Electrical Safety Hazard

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Lecture 5

Safety Practices in Chemical and

Nuclear Industries
Electrical Safety Hazard

Dr. Raghuram Chetty

Department of Chemical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Madras
Chennai- 600 036.

Basic Electrical Safety

To familiarize with the fundamental concepts of electricity.
To familiarize with the effects of electricity on the human
Be able to recognize common electrical hazards.
Be familiar with electrical protective devices.

Basic Electrical Safety

Not designed
Lecture is not designed to teach you to work on electrical
You will not be qualified to work with electrical devices.
If you spot problems with electrical equipment you
should report it to the management/ electrician.

Electrical Accidents-Statistics

In India

Almost 12 people die due to electrocution every day

42 % of total fires occur due to electrical sources

8% deaths that occur in factories are due to electricity


25% of all fires occur due to electricity

400 deaths from job related electrical accidents per


Electrocution - the fifth leading cause of death

Fundamentals of Electrical Hazards

Electricity must have a complete path to flow. Electricity

flows through conductors.

Electricity flows more easily through some materials than

others. Some substances such as metals generally offer
very little resistance to the flow of electric current and are
called conductors .

Glass, plastic, porcelain, clay, pottery, dry wood, and

similar substances generally slow or stop the flow of
electricity. They are called insulators.

Even air, normally an insulator, can become a

conductor, as occurs during an arc or lightning stroke.

Water and electricity

Pure water is a poor conductor. But small amounts of

impurities in water like salt, acid, solvents, or other
materials can turn water itself and substances that
generally act as insulators into conductors or better

Dry wood, for example, generally slows or stops the flow

of electricity. But when saturated with water, wood turns
into a conductor.

Water and electricity

The same is true of human skin. Dry skin has a fairly

high resistance to electric current. But when skin is moist
or wet, it acts as a conductor.

This means that anyone working with electricity in a

damp or wet environment needs to exercise extra
caution to prevent electrical hazards.

Fundamentals of Electricity
Operating an electric switch is like turning on a water

tap. Behind the tap or switch there must be a source of

water or electricity with something to transport it, and
with a force to make it flow.
In the case of water the source is a pump, and the force

to make it flow through the pipes is provided by the


Fundamentals of Electricity
For electricity, the source is the power generator.

Current travels through electrical conductors (wires) and

the force to make it flow, measured in volts, is provided
by a generator.

electrical pressure (water pressure)


electrical flow rate (liter/min)


restriction to electrical flow (pipe friction)

Fundamentals of Electricity

path of flow of electricity

Circuit Element

objects which are part of a circuit and through which

current flows.


current flow through an unintended path.


Protection from electric shock

normally a secondary protection measure

Fundamentals of Electricity
Taking Ohm's Law for voltage, current, and resistance,
and expressing it in terms of current for a given voltage
and resistance, we have:
I = V/ R,

Current = Voltage/Resistance

It is the electric current that burns tissue, freezes

muscles, and fibrillates hearts. However, electric current
doesn't just occur on its own, there must be voltage
available to motivate flow of electrons. A person's body
also presents resistance to current, which must be taken
into account.

Fundamentals of Electricity
The amount of current through a body is equal to the
amount of voltage applied between two points on that
body, divided by the electrical resistance offered by the
body between those two points.

Obviously, the more voltage available to cause

electrons to flow, the easier they will flow through any
given amount of resistance. The more resistance a
body offers to current, the slower electrons will flow for
any given amount of voltage.

Electrical Current

Basically, electrical hazards can be

categorized into three types.

The first and most commonly

recognized hazard is electrical

The second type of hazard is

electrical arc burns.

The third is the effects of blasts

which include pressure impact,
flying particles from vaporized

What causes shocks?

Electricity travels
circuits, normally

in closed
through a

But sometimes a persons body an efficient conductor of electricity

-mistakenly becomes part of the
electric circuit. This can cause an
electrical shock.

What causes shocks?

Shocks occur when a persons
body completes the current path

both wires of an electric circuit

one wire of an energized circuit

and the ground

another conductor
carrying a current



When a person receives a shock,

electricity flows between parts of
the body or through the body to a
ground or the earth.

What effect do shocks have on the body?

An electric shock can result in anything from a slight

tingling sensation to immediate cardiac arrest.

A severe shock can stop the heart or the breathing


The heating effects of the current can cause severe

burns, especially at points where the electricity enters
and leaves the body.

Other effects include severe bleeding, breathing

difficulty, and ventricular fibrillation.

What effect do shocks have on the body?

The severity depends on the following:

the amount of current flowing through the body,

the currents path through the body,

the length of time the body remains in the circuit,

the currents frequency.

Relationship between the amount of current and the

reaction for 1 second.


Below 1 milliampere

Generally not perceptible

1 mA

Faint tingle

5 mA

Slight shock felt; not painful but disturbing. Average individual can let
go. Strong involuntary reactions can lead to other injuries.

625 mA (women)

Painful shock, loss of muscular control

930 mA (men)

The freezing current or let-go range. Individual cannot let go, but can
be thrown away from the circuit if extensor muscles are stimulated.

50150 mA

Extreme pain, respiratory arrest, severe muscular contractions. Death

is possible.

1,0004,300 mA

Rhythmic pumping action of the heart ceases. Muscular contraction

and nerve damage occur; death likely.

10,000 mA

Cardiac arrest, severe burns; death probable

If the extensor muscles are excited by the shock, the person may be thrown away from the power
The "let-go" current is the highest amperage at which you will still be able to pull your
hand away when you receive a shock.

Electrical shock

Even though there may be no external signs from some

of the electrical shock, internal tissue or organ damage
may have occurred.

Signs of internal damage may not surface immediately;

and when it does, it may be too late.

Using the correct personal protective equipment (PPE)

and following safe work practices will minimize risk of
electrical shock hazards. Any person experiencing any
kind of electrical shock should seek immediate medical

Path of current through the body

There are three basic pathways electric current travels

through the body

In a touch potential contact, current travels from one

hand through the heart and out through the other hand.
Because the heart and lungs are in the path of current,
unconsciousness, or death may occur.

Path of current through the body

In a step potential contact, current travels from one foot

through the legs, and out of the other foot. The heart is
not in the direct path of current but the leg muscles may
contract, causing the victim to collapse or be momentarily

In a touch/step potential contact, current travels from

one hand, through the heart, down the leg, and out of the
foot. The heart and lungs are in the direct path of current
so ventricular fibrillation, difficulty in breathing, collapse,
unconsciousness, or death may occur.

Path of current through the body

Three basic pathways by which electric current travels

through the body
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Electrical Arc-Flash and Arc-Blasts

An Arc-Flash is an unexpected sudden release of heat

and light energy produced by electricity traveling through
air, usually caused by accidental contact between live

Temperatures at the arc terminals can reach or exceed

35,000F,or four times the temperature of the suns
surface. The air and gases surrounding the arc are
instantly heated and the conductors are vaporized
causing a pressure wave called an Arc Blast.

Electrical Arc-Flash and Arc-Blasts

Personnel directly exposed to an Arc-Flash and ArcBlast events are subject to third degree burns, possible
blindness, shock, blast effects and hearing loss.

The high temperatures of the arc and the molten and

vaporized metals quickly ignite any flammable materials.

Arc-Flash Metrics

In order to determine the potential effects of an Arc-Flash,

we need to understand some basic terms. An Arc-Flash
produces intense heat at the point of the arc. Heat energy
is measured in units such as BTU, joules or calories.

The following data provides a basis for measuring heat

energy: A Calorie is the amount of heat energy needed to
raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree

Arc-Flash Metrics



= Power x Time

Power (W)

= Volts x Amps


= Volts x Amps x Time

1 Calorie

= 4.1868 watt-seconds

1 Joule

= 1 watt-second

The higher the current, voltage and time, the more

calories produced.

The amount of instantaneous heat energy released by an

Arc-Flash is generally called incident energy. It is usually
expressed in calories per square centimeter (cal/cm2).

Incident energy
An incident energy of only 1.2
cal/cm2 will cause a seconddegree burn to unprotected skin. A
second-degree burn can be
defined as just curable.


Result / Example

Equivalent to a finger tip

exposed to a cigarette lighter
flame for one second.

Incident Energy

Hazard Risk


0 - 1.2
1.21 - 4
4 .1 - 8
8.1 - 25
25.1 - 40


Amount of energy that will

instantly cause 2nd degree
burns to bare skin.

Amount of energy that will

instantly ignite a cotton shirt.

Amount of energy that will

instantly cause incurable 3rd
degree burns to bare skin.

Electrical Circuit
Current Flow

Short Circuit



creates fault



(red lines indicate increased current)

System voltage
and load
determine the
flow of current

During a short circuit, only

the resistance of the fualt
path limits current. Current
may increase to many times
the load current.

Major causes of electrical shock

Contact with a bare wire carrying current. The bare wire

may have deteriorated insulation or normally bare.

Working with electrical equipment that lacks the label of

safety inspection.

Electrical equipment that has not been properly

grounded. Failure of the equipment can lead to short

Major causes of electrical shock

Working with electrical equipment on damp floors or

other sources of wetness.

Using metal ladders to work on electrical equipment.

These ladders can provide a direct line from the power
source to the ground, again causing a shock.

Working on electrical equipment without ensuring that

the power has been shut off.

Static electricity discharge, and lighting strikes.

Electrical Hazards

Outlet overload

Improper insulation
Extension cords
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Extension cords

Extension cords are only approved for temporary use.

When using extension cords check for defaults such as

frays, brittleness, or broken wires.

Never place extension cords in high traffic areas where

they can be damaged by being stepped on or run over
by equipment.

Extension cords

Should only be used for office equipment such as

computers, printers, and fax machines.

Other common items such as microwaves, refrigerators,

and copy machines must be plugged directly into wall

Multi-plug strips should have a approved fuse or circuit


What kind of burns can a shock cause?

Burns are the most common shock-related injury. An

electrical accident can result in an electrical burn, arc burn,

thermal contact burn, or a combination of burns.
Electrical burns are among the most serious burns and

require immediate medical attention. They occur when

electric current flows through tissues or bone, generating
heat that causes tissue damage.
Arc or flash burns result from high temperatures caused by

an electric arc or explosion near the body. These burns

should be treated promptly.

What kind of burns can a shock cause?

Thermal contact burns are caused when the skin touches

hot surfaces of overheated electric conductors, conduits, or

other energized equipment. Thermal burns also can be
caused when clothing catches on fire, as may occur when
an electric arc is produced.
In addition to shock and burn hazards, electricity poses

other dangers. For example, arcs that result from short

circuits can cause injury or start a fire. Extremely highenergy arcs can damage equipment, causing fragmented
metal to fly in all directions. Even low-energy arcs can
cause violent explosions in atmospheres that contain
flammable gases, vapors, or combustible dusts.

Electrical Burns

Most common shock-related,

nonfatal injury

Occurs when you touch

electrical wiring or equipment
that is improperly used or

Typically occurs on the hands

Very serious injury that needs

immediate attention

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Freezing by shock
When a person receives an electrical shock, sometimes

the electrical stimulation causes the muscles to contract.

This freezing effect makes the person unable to pull
free of the circuit. It is extremely dangerous because it
increases the length of exposure to electricity and
because the current causes blisters, which reduce the
bodys resistance and increases the current.

Freezing by shock
The longer the exposure, the greater the risk of serious

injury. Longer exposures at even relatively low voltages

can be just as dangerous as short exposures at higher
voltages. Low voltage does not imply low hazard.
In addition to muscle contractions that cause freezing,

electrical shocks also can cause involuntary muscle

reactions. These reactions can result in a wide range of
other injuries from collisions or falls, including bruises,
bone fractures, and even death.

If Electrocution Occurs

Call for help

DO NOT touch the victim or the conductor

Shut off the current at the control box

If the shutoff is not immediately available, use a nonconducting material to free the victim

If necessary and you know how, begin CPR

(cardiopulmonary resuscitation) when current is stopped

In dealing with electricity, never exceed your expertise.

What is the danger of static electricity?

Static electricity also can cause a shock, though in a

different way and generally not as potentially severe as

the type of shock described previously. Static electricity
can build up on the surface of an object and, under the
right conditions, can discharge to a person, causing a
shock. The most familiar example of this is when a
person reaches for a door knob or other metal object on
a cold, relatively dry day and receives a shock.

What is the danger of static electricity?

However, static electricity also can cause shocks or can just

discharge to an object with much more serious consequences,

as when friction causes a high level of static electricity to build
up at a specific spot on an object. This can happen simply
through handling plastic pipes and materials or during normal
operation of rubberized drive or machine belts found in many
worksites. In these cases, for example,

Static electricity can potentially discharge when sufficient

amounts of flammable or combustible substances are
located nearby and cause an explosion.

Grounding or other measures may be necessary to

prevent this static electricity buildup and the results.

Sources of Electrostatic Discharge

Briskly rubbing a nonconductive material over a

stationary surface. One common example of this is
scuffing shoes across a wool or nylon carpet.
Multilayered clothing may also cause static sparks.

Moving large sheets of plastic, which may discharge


The explosion of organic and metallic dusts, which have

occurred from static buildup in farm grain silos and mine

Sources of Electrostatic Discharge

Conveyor belts. Depending on their constituent material,

they can run the materials being transported and cause
static sparks.

Vehicle tires rolling across a road surface.

Friction between a flowing liquid and a solid surface.

Control of Static Electricity


Physically connect two conductive objects together

with a bond wire to eliminate a difference in static
charge potential between them.

Must provide a bond wire between containers during

flammable liquid filling operations, unless a metallic
path between them is otherwise present.

Control of Static Electricity


Eliminates a difference in static charge potential between

conductive objects and ground

Although bonding will eliminate a difference in potential

between objects, it will not eliminate a difference in
potential between these objects and earth unless one of
the objects is connected to earth with a ground wire.


Solvent Transfer

Safety pump

Self closing safety Faucet

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Protection against electrical hazards

Most electrical accidents result from one of the following

three factors:

unsafe equipment or installation,

unsafe environment, or

unsafe work practices.

Protection against electrical hazards

Some ways to prevent these accidents are through the

use of insulation, guarding, grounding,

protective devices, and safe work practices.
Inspect All Electrical Tools and Equipment

Frayed, cut, broken wires

Grounding prong missing

Improperly applied or missing strain relief


Controlling Electrical Hazards

Most electrical mishaps are

caused by one or a
combination of the following
three factors:

Unsafe equipment and/or


Workplaces made unsafe

by the environment

Unsafe work practices

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Common types of equipment failure

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Google Images

Wet insulations can become a conductor

and cause an electrical shock.

Portable tool defects can result in the

devices housing carrying an electric current.
Workers do not expect tool housing to be
charged and may be shocked when they
touch charged tool housing.

Broken power lines carry great amperage

and voltage and can cause severe disability.

When equipment is not properly grounded

or insulated, an unshielded worker may
receive a substantial electrical shock.

What protection does insulation provide?

Insulators such as glass, mica, rubber, or plastic used to

coat metals and other conductors help stop or reduce the

flow of electrical current.
This helps prevent shock, fires, and short circuits.

To be effective, the insulation must be suitable for the

voltage used and conditions such as temperature and

other environmental factors like moisture, oil, gasoline,
corrosive fumes, or other substances that could cause the
insulator to fail.

Environment toxic to insulation

Direct sunlight or other sources of ultraviolet light, which

can induce gradual breakdown of plastic insulation

Sparks or arcs from discharging static electricity, which

can result in burned through holes in insulation.

Repeated exposure to elevated temperatures, which can

produce slow but progressive degradation of insulation

Environment toxic to insulation

Animals such as rodents or insects chewing or eating the

insulation material, leading to exposure of the circuit.
Insects can also pack an enclosed area with their bodies
so tightly that a short circuit occurs. This is a common
occurrence with electrical systems near water, such as
pump housings and television satellite dishes.

Moisture and humidity being absorbed by the insulation

material, which may result in the moisture on the
insulation carrying a current.

Electrical grounding

The main reason why grounding is used in electrical

distribution network is for the safety.

Electrical grounding is important because it provides a

reference voltage level (called zero potential or ground
potential) against which all other voltages in a system
are established and measured.

An effective electrical ground connection also minimizes

the susceptibility of equipment to interference, reduces
the risk of equipment damage due to lightning,
eliminates electrostatic buildup that can damage system
components, and helps protect personnel who service
and repair electrical and electronic systems.

Electrical grounding

In effect, an electrical ground drains away any unwanted

buildup of electrical charge. When a point is connected
to a good ground, that point tends to stay at a constant
voltage, regardless of what happens elsewhere in the
circuit or system.

The earth, which forms the ultimate ground, has the

ability to absorb or dissipate an unlimited amount of
electrical charge.


All AC appliances should work fine with just two wires, but what happens if a wire
comes loose inside and touches the case?
If you touch this defective appliance,
you will complete the circuit to ground.
The fuse may or may not blow
depending on where the short is in the
appliance and how much flows through

Grounding the case of the

defective appliance with a 3-wire
plug should protect you by
completing the circuit and blowing
the fuse.

Electrical Protection
Circuit Breakers

Provided to protect EQUIPMENT not


Do not reset breakers with a line voltage

higher than 120V and only reset if you
know why it tripped.

Anytime a circuit has been de-energized

by the operation of an over current
protective device by a short circuit or
ground-fault, the circuit must be checked
by a qualified person to determine if it
can be reenergized safely.
Image courtesy: Google Images

Electrical Protection
Ground fault circuit

interrupters (GFCI)

The GFCI is designed to

protect people from severe
or fatal electric shocks
Because a GFCI detects
ground faults, it can also
prevent some electrical
fires and reduce the
severity of others by
interrupting the flow of
electric current.

Image courtesy: Google Images

What is guarding and what protection does

it offer?

Guarding involves locating or enclosing electric

equipment to make sure people dont
accidentally come into contact with its live parts.

Effective guarding requires equipment with

exposed parts operating at 50 volts or more to
be placed where it is accessible only to
authorized people qualified to work with it.
Recommended locations are a room, vault, or
similar enclosure; a balcony, gallery, or
elevated platform; or a site elevated 8 feet or
more above the floor.


What is guarding and what protection does

it offer?

Conspicuous signs must be posted at the

entrances to electrical rooms and similarly
guarded locations to alert people to the
electrical hazard and to forbid entry to
unauthorized people.
Signs may contain the word Danger,
Warning, or Caution, and beneath that,
appropriate concise wording that alerts
people to the hazard or gives an instruction,
such as Danger/High Voltage/Keep Out.


What are circuit protection devices and

how do they work?

Circuit protection devices limit or stop the flow of current

automatically in the event of a ground fault, overload, or
short circuit in the wiring system. Well-known examples
of these devices are fuses, circuit breakers, ground-fault
circuit interrupters, and arc-fault circuit interrupters.

Fuses and circuit breakers open or break the circuit

automatically when too much current flows through them.
When that happens, fuses melt and circuit breakers trip
the circuit open. Fuses and circuit breakers are designed
to protect conductors and equipment. They prevent wires
and other components from overheating and open the
circuit when there is a risk of a ground fault.

What are circuit protection devices and

how do they work?

Ground-fault circuit interrupters, or GFCIs, are used in

wet locations, construction sites, and other high-risk
areas. These devices interrupt the flow of electricity within
as little as 1/40 of a second to prevent electrocution.
GFCIs compare the amount of current going into electric
equipment with the amount of current returning from it
along the circuit conductors. If the difference exceeds 5
mA, the device automatically shuts off the electric power.

Arc-fault devices provide protection from the effects of

arc-faults by recognizing characteristics unique to arcing
and by functioning to de-energize the circuit when an arcfault is detected.

What work practices help protect you

against electrical hazards?

Electrical accidents are largely preventable through safe

work practices. Examples of these practices include the
de-energizing electric equipment
before inspection or repair,

keeping electric tools properly

exercising caution when working
near energized lines, and
basis document for
using appropriate protective

electrical safety

Protecting against metal parts that become

A break in an electric tools or machines insulation can
cause its metal parts to become hot or energized,
meaning that they conduct electricity. Touching these
energized parts can result in an electrical shock, burn, or

Protecting against metal parts that become

The best way to protect yourself when using electrical tools
or machines is to establish a low-resistance path from the
devices metallic case to the ground.

This requires an equipment grounding conductor, a lowresistance wire that directs unwanted current directly to
the ground. A properly installed grounding conductor
has a low resistance to ground and greatly reduces the
amount of current that passes through your body.

Cord and plug equipment with a three-prong plug is a

common example of equipment incorporating this
ground conductor.

Protecting against metal parts that become

Another form of protection is to use listed or labeled
portable tools and appliances protected by an approved
system of double insulation or its equivalent. Where such
a system is employed, it must be marked distinctively to
indicate that the tool or appliance uses an approved
double insulation system.

Precautions for reducing electrical

hazards (1/4)

Ensure the power has been disconnected from the system

before working with it. Test the system for de-energizing.
Capacitors can store current after power has been shut off.

Allow only fully authorized and trained people to work on

electrical systems.

Do not wear conductive material such as metal jewelry

when working with electricity.

Precautions for reducing electrical

hazards (2/4)

Periodically inspect insulation.

If working on a hot circuit, use the buddy system

(arrangement whereby two persons watch out for each
other) and wear protective clothing.

Do not use a fuse with a greater capacity than was

prescribed for the circuit.

Verify circuit voltages before performing work.

Precautions for reducing electrical

hazards (3/4)

Do not use water to put out an electrical fire.

Check the entire length of electrical cord before using it.

Use only explosion-proof devices and non-sparking

switches in flammable liquid storage areas.

Enclose un-insulated conductors in protective areas.

Precautions for reducing electrical

hazards (4/4)

Enclose un-insulated conductors in protective areas.

Discharge capacitors before working on the equipment.

Use fuses and circuit breakers for protection against

excessive current.

Train people working with electrical equipment on a

routine basis in first aid and cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR).

Reducing lighting hazards

Place lighting rods so that the upper end is higher than

nearby structures.

Avoid standing in high places or near tall objects. Be

aware that tress in a open field may be that tallest object

Do not work with flammable liquids or gases during

electrical storms.

If in a metal building, stay in the building and do not

touch the walls of the building.

Reducing lighting hazards

Wear rubber clothing of outdoors.

Do not work touching or near conducting materials,

especially those in contact with earth such as fences.

Avoid using the telephone during an electrical storm.

Do not use electrical equipment during the storm.

Avoid standing near open doors or windows where

lighting may enter the building directly.


Electric power does a tremendous amount of work. But

because its such a powerful force, we need to be very
careful with it.

People are injured or killed every year by electricity. The

reasons are almost always carelessness, a faulty
appliance or tool, or a lack of knowledge about how
electricity works. You can reduce electrical injuries and
death by doing three things:

Understanding how electricity works

Recognizing potential electrical hazards

Learning about safety devices that prevent shock.

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