Samael Aun Weor Lectures From The Fifth Gospel The Esoteric Rigour of The Passion Week PDF
Samael Aun Weor Lectures From The Fifth Gospel The Esoteric Rigour of The Passion Week PDF
Samael Aun Weor Lectures From The Fifth Gospel The Esoteric Rigour of The Passion Week PDF
fact, will be able to convert himself into the body of the Chrestos, which is the Fire,
the Spirit of Fire.
That Spirit of Fire is the Primitive Original Fire, which is able to Christify us
totally. The Fire, the Fohat, blazing within us will transform us totally. Once the
Fire blazes in us, we will be transformed into totally different beings. We will
become different beings. Then we will enjoy Full Enlightenment and Cosmic
Thus, once understood, my dear brethren, we must work with the Fire.
The word gives power to he who knows; nobody pronounced it and nobody will
pronounce it, nut only he who has Embodied it.
Christ, the Spirit of Fire, is not merely an historical personage. He is the
Army of the Voice. He is a kind of force that is beyond the Personality, Ego and
Individuality. He is a force, like electricity and magnetism, a power, a Great
Cosmic and Universal Agent; He is an electric force that can create new
manifestations. That Cosmic Fire enters into the man/woman who is adequately
prepared, into the man who has that Tower of Bethlehem ablaze.
When Christ incarnates inside a Man, the latter is transformed radically. He
is the Child-God that must be born in each creature. Thus, as He was born in this
Universe millions of years ago to totally transform this Solar System, He must be
born in each one of us. He was born in the stable of Bethlehem, That is to say,
He is born among the animals of desire, among the psychological aggregates that
He needs to destroy, because only Fire can destroy such aggregates. Thus,
wherever these aggregates are, the Fire appears to destroy them, to reduce them
to cosmic dust, and to set the Soul, the Essence, free. How can He free the Soul,
if He does not penetrate profoundly into the human organism?
In the Orient, Christ is VISHNU, and I repeat: the root Vish means to
penetrate. The Fire, the Christ, the Logos, can penetrate profoundly into the
human organism in order to burn the rubbish that we have inside ourselves. But
we need to love the Fire, to worship the fire, to render cult to the Flame.
The hour has come to understand that only Fohat can transform us
radically. The Christ inside ourselves works by breaking the root of evil. INRI
destroys the psychological aggregates. This is great! It reduces them to ashes, but
it is necessary to work with the Fire.
This is why, in our works of Concentration, we must invoke the Igneous
Serpent of our magical powers, because only with the Fire can we eliminate all the
undesirable elements that we carry within ourselves. The lunar coldness will never
be able to eliminate the psychic aggregates. We need the flaming powers of the
Logos. We need the INRI to transform ourselves.
Yes, my dear brethren that are gathered together with me tonight: do
understand that we are in the Holy Week, and the Holy Week has seven days.
In the ancient times, everything was ruled by the Solar Calendar: Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. The days were: Monday,
Wednesday, Friday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday Unfortunately,
this calendar was altered by medieval fanatical people.
The Holy Week is profoundly significant Remember the SEVEN and
THREE STEPS of Freemasonry. Christ must burn first of all in our human body.
Later on, the flame must be deposited in the depths of the Soul, and at last, in the
depths of the Spirit. These Three Steps through the Seven Spheres are
profoundly significant. Obviously, these Three fundamental Steps are found within
the Seven Spheres of the World and the Universe.
Unquestionably, the Holy Week has very deep esoteric roots, because the
Initiate must work on the Lunar Forces, and on the Forces of Mercury, Venus, the
Sun, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. THE COSMIC DRAMA unfolds itself in the Seven
Regions according to the Seven Planets of the Solar System.
The Flame must appear in the Physical Body, must advance into the Vital
Body, must continue its way through the Astral Path, must continue its journey
through the World of the Mind, must arrive at the Sphere of Venus in the Causal
World, must proceed through the Buddhic or Intuitive World, and finally, on the
seventh day, it will arrive to the World of Atman, the World of the Spirit. Then, the
Master will receive the BAPTISM OF THE FIRE that will transform him radically.
Obviously the whole Cosmic Drama, as it is written in the Four Gospels,
must be lived inside ourselves, here and now. This is not something merely
historical; it is something to be lived here and now.
The THREE TRAITORS who crucified Christ, who put Him to death, are
inside ourselves. The Freemasons know them. We Gnostics also know them:
torments us. Pilate is the DEMOS OF MIND that has justifications for everything.
Caiaphas is the DEMON OF ILL-WILL that prostitutes the altar.
These are the three Traitors that delivered the Christ for 30 Coins of Silver.
The 30 coins represent all the vices and passions of humanity They exchange
Christ for a few bottles at the bar. They exchange Christ for the brothel or for the
Procustess bed. They exchange Christ for money and riches, and for the
sensual life. They sell Christ for 30 coins of silver.
Dear brethren, remember that a multitude of people asked for the
crucifixion of the Lord. All the multitudes yelled out, "Crucifixion! Crucifixion!"
These are not the multitudes of 1977 years ago. No! These people who demand
the crucifixion of Christ are inside ourselves here and now. I repeat, here and now!
These are the psychic, inhuman aggregates that we carry inside us. All are
undesirable psychic elements that we carry inside, the RED DEMONS OF SETH,
living personifications of all our psychological defects. They are the ones that cry,
"Crucifixion, Crucifixion, Crucifixion." And the Lord is rendered to death.
Who whipped Him? Are they not the same multitudes we carry in our
interior? Who are the ones that spit on Him? Are they not the same psychic
aggregates that personify our defects? Who crowned Him with a crown of thorns?
Are they not the devilish creations that we have engendered?
The account of Christic history is not of yesterday, but of today. It is the
present, not merely the past, as the learned ignoramuses think. However, those
who understand, they will work for their Christification.
The Lord is taken to Calvary, and on top of the majestic summits of Calvary
will say: "He who believes in me will never walk in darkness, but will have the Light
of Life. I am the Bread of Life. I am the Living Bread. He who eats my flesh and
drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day. He who
eats My flesh and drinks My blood lives in Me, and I in Him".
The Lord is not resentful towards anyone "Dear Father, into your hand I
commend my Spirit." Once the great words are pronounced, not other sound can
be heard but thunder and lightning in the midst of great internal cataclysms.
Once this labour of the Spirit of the Fire is accomplished, the Christ or Chrestos
or Christus, Vishnu, He who penetrates will be deposited in its Mystical
I say unto you, in the name of Truth and Justice, that on the third day after
this He will be raised up, resurrected in the Initiate in order to transform the
Initiate into a perfect being. He who achieves this will in fact become a God,
terribly divine, beyond good and evil.
Thus the Christ, our Lord, the Spirit of Fire, descends and wants to come
inside each one of us to transform us, to save us, to eliminate all those psychic
aggregates that we carry in our interior, to make out of us something different, to
convert us into Gods.
We need to learn to see Christ, not from a merely historical point of view,
but as the Fire, as a present reality, as INRI.
It is said that he has TWELVE APOSTLES. Those twelve apostles are
inside ourselves here and now. They are Twelve Fundamental Parts of our own
Inside each one of you, within our own profound Inner Being, there is a
PETER, who is in charge of the Mysteries of Sex, there is a JOHN, who
represents the Verb, the Great Word, Heru-Pa-KroAt. There is also a THOMAS,
who teaches us to control the Mind. There is a PAUL, who shows us the path of
Wisdom, Philosophy and Gnosis.
Inside ourselves we also find a JUDAS. Not the Judas that renders Christ
for 30 silver coins. No! It is a different Judas. A Judas who understands profoundly
the Ego. A Judas whose Secret Gospel takes us to the elimination of the Myself,
the "I". There is a PHILIP, who is capable of showing us how to travel outside the
physical body, through space. There is an ANDREW, who indicates to us with
precise clarity, that there are Three Factors of the Revolution of the
Consciousness: TO BE BORN, that is to say, how to create the Superior
Existential Bodies of the Being; TO DIE, that is to say, how to disintegrate the Ego
and the particular factors that specifically relate to us, to each one of us;
SACRIFICE FOR HUMANITY, Saint Andrew's Cross, indicating the mixing of
Sulphur and Mercury so indispensable for the creation of the Superior Existential
Bodies of the Being by means of the accomplishment of the PARLOK DUTY. This
is very profound.
MATTHEW, scientist as no other, also exists in ourselves. He teaches us
the Pure Science, unknown to the scientist that only know all those corrupted
theories that are today in fashion and tomorrow pass into history. Pure Science is
completely different! Only Matthew can instruct us in this.
LUKE, with his Solar Gospel, is a Prophet and teaches us what humanity
will do in the Golden Age.
Each of the twelve is within ourselves, because our Being has Twelve
Fundamental Parts, the Twelve Apostles, here and now.
Thus whoever wishes to be a Magician in the transcendental sense of the
word, will have to learn how to relate to themselves, to each one of the Twelve
Parts of the Being. This is only possible by burning the psychological aggregates
with INRI. As long as the Ego keeps on existing inside ourselves, the correct
relation with each one of the parts of our being will be impossible. However, if we
burn the Ego, then we will be able to establish a correct relation with ourselves
and with each one of the Twelve, who exist inside us.
Then erase from your mind the idea of the Twelve historical Apostles.
Search for them inside yourselves. They are there! Everything is inside ourselves
here and now!
The time has come for a more Esoteric, more pure, more real Christianity.
The time has come to leave the merely historic accounts and to come to the
reality of the facts.
The CROSS of the Calvary, itself, is deeply significant. We very well know
that the vertical PHALLUS inside the formal ECTAIS form the cross. We will
emphasize this in other words by saying: The LINGAM-YONI, connected correctly,
forms a cross. With this cross we need to move forward on the path that will take
us to the Golgotha of the Father.
Tonight I invite all of you to enter the Path of Christification.
Do not forget that every time the Lord of Compassion comes to the world,
He is hated by three types of men: First, the ELDERS, because they are people
full of experience, they say, "That man is crazy. Look what he brings, listen what
he says, he does not agree with us. We have experience. This man harms you,
damages you." Second: the SCRIBES, that is to say, the intellectuals of all times
reject Him. Every time the Lord of Glory has come to the world, the intellectuals
have been against Him. They hate Him mortally because He does not fit in with
their theories. He signifies a danger to their system, to their sophisms, etc. And
third, the PRIESTS reject Him, because all of them see Him as a danger to their
respective sects.
Then, in the name of Truth, I tell you that Christ is terribly revolutionary,
rebellious. He is the Fire that comes to burn all the rottenness that we carry inside.
He is the Fire that reduces to ashes all our prejudices, our preconceptions, our
created interests, our abominations, and even our experiences of a personal
character, etc.
Do you think, in fact, that Christ can be accepted by so many millions of
humans who live in the world? You are mistaken! Every time He comes to the
world, the multitudes rise against Him. This is the cruel reality of the facts!
I am talking of the Holy Week I say, in the name of Truth and Justice,
that only the Fohat burning inside us can save us. No theory, nor any system, can
take us to freedom. Those who try to eliminate the Ego on the basis of pure
theories, with the cold intellect, are being truly reactionary beings! Conservative!
Reactionist! They march on the way of the great error.
This BABYLON that we carry inside ourselves, this Psychological City that
we carry in our interior, the demons of Anger, Greed, Lust, Envy, Pride, Laziness,
Gluttony, etc., etc., etc. must be destroyed with the Fire.
We need to raise the Heavenly Jerusalem inside ourselves. Remember
that the foundations of the Heavenly Jerusalem are twelve, and in each one of
them is written the name of one Apostle. The name of the Twelve Apostles are in
the twelve foundations.
We must edify this Jerusalem inside ourselves. But it will only be possible
on the day that we destroy with Fire the Great Babylon, the mother of all
fornications and abominations of Earth, the psychological city that we carry inside
us. When we accomplish this, we will edify the Jerusalem, the Great Heavenly
Jerusalem, here and now, inside ourselves.
I repeat, the foundations of this Heavenly Jerusalem are the Twelve
Apostles. I am not referring to those who lived 1977 years ago which are merely
symbolic. No! I am talking about the Twelve Powers that exist inside ourselves,
the Twelve Self-Conscious and Independent Parts of the Being. These are the
foundations of the Jerusalem that we must edify inside ourselves.
The city of Jerusalem has twelve doors, and in each of the twelve doors
there is an Angel; obviously! Because it represents each one of the Twelve inside
ourselves. And the Twelve doors are Twelve Precious Pearls, Twelve Doors of
Freedom, Twelve Doors of Light and Splendour, and Twelve Cosmic Powers. In
the city, its streets, avenues, and plazas are made out of Pure Gold, the Gold of
the Spirit that we must create in the Forge of Cyclops.
The city has not the necessity of external light or sun, or external moon,
because the Lord is its light, and He will blaze inside ourselves He is the Fire.
The wall of the Great City has 144 cubits. If we add those numbers in this
way: 1 + 4 + 4, we will have 9 the NINTH SPHERE, the SEX, because only
through the transmutation of the Creative Energy are we going to be able to make
the Fire blaze within ourselves.
The size of the city is 12.000 stadia. It reminds us of the TWELVE
LABOURS OF HERCULES that are necessary to achieve the complete intimate
Self-Realization of the Being, and it reminds us of the TWELVE AEONS and also
of the Twelve Apostles. In the centre of this city is the TREE OF LIFE, the TEN
SEPHIROTH of the Hebraic Kabbalah: KETHER, CHOKMAH and BINAH which
form the Sephirotic Crown, CHESED, GEBURAH, TIPHERETH, NETZACH,
The Tree of Life allegorizes the TWELVE GREAT COSMIC REGIONS.
Happy is he who arrives at the THIRTEENTH AEON, in which PISTIS SOPHIA
should always be!
Inside the Heavenly Jerusalem, we also find the TWENTY-FOUR ELDERS
who fall down to the earth and throw their crowns at the feet of the Lamb, that
Immolated Lamb is the Fire that burns in this Universe since the Dawn of Creation,
since the Morning of this Universe. The Twenty-Four Elders are also twenty-four
important parts of our own Being, and the Lamb itself is the Being of our Being.
Happy is he who can nourish himself from the fruits of the Tree of Life,
because he will be immortal! Happy is he who can nourish himself with each one
of those fruits, he who can really nourish himself with that stream of life that
comes from the Thirteenth Aeon to the human body, because he will never know
illness and will be immortal. But in order to be able to nourish oneself from the
Tree of Life, it is necessary, above all, to have eliminated all the psychic
aggregates. Remember that the psychic aggregates which are the living
personifications of our errors alter our Vital Body, and when altered, it damages
the Physical Body. This is how illnesses take place in us.
What is the cause of the ulcers?, is it not Anger?; What is the cause of
cancer? is it not Lust?; What is the cause of paralysis? is it not the gross,
materialistic, selfish, and fatal life?
Illnesses are caused by the psychic aggregates, or Red Demons of Seth,
living personifications of our errors. When all the Red Demons of Seth have been
eliminated with the Fire, when our own Personality has been burned, then we can
nourish ourselves with the Tree of Life. Life, descending from the Absolute
through the Thirteen Aeons, will penetrate into our body and it will make us
immortal. Thus health is gained, and there will never be illness.
All the scientists and their science for curing are useless, and when they
cure the patient, he will be sick again. Obviously, the Ego injects the venom of its
morbidity and rottenness inside the organisms, and destroys them. This is the
origin of all diseases! People want a remedy to cure themselves, but as long as
the Ego is alive, people will always be sick.
The hour has come to understand that we need to burn down the Babylon
inside ourselves and to build the Jerusalem. The Heavenly Jerusalem, seen
from afar, is like a transparent Jasper... Yes, it is the PHILOSOPHERS STONE!
Happy is he who gets the Philosophers Stone because he will transform himself
radically, and will have powers over Fire, over the Air, over the Waters, and over
the Earth!
We need a Pure, Esoteric Christianity! A living Christianity, and not a dead
Christianity! A Gnostic Christianity that can transform us radically!
The Gnostic Movement, the Gnostic Church, and our Gnostic
Anthropological Studies will show humanity the Path to Liberation.
As we are now, with the Ego alive, strong and robust, we march on the
path of errors.
We need to learn to love the Fire, to work with the Mysteries of Fire!
Here I end my lecture tonight Inverencial Peace!
Disciple: Master, my first question is: which are the requirements for us to
incarnate the Christ?
Master: Well, this question is very interesting. We need something else
than requirements. Unquestionably, it is necessary to create the Superior
Existential Bodies of the Being, and it is also necessary to work hard on the
dissolution of the animal Ego. Only when one has already created the Superior
Existential Bodies of the Being can allow oneself the luxury of receiving the
VENUSTA INITIATION. Obviously, when one receives the Venusta Initiation one
achieves the incarnation of the Intimate Christ in the heart of Man. Thats all!
D: Thank you very much, Master. The other question is: What is required
for the incarnation of the Intimate or Inner Master?
M. Well, there is something that we need to understand very well: the Being
and the Ego are incompatible. Nobody can get the complete manifestation of the
Intimate, or the Being, no matter the name inside ourselves, here and now, if he
has the Ego alive. Even when the aspirant has received the Eight Great Initiations,
if he has still the Ego, the Being will not be able to manifest Himself through that
person. Thats all; may all this be understood clearly!
D: Thanks, Master... Does the Occult Name belong to the Being or to the
M: The Occult Name belongs to the Being in General; to the Being, to the
Being and to the Being; take into account that the Being is the Being, and the
raison d'etre of the Being is the Being itself.
D: When the Christ is incarnated, who incarnates Him? When is the Christ
incarnated? And, who incarnates Him?
M: It has been said that He incarnates within the Authentic True Men. True
Men are those who possess the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being. And
they incarnate Him when they receive the Venusta Initiation, that is to say, the
Initiation of Tiphereth.
Unquestionably that these matters are not understood by many people...
Obviously, nobody could receive the Intimate Christ if that person has not built a
Temple for Him; that Temple is formed, I repeat, by the Superior Existential
Bodies of the Being. Those who possess such bodies are true Men.
The Venusta Initiation is for Men, and not for the Intellectual Animals.
Only true Men can incarnate the Intimate Christ, on condition that they be working
hard on the dissolution of the Ego. Then, He really comes to help to us. He comes
to help us in the elimination of the inhuman elements that we carry inside us.
He is born in a Crib or Stable of Bethlehem. And that Crib or Stable is
nothing but the very man. Because when he comes to us we still possess those
inhuman elements of Desire, and He has to eliminate such elements.
As long as He eliminates those elements and sub-elements ... ... He will
unfold, He will develop Himself, until becoming a Man. When He is already a
Man, He goes to preach the word, to teach, and His Word resounds
He has to live the Cosmic Drama inside ourselves, here and now. He has
to be born within us, and to grow and develop until becoming a man, and
afterwards, He has to live the whole Drama of the Way of the Cross, and finally,
he dies and resurrects.
The birth of Christ in Bethlehem would have been in vain if He was not born
within our hearts as well. His death and resurrection in the Holy Land would have
been in vain if He did not die and resurrect within ourselves as well. This is a short
synthesis, because writing about this means writing large volumes. I am talking in
synthesis, briefly...