A02 Lecture01 RP

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Information Technology lecture 1

Roman Putanowicz
[email protected]

Project The development of the didactic potential of Cracow University of Technology in the range of modern construction is co-financed by the European Union
within the confines of the European Social Fund and realized under surveillance of Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Presentation overview


Course aim and scope.

Computer as a work, research and study tool.
Limitations of computing.

Project The development of the didactic potential of Cracow University of Technology in the range of modern construction is co-financed by the European Union
within the confines of the European Social Fund and realized under surveillance of Ministry of Science and Higher Education

The aim of the course

lectures general overview on computer science from

computer system users perspective
labs introduction to programming in Octave/Matlab

Project The development of the didactic potential of Cracow University of Technology in the range of modern construction is co-financed by the European Union
within the confines of the European Social Fund and realized under surveillance of Ministry of Science and Higher Education

The scope of the course lectures

1. Information technology overview. Course aim and scope. Computer as a work, research and
study tool. Limitations of computing.
2. Overview of compute operating systems. Basic introduction to GNU/Linux
3. Introduction to Octave
4. Elements of computer programming. Programming languages. Execution of computer
programs. Compilers and interpreters.
5. Major generic kinds of statements in imperative languages.
6. Introduction to algorithmic problem solving. Basic algorithms for sequences of numbers:
summation, extreme elements, sub-sequences.
7. Plotting and 3D graphics in Octave
8. Extension packages for Octave
9. Representation of computer data. ASCII and UNICODE. Text files versus binary files.
10. Number systems and representations. Computer arithmetic. The IEEE 754 standard for
binary floating point arithmetic.
11. Basic algorithms and data structures. Scalars, arrays and lists.
12. More advanced algorithms. Recursion
13. Sources of errors in computer programs
14. Sources of errors in computer programs (cont.)
15. Computer systems in scientific and engineering applications.
Project The development of the didactic potential of Cracow University of Technology in the range of modern construction is co-financed by the European Union
within the confines of the European Social Fund and realized under surveillance of Ministry of Science and Higher Education

The scope of the course labs


Introduction to GNU/Linux operating system

Getting started with Octave
Defining and using functions
Control flow : loops and conditional statements
More on control flow; Octave versus Matlab
Solving problems; more on plotting
Solving problems; operating on files

Project The development of the didactic potential of Cracow University of Technology in the range of modern construction is co-financed by the European Union
within the confines of the European Social Fund and realized under surveillance of Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Course organisation


lectures 15 hours
labs 15 hours (every two weeks)

Assessment method
Students work will be evaluated on the basis of short tests
(min 4 in term) and students engagement with the subject
and activity during the lab.

Project The development of the didactic potential of Cracow University of Technology in the range of modern construction is co-financed by the European Union
within the confines of the European Social Fund and realized under surveillance of Ministry of Science and Higher Education

On-line resources

All course materials are available on-line:

Besides HTML the course materials can be downloaded as
PDF files:

Project The development of the didactic potential of Cracow University of Technology in the range of modern construction is co-financed by the European Union
within the confines of the European Social Fund and realized under surveillance of Ministry of Science and Higher Education

On-line resources, cont.

Project The development of the didactic potential of Cracow University of Technology in the range of modern construction is co-financed by the European Union
within the confines of the European Social Fund and realized under surveillance of Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Computing systems

computing system computer hardware, software and data,

which interact to solve problems,
computer hardware the physical elements of a computing
computer software the programs that provide the
instructions that a computer executes.
After [1].

Project The development of the didactic potential of Cracow University of Technology in the range of modern construction is co-financed by the European Union
within the confines of the European Social Fund and realized under surveillance of Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Layers of computing systems

After [1].
Project The development of the didactic potential of Cracow University of Technology in the range of modern construction is co-financed by the European Union
within the confines of the European Social Fund and realized under surveillance of Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Users of computing systems

At the beginning of computer era all computer users were

programmers. Now anybody is using computers. This is
important shift in users characteristics.
Ares to be mastered by practitioners in computer scientists:
I algorithmic thinking,
I storing data in appropriate form,
I programming,
I software design.

Project The development of the didactic potential of Cracow University of Technology in the range of modern construction is co-financed by the European Union
within the confines of the European Social Fund and realized under surveillance of Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Why bother how it works?

Project The development of the didactic potential of Cracow University of Technology in the range of modern construction is co-financed by the European Union
within the confines of the European Social Fund and realized under surveillance of Ministry of Science and Higher Education

Limitation of computing



Software errors (bugs)
Software ergonomics


GIGO syndrome (Garbage-In, Garbage-Out)

Refined GIGO (Garbage-In, Gospel-Out) [2].

Project The development of the didactic potential of Cracow University of Technology in the range of modern construction is co-financed by the European Union
within the confines of the European Social Fund and realized under surveillance of Ministry of Science and Higher Education


Dale, Nell and Lewis, John. 2007. Computer Science

Illuminated, Third Edition. Jones and Barlett.
Michael R. Ault, Combating the Garbage-In, Gospel-Out
Syndrome, Radiation Protection Management, vol. 20,
No 6. http://www.radpro.com/GIGO-RPM.pdf

Project The development of the didactic potential of Cracow University of Technology in the range of modern construction is co-financed by the European Union
within the confines of the European Social Fund and realized under surveillance of Ministry of Science and Higher Education

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