Pollution Prevention Guidelines: Treatment and Disposal of Sewage Where No Foul Sewer Is Available: PPG 4
Pollution Prevention Guidelines: Treatment and Disposal of Sewage Where No Foul Sewer Is Available: PPG 4
Pollution Prevention Guidelines: Treatment and Disposal of Sewage Where No Foul Sewer Is Available: PPG 4
month year
1. Introduction
These guidelines will help you choose the right sewage treatment and disposal method for your site.
This is essential to ensure value for money, effective long-term performance, protection of public
health and the environment, and compliance with relevant legislation.
This guidance will help you if youre:
This guidance will help you choose the best option for you and your needs by telling you about the:
sewage treatment and disposal methods available;
maintenance requirements of the system you choose;
basic legal requirements.
Sewage treatment and disposal can be provided by a sewer provider (that is the public foul sewer) or
by a private sewage treatment system. Developments proposing the use of private sewage treatment
systems are usually only acceptable where connection to the public sewer is not possible.
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Is a system with no
discharge appropriate?
No sewage systems
appropriate so do not build
Discharge to foul sewer is the preferred option as the sewage is conveyed to a purpose built and
closely monitored sewage treatment plant, so development proposals in sewered areas should
connect to public sewer. This is usually a legal requirement and you should check with your local
planning authority and sewer provider. If you cannot connect to the foul sewer in England and Wales,
you will need to complete a Foul Drainage Assessment to show that that you have investigated the
possibility of sewer connection (See Section 7c). In Northern Ireland, you must contact the NIEA to
make an application for discharge consent, to determine the most suitable method of sewage
treatment and disposal.
If you have access to a suitable area of land you should consider a discharge into a properly designed
and sized drainage field; this is known as a soakaway in Scotland. The land must be well-drained and
must not be waterlogged or steeply sloped. The sewage must pass through a septic tank or package
sewage treatment system first to remove the worst of the solids. Then the sewage effluent is allowed
to spread across and into the land and, as it filters down through the soil, the micro-organisms that live
in the soil break down the sewage. You will need our written permission and you should always
contact us before deciding on this option. If you are considering this option, you will need to check that
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the land you have is suitable by carrying out preliminary ground assessments, trial pits and possibly
percolation tests. More information is provided in Section 3.1.
If it is not possible to discharge to a drainage field but you can discharge to a watercourse or surface
water sewer you should consider installing a package sewage treatment plant. These can treat the
sewage to a sufficient standard for it to be discharged directly to a watercourse. The watercourse
must be able to dilute the effluent so that it does not harm the environment. You will need our written
permission and you should always contact us before deciding on this option. If you discharge to a
sewer, you will need the consent of the sewer provider. (See Section 7 for more information about
If your site is unsuitable for a drainage field and you cannot discharge to a watercourse or surface
water, you should consider other forms of treatment and disposal. These might include
cesspools however, these are not permitted in Scotland;
chemical toilets;
composting toilets.
3. Methods of Treatment
If you cannot discharge your sewage to a foul sewer, then you will have to treat it on-site. To treat
sewage you must put the sewage in contact with some micro-organisms; they will break the sewage
down so that it doesnt cause pollution. The micro-organisms can only do this if they have the right
conditions and a steady supply of sewage. The sewage can come into contact with micro-organisms
in a drainage field, a septic tank, a package sewage treatment plant or another alternative sewage
treatment system. You need to decide which method is most appropriate for your site.
Drainage Fields
The most common form of drainage field is a subsurface irrigation area, made up of perforated
infiltration pipes laid in shingle filled trenches. The sewage effluent goes down the pipes and seeps
into the surrounding soil where it comes into contact with the micro-organisms. This is a sustainable
form of sewage treatment as it does not often require any electricity supply, it returns the nutrients
from the sewage back to the soil and it allows the water to seep into the ground. A diagram of a
drainage field is in Appendix A.
Sewage effluent from either a package sewage treatment plant or a septic tank can be discharged into
a properly designed drainage field. Package sewage treatment plants may be the most suitable
option where groundwater or the surrounding environment is vulnerable, or where there are multiple or
commercial premises, as these will discharge a better quality effluent to the drainage field than a
septic tank. Septic tanks are often a suitable option for small-scale residential developments. A
small-scale development is considered to be one that accommodates approximately 15 people or their
equivalent, although particularly good site conditions may allow a drainage field to properly treat septic
tank effluent for a higher population equivalent. A discharge from a package sewage treatment plant
requires a smaller drainage field for effective treatment than a discharge from a septic tank.
You should always check any restrictions with us and your local planning authority. For example
there are certain locations where we would not want you to make a discharge to ground via a
drainage filed such as close to an abstraction location for a drinking water supply. In England and
Wales, we may not allow the use of a drainage field within an inner Source Protection Zone of a
drinking water supply.
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Before you can dispose of effluent via a drainage field you need to make an assessment of
general conditions of the site and its suitability for installing a drainage field and then calculate the
area of land that you need. The land must be well-drained and not too steeply sloping. The water
table must be deep enough below the site to allow the pipes of the drainage field to be 1m above
the water table during winter (1.2 metres in Northern Ireland). Where possible, the soil conditions
and the level of the water table in winter should be assessed by the creation of a trial pit.
If these assessments suggest that the site may be suitable for a drainage field, then a percolation
test should be carried out to calculate the area of the drainage field that will be required. An
independent professional should conduct the test: we do not carry out percolation tests or trial
pits. In some areas, building control bodies may wish to witness the test and in Northern Ireland,
the NIEA may wish to witness the test.
The percolation test should not be carried out during abnormal weather conditions such as heavy
rain, severe frost or drought.
The site assessment, the trial pit and the percolation tests must be carried out in
accordance with the guidance in BS 6297:2007 (Reference 6). In England and Wales you
should also refer to the Approved Document to Part H of the Building Regulations for England and
Wales (Reference 8). For Scotland, Section 3 of the Technical Handbook from the Scottish
Building Standards Agency (Reference 9) provides guidance on complying with The Building
(Scotland) Regulations 2004.
If the tests conclude that your site is suitable for the installation of a drainage field, then
you must make sure that the drainage field is designed and constructed in accordance
with the guidance in BS 6297: 2007 (Reference 6). In Scotland you should also refer to the
guidance in the Domestic Handbook BR 478 (Reference 9).
A poorly designed and constructed drainage field, or one that has been installed where ground
conditions are unsuitable, may result in the development of waterlogged, grey, foul smelling
NOTE: You should not use deep soakage pits, which concentrate the discharge in one place and
bypass the beneficial treatment processes you get from a drainage field. Also, we do not
encourage the use of boreholes for discharging sewage effluent for similar reasons; they not only
bypass the beneficial effects of the soil layers and concentrate the discharge in one place but
bring the discharge closer to the water table with a higher risk of pollution. Boreholes are only
suitable where there is detailed evidence to demonstrate their suitability. In Scotland a direct
discharge of sewage to a borehole would not be authorised.
If you can discharge to a watercourse or your drainage field requires a better quality effluent than that
from a septic tank, a package sewage treatment plant might be the most appropriate method of
treatment. Our permission is required for a discharge from a package sewage treatment plant to a
watercourse or drainage field (see Section 7). The European Standard (EN 12566-3) contains details
of the design and construction of package sewage treatment plants. The unit you choose should
comply with certain parts of this standard. You should check with your supplier that the unit you
choose fully complies with legal requirements (see Reference 4).
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There are several different types of package sewage treatment plants available, each with a
slightly different treatment technique, but each type provides a treatment unit or biological zone
where the sewage comes into contact with micro-organisms that break down the organic matter in
the sewage. If the unit you choose does not have a settlement tank, the sewage may need to
pass through a separate settlement tank or septic tank before it enters the package sewage
treatment plant to allow large solids to settle out. Any such upstream settlement tank must be
adequately sized to work properly.
A package sewage treatment plant can treat the effluent from a septic tank where effluent quality
needs to be improved.
You should seek our advice on the likely effluent quality standard required before ordering the
plant so that you can seek assurances from the manufacturer that the plant will consistently
comply with these standards.
In some cases the discharge from your package sewage treatment plant may require additional
treatment to meet limits set by the regulators. This can be achieved by using an additional
treatment system such as a reed-bed or wetland system, disinfection, filtration or settlement (See
Section 4). In Northern Ireland you will require a higher form of treatment, which may include the
addition of some form of tertiary treatment, if you are discharging to a watercourse with a rainfall
catchment of less than 2 square kilometres. You should contact us for advice.
Package sewage treatment plants need a steady flow of sewage to keep the micro-organisms
alive and to operate most effectively. If your site may generate erratic loads (for example holiday
accommodation, scout camps) you should seek specialist advice as you might need a flow
balancing system to even out the flow.
Some package sewage treatment plants can be designed to treat organic trade effluents such as
milk washings or vegetable washings. You should contact the manufacturers for further advice.
Septic Tanks
If you have suitable land to create an effective drainage field, a septic tank system might be the most
appropriate method. Our permission is required for a discharge from a septic tank to a drainage field
(see Section 7). Factory made septic tanks must comply with certain requirements of BS EN 12566-1
(Reference 5). You must ask your supplier to confirm that the unit you are buying has the appropriate
A septic tank is usually a two- or three-chamber system, which holds sewage to allow the solids to
form into sludge at the bottom of the tank. Here it is naturally broken-down and the remaining
liquid effluent then drains from the tank through an outlet pipe. This provides settlement and
some biological treatment but the effluent is not fully treated as it emerges from the system.
Effluent from a septic tank must have additional treatment before discharge into surface waters.
The most common form of additional treatment is to spread the effluent into land via a drainage
field. You should not use deep soakage pits, which concentrate the discharge in one place and
bypass soil layers. Alternatively, septic tank effluent can be passed to a package sewage
treatment plant, a reed bed or a gravel filter for further treatment before discharging to the
A septic tank which discharges to a drainage field system must be located where it cannot affect
surface waters and cannot cause a nuisance to nearby residential properties. The Building
Regulations set minimum distances from certain features and you should consult your local
authority to ensure you locate your system appropriately.
For domestic properties, the capacity of a septic tank should be sized according to guidance
supporting the Building Regulations available in References 8 and 9. The minimum size for 4
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domestic users is 2700 litres. Your supplier will be able to assist you in the sizing of your septic
Septic tanks are not suitable for the treatment of trade effluent unless the effluent is very similar to
domestic sewage.
If you have no other option, a cesspool might be a suitable method. However, in Scotland, the
Building Standards do not permit the use of cesspools. In England, Northern Ireland and Wales, we
dont encourage the use of cesspools and you might need permission from the local authority
Environmental Health Officer to install and use one. The minimum capacity of a cesspool is set in
guidance supporting the Building Regulations available in References 8. You should check with your
supplier to make sure the unit you buy fully complies with legal requirements.
A cesspool is a covered watertight tank used for storing sewage. It has no outlet and relies on
road transport for the removal of raw sewage. It is the least sustainable option for sewage
disposal. You should consider a cesspool as a temporary measure pending a more satisfactory
solution, such as the provision of mains drainage.
A cesspool requires regular emptying and must not be allowed to overflow. We recommend you
install a level warning device to indicate when it is nearly full. You should check that whoever
empties your cesspool is registered with us to carry waste. You can use your local authority or a
private contractor as an emptying service (you should check, as emptying services may be nonexistent or expensive in your area).
The average household of three people will produce 9,000 litres of sewage in about two weeks,
the capacity of a typical emptying tanker. (See reference 10 for more information on sewage
production volumes).
You should site a cesspool where it cannot affect surface or ground waters and cannot cause a
nuisance to nearby residential properties. The Building Regulations set minimum distances from
certain features and you should consult your local authority to ensure you locate your plant
If you require temporary or mobile sewage treatment and disposal or if your site is located in an
isolated area away from sewers, electric power and running water, a chemical or composting toilet
might be a suitable method of private sewage treatment and disposal.
Waterless chemical toilets are self-contained systems that rely on chemicals (biocides) to control
foul odours. They are used at locations like campsites, construction sites and at large events.
We recommend that you use either the foul sewer or a centralised waste collection and disposal
facility to dispose of chemical toilet wastes. You should always contact the sewer provider before
emptying into the foul sewer. If there is no foul sewer available you should contact us for advice
about your disposal options and legal requirements. You must not discharge effluent from a
chemical toilet into a watercourse, surface drain, the ground or groundwater.
Composting toilets use natural processes to convert waste matter into compost. They are useful
at remote sites, such as nature reserves, where there is no public sewer or mains water supply.
They may require maintenance and the addition of materials such as sawdust to aid the
composting process. Some may produce concentrated fluid fertiliser or dry compost for use.
These should not be discharged to a watercourse.
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Reed-Bed Systems
A reed-bed or wetland system might improve the quality of effluent discharges from septic tanks,
settlement tanks or package sewage treatment plants. This enhanced level of treatment might be
required before a discharge is allowed into a sensitive or small watercourse or a watercourse that
receives many discharges. Our consent is often required for a discharge from a reed-bed to a
watercourse or drainage field (see Section 7). In some cases the addition of a reed bed is a legal
requirement. In Scotland, authorisation will always be required.
Reed-beds are specially designed and constructed plots with a granular medium and an
impermeable base which can be used to improve effluent quality. They have the advantage of
having no moving parts and require less maintenance than package treatment plants. Reed-beds
rely on the ability of certain plants to absorb and transport oxygen through their stem system to
the root zone, where it can be taken up by the organic material present in the sewage and so
purify the effluent. (See reference 11)
Before you install a reed-bed, you should consult us to discuss whether it will be a satisfactory
means of treating the effluent given the local circumstances. Any reed-bed should be properly
designed, constructed and maintained by an experienced contractor.
Guidance on the design and construction of reed-bed treatment systems is available in BRE Good
Building Guide No 42 (reference 11) and also in BS 6297:2007 (Reference 6). The design,
construction and operation of such systems should follow the guidance and principles within these
guidance documents.
Disinfection can be provided for effluent discharges into watercourses that flow into bathing or
recreational waters. The disinfection process kills off many of the bacteria present in the effluent and
reduces the development of infections and ill health in those using the bathing or recreational waters.
The disinfection can be achieved by several methods but for each of them the effluent quality has to
be quite good for the treatment to be effective. Disinfection will not work on septic tank effluent
without additional treatment. The equipment manufacturer should state the capability of their
There are several filtration systems on the market that can filter effluent from package sewage
treatment plants and polish the effluent to a better quality. These include sand filters, drum filters,
membrane filters and micro-filters. They require a smaller area of land than some other options but
they require ongoing maintenance and usually need a power supply.
Stabilisation Ponds
Stabilisation ponds allow the effluent to be retained and improved for a while before discharge to a
watercourse or soakaway. They are only suitable for effluents that have already been treated to a
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high level as any significant residual organic matter can make the pond smell foul. They can provide
an attractive natural habitat for plants and animals. However, high nutrient levels usually mean they
are unsuitable for fish.
Gravel Beds
Gravel beds spread effluent evenly across a bed of gravel. The effluent is further treated as it comes
in contact with micro-organisms living on the gravel surface. The effluent quality should be quite good
before it is treated this way or the gravel bed can block and stop working. Gravel beds sometimes
require a power supply. They are often able to cope with uneven flows.
50 (without a canteen)
Public Houses
12 per customer
Day school
50 (without a canteen)
Rest Homes
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Sewage treatment plants use biological treatment that requires a stable environment to work well.
You should check that the plant is protected against substances that might damage it and kill the
micro-organisms. You should also check with the manufacturers instructions on the use of
cleaning materials, such as bleach. Do not use the connecting drains to dispose of chemicals,
oils, solvents, grease or paintbrush cleaning fluids. A code of practice on using sewage treatment
plants is available from British Water (Reference 15).
No clean uncontaminated roof or surface water should enter the sewage treatment system. This
may be a legal requirement. This can reduce the systems capacity and can cause solids to be
flushed out which may cause pollution and flooding.
If the site changes ownership, the manufacturers instructions and any consent to discharge for
the system should be transferred to the new owners. Within Scotland, if a system is subject to a
registration, this registration remains with the site and is automatically transferred with the change
on ownership; if the system is subject to a licence, a licensed site requires a responsible person,
which needs to be transferred with a change of ownership.
You must make sure there is adequate vehicular access to empty and maintain your system.
Operators experienced in dealing with sewage treatment plants must carry out the maintenance
identified in the manufacturers instructions. The manufacturer of your system should be able to
provide you with the details of an appropriate company. We recommend that you enter into a
maintenance agreement with a suitable contractor (See Reference 12 for information on qualified
If the system requires a power supply, it must be available with no breaks in supply, as this can
lead to the death of the micro-organisms. We recommend that you fit an alarm to warn you of any
electrical failure.
You must make sure that when the system is installed, a notice is fixed within the building
describing the maintenance needed for your sewage treatment plant. This will help subsequent
occupants of the property and ensure that the system continues to be maintained effectively. The
notice should detail the treatment systems size, type and location along with details and
frequency of the required maintenance operations.
If the system discharges to a watercourse, the outfall should be inspected monthly to check
effluent quality. If you notice any deterioration in quality (e.g. a change in colour or an increase in
odour) , maintenance contractors should be called out to assess the performance of the unit right
away. Deterioration of effluent quality can be indicated by the development of grey slime on the
bed of the stream, bad smells coming from the stream or an obvious difference in the plant or
animal life downstream of the discharge point.
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You should contact us as early as possible when planning sewage treatment for the site to clarify
which discharge criteria will be imposed and which treatment system will be most appropriate. You
should do this before making an application for building control approval, as the information we
provide will influence the type of system that may be installed. If you decide to install a system that
discharges to a watercourse or the ground you will need our authorisation. The application process
can take a few weeks so you should plan ahead to make sure that you have the appropriate
authorisation in place in good time.
Land-Use Planning
Any proposals for non-mains sewerage systems must take account of the requirements of
Building Regulations and should be discussed with the local planning authority at an early stage
and well before any planning application is made. In particular, approval for the construction and
installation may be needed from the local authoritys building control department. In England and
Wales this is governed by the Building Regulations and the supporting approved document
(Reference 8). For Scotland, Section 3 of the Technical Handbook (Domestic and Non-domestic)
from the Scottish Building Standards Agency (Reference 9) provides guidance on achieving
compliance with The Building (Scotland) Regulations 2004.
In England, DETR Circular 03/99 provides guidance on the relevant land use planning
considerations that Local Planning Authorities, developers and others should take into account
when involved with planning applications for developments involving non-mains foul drainage.
This guidance is provided in Wales under the title WO Circular 10/99 (Reference 7). In Scotland
you can find relevant information in Planning Advice Note 79, Water and Drainage", available
from the Scottish Government website (Reference 16) and in Planning Guidance Note 9, How
and when to contact SEPA (Reference 17).
DETR Circular 03/99 and WO Circular 10/99 advise that planning applications involving proposed
non-mains foul drainage should be accompanied by a Foul Drainage Assessment. The
assessment is designed to give Local Planning Authorities and consultees such as the
Environment Agency sufficient information to enable them to determine these planning
applications. The installation or replacement of non-mains foul drainage systems alone can also
amount to a development requiring planning permission. If in doubt check with your Local
Planning Authority.
Septic tanks or package sewage treatment plants of any sort should not be located in an area at
risk of flooding.
You will require some form of authorisation from the relevant Agency for the discharge of sewage
effluent into water or to ground. This may take the form of a consent or permit, or alternatively you
may be able to register the discharge.
If you apply for a registration or licence, and are granted such registration or licence, you have to
abide by prescribed criteria defining the nature and location of the discharge. If you hold a
consent, licence or permit you must comply with any conditions it specifies. You are responsible
for ensuring that the treatment plant or septic tank and any drainage field and associated
pipework is properly maintained and that you operate it correctly.
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Registrations currently do not attract an annual charge, but in Scotland an application fee is
payable when the registration application is submitted We make an administration charge for
application for consent or permit and an annual fee to cover monitoring and other costs. Full
details can be supplied on request. Consents or permits are not granted automatically.
If the system serves more than one property you should consider forming a separate legal entity
such as a management company to be the responsible person for the system. This is likely to
help to avoid problems with responsibility for compliance in the future. To do this, you should
seek independent legal advice.
If you are issued with consent or permit to discharge from your system, you may be required to
install a sampling chamber downstream of the unit so that representative samples of the effluent
can be taken. Provision of a sampling chamber is always a requirement in Northern Ireland.
Other permissions might be required, for example from a riparian owner (the person who has the
rights to manage the watercourse) or drainage board and you should contact the appropriate
person as soon as possible.
If you require any of these permissions, the appropriate authority or Agency will send you an
application form on request. The application form will contain details of application charges and any
annual charge that you will have to pay.
In England and Wales application forms can be downloaded and registrations can be made on
our website at www.environment-agency.gov.uk.
In Scotland, application forms can be downloaded and registrations can be made on our website
at www.sepa.org.uk.
1. Septic tank systems: A regulators guide (SP144BT) 1998. CIRIA, www.ciriabooks.com, Tel: 020
7549 3300
2. Septic tank systems: Options (SP144L2). CIRIA, www.ciriabooks.com, Tel:020 7549 3300
3. Septic tank systems: Design and installation (SP144L3). CIRIA, www.ciriabooks.com, Tel: 020
7549 3300
4. EN 12566-3:2005 Small wastewater treatment systems for up to 50 PT Part 3: Packaged and/or
site assembled domestic wastewater treatment plants. Available from the Stationary Office at
www.tsoshop.co.uk, 0870 600 5522
5. BS EN 12566-1:2000 Small wastewater treatment systems for up to 50PT Part 1: Prefabricated
septic tanks. ISBN 0 5803606 1 X. Available from The Stationary Office, www.tsoshop.co.uk, 0870
600 5522
6. BS6297:2007. Code of Practice for the design and installation of drainage fields for use in
wastewater treatment. ISBN 978 0 580 60756 1 British Standards Institute. Available from The
Stationary Office, www.tsoshop.co.uk, Tel: 0870 600 5522
DRAFT Treatment and disposal of sewage where no foul sewer is available: PPG 4: month 2010 Page 11 of 13
7. Planning requirement in respect of the use of non-main sewerage incorporating septic tanks in
new development. DETR Circular 03/99 /WO Circular 10/99. Available from The Stationary Office,
www.tsoshop.co.uk, Tel: 0870 600 5522
8. The Building Regulations 2000, Drainage and Waste Disposal - Approved Document H 2002
Edition. ISBN 0117536075 (see section H2, Waste water treatment systems and cesspools and
Appendix H2-A, Maintenance). Available from The Stationary Office, www.tsoshop.co.uk, Tel:
0870 600 5522
9. Section 3 (Environment) of the Technical Handbooks (Domestic and Non Domestic Handbooks
2010), from the Scottish Government website http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/BuiltEnvironment/Building/Building-standards/publications/pubtech Provides guidance on achieving
compliance with the building regulations in Scotland.
10. British Water Code of Practice Flows and Loads, Sizing criteria, Treatment Capacity for Small
Wastewater Treatment Systems. 2009. British Water, www.britishwater.co.uk, Tel: 020 7957 4554
11. Building Research Establishment Good Building Guide No 42 (GG42) Reed Beds 2001. ISBN
1860814379. BRE, www.brebokshop.com, Tel: 01344 404 407
12. The British Water website will provide information on the development of qualifications for
contractors and those contractors who hold such qualifications at www.britishwater.co.uk, Tel: 020
7957 4554
13. The British Water Code of Practice Maintenance and servicing Small Wastewater Treatment
Plants (Package Plants) up to 50pe and Larger Systems up to 1000PE. Available from British
Water at www.britishwater.co.uk, Tel: 020 7957 4554
14. The British Water Code of Practice Guide to desludging of small wastewater treatment plants.
Available from British Water at www.britishwater.co.uk, Tel; 020 7957 4554
15. The British Water Code of Practice A guide for users of small wastewater treatment systems.
Available from British Water at www.britishwater.co.uk, Tel; 020 7957 4554
16. Planning Advice Note Water and Drainage Available from the Scottish Government at
17. Planning Note 9 When and how to contact SEPA available from www.sepa.org.uk.
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