Private Pilot Maneuvers Summary Cessna172 PDF
Private Pilot Maneuvers Summary Cessna172 PDF
Private Pilot Maneuvers Summary Cessna172 PDF
Minimum standards are always airspeed +-10mph, altitude +-100; headings +-10 degrees
unless otherwise specified. We want to always do much better than that! Target no worse than
half of that before the checkride.
1/ Straight and level flight, level turns
- normal cruise approx 2400rpm at sea level, 2500rpm at 5000
- slow cruise (traffic pattern, ground ref maneuvers), 2200rpm, about 90kts/100mph
2/ Climbs and descents, climbing and descending turns
- normal climb: full throttle, carb heat cold, 10 degs nose up, 70-75kts/80-85mph
- cruise climb: full throttle, carb heat cold, 5 degs nose up, 80-90kts/90-100mph
- Lean mixture in climb above 3000 in summer above 4000 in winter
- Level off from climb when reach desired altitude lower nose, accelerate to cruise
speed and only then set power to the cruise rpm. Lean mixture as appropriate
- descent rule of thumb: reduce power 500rpm, lower nose to maintain same speed
- Level off from descent 100 to 50 above target altitude, add back the power you took
away, smoothly bring nose back to level attitude
3/ Steep turns
- Start at or a little below Va, 95kts/110mph or so, around 2400rpm
- Clearing turns!
- Eyes front! Roll coordinated and promptly to 45-50 degrees of bank
- As you pass through 30 degrees of bank add throttle and back pressure to prevent nose
slicing down look out of the windshield
- Maintain steep bank, prevent bank increasing or decreasing, keep back pressure to keep
nose from dropping, pay attention to view out front and out of side window
- If despite back pressure, nose tries to drop and altitude starts decreasing, reduce bank
angle, bring nose back up above the horizon, then increase bank again
- If nose rises too much, check and if necessary increase bank angle. If bank angle ok,
relax some of the back pressure not all of it.
- Start rollout about 20 degrees before target heading, keep bank angle till then,
coordinate with rudder
4/ Slow flight (minimum controllable airspeed target is bottom of green arc +-5mph)
- Carb heat hot, throttle to 1500rpm, keep nose from dropping
- As airspeed decreases to Vfe, lower flaps in stages, but promptly
- Prevent zoom up by forward pressure dont trim yet
- As airspeed drops to 60kts/70mph flaps should be full and now right hand is on throttle
- Add throttle -1800-2000 rpm; Pitch carefully to control airspeed around 55kts
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Immediately add substantial throttle if altitude starts decreasing, then adjust once
problem is solved
Trim to maintain nose attitude without elevator force
Turns max 20 degrees of bank, better 10-15.
If climbing, reduce throttle to below that needed for level flight, then reset
Note mushy controls, significant overbanking tendency and a lot of adverse yaw
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As soon as airspeed starts increasing, bring nose to either cruise attitude or climb
attitude (as specified by examiner)
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If there is a crosswind, you will be holding rudder opposite the wind and aileron
into the wind, and it may land on one wheel before the other. This is a good
thing and indeed required to prevent sideways drift.
When plane lands, gently but deliberately lower the other main wheel first then
nose to the ground, dont just let go!
As plane slows down keep bringing the elevator back
Aileron full into any crosswind
Keep straight, brake if needed, slow down to taxi speed before turning
Dont adjust anything in cockpit till off the runway and stopped
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Elevator gently to neutral, then brake as you pull back to put weight on mains
9/ Instrument Flight
A/ Straight and level
- Keep wings level with ailerons using attitude indicator
- Keep little dot in center of AI on the horizon with elevator
- Check with turn coordinator that you are not turning. If necessary add rudder
on the side of the high wing on turn coordinator or on the side the ball is
- Go back to the AI to make sure wings are level and pitch correct
- Check with VSI that no climb or descent is happening
B/ Level turns
- Bank till wing bars on AI are parallel with first diagonal line (about 15
degrees); keep little dot from dropping by a little extra back pressure
- Check VSI is still 0, if not go back to AI and raise or lower the pitch by half
the width of the ball
- Check on TC that the turn is standard rate, if not go back to AI and adjust
bank angle +- 5 degrees.
- Lead roll out by 5-10 degrees, remember to use AI to roll level, and make
pitch level, do not stare at DG while rolling out
C/ Climb
- Looking at DG, add full power and just enough right rudder to keep DG
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Raise nose 10 degrees and keep wings level with ailerons using attitude
For short climb do not trim, just increase back pressure as plane slows to keep
10 degrees up pitch, for long climbs retrim
If you retrim, remember the number of turns and later undo the same number
At the target altitude, lower nose to level pitch with AI and speed up to
previous airspeed, then reset power back to where it was. Pitch forces will
change keep wings level and dot on the horizon.
Retrim if needed same amount as trimmed up in the first place
D/ Descent
- Looking at DG, reduce power at least 500rpm (learn to do it by ear) and just
enough left rudder to keep DG steady may need carb heat
- Using attitude indicator lower nose 5 degrees keep wings level with ailerons
- Check power is indeed reduced at least 500rpm
- Check airspeed, should be the same as in level flight; if increasing bring nose
up about half the width of the little dot, if decreasing down about the same
- For prolonged descents retrim but only when speed stabilized
- Lead leveloff by 50-70. Add power back to where it was in level flight
- Plane will raise its nose you adjust it to place little dot on the horizon
- Retrim if needed
E/ Climbing and descending turns
- First start a climb or descent as above, then start a turn as above, do not try
both at once
- Keep nose attitude very carefully with AI, 10 degs up for climb, 5 degs down
for descent, bank no more than the first diagonal
- To adjust nose attitude, try to do it half the orange dots width at a time
- Lead rollout by 5-10 degrees, lead leveloff from descent by 50-10, do not
lead leveloff from climb
F/ VOR Nav - Remember Tune Twist Identify
- Go Direct To VOR; center needle on OBS, with a TO indication; turn airplane
shortest way to heading on TOP of OBS
- Track VOR if needle moves and stays off to one side, turn 10 degrees in that
direction and hold the new heading. Repeat as necessary in either direction
- To intercept a given radial if need to fly outbound, radial heading goes on
top of OBS and you need a FROM indication; if need to fly inbound, radial
heading goes on bottom of OBS and you need a TO indication; in either case,
now turn the airplane to the heading ON TOP OF OBS, and then 45 degrees
towards the needle. When needle centers track as above
G/ Unusual attitude recognition and recovery
- Airspeed indicator quickest and surest way to identify what is happening
- Airspeed high and increasing you are descending
Reduce power to idle
Use TC to roll level
Adjust pitch until airspeed starts decreasing no more
May need to pull, or push depending on airspeed and trim
When airspeed below normal cruise, add power and climb at Vy
- Airspeed low and decreasing you are climbing and in danger of stall/spin
Full power and push the nose till you feel light
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