Critical Anaylsis Essay Right One

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Higgins 1

Gavin Higgins
ENC-1101 Comp. 1
1 September 2016
A Critical Review of Gary Johnsons article on immigration.
In Gary Johnsons article Build a better immigration system, not a wall, he compares what has
been told by politicians on immigration, and what the common sense public believe. Johnson
shares his argument as if representing the common citizen of the United States on the subject. He
discusses the subject with a background of two terms as Governor of New Mexico, concluding
that it is A border state with by far the largest percentage of Latino residents in the nation. This
paper will analyze Johnsons main arguments, opinionated reasoning and areas in the article that
lack legitimate sources.
As Gary Johnsons article is read, I cannot help but notice that this is a one sided article. There
is no in-between, its either his view is right, or your view is wrong. In the beginning of the article
there is an immediate representation of Pathos. Johnson states Im tired of hearing about a big,
beautiful wall and who should pay for it. And Im weary of hearing politicians try to gain votes
on the backs of immigrants. As the very first sentence the reader analyzes, it is easy to
understand this is a negative article, and the author is against the subject. Johnson states details
about himself, basically telling the reader how his opinions are right due to his immense
knowledge on the subject, then begins his rant.

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Johnson quickly discusses Donald Trumps immigration policy. Promising to build a wall
along the Mexico border, and deport 11 million undocumented immigrants. This is a Ludicrous
notion to begin with Johnson states. As Johnson is the Presidential Nominee for the Libertarian
Party, it is understandable that he feels this way on the policy. The article title that would be
better fitting is A Libertarians view on the immigration system. But that would only entice
readers with the same view. Johnson is not trying to change readers opinions on immigration, he
is simply ranting about how dumb politicians are and that they need a Common sense
approach to the issue. Giving the reader his view on what Trumps actions will be like he states
the idea of federal authorities rounding up millions of people and loading them on buses is an
image America could never stomach. Johnson successfully gives a rather disturbing view on
Trumps policy.
Johnsons article lacks Ethos, he shows very little credibility on the credentials he states as
facts. I personally have no true reason to believe what the author is saying. He shows zero
references for the information he shares, and is throwing numbers out like you would throw dice
on a poker table, and hoping you land where you want to. For example, Over the past 10 years,
both illegal entries and the number of undocumented immigrants in the country have declined.
How is the reader supposed to know these are legitimate facts? Maybe he assumes the reader to
believe him just because of his overwhelming knowledge on the subject due to his past. Also
Johnson writes as if he is writing a blog. Using such an opinionated view and describing his
negative feelings so often, I would not call this an article. It is read as a blog, or more so as a
rant. He writes in a relaxed state, as if talking to a coworker on lunch break. Not as if he is
writing a article on CNN.

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To sum up his article he states that increasing enforcement on the border and using resources
to reinforce it, is the wrong way to go. He states there is no way to stop immigrants from coming
into the United States, so we must stop illegal entry, by making it easier to enter legally. He
makes a call to action, basically saying fix it, and with his way only. Lacking legitimate sources
this article is not informative by any means, but to only emit opinionated reasoning on the reader.
More so as a blog than an article. I personally do not agree with his ideas on the immigration
policy. Although Johnson does have a convincing argument with his extremely negative
examples of the Trump policy. Ending the article, he ties the readers together saying We really
are a nation of immigrants, and weve become the greatest nation on earth without big walls and
nativism. Altogether there are some valid points, and some not so much. For the reader this is a
hit or miss, that the author has a successful imprint on the readers image of the current, popular
fix on immigration.

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Works Cited

Johnson, Gary. "Gary Johnson: Build a Better Immigration System, Not a

Wall."CNN. Cable News Network, 29 Aug. 2016. Web. 08 Sept. 2016.

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