kind of area and very friendly tutors.
Just how the course was set out during the trimester. more organised than the level 1 course I attended last year.
A little more improvements on citrix could be made
Learning new content, and being able to say I am confi dent at doing it.
Make it more challenging
learning the many ways of a business and offi ce situation and the time in the business centre
Lectures and the students studying here.
Really good understand Lecturers and made awesome friends.
Self-learning with the support of my lecturers has made my experience here enjoyable.
Straight forward teaching, Lecturers listen to you.
For this course itself, it would have been a bit better if we had gotten to know our team mates. I love my team don't get me wrong, but it was commented by one of the lecturers that we didn't know our fellow peers.
That the work load was manageable and that we had a fair enough time to get it done by. Also that the lectures were helpful and easy tLater starting times and longer breaks as some of us like to walk to the mall for lunch or have things to do there like paying bills etc.
The course and what I have learnt and the lecturers have been fantastic. It is a great campus also.
the experience that we get in a business offi ce situation, and the types of jobs we get given
The friendly and safe environment Kind lecturers Louise and Ann
Teach some tutors manners on how to speak to students, such as Sue. Not many people in my class found her comfortable to teach us as she is sometimes rude and does not talk kindly. Treats us as little kids.
The lecturers are really supportive and nice. Its a nice friendly learning environment
The manukau campus is so nice and clean. The tutors Ann an Louise were both great
The materials provided for students at MIT has been of great help, the tutors are wonderful and environment is well designed and locate(empty)
the pace of this course, there is time for you to fi nish all you need and deadlines arent too soon and arent too far away.
The people at MIT
The tutors have been amazing, I never felt like a idiot whenever I had questions and pushed me beyond my current level.
The computer system needs improving, it is sometimes slow and crashes a lot under a moderate load. For a computer course I found a lot of IT problems during the course including having problems using Lync, the computer itself, citrix etca.
the work was easy and manageable and the tutors are very helpful
What I really liked about this course at MIT is how it gave more experience, more tools for the workforce.
I can't think of any ways...
Working along side people who are like minded, and support one another to achieve similar goals. The help and support system that isI ahave not come across anything to my dis-liking. yet. So far so good.
The lecturers
NC0634 National Certifi cate in Business Administration (Level 4)
Accessible Resources
Lunch facilities
All lecturer's teaching style
Technology eMit is very slaw - at home even at MIT too and sometimes for whole weekend - not worked. It's so frustrated when assignment is due.
All the lecturers were very helpful towards the whole course which i think make you more confi dent.
Awesome tutors they make it clear and understandable when teaching. Great teaching environment and the awesome new friends i havthere could be improvements on the citrix app. Its always cutting off or is very slow.
Being able to meet new people and learn things I wouldn't dare attempt if I were by myself.
The way assignments/resources are handed out.
course was all enjoyable.
Toilets which smell so stinks, need good and strong fan in toilets
Hands on workshop time. Other company worksite visit/trips. Learning skills in engineering.
The cosy to learn environment
The support and understanding of lecturers (teachers) that makes it more enjoying to learn.
Time spent in workshop/practical learning + instruction.
Every thing is good so far.
Equipment, material, move.
A smoking area for the smokers would be nice.
The washroom facilities especially outside the cafe are sub pal
Mig welding machines dont function well.
smoking bays
having a set classroom, resources and course materials should be provided by MIT.
having a set room for tuition & MIT course organizers to provide stationary Example USB etc
Cheaper food prices.
make assisgment easier for student
Class materials could have being provided from school rather than doing our our own photocopy
The processess for submittion as it can be confusing.
Two days to attend course instead of one.
change the tutor
having more courses like this.
more time in class
have a new tutor
more parking and the price of school cafeteria too expensive they have to consider what does mean student ex coff ees Hilton 5 star hotel $3.50 here$ 3.90
cafe could be cheaper
only the cultural one needs a bit of an over haul
marking time management
alot of changes in learning make it easy to understand
NC1678 National Certifi cate in Mental Health and Addiction Support (Level 4)
Probably newer version of software and grouping with fast and slow computers.
please the only thing I would suggest is the books really need to be looked at and fi xed that would really would be great.
Deadlines need to be emphasised more. Some people struggled to get their work in.
All good
All good
Providing more resources
Time management of the course and getting to class on time.
Maybe night courses also and library to open until late.
The cafe is to expensive. Need to re look at that aspect.
more better facility for students and more support for students who work full time and more course material will be helpful
The library hours for people that work and fi nish late.
ND1299 National Diploma in Mental Health (Mental Health Support Work) (Level 6)
Being in the same facility rather than travelling to Kolmar and back
MN4453 MIT Certifi cate in Maritime (Level 4): NZ Validity Licensing Requirements
MN4471 MIT Graduate Certifi cate in Shipping
NT4611 The New Zealand Law Society Legal Executive Diploma (Level 6)
MN0572 Certifi cate of Achievement in Pathways for secondary students into Automotive Engineering (Level 2)
MN0571 Certifi cate of Achievement in Trades Academy - Hospitality
MN0577 Certifi cate of Achievement in Plumbing, Gasfi tting and Drainlaying (Level 2)
MN4556 Graduate Diploma in Applied Management
Found it hard when the two papers overlapped as, like many others I work full time and did start to worry I was getting behind.
t it be better to put this on a word document rather? With relevant headings to make navigating and fi nding what you need to know easy.
some students were without placement almost 1 weeks after the offi cial start date. I sought my own placement, contacted a number of providers, and eventually sought a placement for another student also. This was due to the lecturer only being given the practicum subject last minute to deliver. Communication within BASW is at best patchy and at worst non existent. Emails were not always followed up on and phone calls not always returned. Changes to timetables were never communicated to students, we just turned up each day and discovered who would be delivering what subject. It is my view that there are institutional problems that aff ect the smooth delivery of quality education at a bachelors level, and it is my hope that a full investigation is undertaken. Certainly I feel quite disgruntled coming to the end of this year, as the reputation of MIT in the wider social work community is not great, and this impacts on how my degree will be viewed.
R a few of the fi rst lot failed there assignments OR Stream A didn't turn up to any classes etc. If lecturers have any issues with particular students it should be discussed with the student only.
es on two days we have four classes on four days. This constitutes a signifi cant more amount of wasted time than if the classes had been clustered. For instance, I spent more time driving in from the city on Monday's than I actually did in class. So much time is wasted because of this.
ular school day but remain accessible to those who have their swipe cards only, unless the campus is completely empty then security can lock up before 9. Keeping the library is a must because the library comes in handy when looking for a quiet place to study and do research at, public libraries are often loud due to those who come just to use the computers. I think the best thing is to keep the library and just expand the hours, perhaps make the after hours for the library be accessed by a swipe card as well and let their be a self check out as well so the librarians wouldn't have to stay longer. Leaving the library and expanding the hours while making the library accessible through a swipe card as well as having a self checkout for books could be a way to better improve the amount of people who use the library.
ular school day but remain accessible to those who have their swipe cards only, unless the campus is completely empty then security can lock up before 9. Keeping the library is a must because the library comes in handy when looking for a quiet place to study and do research at, public libraries are often loud due to those who come just to use the computers. I think the best thing is to keep the library and just expand the hours, perhaps make the after hours for the library be accessed by a swipe card as well and let their be a self check out as well so the librarians wouldn't have to stay longer. Leaving the library and expanding the hours while making the library accessible through a swipe card as well as having a self checkout for books could be a way to better improve the amount of people who use the library. -Sam.
he Lecture for help... Because .. The trust is not there at all....Some Lectures here at MIT have all the Degrees in this World. But when they speak English. What the Hell on Earth. We dont under stand. How will you expected us students to Pass ????
ere on level 1 side by side the disruptions came from the closed spaces where students entering and exiting at diff erent times caused many disruptions. We had to use MYOB through the citrix receiver that when practising for our test it would kick me out every 10 minutes. The MYOB learning material projected on the screen was small it was not able to be read that the lecturer agreed and tried to get IT to fi x it to no avail. When using MYOB I was not able to open the lecturer's solutions to compare with my own exercise to compare my results against his.
I would like to see lecturers establish better relationships with me as a student, to be more interested in my learning.
the 16 teaching weeks we lost 1 days due to statutory holidays and a further 1.5 days due to the tutor's illness/changeover to new tutor. Perhaps students could have been off ered formal tutorial time to make up for this. Many of the younger and/or international students may not have had the confi dence to request extra help from the replacement tutor who they didn't know as well as the usual lecturer.
this is my last class! Who do students turn to for help? The last Tuesday class she came 10 mins late and left fi ve minutes early there were so many students wanting to clarify things but she rushed out. No attendance was taken after Heather left.
, and needs a backpack placed over it so that ones legs don't freeze.
Test two was in 19/5 and email received 17/5 advising exam date! too late notice isn't it? Mock test solutions were posted really late, fi rst attempt the answers were wrong, second time one question was wrong. third time lucky. The Friday we had test two, we had a tutorial and she did depreciation questions on the board almost three times before she could get it right. she confuses the students and we sat the paper immediately after. Imagine the outcome...She advised students FBT is not coming in test two and it was tested. why? I see there are notes on payroll giving and it is the fi rst time I have had this terminology. This sa not taught inclass. There were three classes every week, but the material covered per week was not the same. I checked with another student and their class were briefed on payroll giving. Mark, the other lecturer has not handled the matter well. Highly inprofessional. All the students were trying to tell him was" we don't understand and we need help Test two we sat the paper and we were not given the tax tables (that should be provided) at the start of he exam, very unorganised. Also the fi rst time in history that Multiple choice has multiple answers, multiple choice questions are meant to have one answer, what are these new lecturers trying to test!.
The table design does not allow people to sit comfortably, having 1 table legs at one end means no student can really sit at that end.
this course at all and being an A grade student for all my subjects I now a low grade which I probably would have been able to better it if the course had a better set up and was delivered to a more suitable standard. I am very disappointed in mit for allowing this to happen please do something because as an A grade student my grades dropped in this course I'm a hard worker and this is all I got not impressed
agement skills.. reading and research skills...healthy eating ...community volunteering work..etc...english speaking and writting skills... what ever the students need in the fi rst semester of the programme..to equip them to face the rest of the academic course....Diversity to be a NEW CULTURE in MIT..
I sat the paper and was very prepared, the examiner said " you may start writing" I turned the answer booklet and it had 10 multiple choice with options a b c d e f . I panicked and had sweat on my forehead thinking how will I do 10 multiple choice. I picked up speed and then realised there were only 9 multiple choice questions only. Why give an answer sheet with 10 when there are only 9 multiple choice questions! This is mind games the anxiety attack at the fi rst glance changes the faith you have in your own self and the very minute you feel weak and think twice have I done the other questions right...........I went through this phrase and I am not happy about it at all. There are 9 questions then there should be 9 in the answer sheet........there is no other way.
This course was very poorly handled. The class material, the test, the lecturer, the communications...
The white board needs to looked after, 80% of the time there is no pen to write with and the other times the lecturer doesn't know how to use the technology.
The car park also needs to improve, there is no walkway for students to walk to the buil
personal experience was disappointing and I ended up doing more than my fair share of work because of lack of organisation/understanding by other students. Computing is not a strong point of mine, and I found the lecturer going over things very quickly and did not explain them in a way that I could understand. I feel that I only passed my assessments because I sought outside help. I will be glad when i fi nish this paper and would not particularly recommend it to anyone. During the evening class we were also not given any break times/toilet breaks. I think this needs to be changed as 1 hours of computing is tedious and students need a small break.
ke both the dean and the new lecturer stated in class was that it was brought to the faculty's attention that the paper was being taught incorrectly. They found some areas of concern that needed correcting. Can you imagine how it must have felt to hear that? What about the past students who were taught and passed this paper? Was their learning all in vain? Is it all wrong? And the new lecturer mentioned that she thinks we are being spoon fed because when asked about putting up more questions on eMIT her reply is she doesn't have time to do that. We asked for previous test questions and solutions for practice but she refuses because it means we won't do the work to study. If that is her reply then that is a clear indication that MIT in her eyes has been doing it wrong because every paper I've done through MIT do this process. The lecturers always put up past questions and answers to help us with study. It gives us a feel of the diff erent scenarios that would happen in real life and we would be equipped to know what to do in that situation. This semester turned out very poor in the end. I feel sorry for the students who struggled. I feel sorry for the students who wanted to be heard but they felt the situation was not going to be taken seriously because it would end up being political rather than giving the students what they need for their improvement. What a waste of $700. And what a waste of a semester!! MIT owes us an apology. It is a poor refl ection on your teaching staff and I started looking at studying at other institutes because of this.
matter), whereas on the other hand, each individual student does not know the fi ve subjects well and are confronted with fi vefold pressure to what each subject lecturer might feel - and that from a 'cold start'.
Even though the course is doable in 11 weeks, it feels as though it needed a 1 week ease built into it.
f technical problems going on within the fi rst two weeks and i felt like we have just lost that whole time of learning. I really think that this course should be longer than it is now.
o make these, or a hot drink. What they do have is stale because no one goes there. Service very lacklustre.
Trapped with one food outlet. Thank goodness they make okay coff ee. Cleaners average (still a piece of mashed potato on the main steps since before the holidays) but I guess you get what you pay for. No shade outside. But if anything is nice out there the homeless will live there.
longer? 1) Some assignments took a long time to mark, too long and didn't give us much time to resubmit. 1) Tutors need to know what students have a disability and how to manage that, a autistic person shouldn't have to walk out of class frustrated because a tutor wasn't speaking in plain english and helping them understand the task.
he library is lacking in resources and the ones I want to use are reference only.
If I could study this at another institute then I would. I feel awkward here.
essional. All the students were trying to tell him was" we don't understand and we need help Test two we sat the paper and we were not given the tax tables (that should be provided) at the start of he exam, very unorganised. Also the fi rst time in history that Multiple choice has multiple answers, multiple choice questions are meant to have one answer, what are these new lecturers trying to test!.
I sat the paper and was very prepared, the examiner said " you may start writing" I turned the answer booklet and it had 10 multiple choice with options a b c d e f . I panicked and had sweat on my forehead thinking how will I do 10 multiple choice. I picked up speed and then realised there were only 9 multiple choice questions only. Why give an answer sheet with 10 when there are only 9 multiple choice questions! This is mind games the anxiety attack at the fi rst glance changes the faith you have in your own self and the very minute you feel weak and think twice have I done the other questions right...........I went through this phrase and I am not happy about it at all. There are 9 questions then there should be 9 in the answer sheet........there is no other way.
This course was very poorly handled. The class material, the test, the lecturer, the communications...
The white board needs to looked after, 80% of the time there is no pen to write with and the other times the lecturer doesn't know how to use the technology.
The car park also needs to improve, there is no walkway for students to walk to the building. Such a hazard pedestrians walking whilst cars are driving by.
be heard but they felt the situation was not going to be taken seriously because it would end up being political rather than giving the students what they need for their improvement. What a waste of $700. And what a waste of a semester!! MIT owes us an apology. It is a poor refl ection on your teaching staff and I started looking at studying at other institutes because of this.
MIT Overall