FT Historian ProcessBook User Guide
FT Historian ProcessBook User Guide
FT Historian ProcessBook User Guide
Contacting Rockwell
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Table of Contents
Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 1
What's New ................................................................................................................................... 1
Whats New in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook ................................................................ 1
Historian ProcessBook Essentials ............................................................................................... 3
What Can You View with FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook ..................................................... 3
Start FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook ..................................................................................... 3
Servers and Connections ........................................................................................................ 3
Connect to a Historian Server ............................................................................................ 4
Historian Security
Network Errors .................................................................................................................... 5
Displays and Connection Failure ........................................................................................ 5
Node Identifiers for Multiple Historian Servers ................................................................... 6
Workspace ............................................................................................................................... 6
ProcessBook (.piw) ............................................................................................................. 6
Display ................................................................................................................................ 6
Create a New ProcessBook or Display .............................................................................. 7
Run Mode and Build Mode ...................................................................................................... 7
Add-Ins .......................................................................................................................................... 8
Load Add-ins ............................................................................................................................ 8
Menus and Toolbars ..................................................................................................................... 9
Command Menus .................................................................................................................... 9
Customize Toolbars ................................................................................................................. 9
Toolbar Buttons .....................................................................................................................10
Add Buttons to Toolbars ...................................................................................................10
Browser Toolbar ..........................................................................................................................10
Browse ProcessBooks and Displays .....................................................................................10
View Browsing History ...........................................................................................................11
Set a Home Page ..................................................................................................................11
Bookmarks and Browser History ...........................................................................................11
Bookmarks Tab.................................................................................................................12
History Tab .......................................................................................................................12
Add/Edit Bookmarks .........................................................................................................12
Keyboard Shortcuts ....................................................................................................................13
Assign a Keyboard Shortcut ..................................................................................................13
Remove a Keyboard Shortcut ...............................................................................................14
Preference Settings ....................................................................................................................14
General Preferences ..............................................................................................................15
Table of Contents Preferences ..............................................................................................16
Display Window .....................................................................................................................17
Trend Preferences .................................................................................................................19
Trend Elements Preferences .................................................................................................20
Print .............................................................................................................................................21
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook User Guide
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
As the easy-to-use graphical display interface to the FactoryTalk Historian System,
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook makes it possible to efficiently display real-time and
historical data residing in the FactoryTalk Historian System and other sources. Process
owners use FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook to create interactive graphical displays that
can be saved and shared with others. Users can quickly switch between run and build modes
to create dynamic, interactive displays and populate them with live data. They also can write
scripts that automate displays and trends by using Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications,
which is seamlessly integrated into FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook. Rockwell
Automation also produces add-ins that perform Batch and other types of analyses.
What's New
Whats New in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook
Chapter 2
Historian Servers
VBA code
ProcessBook displays may be linked to other displays within the same ProcessBook, or to
displays in a separate ProcessBook. You can also include buttons that launch other
Click File > Connections. The Connection Manager dialog box appears. The dialog
box lists the configured servers to which you can connect. It also shows the server you
have chosen as the default server.
A selected checkbox next to a server name in the Connections dialog box indicates an open
connection to the Historian Server.
Click to select a checkbox and open a connection to a Historian Server in the list. Clear a
checkbox to close a connection.
Note: If you select more than one server, the application tries to connect to each server
using the same user ID and password. If it fails, a new PI Server Login dialog box
appears. If you already are logged in to the server from a different FactoryTalk
Historian application, such as FactoryTalk Historian DataLink, the application uses
the user ID and password with which you logged in. See the PI SDK Controls and
Dialogs User Help for more detail.
Historian Security
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook is designed to support whatever Historian Security is
configured on the Historian Server.
If all attempts to login to the Historian Server using Windows credentials or other
machine-related information fail, then you must have a PI user account (not Windows
security-based). In this case, the PI SDK attempts to use the default PI user account
configured for the Server (you can see this in the Connections (page 4) dialog box in
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook).
If the default PI user account does not require a password, then you are automatically
logged in. If the default account does require a password, a login dialog box appears,
which expects the PI user account and password.
Note: For more detailed information on Historian Server security, see Configuring
FactoryTalk Historian SE Security, available on the FactoryTalk Historian SE
installation DVD. As of FactoryTalk Historian 3.0, the Historian Server can be
configured to take advantage of significantly enhanced security options.
Network Errors
Network Errors update the Status Report (page 145) dialog box, rather than displaying error
messages on your monitor. When a display is opened but the server is not available, only one
Select New Node (page 5) dialog box appears. The dialog box appears once for each server
that is not available.
Displays and Connection Failure
If the connection to your data is not successful, the display (page 6) is still drawn, but data in
dynamic elements are replaced with indicators signifying that no data is available.
Values are replaced with pound signs (###) and the message Disconnected appears.
If a server has been disconnected, and/or cannot be reached, the Select New Node dialog box
Click Connections to launch the PI Connection Manager dialog box. From there you can
choose a new server from the drop-down list of connected servers.
Node Identifiers for Multiple Historian Servers
A Node Identifier is stored with each tag name used in a display to point to the correct server.
If you define Historian Server nodes in the PI Connection Manager dialog box, the
identifiers are the same on each PC on the network as long as the node names for the
FactoryTalk Historian System are the same.
When you start FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook, it appears as an open window or
workspace on the desktop. Depending on your settings, you may initially see an empty
workspace, or an open ProcessBook in either Book (page 32) or Outline (page 34) view.
Within the FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook workspace you can open a ProcessBook or
independent display.
ProcessBook (.piw)
In FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook a ProcessBook is the container for the information and
analysis of the process you are monitoring. A ProcessBook may appear as either a tabbed
book - Book view (page 32), or an outline - Outline view (page 34), and is saved as a separate
file with a .piw extension.
A ProcessBook is a collection of individual displays of data and analysis. Use a ProcessBook
to organize data from the FactoryTalk Historian System and other sources so that you can
analyze the processes you monitor or the tasks you perform.
A ProcessBook and its displays are stored in a single file.
The main unit for creating presentations of data in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook is the
display. A display may stand on its own (.pdi or.svg), or it may be part of a ProcessBook
(.piw). A display contains all the symbols used to represent an operational environment
using real-time, production data from Historian as well as data from other sources. In addition
to containing this collection of data elements, the display has its own set of features and
properties that affect the collection of data elements.
Displays can show a variety of elements, such as a schematic representation of a production
line, a plot of readings taken from a production line, or a comparison of lab data and batch
specifications. Displays can also be linked to other ProcessBooks, displays in other
ProcessBooks, or other applications.
Create a New ProcessBook or Display
Use the New dialog box to create a new ProcessBook (page 25), add ProcessBook entries
(page 26), or create an independent display (page 46).
Click File > New to launch the New dialog box,
Build modemost of the functions that you use when you create or modify a
ProcessBook require the Build mode pointer. Use Build mode to add, remove, or move
symbols on a display, to add, remove, or organize entries in a ProcessBook, and for
access to symbol definitions and formatting tools.
Run mode is used to open entries and execute commands once a ProcessBook is
built. You can make some changes to a display while in Run mode; however, working in
Run mode keeps you from accidentally making permanent changes to items in a display.
, which are located on the Tools menu and the Drawing toolbar. Your preferred mode of
operation is set as a default in your Preference settings.
Note: You can choose Build or Run mode as your preferred mode of operation by
clearing or selecting the Prefer Run Mode checkbox in the General tab (page 15)
of the ProcessBook Preferences dialog box. This is a helpful preference if you
spend most of your time building or editing displays.
By default, FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook installs with the following add-in
components. You can load or unload these and other add-in components by using the Add-In
Manager (page 8).
You can install other add-ins with FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook, but they don't become
available until you add additional applications:
Load Add-ins
The Add-In Manager lists the Add-Ins available in your FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook
installation. Use this dialog box to control whether the add-ins are loaded whenever you use
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook.
1. Click Tools > Add-in Manager. The Add-In Manager dialog box appears.
2. Click an available add-in from the Available Add-Ins list.
3. A description of what the add-in does appears in the Description box.
4. Under Load Behavior, select the appropriate check boxes:
View-Only Book
View-Only Display
Customize Toolbars
Toolbars may be displayed or omitted as follows:
1. Click View > Toolbars. The Toolbars tab of the Customize dialog box opens.
2. Check the toolbars you wish to display, and click OK.
Note: Click the Commands tab to see what buttons appear on each toolbar.
3. To move a toolbar, click on the double vertical bar at the left end and drag to the new
location. If the toolbar has no move handle, click on the title bar instead.
4. To reshape a floating toolbar (one without move handles), grab one of its edges and drag
to a new shape.
Toolbar Buttons
Many of the menu commands in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook can be selected by
clicking a button on a toolbar. To determine the use of a button on a toolbar, hover the mouse
pointer over the button to display a ToolTip.
You can configure toolbars to display as view-only to omit unnecessary buttons. View-only
toolbars and others can be specified in procbook.ini (page 214).
Browser Toolbar
The Browser add-in provides a toolbar that resembles the controls of a typical web browser.
The toolbar is automatically loaded when you install FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook, and
allows you to navigate recently-used ProcessBooks and displays.
3. From the Browser toolbar (page 10), click either the Forward or Back buttons
to view previously opened ProcessBooks or displays. Only displays opened during the
current session of FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook are included in this navigation.
You can also use the Address box to open ProcessBooks and displays.
1. Click the arrow to the right of the Address box to see the last ten valid file paths you
entered. The last entry in the list is Browse.
Browser Toolbar
2. Click Browse to launch an Open File dialog box where you can browse for a file. You
can also enter a URL to open a file.
Bookmarks Tab
New bookmarks are automatically added to the root level of the bookmarks tree. You can
organize the entries into a hierarchical tree structure by dragging and dropping entries. Rightclick the Bookmarks tab to select one of the following from the context menu:
New Folder inserts a new folder at the top level of the tree or as a subfolder of a selected
Edit opens a dialog box where you can enter a new name and file path for the selected
Send To File opens a Save File dialog box for the location to store the list of bookmarks.
Bookmarks are saved as XML and can be subsequently imported. Only files/folders that
are selected (checked) in the tree are exported.
Send To E-Mail opens a pre-populated Outlook email with the selected bookmarks ready
to be sent as an attachment with the same format as the Send to File option. Only
files/folders that are selected (checked) in the tree are exported.
Note: The Send To options are only visible if at least one entry is checked or when
right-clicking an item.
Import opens an Open File dialog box where you can select a bookmarks file to import.
History Tab
The History tab contains an alphabetical list of all ProcessBooks and displays you have
visited during the current session. From there you can click an entry to return to that item.
The icon of the entry indicates its file type. Hover over an entry to see its full path in a
Add/Edit Bookmarks
1. On the Browser toolbar (page 10) click the Bookmark button
Bookmark tab of the Organizer (page 11) window.
to open the
From there you can browse, modify, or delete stored file locations.
2. Click
3. Click
to add a bookmark.
to edit a bookmark.
If the active file is already bookmarked, the same icon appears as the Edit Bookmark icon.
Click this button to edit the bookmark's label and file path.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard Shortcuts
A keyboard shortcut is a combination of keystrokes to use for frequent actions. Several of
these are already assigned in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook. They appear to the right of
the corresponding menu command on the drop-down menus.
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook lets you assign new combinations of keystrokes or
change existing ones.
For example you can:
2. Under Select a macro, click the appropriate macro (menu item). The description for that
item and its assigned shortcuts, if any, appears.
3. Click the Create Shortcut button.
5. Click OK.
The new shortcut appears in the Assigned shortcuts box.
Note: If you want to reset all the keyboard shortcuts to their original positions when
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook was installed, click the Reset All button,
and then the OK button.
Preference Settings
You can reach the ProcessBook Preferences dialog box by clicking Tools > Preferences.
Preference settings determine how the ProcessBook entries look, what colors are available
when you draw, and whether your ProcessBook opens in Book View (page 32) or Outline
View (page 34).
Note: Preference settings are stored in the file procbook.ini. Before you change the
Preference settings, consider creating a back-up copy of procbook.ini so that
you can restore FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook to the original settings.
Preference Settings
General Preferences
Click Tools > Preferences > General tab to configure application-wide settings. These
settings are stored in and retrieved from the [STARTUP] section of your procbook.ini
(page 214) file.
AuthorDetermines the name used as the creator of new files and the person who last edited
the file. See Summary Information in ProcessBook (page 38) for more information. This field
is blank by default when FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook is first installed on a computer.
Startup FileThe file name and path in this field determine which, if any, file is
automatically opened when the application is launched. The default value when FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook is first installed is <installation
Library FileThe file name and path in this field determine which, if any, file is opened
when the original symbol library command is used. The default value when FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook is first installed is <installation
Prefer Run ModeDetermines whether ProcessBook starts up in Run mode or Build mode
by default. By default, this option is enabled when FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook is first
installed on a computer.
Create Backup FilesDetermines whether backup files (with a .bak extension) are
automatically created when a FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook file is opened. By default,
this option is turned off when FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook is first installed on a
Keep snapshot values on updating plotsDetermines whether the archive event pipe is
used for updating trends, discarding any snapshot values between stored, archive values. This
setting is stored as PB2TraceCompatibility in the [STARTUP] section of your
procbook.ini. By default, this option is turned off when FactoryTalk Historian
ProcessBook is first installed on a computer.
Date and Time FormatSettings in this area determine how time is displayed in
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook. Previews of each format are shown to help you select
the desired option.
The Use local Windows format option uses the current Regional Options settings in the
Windows Control Panel on the client machine to determine how dates and times are
displayed. Dates are shown using the currently configured Short Date format and Times
are shown using the current time format settings.
The Use PI Time Format option displays timestamps in the default Historian format of
dd-mmm-yy HH:mm:ss.ssss, where dd is the day of the month, mmm is a the short
text abbreviation of the month name (e.g., Jan for January), yy is the two digit year, HH is
the hour in 24-hour format, mm is the minute and ss.sss is the second, including subseconds, if present.
Default Time ZoneDetermines whether timestamps reflect the time zone of the Historian
Server used to retrieve data (PI Server time zone), or the time zone of the local computer
(Client machine time zone), when a new display is created. By default, the Historian Server
option is selected when FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook is first installed on a computer.
This setting can also be changed and is stored with each display.
Preference Settings
Default ViewSettings in this area determine how ProcessBook entries are displayed by
default. The default is Book view.
Font SettingsThe controls in this area determine the font settings applied to each entry
level in a ProcessBook. The font settings control the display of entry names in Table of
Contents windows.
The Entry level field allows you to select the level to configure. You can only select one
level at a time.
The Font field lists all the fonts installed on the computer running FactoryTalk Historian
The Size field determines the size of the text. The first time ProcessBook is installed, the
current Windows system font determines the default font settings to use.
The Font style group determines whether text is shown in bold or italic.
PreviewThis read-only field displays font settings for each level in a ProcessBook. Each of
the 10 possible entry levels is listed and displayed with its current font name, and style
Display Window
Click Tools > Preferences > Display Window tab to set options that apply to display
windows. These settings are stored in and retrieved from your procbook.ini (page 214)
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook User Guide
Color PaletteThese fields present the 16 colors selected for use throughout the application
as the basic colors for the color well control.
Use the Modify button to launch the Color dialog box, where you can select additional
Preference Settings
Use the Reset button to return the Color Palette to system default values.
Default Display Background ColorDetermines the default color used for new displays.
The color well control is used to select a color. This color is also set when the Background
color of the current display is changed.
Symbol Defaultscontains fields to set the default formatting values for new symbols.
These defaults are also changed when the Formatting controls are used and no symbols are
Trend Preferences
Click Tools > Preferences > Trend tab to set default settings for new trend symbols. These
settings also apply to instant trends.
AutoScaleSelect this check box if you want trends to be scaled as tag values change
over time. If you do not select this check box, then trends use the Database scale for each
Vert. Scale Ins. Axis(Vertical Scale Inside Axis)Select this check box to display the
numeric scale inside the axis. If you do not select this check box the scale displays
outside the axis. Note that the value scale is drawn horizontally when the trend
orientation is vertical.
Multiple Scales (page 84)Add a value scale for each data point when selected. When
the check box is cleared, only a single value scale appears.
MarkersSelect the Markers check box if you want markers to indicate data points on
the trend. If you do not select the Markers check box three markers display on each line.
These markers help you match a line to a tag.
LegendSelect or clear these options to configure what information appears in the trend
legends. The information that can fit in the legend is determined by the size of the trend.
Consequently, not all of the information in the legend may be visible:
If the width of the legend is more than the width of the trend the legend does not appear.
If the height of the text in the legend is longer than the total height of the trend, items are
removed in this order: engineering units, tag name, then value.
Options include:
Tag Name
Eng Units
Traces per Ad Hoc TrendSelect the number of traces to have per plot on an ad hoc
(instant) trend. The default is 3, the maximum is 8. Once this number is reached,
additional plots are created to show the remaining tags selected for the instant trend.
Plot ElementsUse the drop down list to select from pens, text, grids, and background.
For each plot element, select a Marker Type, Line Style, Line Weight, and Color.
Note: You may select one of several line styles for each trace. You can also specify the
line thickness. Select none to omit a grid line.
SampleSee your changes previewed in the Sample area at the bottom of the dialog box.
In Book view, print a list of the entire book or a selected tab section.
Print the entire contents of a display or selected items from that window.
You can also set various printing options, such as the number of copies.
Each topic in the help file may be printed separately or you can print them all at once.
The Print command is accessible from the File menu, CTRL+P, or the print button. You can
print the contents of the active window or if you select items within a display before you open
the Print dialog box, then you can choose to print only those items.
Note: On a non-color printer, symbols are printed in shades of gray, but trends are
printed in black and white.
On some printers, when you print a trend with cursors, the value and time stamp
boxes of the cursor does not hide the information beneath them. However, other
trend cursors and the trend time scale may show through the trend cursor boxes,
making the values hard to read.
Print Preview
Print Preview displays your selection as it will look when it is printed. Note that the Print
Preview shows colors even though you may be using a black and white printer.
Once you select the item you want to preview, click File > Print Preview. Zoom in or out of
the selection by clicking on the selection with the magnifier cursor or by clicking the Zoom
buttons. To print the selection, click the Print button.
Setup Printer
Select Print Setup to choose a printer, page orientation, and paper size. In addition, you can
fine-tune the quality of output or the performance of your printer. The settings you choose in
Print Setup become the defaults for all your printing.
1. Click File > Page Setup. The Print Setup dialog box appears.
2. Select the printer, orientation, and paper size and source.
Note: FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook supports dot matrix, HP PCL (LaserJet),
Postscript, and color printers. However, all Windows print drivers may not be
compatible. If you are not sure if your printer is supported or you observe any
printing problems, contact Rockwell Automation Technical Support.
3. Click the Properties button to select printer-specific options. Refer to your printer
documentation for additional information about these options.
Click Copy Info to copy the contents of the list to your Windows clipboard where it can
be pasted into a spreadsheet or text editor. This can be useful to share with Rockwell
Automation Technical Support engineers if you have a problem.
Click System Info to launch the Microsoft System Information dialog box. This
information can also be useful when troubleshooting issues through Technical Support.
Chapter 3
When you add entries to a ProcessBook in either Outline or Book View, the entries are
arranged hierarchically. Subentries are indented under main entries. The name you give each
new entry is the name that shows in the ProcessBook.
When you create a new entry, it is placed in the ProcessBook just before the selected entry. If
no entries are selected, the new entry appears at the end of the current tab section in Book
View or at the end of the Outline View.
The first entry on a book tab is normally a Level 2 item (Level 1 is used as the tab label). All
Level 3 through 10 items are listed below a level 2 item and indented the same. In Outline
View, all levels are indented according to their level.
8. Click OK. The entry is added to the ProcessBook. If the entry is at Level 1 and you are in
Book view, a tab is created using the name of the entry.
9. Click the Save button on the toolbar, or
Click File > Save.
Before you create a link to an original entry in a different ProcessBook, the ProcessBook that
contains the original (target) entry must be open. Once the link is established, you only need
to open the ProcessBook with the Linked Entry.
If you want to link to an entry in a second ProcessBook, open the second book or use the
Display Search dialog box. If you want to link to an entry in the current ProcessBook, create
the original display entry first, save the file, and then create the linked entry. The target
display must be in a file that has been saved so that its path can be determined.
Create a Linked Display Entry
1. Click File > New. The New dialog box appears.
2. Under Type, select ProcessBook Entry.
3. Click OK.
4. The Define ProcessBook Entry dialog box appears.
5. In the Label dialog box, type a name.
Note: The label must be 244 characters or less in length.
12. Clear the Options check box if you want the absolute path to the file checked first.
Note: By default, ProcessBook attempts to open a linked display from its relative
path first. If the relative path fails, then the absolute path is checked. Clearing
the Use relative path check box reverses the order in which the paths are
resolved. For new displays, this option is checked by default.
13. Click OK. A linked display entry icon is added to the outline and book view of the
ProcessBook you are developing.
14. Click the Save button.
Note: If you need to move the original entry to another directory or ProcessBook,
you must redefine the link between the ProcessBooks. If you move both the
original and the linked item and the relationship between the two file paths is
unchanged, you do not need to relink.
system. If you do not know whether or not your computer has enough memory, contact your
System Administrator.
Create an Operating System Command Entry
1. Click File > New. The New dialog box appears.
2. Under Type, select ProcessBook Entry.
3. Click OK.
4. The Define ProcessBook Entry dialog box appears.
5. In the Label dialog box, type a name.
Note: The label must be 244 characters or less in length.
9. If you need to specify the location of the executable for the application, click the Browse
button to the right of the Working folder box. The Browse for Folder dialog box
10. Locate and select the folder that you want to specify for this operating system command,
and click OK.
Note: If you know the name of the working folder for this application, then you can
type it directly in the Working folder box.
11. In the Level list, click the level at which you want to position the entry in the
ProcessBook hierarchy of entries, or
Type a number between 1 and 10.
Note: If you are creating the first entry in the ProcessBook, the level is automatically
set to 1 and cannot be changed.
12. If the file specified in the Action box is associated with one application and you want to
open it with another, select the Ignore the default shell command for recognized file
types check box. This option is normally only used with files such as displays saved as
SVG so that they can be opened in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook instead of the
associated Viewer application.
Note: If the file type is supported by ProcessBook (either natively or through an addin), then it is opened directly when this option is selected for a Link or OS
command entry. For example, an .svg file is opened using the .svg File
Converter in ProcessBook, even if you have Adobe SVG Viewer installed.
Clearing this check box disables this behavior, so the default shell command
is used to open the file instead.
13. Click OK. An icon for the program you are launching is added to the outline and book
view of the ProcessBook and the application opens. Close the application.
14. Click the Save button.
Note: Any path entered in the Action field is considered absolute. If the display with this
entry is moved, the path is not changed from the original entry. If the Action is
entered and saved as a relative path, the system attempts to open the command
using that relative path. In this case, if you need to move the original entry to
another directory or ProcessBook, you may have to redefine the link between the
ProcessBooks. If you move both the original and the linked item and the
relationship between the two file paths is unchanged, you do not need to relink.
Whether you are in Outline View or Book View, you can edit and rearrange entries, or delete
entries altogether. Some functions are performed the same regardless of the view in which
you are working.
Book View is a useful organizational tool when your ProcessBook has only a few dozen
displays. If your ProcessBook is large and contains many displays, Outline View is faster and
easier to use.
Book View
In Book View
Tabs indicate major divisions in the ProcessBook. Each tab section has a heading, which may
be any ProcessBook entry. The entry title is used as the tab name. A tab section may contain
several pages of entries representing different types of information. There is no limit to the
number of tabs you may have in a Book. However, as you add tabs or reduce the size of the
ProcessBook, the tabs are stacked to the right of the Book. This might make the ProcessBook
difficult to read in Book View.
When you create a first-level entry in Book View, the name becomes the label for the section
tab. If the entry is the first entry you have added to the ProcessBook, the entry level is
automatically set at 1. Subsequent sub-entries are listed below the main entry. When you
select another first level entry, a new page is created with a new tab. You can have up to 10
levels of entries in a ProcessBook, but levels 3 to 10 are displayed in Book View as though
they were at the same level.
Displays within a tab section are typically arranged in a hierarchical fashion. For example, a
display that includes a boiler, a condenser, and a pump may be at the top level of a tab
section. The boiler, the condenser, and the pump may be separate displays that are arranged
underneath the summary display. Each of these displays can have several displays for their
Book View
Outline View
In Outline View
Click View > Outline to display a ProcessBook as an outline. When you are in Outline View,
a set of buttons is added to the active ProcessBook window to collapse or expand the outline.
You may need to resize the window so all the buttons are visible. Use the horizontal and
vertical scroll bars to see all entries in the outline.
Hierarchies of entries may be revised by dragging entries from one location to another, or by
promoting and demoting entries.
Outline View
-orClick the transparent plus sign to collapse the list of subordinate displays.
Expanded View:
Note: You can change the font for each level in Outline View in the ProcessBook
Preferences (page 14) dialog box.
Note: If you highlight an entry first, the new entry is placed above the highlighted entry.
Remove an Entry
1. In Build mode, select an entry title in either Book View or Outline View.
2. Press the DELETE key. The entry is removed from the ProcessBook.
Note: If you accidentally delete the wrong entry click Edit > Undo.
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook keeps track of the four most recently opened
ProcessBooks or independent display files. Instead of using File > Open, you may select a
file name from the bottom of the File menu.
Use the Windows menu to select the ProcessBook title and switch among them.
Summary Information in ProcessBook
Click File > Properties to display the Summary Information dialog box for a file. The
Summary Information dialog box you see is the same for the ProcessBook as a whole or for
the individual displays.
The following table describes the fields in the Summary Information dialog box:
Field Name
Extracted from the Author field on the General tab in the ProcessBook
Preferences dialog box at the time the ProcessBook is first saved.
Field Name
May be used for any text entry. You can revise this field at any time.
Properties button
Note: If you click the Properties button while a display is open, you launch the Display
Properties dialog box.
The following table describes the fields in the PI ProcessBook Properties dialog box:
Field Name
Extracted from the Author field on the General tab in the ProcessBook
Preferences dialog box. Shows the original author, unless the authors
name has been modified in the Summary Information dialog box.
Last Saved
Last Saved By
Name of the person who saved the ProcessBook most recently. (Extracted
from the Author field on the General tab in the ProcessBook Preferences
dialog box.) If this field is blank, the PC login name of the author is used.
This is useful for tracking who made which revisions.
Field Name
System Commands
4. Click OK.
The following table describes the fields in the Display Properties dialog box:
Field Name
Extracted from the Author field on the General tab in the ProcessBook
Preferences dialog box. Shows the original author, unless the authors
name has been modified in the Summary Information dialog box.
Last Saved
Last Saved By
Name of the person who saved the ProcessBook most recently. (Extracted
from the Author field on the General tab in the ProcessBook Preferences
dialog box.) If this field is blank, the PC login name of the author is used.
This is useful for tracking who made which revisions.
Total Symbols
Dynamic Symbols
Static Symbols
Servers Required
The status bar displays each file as it is imported. When completed, a message displays
the number of files successfully imported. If errors occurred during the import process, a
message box is displayed at the end of the import process showing the number of errors.
You can check the message log from the Status Report icon at the bottom of your
Note: Depending on the size, some files may take several minutes to import.
When a trend is successfully imported, a new Text display showing the full file name is
added to the ProcessBook. Each trend is added as a subordinate display and retains its
original trend name. For graphics, the VAX display name becomes the Display name. Once
converted, graphics and trends can be edited like any other display.
Save the changes under a different ProcessBook name, thus creating two ProcessBooks,
Close the ProcessBook and reopen it so that the new version of the display is shown.
Then make changes and save again.
Open the Summary Information (page 38) dialog box to view the name of the person who
has made changes and saved the file most recently.
When the number of colors is different between the original PC and new PC, FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook uses the closest color when drawing an entry. This is true for any
graphics you may have included in an entry.
If an entry calls for a font that is not available on the new PC, FactoryTalk Historian
ProcessBook substitutes a similar font.
Different monitors have different resolutions, which may distort the appearance of an
existing ProcessBook.
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook records both the absolute and relative paths for Linked
displays and Linked ProcessBooks. This means you can copy ProcessBooks to new
directories without breaking links as long as either all the linked files are placed in a similar
directory tree or all the drive, directory, and file names remain the same.
Chapter 4
Change the time range that is used for values, bars, trends, XYPlots, SQC plots, and
Multi-State symbols
Use a Trend Cursor to see the value of plotted tags at a specific point in time
Static Symbols
Static symbols are symbols that do not automatically change as time passes, such as an
image, process diagram, or descriptive text.
Static symbols include all items in a display that do not connect to the Historian Server or
other application to retrieve data, and do not start any application. Text labels and flow lines
are examples of static symbols. Other types include rectangles, circles, arcs, and images.
Dynamic Symbols
Dynamic symbols are values, bars, trends, XYPlots, SQC charts, and multi-state symbols
(such as a pump image tied to temperature data) that change over time, and are based on the
value of a tag in the Historian Server. If you wish to see how a dynamic symbol was defined,
select it and click the Item Definition button on the Drawing toolbar.
Dynamic symbols may also report data from outside databases through queries.
If you rest your mouse on a dynamic symbol, you can see a ToolTip with the current
value, tag name, and time stamp.
Icons for questionable, substituted, and annotated FactoryTalk Historian data can also
appear on your displays.
Most point types (page 157) can be used with any dynamic symbol. There are some
restrictions on string and timestamp data.
Buttons are elements that create a link to other applications, such as a calculator or word
processor, or other ProcessBooks or displays. You can also use buttons to execute a script.
For example, if you find you work in a particular display and frequently need to update a
report with the information you are monitoring, you can add a button that automatically opens
a spreadsheet program. You also can use a button to perform common actions using a script,
like printing a display, or connect to related displays, ProcessBooks, or Web sites.
OLE Objects
OLE objects include information from outside applications, such as text, spreadsheets, or
graphics. This information may be configured to update dynamically. OLE objects may be
either linked (page 195) or embedded (page 192) into displays.
Click on the display title, then on the New button to open the selected display in a new
Click on the display title, then on the Open button to open the display into the last
display window you used. If none are open, a display window opens.
With the Run Mode pointer, double-click the display. The display opens and appears
within an existing window, if possible.
Click and drag the display title to an unused area in the application workspace and release
the mouse. This opens a new display in addition to already opened displays. If you drag
the display on top of an open display, it closes that display while opening the dragged
To use the keyboard instead of the mouse, use CTRL+F6, to select the ProcessBook, then
use the up or down arrow keys to select the display title. Press Enter. If you have more
than one display open, it replaces the open display with the new display. Pressing
CTRL+N is the same as clicking the New button.
If the display is a Display, Linked Display, or Linked ProcessBook, the display is opened and
the contents are displayed on your workspace. If the display is an Operating System
Command, the command is executed or the application is started.
Note: If you click on an Operating System Command more than once in the same
session, it may run the application repeatedly. This depends on the application
and how it has been set up.
Displays re-open in the same position, size, and shape as when they were last saved.
Open Several Displays at One Time
In addition to the procedures for opening a display, you can also open multiple displays
simultaneously. Press SHIFT while highlighting the displays you want to open in Outline
view. Click the New button at the bottom of the list of displays. Each display or linked
display is opened in your workspace.
Manage Multiple Open Displays
Just as you can work with multiple ProcessBooks, you can have multiple displays open in the
work area.
To make a display active, click in the display window or press CTRL+F6 to toggle between
open displays.
To improve viewing when there are multiple open displays, choose:
Window > CascadeThe titles of all open displays and ProcessBooks appear in a
cascaded list down the screen.
Window > TileAll open displays and ProcessBooks appear in a tiled view.
2. Click a percentage, or
Type a number in the Custom text box to enlarge or reduce the drawing. The Custom
text box displays the current Scale Factor. Typing a number greater than the current
Scale Factor enlarges the drawing; typing a number less than the current Scale Factor
reduces it.
3. Select Fit all symbols to resize all the symbols in a display to fit within the window.
If you want only specific symbols to fit within the display window, select the symbols,
and then select Fit Selected Symbols. The items in the display resize and take up the
entire window. OLE objects are not included.
4. Click OK to accept your changes.
Note: You must save the display before closing it for your zoom settings to appear
the next time you open it.
Use the Maximize and Minimize buttons in the upper right hand corner of your display
window to adjust your display size. When you maximize a display, all open display
windows are maximized. You can also drag the edge or corner of the window to the
desired size.
Note: If you have your Preference setting for Preserve Aspect Ratio check box
selected, the contents of the display resize as you resize the window. If this
option is not enabled, the size of each element in the display does not change
as you change the window size.
2. Click the Full Screen button again to restore your toolbars. A default keyboard shortcut
of F11 also toggles between Full Screen and Normal presentations.
Note: You can customize the Full Screen toolbar to contain other buttons to use with a
Full Screen display.
3. In the Name box, type one or more of the letters of the display name.
4. In the Look in drop-down list, click the location you want to search.
-orIn the drop-down list, click Browse, and then locate the appropriate folder.
5. Select the Look in subfolders check box (optional).
6. Click the Search button.
7. The search results are displayed under Results.
8. Under Filename, click the display you want to open and then click OK.
Save a Display
A display may be saved within a ProcessBook or as an independent file (.pdi).
1. Click File > Save or Save As.
2. From the Save as type drop-down box, select one of the following six formats. The
default is .pdi:
.pdiDisplay file. If you select this format your display becomes an independent
file that updates under certain circumstances.
.svgSVG file for Web use. FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook 3.0 or higher only
supports version 3.0 or higher of the SVG add-in. See the SVG add-in release notes
for more information.
The last four file types are graphics formats and do not update. If you choose one of the
graphic formats, the display in focus is unchanged by the Save-As operation. The display
is left open and remains in the same mode (Run or Build).
.jpgJPG-JPEG-JFIF compliant
.bmp32-bit Bitmap
.wmfWindows Metafile
.pngPortable Network Graphics
Display Settings
To edit display properties, click Edit > Display, or
double-click the Time Zone setting in the Status bar. The Display Settings dialog box
Background ColorThe color applied to the area of the display where there are no symbols.
This field uses a color well control to provide color choices. The color selected in this field
also becomes the default background color for new displays.
Time ZoneThis field determines whether the local computer or Historian Server time zone
is used for interpreting dates and times for this particular display.
ConnectorsThe Enable Connector Attachments check box allows a symbol dragged and
dropped on a Connector symbol to be attached to that Connector. Clearing the check box
disables this functionality for the Display. Note that even if this feature is disabled for the
Display, you can still use the Connectors dialog box to attach Symbols to Connectors.
In the Enable Scripting section, clear the Automatically Enable Scripting check box.
This adds new symbols to the display without the overhead of enabling scripting if it isn't
If the display already has many enabled symbols on it, click the Disable Scripting for
All Symbols... button in the Enable Scripting section. This button removes the scripting
capability for all existing symbols to help improve performance.
OKClicking this button accepts the changes made and closes the dialog box. These settings
are saved as part of the Display object.
Run mode scrollingDetermines the scroll bar behavior of display windows in Run mode.
Build mode scrollingDetermines the scroll bar behavior of display windows in Build
Time Zone (page 50)
Drawing Tools
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook includes a drawing environment with features that allow
you to create symbols and graphics within an entry.
You can use the drawing tools to:
The Drawing toolbar contains a set of buttons used for creating drawings and the Draw
menu contains the corresponding commands.
To use the drawing tools, click the appropriate button.
When you draw a line or other shape, the tool uses the current formatting attribute (page 54)
Each of these objects is considered a symbol by FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook. In Build
mode, when you select a symbol by clicking it with your mouse, you see small squares
around the bounding rectangle of the symbol. These are called selection handles and allow
you to resize the symbol. For arcs, polygons, and polylines, there are also reshaping handles
at the intersection of the line segments.
Each symbol has a name, reflecting the order in which it was added to the display, such as
Rectangle1, Rectangle2, etc.
In Build mode (or VBA Design mode), an identifying ToolTip (page 58) appears whenever
your mouse hovers over a symbol.
Note: If you are drawing multiple objects, press the CTRL key while selecting the
drawing tool. This lets you continue to work with that tool until you select a
different tool.
Organizing Symbols
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook provides several tools to help you organize your
drawings. These tools include a drawing grid, flip and rotate capabilities, and the ability to
Drawing Tools
change the order in which objects overlap each other. You can move and resize drawing
objects. You can also divide a display into layers so that you can segregate various elements.
For example, you might separate HVAC elements from Electrical elements in a display.
Any of these functions can be performed on a single screen element or group of them. For
information on grouping objects, see Grouping Symbols (page 136).
Make sure you have selected the item or items with the Build Mode pointer.
OLE objects behave somewhat differently; their behavior is discussed under Commands that
Ignore OLE Objects (page 201).
Drawing Area
The drawing area of a display is actually much larger than your monitor. There are scroll bars
on the display window for moving around this area.
You should plan to set a few options before you begin drawing:
Consider turning on snap-to grid and setting the grid size, font style, and default colors of
lines, backgrounds, and fills before you begin. It is usually easier to work with a grid
when laying out a display. Symbols in your drawing automatically align themselves with
the grid lines or the intersections of grid lines. Grid lines not only make it easier to place
objects in the drawing, but it helps keep the objects proportional. You can start with one
grid size and then modify it as your work gets more detailed.
Select a font and font size for any values, trends, or text boxes you might add to the
Select colors for lines, fills, and backgrounds that are easy on the eyes. For example, if
you are projecting on a large video screen, a black background with colored lines is
better, but if you are printing, a white background is better.
While you are drawing, you can use the zoom feature to zoom in on an area that requires
more attention. Zoom out if the drawing is larger than your monitor.
Drawing Grid
The grid is a system of vertical and horizontal lines spaced at regular intervals on the drawing
area. Dots are placed at the intersection of the grid lines. The grid helps you align drawing
When you move an object to a location on the drawing area, the corners or edges of the object
are aligned with the closest grid intersection. This is called snap-to-grid or grid snap. When
you turn off grid snap, you can move an object to any location within the drawing area.
You determine the interval at which you want the grid lines to be spaced by setting the grid
Set Grid Size and Grid Snap
1. In Build mode, open a display.
5. Select the Snap to Grid check box. Once grid snap is on, any symbols you draw are
automatically aligned to the grid.
Note: The Snap to Grid command also appears on the Arrange menu.
6. Click OK.
Each symbol you draw and place on a display has attributes that determine how the symbol
looks. The fill and line attributes that are currently selected on the Display Window (page
17) tab of the ProcessBook Preference dialog box are applied to any new drawing symbol.
You may configure these attributes for individual symbols or for all selected symbols as a
The Symbol Formatting toolbar contains buttons for formatting fonts, colors, and line styles.
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook also includes the older Formatting toolbar to support
backwards compatibility
Line Styles
Set Font
To determine what type of formatting is applicable for each symbol, refer to the table of
editable formatting attributes.
1. In Build mode, open a display, and click the symbol(s) whose font you want to change.
2. On the Symbol Formatting toolbar, click a name in the Font box.
Note: When choosing fonts, plan to use fonts that other FactoryTalk Historian
ProcessBook users are likely to have. If another user does not have the fonts
you used, FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook attempts to match the font to an
existing font. However, the match may make it difficult for another user to read
the entry.
Depending on the symbol type, the following elements change to the color displayed on
the button.
Symbols that display text use the line color to determine the color of the text within
the symbol
Symbols that have lines (such as ellipses) use the line color to change lines in the
3. Click the arrow on the right side of the Line Color button to display the color palette.
Choose from the 16 colors available or click on one of these two buttons:
Custom ColorLaunches the Color dialog box where you can choose additional
colors from a color well of options
NoneDisables line color. Setting the line color to None for Pen elements on a trend
hides the trace and its associated markers
Note: The Fill Color button is disabled if the selected symbol does not support this
3. Click the arrow on the right side of the Fill Color button to display the color palette.
Choose from the 16 colors available or click on one of these two buttons:
Custom ColorLaunches the Color dialog box where you can choose additional
colors from a color well of options
NoneDisables fill color. Setting the fill color to None shows the display
background color.
. The
Note: The Background Color button is disabled if the selected symbol does not
support that property.
3. Click the arrow on the right side of the Background Color button to display the color
palette. Choose from the 16 colors available or click on one of these two buttons:
Custom ColorLaunches the Color dialog box where you can choose additional
colors from a color well of options
NoneDisables background color. Setting the background color to None shows the
display background color.
3. Select a line weight. The thickness of the selected symbol's line weight changes.
Note: Double clicking the Formatting Paintbrush button allows you to apply
formatting to more than one symbol. To turn off the Formatting Paintbrush
selection, click the button again or press ESC.
3. Click another symbol. The formatting of the first symbol is copied to the selected
ToolTip Statistics
In Run mode, hover your mouse over a point on a dynamic symbol to display a ToolTip with
summary statistics. Engineering units are shown next to the value followed by the timestamp
paired with the value. If you hover your mouse over a point where there is more than one
trace, each trace's data is shown on a separate line.
Click Tools > ToolTip Statistics to launch the ToolTip Statistics dialog box, where you can
select what type of data you want to see when viewing ToolTips.
Note: The options under Summary Statistics to Show do not affect ToolTips for
ToolTip Statistics are shown for any dynamic symbol that has FactoryTalk Historian data.
The effective time range of the display is used to aggregate the data for these statistics.
Playing back a display can be useful for showing the conditions of various systems and
analyzing conditions leading up to a specific time frame or event.
The Time Range and Playback Toolbar is enabled for the active display and disabled if there
is no active display. You can right-click anywhere in the FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook
toolbar area and show or hide the toolbar from the context menu.
The toolbar contains a time tracker that shows the display range, the scroll period that shows
the start and end time for the entire playback session, and the following controls:
Click the Revert button
This button is available only when the display is not in playback mode.
Back or Forward One Time Period
Click the One Time Period Backwards or One Time Period Forwards
adjust the display range (page 62) back or forward one time period for the active display or
all active displays, if synchronized.
When you use these buttons to move beyond the start or end time of the scroll period, the
scroll period expands to contain the display range.
These buttons are available only when playback is not active.
Time Tracker
The time tracker shows the Display range (page 62) and available Scroll period (page 62).
Go to Current Time
Click the Go to Current Time button
the current time (*).
This action does not change the dimensions of the display range.
This button is available only when the display is not in playback mode.
Change the Display Range
Click the Change Display Range button
or double-click the display range to open the
Change Display Range dialog box (page 63).
to make the playback repeat each time it reaches the end of the
End Playback
Click the Stop button
to end playback.
This action resets the position of the Time Tracker to the far left and changes the Pause/Play
icon to Play.
The Pause/Play button
Fast Forward
Click the Fast Forward button
to accelerate the rate of play back. Each successive click
of Fast Forward doubles the rate at which the display plays back. The first click doubles
playback speed, then advances to 4x, 8x, 16x, and 32x the playback speed. An additional
click returns the playback to the default playback speed.
Click Play to resume normal speed playback. The playback continues from the current
position rather than starting from the beginning.
Click the Options button to open the
Click the scroll range while the calendar icon is displayed to open a calendar to set that end of
the scroll period.
The calendar accepts any time string format supported by Historian and returns dates and
times using Windows time configured with the current regional settings of the client
Scroll Options
Use the Scroll Options dialog box to set the default behavior settings for the Time Range
and Playback Toolbar. These defaults apply to the active display or all displays, if
synchronization is on. The defaults are retained when FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook is
closed and re-opened on a per user basis.
Display Range (page 62)use any accepted Historian Time (page 150) input parameter
to set the length of the display range.
Scroll Period (page 62)use the spin box or calendar controls to select start and end
dates and times.
Refresh Rateselect the number of seconds between updates of the display that is being
Speedselect the rate at which the display plays back. The speed is expressed in units
per second. Speed can be expressed as milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, days, and
months, and must be smaller than the display range.
Scroll Period
The scroll period marks the earliest and latest time for which you can manipulate or
playback a display.
Scroll Period Constraints
The scroll period must be larger than the display range (page 62).
The scroll period end time must be after the scroll period start time.
An error icon appears to the far right of the time tracker if you violate either of these
Scroll Period Time Format
The displayed time format of the scroll period depends on its duration. If the scroll period is
less than 24 hours, then the start and end time is shown in hours and minutes. If the scroll
time is 24 hours or more, then the start and end time is shown as a date.
The time zone of FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook determines whether the time is shown
in the client time zone or the server time zone.
Change the Scroll Period
There are several ways to change the scroll period:
Hover the mouse next to the left or right arrow of the scroll period to change the mouse
icon to a calendar icon. Click the icon to open the calendar where you can modify the
Display Range
The display range
represents the time duration shown on the trend
symbols, or for a bar or value, the end time of the display range is the symbol time.
The display range must be shorter than the scroll period (page 62).
Change the Display Range
There are several ways to change the display range:
Double-click anywhere in the display range to open the Change Display Range (page
63) dialog box.
Click the display range and use the up and down arrow keys to change the size of the
display range.
Note: A display must be reverted to re-establish any build time configuration time ranges
for individual symbols.
The start and end time boxes support all time string formats recognized by Historian.
You can edit the times manually. The dynamic time strings, such as *-1h, that you set are
added to the drop-down list. .
Static time strings, such as 1-Jan-2009, are not added to the list.
Each drop down list saves the ten most recently used values.
Use the Time Tracker arrow keys to move the display range current position.
Click the scroll bar on either side of the display range to move the display range to the
position where you click.
Click anywhere in the display range and use the left and right arrow keys to move the
display range back and forward across the scroll period.
The Time Range toolbar is used for working with dynamic symbols. This toolbar is hidden
by default for new installations of FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook and later.
Note: We recommend you use the Time Range and Playback Toolbar (page 58) to
manage time in a display.
In general, the commands on this toolbar affect only the symbols selected on the display. If
no symbols are selected, all symbols are affected. This toolbar, which must be used in Run
mode, contains three buttons:
Revert (page 64)returns the trend or other dynamic symbol to its original setting.
Change Time Range (page 64)opens a dialog box to set new, temporary start and end
times. For Bars, Values, and Multi-State symbols you can only set an end time.
To discard any of the changes you have made to the time range of a trend or the effective
time of a Bar, Value, or Multi-State symbol and return it to its saved setting:
In Run mode, click View > Revert, or
Click the Revert button.
The Time Range command lets you enter new starting and ending times for dynamic
symbols. When you specify a time range for a single-time dynamic element, such as a MultiState symbol, bar or value, only the end time is used.
Note: The time represented on your display is the time relative to the Historian Server,
unless you have selected the client time zone setting for your display. If the
Historian Server to which you are connected is in a different time zone, time on
your display represents the server time zone, not the local one.
1. In Run mode, select the dynamic symbol or symbols for which you want to change the
time range. If no symbols are selected, the time range change affects all dynamic symbols
on the display.
2. Click the Time Range button on the Time Range toolbar, or
Click View > Time Range.
The Change Time Range dialog box opens, allowing you to change the time span for a
trend or plot, or the effective time for a bar, value, or Multi-State symbol.
3. Select new starting and ending times from the drop-down lists or define your own starting
and ending times. Time ranges can be relative, absolute, or combined.
4. Click OK. The selected elements change to reflect the new time range.
1. In Run mode, select the dynamic symbol or symbols for which you want to change the
time range. If no symbols are selected, the time range change affects all dynamic symbols
in the display.
2. On the Time Range toolbar, click the forward or backward Scroll Time button, or
Click and drag the Scroll Time slider, or
Click the space on either side of the Scroll Time slider to increment or decrement by a
time span.
If the slider is dragged, a ToolTip is updated with the end time that is applied when you
release the mouse button.
3. Release the mouse button. Selected symbols are refreshed with the new time range.
Note: You can scroll the time for all items in a display or selected items. If no trend is
included in the selected items, the scroll buttons are disabled.
Use the time backward and forward buttons to scroll the time range forward or backward. To
do this:
1. Click on the desired symbols with the Run Mode pointer.
2. Click the Time Forward or Time Backward button.
Trends scroll by the time range specified in the trend definition. When you select multiple
trends, each trend maintains its time range as it is scrolled. If you select a trend and a
dynamic element such as a value, the non-trend symbol scrolls by the time range specified in
the first trend's definition.
For example, if the trend displays data from 1:00 to 4:00 (three hours) and the value has a
timestamp of 5:00, scrolling backward shows trend data from 10:00 to 1:00. The value's
timestamp also changes by three hours (2:00).
A layer can be Visible or Invisible in Run mode. Layers are always Visible in Build
You can move symbols between layers or remove them from a layer.
Add, make visible, restack, and lock layers while ProcessBook is in either Run mode or
Build mode. Delete layers only when ProcessBook is in Build mode.
Create Layers
1. Open a display.
2. Click the Layers toolbar button
, or
3. Click the New Layer button to open the New Layer dialog box.
A default name comprised of the word Layer prefixed to the layer number appears. The
layer number does not necessarily match the index number; it is simply the next unused
integer in the list.
A new layer is added to the end of the collection. Its index is one higher than the previous
high index number. All symbols added to this layer are displayed over symbols on lower
indexed layers.
4. Click OK to return to the Layers dialog box.
Indexspecifies the index number of the layer. The index is used in determining the
display order (Z Order) of overlapping symbols. A layer with a lower index number
is lower in the stack than one with a higher number. Higher layers may obscure
symbols in lower levels.
Visiblemakes the elements in the layer visible in Run mode. New layers are
visible by default.
Activeaccepts all new symbols as you add them to the display. Inactive prevents
symbols from being added automatically. New layers are Active by default.
Lockedprevents you from adding symbols to a layer. Existing symbols on locked
layers cannot be cut, copied, pasted, deleted, or moved. New layers are not locked by
6. Repeat steps 3-5 as needed. Click OK to accept changes and close the Layers dialog box.
2. Select or clear the checkbox next to a layer name to add or remove the selected symbol
from a layer. If a layer name is grayed out, the layer is locked and you cannot add or
remove symbols. You may add the same symbol to more than one layer.
3. Click OK.
on the Layout toolbar. The symbols may be on different layers when they are
You cannot group symbols on locked layers into a composite symbol, but the layers may
be locked after the symbols are grouped.
You cannot delete a composite symbol that contains symbols on locked layers, however,
you can delete an unlocked layer.
Normally, a symbol existing only on one layer is deleted if the layer is deleted, but when
the symbol is inside a composite symbol it is not deleted. It stays in the composite
If a composite symbol is hidden, all its parts are hidden. If the composite symbol is
visible its individual parts may still be hidden if the layers they are assigned to are
Since you cannot individually select the parts of a composite symbol you must first use
the Ungroup button
Historian ProcessBook symbol with a Historian Server other than the one for which it was
created, the Historian Server is added automatically if it is discoverable on the network.
If the Historian Server is not discoverable, then FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook prompts
you to select a new Historian Server. Once the new Historian Server is selected, FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook searches the database for a matching tag ID.
If a match is found, FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook retrieves the tag name associated
with the tag ID and compares the tag name with the saved tag name.
If the tag names are the same, the value is shown in the entry.
If the tag names are different, FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook searches the database
for the tag ID of the saved tag name. If a match is found, the value is shown in the entry.
If a match is not found, FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook uses the tag ID saved with
the ProcessBook regardless of the different tag names.
0[default] the Point ID is used to match a missing tag before the stored point name
1uses the tag name before checking Point ID. This mimics behavior of older version of
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook that are based on the PI API.
Chapter 5
Dynamic symbols allow you to view live data in your display. These symbols are updated
in real time as FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook receives updates from your Historian
Note: The maximum number of dynamic symbols per display is 278,343.
Static symbols allow you to embed graphics, text, lines, and other images in a display.
A trend is a dynamic symbol that lets you view values plotted against time. Trends can show
the value of one or more data items over a time period. Trends are typically used to display
time series data, though they may also include non-time series data as well.
Some components of trends include:
TracesLines drawn on a trend to represent a series of data points from a data item.
Plot TitleThe title of the trend being configured. The plot title can be blank, but a title
is supplied by default.
Grid linesUsed to mark intervals along the time and value scales.
If the Plot Time continues through the current time, the trend updates as information changes,
unless the length of the overall time period exceeds the limit set by your System
Administrator. The default limit is 7 days. This value is configurable.
Create a Trend
1. Open a display.
2. On the Drawing toolbar, click the Trend button
, or
Your selections for tags, data sets, or attributes appear under Tags in Plot.
7. If you manually enter tag names, select the appropriate Historian Server from the Server
drop-down list. Normally, the default Historian Server is listed.
8. You can rearrange, add to, or delete the selected tags by clicking one of the buttons above
the Tags in Plot box.
9. If you have an ODBC dataset column with a Historian Tag placeholder or a Historian
Summary dataset column selected for the plot, the Custom Placeholder button is
enabled. Click the button to change the Historian Tag used as the placeholder for the
selected trace.
Note: FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook allows you to create custom placeholders
for a symbol based on a summary Data Set or a Historian Tag placeholder in
an ODBC data set. Placeholders are not allowed for expression Data Sets.
The Custom Placeholders button in symbol definition dialog boxes allows
you to specify different Historian Tags for a Historian Summary Data Set or
ODBC data set with a Historian Tag placeholder. The change applies only to
the configured symbol. See Add or Edit Placeholders (page 170) for details.
10. Under Scale, select Single Scale or, if you have more than one trace, you may select
Multiple Scales. The multiple scales option shows a value range for each trace. There is
only one time scale.
11. Consider checking the following check boxes:
Logarithmicto display the data in a logarithmic scale. If you have multiple scales,
you may set this option differently for each trace. This option is disabled for digital
Note: You may use logarithmic and non-logarithmic scales for traces in the same
trend when you select the Multiple Scales option. In this case, the minor grid
lines associated with a logarithmic plot may confuse the plot. You can turn off
the minor grid lines by setting the vertical minor grid color or line style to none.
12. In the Max and Min drop-down lists, select Autorange or Database or enter the values
to determine the value scale range.
Min Settings:
AutorangeThe trend displays with the value scale starting at the closest available
major axis. If the minimum is Autorange and the maximum is not, the scale starts at
the lowest data value in the trace (not on a major axis) and ends on the closest major
DatabaseThe tag's Zero attribute is used to specify the minimum plot value. This
value can be negative is the value of the tag is negative.
0 (absolute value)The value you type is used as the first value on the value scale.
Max Settings:
AutorangeThe trend displays with the value scale ending at the closest available
major axis. If the maximum is Autorange and the minimum is not, the plot starts on
the minimum value and ends on the largest trace value (neither min nor max will be
on a major axis).
DatabaseThe tag's Zero + Span attributes are used to specify the maximum plot
0 (absolute value)The value you type is used as the value scale maximum.
13. From the Format drop-down list, select the number format for the scale. Database is the
default format. This number format is also applied to legend, cursor, and ToolTip
14. Under Plot Time, from the Start and End drop-down lists, select a time. An asterisk (*)
represents the current time. You can also manually enter a valid Historian Time (page
150) string.
15. In the Style drop-down list, select Full time stamp, Partial time stamp, or Relative
time stamp to indicate how time is displayed on the time axis.
16. Click OK.
Note: FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook allows you to create custom placeholders for a
symbol based on a summary Data Set or a Historian Tag placeholder in an ODBC
data set. Placeholders are not allowed for expression Data Sets. The Custom
Placeholders button in symbol definition dialog boxes allows you to specify
different Historian Tags for a Historian Summary Data Set or ODBC data set with
a Historian Tag placeholder. The change applies only to the configured symbol.
See Add or Edit Placeholders (page 170) for details.
Move a Plot
If you have created more than one plot in the trend, you can move each plot separately.
In Build mode simply click the plot you want to move. Selection handles appear around the
plot. Use these handles to drag the plot to its new location.
Delete a Plot within a Trend
1. In the Define Trend dialog box, click the General tab.
2. In the Plot drop-down list, select the plot you want to delete, and then click the Delete
Plot button. This button is only available while the symbol is being created.
Note: Once you have drawn a trend, and you want to delete a plot, you can select the
plot and then press DELETE.
Edit a Trend
Use the Define Trend (page 75) dialog box to edit an existing trend. To launch this dialog box
do one of the following:
colors, background, and marker shapes, and you can set the types of point information
included with a trend.
The Define Trend dialog box has a General tab where you create a trend (page 72), and the
following additional tabs for formatting and layout:
Trace Formatprovides an alternate way to choose colors and line styles for each trace
(plot line) as well as the axes, background, and text.
Layoutoptions determine the arrangement of rows and columns for multiple plot
trends. This tab only appears when you first create a trend symbol.
Legend group boxcheck or uncheck options for displaying the tag name, server name,
description, value, and engineering units. Your choices are reflected in the sample trend at the
bottom of the dialog box.
The information that can fit in the legend is determined by the size of the trend.
Consequently, not all of the information in the legend may be visible.
If the width of the legend is more than 50 percent of the width of the trend, the legend
does not display.
If the length of the text in the legend is longer than the total height of the trend, the
items on the bottom are not shown.
Display group boxcheck or uncheck the following options. The sample trend reflects the
changes you make.
Plot Title
Vertical Scale Inside AxisDraws the value scale inside the plot area
GridsShows grid lines (page 83) on the trend
MarkersWhen checked, markers indicate data points on the trend. If the Markers
box is not selected, three markers appear on each line to help you match a line to a
Trend orientationchoose from the three radio button options at the top of the dialog box:
End Time at right (horizontal), End Time at top (vertical), or End Time at bottom
(vertical). This feature allows you to orient your trend in a horizontal or vertical direction.
Trace Format Tab
Use the buttons on the Symbol Formatting (page 54) toolbar to configure plot elements such
as pens (traces (page 86)), text, and background.
The Trace Format tab gives you an alternate way to update formatting changes.
Plot Element drop-down boxselect from a list of available traces and other plot elements.
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook User Guide
Element Format group boxselect formatting options for the selected plot element. Your
choices are reflected in the sample trend at the bottom of the dialog box.
Layout Tab
The plot arrangement in a multi-plot trend is established by setting up the number of rows
and columns of plots in the Layout tab.
Note: The Layout tab only appears when you initially create a trend (page 72). Once the
layout is set, you cannot revise it because the plots are no longer associated when
the symbol is created. However, individual plots can be moved on the display in
Build mode.
1. In Run mode, double-click the plot's value scale to open the Trend Scale dialog box.
Note: In FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook you can also click View > Trend Scale.
This menu object is not available in FactoryTalk Historian ActiveView.
Autorange: sets the value scale using the minimum and maximum tag values
between the trend start time and end time.
Database: sets the value scale using the tag attribute values in the Point Database.
Zero is the minimum. Zero + Span is the maximum. See the FactoryTalk Historian
Server Reference Guide for more information on tag attributes.
Absolute: allows you to enter a custom value for the value scale of a tag. Enter the
value in the adjacent box.
5. If you have selected the Absolute option, then type in the Maximum and Minimum
values of the scale in the adjacent boxes.
6. Click OK.
Modifications made to a trend through use of this dialog box do not affect the stored settings
of the trend.
Note: To return the trend scale to its original settings, click Revert on the context menu.
Trend Zoom (page 80)lets you use the mouse to drag a box around the data you would
like to see more detail.
Trend Expand (page 81)temporarily expands a trend symbol so that it occupies the
entire display window.
Trend Cursor (page 81)shows the value of the plotted tags at a specific point in time.
Drag Zoom
Drag Zoom lets you contract the time scale of a trend.
1. With the Run mode pointer, click an area in the trend at which you want a closer look.
2. Drag the pointer diagonally to create a rectangle.
3. When you release the mouse, the trend displays the data within the rectangle.
Trend Zoom 2x In or Out
Use the Zoom In or Out button at the bottom of a trend to reduce or expand the time range of
that trend by a factor of 2. In other words, if your time range is 8 hours, Trend Zoom 2x In
divides the time range by 2 and displays the trend for a 4 hour time period. Trend Zoom 2x
Out multiplies the time range by 2 and displays the trend for a 16 hour time period.
You can remove changes to the time range by clicking the Revert button
Note: If a trend is too small these buttons may not appear. Double-click a trend to
expand its size and display hidden buttons.
If there are no trend cursors, the Trend Zoom 2x command zooms in or out of the last
portion of the time period. For example, if the initial time range is 60 minutes and you select
Trend Zoom 2x In, the trend displays the last 30 minutes. Trend Zoom 2x Out displays 120
minutes adding 60 minutes to the beginning of the trend.
When a trend cursor is displayed, the command uses the trend cursor as the center of the
zoomed trend. If several cursors are used, the last one set is used as the center of the zoomed
trend. See Trend Cursor (page 81), for more information on trend cursors.
Expand a Trend
Double-click a trend in Run mode to redraw the trend so that it occupies the entire display
window. Double-click again to reduce the trend to its original size.
While the trend is expanded, the Drawing toolbar is disabled. If you switch to another
display, the Drawing toolbar will work there. All descriptive information (title, tag
descriptor, tag value) is shown on an expanded trend.
Trend Cursor
A trend cursor lets you read tag values for a particular time. When you select a trend cursor, a
vertical line indicates the cursor position. The box at the top of the line indicates the value
and status. The box at the bottom displays the time and date of the value. On verticallyoriented trends the cursor is horizontally oriented.
You may display several trend cursors at one time.
Note: A trend does not update while trend cursors are visible.
If the trend is too small, the Trend Cursor command is disabled and the mouse pointer does
not change when you move over the left axis. You can expand the trend by double-clicking it.
Trend cursors may be automated.
Add a Trend Cursor
1. Notice whether the time scale appears at the bottom and the timestamp appears at the
upper right. If not, the trend rectangle may be too small to use Trend Cursor. Enlarge the
trend. If the time stamp does not appear, reformat the display format to show it.
2. With the Run mode pointer, click the Trend Cursor button
. A cursor appears at the
right edge of the trend. When the mouse pointer changes to a double-headed arrow over
the trend cursor, click the vertical line and drag left to position the trend cursor, or
Click View > Trend Cursor. An indented icon in front of the command indicates that
trend cursors are on.
3. Move the mouse pointer over the left axis of the trend. The pointer changes to a trend
cursor symbol. As you drag to the right, a new trend cursor is added to the trend
4. Move the trend cursor back and forth across the trend by dragging it. As you move it, the
time stamp, status, and value appear in a box at the top right of the trend.
5. When you release the cursor, the values appear in boxes at the top and bottom of the
cursor. You can add additional cursors by grabbing the trend cursor icon at the left axis.
Scroll time ranges directly on a trend by using the Step Forward or Backward buttons
on the time scale. These time changes are not saved with the symbol.
Note: If the trend is too small these buttons may not appear. Expand the trend's size to
display hidden buttons.
You can also use buttons on the Time Range (page 64) toolbar to modify time
configurations settings.
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook uses an algorithm to identify the peaks and valleys of
data values so that no information is lost when the trend time range is large. It ensures that the
plot is not under- or over-sampled and that the correct amount of information is sent from the
Historian Archive.
Unlike data from a Historian Server, data from an ODBC data set refreshes according to a
configured refresh rate.
Trend Appearance
A trend appears according to the format established in the Preference settings (page 19). You
may override this format by selecting the Trend Formatting (page 76) button
Typically, the title of the trend appears at the upper left, and the current timestamp appears at
the upper right. The selected tag names, current or end value, and engineering units appear in
the legend opposite the value scale.
Grid Lines and Labels
Trends are formatted according to certain defaults. Use the Trend Elements (page 20) tab in
the ProcessBook Preferences dialog box to create default formats for new trends. You can
set options like line colors and marker shapes, and set the types of point information included
with a trend.
Grid Lines
Horizontal and vertical grid lines align with even units (whole numbers) on the scales. Grid
lines for the value scale line up with whole numbers at intervals of 1, 2, 5, 10, or powers of
10 times those intervals. Grid lines for the time scale line up with time intervals such as
weeks, days, hours, minutes, etc. The traces then scroll as time passes on an updating trend.
Grid Line Labels
Configure the labels for the value scale using single or multiple scales. You can place these
labels on either the inside or outside of the value axis:
Single Scale
The union of the ranges for all traces appears in the label.
Multiple Scales
The range for each trace in the trend appears in the label.
Configure the labels for the time axis using a full timestamp, partial timestamp, or a relative
Full timestamp
Displays a complete timestamp for the start and end times. The time range of
the trend is in the middle of the time axis.
Partial timestamp
Labels most grid lines in the units of the time range. Displays the full timestamp
for the end time of the trend at the top right edge of the plot.
Displays the offset from the end time limit in weeks, days, hours, etc. and the
full timestamp for the end time of the trend at the top right edge of the plot.
Note: Labels for the grid lines appear unless the trend rectangle is too small.
Autorange scale
Database scale
Logarithmic scale
Autorange Scale
The value scale is determined by a calculation based on minimum and maximum values in
the trend. As new data are received from the server, the high and low values may change, and
the scale is recalculated accordingly.
For example, if the original scale ranged from 5 to 100, but the new data has a high of 103,
then the new plot shows a range from 5 to 105 (the nearest number divisible by 5 and larger
than the high value).
If more than one tag is plotted on a single scale, the value scale is calculated from the highest
and lowest values for all the tags.
Database Scale
If the scale is set to Database, the range is the same as the limits for the point on the server.
The minimum value is termed zero, and the maximum value is the sum of the zero value plus
the span value.
For example, suppose the tag attributes for a point are Zero = 3 and Span = 6. The plot range
therefore is based on making the minimum and maximum values 3 to 9.
Logarithmic Scale
If you prefer a logarithmic scale, check this option. This option is disabled for digital, string,
or timestamp tags.
Manually Defined Scale
When the scale is configured, an arbitrary minimum and maximum scale value may be
Single and Multiple Scales for the Vertical Axis
Value scales are labeled whenever there is enough room. Configure these labels with either
single or multiple scales.
For a single scale label, the union of the ranges for all traces appears.
For multiple scale labels, the range for the first trace appears next to the value axis.
Ranges for the other traces appear in increasing distance from the axis in the order the
tags are listed in the trend legend.
Note: On a single scale trend, traces that contain only one value (a flat line) or have no
data are governed by special scaling rules. When a trend is composed of only flat
or no data traces, the default value scale range is inflated to prevent showing a flat
plot area. These default ranges are not applied if the trace in question is on a
single scale trend that contains other visible traces that do not fall into either of the
aforementioned categories.
A single scale trace containing one flat trace with a constant value of 0.
A single scale trend containing a flat trace and a non-flat trace. The default range for the flat
trace is not applied.
Full Timestamplabels the start and end time limits with the date and time. When
space permits, the elapsed time between these lines is also shown.
Partial Timestamplabels each grid line in whole units, such as hours. For example,
the grid lines might be labeled 9:00, 10:00, and 11:00. A full timestamp showing the plot
end time is shown at the upper right.
Relative Timestamplabels each grid line with the amount of time preceding the end
time limit in days, hours, minutes, or seconds. For example, the grid lines might be
labeled -4, -3, - 2, -1, meaning 4, 3, 2, and 1 hours before the end time. A full timestamp
for the end time is shown at the upper right.
A trace is a single line on a trend. When a trace is continuous, a line is drawn from
measurement to measurement. When a trace is discrete, the value is propagated forward until
a new value is recorded in the database. This results in horizontal and vertical lines for the tag
(staircase trace).
Digital points are discrete type measurements, producing staircase traces. For digital points,
the offset from the starting digital state code is plotted.
Staircase traces are used for points from a Historian Server that have a Step Flag set to
ODBC queries may produce either curved or staircase traces, depending on the Stepped Plot
check box setting in the ODBC Data Set dialog box.
Hide Traces
You can hide one or more traces on the trend in Run mode so that an area of concern is more
easily viewed.
1. Open a trend in Run mode.
2. Hover your mouse pointer over the trend's legend. The mouse pointer changes to a hand
3. Click on the legend item to hide or show the trace on the plot. If the trace has a regression
line configured, the regression line is also hidden. When a trace is hidden:
the trace name is dimmed in the legend and the description, value, and engineering
units are hidden (if they were shown before).
the space reserved on the legend for the description, value, and engineering units
collapses so that the trace under the hidden trace is moved. This clearly shows the
visible traces on the legend, especially on a trend with many traces.
on a multi-scale trend, the scale associated with the hidden trace is hidden.
on a single scale trend, the minimum and maximum values shown on the scale may
be adjusted.
You can show hidden traces by clicking their names a second time in the legend, or by
clicking the Revert button. All hidden traces are shown in Build mode.
Note: You can also right click on a trend and select Show All or Hide All to make traces
visible or invisible.
Markers indicate data points and allow you to differentiate between traces on a trend. There
are three types of markers:
actual data
trace markers
At least three markers are shown on a trace, unless the plot is too small.
Actual Data Markers
Actual data markers plot each value stored in the database. The color of the trace and of the
marker is the same. You can select the shape of the marker, such as diamonds, circles,
squares, or triangles, which can be helpful for color- blind users and for monochrome
Trace Markers
If there are too many values to plot based on the size of the trend, the display resolution and
the density of the plotted data, actual data markers do not appear and trace markers are used
instead. Trace markers are also used if the trend configuration does not specify Markers.
Trace markers help you identify the legend information for each trace; they do not indicate
actual plot values. Up to three trace markers are used per trace.
X Markers
When a value is outside the limits defined for the trend, it is plotted as over- or under-range.
When a value is out of range or has a bad value, it is not shown on the plot. An X marker is
placed on the trend at the beginning and end of the time when data are not plotted. When the
data are missing, (for example, not connected to a server) they are given the value No Data
and are not plotted.
Ad Hoc Trends
Create a trend on an ad hoc basis for tags represented by dynamic symbols in a display within
a ProcessBook.
Ad hoc trends are like any other trends in that you can scroll the time forward and backward,
view cursors, zoom, view point attributes, use multiple scales, or change the time range.
To create an ad hoc trend, use either:
Trend tool
to add a trend to an existing display pre-configured with data from other
symbols on the display.
Note: You can build a trend display before you open any displays.
If you create an ad hoc trend display and then choose to save it for future use, it appears on
the Book or Outline View as subordinate to the original display.
Create an Ad Hoc Trend
To create an ad hoc trend for a specific tag or tags:
1. In Run mode, select the dynamic symbol(s) with the data you want to trend, such as a
bar, value, or Multi-State symbol. To select more than one dynamic symbol, hold down
the Shift key while you click them.
2. Click the Trend Display button
A new display window opens, and a trend is created automatically for the selected
symbols using the default format and time range. It is given the unique name Trend
Display#, where # is a number. The plot title is Ad Hoc Trend.
- or Click the Trend button
. The mouse pointer changes to a trend pointer. Click in the
display and drag to create a rectangle. It is given the name Ad Hoc Trend.
The trend appears in the rectangle, using the default format.
Note: If you select more tags than the default set in your Preference settings, usually 3,
then you will have more than one plot in your trend or trend display.
Save an ad hoc trend display as an independent display by clicking it and using the Save
As command with a .pdi filename extension.
If you had a display entry from a ProcessBook open when the instant trend was created,
the instant trend can be saved as a subordinate of the display by using the Save
You may save an ad hoc trend as another file type, such as a bitmap (.bmp) file, using
Save As.
PIDisDIFF filescontain trend graphs built using the FactoryTalk Historian data
Trending Package. You can convert horizontal, vertical, composite, and overview trends.
Before you can convert your trend files (PIDisDIFF), you must convert them as ASCII text
files on the VAX and then download them to your PC.
Once the files are on the PC, you can import them to a ProcessBook. Trends are formatted
based on the settings on the Trend Elements tab in the ProcessBook Preference dialog box.
Convert Trends
This process is used to convert VAX graphics for use with a PC.
1. On the VAX or Alpha at the DCL prompt, type $
2. Select option 1 List Master Display Library from the ProcessBook Display Data
Interchange File Format Builder.
3. Direct the output to a file.
4. Enter a file name. If your file name is more than 8 characters and a 3-character extension
(xxxxxxxx.xxx), the name is truncated during the download process.
5. Accept the defaults for display mask, group numbers and unit numbers (*).
6. Select the trend display types you are importing. For optimum performance select only
options 1 (horizontal), 2 (vertical), 3 (composite), and 8 (overview).
7. Quit the PIDisDIFF application (option Q).
8. Transfer the file from the VAX or Alpha to the PC using any ASCII text file transfer
program you have available.
Convert Graphics
This process is used to convert VAX graphics for use with a PC.
On the OpenVMS computer, copy a graphic file to your working directory. Graphic files are
named PISysDat:PIGP_xxxxxxxxxx.dat, where xxxxxxxxxx is the display
1. At the DCL prompt, type $
2. Select option 1 Convert Binary to ASCII from the Historian Graphics Package
ASCII/Binary File Conversion menu.
3. Type the display name of the graphic you want to convert and press Enter. Repeat for
each file you want to convert.
file which performs Steps 1 - 5 for all graphics. The file is named GPPBConv.com.
An XYPlot shows a correlation between one or more paired sets of data. On an XYPlot (also
called a scatter plot), the X scale shows possible values for one of the items in the pair and
the Y scale shows the value of the other item in the pair. A basic scatter plot looks like the
Uncorrelated data
This case plotted 10-minute intervals of two points, A and B, for the last hour. Point A had 12
point values; Point B had 16 point values. The number of points plotted equals the number of
pairs. Since A had fewer point values, the plot shows only 12 point pairs. The extra data from
point B is ignored. You can configure the method by which pairing occurs.
Correlation is a measure of the strength of the relationship between two variables. Correlation
is indicated graphically by the spread of the data points around a fitted straight line (for
example, a straight line that indicates the trend of the data). In general, the closer the points
are to the fitted line, the stronger the correlation. The two Historian tags shown in figure 1 are
not strongly correlated. Another plot shows perfectly correlated data:
Perfectly correlated
Somewhat correlated
In the case of the third plot, a regression line with a slope (M) of 1 and an offset (B) of 0
drawn diagonally across the plot would show all points lying close to the line, some above it,
some below it. This line formula is appropriate in this case because both scales are the same
and the points appear to have values very close to each other. In other cases, one value may
be two or three times the other value (for example) and the regression line would fall on a
different slope, depending upon how the scales are configured. If the scales are the same, the
slope of the line determines the relationship between the points. If the scales are not the same,
the slope is insignificant.
Draw an XYPlot
1. In Build mode, click Draw > XYPlot,
-orOn the Drawing toolbar, click the XYPlot button
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook User Guide
General Tab
Use the General tab to select data items to plot.
Your selections for tags, data sets, or attributes appear under Tags in Plot. An Options
radio button appears next to each tag name.
Select the Options radio button to choose the X-axis tag. Unselected tags are Y-axis
If a tag that is selected as the X-axis is deleted, the first tag in the list becomes the X-axis
Use the four toolbar buttons on the title bar to rearrange this list. They are, in order, Add,
Delete, Up Arrow, and Down Arrow.
ServerEnter or select a Historian Server name. This field is only used when a
Historian Tag name is typed directly into the list.
Note: FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook allows you to create custom placeholders for a
symbol based on a summary Data Set or a Historian Tag placeholder in an ODBC
data set. Placeholders are not allowed for expression Data Sets. The Custom
Placeholders button in symbol definition dialog boxes allows you to specify
different Historian Tags for a Historian Summary Data Set or ODBC data set with
a Historian Tag placeholder. The change applies only to the configured symbol.
See Add or Edit Placeholders (page 170) for details.
Configure Pairings
Once the tags are listed in the Tags in Plot list, configure the method for pairing values
between X and Y in the Data Retrieval Methods box.
Y Tag(s)the Y tag data retrieval method applies to individually selected tags in the
Tags in Plot list (unless the Use for all Y tags check box is selected). The default data
retrieval method for Y tags is Synchronize.
Y Tags, paired by position in the listTo use multiple time ranges, select Recorded or
Interpolated. In this case, data is paired by position in the point list. If Interpolated is
selected for the X tag as well, the interval value for the Y tag defaults to the one for the X
When Recorded is the retrieval mechanism, the results are not skewed by minor
timestamp differences.
Y Tags, paired by timestampsto pair values by time, rather than by list position,
choose one of these retrieval methods: Synchronize, Match, Match or Previous, or
Match or Next.
Synchronizesynchronizes data found for X with data for Y using the timestamps
for the X data. This may result in interpolated data values for Y.
Matchfind the event for Y corresponding to the exact timestamp as X. If no
matching event is found, no match is made for that X value.
Match or Previousfind the event for Y corresponding to the exact timestamp as
X. If there is none, find the event that is the closest but earlier in time.
Match or Nextfind the event for Y corresponding to the exact timestamp as X. If
there is none, find the event that is the closest, but later in time.
Synchronize and Matchuse different PI SDK value retrieval methods. Synchronize
uses TimedValues. Match uses RecordedValues and then uses the values where the
timestamps match.
Note: Synchronize is disabled for ODBC and Custom data sets.
If you select Synchronize or any of the Match options, the start and end times for that
tag are set the same as for the X tag and cannot be changed.
Note: The XYPlot supports ODBC data sets that don't contain timestamps. This type
of entry must be plotted as a Y-tag, and data values must be retrieved using
the Recorded retrieval method. If a tag is changed from a Y tag to an X tag
and has a value for Retrieval Method that is only valid for Y tags, the method
is changed to Interpolated. If the tag is a data set, the method is changed to
In all cases, if a pair is not made, the unmatched X or Y events are ignored.
Use for all Y tagsSelecting this box indicates that the Y-tags data retrieval mechanism
applies for all Y-tags. If one of the tags is a Custom or ODBC data set and the selection
mechanism is Interpolated or Synchronize, the selection mechanism will be Recorded
or Match respectively for that tag only.
Scale Box
In the Scale Box, set the scale ranges for all tags.
Multiple Y Scalesprovides a separate scale for each Y tag. This choice does not
change the scale min and max values, but allows them to be configured independently by
selecting each Y tag and making changes.
Regardless of your selection, you may independently configure the X scale tag.
MaxAutorange uses the maximum value plotted. You may enter an absolute value here
as well. Default is Autorange. Database uses the zero plus span value of the tag in the
Historian Server to determine the max. Database with a data set plot uses the maximum
value plotted.
MinAutorange uses the minimum value plotted. You may enter an absolute value here
as well. Default is Autorange. Database uses the zero value of the tag in the Historian
Server to determine the min. Database with a data set plot uses the minimum value
FormatSelects the number format of the Y scale, legend entries, cursor values, and
ToolTip values:
DatabaseDatabase format uses the displaydigits Historian Point attribute to
determine how many decimal places to show. If the length of the number exceeds the
displaydigits value, scientific notation is used. FactoryTalk Historian
ProcessBook trims trailing zeroes that follow a decimal point. The Database format
option is intended for use with Historian Tags only.
GeneralShows all significant digits for a number except trailing zeros. If the
absolute value of the value is greater than 1e+7 or less than 1e-5, the format will
switch to use scientific notation.
ScientificMost useful with very large numbers. The scientific format used for
trends displays in the format: 0.00E+00.
Custom (#,##0.00, 0%)Allows you to enter your own number format. See the
Table of Format Values for examples.
Plot Time
You can set the time for each tag as it is highlighted in the Tags in Plot box. If a Y tag is
selected and its selection mechanism is not Recorded or Interpolated, then these boxes are
StartThe start time of the selected tag. The list includes *-1h (minus one hour), *-4h,
*-8h, *-1d, *-7d. The default is *-8h.
EndThe end time of the selected tag. The list includes *, *-1h, *-4h, *-8h, *-1d, *-7d.
The default is * (current time).
When you have completed configuring the fields on the General tab, click the Display
Format (page 96) tab.
Add a Data set to an XYPlot
1. In Build mode, click Draw > XYPlot,
-orOn the Drawing toolbar, click the XYPlot button
Srvr NameSelect this check box to prepend the tag name with the server name.
Cleared by default.
ValueThe last value of the tag plotted may be displayed. For digital and string tags, a
string value is shown. Selected by default.
Engineering UnitsSelected by default. If the tag does not report units, they are not
shown on the legend for that tag.
Vertical Scale Inside AxisCheck this box to show the vertical scale to the right of the
Vertical Axis, inside the plot area. Selected by default.
GridsCheck this box to include vertical and horizontal grid lines. Selected by default.
On the Plot Format Page, you can configure the appearance of the major and minor grid
Linear Correlation LineCheck this to show a linear regression line. The default is
cleared, which does not draw a line.
Connecting LinesCheck this box to show the paired points connected with straight
lines in the order they are plotted. Selected by default. Clear the box to configure a scatter
plot with points only, no lines.
The Sample area displays a sample XYPlot with the options you have selected. When you
have completed the Display Format page, click the tab for the Plot Format page.
Plot Format Tab
Use the Plot Format tab of the Define XYPlot dialog box to select colors and styles for the
various elements of your plot.
Plot Elementdrop-down list of the elements you can configure, such as major and
minor gridlines, background colors, text font, etc. Pens correspond to the X-and Y tags
listed in the order in the Tags in Plot box on the General tab.
Ad hoc XYPlots
You can draw an XYPlot in Run mode on an ad hoc basis. Click the XYPlot button
begin, and follow the steps described in Drawing an XYPlot (page 91).
XYPlot Statistics
The XYPlot Statistics dialog box allows you to view and export raw data values and
statistics, such as the mean and standard deviation of each tags data. You can also view these
statistics in the Details Window (page 127) in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook.
1. In Run mode, double-click the XYPlot symbol. The Statistics dialog box appears.
2. In the Options drop-down list, select Raw Data or Statistics.
3. (optional) To save this data to a text file, click the Save Data to File button. The data is
saved to the file in the following format:
Tag, <tag name>
Start Time, <start time>
End Time, <end time>
Count, < number of points paired>
Mean, <mean>
STDEV, <standard deviation>
Data Type, <data type>
Index, Time, Value, Status
<index>, <time>, <value>, <status>
<index>, <time>, <value>, <status>
Slope, <slope>
Intercept, <intercept>
Data Type, <data type>
Index, Time, Value, Status
<index>, <time>, <value>, <status>
<index>, <time>, <value>, <status>
Where m is the slope and b is the offset. To calculate m, we use the following equation:
Once m and b are known, the value of y that intersects the best-fit line can be calculated.
Correlation Coefficient
The Correlation Coefficient (r) varies between -1 and +1. Positive values indicate that as X
increases, Y also increases. Negative values indicate that as X increases, Y decreases. A
value of zero indicates no correlation in the way the sets of values vary.
The Correlation Coefficient for a set of points is calculated using the following formula: (n is
the number of points, s is the standard deviation). You can display the correlation coefficient
in the plot legend.
Interpreting an XYPlot
In FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook the XYPlot is a dynamic symbol. It has specialized
characteristics, such as its statistical calculations, which are described in the following
Point Properties
Data may be retrieved from Historian or from independent data sets. Use the Tag Properties
button or the right mouse menu Properties item to determine the attributes of the points in
your XYPlot.
Scroll Feature
Scrolling is available from the ProcessBook toolbar. When time scrolling is used on an
XYPlot symbol, all tags time ranges are changed to support the scroll duration.
Plot Values
In a typical XYPlot, the current name for the X tag appears below the plot. The current names
for the different Y tags appear at the upper right. Below each one is the correlation coefficient
for that XY pair. The dots and lines on the plot are colored to match the tag names.
Plotted pair values appear in a ToolTip over the plot when the mouse cursor is hovering over
an actual plotted point pair. The following illustration shows an example.
In the figure above, if there had been more than one Y tag, each one would be displayed on a
different line. The X tag information is placed at the bottom. For digital or string tags, the text
value is displayed in the ToolTip.
You can also view plot values by double-clicking the title bar and choosing the Raw Data
option, rather than the Statistics option in the Statistics dialog box.
Zoom/Revert Functions
You can enlarge a portion of an XYPlot by using the Zoom feature.
Enlarge the whole plot to fill the display window
1. In Run mode, double-click the plot.
2. To reduce the plot to its original size, double-click it again. It does not update while
Enlarge a small area of the plot
1. Place the mouse cursor on the upper left corner of the area to be zoomed.
2. Hold the left mouse button down while dragging a rectangle to cover the appropriate
area. When you release the mouse, this area is enlarged to the borders of the original plot.
Original plot
Note: The zoom area must be smaller than the plot area and cannot include the
outer 20 percent of the plot. If the mouse is dragged past the plot boundary,
the zoom rectangle stops at the border until the mouse reappears within the
boundary. If the mouse is dragged off the plot symbol boundary, the zoom is
1. Click Undo to return the plot to its state directly before the zoom occurred.
2. Click the Revert button
XYPlot Cursors
The cursor for an XYPlot includes both a horizontal and a vertical line. The mouse cursor is
at the cross point of both cursor lines. You must be in Run mode to use the XYPlot cursor.
To create a cursor, place the mouse very close to either the X- or Y-axis. Drag the cursor onto
the plot.
In the XYPlot below, you can see an XYPlot cursor at the Y axis that is not yet intersecting
any points on the plot.
You can also see an XYPlot cursor that was dropped on a point. The X and Y values appear
in small boxes outside the axes.
Using the mouse, you may position and release the cursor over any pair on the XYPlot. If the
cursor is dropped on an area that contains no points, the cursor snaps to the nearest pair.
Move the XYCursor from Point to Point
Once you have dropped an XYCursor on a point, use the arrow keys to move from point to
point in time order. For example, pressing the right arrow key moves the cursor to the pair
that is plotted immediately after the current pair in the same series. The left arrow moves the
cursor to the pair that is plotted immediately before the current pair in the same series. The up
arrow moves the cursor to the first pair in the previous series. The down arrow moves the
cursor to the first pair in the next series. The cursor looks the same when it is dropped.
The information on the XYCursor point pair is shown in a box on each axis. If the tags are
digital or string, the text value is shown in the box rather than a numeric value. Placing the
mouse cursor over one of the cursor boxes shows the time of the event.
Examples of XYPlots
For these examples, the X-axis represents one of the values in the pair and the Y-axis
represents the other. The configuration of these axes regarding minimum and maximum
values and interval (or unit) settings is left to you.
Example 1: Create an XYPlot on a display in FactoryTalk Historian
ProcessBook to compare values for two Historian tags
1. On the Drawing toolbar, click the XYPlot button and drag to form the bounding
rectangle for the plot. The Define XYPlot dialog box appears.
2. Enter a title for the plot and select 2 tags to be entered in the Tags in Plot list.
3. Click an option button to select one tag to be the X tag.
4. Use the default settings for time range, scale, and retrieval method.
5. Click the Display Format tab and check the box for the regression line.
6. Select the Plot Format tab and accept the default values.
7. Click OK and the plot appears.
The data points are paired according to their position in the events list. The XYPlot shows
how closely the results are correlated by how closely the pairs fall on a linear regression line.
Pairs that fall outside this line may indicate problems with the batch run.
Example 5: Comparing Two Time Ranges
An engineer wants to compare the performance of a Boiler unit over two time ranges. He
needs to determine whether a boiler's performance has degraded over time or whether there
are specific problems with the equipment. To do this, he creates an XYPlot that compares the
temperature tag data from two different time ranges.
1. Enter the tag twice and assign one instance as the X tag.
2. Enter separate time ranges for each tag.
3. Set the match mechanism to be recorded or interpolated so that values are paired by their
position in the list.
If the pairs fall close to a linear regression line, you can assume the boiler's performance is at
least steady. If some pairs are far from the line, it may indicate that the equipment has a
specific problem.
A Value is the reading obtained for a data stream at the end time of a display. It is shown as a
number or a digital state string. The tag name and time stamp may also be shown. The time
stamp is the time stamp from the FactoryTalk Historian System that matches the event value
Add a Dynamic Value
1. In Build mode, open a display.
2. On the Drawing toolbar, click the Value button
4. In the Server drop-down list, select the Historian Server to use. If a tag name is manually
entered in the Tag box, it is expected to be on the selected server. If both server and tag
name are entered in the Tag box, this field is updated with the entered server name. This
field has no effect for non-FactoryTalk Historian data.
5. In the Tag box, type the name of the tag you want to display in the value box.
-orClick the Tag Search button to locate a tag, or
Click the Tag Search arrow to see more search options:
Note: The Sample area shows how the value will look.
GeneralShows all significant digits for a number except trailing zeros. If the
absolute value of the value is greater than 1e+7 or less than 1e-5, the format will
switch to use scientific notation.
ScientificMost useful with very large numbers. The scientific format used for
trends displays in the format: 0.00E+00.
Custom (#,##0.00, 0%)Allows you to enter your own number format. See the
Table of Format Values for examples.
7. In the Tag drop-down list, select the location of the tag name in the value box (None,
Left, Right, Top, or Bottom).
8. In the Time stamp drop-down list, select the location of the time stamp in the value box
(None, Left, Right, Top, or Bottom).
9. Click OK to add the value to the display.
Note: FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook allows you to create custom placeholders for a
symbol based on a summary Data Set or a Historian Tag placeholder in an ODBC
data set. Placeholders are not allowed for expression Data Sets. The Custom
Placeholders button in symbol definition dialog boxes allows you to specify
different Historian Tags for a Historian Summary Data Set or ODBC data set with
a Historian Tag placeholder. The change applies only to the configured symbol.
See Add or Edit Placeholders (page 170) for details.
For example:
Add a Button
1. In Build mode, open a display.
On the Drawing toolbar, click the Button button
, or
Note: By default, ProcessBook attempts to open a linked display from its relative
path first. If the relative path fails, then the absolute path is attempted.
Clearing this box reverses the order in which the paths are resolved. For new
displays, this option is checked by default.
Ignore the default shell command for recognized file types (for example, SVG).
Note: If the file type is supported by ProcessBook (either natively or through an addin), then it is opened directly. For example, an .svg file is opened using the
.svg File Converter in ProcessBook, even if you have Adobe SVG Viewer
installed. Clearing this check box disables this behavior, so the default shell
command is always used to open a file.
A Bar shows the current value of a tag as compared to a specified range of values.
For example, a bar may be used to create the effect of a vessel filling and emptying, as the
value changes.
The range of values can be the maximum and minimum values specified in the point
attributes, or, a bar can be designed to show a specific range of values.
For example, if a tags specified value is between 0 and 100 but it typically falls between 0
and 30, a bar can designed to show that range. However, if the value is outside the range of
the bar, the bar will appear the same as a value right at one of the limits of the bar.
The start of the bar may be within the limits of the bar. This lets you display deviations from
a standard or target value. Bad values are shown with hash marks across the entire bar.
Add a Dynamic Bar
Creating a bar for a value allows you to see how the current value compares to the possible
range of values. Since bars are dynamic, they are updated as the information changes from
the Historian Server.
Bars may also be used to display the result of a data set query. String and timestamp data is
not supported on Bar symbols.
You can draw a bar using the current line style, line color, and fill attributes.
1. In Build mode, open a display.
2. On the Drawing toolbar, click the Bar button
, or
4. In the Server drop-down list, select the server to use for manually entered tags. If the
server and tag name are both entered in the Tag box, this field is updated to show the new
server name. This field is ignored for non-FactoryTalk Historian data.
5. In the Tag box, type the name of the tag you want to display on the bar, or
Click the Tag Search button to locate a tag, or
Click the Tag Search arrow to see more search options:
6. From the Upper and Lower drop-down lists, select the maximum and minimum values
you want to use for the bar. Enter a constant, or choose Tag Zero() or
TagZero()+TagSpan() for either or both values.
Note: If you choose a maximum value that is too small, the bar will be fully colored
but there will be no warning that it has exceeded the maximum.
7. From the Start drop-down list, select the point on the bar from which you want to start
drawing the bar. Enter a constant, or select TagZero()+TagSpan() or Tag Zero().
8. Under Orientation, select one of the options to display the bar either vertically or
The Upper and Lower drop-down lists are renamed Right and Left when you select
Horizontal orientation.
Note: The Sample area shows how the bar will look.
9. Under Scales, select Show Scales to show data values and scale tick marks on the bar
When you select Scales, the Scales Inside and Number Formats are enabled. See Bar
Scales (page 114) for information on working with scales.
10. Click OK to add the bar to the display.
Note: FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook allows you to create custom placeholders for a
symbol based on a summary Data Set or a Historian Tag placeholder in an ODBC
data set. Placeholders are not allowed for expression Data Sets. The Custom
Placeholders button in symbol definition dialog boxes allows you to specify
different Historian Tags for a Historian Summary Data Set or ODBC data set with
a Historian Tag placeholder. The change applies only to the configured symbol.
See Add or Edit Placeholders (page 170) for details.
Bar Scales
The options under Scales control how the bar symbol shows scales.
The default is to show scales inside the bar symbol in General number format for symbol
bars created with FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook or later. For earlier versions
of FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook, Show Scales is not selected, and scales do not appear
on the symbol bar.
The scale values for the bar symbol are the Upper and Lower or Right and Left values in the
Define Bar dialog box for both tags and datasets, including AF.
The default font is the font of the display.
Digital tags show the value of the digital state rather than the numeric value of the state.
Bars created in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook are backward compatible with
previous versions of FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook.
When a FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook file is opened in a previous version,
bar symbols appear as they did in the previous version. If the display is saved and reopened in
a newer version, the scale settings are retained.
A display created in version 3.2 or earlier of FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook defaults to
ShowScales not selected.
Tick Marks
For vertical bars, the tick marks and values are shown on the left hand side of the symbol. For
horizontal bars, the tick marks and values are shown on the bottom of the symbol. You can
draw the scales inside or outside the bar symbol.
The lengths of major and minor tick marks is a percentage of the height or width of the bar,
depending on the bar orientation, as described in the following table.
Minor Tick
4% of Height
4% of Width
Major Tick
8% of Height
8% of Width
For vertical bars, the tick marks and values are automatically turned off if the height of the
bar becomes less than two times the height of the text used to write the scale values, or if the
width is less than the width of the longest text used to write the scale value plus a small
For horizontal bars, the tick marks and values are automatically turned off if the width of the
bar becomes less than two times the width of the longest text used to write the scale value, or
if the height is less than the height of the text used to write the scale values plus a small
For both bar orientations, given the range of scale values, the scale increment values are
rounded numbers, as close to integers as possible.
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook User Guide
The maximum number of major tick marks is nine; eleven counting the maximum and
minimum values. The number of tick marks shown is a function of the size of the font and the
size of the bar symbol. The number of major tick marks decreases as the size of the bar is
The minor tick marks are shown at the half way point between major tick marks.
There are major tick marks for each digital state, if the string value for the digital states fits in
the width of the bar. There are no minor tick marks for digital tags.
Format Appearance
To change the appearance of the bar symbol, right-click the bar.
Click Format Font to change the font for the bar symbol.
Click Format Line Style to change the style of line for the bar symbol.
Multi-State Symbols
Some symbols support a multi-state configuration, which allows their colors to be altered
based on a dynamic data value. Colors are assigned to ranges of values to create conditional
formatting states. Any symbol except a trend, XY Plot, graphic, button, or OLE object can
have a Multi-State configuration. String and timestamp data cannot be used to configure
multi-state behavior.
You determine the number of value ranges, the maximum for each range, and the colors
assigned to each range. As the value of the tag changes, the Multi-State symbol changes color
to reflect the current value state. You can make a symbol seem to disappear by setting a state
color to the background color or to a color of none. For alarms or other purposes, you can set
a state color to blink.
For example, you may have a symbol showing two states. State 1 has a value range from 0 to
50 and a color of blue assigned to it. State 2 may have a range from 50 to 100 and have red
assigned to it. When the reading is 50 or below, the symbol appears blue. Above 50, the
symbol appears red. A color and sometimes a blinking attribute are assigned for data in bad
status (for example, the interface becomes disconnected). For digital point types, a different
color may be assigned to each digital state.
The following symbols support multi-state formatting:
Multi-State Symbols
Symbol Library
, or
4. In the Server drop-down list, select the server to use for entered tags. If a server and tag
are both entered in the Tag box, this field is updated with the new server name. This box
does not apply to non-FactoryTalk Historian data.
5. In the Tag box, type the name of the tag you want to assign, or
Click the Tag Search button to locate a tag, or
Click the Tag Search arrow to see more search options:
6. In the Number of States box, select the number of states to use. If the number of states is
not entered, the number defaults to 2. (For digital tags, the number of states is
automatically set to the number of defined states for that tag.)
7. From the Color for Bad Data drop-down color palette, select a color that will be used
when the information is in bad status. You may also select the Blink check box to call
attention to the symbol when data is bad (optional).
8. In the State box, select 1.
9. In the Values box, type in a new maximum value for the state.
Note: The Values boxes display a range of values for each state. The total range of
the tag is automatically divided by the number of states. For digital tags, the
state name is displayed in these boxes. For other tag types, an estimate is
made based on the span of values for the tag.
10. From the Color drop-down color palette, select a color that will be used for the state. You
may also select the Blink check box (optional).
11. Repeat Steps 9 and 10 for each state in the symbol. Your choices and the relative range of
values are displayed on the bar at the bottom of the dialog box.
12. Click OK.
Note: You can remove a Multi-State symbol definition by clicking the Convert to Static
button, which breaks the link between the symbol and the multi-state
Note: FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook allows you to create custom
placeholders for a symbol based on a summary Data Set or a Historian Tag
placeholder in an ODBC data set. Placeholders are not allowed for expression
Data Sets. The Custom Placeholders button in symbol definition dialog boxes
allows you to specify different Historian Tags for a Historian Summary Data Set or
ODBC data set with a Historian Tag placeholder. The change applies only to the
configured symbol. See Add or Edit Placeholders (page 170) for details.
Static Symbols
Text Symbol
Static Symbols
The text symbol allows you to put one line of text on a display. Multiple lines of text are not
supported. When this symbol is first added to the display, a text box with a blinking text
cursor is displayed.
You can add or edit text by double-clicking the Text symbol while in Build mode, which
provides the text cursor. Unlike most other ProcessBook symbols, this symbol is not sized by
dragging an area on the display. Instead, the symbol is sized to accommodate the text within.
When text is added, the symbol grows in size and when text is removed the symbol size
shrinks. The size of the font used also affects the size of the symbol.
You can format the text symbol for font and color. Text symbols have all the functionality of
other static symbols except rotating and flipping.
Add Text to a Display
Use the Text tool to add text to a display.
1. In Build mode, open a display.
2. On the Drawing toolbar, click the Text button
, or
5. When you finish typing, press ESC or click outside the text block.
Edit a Text Box
1. In Build mode, open a display and double-click the text block you want to edit.
2. Click where you want to add or edit text.
3. Type to add text or edit the text.
4. When you finish typing, press ESC or click outside the text block.
Move a Text Block
1. In Build mode, open a display.
2. Click the text block you want to move, drag it to the new location, and then release the
mouse button.
Line Symbol
Lines within a drawing can be diagonal, horizontal, or vertical. Attributes you can change
include line color and whether a line is dotted or dashed, thick or thin, and with or without
Draw a Line
1. In Build mode, open a display.
2. On the Drawing toolbar, click the Line button
, or
Using the drawing tools, you can create these simple shapes:
Rectangle, Square
Ellipse, Circle
, Arc
, or
Static Symbols
Press SHIFT to change the angle in 15-degree increments. When the arc is first drawn,
the handle for reshaping the angle is just inside the resize handle.
Example of an arc
Polygon Symbol
The Polygon tool draws irregular shapes. When you select the polygon tool the mouse pointer
changes to a polygon pointer. Polygons are drawn using the current color and line style
Draw a Polygon
1. In Build mode, open a display.
2. On the Drawing toolbar, click the Polygon button
, or
7. To close and fill the polygon, double-click to place the last point in the polygon (point
"g" in the example below). This action draws a line from the last point to the first point
(point "g" to point "a" in the example below).
Example of a Polygon
Polyline Symbol
A Polyline is a set of line segments that you can draw using the Polyline tool. It uses the
current line style attributes.
Once you add a Polyline symbol, you may edit it in the same manner as the existing Polygon
symbol. You can move or resize the entire symbol, as well as move the individual endpoints
to create any desired arrangement.
Draw a Polyline
1. In Build mode, open a display.
2. On the Drawing toolbar, click the Polyline button
Static Symbols
Graphic Symbol
Include a graphic file from another application, such as Microsoft Visio or CorelDRAW.
Use a drawing or picture as the background for your display, then add symbols to it. This
can reduce the amount of time you take to create a drawing.
Add an illustration to a display, and store it within the display or link it to the original
graphic file. (Linking means that if the original graphic is edited or moved, it affects the
appearance of the display as well.)
Load an image in one file format and later save it in a different format.
Note: A drawing is display resolution dependent, which means it may look different from
one monitor to another. Test the drawing on each monitor to see how it will look.
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook supports the following image formats. Note that
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook draws using raster graphics, so vector graphic formats
may not appear exactly as expected.
A file that contains an image that defines the shape of a cursor on the screen.
Enhanced Metafile Format; 32-bit Microsoft Windows Metafile vector format that also
supports raster images.
Joint Photographic Experts Group - Refers both to the standard for storing compressed
images and a graphic stored in that format. Note that this format is prone to lose
resolution when it is repeatedly saved.
Portable Network Graphics - graphic image format that utilizes lossless compression.
The Windows Metafile Format - the original 16-bit native vector file format for the
Microsoft Windows operating environment.
Add a Graphic
1. In Build mode, open a display.
2. On the Drawing toolbar, click the Graphic button
, or
When you release the mouse button, the Define Graphic dialog box is displayed.
Embed if you want to update the graphic within the display file.
Link if you want to store the graphic separately from the display file.
7. Click OK.
8. A copy of the graphic is added to the display.
Symbol Library
A large selection of images is available in the Symbol Library. Many of these images have
characteristics such as color, fill type, orientation, or background, which you can modify.
On the installation DVD, Rockwell Automation provides several other commonly used
images in the ProcessBook file SYMLIBRY.PIW. You can cut and paste these images into a
display. You can also add frequently used drawing components (for example, company
logos) to this PIW file for later reuse. This file is usually installed here:
Static Symbols
-orOn the Draw menu, click Symbol Library. The mouse pointer changes to the Symbol
Library pointer.
3. Click in the display where you want to add the image and drag the pointer to form a
rectangle into which to place it.
When you release the mouse button, the Symbol Library dialog box appears.
4. Under Categories, click the type of image you want to use, such as Boilers, Controllers,
Valves, etc.
Fill ModeControls the way the image is drawn. Options include Original, Shaded,
Solid or Hollow.
Fill ColorClick the color box to change the fill color.
FlipSelect Horizontal, Vertical, or Both to change the orientation of the image.
The default setting is None. This setting returns the image to its original position.
RotationSelect 90, 180, or 270 to turn the image by 90 degree increments. The
default setting is 0. This setting returns the image to its original position.
TransparentCheck this box if you want a transparent background.
Background ColorIf the Transparent check box is not selected, you can click the
color box to change the background color.
Note: Change the image fill and background color directly on a display by using the
Fill Color
and Background Color
Formatting toolbar.
2. Click the Defaults button if you want to revert to the default settings.
3. Click OK to accept the changes and return to the Symbol Library (page 125) dialog box.
Symbol Properties
If you right-click an image in the Symbol Library, the focus box at the upper left reflects that
image. A small dialog box appears; you can choose either Symbol Options or Properties.
If you choose Properties, you see a Symbol Properties dialog box, which displays the
Symbol description, Data size, Type, and Handle information. This information could be used
in VBA automation of FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook.
Chapter 6
Details Window
To view data in the Details window, click a symbol in your display. Moving a plot cursor
changes the rows highlighted to show the range of data around the cursor time.
By default, the window remains open when a different display symbol is selected. The
Details window is hidden when you switch to Build mode. You cannot open the Details
window while in Build mode.
The Details window contains the following components:
Data ItemThis field allows you to choose a data item, including datasets and Historian
tags in the selected symbol (by default, the first trace or main data source for the selected
symbol is shown). The Show All entry shows data for all the data sources in the selected
Note: The Show All option only displays the first 3,500 values. This value can be
increased by adding the registry key HKCU\Software\PISystem\PI ProcessBook\DetailsAddin\MaxPoints (type DWORD) and setting it to
the maximum number of points desired.
OptionThis field allows you to toggle among three different types of information about
your data source.
Datashows recorded values for a selected symbol's time range. By default the table is
sorted on the timestamp column in descending order.
Questionable (Q): The event value is unreliable or the circumstances under which it
was recorded are suspect.
Annotated (A): An annotation has been made to the event to include further
information or commentary. You can add annotations (page 129) to Historian tags
using FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook, if you have permission to write to that tag
on the Historian Server.
Substituted (S): The event value has been changed from the original archived value.
Makes the text size bigger or smaller. This may reduce the
Copy to Clipboard
Allows you to copy the data table to your clipboard. You can then
paste this data into another location such as a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet.
Note: Use the pin icon
to lock the docking window to your screen. Click the pin icon
again to unpin the window and minimize it along the border of your FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook window. When a docking window is unpinned, a button
appears along the side of the screen. Hover over it to re-expand the window.
If the target Historian Server (or collective) is unavailable or cannot accept edits from the
current user, the control is disabled. If the Historian Server becomes unavailable while you
are entering an annotation and you then click the Save button, you will receive an error.
Note: If you select Show All from the Data Source drop-down box on the Details (page
127) window, the Value and Value Type fields in the PI Annotation Maintenance
group are disabled.
Add Annotations
1. Open the Details (page 127) window
2. In Run mode, select a dynamic symbol on your display.
3. Select the event of interest in the Data table.
4. Click inside the Value text box and enter the information you wish displayed in your
5. Select a value from the Value Type drop-down box.
Data Favorites
The Data Favorites add-in provides a way to configure symbols by dragging a Historian tag
name (or other data item) from a list onto the symbol.
The add-in can be unloaded or set not to load at startup by changing the options in the Add-in
Manager (page 8) dialog box. When the Data Favorites add-in is first loaded, its window
appears in the upper left corner of the FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook application
window. The window is only accessible in Build mode. If the window is closed, in Build
mode, click View > Data Favorites.
There are two panels within the Data Favorites window:
Note: If the selected symbol type does not support the data type of the dropped data
item, a value symbol is drawn instead.
Data Favorites
Use the Search panel to search for Historian tags and other data items.
To search for data items, use the Search Mask text box or click the Tag Search button
to launch the Tag Search dialog box. Tags selected using the Tag Search dialog box
automatically populate the Data Favorites Search list.
The Search Mask field searches for tags matching the entered string on your default Historian
To save a data item to your Favorites, either drag and drop it into your Favorites list, or right
click the data item in the Search list and click Add to Favorites.
Note: Use the pin icon
to lock the docking window to your screen. Click the pin icon
again to unpin the window and minimize it along the border of your FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook window. When a docking window is unpinned, a button
appears along the side of the screen. Hover over it to re-expand the window.
Favorites Panel
The Favorites panel provides controls for manipulating the list of data favorites (page 130).
Note: The Favorites list is saved per user, so when a different user opens FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook on the same machine, their list may be different.
Use Favorites
1. In Build mode, click View > Data Favorites to launch the Data Favorites docking
2. Select a default symbol for Data Favorites. Any favorites dragged onto a display take the
form of this symbol.
3. In the Favorites panel, drag and drop any listed favorite to an existing trend or XYPlot
symbol, or to a blank area of a display. The data item is permanently added once the
display is saved.
Note: If the dropped selection contains multiple data items (for example, multiple
tags) and the Bar or Value symbol is selected, a symbol is created for each
one, slightly offset from each other, in cascading layout.
Multiple rows (row delimited by a new line) of at least two columns which are delimited
by either a tab or a semi-colon. Only one delimiter is used, and while there can be more
than two columns in the dragged rows, only the first two columns are used. The first
column must be the tag name, the second column may be an optional tag descriptor.
Drags can come from any application that supports the text clipboard format, for example,
Microsoft Word or Excel.
object in the tabbing order. The tabbing order follows the stacking order (page 134) on the
display (by default, the order in which objects were added to the display).
To cancel a selection on any one object press SHIFT while clicking the object to deselect. To
cancel selection of all objects on a display, click on the display background (in a spot where
there are no symbols).
Note: ActiveX controls on the display do not react to tab order like other ProcessBook
symbols because they are treated as separate windows within the display.
To select all of the symbols in a drawing area, click Edit > Select All.
To select individual symbols, press SHIFT while clicking each symbol. Selection
handles display around each selected item.
To select several symbols at the same time, click near a symbol, and then drag to
create a rectangle that includes all the symbols you want to select.
To select symbols that are stacked on top of each other, click the top symbol.
Selection handles appear. Continue clicking the top symbol to select symbols located
under the top symbol.
3. Click the symbols you want to change or move. The selected symbols display handles.
Rotate a Symbol
You can rotate a drawing symbol in 15 or 1 increments. You cannot rotate text, graphics, or
OLE objects. Symbol Library images can only be rotated in 90 increments.
1. Select the symbol you want to rotate.
2. Click Arrange > Rotate. A rotation object appears in the center of the symbol.
3. Click a selection handle and drag in the direction that you want to rotate the symbol. The
symbol is rotated in 1 increments.
-orPress SHIFT while dragging to rotate in 15 increments.
Flip a Symbol
You can create a mirror image of a symbol by flipping it. You cannot flip text, graphics, or
OLE objects.
1. Select the symbol you want to flip.
2. Click Arrange > Flip > Horizontal to flip the symbol from right to left or Vertical to
flip the symbol from top to bottom.
Delete a Symbol
When you want to delete a drawing symbol or group of symbols:
1. Select a symbol or multiple symbols that you want to delete.
2. Press DELETE,
-orClick Edit > Clear.
Stacking Order
Each symbol you add to a drawing occupies its own space in the drawing. The layers, and
therefore the symbols, are stacked on top of each other. By default, the first symbol you draw
is at the bottom of the stacking order and the last symbol you draw is at the top of the
stacking order.
Using the stacking commands, you can move a symbol forward or backward within the stack.
Depending on the number of objects between top and bottom, you may need to repeat a
stacking command several times to move the symbol to the desired location within the stack.
2. On the Arrange menu, choose the direction you want to move the symbol:
3. Click the alignment options you want. All the selected symbols are aligned to the symbol
you first selected, along the axis you specify.
Connect Symbols
Connect two symbols to each other using the connector symbol. A connector remains
attached to other symbols regardless of how you move them. A connector is intended for
modeling and automation purposes.
Connection points on each symbol define where a connection occurs. You can add, delete, or
move connection points on a symbol.
Connectors try to avoid objects as they are being connected between two symbols. As
connectors are drawn, they are orthogonal to the display, meaning that they go horizontally or
vertically. There are no diagonal connectors.
Each end of a connector attaches to a connection point on another symbol. If you have not
already created a connection point on a symbol, a connection point is built automatically as
you draw the connector across a bounding line of the symbol.
To connect two existing symbols on a display:
1. Click the Connector button
Connection Points
Connection points on each symbol define where a connector may connect. Connection points
are visible in Build mode only and appear on symbols as small x marks. When you select one
with your cursor, it changes to an x within a bounding circle.
A connection point is created automatically when a connector is dragged into a symbol. This
point is created at the midpoint of the nearest edge of the bounding rectangle of the symbol.
The end of the connector is moved to the connection point. You may add connection points
and move them to specific locations.
A connection point can be used for either the start of the flow or the end of a flow. The same
connection point can be used for both. A flow can be bi-directional.
If a second connector is dragged over a symbol, it either moves to the existing connection
point or creates a new one.
For irregular figures, connection points are placed near the midpoint of the side of the
bounding rectangle of the figure, as shown in the illustration below, rather than inside the
figure itself. You can adjust the position of the connection point to touch the actual figure.
Note: If a symbol is placed in front of another, the connection points on the hidden
symbol cannot be selected. You can solve this problem by placing the two
symbols on different layers of the display.
1. In Build mode, click the connector connected to the connection point you want to
2. Move your pointer over the connection point you want to disconnect. The point turns into
a +.
3. Click and drag the + sign to disconnect the connection point.
Delete Connection Points
To delete a connection point from a symbol:
1. Select the connection point.
2. Click Edit > Connection Points > Delete.
Move Connection Points
Connection points may be moved to a new position within a symbol. To do this, click on a
connection point in Build mode and drag it.
For very fine adjustments, you can move connection points on a symbol.
1. In Build mode, click on a connection point.
2. Click Edit > Connection Points > Move. The Connection Point Placement dialog box
appears, where you can edit the width and height ratios in comparison to the X and Y
axes of the symbol.
In other words, connection points have identifying names that are derived from the symbol
name. For example, for a rectangle named Rectangle2, two connection points would be
named <Rectangle2 : 1> and <Rectangle2 : 2>.
If you are using a symbol from the Symbol Library, the connection point is named
<TBSymbolx : n>, where TBSymbolx represents the specific name of the symbol.
Note: To remove an attached symbol from a connector, click the symbol and drag it
away from the connector.
3. Select the Master Symbol. As you change the master, the title of the dialog box changes
4. Place a check mark for the subordinate symbol or symbols and click OK.
5. Repeat the process for each master symbol. The Detach All bar at the top can be used to
remove all attachments from the currently selected symbol in the Master box. To detach
only one attachment, clear its check box.
6. Click OK. When you move a master symbol, any subordinates move with it.
Use the Connectors dialog box to rearrange connections. To reach this dialog box:
Click the Connectors toolbar button.
-orClick Edit > Connectors.
-orOn the right-click menu, click Connectors.
The Connectors dialog box affects connector symbols only. It cannot be used to attach one
symbol to another symbol without a connector. The Connectors dialog box has two tabs,
Flow (page 141) and Attachments (page 142). Each connector is identified by a unique
name, which is revealed by a ToolTip in your display.
Configure the Flow of a Connector
The Connectors Dialog box, Flow tab specifies the source and destination of each connector
from one symbol's connection point to another symbol's connection point. The dialog box is
available whenever a Connector exists on a display.
The Flow tab shows two tree diagrams, Source and Destination, where you can change the
connection points for the connector shown in the Connector drop-down box. There is also a
Flow Direction drop-down box associated with the connector that appears in the Connector
drop-down box.
The Auto Avoid option is checked as a default, so that connectors route around other objects
in the display.
1. In Build mode, open the Connectors dialog box (page 141). The Flow tab is in focus.
Note: Hover over any symbol or connector on a display for a ToolTip to identify the
connector you wish to rearrange.
2. In the Connector drop-down box, select a Connector. Connection points for the selected
connector appear highlighted in the Source and Destination boxes.
3. [optional] Modify the Flow Direction.
4. Click a new Connection Point on the Source tree to change the source connection point.
5. Click a Connection Point on the Destination tree to change the destination connection
Note: As you adjust connection points in the Connectors dialog box, the
corresponding connector in your display also provides visual indicators to help
you see how your changes will appear.
To move the symbol closer to one end of the connector, double-click the specified %
and change it.
To move the symbol from the top of the connector to another placement, double-click
the default Top and choose Left, Right, or Bottom.
If there are existing connectors, all connectors with attached symbols for that symbol are
highlighted and display in a different color (for example, white for black or yellow for
Rerouting can consume significant system resources (CPU and Memory) to solve complex
problems. Factors that can increase complexity include:
A high number of "Lines per Screen Unit" (set in "Arrange", "Grid Size", "Lines per
Screen Unit"1 equals the largest cell size; 30 gives the smallest cell size)
Item Definition
Use the Item Definition button in either Build or Run mode when you want to see what tags
and formatting options were used in any symbol that uses a dialog box for basic
configuration. It is the same as double-clicking on the item with the Build mode pointer. If
the symbol does not have a definition dialog box, the button is dimmed. You can change the
selections and save the new definition. This button does not open any of the formatting dialog
boxes (for example, Font or Color).
3. In the appropriate dialog box, make your changes to the item's definition, and then click
OK. These changes are saved with the symbol.
For troubleshooting purposes, the Message Log button shows you the SDK Log file.
You can save this report as a .csv file by using the Save to File button.
Note: The Status Bar can be displayed or hidden from the View Status Bar item on the
View menu.
Questionableindicates that there is some reason to doubt the accuracy of the value.
Substitutedused to indicate that the value has been changed from its original value.
This value is set only by the Historian Server when an existing value is changed.
If a tag has more than one flag, the highest priority status will be shown. The priority from
high to low is: Questionable, Substituted, Annotated. To view all the flags associated with a
Historian Tag on the display, use the Details window, Data option.
If you clear the Show Value Attributes check box in your Start Preferences, you do not see
these icons. Consider disabling the icons to improve ProcessBook performance if you have
very high speed sub-second data.
Chapter 7
Historian Server
You will typically use these items to specify the information you want to see:
Historian Points/Historian Tags
A Historian point is a stream of real-time data from a defined source, and is described by a
corresponding tag name and other attributes. Historian Points are frequently referred to as
Historian tags, and the terms are used somewhat interchangeably. However, a tag is simply a
reference name for a Historian point.
AF Assets
AF Assets are the building blocks of AF (like modules in MDB) and can represent either
physical or logical entities in your process, such as a physical device, piece of equipment,
storage container, or representative section of a process.
AF Attributes
AF attributes represent data that is associated with an element. They can contain
configuration information for the element, or measured or calculated process data that
provides the information necessary for getting and setting its value to and from a data stream.
Conceptually, an AF attribute replaces the Historian aliases and Historian properties that were
used in the Historian Module Database.
AF attributes are children of AF elements.
Different types of data perform different functions:
Time Series Data
Historian Server data is collected and stored in the form of points, each of which represents a
time-series data stream from a particular source, such as a temperature or pressure sensor. A
tag is a reference name for a Historian point.
Calculated Data
Statistical calculations allow you to view Averages, High and Low values, and measures of
variance. These all provide critical information about data events over a period of time.
Contextual Data
Contextual data is a method of associating Historian Points and their properties with their
business use, location, service or role. A content creator can configure contextual data to
reflect the structure of the information, making data and its presentation more logical and
accessible. A Historian point tag name is an example of contextual data.
Historian Points also have various configurable properties associated with the data, called
point attributes. However, this information is presented largely in language relevant to data
processing, not in measurements or standard business terms that are easily accessible to users
outside the Operations department.
AF provides a holding place for contextual representations of all data used in your
FactoryTalk Historian System. Elements and attributes can reference Historian Points and
attributes or data in other systems, including relational databases and web services.
Historian Time
Historian Time abbreviations and Historian Time expressions allow you to specify times and
time ranges for data using constants, variables, and short expressions.
Historian Time Abbreviations
An interval is a unit of time that can be used in time entries. Intervals that support fractional
values are listed below. For intervals where the Fractions column indicates No, fractional
amounts cannot be used in time strings.
Short name
Plural name
Member names
You can spell out month and weekday names, or enter the first three letters (for example,
Dec, Tue).
Historian Times can also be expressed using certain constants:
Today or t
Yesterday or y
Sunday or sun
Relative Time
18-dec-02 3m
Absolute Time
Use absolute or combined time expressions. Avoid using relative time expressions.
Multiple relative time expressions in a time range may cause an incorrect start time or an
error message, depending on the context of the expression.
Relative and combined time expressions contain only a single operator: either a single
plus sign (+) or a single minus sign (-). Additional operators can lead to unpredictable
results. For example, the following are not valid time expressions:
The name or short name for an interval used to denote Historian Time is not casesensitive.
06-dec-91 15:00:00
25 8:
8:00:00 am today
Historian Time
Thirty-two minutes
Forty-nine seconds
Historian Server
The Historian Server is a time-series database that collects, stores, and retrieves numerical
and string data. The Historian Server resides on a host computer and is connected to
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook through your network.
When you open a display containing dynamic symbols, FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook
retrieves data from the Historian Server.
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook also notifies the Historian Server that it would like to
receive data whenever the readings for the dynamic symbols change. Each time a reading
changes for points in the display, the information is recorded in the Historian Server. This
new information is sent to your displays and all the new values are added to trend traces. This
is true even if you reduce the display to an icon (page 49).
Values that do not change are not sent over the network at every update. This can be a
significant efficiency improvement over traditional scanning.
Values that change more than once within five seconds are shown accurately on trends
because all of the changes are delivered to FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook.
Values from Historian Calculations and custom data sets are also updated dynamically.
Click the Tag Search button in any of the following dialog boxes:
Define Value
Define Bar
Define XYPlot
Multi-State Symbol
Define Trend
Basic Search allows you to create a tag mask by specifying Historian Point Attributes.
The mask is used to find a list of tags on the server with matching attributes.
Alias Search provides a logical tree view of a Historian Server through the Historian
Module Database, which you can use to select tags by their descriptive aliases.
Use '*' or '?' as wildcard characters to search for tag names and attributes. For example,
the tag mask Tem* returns all point names that start with Tem while Tem? returns only
points that start with Tem and end with another single character. All point mask fields are
case insensitive.
You can also click Favorites to access previous searches.
3. Tags returned from a search appear listed in a search results panel. Select the desired tags
in the results panel, and click OK.
Click column headers in the search results panel to sort the results. Ctrl-click or
Shift-click to select multiple tags.
For more information on Historian tags click the Help button from any Tag Search dialog
box in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook to launch the PI SDK Controls and Dialogs user
, or
click the Pt. Attr. (Point Attributes) button if you are in the Tag Search dialog box, or
in Run mode, click Tools > Point Attributes.
The Point Attributes dialog box appears.
Note: You can also view Point Attributes in the Details Window (page 127).
The tag for which the properties are displayed is shown in the Point Name drop-down list at
the top of the dialog box. If a trend has several tags, select each tag from the drop-down list
or use the up and down arrows on your keyboard to scroll through the tags.
The Point Properties dialog box contains the Categorized tab and the Alphabetic tab.
The Categorized tab displays the attributes categorically. The following categories are
always displayed:
These categories include all the attributes from the Base PointClass. The Base PointClass
attributes are common to all Historian Points. If the Historian point that is being displayed is
not from the Base PointClass, there is one additional category. This category is given the
name of the PointClass to which the displayed Historian point belongs. The PointClassspecific attributes are displayed in this category.
The Alphabetic tab displays the attributes alphabetically.
Historian Point Attributes
Typical value
Code for the first digital state string for the tag
Location parameter 1
Location parameter 2
Location parameter 3
Location parameter 4
Location parameter 5
Filter code
Scan flag
Archiving flag
Compression flag
Resolution code
Totalization code
12 character tagname
How It Is Used
PB Support
Use the displaydigits
attribute to determine the
precision to display.
Use the displaydigits
attribute to determine the
precision to display.
Point Type
How It Is Used
PB Support
Not supported
Connect to an AF Database
Use the Select Database dialog box to find and connect to AF databases.
Click File > PI Systems. The Select Database dialog box appears.
Use the System drop-down list to connect to an AF server that contains an AF database
you wish to use. The (...) button launches the Systems dialog box, where you can connect
to other AF servers.
Once you select an AF server, search for an AF database using the Databases search box.
Select a database and click OK. The database you select is used by the Element Relative
Display (page 158) add-in, where you can populate symbols with AF elements from the
Note: If you plan to work with an element that does not have multiple contexts you
can instead click AF2. This brings up the Select AF Attribute dialog box, and
gives you another way of searching for AF data.
The active elements in the Elements of Interest pane on the Element Relative Display
docking window appear in the top pane of this dialog box under Current Element of
Interest. If an element has attributes, those attributes are available to add to a dynamic
Note: If there are no active elements in the Elements of Interest pane, the Element
Search dialog box appears instead of the Select Attributes dialog box,
allowing you to do a new search to populate the Elements of Interest pane.
4. Click attribute names to select from the Attributes for the selected element list.
5. Click the
button to add the selected attributes to the Selected Attributes list. Apply
the following option if desired:
6. [Optional] Click the Add Element Name button to add the element name of the current
context to the symbol. Select the Use Full Path checkbox to show the full path of the
current context instead of just the element name.
7. Click OK to add the selected attribute(s) to your dynamic symbol.
AF Context Path
A context path relates an AF attribute to a parent element within an AF database. An attribute
added as a data item to a dynamic symbol can point to different underlying Historian Points,
depending on its context path.
Use context paths to drive displays created in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook and other
Historian client applications. Displays that utilize context paths in this manner are referred to
as element-relative because the data displayed for the attribute at any time depends on the
context path that links the attribute to a parent element.
Context paths are used most frequently to change the data displayed by a symbol based on
user selection. For example, based on the selection of AF elements or attributes that represent
assets in a plant, a display may present data from parallel assets in a single plant or in
different locations.
For example, assume Tanks 1-5 in a plant are all described by the same measurement
attributes of temperature and pressure. Each tank is represented as an element in the AF
database with corresponding temperature and pressure attributes. A display that references
the temperature attribute could display data for each tank in turn by allowing the user to
specify the context path to any particular tank element.
2. In the Search Mask text box enter a search query, and click the green arrow, or
4. Click an item from the Elements of Interest pane. If there is a corresponding attribute in
your display, that attribute's data will refresh with the new element context.
Note: Use the pin icon
to lock the docking window to your screen. Click the pin icon
again to unpin the window and minimize it along the border of your FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook window. When a docking window is unpinned, a button
appears along the side of the screen. Hover over it to re-expand the window.
Data Sets
In FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook you can build dynamic symbols using data retrieved
from data sets just as you can from specific points in the Historian Server.
A data set is basically the set of results of a query that addresses a specific data source. You
can use placeholders to link Historian tags and ODBC data within a query.
Data sets are defined at the Book level so that they can be defined once and then shared
among different displays within that ProcessBook. If you create an independent display (a
.PDI file), the data set is defined only for that display. Trends including data sets can be
manipulated, saved, moved, and copied in the same fashion as other trends.
Whenever a display is updated, if a trace or value using a data set is configured using relative
times, then the trace or value is updated. No updates occur if the data set is configured using
absolute times.
You can edit an existing data set, either from the Tools menu or from a symbol that uses the
data set. However, if you have attached the data set to more than one symbol, editing the data
set affects all the symbols. If you move a FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook Display
containing a data set to another machine, you may need to reconfigure the data set or the
machine's connection to the data source.
Data Sets
Historian Calculation (page 163) data sets (including Historian Expression and Historian
Summary data sets) from Historian Servers using Historian Performance Equation
syntax. These expressions provide summary data, such as averages, minimums,
maximums, etc., or calculations such as the sum of two Historian point values.
ODBC (page 167) (Open Database Connectivity) data sets obtained from a relational
Custom (page 169) data sets built as COM objects supplied by Visual Basic or C++
programs as Add-Ins to FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook.
The AVG function calculates the average of the tag values for each interval.
The Count function is the sum of event count over the time range when calculation
basis is event-weighted, sum of event time duration over the time range when
calculation basis is time-weighted.
The MIN function selects the minimum of the tag values for each interval. A
timestamp associated with the minimum value is also available.
The MAX function selects the maximum of the tag values for each interval. A
timestamp associated with the maximum value is also available.
The PCTGOOD function determines the percentage of time for each interval, when
the tags archived values are good (that is without errors, such as out of range errors
or shutdown flags). It is not applicable for digital tags.
The PSTDEV function calculates the population or sample standard deviation of two
or more values.
The RANGE function calculates the difference between the tags maximum and
minimum values for each interval.
The STDEV function calculates the population Standard Deviation of the tag values
for each interval.
The Total function is the total over the given time range.
These functions are fully described in the Performance Equations chapter of the
FactoryTalk Historian Server SE Server Applications User Guide.
2. Click New > PI Calculation. The PI Calculation Data dialog box appears.
Data Sets
DescriptionThis description appears on trends of this data set in the tag descriptors
Calculation IntervalThe interval (minutes, hours, days) for the calculation.
Interval Sync TimeThis is the absolute time of day at which the periodic
calculations are done. For example, if the Interval Sync Time box is set to 12:00:24
PM and the time in the Refresh Interval box is set to ten minutes, then the
calculation for each period is executed at the following times: 12:10:24, 12:20:24,
12:30:34, etc.
Value Column NameThe name that represents the value column of the calculated
data rather than the time stamp column.
Refresh IntervalThe interval at which you want to automatically update the data
set. You can also type a number between 0 and 999. If you select 0, data is not
automatically updated.
Stepped PlotSelected by default. Clear the check box if you want a point-to-point
The data set name must be unique for the current .piw or .pdi file.
The node name and tag name must be valid.
The interval must be a valid Historian Time.
The sync time must be a valid Historian Time.
5. Your new data set appears in the Data Sets dialog box.
Intervals and Time Value
The calculated value for each interval is plotted at the start of the interval. For example, if the
tag "t_min" has the following time-value pairs in a 10 minute interval, then the calculated
value for this interval would be plotted at time 1:00:00.
1:00:00 1
1:01:00 2
1:02:00 3
1:03:00 4
1:04:00 5
1:05:00 6
1:06:00 7
1:07:00 8
1:08:00 9
1:09:00 10
1:10:00 11
The calculated value for the AVG, STDEV, and PCTGOOD functions includes the tag value
at the lower interval boundary time and excludes the tag value at the upper interval boundary
time. For the example above, the tag value "10" at time 1:09:00 is excluded in the function
calculation, therefore the calculated value for AVG is 4.5 and the calculated value for
STDEV is 2.872281.
The calculated value for the MIN, MAX and RANGE functions includes the tag value of
both the lower and upper interval boundary times. For the example above, the calculated
value for MIN is 1, the calculated value for MAX is 11 and the calculated value for RANGE
is 12.
Data Sets
6. From the Data Source drop-down list, click the appropriate ODBC data source. If you do
not already have an ODBC Data Source configured on your computer (using the Control
Panel), click the Setup button to create or modify one.
7. Click the Design button.
The Microsoft Query application is displayed.
Note: If Microsoft Query is not installed, then the Design button is disabled. You can
key in the query manually. You can also copy and paste a query from another
query building tool.
Data Sets
Note: Click the Help button, if necessary, and follow Microsoft's instructions for
completing the query.
A Placeholder in an SQL query identifies a value that is to be provided when the query is
run. You can validate a query before the actual values are provided.
The standard SQL placeholder character is (?). Placeholders are numbered in their order of
appearance, from left to right, in the query statement.
For example, the following query statement has two placeholders, one for a text string for a
sample ID and the other for a sample time.
Select value, sample_time from Lab_data where sample_ID=?
and sample_time>?
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook allows text, start times, end times, or tag values as
substitutes for placeholders.
Data Sets
1. In the Placeholder Name box, select the parameter you want to configure. The
parameters are in the same order as found in the data set query. The list is limited to the
number of parameters found in the query.
2. In the Placeholder Properties group, select the Type for the selected parameter. There
are four possible types, Text, PI Tag, Start Time, and End Time. You can optionally
change the name of the placeholder to make its purpose clear.
3. Selecting a type transforms the dialog box to allow you to enter the settings for the
selected type, if any.
If the query uses:
2. Under Data Sets, click the data set name, then click the Show Use button. The Data Set
Use dialog box appears and displays where the data set is being used.
Trend Zoom
Trend Cursor
Time Range
3. Click in the display where you want to add the trend and drag the pointer to form a
rectangle into which the trend will be placed.
4. When you release the mouse button, the Define Trend (page 75) dialog box appears.
Data Sets
7. Under Saved Data Sets, click the data set you want to add to the trend.
8. Under Data Set Columns, select a column(s) to be plotted in the trend (use the SHIFT or
CTRL keys to select more than one column).
Value - value of the expression for the calculation interval and type as of the timestamp.
In the case of summary data sets, this column holds the value of the tag.
Total - the totalized value (time integral) of a tag over a given time, according to values
stored in the archive.
Average - average value of the expression for the calculation interval and type.
Minimum - minimum value of the expression for the calculation interval and type.
Maximum - maximum value of the expression for the calculation interval and type.
PctGood - the time percentage, over a given range, when a tag's archived values are good
(not digital states).
Range - the difference between a tag's maximum and minimum values during a given
time, according to values stored in the archive.
StdDev - the time-weighted standard deviation of a tag over a given time, according to
values stored in the archive.
PStDev - the standard deviation of two or more arguments, where those arguments
represent the whole population.
Count - the number of events for a point over a given time.
9. Click OK.
Note: Until you select a data set and at least one column, the OK button is dimmed.
10. The selected data set/column(s) is now listed under Tags in Plot in the Define Trend
dialog box. Select tags as desired and format the trend. If you wish to see or edit the
definitions of placeholders, click the Custom Placeholders button in the Define Trend
dialog box.
11. Click OK. Data displays on the trend.
Note: If you select the Description check box, on the Display Format tab in the Define
Trend dialog box, then the description of the data set is taken from the PI
Calculation Data dialog box and repeated for each column that is plotted. There
are usually no engineering units for a data set column.
Data Sets
session, FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook does not store your password locally because it
would be a security risk to store a password locally. If your data source is configured to use
Windows Authentication, then your network credentials are used to gain access to the data
and you are unlikely to be prompted.
5. When you have finished modifying the data set, click OK. If the data set is in use in a
display, the Confirm Data Set Modification dialog box displays.
6. If you wish to proceed, click Continue. The Data Sets dialog box appears.
7. Select the column(s) to be used and click OK to return to the dialog box.
Data Sets
5. From the To Open Workbook drop-down list, select the correct target, and then click
1. Connect to an AF database.
2. Select an AF element.
3. Select an AF attribute from the drop down list or click Search to search in the AF
4. Select a unit of measure in which to display the attribute.
ODBC client capability means that without writing vendor-specific code, you can access data
from certain relational databases outside the FactoryTalk Historian System and include that
data in your FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook Displays. The outside data source must be
ODBC-compliant; for example, it must provide an ODBC Driver. An outside ODBC data
source might include laboratory results, cost tables, or other sets of information that can be
obtained through SQL queries. Since access to ODBC sources is configured on a particular
computer, moving a display file that uses an ODBC data set may require the data source to be
configured on the new computer. The data source has to have the same name on the new
computer, or the data set will need to be reconfigured in the display.
ODBC Drivers
Each DBMS (database management system), such as Microsoft SQL Server, requires a
specific ODBC Driver, provided by the vendor of the DBMS or a third party. Each driver is a
Dynamic Link Library (.dll) that implements a set of subroutine calls to retrieve data from
a particular database.
The Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager is included as a part of FactoryTalk Historian
ProcessBook installation.
A SQL Server database, the server on which it resides, and the network protocol used to
access that server.
ODBC data sources have an explicit name, are configured for a particular computer, and may
be used by any ODBC- compliant application installed on that computer.
ProcessBook symbols can then access the data sets. The columns in the data set make up the
items that can be assigned to the trend, value, or bar. The SQL needed to retrieve data for
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook can be configured once and used by many displays and
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook must return a time and value pair(s) for display within a
symbol (trend, value, or bar). Placeholders act as parameters to an SQL function call. They
are evaluated at run time. Placeholders can take three forms: text, start/end times, or a
Historian tag name. Use the start and end time placeholders when the time limits of the query
should be determined from the trend symbol where the query is used. The Historian tag name
placeholder can be used to join FactoryTalk Historian data with relational database data. A
Historian Value is retrieved for the Historian tag and then substituted into the query.
Using ODBC requires that you install the Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager and drivers
(most operating systems already have the Driver Manager and some standard drivers
installed). You must then configure data sources (page 181) for ProcessBook and define
individual queries, called data sets.
4. When you have completed configuring the data source, click OK to return to the
Microsoft ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog box.
Note: To create data sources for any user of the computer, use the System DSN tab
instead of the User DSN tab. You can set up data sources on the System
DSN tab that are available to all users on the computer, but you must have
elevated permissions on the computer.
If a Tag placeholder (page 169) is used, then the time will be the time returned by the
Tag. This time will supersede any timestamps returned by the query.
One or more of the columns returned by the query may contain a date and/or time. If
more than one timestamp column is returned, the first one as ordered by the SQL query is
Current time
Current time
An ODBC data set is created with a set of default placeholders. When it is attached to a
specific symbol, the query's placeholders can be customized for that symbol, without
affecting the placeholders defined for other symbols using that data set.
For example, you can create a query for a database of laboratory data using a text placeholder
for the sample name. You can then use a different sample name for every trend, bar, or value,
rather than defining a new data set query for each sample name.
Chapter 8
Click View > Notifications to manually open the Notifications window. The Notifications
window is automatically opened at startup if it was left open when you previously shutdown
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook.
You can also launch FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook to view a notification by opening a
PDI file attached to a notification email.
The title bar displays the number of active, open notifications. This number appears in
parentheses to the right of the Notifications window title, for example Notifications(2).
Use the controls at the top of the Notifications window to receive notifications (page 186) and
view notifications (page 187).
A Notification rule is a set of conditions that leads to the creation of notifications.
Notification rules and their associative notifications appear in the bottom half of the
Notifications window.
Note: Use the pin icon
to lock the docking window to your screen. Click the pin icon
again to unpin the window and minimize it along the border of your FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook window. When a docking window is unpinned, a button
appears along the side of the screen. Hover over it to re-expand the window. The
size and position of the Notifications window is saved so that it opens the same
way the next time you open FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook.
Receive Notifications
In order to receive notifications in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook you need to connect to
a FactoryTalk Historian System where notification rules are established. To change the
default FactoryTalk Historian System connection in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook,
click File > PI System.
Use the icons at the top of the Notifications window to begin, pause, or resume receipt of
Play icon
Pause icon
indicates that you are receiving notifications. Click this icon to stop
receiving new notifications.
Filter Notifications
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook only shows notifications for which you are subscribed.
These are shown in the Notifications window. You can filter this list with the controls
available at the top of this window.
1. In the View Notifications drop-down list, click one of the following options:
Activedisplays all open notifications. You only receive new notifications when this
option is selected.
Timerangeselect either the Start Time or End Time text box and enter a
Historian Time (page 150) string. Click the corresponding drop-down arrow to
launch a calendar to help you find a specific date.
Recententer a time period to search within the last x-number of seconds, minutes,
hours, or days.
Acknowledge Instance to acknowledge that action has been taken regarding the
notification, and that no further escalation is needed.
Show Contact Events to toggle the display of contact events for each notification.
View Notification Rule Summary to display the properties of the notification rule that
triggered a selected notification.
Set Time for All Displays sets the time range of all open displays to the time range of a
selected notification, or union of time ranges for multiple selected notifications.
Set Time for Associated Displays sets the time range of displays associated with the
notification rule to the time range of the notification.
Contacts Window
The Contacts window allows you to view and manage contacts from within FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook. It is split into two panes and provides the following:
You do not need AF or Historian Notifications to use most features of Contacts. However, to
view the Contacts window you must have Office Communicator installed and be logged in at
the time you launch FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook. See the Microsoft Office
Communicator home page for further information.
Note: Use the pin icon
to lock the docking window to your screen. Click the pin icon
again to unpin the window and minimize it along the border of your FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook window. When a docking window is unpinned, a button
appears along the side of the screen. Hover over it to re-expand the window.
User Statusdisplays your full user name and current availability. This field cannot is
not editable from within FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook.
Notification Contacts
The Notification Contacts panel displays the list of contacts that are subscribed to the
notification you have selected in the Notifications window (page 185).
Contacts Window
Contacts are grouped according to type: Escalation Group, Group, and Individual. The group
heading displays the icon associated with its type in AF. This contact list is not sorted, but
appears in the order listed in AF to preserve the escalation order for an escalation group. The
first entry in the escalation list has the highest priority.
A contact's presence (page 190) is shown with an icon to the left of the contact name.
Enter text in the Contacts Filter text box to search for contacts. Filter results appear in this
panel. Click the Clear button to clear your filter parameters.
Display Screen Captureattaches a screen capture of the active display. Any changes
made to the display while it has been open are included in the screen capture; you do not
need to save the file first.
Note: You must have Microsoft Outlook XP or greater installed on your machine to send
email to a contact.
Sort Contacts
Right click a contact in the Contacts window and click Sort. A submenu provides the
following options:
Contacts Presence
The FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook Historian Notifications add-in allows you to view
personalized presence attributes from Office Communicator while working in FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook.
For more information on presence, see the Microsoft Office Online Help.
Chapter 9
ProcessBook displays can be containers for objects from other applications, such as
databases, spreadsheets, or documents.
ProcessBook displays may be used to exhibit dynamic data within other container
applications. In this case, the ProcessBook or display is considered an object.
Click a button in ProcessBook to make an Excel spreadsheet show the average and raw
data of the current trend in ProcessBook. Then you could change the time range of the
ProcessBook, click the button again, and see the Excel spreadsheet update with the new
time range.
Although Automation scripts are not required to use a dialect of Visual Basic, at the present
time, that is the most common approach. Rockwell Automation is using Visual Basic as the
standard testing language for OLE Automation.
For more information on how to write Visual Basic scripts for use with FactoryTalk Historian
ProcessBook, click Help > PI Processbook VBA Language Reference.
Embedded Objects
Embedded objects are copied from an existing file or created and then stored as an integral
part of the container application, such as FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook. Using an
embedded object increases the file size of a ProcessBook significantly.
Formats not natively supported by FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook, such as Windows
metafiles, can be pasted from the Windows clipboard as objects in a ProcessBook display.
When you paste an object into a display it becomes embedded.
To change the contents of an embedded file, double-click it. The source application software
is invoked, and you can edit the object with the source application's commands.
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook is a time-based application. When a ProcessBook is used
as an embedded object, it updates dynamically whenever you double-click it.
If you rename a ProcessBook or move it to another directory, drive, or PC, you can still
change any embedded objects in displays as long as your system can locate the appropriate
source application software.
Embedded Objects
4. Click OK.
5. The display is embedded in the container application.
Linked Objects
Linked Objects
Linked object information is not stored as a part of the destination application. Instead, the
destination file stores only the location of the linked source file. No matter how many links it
has, only one version of the linked file is stored and maintained. Using a linked file increases
the file size of a ProcessBook less than using an embedded object.
In establishing an OLE link, you may update the:
To change the data in a linked file, such as which tags you have selected, you switch to the
source application and open the file. Changes are then reflected in the container display
according to the update method you selected.
Alternatively, if you double-click the object, the source application and the actual file open,
allowing you to edit the object. If the source application supports in-place activation, you can
edit within the container window; otherwise a source application window opens.
If you rename a ProcessBook or move it to another directory, drive, or PC, any links from
displays to source files can break. These broken links need to be re-established if you wish to
continue using them.
5. Click OK.
Linked Objects
In addition, you can reach the source application through the Links dialog box.
1. Click Edit > Links. The Links dialog box appears.
2. Click the appropriate link.
3. Click the Open Source button to open the source file.
EmbedIf you want to update the object data within the target document or if you want
to store all the source data within the container application. This option is also better if
you plan to link files to different locations.
LinkIf you want the data to update dynamically or when you need to minimize file
size. The source application and linked files must continue to be available.
Note: When you link to a ProcessBook container, there is a risk of accidentally changing
the source file.
The equipment parts list is stored with the ProcessBook display. If your PC has an installed
copy of MSWord, you can peruse or modify the list at any time simply by double-clicking it.
The lab results are stored by the source application, not in the ProcessBook display. The
display can be set to update lab data dynamically whenever the results in the source
application changed, or it can be set to update lab data when you click an Update Now button
on the Edit Links dialog box.
Some ActiveX controls are self-contained and will work without further scripting. Most
require additional VBA code before they function correctly.
1. In Build mode, open a display.
2. On the Drawing toolbar, click the Control button
, or
In Run mode, a user could change the month and date. A programmer could incorporate
the calendar into scripts associated with the display.
and a graphic representation of the object, as described below. If you have made the graphic
representation other than a square shape, the icon may be distorted.
1. Open the display.
2. In Build mode, click the object you want to change.
3. Click Edit > Object (at the bottom of the menu) > Convert. The Convert dialog box
6. To select the icon to use, click the Change Icon button. The Change Icon dialog box
If you want to change the name of the label that displays beneath the icon, then type
the new name in the Label box.
Select All
Edit menu
Zoom/Fit All
View menu
Arrange menu
Does not work because you cannot select more than one
OLE object at a time.
Arrange menu
Does not work because you cannot select more than one
OLE object at a time.
Arrange menu
Does not work because you cannot select more than one
OLE object at a time.
Arrange menu
Does not work because you cannot select more than one
OLE object at a time.
Arrange menu
Arrange menu
OLE Container/Server
A ProcessBook display may be shown in another application. For example, you could include
an updating trend in an incident report produced in a word processing application such as
Microsoft Word. Or, you could prepare a presentation for a group by using Microsoft
PowerPoint to prepare slides and including embedded displays from FactoryTalk Historian
ProcessBook. To do this, use the Insert Object command in the second application and insert
an object of type Display Document.
Appendix A
VBA Commands
Access VBA through the VBA toolbar, or by clicking Tools > Macro:
Visual Basic Editor
Run Macros
Design Mode
ActiveX Automation
ActiveX Automation refers to the technology of placing ActiveX controls (independent
software modules) within applications and using scripts to manipulate the application and/or
the controls.
Update a FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook Display by typing new tag names into a
Although Automation scripts are not required to use a dialect of Visual Basic, at the present
time, that is the most common approach.
Automation Vocabulary
Understanding OLE automation requires some technical vocabulary. Terms used in the
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook VBA Language Reference Guide are defined below.
An action that can be performed on an object and may or may not return a value.
Sometimes called a function.
Appendix B
System Requirements
For up-to-date system requirements, refer to FactoryTalk Historian DataLink Release Notes.
If you have other client products, such as FactoryTalk Historian DataLink, the same root
path is used for installation, often C:\Program Files\Rockwell
Software\FactoryTalk Historian\PIPC. Otherwise, incompatibilities in the
.dll files shared by the applications could occur.
If you have FactoryTalk Historian BatchView installed on your system, Setup installs a
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook Batch group symbol that is compatible with the
current version of FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook. You can also install FactoryTalk
Historian BatchView after installing FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook, and the correct
Batch Trend symbol is loaded.
the Connection Manager. The value represented above by <preference> must be one of
the following values:
In general, if the advanced feature requires a primary server to operate correctly, specifying
PreferPrimary connects you to the primary member whenever it is available. When the
primary is unavailable, a secondary server is used and all features of ProcessBook that don't
require the primary server continue to function. If the use of ProcessBook on a workstation
requires access to the primary, then specifying RequirePrimary forces the application to only
connect to a primary member and fail when such a connection cannot be completed.
Dynamic symbols on the display are presented in the same manner as any other symbol
attached to a disconnected server, though there is no recovery unless the primary server
comes back online.
MDB to AF Migration
If this occurs after the display is already open, ProcessBook detects the loss of connection, as
described previously, and tries to reconnect to the server. This call fails, generates the same
error as in the previous case (The requested server in not currently
available, Primary), and updates the Status Report dialog box.
MDB to AF Migration
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook converts Module Relative Displays (MRD)
created with earlier versions of FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook into displays that are
compatible with AF.
The first time you open an MRD display in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook, it
is automatically upgraded to an Element Relative Display (ERD) in memory. If you save the
display, you cannot revert the display to an MRD.
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook does not migrate data from the Module Database (MDB).
The data migration is a separate process that occurs when you upgrade to FactoryTalk
Historian 3.0.
We recommend that you:
Upgrade to FactoryTalk Historian 3.0, which automatically converts your MDB data to
Batch displays
MRD displays
You must download and install the MRD add-in to access data in MRD displays from
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook even if you have earlier versions of the
Historian Server.
When you attempt to open an MRD display that references an older server with
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook, you get an upgrade error and no data is
You can use FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook 3.2 or earlier to view MRD displays
from earlier versions of Historian Server and FactoryTalk Historian 3.0. FactoryTalk
Historian 3.0 has a synchronization feature that allows you to view data with MDB-based
After you upgrade a FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook Display from MRD to ERD, the
display will only show data in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook 3.2 or later.
MDB to AF Migration
ProcessBook +
installed MRD
3. (Optional) Click the Save to File button to save the results as a tab-delineated file that
can be exported into a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel. This file contains additional
migration information.
DEP Security
DEP Security
Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a setting introduced with Windows XP SP2 and is
available in subsequent Windows operating systems. The setting prevents malicious code
attacks. FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook works correctly when this setting is enabled.
The machines named DYAN and ERIC have only read access to FactoryTalk Historian
The machine named JOHN does not have any access to FactoryTalk Historian data.
All other machines have both read and write access to Historian.
The value for the DEFAULT entry is initially set to RW. Otherwise, existing PINet nodes will
not function properly.
If you want to restrict write access from PCs, set the default CLIENTACCESS to R and add
entries to accommodate your PINet Nodes. For example:
The preceding entry allows the PINet node BRIAN to read and to write data to the
FactoryTalk Historian System. All other nodes have read- only access.
TCP/IP node names are case-sensitive. In addition, the values for the entries in the
CLIENTACCESS section (for example, R and W) are also case-sensitive.
Machine Address
Because FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook is a client/server application, the communication
setup is essential. The machine address, which allows the FactoryTalk Historian System to
recognize your machine, is a key item. Often, the address may be found as an alias in the TCP
host file. The Network Administrator should resolve any questions or difficulties regarding
the network and addressing.
The PROCBOOK.INI file contains configuration and preference settings for FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook. This file generally resides in two places, the user's default location,
C:\Documents and Settings\<user name>\Application
Data\PISystem\PI-ProcessBook\<language>, and the
PIPC\DAT\<language> directory (on the local drive where FactoryTalk Historian
ProcessBook is installed).
When FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook is installed on an individual PC using
SETUP.EXE, the procbook.ini file in PIPC\DAT\en is created (for the base, English
installation). The file in C:\Documents and Settings\<user
name>\Application Data\PISystem\PI-ProcessBook\<language> is only
created once settings are changed in the FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook Preferences
dialog box for the first time. The values in C:\Documents and Settings\<user
name>\Application Data\PISystem\PI-ProcessBook\language override
the values in PIPC\DAT\<language> unless an administrator creates Registry entries to
override user-specific settings.
The following is a list and brief explanation of the most significant sections and keywords in
the PROCBOOK.INI file. The settings used are examples and not necessarily the default
Startup Section
Initializations for startup of FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook
Possible entries:
StartupProcessBookSpecifies file (with full path) to be opened on start of the application.
May be blank.
DefaultFileLocationBy default, clicking File > Open displays the local user's My
Documents directory. Specifying a different directory in this entry changes the File > Open
and File > Save commands to start with a different folder when ProcessBook starts.
ModeBiasR=run-mode, B=build-mode
RetainAspectRatio1=preserve aspect ratio for displays, 0=do not
Symbol LibrarySpecifies a workbook that is opened by selecting the Book of Symbols
button from a customized toolbar.
MakeBackupFile1=make backup files while using ProcessBook, 0=do not make backup
AuthorSets the default author for created displays and workbooks
ToolTipsEnabledSetting this entry equal to Y enables ToolTips on dynamic symbols.
Setting equal to N disables them. The default (if this entry is not in the .ini file) is Y. This
setting has no effect on toolbar ToolTips.
International Date FormatSpecifies date/time format. 1=Windows format, 0=Historian
Time format
PromptForConversion1=prompt user when opening a file created with an earlier version,
asking whether or not to convert to new format, 0=do not prompt (default)
MaxUndoStackSizeMaximum number of elements in the Undo stack (default is 200)
Build/Run Scroll ModeFor each mode, set the scrolling: 0=off, 1=on, 2=automatic.
GridSizeSets the Grid Size, in lines per screen unit. Default is 12.
File Access EntriesFileAccessTimeout and FileAccessInterval entries,
described below, the common INI file (in \PIPC\Dat) is checked first for these settings as
opposed to the private INI files.
FileAccessTimeoutNumber of seconds FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook attempts
to open a locked file (default is 5 seconds)
FileAccessIntervalNumber of intervals, in tenths of seconds, between attempts to
open a locked file (default is 1/10 of a second)
COMTimeOutThis is the number of seconds that the ProcessBook container waits before
showing a timeout dialog box. The default is 30 seconds.
RunSelectorColorRed, Green, Blue, values can range from 0 to 255, sets the color of the
selector rectangle in run mode.
MacroProtectionLevelSpecifies how ProcessBook handles macros per display. Possible
Level 0No macro protection (default if entry is not defined)
Level 1Prompts user to disable macros when VBA code is opened
Level 2Prompts user as in Level 1, except when macros are disabled, VBA code is
opened and locked in design mode
Level 5Same as Level 1, except no dialog box appears when display is opened (can
toggle between run and design modes)
Level 6Same as Level 2, except no dialog box appears when display is opened (locked
in design mode)
Toolbar Configuration EntriesTypically the toolbar INI file
(PBToolbarConfig.ini) is generated by ProcessBook in the same folder as the private
PROCBOOK.INI file, and is persisted there. However, you can assign toolbar configurations
to other INI files by setting the entries below (in order of precedence, from first to last):
TBFilePathLocation and filename that the user's toolbar configuration data will be
persisted (this file must have both read and write access). This will also be the first
location looked for when loading the toolbar configuration.
UserDefaultTBRead-only location and filename of a toolbar configuration that is
searched for, when the file in TBFilePath is not found. This could be a default
company, or group, configuration.
PBDefaultTBRead-only location and filename of a toolbar configuration, used only
when the two entries above are not found, and there is no toolbar configuration data
persisted in the Windows registry.
ReferencesFilenames or paths to VBA references, separated by semicolons (;)
URL HomeSpecifies the website navigated to when a user clicks the ProcessBook icon in
the Help\About box. Default link is to the Rockwell Automation Website
MaxBitmapMBMaximum file size (in megabytes) that bitmap images may be loaded in
displays. If embedded bitmaps are larger than the specified maximum, ProcessBook scales
the images down to lower resolutions. The current default maximum is 16.0 MB.
ServerTimeZone1=Show times and time spans based on the time zone of the server where
the tags originate, 0=Show times and time spans based on the time zone of the local machine.
1 is the default.
ProcessBookSetting this value equal to PRIMARY allows users to view ProcessBooks,
but not change them. The user has access to the Standard toolbar, including the trend
displays command to create instant trends, but cannot save an instant display.
EnableScreenSaverIndicates whether the platform's screen saver should be displayed
while ProcessBook is running. A value of 1 enables the screen saver and is appears if it is
defined at the operating system level. A value of 0 prevents the screen saver from appearing
while ProcessBook is running, even if the screen saver is enabled at the operating system
level. The default value is 1. If this entry is not in procbook.ini, the application assumes a
value of 1.
ConnectUsingAPI0 = (default) do not connect on startup using the PI API, only use the PI
SDK. 1 = connect using the PI API (and the PI SDK). This setting is used to support legacy
VBA code in displays/add-ins.
Show Value AttributesIndicates whether value attribute flags (substituted, questionable,
annotations) are shown for tags.
1 = Yes (default setting)
0 = No
PB2TraceCompatibilityIndicates whether all snapshot values are retained for trend traces
or discarded when a new archive event is received on updating trends.
1 = Yes. Do not replace snapshot values when a new archive event is received. This
setting may result in a jagged trace that gets smoothed when the trend is reverted.
0 = No. Use snapshot value filtering/removal logic so that only archive values and any
snapshot values since the last archive event are shown on the trend.
Conversion Section
The Conversion section of the .INI file identifies resources for importing other file formats
and resembles this example:
Import0 = PIDisDIFF Files, impd32.dll, dat
Import1 = Historian-Graphics Files, impp32.dll, dat
ImportN identifies the file types used when converting VAX-formatted trends or graphics.
N increments by one for each file type.
The second field is the name of the file type to be imported and will appear in the List Files
of Type drop-down box in the Import File dialog box.
The third field is the DLL used to import the file type. No path is necessary, since the files
reside in the same directory as Procbook.exe.
The fourth field is the default extension for the file type. You may have more than one
extension for each import type, separated by semicolons.
TIMER sets the poll timer, in milliseconds, for checking whether FactoryTalk Historian
ProcessBook should perform any time-related task. Time-related tasks include retrieving
exception reports from Historian and re-querying sources. (60,000 is the maximum setting;
the default is 5000.)
[Trend Definition]
Plot Title=1
Scale Inside Axis=1
Tag Name=1
Server Name=0
Eng Units=1
Background Null=0
Start Time=*-8 Hour
End Time=*
Max Traces=50
Element1=Horz. Axis,0,0,-1
Element3=Horz. Major Grid,0,0,-1
Element4=Horz. Minor Grid,0,0,-1
Element5=Pen 1,65280,0,0
Element6=Pen 2,16776960,0,1
Element7=Pen 3,65535,0,2
Element8=Pen 4,16711935,0,3
Element9=Pen 5,255,0,4
Element10=Pen 6,16777215,0,5
Element11=Pen 7,16711680,0,6
Element12=Pen 8,0,0,7
Element14=Vert. Axis,0,0,-1
Element15=Vert. Major Grid,0,0,-1
Element16=Vert. Minor Grid,0,0,-1
Colors Section
Defines the 16 colors in the ProcessBook palette.
Parameters: ColorX = Red, Green, Blue, values can range from 0 to 255
FaceName=MS Sans Serif
Macro Protection
The primary purpose of the macro protection feature is to prevent misbehaved VBA event
code from executing. Whenever a ProcessBook display (either standalone .pdi file or table
of contents entry) is opened, ProcessBook determines whether the display has any VBA code
MacroProtectionLevel may be set in the [STARTUP] section of Procbook.ini at one
of the following levels:
User is prompted when display is opened; project is set to design mode if user selects
<Disable Macros>.
User is prompted when display is opened; project is opened with macros disabled if user
selects <Disable Macros>.
User is prompted when display is opened; project is always set to design mode when
User is prompted when display is opened; project is always opened with macros
The default value for this setting is 0, so that if it is not present at all in the .ini file, then
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook always executes macros.
INI Security
You can use your system registry to override many strings or integer values in
Under this key there is a key for the INI file section where you can override values. Many
string or integer INI setting can be overwritten this way. The only exceptions are the HA
Collective setting, which cannot be overridden. For example, to override the
EnableScreenSaver setting in the STARTUP section of PROCBOOK.INI, create a DWORD
value EnableScreenSaver with a value of 1 in HKLM\SOFTWARE\PISystem\PI ProcessBook\Security\Startup.
Security registry settings override local PROCBOOK.INI settings. Moreover, local
PROCBOOK.INI settings override global PROCBOOK.INI settings.
The FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook setup kit does not create these registry keys; it is up
to each site administrator to create the keys if they want to override the PROCBOOK.INI
settings. These registry keys allow a FactoryTalk Historian System administrator to lock
down a system configuration so that users cannot make changes.
The IMPPIGP.INI file contains configuration settings used by the Import utility in
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook. The file generally resides in the PIPC\DAT directory.
As with other .INI files, SETUP.EXE creates this file with default settings.
When you import VAX-formatted graphics and graphics that include trends, the import utility
uses the settings found in this .INI file to convert items such as color, line style, and fonts.
You can edit the .INI file if you want to change these default settings. Before you edit this
file, you should make a backup copy so you can restore FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook
to its original settings.
Note: The settings in this .INI file affect graphics and trends included in graphics only.
When importing trend displays, the format specified in the Trend Preference
setting is used.
The following is a list of the keywords in the IMPPIGP.INI file. The values shown are
examples and not necessarily the default settings shipped with FactoryTalk Historian
The Color section of the .INI file maps VAX colors to FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook
The values shown to the right of the equal sign are the red, green, blue values. Refer to
Creating Your Own Colors in the Windows documentation for more information on
changing these values.
The Line Style section maps the VAX line format to the FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook
line format:
[Line Style]
The FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook values to the right of the equal sign represent:
dash dot
dash dot dot
The Font section maps the VAX supported fonts to FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook
Note: These default values are based on resolutions for VT340 terminals. If you are
using a terminal other than these, appearances may be different.
The values to the right of the equal sign represent these font characteristics.
Specifies the height of the font. If the value is greater than zero,
it specifies the cell height. If the value is less than zero, it
specifies the character height, which is the cell height minus the
Specifies the pitch and family of the font. Pitch can be fixed,
variable, or default. Font families, such as Old English, describe
the look of a font in a general way. They are intended for
specifying fonts when the exact typeface desired is not available.
Face Name
The Marker section of the .INI file maps the VAX trend markers to the markers provided
in FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook:
The values to the right of the equal sign represent these marker types in FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook:
filled circle
open circle
filled diamond
open diamond
filled square
open square
filled triangle
open triangle
The Display section in the .INI file specifies the supported terminals in FactoryTalk
Historian ProcessBook:
Terminal Type=VT340
Keywords for supported terminals are shown below. The horizontal and vertical dimensions
are also shown.
VT340 = 800 x 500
Reflection = 800 x 500
Tektronix = 4095 x 3130
X1024 = 880 x 640
X800 = 560 x 448
If your terminal is not included in the list of keywords, you can create your own. The syntax
Terminal Type=Custom,X,Y
where X equals the horizontal dimension and Y equals the vertical dimension.
This log tracks the setup of FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook on your system and holds
information pertaining to directory structure, user-entered information for Node, .DLL, and
User name, and the installation of the various ProcessBook files.
Appendix C
Troubleshooting Tips
Display Can't Find Data
When a display does not receive data, the problem may be one of the following:
A display has been moved from one PC to another and Node Identifiers to the Server(s)
need to be re-established through the Connections dialog box (page 4).
An ODBC Data Source may have been altered, causing the dataset to fail to return data.
Is an XYPlot Updating?
When an XYPlot is updating, the updating tags are shown with an arrow indicator in the
legend. An XYPlot is updating if the following conditions exist:
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook User Guide
Troubleshooting Tips
The end time for the X tag is indicated as the current time (by using *) or is in the future
At least one of the Y tag end times is indicated as the current time (by using *) or is in the
future (*+N) and is not synchronized or matched with the X tag (if X is not updating).
If both the X tag and the Y tag are updating, an arrow indicator is shown in each legend entry.
Updates for retrieval methods Recorded and Interpolated are received from an event pipe that
provides the application with snapshot values. For this reason, when a tag is using recorded
values, you may see many more values while the plot is updating than are actually recorded.
Once the plot is regenerated or reverted, only recorded values are shown. When using the
interpolated retrieval method, values on the plot are interpolated using the snapshots coming
in through the event pipe.
If the Edit > Links choice is unavailable, the link is permanently broken and your object
has become a picture. It can't update from the source. Re-create the object.
On the Links dialog box, if the file is set to Manual Update, click Update Now, and the
file should update.
On the Links dialog box, if the entry for the file says Unavail, the source file is not
where the application expects to find it. Use the Change Source button to locate the file
and re-establish a path for the link.
If the necessary time value is not defined in the query, either by a date/time column or by a
placeholder tag, the trace is drawn as a straight line using one value.
Appendix D
.piw 37
ActiveX Control 191
Ad Hoc Trend 87, 88
Create 88
Save 88
Add-In Manager 8
Add-Ins 8
Aligning Multiple Symbols 135
Annotations 127, 129
Add 129
Arc command 120
Assign Layers dialog 68
Changing 54
Color 55, 56
Font 55
Line 57
Autorange 84
Background color 56
Bar 112
Create a bar 112
Book View 31, 32, 33, 34
Preferences 16
Section of Procbook.ini file 214
Browser Toolbar 10, 11
Build Mode 7
Adding a Button 111
Call Tracing 183
Cascade 47
Circle 120
a ProcessBook 37
Color 17, 55, 56, 77, 224
of plot elements 77
Pen 20
section of the imppign.ini file 224
Trend Element Preferences tab 20
COM object 169
Compound Documents 191
Configuring the Data Source 162, 179, 184
Connection Points 136, 137
Add 138
Delete 138
Connections 136, 137
Connectors Dialog 141
Failure 5
Connector Symbols 136
Container 191
Continuous trace 86
Convert 199
VAX-formatted trends and graphics 89
Copy 36
a data set to another ProcessBook 176
Correlation Coefficient for XY Plot 101
Cursors 81, 82
Missing 229
Custom Data Sets 169
Custom Menus 9
Custom Toolbars 9
Data Manager in Procbook.ini file 214
Not in Display 229
Data Set 162, 167, 172, 174, 175, 176
Adding to a column 172
Adding to Bars or Values in a Display 174
Copying a 176
Custom 169
Edit a 175
Is it in Use? 171
ODBC 167
Bar 112
Button 110
definition of 144
Multi-State symbol 116
Status of 145
Trend 71
Value 108
XYPlot 90
Edit 175, 184, 201
a Data Set 175
a text box 119
an ODBC Data Source 184
Element Relative Displays 158
Migrate from Module Relative Display 211
Ellipse 120
Embed 194
Example of 198
Existing ProcessBook Display in Another OLE
Application 194
ProcessBook Display in Another OLE
Application 194
vs. Link 198
Entries 26, 31, 36
Arranging 31
Change the Name of 34, 36
Creating 26
Placement in ProcessBook 26
Rearranging 36
Types of 34
ERD 209
Expanding a Trend 81
How to Import 41
Sharing 42
Flags for Data 146
Flip command 134
Floating Point values 108
Font 55
Font section of the imppign.ini file 224
Format 54, 55, 56, 57
Color 55, 56
Editable Formatting Attributes 54
Font 55
Line 57
Trend 75, 76, 77, 78
Formatting Paintbrush 57
Full Screen 48
Full Timestamp 85
Future Trends 66
Graphics 89, 123
Convert from VAX to PC 89
Graphic Symbol 123
Icons vs. Graphics 199
Grid 53
Grid Lines 83
Size 53
Group Symbols 136
Handles 132, 133
Horizontal flip 134
How Trends Refresh 82
Icons 49
Graphics vs. Icons 199
impg32.dll 214
Import 41, 89
Files 41
VAX-formatted trends and graphics 89
imppigp.ini 224
Independent Display files 47
Saving 49
Integers 108
Interpolated data retrieval method 91, 92
Interval 91, 92
Invisible line on a trend 20
Item Definition 144, 145
Macros 205, 223
Markers 19, 87
Shapes 20
Menu 9
Minimize 47
Missing Data Sources 179, 231
Missing Trace 230
Mode, Run and Build 7
Move 29, 42, 69, 75
a Display to another PI Server 69
a Plot 75
a ProcessBook to another PC 42
MRD 209
MSQuery 182
Multiple Objects 133, 134, 135, 136
Align Multiple Symbols 135
How to Select 133
Stacking Order 134
Ungroup 136
Multi-State Symbol 116, 117
Layers 51, 66, 67, 68, 69
Adding a Layer 67
Assign symbol to 68
Composite symbols 69
Working with 66
Z Order 67
Layout tab 74, 78
Legend 91, 92, 96, 97
Level of an Entry 34
FactoryTalk Historian ProcessBook User Guide
ODBC 167, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 230, 231
Data Access 179
Data Sets 167
Data Sources 179, 184
Driver Manager 179
Drivers 179, 184
Preparing to Use 181
Troubleshooting 230, 231
OLE 191, 192, 194, 195, 197, 198, 201, 202, 203,
Edit 194, 196, 197, 201, 202
Embed 192, 193
Link 195, 196, 197
Overview 191, 192, 195, 198
Troubleshooting 230
Open 37, 46, 47
a Display 46
Independent Display Files 47
Multiple entries 47
ProcessBook 37
Several Displays at Once 47
OpenVMS Trends and Graphics 89
Organizing Symbols 52, 53, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136
Out of Range Indicators 106
Outline View 34, 35, 36
Pages 33
Turning in Book View 33
Partial Timestamp 85
PI Data Archive 153
PI ProcessBook 1, 3
PI Server 3, 4, 5, 6, 153
Connect/Disconnect 4
Updates to 153
Pisysdat 213
Placeholders 169, 170
Playback 58, 61, 62
Plot 72, 74, 75, 92
Plot Title 91, 92
Point 71, 155
Polygon 121
Preference Settings 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20
General Preferences 15
Trend 19
Trend Elements 20
Preserve aspect ratio 47
Print 21, 22, 23
Procbook.ini 214
Queries 170, 182
Questionable Data Flag 146
Rectangle 120
How to Draw 120
Re-establishing Links 197
Refresh Interval 82, 167, 174
Refresh Timer section of Procbook.ini file 214
Regrouping a Composite Symbol 136
Relative paths 196
Relative Timestamp 85
a Trend Cursor 82
an Entry 37
Reset 64
Resize 33, 47
a Display 47
a ProcessBook Window 33
Retain Aspect Ratio 214
Rotate a Symbol 133
Run 46
Entry 46
Save 37, 49, 88
Ad Hoc Trend Display 88
ProcessBook 37
ProcessBook Displays 49
Scripting 205, 206
Scrollbars 51, 64, 65, 66, 82
Search 48
Tags 155
Text Symbol 118, 119
Tile Windows 47
Time 64, 65, 66
Time Forward and Back 66
Time Range Toolbar 64
Time range 64, 65, 66
Changing 64
Revert 64
Toolbar 64
Timestamp 85
of a trend 83
of ProcessBook or Display 38
Too Many Points 106
Toolbars 9, 10
Add Buttons to 10
Customize 9
ToolTips 17, 58
Trace 77, 86, 87, 183
Definition of 86
Hiding 86
Markers 87
Missing 230
Trace ODBC Calls 183
Trend 19, 20, 71, 72, 75, 80, 81, 82, 83, 87, 88, 89,
172, 219, 229
Ad Hoc 87, 88
Analysis tools 80
Cursors 81, 229
Data Sets in 172
Default Format 75
Default Preferences 19
Definition section of procbook.ini 214
Delete a Plot 75
Expand 81
Formatting a 75
Grid Lines and Labels 83
Horizontal Scale Grid Lines 85
Importing VAX-Formatted 89
Invalid data 5
Multiple Plots 74
Preferences 19
Refresh rate for data 82
Refreshing data from a data set 174
Tool 74, 88
Zoom 2x In or Out 80
Trend Scale Grid Lines 85
formatting 77
Troubleshooting 227, 229, 230
Cant save a display 229
Display Has No Data 229
Legend Missing on Trend 229
Setup.log 227
Trend Cursors Missing 229
Troubleshooting Icon 51
Updating Linked Objects 230
Ungroup Symbols 136
UOM 177
Updates 196, 230
Break Links 196
by Exception 153
for Future Trends 66
for Trend data 82
Links 196
to Linked Objects 196
to PI Data 153
Troubleshooting 230
Value 108
Value Scale 19, 72, 84, 85
VAX 41, 89, 218, 224
VBA 3, 205, 206
View Only Mode 223
Views 31, 32, 34
Book 32
Outline 34
Visible Layer 66, 67
VMS 89
Workspace 6
XY Plot 90, 91, 92, 96, 97, 99, 101, 102, 105, 106
Change Time Range 104
Draw 91
Examples 106, 107, 108
Interpreting 102
Legend 91, 92, 96, 97
Plot Format Tab 91, 92, 97
Plot Title 91, 92
Zoom 47, 80, 103
2x 80
Display Size 47
Appendix A
Installation Assistance
If you experience a problem within the first 24 hours of installation, review the information that is contained in
this manual. You can contact Customer Support for initial help in getting your product up and running.
United States or Canada
Outside United States or
Use the Worldwide Locator at http://www.rockwellautomation.com/support/americas/phone_en.html, or contact your
local Rockwell Automation representative.
Contact your distributor. You must provide a Customer Support case number (call the phone number above to obtain
one) to your distributor to complete the return process.
Please contact your local Rockwell Automation representative for the return procedure.
Documentation Feedback
Your comments will help us serve your documentation needs better. If you have any suggestions on how to
improve this document, complete this form, publication RA-DU002, available at
Copyright 2013 Rockwell Automation, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.