Star Wars - D6 - Unofficial Supplement - Jedi Handbook
Star Wars - D6 - Unofficial Supplement - Jedi Handbook
Star Wars - D6 - Unofficial Supplement - Jedi Handbook
Everything you ever wanted to know about Jedi but were too lazy to look up.
Version 1.2
Compiled and Edited by David Barnhart
Web Pages Maintained by Darryn Glass and Charles F. Zacher
Table of Contents:
Whats New?
Part I: Frequently Asked Questions
Part II: The Dark Side
Part III: The Rules
Part IV: The Jedi Academy
Part V: The Characters
Part VI: The Path of Baadu
Part VII: Teepo Paladins: Quick Draw Jedi
Part VIII: Monks of Shimura
Part IX: The Aiki Order, Jedi Kung-Fu Style
Part X: The Shadow Dragons, Dark Assassins
Part XI: The Weapons of a Jedi
Part XII: Lightsaber Dueling
Part XIII: Adventure Ideas
Part XIV: The Powers
Appendix I: Relationship/Proximity Charts
Appendix II: Time Line
Appendix III: Artifacts
Appendix IV: Random Lightsaber Tables
Appendix V: Random Jedi Text Creation Tables
Appendix VI: Teepo Blaster Misfire Tables
Appendix VII: Known Force Users
Appendix VIII: Blank Character Background Sheet
Appendix IX: Blank Character Sheet
Appendix X: Suggested Attribute Die Codes for Beginning Jedi
Appendix XI: The Credits
Since the birth of the Galactic Republic, the Jedi Knights upheld the peace. From
system to system, grand Jedi Praxeums were established to train potential Jedi in the ways
of the Force. For twenty-five thousand years the Knighthood functioned as explorers,
educators, and enforcers of justice. Through their strong connection to the Force, they
were capable of amazing feats of mind and body. This handbook is a collection of
various works by numerous people (mostly from the Star Wars Role Playing Game
Mailing List) as well as a quick and easy reference tool to help in the design and play of
Jedi in Star Wars RPG. The contents of this handbook are in no way meant as a
substitute for buying the books; instead, it is an alternate way of looking at the rules and a
quicker way to find information than fumbling through several hardbacks.
All the information in this booklet (Version 1.2) has been adapted for my own
games. An at symbol (@) is used throughout the text to indicate a, usually drastic,
change in the rules published by West End Games.
The contents of this book were written by various people each with their own
unique view of the Force. No reader is expected to agree completely with everything
provided. Some people dont believe the Force may be used to manipulate electronics.
Thats fine. Others feel that a Jedi using the Force to take a life (as with Lightsaber
Combat and Force Bolt) always awards a Dark Side Point. This view is also fine. The
bottom line is this, when reading the Jedi Handbook remember the Golden Rule: If you
dont like the rule, dont use it!
Any gripes, flames, opinions, objections, compliments, questions, and (most
importantly) contributions for the next edition should be e-mailed to Dave Barnhart at
[email protected] (until December 1997).
Whats New?
Changes since Version 1.1 include:
Expanded FAQ
Revised Introduction
Corrected Credits
Revised/Expanded/Corrected Rules
General Revisions: Character Sheet, Ilum Gem Costs, Lightsaber Modifications,
Spiffy new tables
The Dark Side (Revised)
The Jedi Academy (Revised)
Monks of Shimura (Revised)
Part IX: The Aiki Order, Jedi Kung-Fu Style
*Complete* Martial Arts Rules
Part X: The Shadow Dragons, Dark Assassins
Adventure Idea: Raisers of the Lost Ark
Adventure Idea: Into Extinction
Alternate Rules: Learning/Improving Skills and Powers through Research,
Learning Powers through self-discovery and enlightenment, Force Modifiers
Powers edited to reflect changes in the Tales of the Jedi Companion
New Weapons: Lightbo, Light Sai, Lightbow
Appendix V: Random Jedi Text Creation Tables
Revised Powers: Empower Self, Track Hyperspace Trails
New Powers: Empowered Lightbo Combat, Force Static, Lightbo Combat, Force
Archery, Regenerate, Regenerate Other, Bloodlust, Pacifism, Aiki Combat, Surge,
Release Spirit, Discharge Spirit, Break Bones, Wisdom, Dream, Survive in Hard
Vacuum, Cloak of Darkness, The Dragon, Hands of the Jhemadan, The Clouds Parting,
Crimson Burst, Shadow Mist, Jhemadan Combat, Shadow Split, and Mind Sand.
8) The Rulebook mentions receiving a Dark Side Point whenever a Jedi uses the Force to
take a life. Does this mean that I get one whenever I add Control to my Damage dice as
per Lightsaber Combat?
It depends. If a Jedi kills in defense, of himself or another, than no. If the Jedi
struck out of anger, was filled with aggression, or the use was unjustifiable violence,
then yes. See Part II: The Dark Side for more details.
9) Can a droid be Force-Sensitive?
This is another one of those heavily debated topics on the Star Wars RPG Mailing
List. People can, and will, debate this until theyre blue in the face, but the bottom line is
it is up to each individual GM to decide how the Force affects droids, if at all, in their
games. The only thing WEG has said on the matter is that droids may expend Character
and Force Points just like other characters. This at least shows they may manipulate the
Force to some degree.
In my games it is possible for a droid to be Force-Sensitive, but it must meet
several requirements:
First, the droid must have free-will. As part of standard manufacturing and
Republic/Empire regulations, all droids are built with programming specifically designed
to prevent free-will. This basically states that the droid must obey its master, may not
harm a living being, impersonate a deity, etc. If it wasnt for these safeguards, the droids
would quickly figure out that theyre stronger, smarter, and tougher than their masters,
and turn on them.
Second, the droid must embrace the understanding that it is a life form. The Force
is created by all living things and requires the belief of life to manipulate it (even
subconsciously). It is not required, but it is most likely, that a droid be designed to
emulate life in order to grasp this understanding (it is much more likely that a Protocol
droid would understand this than an Astromech).
Third, The droid must be able to learn and evolve. The Force is always in motion
and must be experienced to be understood. No programming could ever allow an
individual to understand it. Thus, the droid must be designed to learn and adapt instead
of programmed. In game terms, the droid learns and improves skills just like a normal
character and doesnt undergo any sort of programming.
Last, the droid must be sentient using the definition of sentience as self awareness
that does not involve perception. There are a lot of subtle, minute aspects of a persons
being which determine if it is sentient/living or not. Just saying, Im alive, is not
enough to prove youre alive. Call it destiny, fate, the fabric of life, the Force, a soul, or
whatever, but if you dont have one (or if its not on your side) then youre not sentient.
This is solely up to the GM to determine. Droids should not try to become ForceSensitive. In the rare times it happens it is almost always brought on by external factors
and used as a plot device (example: Johnny 5 being struck by lightning in Short Circuit).
Note: If a droid has its memory erased or will-inhibiting programming added, it
loses all Force-Sensitivity. Also, remember that meeting all the above criteria does not
make a droid Force-Sensitive. It merely shows the possibility of being Force-Sensitive.
In game terms, the droid would still have to pay 20 Character Points and offer a
reasonable explanation to the GM as to why it is now in tune with the Force. Data from
Star Trek and Janice from Robotech II: The Sentinels fit this mold.
10) When is the by the books version 2 coming out?
In short: never. The original concept of putting all the official rules into a clear,
concise format for players and GMs alike does not fall under Fair Use copyright laws,
and the project has been postponed indefinitely.
11) Im new to these games, what do I need to purchase to play Star Wars RPG?
All you need to purchase is a copy of the Star Wars Role-Playing Game 2nd
Edition, Revised and Expanded from West End Games. Purchasing the Tales of the Jedi
Companion (also from WEG) is HIGHLY recommended for running Jedi centered games.
12) This Handbook makes several mentions to a Star Wars RPG Mailing List. How do I
To Subscribe to the SW-RPG list send e-mail to:
[email protected] with a blank Subject line. In the body of the
letter type: SUBSCRIBE SW-RPG. Do not include a signature or any other information.
13) Where on the World Wide Web can I find more information about Jedi and the SWRPG?
The Jedi Handbook may be found on-line at Darryn Glass page without frames:
and at Charles F. Zachers page with frames:
The ULTIMATE Dark Jedi Site is:
A wealth of Jedi information is available in the resource pool via ftp at:
The following Fan Pages also support the Jedi Handbook:
The Star Wars Insider at
takes back its favors. However, bonuses gained from calling upon the Dark Side may
remain after turning as a reward for actively seeking out the Dark Side (see below).
Lure of the Dark Side:
If the bonuses granted for having Dark Side Points are used for anything but the purest
intent, you receive a DSP for accepting the bonus. The DS may also try to influence your
actions... If you refuse the bonus, your difficulties for skills increase +3 per DSP for the
intense concentration necessary to drive out the DS. (for Force- Sensitives)
Turning to the Dark Side:
A character may not be turned to the Dark Side until he reaches 6 Dark Side
Points. Up until that time a character is safe, but his actions are influenced by the Dark
Side. Whenever a character with Dark Side Points is in a position where he may commit
evil, the GM rolls a d6 and if that number is less than or equal to the number of Dark Side
Points then the Dark Side demands some action for the Jedi to perform.
When a character has 1 to 3 Dark Side Points, they are tempted to commit actions
that involve the immediate situation. For example, if an enemy was subdued, the Jedi
fighting him may be tempted to kill the villain, even though he has surrendered. To resist
this temptation, a Force Sensitive character must make an opposed roll of Willpower, or
PER, vs. the GM's roll of one die for each Dark Side Point the character possesses.
Therefore, if the character had 3 Dark Side Points, then the GM would roll 3D. NonForce Sensitives add their Willpower and PER die codes together(with only one wild die)
for their roll to resist, since they are not affected by the Dark Side as much. If the
character succeeds, they resist the tempting voice of the Dark Side, and may act
normally, but if they fail, the character must perform that action. As an example of such
an action, the character is contemplating throwing a grenade into a bunch of
Stormtroopers, even though there are some innocents around. If he failed his Willpower
roll, he would throw the grenade, thus having the possibility of injuring some innocent
When the character has 4 or 5 Dark Side Points, their temptations turn to causing
unnecessary harm and destruction, or initiating unprovoked attacks. The character is still
entitled to a Willpower/PER opposed roll, as above. If they succeed in the roll, then they
may act normally, but the Dark Side enacts a punishment, according to the following
Table 2.1
PC rolls > GM roll by
Character Loses
Force Skill of his choice. Naturally, all skills based on that attribute will be reduced also.
If any attribute ever reaches 0D, the character is consumed by the Dark Side and dies.
If the roll fails, then the character must perform the dictated action, which is
usually a direct attack. If the Willpower/PER roll wild die comes up as 1, then the Jedi
will actually use the Force in their attack, if it is appropriate, but will not earn another
Dark Side Point, since they were not in control of their actions. This may seem cruel, but
by this point, the character has obviously made the choice that they don't care about
turning to the Dark Side, or is actually seeking it out, so the Dark Side begins treating
them appropriately. Note: that if the player character does not attempt to resist the call
of the Dark Side, and performs the dictated action willingly, they automatically gain
another Dark Side Point.
Down the Dark Path
In turning to the DS (6 or more DSPs) the majority of how you received your DSP rules
how you were turned.
1. CONSUMED by the Dark Side: you took the path of INACTION & have
become obsessed with your past inactions & the quilt & fear that have resulted from
them. Many consumed go insane from their quilt.
* You only gain FP when using FP for the DS
* You gain CP as normal
* You loose ALL bonuses received from the DS
* ALL force skills & willpower are frozen at the level when turned (until returning
to the Light- if you can...)
2. SEDUCED by the Dark Side: your ACTIONS took you down the path. You
become more aggressive, quicker to anger & enjoy the fear created by your intimidation
& actions. Retaining your personality with a newfound strength in your confidence.
Anakin Skywalker is an example of Seduction.
* You only gain FP when using FP for the DS
* You gain CP as normal x 75%
* You loose ALL bonuses except +1 pip for each DSP you received at the time you
were seduced to the DS.
3. EMBRACED by the Dark Side: you have asked for the power of the DS, by
CALLING on the DS. You become more aggressive & enjoy seeing fear in others often
becoming more calculating & deceptive, holding your anger until the strongest retaliation
can be achieved. Much of your personality remains only for its deceptive ability, that
may give opportunities to further your newfound power. Emperor Palpatine is an example
of being Embraced.
* You only gain FP using FP in dramatic DS moments
* You gain CP as normal x 50%
* You loose ALL bonuses except +1D for each DSP you received when finally
being Embraced.
In the Star Wars stories, we have seen three examples where someone who had
succumb to the Dark Side was redeemed to the light, Darth Vader at the end of Return of
the Jedi, Luke in the Dark Empire series, and Ulic in the Tales of the Jedi series by Dark
Horse Comics.
The Star Wars RPG rules have a contingency for returning characters to the light,
but in my experience it has left many people confused. The rule states,
When a Jedi of the Light Side confronts a character of the Dark Side, mention of
the fact that the Light Side is more powerful than the Dark Side will cause the Dark Side
character to have a Moment of Doubt.
The character loses a number of Dark Side Points equal to the number of dice
that the Light Side character has in his control skill plus 1D. If the character is reduced to
zero Dark Side Points, the character has been redeemed to the Light Side of the Force.
pg. 58 (Rulebook, 2nd Edition).
This rule is a good one, but it needs some clarification, otherwise, most
adventures would end with the following exchange,
Jedi: Hey, did you know that the Light Side is stronger than the
Dark Side?
Dark Sider: Really? Wow! I guess you are right...I feel much
better now.
The only changes that should be made to this rule is that the character only need
drop below 6 Dark Side Points to be redeemed, and must atone for the rest in the usual
manner, and that a Jedi of the Light Side cannot just say to the Dark Side character that
the Light Side is stronger, they must prove it. If the Jedi can show the Dark Sider that the
Light Side offers more strength, the situation forces the Dark Sider to have their moment
of doubt. Luke's strength in the Force, and his convictions to remain in the Light caused
Vader to have his Moment of Doubt several times during the Empire Strikes Back and
Return of the Jedi. Although he did talk to his father, and try to convince him to return to
the Light, he made no mention of the Light Side being the stronger side of the Force.
Force users who have been Seduced to the Dark Side lose a number
of Dark Side Points as per the rulebook.
Those who have been Consumed by the Dark Side are much easier to turn back.
Since their guilt is what caused them to turn in the first place, helping them to resolve
their guilt or to set things right, in an acceptable, justifiable manner, will reduce the
characters number of Dark Side Points to 6. He may not return to the Light until he
spends a Force Point in a selfless manner at the dramatically appropriate moment, which
he probably had to do to resolve his guilt.
Those who have Embraced the Dark Side are the hardest to turn back to the Light.
The number of Dark Side Points they lose, for each Moment of Doubt, is reduced by a
number equal to twice the number of Dark Side Points they received through Calling
Upon the Dark Side (which would be either 4, 5 or 6...for Palpatine it would most likely
be 6).
Returning to the Light Side of the Force is not an easy task though, once the Dark
Side user drops below 6 Dark Side Points, the Dark Side enacts its revenge by taking all
To improve a Force Skill by one pip costs a number of Character Points equal to
the current number before the D (just like normal skills). Double the point costs if a
teacher is not available. Characters with a teacher must spend one day per Character
Point spent (two days per Character Point if a teacher is not available). Training time
may be reduced by one day per every additional Character Point spent. A Jedi may learn
a new power (of his teachers choosing) whenever he raises a skill by one pip. A
character never gains a new power when a skill increases if he doesnt have a teacher.
Learning Skills through Research:
It is possible for a talented student to learn and improve Force Skills through
researching Holocrons and ancient texts. @ To do so, a Jedi must spend a month of
intensive research with a tome or two weeks with a Holocron before even attempting a
new Force Skill. Then the character spends 20 character points and makes a Willpower
(or Ka Lore for Monks of Shimura) roll with a difficulty of 15 for Holocrons and 20 for
texts (these difficulties are guidelines and may be altered depending on the extent of
information contained in the tome or Holocron). If successful, the Jedi knows the new
Skill with a rating of 1D, and knows one power contained in the Holocron or text
(provided he meets the required powers of course). The character points are lost
regardless of the success of the willpower roll.
Once learned, the Skills may be improved up to 3D through research. The base
cost and time required for increasing a Skill by one pip through research is twice the
number before the D in the Skills Die Code, and a number of days equal to the amount of
Character Points spent. To improve a Skill using a Holocron (but not texts), the Jedi
must first convince the keeper of the lore contained in the Holocron he is worthy of the
knowledge (a great opportunity for some fine Role-Playing) and, of course, he may only
be taught the powers contained in the Holocron (anywhere from 5 to 50 Powers
depending on how much knowledge was encoded in the Holocrons design). Once the
student has gained the keepers trust and selected a Power to be taught, he may roll a
number of dice equal to his Knowledge plus the Instructing (a Perception based skill) Die
Code of the Holocrons holographic Master. For every full five points over 25, the base
cost (i.e. twice the normal cost) is reduced by one Character Point, and the time required
is also reduced by one day. No matter how spectacular the roll, the cost may never be
fewer than x where the original Die Code is xD, and time may never be fewer than x days
of intensive research.
A Jedi may also improve his knowledge of a particular Skill through using texts
(provided the text contains detailed rituals and cadences specifically for the purpose of
teaching Skills, not just Powers). Assuming the Jedi understands the text (tome, datapad,
knowledge crystal, etc.) he may roll a number of dice equal to his die code in Research,
Ka Lore, Jedi Lore, or Sith Lore (depending on the nature of the text) plus a number of
dice equal to the texts Complexity Rating (0D for scrolls, and stone tablets. Up to 5D
for whole volumes dedicated to one specific Skill) versus a difficulty of 25. As above the
cost of a one pip improvement (2x) decreases by one for every full five points the
difficulty is beat by, but can never be reduced below x.
Learning through research should never be as easy as learning from a Master.
Finding a Holocron or text should be the culmination of several adventures and then
Native American lore may opt to enter a sweat hut and meditate to the point of
exhaustion, at which time he hopes to receive a vision which will unlock the hidden
knowledge of the Force. A cybernetic Artificer may decide to connect his consciousness
to a computer generated reality via CyberLocke, while a Naturalist might climb the
highest mountain of her homeworld. At any rate, the quest should be more than just
something to do on your day off, it should become a religious experience.
At the end of the quest (as determined by the nature of the quest; it wouldnt take
as long to climb the sectors highest mountain bare-handed as a year long walkabout) the
GM decides if he wishes to award a vision. This is solely up to the GM to decide if the
player receives a vision. Then the GM determines the nature of the vision. Is it a glimpse
of the future? Is it a blessing from your god? Have the Dark Lords of Ancient smiled on
you with a gift of power? Understanding the vision may be handled in one of two ways.
First is the Role-play method. Here the GM describes or acts out the vision to the player
(in private of course). If the player can figure out the meaning, he receives the
enlightenment (which could be anything. . . a new power, a hint about upcoming
struggles, or reassurance that a loved one is safe).
The second method is the quick and dirty mechanical method. Here the player
simply rolls Willpower (or the appropriate Lore skill) to determine if he understands the
visions meaning. The difficulty should be determined by the GM based on the extent of
the quest and how well it was played out. Regardless of method employed, the vision
should reflect the quest. A highly physical quest (passing out in a sweat-hut) is likely to
award a Control Power, while staying in Rage to the point of incapacitation should grant
a Sith Power.
This system is designed for Role-playing and thus doesnt require the expenditure
of Character Points, but at the same time the player doesnt receive any points for the
experience of a quest. It should be reinforced that few characters should ever receive
more than one vision in their lifetime and certainly shouldnt in the same adventure.
Players should not look to quests as a means of gaining power when teachers and texts
are unavailable, but as an essential step in their characters growth.
Force Powers:
Using a power is just like any other action. @ One power equals one action and
reduces the dice pool by 1D regardless of how many skills are incorporated into the
power. By the time a Jedi masters a new power it is second nature to him. He doesnt
think, OK... first Ill activate Control, then Sense . . ., he just opens himself to the Force
and does it. If a Jedi wishes to use Projective Telepathy (Control and Sense) he may roll
both skills with no penalty. If he wishes to use the power and dodge in the same round,
all die codes are reduced by 1D (not 2D).
Dramatic Force Use:
During stressful times when many lives hang in the balance a Jedi may reach out
with the Force and attempt to use a Power he hasnt yet learned (Nomi blocking Ulics
connection to the Force at the end of Sith War for example). At a dramatically
appropriate moment a GM may allow a Jedi character to spend a Force Point and 10
Character Points so he may use a power he has never learned. The effects of the power
last one round, the user may not learn the power in this manner, the Jedi must make all
rolls with normal die codes (the use of the Force Point does not double all die codes as
usual), the points are lost even if the effect fails, and if used for selfish reasons the
character gains two Dark Side Points.
Keeping Powers up.:
There are some powers a Jedi may keep going rounds after activated. If a power
may be kept up, its description will say so; otherwise the power drops at the end of the
round it was activated. To keep a power up, the player must declare he is doing so
when activating the power. The power continues to run, without further rolls, until the
character either wishes to drop it or is stunned (or worse). @ While keeping a power
up all die codes are dropped by 1D for every power up . . . not for every skill involved
in the power. If a Jedi keeps Lightsaber Combat (Control and Sense) and
Absorb/Dissipate Energy (Control) up all die codes are reduced by 2D, not 3D.
Time to Use:
Unless otherwise listed, all powers are activated in the round they are activated.
All other powers are activated at the end of the time listed. A Jedi must continue to
concentrate on the power being kept up. If he suffers a distraction (see below) he loses
concentration and must activate the Power again.
@ Modifiers to Force Use:
Use of a Focus:
Although some feel this doesn't fit into the atmosphere of most games, there are a
few instances where the Force is treated like "magic." If a Jedi does something which
allows him to concentrate easier on the power he wishes to use, he receives a bonus.
Example: A shaman of a primitive tribe draws a circle of mystical runes around the body
of a wounded man. Due to his belief that the runes are "magic" the shaman's
concentration and connection to the Force is strengthen, giving him a +1D bonus to using
Accelerate Another's Healing.
The Jedi intensly studies a power from a text before using a power. If a Jedi
spends one full day studying and memorizing a power, he gets to add the complexity
rating of the text in question to his use of the researched power one time only. If a Jedi
researches with a 2D text for an entire day, he may use the power he studied with a +2D
bonus for one time only (and must be the first time the power is used after researching).
Example: A Sith Warrior is planning an assassination. The day before is spent
researching Force Lightning in a text with a 3D complexity. On the day of the attack he
may use Force Lightning with a bonus of +3D on the first use only.
If a Jedi spends an entire round before a power is activated, concentrating on the
power he gains a bonus of +1D.
Acting in Concert:
If a group of Jedi all know the same power and all wish to use it at the same time
for the same reason, they may gain the usual bonuses for co-operation as listed in the
Extra Effort:
In times of high stress, a Jedi (usually a Dark Sider since this can be viewed as
being fairly aggressive) may sacrifice his own health for a boost in Force strength. For
every level of damage he causes to himself, he gains a +1D bonus to a single Force use in
the same round. If a perfectly healthy Jedi wishes to gain a +1D bonus, he forces his
mind past its usual limits, becomes Stunned, but gains +1D to a single Force Power
before the stun takes effect. If he wished to gain +3D he'd be Wounded Twice, +4D
Incapacitated, +5D Mortally Wounded, +6D heroic effort resulting in Death. No other
actions may be taken in the round Extra Effort is used, and the damage gained from such
a "boost" may only be healed through rest.
Whenever something happens during the round a Jedi is concentrating
(determined by the "Time to Use" listing) which could distract a Jedi he must roll
Willpower versus a difficulty determined by the GM to avoid losing concentration and
stopping. Some examples may be: 3 for a sudden unexpected breeze, 10 for a blaster
shot, 15 for an unexpected explosion, 20 for a companion or innocent screaming out in
pain, 50 for a Nebulon B Frigate crashing next door. If a Jedi loses concentration, he
mentally fumbles the power he was activating as well as all powers he was keeping
up, and must start activating the power(s) again from scratch the next round.
Apprentices who act as assistants, advisors, etc. to the Knighthood) assigned to the
applicants home system (or nearest system) briefly meets with the candidate to ascertain
his beliefs and reasons for wanting to join the knighthood. The Applicant is then given
tests designed to measure the possibility of Force Potential (these tests are designed to
rate the likelihood of Force Potential, the only way to be sure is through the Force) and
behavior in high stress situations (such as the questions Dekker asks while interviewing
suspected replicants in Blade Runner). The Acolyte then sends a recommendation based
on the test results to the nearest Jedi Praxeum (Small teaching instillation consisting of
one to ten Jedi Masters who report directly to the Academy). After a Master reviews the
reports he may take interest in the candidate and invite him to visit the Praxeum. There
the Master uses the power Sense Force Potential to determine if the aspirant is gifted
enough to wield Force Powers (is he Force Sensitive?) and then gives the aspirant a Quest
to prove his worth to the Knighthood. This can be as simple as a riddle (Such as a Zen
Koan or How many apprentices does it take to change a glow rod? depending on the
Master) or, more often, a long, arduous journey filled with danger and temptation.
Regardless of the method, the Quest should be a journey of self discovery and humbling
insight. If the candidate returns successful (as determined by the Master.... there are often
hidden objectives to be accomplished during Quests) he is admitted into the Praxeum.
Graduation Requirements:
The early years of training are spent learning the Core Curriculum (Skills and
powers all Jedi must know) and working as an Acolyte to neighboring systems. At this
time of training an aspiring Jedi will train under several Masters (provided there is more
than one at the Praxeum). When a Master has certified that the student has mastered
(gained a rating of 3D or two pips higher than the base, whichevers higher) in all the core
skills and knows all the required powers, he is immediately promoted to the rank of Jedi
Apprentice and must choose a Discipline (specialized area of study). Once the
Apprentice decides what Discipline he would like to pursue he must find a Master of that
Discipline willing to further his education. This often leads to Apprentices leaving the
Praxeum to find that rare teacher. He then begins intense study of that Disciplines
selected skills and powers. After mastering those requirements (again a level of 3D or
two pips higher than the base is standard) the Master has the power to promote the
student to the rank of Jedi Adept and assign him however he wishes (following the
Academys approval). This may include being sent as representatives to a new world,
liaisons to the Republic, returning home as an advisor and protector of the peace, or
employed in the ongoing war against the Dark Side. At any rate, you are now a Jedi and
bound to do as your Master bids.
Core Curriculum:
Upon entering a Praxeum a student begins learning these skills and powers as well
as the Control and Sense Force Skills (Alter is not a necessary skill in all disciplines). A
Master will usually not allow a students Alter to be higher than his Sense.
Core Skills: Law Enforcement, Willpower, Command, Alien Species, Languages,
History: The Republic, and Systems.
Core Powers:
Control: Accelerate Healing, Control Pain, Hibernation Trance,
Sense: Life Detection, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Life Sense
Control & Sense: Projective Telepathy
Total Powers: Control = 1D+2, Sense = 1D+2, Alter = 0D
After a Master is satisfied that a student has mastered the basics, he promotes the
student to the rank of Apprentice and allows him to choose a Discipline. There are
numerous Disciplines (Both Light and Dark) but this guide will only cover the most
common of the Light: Artificer, Factotum, Investigator, Meditative, Naturalist, and
The Artificers are the creators, tinkerers, and inventors of the Jedi Knights. They
tend to be very technical in nature and posses heightened mechanical empathy. A good
example of an Artificer is Cay Qel-Droma who would rather tune a lightsabers blade
than listen to his Masters stories.
Skills: Astrogation, and Computer Programming/Repair plus . . .
Pick five from the following: Droid Programming, Droid Repair, Ground
Vehicle Repair, Repulsorlift Repair, Space Transports Repair, Starship Repair, Starship
Weapons Repair, Cybernetics Repair, Security, Blaster Repair, Capital Ship Repair,
Armor Repair, Walker Repair, Lightsaber Repair, Sensors, Capital Ship Piloting, Capital
Ship Shields, Communications, Ground Vehicle Operation, Repulsorlift Operation,
Powersuit Operation, Space Transports, Starship Piloting, and Starship Shields
Control: Absorb/Dissipate Energy
Sense: Instinctive Astrogation, Magnify Senses, Cyber Sense
Control and Sense: Speak with Machines
Control, Sense, and Alter: Conduit, CyberLocke
Control: Contort/Escape, Enhance Attribute
Sense: Danger Sense, Magnify Senses, Postcognition
Control and Sense: Disguise
Sense and Alter: Dim Others Senses
Control, Sense, and Alter: Affect Mind, Eclipse
Minimum Skills for Graduation: Control = 3D+1, Sense = 4D+1, and Alter = 1D
Recommended Studying: Force of Will, Remain Conscious, Short-Term Memory
Enhancement, Lighsaber Combat, Combat Sense, Storytelling, Cyber Sense, CyberLocke,
Speak with Machines, Eyes of the Eagle, Mental Translocation, Induced Sleep, Lesser
Force Shield, Force Bolt, and Doppleganger.
Those who study the Meditative arts prefer to exercise their minds, not muscle.
They are the thinkers and masters of the mind and spirit. In times of conflict they
coordinate the Warriors actions through their powerful Jedi Battle Meditation while
shattering their enemies wills to win. Make no mistake, they may not charge into battle
with lightsaber drawn, but are among the most brave and powerful of the Knighthood. To
find an example of a Meditative master, look no further then the legendary Nomi
Skills: Tactics, Survival, Persuasion, History: Jedi, Stamina, Scholar: Area of
Interest, and Law: Republic.
Control: Emptiness, Force of Will, Short-Term Memory Enhancement
Sense: Postcognition
Sense and Alter: Affect Emotions
Control, Sense, and Alter: Affect Mind, Battle Meditation, Enhanced
Minimum Skills for Graduation: Control = 3D+2, Sense = 3D+1, Alter = 1D+1
Recommended Studying: Farseeing, Remove Fatigue, Storytelling, Instinctive
Astrogation, Anticipation, Lightsaber Combat, Danger Sense, Commune with Nature,
Commune with Machines, Life Bond, Place Another in Hibernation.
The Force is created by all living things, and therefore must be protected. These
Jedi have a special connection with Nature and all life. They are much more than simple
park rangers yet far removed from eco-terrorists. They are often sent to frontier worlds to
help in the formation of colonies and adapting to alien life. If you wanna scrap with a
Naturalist, you gotta go through his Rancor pets. The Twilek Jedi Tott Doneeta
displayed some of these abilities.
Skills: Tracking, Search, Survival, Hide, Sneak, Climbing/Jumping, Running,
Beast Riding, and First-Aid.
Control: Detoxify Poison, Emptiness
Sense: Weather Sense, Beast Languages, Magnify Senses, Translation
Control and Sense: Eyes of the Eagle, Call Animal
Control and Alter: Fertilize, Accelerate Anothers Healing
Sense and Alter: Commune with Nature
Control, Sense, and Alter: Control Animal
Minimum Skills for Graduation: Control = 4D+1, Sense = 4D+2, and Alter = 1D+1
Recommend Studying: All Healing Powers (Naturalists are known throughout
the Galaxy as healers), Weather Sense, Transfer Force, Danger Sense, Thermogenesis,
Weather Control, Predict Natural Disaster, Transmutation, Lightsaber Combat.
Although the Jedi Knights are devoted to peace, they understand the Galaxy is not
perfect and violence is a necessary evil. These noble Samurai do not believe in peace
through superior firepower . . . but superior compassion. Life is precious and should only
be taken as a last resort. The Warriors are the primary peacekeepers. They are sent
wherever there is strife, anarchy, or the Sith. An obvious example of a Warrior is Ulic
Skills: Dodge, Survival, First-Aid, Stamina, Tactics, Lightsaber, Brawling,
Lightsaber Technology and Running.
Control: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Remain Conscious, Reduce Injury
Sense: Danger Sense, Combat Sense, Magnify Senses
Control and Sense: Lightsaber Combat
Alter: Telekinesis
Sense and Alter: Lesser Force Shield
Control, Sense, and Alter: Force Bolt
Minimum Skills for Graduation: Control = 3D+1, Sense = 3D+2, and Alter = 1D
Recommend Studying: All Healing Powers, Dim Others Senses, Enhanced
Coordination, Enhance Attribute, Magnify Senses, Resist Stun, Greater Force Shield,
Remove Fatigue, Anticipation, Transfer Force, Battle Meditation, and Affect Mind.
Training at the Academy:
Training at the Academy, or at a Praxeum, is slightly different than usual training.
Through thousands of years of trial, error, and refining, the Jedi Masters have developed
very efficient means of educating. Whenever a character is at a Praxeum, or the
Academy, and wishes to learn a new power or increase his knowledge in a skill (provided
he has already been taught that skill), add the Masters die code in Instructing (a
Perception based skill) with the pupils die code in Knowledge and roll against Very
Difficult (modified by resources available. i.e. Tomes, a library or Holocron.... GMs
call). For every full five points the total beats the difficulty by, reduce Point Cost and
time required to learn by one; one Character Point equals one day training. No matter
how spectacular the roll, training always costs at least one Character Point and takes at
least one day of intensive training.
After Graduation:
Once a Master is satisfied with his pupils performance (at least 3D, or two pips
higher than base . . . whatever is higher, in all required skills and has learned all required
Powers) he has the authority, granted by the Academy, to promote the Apprentice to
Adept. The Master then sends the Adept on whatever errands he wishes (reporting all the
while to the Academy). After the Adept displays proper understanding of the Jedi Code
and has a total of at least 13D in Force Skills, the Master may promote the Adept to the
rank of Guardian. The Guardian is still in the servitude of his Master and after
demonstrating superior resourcefulness, true understanding of the Light, and a total of
17D in all Force Skills, he goes before the ruling council of the local Praxeum and may,
on an unanimous vote only, be promoted to the rank of Knight. At this point a Jedi is still
bound to his Master but is usually given freedom to conduct his own business. When a
Jedi gains a total of at least 27D in Force Skills he may, with the recommendation of his
local Praxeum, travel to the Academy and undergo review of the Ruling Council for the
rank of Master. As with the rank of Knight, the vote must be unanimous. The next, and
highest, rank in the Jedi Knights is that of Grand Master. There may only be nine Grand
Masters, the Ruling Council of the Academy, at any given time. They hold their office
until death or retirement and may only be replaced by a Master with a rating of 15D in all
Force Skills who has the support of 90% of the Jedi (ranks Adept through Master) and the
support of all members of the Ruling Council. Once a Jedi obtains a seat on the Ruling
Council he has achieved the greatest honor available to a Jedi. All members of the
Ruling Council are equal regardless of seniority.
Technology in the Old Republic @:
There are a few minor changes which must be made to the established rules to
reflect four thousand years of technological advances (These suggestions are supplied for
those who have not yet purchased the Tales of the Jedi Companion). Here are a few
All die codes remain untouched. Keep all the stats the same because as long as
every aspect to the technology increased proportionally it should still be fine. In other
words, if you want to use what was considered to be a good fighter in the TotJ time
period, use the X-Wing Stats and give it a new name... if you want to use what was
considered to be an old fighter in the TotJ time period use the Headhunter Stats and give
it a new name. The only real problem that would arise is when a fighter from the TotJ
time period encounters a fighter from the RPG time period... which should be next to
Double the time listed on the Astrogation Gazetteer to reflect older hyperdrives.
All repair times are doubled.
Jump Stations, Hyperspace Buoys, or Instinctive Astrogation is required to safely
navigate hyperspace. When a ship contacts a Jump Station or Hyperspace Buoy, the
credit of the ships Captain, or sponsor, is automatically deducted the standard fee for
using that route. Prices range from 10 credits for a slow or common route to 10,000
credits for a fast or rare route. In this era, lightspeed doesnt come cheap. One obvious
way around this is to ignore the navcomputers and trust in Instinctive Astrogation.
Bacta tanks have not been invented yet.
MedPacs are reduced to 1st Aid Kits (same as MedPac but each difficulty is
increased by one level, time to use is twice as long, and only one may be used per day).
Nothing heavier than a light repeating blaster (which requires an articulated
harness ALA Aliens).
Ammo in each Power Pack is reduced to 3/4 normal.
Blasters cost twice as much.
Firearms are the weapons of choice.
provided in the appendixes. Also, it is reasonable that only space-faring races should be
allowed to attend the Academy. This means: NO EWOK JEDI!). After they have their
characters, give them 2D more in each force skill and 3D more to be divided up between
their required skills to represent their training at the Academy. They are now Jedi Adepts
(assuming they use their points wisely and meet all the requirements) and ready for their
Masters first assignment. Just to keep things fair, let non-Jedi make their characters like
normal but with 15D (instead of 7D) to be added to their characters, provided that no
more than 3D be added to more than two skills. Just as a fair warning... Jedi tend to be
obnoxiously powerful. If youre going to run a Jedi based game let it be known that it is
high level and the stakes are great. Non Jedi may have to be creative with their
characters in a Jedi based game to describe why theyre working with the Knighthood.
Some possibilities could be that theyre Acolytes, just doing what they can in the name of
Galactic Peace. They could be members of a government the Jedi are sent to assist in a
time of crisis. They could be hired by the Academy to transport the Jedi to their
assignment. The possibilities are endless.
Bad news for Jedi during the Empire. They want you dead.... bad. Ever since the
Clone Wars the Empire has hunted down your kind. The Jedi are no longer treated with
the reverence they received during the Old Republic. The Jedi Knighthood is either
considered an old legend or just some hokie religion. If a PC tells someone theyre a
Jedi they should be laughed at, turned into the Empire, or both.
Jedi characters of this period should simply choose either the Minor Jedi or the
Young Jedi template and create the character as usual. Jedi of this era tend, for obvious
reasons, not to be as powerful as those in the Golden Age of the Jedi. They dont hit the
obnoxiously powerful stage for a good while; and by that time all the other characters
are sporting 9D Blaster skills so it pretty much evens out.
Post Empire:
After Palpatine takes that nifty radiation bath, the Jedi begin to slowly pop up
again. Those who have been hiding for so many long years resurface and Luke
Skywalker erects a new Jedi Praxeum to rebuild the old Knighthood. Players could either
be a member of the new Praxeum, a Jedi who was apprenticed to a Master at the end of
the Great Purge and went into hiding afterwards, one of the Emperors Dark Apprentices
turned to the Light, or a Force using Alien of some kind. In other words, base your
character on a template as usual.
Character Backgrounds:
Characters should never be as two-dimensional as the game makes it. Sure its
quick and easy to whip out a template and slap on a few D, but, as Yoda is so fond of
teaching: Quick and easy are traits of the Dark Side. Templates are quicker, easier, more
seductive; they are not better. What Yoda was saying is that players ought to take time
with their characters, molding them into three-dimensional beings. By the time you start
playing you should know every important fact about your character. I strongly suggest
having players fill out a Character Background Sheet (as shown in the Appendixes).
Have players fill them out and then award bonus Character Points based on depth and
originality. Even more points should be awarded to players who incorporate their
background sheet into the character.
Examples: Say Im going to play a Bounty Hunter. I could just fill out the
template and know next to nothing about my character or I could fill out a Background
Sheet and know how hed react to any given situation. Better yet, a truly creative player
would put his thoughts down on the Background Sheet and write the Bounty Hunters
Resume to be turned in to the GM. Or an Outlaw could write his Criminal Record, or an
ISB Agent could type up his Imperial Personnel Record. Sure it takes a bit longer but it
REALLY adds to the over-all enjoyment of the game. Remember... this should be Roleplaying, not Roll-playing.
Another good way to flesh-out characters is to incorporate rules from other
systems. If you have a copy of a White Wolf Players Guide, incorporate the Merits &
Flaws rules into your characters. A 1 point flaw pretty much equates to a 1 pip bonus to
be added to beginning skills. You might also be able to use the Advantages and
Disadvantages of GURPS. Perhaps a 5 point Disadvantage is equal to 1 pip. Whatever
works. If it helps bring life to your character, by all means use it.
the Force Side Points from the greater. If there are more Dark Side Points, the resulting
number is how many Dark Side Points the Character has. If there are more Light Side
Points, the GM can 1.) put Dark Side Points at zero, if the GM does not want to use the
Force Side Point System for non-Baadu; 2.) put the resulting number in as Light Side
The Baadu and Force Points/Control, Sense, & Alter Dice:
The Baadu receive Force Points for committing acts, just as other Force users do.
When they spend a Force Point for good/evil, they get one Force Point back at the end of
the adventure/episode. When they use a Force Point for good/evil at the dramatically
appropriate moment, they get two Force Points back.
The Baadu can use Dark Side Powers without automatically gaining a Dark Side
Point, however they do receive a Dark Side Point if the Dark Side power is used for
extreme evil.
It costs 50 - 100% more cp's to raise force skills than a normal Jedi. For example,
to raise Control 4D to Control 4D+1, with a Master it would take 6 - 8 Character points,
depending on your GM's preference.
As an option, GMs should feel free to impose a dice limit of 5d-10d on Control,
Sense, and Alter. This is suggested only if the GM feels this Force-using template is too
Most Baadu use lightsabers, but some favor blasters. It is a matter of personal
preference. If a PC wishes their character to be a blaster toting Baadu, GM's should
incorporate the abilities of the Teepo Paladins.
A note on implementing the Force Side Point System for non-Baadu:
Please note that the Force Side Point system introduced for the Baadu might not
be ideal for a normal Jedi. The WEG Dark Side Point system does the job quite well, as
far as Jedi are concerned. If gm's wish to implement the Force Side Point system for nonBaadu, bear in mind that the Dark Side of the Force is MUCH easier to turn to. Jedi who
were totally pure before can be turned to the Dark Side, just as easily as someone who's
intentions for the Force were questionable.
The Baadu Jedi have been a topic of much debate on the Star Wars RPG Mailing
List. Many people (myself among them) feel that the Baadu is a cheap way of allowing
Jedi to commit evil acts. Jedi should never be allowed to do evil without consequence.
That goes against everything the Force is about. The major component in Force using,
which keeps a Jedi in check, is his emotional connection to the Force. You take this away
and things just become ridiculous. On the other side of the argument are those who feel
the nature of the Force is dynamic and always in motion. Nothing, especially something
as fluid as the Force, is so cut and dry as to allow only two sides; there has to be a middle
ground. Whether you love them or hate them is youre decision, but it is the GMs
decision to allow them in a game.
Miscellaneous Info.:
The Teepo prefer to call themselves Paladins, not Knights. This has something to
do with distinction between regular Jedi. They are still Jedi, of course.
Some very adept Teepo have been known to wear blindfolds at all times. They use
their powers to see the force and what it surrounds. During the Clone Wars many of the
great Teepo began wearing blast helmets with the face shields welded shut so they could
not see. It is the mark of a true Teepo master to actually do this. The more novice
students would never wear helmets (it goes against the armor regulation), but many
Masters say it is in the tradition of change that the order was founded.
Also some Teepo have been known to wield two blasters at once (see below).
This is also a mark of status and ability.
Teepo Template:
Dexterity 3D+2
Perception 2D+2
Knowledge 2D
Strength 2D+2
Mechanical 2D
Technical 2D
Control 1D
Sense 1D
Skills of Note:
Blaster, Fast Draw, Speed Load, Willpower, Brawling, Search, Hide/Sneak, etc.
700 credits, two sets of clothing, blaster pistol (4D damage)
Tricks of the Trade:
Teepo Paladins have perfected blaster use to a fine art, and thus have developed a
few tricks with their favorite weapon. First and foremost of these is the use of two
blasters at once. Heres how it breaks down:
Teepo Paladins are able to fire two blasters simultaneously (one shot from each
blaster counts as one action) with the following difficulties:
- The blaster in the Paladins off hand suffers a +10 difficulty (unless hes ambidextrous).
- If Dexterity is 3D or above, ambidexterity costs 10 CP (or 1D worth of skill dice
at character creation). If Dexterity is below 2D, character cannot become ambidextrous
without increasing his Dex to at least 2D. If Dexterity is between 2D and 2D+2,
ambidexterity costs 20 CP.
- Single target (a point on the body), +10 difficulty to each shot
- Single large target (a humanoid sized target; shoot a spot, any spot), +5
Difficulty to each shot.
- Two separate targets, first target = no penalty, 2nd target +10 difficulty. The
player rolls either their blaster skill, or the Advanced Skill "Double Blasters". (A)Double
Blasters has a prerequisite of 5D+ in Blaster. This only applies to pistol-type weapons
(e.g.. Blaster Carbine and smaller).
4) Tolerate the misgivings of others. Shimuran Monks are not retro, antitechnology fundamentalists. They do not attack technological centers or those who
choose to use technology, nor do they harass commuters at starports with pamphlets
damning them for their way of life. They simply have a different outlook on life. If
asked, they will tell a koan of enlightenment. If sought out, they will teach their beliefs
(but only those who prove worthy will learn Ka). The Monks do not hate the Jedi; in fact,
they feel sorrow for their fallen brothers and would do anything to help bring them back
to the Light.
The Art of Ka:
The Monks of Shimura are best known for their mastery of Ka, their proto-martial
art. Practice of Ka strengthens the mind, body, and soul. Masters of this art are capable
of incredible feats. Through Ka, Shimuran contemplatives seek perfection and
enlightenment, and with it, they stand powerfully against all who would threaten the
sanctity of their Temples. Ka can be broken down into three parts: Skill (Ka Lore),
Martial Art (Ka Combat), and Force Powers (Ka and Empower Self). Those who are not
Force-Sensitive may join the Brotherhood and learn the first two aspects of Ka but not the
Skill: Ka Lore
Time Taken: One Round to One Day
Description: This Knowledge based skill represents the philosophical teachings of
Ka. Through development of this skill, the Monks intimately learn the foundations of the
Force and the Universe as well as the pre-lightsaber Jedi Knighthood.
This skill is often used to 1) spin a useful (albeit confusing) tale, 2) teach the
beliefs of Kambei Shimura, and 3) seek enlightenment. When a Monk is uncertain
(Should I take an umbrella today? Which path is safest? Will this man betray me? Is
this door trapped? etc.) he may meditate on the Ka. All answers are contained in its
many teachings. If the Monks roll beats a difficulty set by the GM, he is awarded with a
cryptic answer (You recall your teachings of the Sherlent and the Vornskr, and how the
tiny Sherlent defeated the great and powerful Vornskr with a single mighty leap.). If the
roll succeeds by more than 20, there is no need for riddles, the character knows the
Martial Art (Ka Combat):
Cost: 10 Character Points or 1D starting skill dice.
Prerequisites: Brawling (4D), Brawling Parry (4D), Dex (3D), Ambidexterity
+2D Brawling & Parry versus those with no Martial Art training
+1D versus those with training other than Ka
Return Melee attack: used against an opponent striking with a brawling attack or
melee weapon, the Monk redirects the energy of the attack back into the attacker. Roll
Brawling Parry (with Ka bonuses if against an untrained opponent) versus attackers
strike roll +10. If successful the attacker hits himself for full damage. A failure means
the Monk is struck. This maneuver counts as one action and cannot be used with a
Note: Ka Combat is not a skill but a special ability (i.e. it has no die code of its
own). If a player learns the martial arts aspect of Ka he may add the bonuses above and
use the Return Attack maneuver.
Force Powers (Ka and Empower Self)
See the section below on Powers for more information about these Shimuran
exclusive Powers (Ka => Control & Sense, Empower Self => Control & Alter).
Shimuran Template:
Dexterity 3D+2
Knowledge 3D
Mechanical 2D
Perception 2D+2
Strength 2D+2
Technical 2D
Control 1D
Sense 1D
Skills of Note: (5D to be allocated to skills)
Willpower, Brawling, Brawling Parry, Ka Lore
Special Abilities:
* Ka Combat, Ambidexterity
Recommended Powers:
Ka and all required powers, healing and meditative powers, force bolt, force shield
50 credits, hand-woven Gi
* Ka Combat has a prerequisite of Brawling and Brawling Parry of 4D, therefore a
beginning Monk of Shimura must allocate at least one pip of his starting 5D to each of
these skills.
Ushiba and his lightbo (lightstaff) against Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine and 10 Dark
Side Adepts. Ushiba maimed Darth, wounded Emperor Palpatine and killed all the Dark
Side Adepts, but was finally killed by the Emperor's Force Lighting and a final stroke
from Lord Vaders lightsaber. Some also say that he died to allow his son to escape...
The Aiki Jedi believe that though technology is not evil in itself, the best weapon
is one's own body. They follow the Jedi Code very strictly, and usually wander around the
galaxy helping the poor oppressed (like Kane from "Kung-Fu" <g>). One must
remember that being an Aiki Jedi is not just a way of having a cool character who can
defeat an entire legion of Emperor's best troops with his bare hands. An Aiki is a person
who resorts to violence only as the last resort, even more than "normal" Jedi Knights. Of
course, the ability to disable enemies without permanently damaging them (unlike
lightsaber wielding Jedi, who disable enemies by cutting their extremities off) really helps
- and is more proof that your body is the best weapon you can get. The best comparison is
that while Jedi Knights are based on samurai, Aiki Jedi are based on Buddhist monks.
The two core beliefs of Aiki Jedi are:
1) A commitment to peaceful resolution of conflict whenever possible.
2) A commitment to self-improvement through Aiki training.
"A mind to serve for the peace of all beings in the world is needed in Aiki, and not the
mind of one who wishes to be strong or who practices only to fell an opponent. Aiki is
not a technique to fight and defeat an enemy. It is a way to reconcile the world and make
human beings one family."
"The secret of Aiki is to become one with the universe."
"Aiki is primarily a way to achieve physical and spiritual self-mastery."
Known Aiki Jedi:
Morihei Ushiba, a Warrior Jedi and the founder of Aiki Order, and his son, Musashi
Ushiba, a famous Artificer and creator of many exotic weapons. There's also Arigato
Ushiba, mythical elder brother of Musashi who never became a Jedi because he thought
Jedi rely too much on Force and no enough on their own skills. Most historians thinks his
existence is a myth - pointing out that the legends of Arigato tell that he routinely
defeated Jedi knights in duels, using only an iron katana. (But then, the legends also say
that Arigato's weapon was made of Mandalorian Iron and was a gift from
The Shadow Dragons are an exclusively human and near human organization,
making it their business to kill any non-human Force users that they can find, and they are
very good at finding things. They recruit their members mainly from the Black Serpent
organization, though when they find a natural force user elsewhere, they make it their
business to either turn and recruit them, or kill them.
They have a very strict hierarchy, with the rankings being Acolyte, Disciple,
Initiate, Student, Knight, Lord, Master, and Grand-Master. A member of one rank is
completely subservient to the members of the higher ranks. The only way that a Shadow
Dragon can reach a higher rank is by passing the requisite tests (that vary from level to
level), and receiving a promotion by a member of Lord level or higher. In order to
achieve the level of Lord or Master, the Shadow Dragon must pass the tests in the
presence of all members of the level above the one he is striving for that are not on active
assignment, and receive their approval. To achieve the level of Grand Master, a
candidate must pass the tests, and if there is a sitting Grand Master, he must immediately
defeat him in mortal combat.
The Jhemadan prided themselves on their simple, almost monastic lifestyle, and
that ethic is still part of the Shadow Dragon lifestyle. All members below the rank of
Student are restricted to the outer court, where they own nothing other than a coarse grey
robe, and perform eight hours of backbreaking labor a day, in addition to their long and
tiring lessons. A Student moves into the opulent Inner court, though he is still allowed no
personal property other than his robe. Each student is made the personal servant of a
Knight, who is also that student's instructor (another carry over from the Jhemadan). The
Student will now leave the Temple of Shadows and Night for the first time since his
arrival there, accompanying his master on his assignments. When the Knight judges him
as being ready for his test, he is taken back to the Temple, and if he passes his test, he
graduates to the opulent lifestyle of the higher ranking Shadow Dragons.
Generally speaking, the Shadow Dragons have around five Masters, ten to fifteen
Lords, around a hundred Knights, and an equal number of Students (no Initiate is raised
to Student unless there is a Knight without a Student), two hundred or so Initiates, four
hundred Disciples, and nearly a thousand Acolytes. Around once every tenth generation,
a Master attains the rank of Grand Master. The Shadow Dragons currently have a Grand
Master, Iridian Soh, but Grand Master Iridian is almost two hundred years old, and
beginning to become feeble and incoherent.
The relationship between the Shadow Dragons and the Black Serpent organization
started as being a very close one, but the two organizations have drifted apart somewhat,
with the Shadow Dragons viewing the Black Serpents as tools to be used to serve a
purpose, and if necessary to be left by the wayside. The Serpent Tooth assassins are
much closer to the Shadow Dragons than the rest of the organization is, and they serve as
the Shadow Dragon's contact with the rest of the Black Serpent.
One of the facets of the Jhemadan that the Shadow Dragons have maintained is
their devotion to the art of hand to hand combat. In fact, the school of martial arts that
the Shadow Dragon's practice is still called the Jhemada school, though it a somewhat
debased and formalized reflection of the original. The Serpent Tooth practice this form
as well, but without the Force manipulations that the Shadow Dragons include.
The force powers of the Shadow Dragons are connected to those of the Jedi by a
very tenuous thread, a thread that has been strained a number of times. Therefore, they do
not have all of the powers that most Jedi know. They do not know: Absorb/Dissipate
Energy, Enhance Attribute, Instinctive Astrogation Control, Short Term Memory
Enhancement, Instinctive Astrogation, Force Lightning, Lightsaber Combat, Accelerate
Another's Healing, Return Another to Consciousness, Doppleganger, Force Harmony,
Telekinetic Kill, Transfer Life, or Transfer Force. However, they have an entire battery
of powers that they developed on their own, which are unknown in the rest of the galaxy.
They exclusive use Cloak of Darkness, The Dragon, Hands of the Jhemadan, The Clouds
Parting, Crimson Burst, Shadow Mist, Jhemadan Combat, Shadow Split, and Mind Sand.
doubles in length. This extra length is useful for keeping others at a greater distance, but
makes it much more unwieldy to deflect blaster bolts and attack.
For these reason, it used primarily by young, reckless Jedi, who eventually decide
to keep it in its first setting, or going to a traditional saber. It was, however, popular with
some Jedi who rode into battle on beast back. The dual nature of the blade often gave it a
stunning blade-within-a-blade appearance, with one color forming the core, and a second,
clearly different one forming the outside sheath. Less than two hundred examples were
ever made.
Double-bladed Lightsaber (Lightstaff)
Type: Double-ended Energy Staff
Skill: Lightstaff
Difficulty: Very Difficult
Damage: 5D
Notes: +1D to parry. If wielder misses difficulty by more than 5 points, the wielder
Most specimens may be used as a regular lightsaber (specialty Lightsaber:
lightsaber), but without the parry bonus. Must declare at the beginning of the round.
Damage remains 5D.
An ultra rare light weapon, the double lightsaber consisted of an elongated handle
(about 2.25 times the normal length), which projects a blade from each end. This gave it
the versatility and speed against attacks of a quarterstaff, but made it MUCH more
dangerous to the user. For this reason, it could usually be used like a normal, single
bladed lightsaber. This was considered by many Jedi to be a Dark Side weapon, mainly
because its most famous user was the Sith Lord Exar Kun. Less than a dozen examples
where ever made.
Type: Stun Effect Energy Sword
Skill: Lightsaber
Difficulty: Difficult
Damage: 5D Stun
Notes: When used against stun bolts, it can absorb up to its die in stun-damage die, like
piece armor. The Jedi may add their Control die to the damage of a stun saber. May also
be used to parry melee weapons and lightsabers.
Incapable of cutting matter, the Stun Saber produced a neurological shock to the
target, who would wake up in about ten minutes with a planet shattering headache. This
made a perfect weapon for dealing with an unruly mob that the Jedi can not pacify. It
handles exactly like a lightsaber, making it the perfect training weapon. Unfortunately, it
can not block projectiles or blaster bolts. Less than fifty are believed to have been made.
Force Lash
Type: Wave-guide channeled energy blade
Difficulty: Moderate
Skill: Force Lash
Damage: 3D
Note: Due to merged physical/energy nature, when used against an armored target, use
Physical Armor -1D or Energy Armor, whichever is greater.
The Force Lash, when deactivated, looks much like a lightsaber handle. The
actual lash is a telescoping wave guide, approximately 80cm long. The guide is encased
in energy. This guide (and the energy wrapped around it) is somewhat flexible, but not
enough to wrap around the target. It was used as a training aid, although some Jedi
(especially Baadu and Dark Siders) carried them instead of a lightsaber.
Type: Flexible, wave-guide energy lash
Difficulty: Very Difficult
Skill: Lightwhip
Damage: 5D
Notes: If character misses base difficulty by 10+, whip strikes wielder. If character beats
base difficulty by 20+, the whip may wrap around the target doing 5D+/-Control damage
per round.
Due to merged physical/energy nature, when used against an armored target, use
Physical Armor -1D or Energy Armor, whichever is greater. Due to energy cocoon, may
be used to parry lightsabers, and even ensnare them. Must roll lightsaber Vs lightwhip
damage to see if they damage each other.
The lightwhip is the prized weapon of many Sith and Dark Jedi, but only a scant
handful of Jedi. Similar in many respects to the Force Lash, the Lightwhips were
harnessed energy coiled around incredibly strong, 2.5 to 4.5m long (length varies between
users, and is based, in part, on the builder's height), alloy whips. They can easily cut
through the strongest metals in the hands of a skilled user. Because the lightwhip is
flexible and unwieldy, it is very dangerous to the beginner, and those without any formal
training are as much a danger to themselves as they to others. In the hands of a skilled
user, however, the lightwhip is capable of deflecting blaster bolts and solid projectiles, in
addition to its formidable capabilities.
Light Boomerang
Type: Energy field assisted boomerang
Difficulty: Variable (see below)
Skill: (A) Light Boomerang
Ranges: 2-10 (moderate)/20 (difficult)/60 (very difficult)
Damage: 5D
Notes: If throw or catch difficulty missed by >10, the boomerang either actives too early
(causing damage to user's hand), or isn't caught (inflicting damage randomly). Requires
the Light Boomerang Combat Force power to use.
The light boomerang was at one time a highly prized weapon, used primarily by
Jedi who enjoyed showing off or where on the front lines of the Sith conflicts. Today,
there are none believed to still exist, and only a scant handful of scholars know of it's
existence. Like the light whip and force lash, it uses crystal, wave-guide and mirror
technology to create an energy field around the actual weapon. For safety reasons, it may
only be activated telekinetically, otherwise the user's hand would be instantly removed.
Once thrown, the Jedi would be able to guide his weapon against several targets in one
throw. Attempting to use this weapon without intense training is suicidal.
Light Claws
Type: Energy-blade claws
Difficulty: Moderate
Skill: Melee Weapons: Lightclaws
Damage: 2D (It is believed that some models where as powerful as true lightsabers)
Notes: The Jedi may add the Damage + Control to their Climbing. They may also be
used to deflect blaster bolts.
This is an unusual weapon, used mainly by Dark Jedi Assassins. They may be
concealed in the sleeves of a tunic or robe. Each claw emits a pair of blades about a meter
long. They may also be used to help climbers.
Teepo Master's Blaster
Type: Custom made blaster pistol
Skill: Blaster: pistol
Ranges: 3-10/40/120
Ammo: 100
Damage: 4D+1
Note: +2D difficulty to hit for all other than it's intended owner.
These weapons were wielded by Masters ONLY. Most Paladins carried stock,
commercial models. This weapon is a custom made blaster, built by individual Masters.
Each weapon, like a lightsaber, is made to a typical template, but each Master would
make his blaster to fit his own needs. Some weapons have longer range and lower power
ratings. Others have iron sights, but some have optics or reflex sights. Each set of grips
was custom made to fit the hand of the Master, with the powerpack type often changing
to fit a particular Master's idea of balance and ergonomics. The balance matched to their
personal shooting stance. Some didn't even have triggers, instead relying on the Force.
Each weapon was tuned to fight it's builder like a glove. Less than a dozen pairs of
Master's Blasters are known to still be in existence.
Master Moriheis Lightbo
Type: Unique Force Enhanced Bo Staff
Skill: Lightbo
Power used: Lightbo Combat
Difficulty: Very Difficult (30) (Missing by 5 points means inflicting damage on yourself this is not a weapon for beginners). Without Lightbo Combat power on, add 25 to
difficulty, and missing the roll even by 1 point means you cut yourself.
Damage: 6D + Control
Notes: Add +1D to attack and ranged parry, and +2D to melee parry. Also, it can be used
as 2 dual setting, variable length lightsabers (either with Lightsaber combat or Daisho
combat power).
Description: This weapon looks like two long (35 cm) handles with blade projectors on
both ends... It was made with Ilum crystals (no power needed), and was a gift for the
legendary founder of Aiki Jedi knights Morihei Ushiba from his son, an Artificer Jedi,
Musashi Ushiba. His father used no lightsaber, but instead, he used his walking stick,
charged with Empower Weapon, and even developped special power for it. However, he
realized that his Empowered stick was not the same as a real lightsaber, because of its
weight and air-resistance. After a long and legendary life, Master Morihei was slain by
the newly crowned Emperor Palpatine and his Dark student Darth Vader. The fate of his
lightbo, the only known lightbo in the history of the Jedi is unknown, except for the fact
that one part of it was taken by the Emperor (perhaps to Mt. Tantiss?).
Skill: (S) Lightsaber: lightsai, or Lightsaber skill if no Lightsaber specializations allowed
Power used: Lightsaber combat (Daisho combat also possible)
Difficulty: 20
Damage: 3D + Control
Notes: -1D to attack rolls and parrying blaster shots; +1D to melee parry; +2D to
"forcing" and disarming rolls (against lightsabers - it cuts normal weapons up)
Description: Lightsai is a very, very rare weapon, supposedly used by Morihei Ushiba's
son, Musashi Ushiba. It consists of a long (for such a small weapon), 20-25 cm handle
with two side protrusions at the end. The blade is relatively short, about 20-25 cm, and
has two smaller blades jutting at 45 degrees angle from the handle. Those additional
blades are used for parrying and disarming an opponent armed with a lightsaber.
Lightarrows (lightbows)
Skill: Bows (as for bow/crossbow type)
Power used: Force archery
Difficulty: as per bow type +5 (no possibility to accidentally damage yourself, though)
Damage: 3D [+ 1/2 Control]
Notes: you can't parry with arrows (obviously), but you can shoot them to deflect shots
aimed at anyone (using 1/2 of Sense). Also, when deflecting a shot aimed at him, a Jedi
may shoot at the attacker deflecting blaster bolt in flight and hitting him with his arrow.
However, this stunt is pretty difficult to pull off (add +5 to deflect difficulty and +10 to
attack difficulty). Also, the Jedi may try to control where the shot will go, but this is
terribly difficult, even for experienced Jedi (use 1/4 of Control and add +5 to "to hit"
difficulty for deflected shot). Also, if the Jedi deflects a shot aimed at a target outside of
short range, he must use TK to speed the arrow up (make a Moderate telekinesis roll).
Please note that this gives no increase in damage, as it is not Strength-based...
Description: Lightarrows must be made using Ilum crystals (no place for power source),
and the lightblade is rather weak and short (about 3-5 centimeters). Lightbows (as they
were called by ignorants) were mainly used by Factotums for target protection (esp. if the
target did not want a Jedi protection, so nobody could be near him and deflect the bolt
with his saber). Some warriors also used them, but this was very rare... The most famous
lightbow-using Jedi was Tell, a blind Warrior with no hands. He used a crossbow with a
special durraloy bow, which had a pull of over 500 kgs. He cocked and aimed it with
telekinesis... And he used lightbolts only for target protection, because arrows shot from
his crossbow were so powerful he had no need of some lightblade fixed on them...
Making a Weapon:
Designing and crafting a weapon is often (and always is for those of the Warrior
Discipline) the final step in the initial training of a Jedi. The following rules are for the
creation and modification of sabers. Once understood, they may easily be modified to
produce the more exotic weapons like Light Claws and Boomerangs.
A Jedis weapon is a part of his very being. When a Jedi constructs his own
weapon he gains a +2 bonus to strike and parry rolls when using that weapon.
Unfortunately, he also becomes so attached to his weapon that if separated he suffers a 1D penalty to all Force Skills until he recovers his weapon or builds a new one.
Building a lightsaber:
Step 1) Costs:
The majority of the parts found in a lightsaber are pretty common (the major
exception being the gem) and can be purchased in most major towns or starports. The
cost for the basic lightsaber is $100 not including a gem. Gems cost $5,000 - $100,000
depending on supply/demand etc. (granted, gems will be less expensive in the TotJ period
than during the Empire... but may be closely guarded by the Academy and requiring a
permit of sorts). Synthetic gems may be purchased (depending on the GM..... there is still
some debate as to the plausibility of synthetic gems) at a cost of $2,500 - $15,000.
Step 2) Time & Construction:
It takes a week (7 days) to build a standard lightsaber. At the end of every day roll
your Lightsaber Repair (or Lightsaber Technology) versus a difficulty of 20 if being built
with modern tools in a fully functioning workshop (increase difficulty to reflect working
conditions and available tools). A successful roll means that day's worth of work was
successful and you may continue on to the next (a roll of Heroic indicates that 2 days
worth of work was accomplished). A failed roll means nothing was accomplished that
day (but you suffered no setbacks either). For every full 7 points you fail by you are set
back a day's worth of work (i.e. You're on your fifth day of work and you fail your roll by
15 points, you are setback to the third day). If the wild die comes up as a 1 followed by a
6 (a complication) you really screwed up and along with the usual penalties (count up the
remainder of the dice to see how far you are set back) the lightsaber's gem has shattered.
After the seventh day is successful the craftsman spends 10 Character Points to complete
the process (thus making the weapon an extension of himself and gaining the +2 bonus...
see below) and has a basic lightsaber as described in the books, except there is a -1D
penalty to damage and blaster parry if constructed with a synthetic gem (there's no
Syn Kathracite
Syn Relacite
Syn Danite
Syn Mephite
Syn Pontite
* Above prices are intended for Tales of the Jedi era games. Adegan Crystals may not
normally be purchased in Empire era games.
** Although Adegan Crystals may be purchased, they are often gifts to remarkable
students from their Masters.
*** The above damage listing for synthetic crystals reflect the -1D damage penalty.
Pressure Grip
Lock Blade
Variable Lengths
2 Blades (Lightstaff)
Extra Damage
Light Suppression
Sound Suppression
Non-metal Construction
Stun Saber
80 + Gem
80 + Gem
50 + 2 Gems
1 day
3 days
3 days
4 days
5 days
13 days
2 days
1 day
Increased Illumination
Internal Switch
1 day
1 day
Pressure Grip:
A good modification for beginners. When the hilt is let go of (as in a drop or
fumble) the blade automatically shuts off to reduce the chance of harming the user (or,
God forbid, an innocent). Note: the Pressure Grip may be thrown but the user must use
Telekinesis to keep pressure on the grip at all times.
Lock Blade:
The Lock Blade is the opposite of the pressure grip. The saber stays on until the
wielder shuts it off, thus allowing the user to throw the saber at a target.
Variable Lengths (see above):
This allows the saber to effectively have two blades (each with different lengths)
which extend in the same direction. This allows a user to select the best length for the
given task. This modification grants a good number of style points when both blades are
extended and of different colors, one outlining the other.
2 Blades (Lightstaff.... see above):
With this modification the saber extends a blade out of each end thus resembling a
lightstaff (a la Exar Kun). These are very difficult to properly wield as they may only be
held in the middle and usually do more harm to the user than the intended target.
Extra Damage:
Simply, it adds 1D to the base damage.
Light Suppression:
For all the lamers out there who want to sacrifice all style points, this modification
exists. There are two ways to make this modification work. One is to "dim" the light
made bay the saber, and sacrificing 1D of base damage, and the other is to tune it to the
UV or IR spectrums. If the later is the case only certain aliens or humans wearing
goggles (or using Shift Sense) would be able to see the blade.
Sound Suppression:
Another one for those without style. This modification reduces the famous hum
of a lightsaber. With this modification a Perception roll of Difficult is required to detect
the user with sound.
Non-Metal Construction:
This is rebuilding the saber from scratch with non-metal components to help fool
scanners. A Very Difficult Sensors roll is required to detect such a weapon.
This modification is the ultimate (IMHO) in style points. Through using at least
three different gems of different colors and set up with a special modulation, the colors
within the blade create an "oozing like pattern" similar to a lava lamp. Although there
probably aren't any practical uses, there are tales of Jedi using the blade to hypnotize a
Stun Saber:
Gives the Lightsaber a stun setting which inflicts 5D worth of stun damage.
Increased Illumination:
The light output of the saber is increased to match a glow rod.
Internal Switch:
The switch to activate the saber is actually located on the inside of the sabers hilt.
This is to insure only a Jedi may use it. Of course, the Jedi must use Telekinesis in order
to move the switch.
Maneuver: Feint/Attack
Description: The character fakes an attack to throw off his opponents balance
and then runs his saber home.
Mechanics/Effect: The winner of initiative takes the role of attacker and declares
the Feint/Attack maneuver (or declares 2 strikes and slides a piece of paper to the GM
declaring his true actions in the case of two players dueling). The attacker is taking 2
actions this round and must adjust his dice pool accordingly (-1D to both actions). The
first roll is for the feint. Attacker rolls his strike versus his opponents total in Perception
and Sense. If the attacker wins, his opponent took the bait and is off balance for the real
attack. On the attackers second, real attack, he rolls strike -1D (multiple actions) plus
the amount his feint succeeded by. The defender must now defend the attack as normal,
with a -1D penalty for multiple actions due to taking two defensive actions, even if the
first wasnt real (he sure thought it was). If the feint is not successful, the defender
recognizes the attempt as being fake and doesnt bother defending against it. On the
second, real attack he may defend without penalty.
Maneuver: Feint/Dodge
Description: Attacker feints an attack in a direction he wishes the defender to go
and then moves around him, much like a matador fighting a bull. He fakes the attack and
when the defender steps forward and braces to parry, the attacker may take advantage of
the situation and move around (behind) him. This can be useful when trying to make an
escape, embarrass your opponent (spin behind and slash his belt, revealing his Power
Ranger boxer shorts to the Galaxy), trick him into a dangerous environment (spin behind
and kick him into a lava pit), etc.
Mechanics/Effect: Similar to Feint/Attack. Attacker rolls a feint (as above) and if
successful he adds the difference to his dodge (or acrobatics to flip over an opponent, or
whatevers appropriate). Failure has the same effect as above.
Maneuver: Flip/Kick
Description: An unarmed defender grabs his attackers wrists (usually during an
over-hand strike), falls to the floor rolling onto his shoulder blades, and kicking the
attacker over himself. This maneuver is especially useful when defending with your back
to a cliff.
Mechanics/Effect: The defender must make a successful brawling parry versus the
attackers weapon skill plus 5 with a 1D penalty for multiple actions, followed by a
moderate Dexterity check (no penalty, this is considered a reflex action) to fall and roll
without touching the saber, and then a brawling strike (difficulty 5 for being point blank)
with the 1D penalty. If successful, the victim must roll Strength versus kicking damage
(as usual) and also make a Stamina check versus damage to avoid being disarmed.
Maneuver: Disarm
Description: The player attempts to remove the saber from his opponents hands.
This can be done one of two ways: 1) he hits the lightsaber so hard it flies from his
opponents hands or 2) he skillfully wraps his blade around his opponents, gaining
leverage and prying it from his opponents hands.
Mechanics/Effect: The first way can be accomplished by making a called strike
to the saber instead of the defender (this is often accomplished as a Feint/Attack because
the defender must parry instead of dodge for it to work). Attacker rolls strike at a
difficulty of 25 (for a standard lightsaber). If parry is attempted but unsuccessful than the
defender is automatically disarmed. If the parry is successful, the attacker rolls strength
versus the defenders strength plus the amount the parry was successful by. If the attacker
wins, his opponents saber goes flying (and possibly damaging the user or an innocent
bystander). If the defender wins, combat continues as usual.
To disarm using the second method, a Jedi uses the specialization Lightsaber:
Disarm. The attacker rolls his specialization plus Sense versus his opponents Lightsaber
plus Control. If attacker wins, the defender is disarmed. This is useful when trying to
disarm Wookkiee size Jedi.
Step Three: Roll Dice and Determine Outcome
Step Four: Roll Initiative Again
When youre on a roll, its hard to slow you down. If you were the attacker you
gain +1D to initiative for the next round. Also, you gain +1D to initiative if you stay in
the game by parrying all incoming attacks instead of dodging.
Cinematic Rules:
Some players like to keep things as real as possible while others wish to recreate
Highlander style duels. These rules are for the later. Whenever a players does something
worthy of a MacLeod (as determined by the GM), he gains a bonus to his strikes and
parries for that round (or next if the occurrence came at the end of the round). Anything
worthy of style or originality should be rewarded.
Here are a few examples:
A witty remark/insult
=> +1 pip - +2D
Use of an Ooze saber
=> +1D
Cinematic Maneuvers (Table Combat)
=> +2 pips
Acrobatic Maneuvers (Acrobatic Dodges) => +1D
Saying, There can be only one!
=> Automatic loss
GMing notes:
Use a lot of cut aways, like showing the box in the hold of an Imperial ship in a
packing crate, and then the Imperial markings start to melt off the crate.
The typical spirit of the fallen Jedi should have 5D-6D in its Force skills, and at
least one physical weapon. Be creative with the use of the Force as weapon. Imagine the
imagery of a Stormtrooper being picked up and hurled through an AT-ST, and out the
other side. This says that the forces in that box are not to be trifled with in no uncertain
This would make a good campaign, that consists of four to six adventures, each of
which should be a few sessions long (note: my average session is about four hours long).
You'll want at least half of your group to be Force sensitive, and one or two Force trained
individuals in the group. They should be uncomfortable around the thing, unless they
have more than three DSPs. Then they should hear it calling them, asking them to open
it. This is a BAD idea. The only thing worse would be letting the Empire keep it.
Actually, if your team consists of archeologists and investigative-type individuals,
this could be just one of several campaigns that forms a huge chronicle, searching for
Force artifacts, racing Dark Jedi and to her forces of evil, or just the ignorant.
Another great idea for this game would be to start players off in the Old Republic
in the roles of the Jedi who ultimately fall. Then have them play the roles of the research
team and so them the consequences of their decisions.
Into Extinction
Unnamed NPCs/PCs: mostly all Jedi students, a background piece of the
campaign will always be the lessons, schooling of the Young Jedi... Though a nonsensitive might be fun amidst all the Force stuff...
Master: Jedi Master of the PCs seen as not reaching his potential.
Traitor: old friend/rival of the Master, he is now a Council Member. Its our
intention to build him over the campaign from arrogant thorn in the side to somewhat
reluctant to full scale.
Turncoat/Traitor of the Republic & Jedi & Dark Lord or the Sith.
Peer: student with the PCs in the beginning, then turns to become the apprentice
of Traitor.
Time: 3500 years before Star Wars: A New Hope
The Republic has just peaked at it's Golden Age after overcoming the last Dark
Lord of the Sith- Exar Kun. The internal rotting of the Republic is in its infancy (one of
the first "robberbarons" is our Traitor/villain mastermind), many of the Jedi & Republic
senate are arrogant & comfortable in their positions. The first real dealings with the
Mandalorians & the Republic begin in our campaign, while the Clone Wars won't begin
for centuries if nurtured just right you can watch the beginnings of the unease between
them. The dark Jedi were expelled over 15000 years ago into the Outer Rims & have
been all but forgotten since the time of Sith Lords like Naga Sadow & later Freedon
Nadd. The name Sith was revived by Kun but none of those Dark Jedi were involved at
the time. For 500 years since Kun, the Sith have been complacent & disorganized, over
that time new Lords took their places in the (Middle Age-like) Feudal system, as the
hundreds of Lords gained power/slaves/regions they also began to claim the title of
Dark Lord of the Sith, but as one claimed the title he/she was assassinated, recently these
claims escalated into battles then into a multi-army war of Sith Lords. This is were our
story begins, as the first rumblings of the "Lord Wars" first resonate into the Republic
Prologue: (could be done as a short story or "cut-away" sequence)
Master & Traitor (we need to name them) are childhood friends eventually
entering the Jedi Academy (C'thuinar-sp?) together. Traitor is envious of Master's skills
& begins learning the ways of Politician & the art of deception (learning of the Jedi
driven out). Traitor begins to take credit/sabotage Master's work, discrediting Master.
Traitor is awarded rank of Jedi Knight (due to his contacts, family heritage, asskissing), before Master & actually influences the councils decision on making Master a
Knight, prolonging it.
Master becomes Knight shortly before one of the council elders disappears (at the
hands of a Sith Lord) then Traitor steps into the Council. Master learns of Traitor's
holding him back & in a moment of rage (at his Knight ceremony) accuses Traitor, this is
seen as unacceptable behavior for a Jedi, he is reprimanded & shunned.
Master, although naturally skilled in the force becomes only a teacher/historian
rather than the high position gained by his old friend, Traitor. Master is seen as
insubordinate & underachiever among the Jedi & labeled a troublemaker (eventhough he
is more the Jedi than most, it is the time of beginning of rot in the Jedi/Republic, this
will not be fully realized for centuries).
A vision (don't tell PCs its a vision in the beginning). The PC group in the midst
of a battle between their Master's elder Jedi students/Troops & two warring Sith Lords.
The Lords were doing battle on & for a world in the Mandalore Regions (on the far edge
of the Republic, Mandalorian's are not of the Republic but neutral). The Master might see
the PCs & scold them "you shouldn't be seeing this, not yet"- Master & his Jedi are
losing badly.
Traitor at this time is in his office at the academy attempting again to discredit his
old friend by using Battle Meditation to give the Lords the idea to unite against the Jedi,
then Traitor will send his Jedi Troops in to be the heroes... The PCs were dragged into a
vision because of both the force vibrations from Traitor to Mandalore (which they feel
but can't decipher yet) & their Master in trouble. Much play could come from all but
Master not acknowledging the PCs during the battle- if a PC tries to get involved or
thinks he's going to get ran over let him attack or dodge with no affect, He passes right
through them "are they ghosts?" Then they are violently pulled back to their bodies in the
academy because of the vibrations in the force that they can investigate (Traitor) maybe
even talk to the Council member but find or understand little...
Traitor sends his Jedi Troop to save the day, & does, Master is baffled at why his
force was losing...
The PCs are invited to come to the Mandalore System to study the battle site,
reconstruct damaged areas, & aid in peace talks with the Mandalorians. This is when
they recover the first images of the Sith's return on the far side of a nearby moon that one
of the Lord Apprentice flees to during the battle (maybe they saw it in the vision) Much
could be played on the battle torn site of the Mandalorians (a primitive metal working
human-like race). Then on their investigations of the Moon they discover the Debate Site
where several (5-30) Lord Apprentice argue about lands/species/etc... their Lord has
acquired. When they stumble in on this they see the last step in the creation of a Dark
Beast that awakes & sees the PCs. This leads to battles or chases... The PCs could even
find artifacts or ancient scriptures of the Sith at this point. This moon is one of the many
Lord Tomb worlds, They might even stumble into a "dungeon" adventure in the
catacombs of the extensive Tombs...
If/when the PCs call for reinforcements have the apprentice escape leaving
enough Info. to let them come to the conclusion of the Lord War the Sith are having. (this
is when Traitor captures & personally interrogates one of the Lords apprentice learning of
the Sith Culture, etc... Then decides he could become DLotS with his influence as a
Council member & knowledge of many weaker Republic worlds to conquer...)
A neat red herring would be to have a corporation or criminal organization
challenge the Republic for the Mandalore Region, offering the Mandalorians stuff in
exchange for their unique armor technologies & habitats... Also throw in a good share of
space encounters (maybe that mine horror shows up after all) & the Jedi being sent to
stop other Sith Lord invasions (random, numerous, simultaneous & unorganized) as well
as the intense discrediting of the Master by Traitor, & all the Jedi Training... BTW- all
this time they travel with their friend/peer NPC to establish a friendship (have him bail
another character out, etc...)
After several battles that really go nowhere, as the Jedi stop other Sith Lords.
They come to yet another Sith Lord (one of the more powerful ones) who has stolen a
capital ship & has converted it into a Sith battle platform. Once onboard (Master, Peer,
PCs) discover a breeding colony of a Sith army (similar to Aliens, that the Lord found a
hive of & thought they would be the perfect army), That struck back on the Lord. So at
first the Jedi encounter this mobile platform that comes & starts pounding on a Republic
safe world, then the species attacks in a mutiny the Sith on the inside. The Sith Lord
stops his attacks on the world & asks the Jedi (who are probably attacking the station by
now) to save him from his "slave revolt", because no other Sith Lord would aid him.
Once aboard they need to stop the threat then the Master & Peer split from the
PCs, the Master is attacked & killed by some remaining Sith while the Peer is left alive,
just as he's about to be killed too the Traitor is there to save him (he planned the event but
didn't mean for the Sith to kill the Master) Seeing what his actions have done he destroys
the remaining Sith, saving the Peer (then explains his goal to rule over the Sith as DLotS,
the only way to stop the Sith- who are stronger than he originally thought, is to rule them
but he explains why it must be kept secret from the Council...)
The PCs encounter tons of Sith fighting the Aliens, maybe even see the Sith Lord
killed, while their master is killed & their friend is thought killed.
In the rage from seeing his master killed & taking guidance from a Jedi council
member (Traitor) the Peer begins hunting (more predator-like than Jedi) Sith aboard the
cap ship battle station, running from Traitor. Peer could even kill the Sith Lord, which
would be when Traitor catches up with him, giving him the talk about fighting fire with
fire (to become his apprentice- later his champion). Peer takes this a little more to heart
after seeing his Master (father-figure) mauled violently by the Sith, & starts down the
path of strong action of the Dark Side realizing the way of the Jedi is not aggressive
enough to survive anymore... (all these behind the scene actions could happen in "cutaways" if you want)
Seeing his creation the Traitor kind of feels guilty (for a few seconds anyway) so
he covers it up by saying both the Master/Peer were killed (perhaps a rallying cry to get
more backing/support from the Jedi/Republic) while he smuggled the Peer out to train in
private & perhaps begin conquest of the other Sith Lords as his apprentice. This might
even be a good time to tempt the PCs with coming under Traitors teaching (DSPs if they
Clean-up of the heavily/alien modified cap ship battle platform could be fun. It
could have been adrift toward the planet below during the time they entered the ship &
beginning to burn into the atmosphere (PCs save a city?). What to do with the Sith
prisoners or the alien sect mutiny group? Minor Sith weapons would be found as well as
leading the PCs more in the direction of understanding the Lords War of the Sith... They
might even hear of a new upstart, strong Sith Lord (Traitor with anther name).
Dealing with the funeral pyre of the Master/Peer would also be something fun &
out of the ordinary, with the huge procession of Jedi from across the galaxy as well as the
full Senate of the Republic. Then the task of, are the PCs ready for Knightship or do they
need another Master?
If they are to become Young Jedi Knights this is the perfect opportunity for the
training test of the Jedi... test each PC individually centering on his/her weak points- if a
PCs is impatient let him know his friends have been given the title Knight but he is
not ready, if he argues- he is not, if he is understanding/patient- he is ready... If greed is
their weakness offer a situation for wealth vs. the integrity of the young Jedi (will he take
the 10000 credits & lie or not). All the while remembering the Traitor is on the Council
to make the decisions... Does he even want them to be Knights? Or does he hold them
back like their Master before them (a good time to have them introduced to the locale
bartender/janitor or someone who knew of the Master's discreditation). DO NOT just do
test of combat, that's boring & very non-Jedi like.
This all should last easily over 5-10+ game sessions, but there's more for later.
The basic end we're looking for is the PCs learning of the Traitor (how he betrayed
Master/Republic/Jedi), how he lured/trained their Peer, major confrontation with their
Peer, the Traitor has become DLotS (a huge ceremony would be a cool end scene) & how
he plans to use the Republic to rule the galaxy...What will they do about all this?
I suggest picking up the Dark Horse comics TotJ-Golden Age of the Sith thats
currently running to more understand the Sith culture (or what little is told of it...).
Beast Languages
Combat Sense
Danger Sense
Instinctive Astrogation
Life Detection
Life Sense
Life Web
Magnify Senses
Predict Natural Disaster
Receptive Telepathy
Sense Force
Sense Force Potential
Sense Path
Shift Sense
Weather Sense
THR 56
THR 56
2RPG 149, 2R&E 146
2RPG 149-150, 2R&E 146
* Bolt of Hatred
* Dark Side Web
* Injure/Kill
52, 2RPG 150, 2R&E 147
52, 2RPG 151, 2R&E 147
53, THR 56
54, 2RPG 151-152, 2R&E 148
55, 2RPG 152, 2R&E 148
2R&E 146
Kelly Kollman
Kelly Kollman
Kelly Kollman
Alter S. Reiss
Mike (Leszek Karlik)
Alter S. Reiss
Adam P. Graf
Alter S. Reiss
Dave Barnhart, PC 199
Dave Barnhart
Josh Riehl
Blind Sense
* The Clouds, Parting
Cyber Sense
Direction Sense
Radar Sense
Kelly Kollman
Alter S. Reiss
Dave Barnhart
Kelly Kollman
Peter Skanes
* Break Bones
Cell Burst
* Crimson Burst
Empower Weapon
* Force Static
Null Gravity
Power Drain
Project Force
Raise/Lower Temperature
Resonate Material
Strengthen Object
* Surge
Warp Matter
Josh Riehl
Dave Barnhart,
Alter S. Reiss
Dave Barnhart
Dave Barnhart
Dave Barnhart,
Dave Barnhart,
Dave Barnhart,
Kelly Kollman
Dave Barnhart,
Kelly Kollman
Kelly Kollman
Andrew Jackson
Josh Riehl
Andrew Jackson
Dave Barnhart
Dave Barnhart
Eric Lee Cline
Andrew Jackson
Dave Barnhart, PC 199
Dennis Merrill
Dave Barnhart
Alter S. Reiss
Katsie Zierfisch
Dave Barnhart
Dave Barnhart
Dave Barnhart
Dave Barnhart
Dave Barnhart
Dave Barnhart, PC 199
Chris Erickson
Kelly Kollman
PC 199
PC 199
PC 199
PC 199
PC 199
Andrew Jackson
Kelly Kollman
Dave Barnhart, PC 199
Dave Barnhart
Dennis Merrill
Kelly Kollman
TotJ--Tales of the Jedi Companion
DESB--Dark Empire Sourcebook
FFTR--Galaxy Guide 9: Fragments From The Rim
MTSB--The Movie Trilogy Sourcebook
RPGML--Star Wars Role-playing Game Mailing List
2RPG--Star Wars Role-playing Game (2nd Edition)
THR--Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
1RPG--1st Edition Star Wars Role Playing Game
2R&E--2nd edition Star Wars Role Playing Game, Revised & Expanded
ACAD--Jedi Academy Sourcebook
PC--Power adapted from the Planets Collection
* Not taught at the Academy (either because it is a Power unknown to
the Knighthood, or due to its inherent Darkness).
Control Powers
Control Difficulty: Very Easy => Dark Sider
Moderate => Light Sider
Time to use: One round
Warning: A Jedi who uses this power gains a Dark Side Point.
Effect: To use this power, a character concentrates all of his
negative feelings, and touches the Dark Side of the Force momentarily.
This imparts a +1D bonus on all rolls for the next two rounds. The Dark
Side is finicky as the bonus could at one time be 6 and at another time
be 1.
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Required Powers: Force lightning, injure/kill, eclipse
Note: This power can only be used by characters who have been
consumed by the Dark Side.
This power can be kept up.
Effect: This power enshrouds a Dark Jedi in a camouflaging veil of
the Dark Side. The power roll is added to the difficulty of any Sense
roll of a power attempting to detect the presence of the user of this
power. It also subtracts 2D from any skill attempts to perceive them,
or 4D if the power roll succeeds by 15 or more. The power causes people
to overlook the user as he or she blends into the surroundings and any
smells or sound emanating from them are muffled. The user of this power
still may make skill checks as usual while the power is up. (i.e. at
a -1D penalty). However, the user may not use combat oriented Force
powers while this power is kept up. (e.g. lightsaber combat, combat
sense, injure/kill, telekinetic kill, inflict pain, etc.).
This power does not affect electronic life-form sensors.
Control Difficulty: Moderate => Simple Equations
=> Complex Equations
Time To Use: One minute
Required Powers: Concentrate, perceptive trance
Effect: Using Jedi meditation techniques, this allows a Jedi to
calculate high-order equations with the aid of the Force. The equations
can be solved or, under certain special case situations, approximated,
using standard Jedi meditation techniques. This is usually done as a
training exercise.
Control Difficulty: Easy => Relaxed without Dark Side Points.
* Increase difficulty one level for every Dark
Side Point the character has.
Time to use: One round
Effect: This power calms the Jedi, giving him an enhanced defense
against the Dark Side. The Jedi receives a bonus of +4 to all rolls for
the next two rounds and an extra bonus of +4 to resist the effects of
powers called upon by Dark Side servants.
Cloak of Darkness
Control Difficulty: Heroic minus total Dark Side Points, to a
minimum of 5, may not be attempted by an individual with less than 5
This is a power that can be kept up.
Warning: Use of this power grants a Dark Side Point.
Note: This power is exclusively used by the Shadow Dragons.
Effect: When this power is called, the Jedi calls upon the
palpable essence of the Dark Side, turning himself into a silhouette so
dark that the eye recoils from it. When this power is invoked, it
grants a +3D bonus to the Hide and +2D to Sneak, and the Jedi holding it
will not register on electronic sensors of any type (although the space
he is in will register as being completely empty, and some sophisticated
systems will be able to detect him due to the lack of normal air in his
Cognitive Trance
Control Difficulty: Easy
Time to use: 1 minute
This power can be kept up.
Effect: Jedi uses control of his inner Force to enter the
specific trance. His thinking process is hastened, and he may absorb
information much faster (from datascreens, voicetapes set on very
high speed or by other methods), i.e. he reads even faster than Mon
Calamari - just scrolls the text very, very quickly.
The Dragon
Control Difficulty: Very Difficult
Required Powers: Emptiness, Control Pain
Warning: Although the use of this Power does not automatically
grant a dark Side Point, it does increase the desire to take evil
actions (which will grant Dark Side Points). Use with caution.
Note: This power is exclusively used by the Shadow Dragons.
Effect: This is the power that proved the undoing of the
Jhemadan, and it remains the cornerstone of the Shadow Dragons. The
Jhemadan had been experimenting with essences, and the Dragon was the
image associated with the essence of Power. When the power is invoked,
the Jedi's physical Strength doubles, for as long the power is
maintained. In addition, the thought processes of the invoker increase
33% in speed, enabling much more efficient retrieval of information (KNO
This tampering with the essential nature of the invoker is not
without it's penalties, as the Jhemadan discovered. When a Jedi is
under the influence of the Dragon, he sees everything through the amoral
and arrogant view of unbound power. In addition, the power is somewhat
addictive in nature, and once experienced, the Jedi will find himself
desiring to repeat that experience whenever possible. Finally, frequent
use of the power diminishes the power of it's effects, and starts to
cause a physical transformation of it's user into a six limbed,
reptilian creature of some sort, but as the partial transformations have
always proved fatal somewhere along the line, the exact nature of the
creature that the Jedi is on the road to becoming is unknown.
In game terms, the first time the power is invoked, the invoker
must make an easy willpower roll to avoid committing an evil act when
the opportunity presents itself when the power is up. Each additional
time that the power is invoked, the difficulty of the check increases by
2. Secondly, once the user has invoked the power once, they must make
an easy willpower roll to avoid attempting to call on that power when
the need arises. Each subsequent time the power is called upon will
increase the difficulty of that check by 2. This number will decrease
by 2 for every month that passes without the power being called upon,
until it no longer exists. However, each time the power is called upon
after that, the check will reappear, at the highest level of difficulty
that it reached, +2. Thirdly, every third time the power is called
upon, it's power decreases by 10%. Finally, if the wild die comes up
with a mishap any time the power is called, a minor physical change will
take place in the invoker. 3 changes will be noticeable, and 10 will be
Failure means treatment has been set back one day for every point the
roll missed by. A critical failure means the organ/limb has been
destroyed and user must start over (in the case of regenerating a
damaged brain, the user dies). At the end of the period (provided rest
was never broken) he may roll Strength or Control versus the above
difficulty. For every full week of rest and treatment past the required
time, the final Strength/Control Difficulty is reduced by one level. If
successful, he has a new, fully working organ/limb or is cured from the
targeted disease (Cancer, AIDS, etc.). If unsuccessful, he has a fully
grown organ/limb that either his body has rejected or is just unusable.
Control Difficulty: Very Difficult
Time to use: 1 hour of research
Effect: Makes the user have an insight on the force, increases
their knowledge, by their Control Dice for a single roll.
Sense Powers
Blind Sense
Sense Difficulty: Moderate
This power can be kept up.
Effect: This power allows the Jedi to see normally when he has
been blinded (Perception at normal). This power cannot be used to see
in the dark. Young Jedi sometimes learn this power accidentally when
lightsaber training and have been blindfolded.
The Clouds, Parting
Sense Difficulty: Moderate
Note: This Power is Exclusively used by the Shadow Dragons.
Effect: Another of the powers that was also practiced by the
Jhemadan, The Clouds, Parting is designed to sweep away all the
obstacles blocking clear sight and Sense powers. When invoked, all
powers in effect designed to obstruct or confuse the target must
immediately make opposed rolls with the Jedi who invoked The Clouds,
Parting. Failure causes those powers to be dispelled instantly, and
even a near miss will causes them to waver slightly.
Cyber Sense
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy by Relationship and Proximity
This power may be kept up.
Required Powers: None
Effect: Allows a force user to sense the prescience of a machine,
computer or droid.
Direction Sense
Sense Difficulty: Easy; modified by Proximity
Time to use: One round
This power can be kept up.
Effect: This allows the Jedi the ability to sense the direction of
an object or location by it's resonance in the Force. It could be an
object of importance, the north pole of a planet, the nearest cantina,
etc...but this power does not sense life forms. If the roll fails by
five points, the Jedi just knows the general direction the object or
location is in: left, right, forward, behind, above, below. On a
Difficult roll, the Jedi can anchor himself to a location and know
exactly in what direction and how far away the location is from their
current position.
Radar Sense
Sense Difficulty: Moderate
Required Abilities: Life Detection, Magnify Senses
This power may be kept up.
Effect: This ability is used when the Jedi can not see or is
entering combat. It gives him/her sense dice to add to his/her
perception each round. These can be used for initiative or for any of
the basic sensual skills under perception (cannot be used for command,
bargain, persuasion, etc).
This power is very similar to Life
Detection, except the Jedi feels the emotional intentions of the people
in his range. The Targets can not hide from this ability because it
feels the vibrations in the force that their presence makes.
range is equal to their sense roll +10 in meters. The Jedi does not
perceive anything but the position of the creatures and the basic
intentions (i.e., friendship, hate, about to attack, etc.)
Sense Force Strength
Sense Difficulty: Moderate
Time to Use: One minute
This allows a Jedi to sense the Force Strength of a
This tells the Jedi the Force Strength bonus a character
has, as well as the number of Character Points, Force Points, Dark Side
Points, and skill code for each Force skill.
This does not tell the
Jedi what powers the character has.
Time Sense
Sense Difficulty: See below
This power can be kept up.
Effect: Sensing the rhythm, pulse, and the ebb and flow of the
Force, the Jedi is able to track the passage of time as precisely as the
best chronometer. With a Very Easy sense roll, the Jedi can use this
power as a stopwatch. With an Easy sense roll, the Jedi can use this
power as an alarm clock.
Track Hyperspace Trail
Sense Difficulty: Difficult, modified by half the difficulty of
the journey of the ship being tracked; also modified by Proximity
Required Powers: Instinctive astrogation sense, Sense Force
Effect: Any object that goes through hyperspace leaves a trace
that the Jedi can sense. The Jedi uses his sense skill to "feel"
through hyperspace to track an object's path.
If the Jedi succeeds at tracking the course, he need only
generate an Easy astrogation total to plot a safe path to follow the
object. If the Jedi fails the roll, he is unable to track the object.
If the object includes a Force-sensitive being, the difficulty
for this power is reduced one level.
Truth Sense
Sense Difficulty: Easy; modified by Relationship
Time to use: One round
This power can be kept up.
Effect: This allows the Jedi to sense whether a person believes
what they are saying is true. It does not sense whether what they are
saying is true in the overall reality; just whether the subject believes
it or not. This is the Force equivalent of a lie-detector test.
Alter Powers
Break Bones
Alter Difficulty: Heroic modified by relationship and proximity
Warning: User receives a dark side point for using this power
Required Powers: Telekinesis, Telekinetic Kill, Rage
Effect: Allows Jedi to crush and malign 2d6 bones in a target,
inflicting Alter dice in damage.
Cell Burst
Alter Difficulty: Easy
=> organic material
Moderate => inorganic material
*modified by Proximity
WARNING: Use of this power against a living creature awards a Dark
Side Point. Use with caution.
Effect: Disrupts the cells in matter causing 4D damage.
Crimson Burst
Alter Difficulty: Targets Control or Perception roll, modified by
proximity (line of sight only).
Note: This Power is exclusively used by the Shadow Dragons.
Warning: This power grants a Dark Side Point.
Required Powers: Life Sense, Telekinesis
Effect: This power is the Shadow Dragon's version of the
Telekinetic Kill power. In game terms, it has the same effects as that
power, except it can be used from a distance, as long as line of sight
is maintained. In actuality, the power is far more gruesome, as it's
effects are achieved by altering the pressures on the various areas of
the targets bodies. The result is that blood starts to flow from the
target's pores and orifices as soon as he starts to take damage.
Eyesight is lost immediately, in addition to the damaging effects.
Empower Weapon
Alter Difficulty: Difficult
Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy
This power may be kept up.
Effect: This power is used to extend a field of energy around a
melee weapon to create the effects of a light weapon. When used on a
sword, the blade becomes infused with energy and has all the properties
of a lightsaber (able to parry lightsabers, can be used with Lightsaber
Combat, able to parry blaster bolts, etc.), except damage is reduced to
4D (and like a true lightsaber, the strength of the user makes no
difference to the damage). The power has similar affects on daggers,
staffs, axes, etc.
Force Static
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy, modified by Relationship and
This power may be kept up.
Warning: Use of this power for any reason results in a Dark Side
Effect: When using this power, the Jedi releases into the
environment a flood of random Force energy which directly interferes
with the way creatures inter-act with the Force. When used, the Jedi
rolls his Alter as usual. When a Jedi is in the area (whether his
presence is known to the user), he must add the success of Force
Disturbance to the Difficulty of any Force Use other than Life Sense and
Force Sense. In the cases of Life and Force Sense (when they are
specifically used to detect or identify the user of Force Static), the
success of Force Static is added to all Force rolls, not difficulties.
The more people using Force Powers in the area, the less the
individual difficulties. As more positive energy is added to the
area, the negative energy begins to wear thin. When 2 or more Jedi in
the area activate a power in the same round, the Force Static roll is
divided between them, rounded down. Note: The Force Static roll is
divided equally between people using the Force, not the individual
powers, or skills used within those powers.
Example: Exar Kun is meditating in the center of his temple on
Yavin IV. He activates Force Static and rolls his Alter with a result
of 23. Ulic Qel-Droma enters the temple and attempts to activate Lesser
Force Shield in anticipation of an upcoming confrontation. The
difficulty should be easy (5) but due to Exars use of Force Static, the
difficulty is raised to 16. Heres how it breaks down: Exars roll was
23. Subtract the difficulty for relationship; Acquaintances -7 (16), and
subtract the difficulty for Proximity; Less than 100 meters, but not in
sight -5 (11). So Exars success of 11 is added to Ulics base
difficulty of 5, making the new, modified difficulty 16.
Ulic feels the added stress and knows something is disrupting his
connection to the Force. He knows this must be Exars doing and
attempts to locate him via Life Sense. The usual difficulty of 12 (Very
Easy Difficulty of 0 modified by Relationship and Proximity) is reduced
by 11 (Exars success). Ulic must roll a 1 to be successful (automatic
success, baring the Wild Die). As soon as Ulic begins he discovers that
the ripples of power interfering with his concentration can easily be
followed back to its source. In fact the user has become a beacon of
Force activity.
Ulic follows this trail to its source, Exars inner chamber.
There he finds Exar waiting and attempts to use Projective Telepathy and
call his friend Nomi (who is a few kilometers away) for help. The base
difficulties for this act are Control 7, and Sense 2. These
difficulties are each raised by 14 (Exars roll of 23 minus Relationship
7, and Proximity 2). Ulics new, modified difficulties are Control 21
and Sense 16. Looks like Ulic is going to have to go solo.
If Nomi does stumble into the action and attempts to activate a
power in the same round as Ulic, she faces half the static. Ulic tries
to keep Lesser Force Shield up and use Lightsaber Combat, while Nomi
begins her Battle Meditation. All of Ulics rolls are affected by half
the Static roll rounded down, 12. This number is then modified by
Relationship and Proximity (9) leaving three. Due to Nomis added
positive Force use, his Force Difficulties are only raised by 3. The
difficulties in Nomis Battle Meditation are also raised by 3. Note:
Only the unmodified Alter score is identical between Force Users. If
Nomi and Exar were considered Friends, her difficulties would be
raised by 5 while Ulics would only be raised by 3.
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy
This power may be kept up.
Effect: This power must be centered on an object weighing no more
than one kilogram and within 10 meters of the user. When used
successfully, a globe up to 10 meters in diameter is created. The
object may be moved and the light will move with it.
Null Gravity
Alter Difficulty: Difficult
Required Powers: Telekinesis, Resonate, Absorb/Dissipate Energy
Time to Use: 10 minutes meditation.
This power may be kept up.
Effect: The user creates an interference field which disrupts the
gravity in a two meter radius. Anyone caught in it, floats upward
provided there is proper force applied. The user must be in the center
of the radius and the field may not be moved.
Power Drain
Alter Difficulty: Easy
=> Personal Scale
Moderate => Speeder Scale
Difficult => Starfighter/Walker Scale
Very Diff => Capital Ship Scale
=> Death Star Scale
Required Powers: Conduit
Time to Use: One round per Difficulty Level squared. (1 round for
Easy, 16 rounds for Heroic).
Effect: Drains all power out of a single battery or other charge
holding device.
Project Force
Alter Difficulty: Moderate; Modified by Proximity
This power can be kept "up."
Time to Use: one minute per cubic meter
Effect: With this power, the Jedi can project ambient personal
Force away from her body. If the Jedi is of the Light Side, anyone
within the projection will feel warmth and a sense of well-being. If
the Jedi is of the Dark Side, anyone within the projection will feel
cold and a sense of dread.
Raise/Lower Temperature
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy => 5 Degrees Centigrade Change
=> 10 Degrees Centigrade Change
Moderate => 15 Degrees Centigrade Change
Difficult => 20 Degrees Centigrade Change
Very Diff => 25 Degrees Centigrade Change
This power may be kept up.
Effect: Affects a 20 meter diameter circle, with target change at
center (with user) and reducing 5 degrees every 5 meters from user.
Alter Difficulty: Moderate; modified by Proximity and Material
This power may be kept up.
WARNING: Use of this power against living matter will give the
Jedi a Dark Side Point.
Required Power: Telekinesis
Effect: This power allows the Jedi to set up a resonance in an
object or area. This could serve various purposes: rub air molecules
together to produce light and heat; to create a tremor to shake someone
off their feet; to shatter a weapon in someones hand.
Resonate Material
Alter Difficulty: Easy; modified by Proximity and Material
This power may be kept "up."
Warning: Use of this power against living matter will give the
Jedi a Dark Side Point.
Required Powers: Resonate, Cell Burst
Effect: This power allows the Jedi to set up a vibrating
resonance in an object or area of material. If the roll exceeds the
difficulty by 10, the material starts to heat up. If the roll exceeds
the difficulty by 20, the material is destroyed.
Increase the difficulty one level for each cubic meter over the
first that the Jedi wishes to resonate.
Shadow Mist
Alter Difficulty: Difficult
Note: This Power is exclusively used by the Shadow Dragons.
Effect: When this power is called upon, a thick layer of mist
will pour from the ground around the Jedi calling it up. This layer
will produce a ground hugging layer around one meter thick, and around
twenty meters in diameter. The mist will dissipate after an hour, but
until that time, it is impenetrable to visible and electronic imaging,
making it ideal for concealing retreats. The Jedi who produces this
mist can see through it as though it was not there. This power can be
negated by "The Clouds, Parting."
Strengthen Object
Alter Difficulty:
= +3D
Difficult = +4D
Very Diff = +5D
= +6D to +8D depending on roll
Size modifiers: up to 1/4 cubic meter
= +0
1 cubic meter
= +10
2 cubic meters
= +20
4 cubic meters
= +30
Required Powers: Telekinesis
This power may be kept up.
Effect: This power strengthens and reinforces the structure of an
object. Some Jedi have discovered that is can also be used to weaken
objects in a similar manner. Using the Force, the Jedi reinforces the
inter- and intra-molecular bonds in the object. (Amplification of the
strong and weak nuclear forces, I guess :). The object has the same
density (more or less), volume, and mass as before, but it takes more
energy to break the bonds holding the object together. This is a
Call Animal
Control Difficulty: Very Easy by Relationship (Max Diff = 24).
Sense Difficulty:
Moderate by Proximity
Required Powers: Sense Life, Beast Languages
Effect: Allows a force user to call an animal to his aid. Sense
is used to find the creature and Control is used to contact it. This
power does *not* give any control over the summoned creature.
Daisho Combat
Control Difficulty: Difficult
Sense Difficulty: Moderate
Required Powers: Lightsaber Combat
Effect: This power allows a Jedi to wield two sabers (one long and
one short -- A Lightsaber and a Lightdagger for example) simultaneously.
A character wielding two blades who successfully activates the power may
attack and parry once each with no multiple action penalties (one strike
and one parry totals one action, not two), although other penalties
still apply, including the penalty for keeping the power up. If a
character makes no attack in a round and chooses only to parry, he
receives a +1D bonus to parry and also receives a +1D bonus at attempts
to deflect blaster bolts. Otherwise the power grants all bonuses given
by the Lightsaber Combat power (Control to Dam, Sense to Strike/Parry).
Death Sense
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Sense Difficulty: Heroic; modified by relationship and proximity
Required Power: Life detection, Danger Sense, Farseeing
Effect: This power allows the Jedi to sense the impending death
of a character. The prediction is within six rounds, and if the player
beats the control roll by 15, the prediction is extended to 5 minutes.
Control Difficulty: Difficult => Same species and race
Very Diff => Same species different race
=> Different species
*Modified by relationship to imitate a
specific being (ignore different
species modifications)
Sense Difficulty: Moderate => Just one component
Difficult => Two components
Very Diff => Three components
This power can be kept up.
Effects: With this power the Force user can change various
components to disguise themselves, or even impersonate someone. The
three components are: appearance, voice, and gestures. The GM may
rule that this power requires the expenditure of a Force Point or a
Character point to enable this change.
If the character is attempting to impersonate someone, increase
the difficulty of the Sense roll by proximity (this is due to the fact
that the user must make contact through the Force with the being they
want to impersonate in order to do so authentically).
Control Difficulty: Moderate => 10 minutes
Difficult => 10 minutes with no die penalty
Very Diff => 1 hour
=> 1 hour with no die code penalty
Sense Difficulty:
Moderate => +1D
Difficult => +2D
Very Diff => +3D
=> +4D
Required Powers: Hibernation Trance
Effect: The Jedi goes into a trance and mentally role-plays/dreams going
through an action. They then gain dice on the related skill for an
extended amount of time. Dream may only be used for one skill per day.
Empowered Lightbo Combat
Control difficulty: Difficult (20)
Sense difficulty: Moderate (15)
Note: This Power is exclusively used by Aiki Jedi.
Prerequisites: Lightsaber combat, combat sense, empower weapon.
Effect: This power was designed by Morihei Ushiba to wield his
Empowered staff. It is used to move the "empowerment free" area used for
holding the staff in the needed place, and is in all other aspects
identical to Lightsaber combat (add Control to damage and Sense to
Eyes of the Eagle
Control Difficulty:
*Modify by Relationship and Proximity
Sense Difficulty:
*Modify by Relationship and Proximity
This power may be kept up.
Required Powers: Sense Life, Call Animal, Magnify Senses
Effect: Allows a Jedi to piggy-back inside an animals mind.
The Jedi experiences all of the creatures senses but may not control
the animal in any way.
Force Archery
Control Difficulty: Difficult (20) + proximity modifiers
Sense Difficulty: Moderate (15) + 10 if target is not seen
Prerequisites: Lightsaber combat, telekinesis, combat sense.
Note: This power cannot be kept "up" for the entire fight - it has
to be activated for each shot. However, it can be kept "up", in which
case you get a free TK roll next round to retrieve the arrow (and since
you know exactly where it is, no proximity modifiers). Also, you get to
add your Sense to attack roll and 1/2 of your Control to damage. This
power can be used for normal arrows, however, you do not add Control to
damage in this case, and add 1 dice less to attack roll (1/2 Control 1D).
Jhemadan Combat
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Sense Difficulty: Easy
Note: This Power is exclusively used by the Shadow Dragons.
Effect: This power is handled in the same way as lightsaber
combat, except that it is used to amplify the user's skills at the
hibernation trance,
magnify senses,
can leave
his/her/its body and travel away from it in any direction and through
any physical obstacle. The physical universe cannot harm the Jedis
mind (unless hypnotic/brainwashing or mind-affecting stimuli are
perceived). The Jedi uses the Force to perceive the surroundings,
essentially duplicating the function of normal sensory organs. However,
due to the complexity of this power, the Jedi can only use two noninteractive senses to perceive the environment (Jedi's choice; e.g.
vision and audition). The sense of touch, or any sense that would
require interaction with the environment cannot be used. Attempts to
use interactive senses results in only one sense being available. If
this too is an interactive sense, the Jedi is totally blind and cannot
return to the body (the Jedi has no senses).
The non-corporeal Jedi may move at a maximum rate of
10m/round,unless a Heroic + proximity Control roll then made, then the
maximum movement is 1km/round (i.e. 200m/s).
The user's body dehydrates and hungers at twice the normal rate.
Proximity modifier is based on the furthest extent of the intended
distance (declared before the skill rolls are made). Should the Jedi
wish to go beyond this limit, a new Control roll must be made, modified
by the increase in intended distance. Failing this roll results in the
mind-body connection being broken, and the Jedi being unable to inhabit
this former body (It is believed that the Emperor used a modification of
this power to break his mind free from his body at the moment of his
death on the 2nd Death Star. This suggests it may be possible to use
Force Powers while using Mental Translocation--such as Transfer Life!)
The only method of detecting the presence of the incorporeal Jedi
is by using Life Detection. Obviously, detection of the Jedi in this
manner is nearly always accidental. In order for the Jedi to find the
way back and reinhabit his body, the Jedi must make a Moderate Control
roll. This skill cannot be used to inhabit bodies other than the
original host. Also, while using Mental Translocation, the body is very
susceptible to the Force power Transfer Life (treat as recently dead
Share Senses
Control Difficulty:
Sense Difficulty:
grenade it is. Control is used to energize the object being used for an
explosive, and Alter is used for damage. Alter is also used for timing
the explosive. Any number of D can be removed from Alter to create a
"timer" of D number of rounds before the explosion. If no D are placed
in the "timer," the weapon must be used immediately or it will explode
in the Dark Sider's hand. Explosions appear similar to other Force
Energy uses, such as Force Lightning or Force Weapon, as a light blue
electrical energy pulse.
Force Transduction
Control Difficulty: Very Difficult
Alter Difficulty: Easy
=> small battery (1 Min)
Moderate => Character Scale (1 Hour)
Difficult => Speeder/Walker Scales (2 Hours)
Very Diff => Starfighter Scale (takes 8 hours)
=> Capital Ship Scale (takes 1 day)
Required Powers: Absorb/dissipate energy, force of will, transfer
force, conduit
Time To Use: See Above
Effect: Using this power, the Jedi can charge energy cells using
the Force. Only one power cell can be charged at a time (Most Stock
Light Freighters carry about 50 Starfighter Scale energy cells).
Heal Another
Control Difficulty:
=> Wounded and Wounded Twice
Moderate => Incapacitated
Difficult => Mortally Wounded
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy Modified by Relationship.
Required Powers: Accelerate Anothers Healing, Control Anothers
Pain, Emptiness, Detoxify Poison in Another.
Time to Use: 5 minutes meditation per level of difficulty.
Effect: This power completely removes one level of an injury. If
the first use of this power is unsuccessful, each repeated attempt
raises the difficulty by one level. The user must be in touch of the
target to use this power.
Regenerate Other
Control Difficulty: Moderate => Simple Organ (eye, liver, kidney)
Difficult => Complex Organ (Heart)
Very Diff => Limb or System (Arm, Spine)
=> Brain, A.I.D.S, Terminal Cancer
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy by Relationship (plus Willpower or
Control if target resists)
Required Powers: Heal Another, and Regenerate
Time to use: One month per level of difficulty (1 month for an
eye, 3 months to repair spinal damage)
The Power *has* to be kept up.
Effect: Allows a Force-user to repair extensive damage to the
point of regrowth. During the period of Regeneration, the target must
rest as detailed in the Natural Healing section of the rulebook. The
user must visit the resting target at least once per day to re-apply the
treatment. A failed roll means treatment is setback for one day for
every point missed. At the end of the period (provided rest was never
broken) the target may roll Control or Strength versus the above Control
difficulty. For every full week of rest and treatment past the required
period, the targets Strength/Control roll is reduced by one Difficulty
level. If the Strength/Control roll is successful, he has a new, fully
=> 1/2 Normal Energy Used
=> Information Processed x2
Difficult => Never Botch a roll
Very Diff => 1/4 Energy & Info Pro. x3
=> No energy used & Info Pro. x4
This power may be kept up.
Required Powers: CyberLocke
Effect: Similar to Commune with Nature, this skill allows a
meditating Jedi to influence the efficiency of nearby machines. They
will be faster, use less energy, never critically fail from the
(un)lucky die (or those using these systems) etc.
Commune With Nature
Sense Difficulty:
Alter Difficulty:
=> Feeling of Tranquillity
Moderate => Grass Grows
Difficult => Flowers Grow / Animals Attracted
Very Diff => Trees Grow, Fresh Water Springs
=> Terra Form (GM sets Difficulty)
*Difficulties are based on an open plain.
Modify for climate, temp, etc:
=> +20
Dark Side Imprint => +20
=> +15
Ocean Bank
=> +15
=> +170
*Modify by Proximity
This power may be kept up.
Required Powers: Sense Life, Emptiness, Fertilize, Call Animal
Effect: While meditating in an outdoor area, the Jedi bonds with
all living creatures in the area and influences their development. Soil
becomes more fertile, plants begin to grow, creatures sense
tranquillity, etc. Sense is used to create the link and Alter makes
changes in the pattern of nature around him.
Empower Self
Sense Difficulty: Moderate
Alter Difficulty: Moderate
This power may be kept up.
Note: This Power is exclusively used by Monks of Shimura.
Required Powers: Ka, Absorb/Dissipate Energy
Effect: When this power is activated an energy field surrounds the
body (especially the hands and forearms) of the Monk (follower of
Shimura) allowing him to parry and deflect blaster bolts as well as
lightsabers. While kept up the Monk may add his Sense to Brawling Parry
in order to parry lightsabers or block/deflect blaster bolts as per
Lightsaber Combat. These bonuses are not in addition to any gained from
keeping the Ka Power up. While the Monk is empowered he may also add
Alter to his brawling damage.
Lightwhip Combat
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Alter Difficulty: Moderate
This power may be kept up.
Effect: The Sith used this power to wield the double-edged
Lightwhip, and guide it's movement through the Dark Side. If the Sith
is successful, he may add his Alter dice to his lightwhip skill roll to
hit or parry, and he adds or subtracts put to his Control dice to the
damage. If he fails, he must use his lightwhip skill and the standard
damage only for the duration of the combat.
To parry blaster bolts, the Sith may use Lightwhip Combat. To do
this, the character must declare that he is parrying that round, using
his lightwhip skill as normal. The Sith may also attempt to control
where the deflected blaster bolt goes, although this counts as an
additional action. The Sith must declare which specific bolt he is
controlling, with difficulties as per Lightsaber Combat (SWRPG2 151).
Sense Difficulty: Difficult
Alter Difficulty: Heroic, Modified by Proximity
Time to use: one minute per cubic meter
Required Powers: Telekinesis, Magnify Senses, Shift Sense
Effect: This power allows the Jedi to selectively separate an
element or molecule from an area. This, of course, could be used to
make it rain, remove all oxygen from an inferno (to put it out), or
remove all iron from a life form (would give a Dark Side Point.)
Remove Force Imprint
Sense Difficulty: Moderate
Alter Difficulty: Moderate
Required Powers: Hibernation trance, postcognition, sense force
Time To Use: 20 minutes for less than or equal to 1 cubic meter;
4hours for 10 cubic meters; 1 week for 100 cubic meters; 1 year for
1cubic kilometer; +1 year for each additional 0.5 cubic kilometer
Note: This power must be kept up until the removal meditation is
completed or given up on.
Effect: This power removes the Force imprint left by a Force user
(or the ambient imprint) on an object or area. When another Force user
tries to Sense Force on the affected object or area, add +10 or the
Alter roll, whichever is higher, to the difficulty.
This power requires intense meditation and the Jedi must go into a
trance to erase all of the imprint over long periods of time. Short
breaks may be taken every week to eat and drink, but the power must be
kept up. and the delay must not be more than 10 minutes. While in the
Remove Force Imprint trance, the Jedi must not be distracted by any
large stimulus (e.g. a loud bang or shout, a slap, an extremely strong
smell, etc.).
After finishing, the Jedi should leave the vicinity of the
object or area, preferably within 24 hours. Contact longer than this
increases the probability of a new Force imprint being created. Using
the Force near the object or area, after erasing the imprint (convert
cubic meters to meters of distance, e.g. 100cubic meters=100 meters from
the object or place is considered near) creates a new imprint.
Removing the Force imprint of a Force Nexus, especially a Dark
Side Nexus (like the Dagobah Cave) is extremely dangerous for your
mental health (GM to arbitrate specific results). Naomi asked about this
one, so I decided to type it up.
Sense Weight
Sense Difficulty: Very Difficult
Alter Difficulty: Moderate; Modified by Proximity
Required Powers: Telekinesis
Time to use: one round
Effect: This allows the Jedi to sense the weight of an object
down to the nearest 0.001 milligram.
Sensory Overload
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy => Targets Per = 1D - 2D
=> Targets Per = 3D - 4D
Moderate => Targets Per = 5D - 6D
Difficult => Targets Per = 7D+
Alter Difficulty: Targets Stamina roll modified by Relationship.
Required Powers: Magnify Senses, Projective Telepathy
Effect: Causes the target to experience a huge influx of stimuli,
causing him to pass out.
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy by Relationship (+2 for every person,
after the first, through tenth... +1 every five people thereafter.
People tend to act as those around them. If 10 people are really moved
so will the 11th).
Alter Difficulty: Very Easy => One Sense (a howl is heard)
=> Two Senses
Moderate => Three Senses
Difficult => Four Senses
Very Diff => Five Senses (holographic)
=> The viewers are in the story!
This power may be kept up.
Required Powers: Projective Telepathy
Effect: This power is used to entertain, educate or just make a
point. While a Jedi tells a story the very reality around him warps to
accommodate the theme of the story. Wind will pick up, lights will
flash, unusual sounds will be heard, etc. Whatever could enhance the
experience of the viewer.
Sense Difficulty: Moderate
Alter Difficulty: Easy, modified by target Strength.
Prerequisites: Telekinesis
Effect: The Jedi is able to start a fire anytime, anywhere there
is enough oxygen and fuel to support the flame. If need be, even
starship hull plating can be ignited. When used in conjunction with
Transmutation, a fire may even be ignited under water or in space. If
used as an attack, the Jedi receives a Dark Side Point (unless he has
one hell of a good excuse!). To figure damage: Roll target's Strength
against the Alter roll. A result of a 4 or better gets through to the
target and ignites it.
1 Round
Easy - 10
2 Rounds
Moderate - 15
Up to 5 Rounds
Difficult - 20
Up to 15 Rounds
Very Diff - 25
Up to 3 Hours
Very Diff - 30
Up to 1 Day
Heroic - 40
Up to 1 Week
Heroic - 45
Up to 1 Month
Heroic - 50
Up to 1 Year
Heroic - 60
Up to 5 Years
Heroic - 70
Up to 15 Years
Heroic - 80
Heroic - 100
Sense Difficulty: Targets Control + Proximity
Alter Difficulty:
Type of Force to Block:
Single, Specific Use
Difficult - 17
Single Skill Power
Very Diff - 27
2 Skill Power
Heroic - 39
3 Skill Power
Heroic - 52
Entire Skill
Heroic - 76
This power may be kept up.
Time to use: One Round for every level of duration.
Required Powers: Hibernation Trance, Life detection, Sense Force,
Projective Telepathy, Transfer Force(?) Affect Mind, Control Mind,
Control Pain, Control Another's Pain
Effect: In game terms this is a most devastating power. This
power can be activated as a reaction to a specific force power used by
another Jedi, or it can have a more premeditated use.
When used, the user suffers a -1D to all Force Skills for 2 times
the duration called for. For instance if Dark Jedi used this power to
stop Light Jedi from using Absorb/Dissipate *at one specific instance*,
then Dark Jedi, regardless of his success or failure, suffers a -1D to
all his force Skills for 2 Rounds(because the shortest duration is one
round). If Dark Jedi decided to try to block Light Jedi's ability to
use Absorb/Dissipate permanently, then Dark Jedi would suffer that -1D
for twice as long. Any dice lost this way can, of course, be recovered
through the spending of character points.
And Character who has had all three Skills(Control, Sense and
Alter) blocked will appear to any mode of detection as non-force
sensitive. The user of this power can use it on himself.
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Sense Difficulty: Easy
=> 1 - 2 Targets
Moderate => 3 - 20 Targets
Difficult => 21 - 100 Targets
Very Diff => 101 - 1,000 Targets
=> 1,000 - 10,000 Targets
* Modified by single highest individual
Alter Difficulty: Easy plus targets Perception, Willpower or
Control roll.
This power may be kept "up."
Required Powers: Affect Mind, Rage, Project Force, and Anger
Warning: The user of this power gains a Dark Side Point.
Notes: Targets with Dark Side Points receive a penalty to resist
equal to the bonus granted by their Dark Side Points. For example, a
Jedi has one Dark Side point from embracing the Dark Side (see Part II:
The Dark Side) which usually gives a +2D bonus to all Force Skills.
When using this power he rolls Control, Sense, and Alter with a +3D
bonus (+2D from his earlier Dark Side Points plus an additional +1D from
the new Dark Side Point gained from attempting this power). When the
same Jedi attempts to resist this power, the Alter difficulty (for the
user) becomes Easy plus Control (or Willpower, or Perception) minus 2D.
Since he has already been touched by the Dark Side it is harder for him
to refuse it.
When a Jedi of the Light is under the influence of this power it
is likely he will commit evil acts. Such a Jedi does not receive Dark
Side points for Action (striking first, aggressively, or out of anger),
but does take Dark Side Points for Inaction (the guilt he feels for not
being able to control himself).
Effect: When this power is used, the Jedi radiates the Dark Side
of the force, sending waves of anger and hatred washing over his
targets. The game affect of this power is that all targets go into a
berserker state, granting a +2D bonus to all combat actions (attacks and
parries/dodges), but they may make no other actions in the same round.
Also, record all wound results of "stunned" or "wounded" but do not
invoke any die penalties for those under the influence of this power. A
target may roll their resistance once per round against the Jedi's
standing Alter roll, to break free. Each failed resistance attempt
incurs a -5 penalty on the next attempt (cumulative).
Cleansing, The
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Sense Difficulty: Own Perception ability value
Alter Difficulty: Very Difficult
Note: This Power is exclusively used by the Baadu.
Effect: This power is used to preserve neutrality in a Baadu. It
makes them better able to control the Force within them at early levels.
In later levels of ability, advancement becomes VERY difficult, as the
two sides of the force become further apart. By using The Cleansing,
Baadu are better able to resist the temptation of the Dark Side, but are
much more limited in their advancement in the study of the Force. When a
character uses the Cleansing, they become Baadu in all respects.
Whichever side of the Force is lesser (DS points or LS points) is
subtracted from whichever side of the Force is greater. The lesser of
the two is set to zero.
Example: Birtaa Baadu has 7 Dark Side Points and four Light Side
Points (it's been a long time since his last cleansing, and he's been a
bad boy!). Once he is done using the power, he will have 3 Dark Side
Points (7 DSP - 4 LSP = 3 DSP), and he will be left with 0 Light Side
Points (4 LSP - 4 LSP = 0)
Note: Players of Baadu can't use the cleansing for an easy way out
of being neutral; they must actually BE neutral. A Baadu cannot be more
evil than good, or vice versa, or their neutrality will be disrupted.
Control Difficulty: Moderate => Computer, Electric kettle.
Difficult => Lightsaber, Blaster.
Very Diff => Repulsorlift vehicle.
=> Starship.
Sense Difficulty: Moderate => Electric kettle.
Difficult => Lightsaber, Blaster.
Very Diff => Vehicle (all scales).
=> Computer.
Alter Difficulty: Difficult.
Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy
This power may be kept up.
Effect: This power enables a force user to convert force energy
into some other form of energy. This enables the user to fire a blaster
or wield a lightsaber which has a dead power pack. Of course if an item
is overpowered, it could burn out or even explode, under power the item
and it may fail to function or function inefficiently. If the control
roll is failed by 5 or less then the item is under powered. If the
sense roll is failed by 5 or less and the control roll succeeded by
greater than 5 then the item has been over powered. Note that this
power is not restricted to electrical energy, any kind of energy can be
produced, but this power does not enable the user to do force lightning,
project heat from their eyes a la superman or even project a beam of
light from an open palm. It can _only_ be used to power some sort of
powered item. The user of this power must be in contact with the thing
being powered.
Control Animal
Control Difficulty:
Sense Difficulty:
Alter Difficulty:
Moderate by Proximity
Targets Perception by Relationship
=> Trekkies
Moderate => Insect
Difficult => True Animal (Beaver/Hawk)
Very Diff => Kinda Smart (Dog/Ape)
=> Truly Alien
This power may be kept up.
Required Powers: Eyes of Eagle
Effect: You take total control of an animals mind/body.
Corporeal Translocation
Control Difficulty: Heroic + (2x proximity)
Sense Difficulty: Difficult
Alter Difficulty: Heroic + (2x proximity)
Required Powers: Absorb/dissipate energy, accelerate anothers
healing, accelerate healing, control another's pain, control pain,
Doppleganger, emptiness or rage, farseeing, force of will, hibernation
trance, instinctive astrogation, life detection, life sense, magnify
senses, mental translocation, projective telepathy, receptive telepathy,
remain conscious, return another to consciousness, sense force, shift
sense, telekinesis, transfer force
Time To Use: 1 round to prepare + duration of power + 1 round for
Note: This power assumes that Doppleganger should not be a power
that grants a Dark Side Point and thus both Doppleganger and this power
should be usable by all Force users, and not just Dark Side users.
Effect: This power effectively transports the Jedi over long
distances. This is one of the most difficult powers a Jedi can learn.
This power allows disassembly of the Jedi's constituent molecules. The
power then transports them a given distance and reassembles them. The
Force user effectively enters hyperspace (although this is not actually
known) and can move the constituent atoms as a 10xhyperdrive. Note that
nearby gravity wells have no effect on this power. A different
mechanism seems to be used for short distances (on a planet for
example). For these short distances, treat as 10km/rnd.
The proximity modifier is based on the furthest extent of intended
distance, declared before the skill roll is made. Generally, the user
must be familiar with the destination, preferable having visited and
studied it before. If the Jedi is not familiar with the destination(it
was described to the Jedi, the Jedi only visited it for a few minutes,
etc., GM to arbitrate), there is a +20 modifier to the control roll.
Failure of the Control roll affects the location of reassembly. Roll 1D
for the direction of failure. 1=forwards, 2=right, 3=left, 4=backwards,
5=up, and 6=down.
These directions are relative to the desired position of the Jedi
at the destination. Use of a character point before this roll gives a-1
modifier to the direction roll.
The distance moved in the indicated direction is 2D% of the
intended distance traveled. Attempting (intentional or accidental)
reassembly in a space already occupied by another object results in the
death of the Jedi in most instances.
Designer's Notes: This one raises lots of questions: How much
stuff can the Jedi take with him? Can the Jedi transport another being?
Special Abilities: Poison Claw
Glands: Secrete a poison onto claws. Roll 2D vs. victims STR for
effects. If poison higher, all stats -1D per point (if any stat equals
or drops below 0 then character is unconscious). The effects of the
poison last 3 hours.
Move: 10 walking, 15 gliding
Size: 50cm
Scale: Character
Description: Bat-like wings, sharp teeth & claws, long tail, dark brown,
green, or gray skin. Like a pterodactyl with a stubby jaw.
Type: Burden Homunculus
Lifting 6D, stamina 5D
Special Abilities: Climbing Claws: Add +2D to climbing skill.
Webbed Digits: Add +1D to swimming skill.
Move: 10Size: 100cm
Scale: Character
Description: Flat back, furry, stubby stout legs, set low to ground,
small dull teeth, muscular, fingers have climbing claws.
Type: Scout Homunculus
PERCEPTION 3DSearch 5D, sneak 4D
Special Abilities: Acute Vision: Add +2D to visual searches.
Auditory Sensitivity: Add +1D to audio searches.
Move: 10 walking, 20 flying
Size: 50cm
Scale: Character
Description: Feathered wings, dull beak, short claws, broad tail, color
determined by creator.
Control Difficulty: Very Easy by Proximity
Sense Difficulty: Easy By Relationship
Alter Difficulty: Moderate => +1D to Technical Skills
Difficult => +2D to Technical Skills
Very Diff => +3D to Technical Skills
=> +4D to Technical Skills
Required Powers: Speak With Machines
This power may be kept up.
Effect: Through using this power a Jedi becomes one with a
machine. When successful a Jedi enters a state where he thinks like the
computer, thus allowing him greater skill with which to manipulate it.
This skill may also be used to negate side effects from cybernetic
replacements. When doing so, the Jedi rolls his Alter as usual to
determine the amount of dice to roll versus difficulty gained by cyber
Example: If a character has 7 cyber points, all difficulties are
raised by 21 points (3 points per cyber point). If he wishes, he may
activate CyberLocke on himself (with no added difficulty from cyber
points) in an attempt to strengthen his connection with the Force. If
he rolls a 16 (Difficult) for Alter, the difficulty added to Force
Skills from cyber points is reduced by 2D (per the table above). He
then rolls the 2D and gets 7. The new difficulty added to Force Skills
is 14.
A Jedi may also reach out to a machine and order it to do his
bidding (difficulty vs. computer programming). Example: Ordering a
blaster to lock up or a sensor to give a false reading.
Dark Side Dissipation
Control Difficulty:
Size of Target:
Very Easy => Small Pouches
=> Regular Boxes
Moderate => Land Vehicles
Difficult => Walkers and Sentient Beings
Very Diff => Starships
=> Huge Amounts of Dark Side Energy
Sense Difficulty: Objects Strength or Persons Control/Perception
plus amount of Dark Side Points.
Alter Difficulty:
Length of Duration:
Very Easy => 1-2 rounds
=> 2-3 rounds
Moderate => Several minutes
Difficult => 1 hour to a couple days
Very Diff => Several days to a few weeks
=> A few weeks to a month
Required Powers: Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Emptiness, Sense Force,
Projective Telepathy, Transfer Force, Magnify Senses, Strengthen Object,
and Concentration.
Warning: The character using this power must use Absorb/Dissipate
Energy before attempting because of the unleashing of huge amounts of
Dark Force energy. The damage taken if Absorb/Dissipate is not used is
8D and possible Dark Side corruption.
Effect: This power is a very rare ability. The user must activate
Absorb/Dissipate Energy to protect them from the harsh effects of what
they're about to do. After this is done (Difficulty is based on the
object, its contamination and its own energy source), the user focuses
on the target (a Dark Side Corrupted object) and begins to glow and hum
very audibly. Then, a large, bright beam shoots from the user. Like a
plasma torch burning through metal, it penetrates the Dark Side object,
drawing Dark Side points away and decontaminating the object. Usually,
with a normal object, this will cause a small explosion at the beam's
point and cause minor damage to the object, but very little. If used on
a person, the user's personal Force will transfer into the Dark Side
person and begin to drain their Dark Side Points and their corruption of
the Dark Side. The target must make a Control or Perception roll every
round to see if they break free of the light Jedi's atonement power. If
they do, a massive explosion erupts, knocking both people backwards,
causing damage to whoever isn't protected. The unfortunately if the hold
is broken, the person being redeemed will regain all of his lost Dark
Side points and abilities. If facing something of enormous Dark Side
power, such as Palpatine or a Force Storm, and explosion will occur when
the Light energy has broken through the Dark.
universe, and have been unseen since. No Jedi had any idea where the
lost ones are, or even if they are still alive. It has even been said
that even time may be twisted in the "Jedi-space".
Lightbo Combat
Control difficulty: Difficult (20)
Sense difficulty: Moderate (15)
Alter difficulty: Difficult (20)
Prerequisites: Lightsaber combat, telekinesis, combat sense.
Effect: Using lightbo without this power is almost impossible - it
holds both handles in one line using Telekinesis, and moves them where
needed. In all other aspects, it is identical to Empowered Lightbo
Combat and Lightsaber Combat.
Light Boomerang Combat
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Sense Difficulty: Moderate, +1D difficulty per additional target
Alter Difficulty: Easy, +1D for every additional target, +2D for
every additional target after the third. Must make a Very Easy roll to
Required Powers: Lightsaber Combat, Telekinesis
This power maybe kept up.
Effect: This is the power that lets a Jedi pick up, much less
throw a Light Boomerang. This power controls all aspects of the
strike, from the throw to the hit to the catch. Without this power, no
one should ever pick up a light boomerang, much less try to throw it.
If the Alter roll fails, the boomerang just does not ignite, and
clatters to the ground, a lifeless hunk of metal. Alter also effects
how many of his targets the Jedi actually hits. The difficulty for each
of the desired strikes must first be determined. If the roll is under
the total difficulty, then only the strikes that are possible under the
actual roll hit. When the hitable targets are struck, the boomerang
makes a direct line to the Jedi, who must make a Very Easy Alter roll to
deactivate the boomerang or be struck with it.
Like the Lightsaber, Light Whip and Blaster Combat skills, this
skill improves the capabilities of the thrower and of the weapon. The
Jedi may add or subtract any number of his Control dice to the damage
roll of the boomerang. He may also add HALF the number of his Sense
dice to his the dice he rolls for his physical skill to determine if he
hits. The light boomerang may be used to intercept blaster bolts, but
the physical skill and Alter skills are increased by +10 (due to the
reaction time involved), and the Sense and Control powers are the same
as for Lightsaber Combat.
Mind Sand
Control Difficulty: Easy
Sense Difficulty: Target's Control or Perception Roll (whichever
is higher).
Alter Difficulty: Moderate
Note: This Power is exclusively used by the Shadow Dragons.
Required Powers: Affect Mind
Effect: This power is designed to cripple the abilities of
opposing Jedi. When invoked, and the target's roll is lower than the
sense roll, the target can no longer use the force skill of Sense, and
any powers based on that skill. When he tries to do so, all he will see
is a featureless grey field. If he tries, he can make an opposed roll
every round to break the control, though that does count as an action.
All other Force Powers can still be used normally. This power can be
kept up from round to round. It is particularly vulnerable to "The
Clouds, Parting" as a successful invocation of that power will not only
negate the effects of this power, the person holding the "Mind Sand"
power will still believe that the power is up, and can expend effort
trying to keep it up with no effect.
Control Difficulty: Moderate
Sense Difficulty: Easy
=> 1 - 2 Targets
Moderate => 3 - 20 Targets
Difficult => 21 - 100 Targets
Very Diff => 101 - 1,000 Targets
=> 1,000 - 10,000 Targets
* Modified by single highest individual
Alter Difficulty: Easy plus targets Perception, Willpower or
Control roll.
Required Powers: Affect Mind, Emptiness, Calm, and Project Force
This power may be kept up (see below).
Note: The bonuses usually granted to a Jedi for having Dark Side
Points (See Part II: The Dark Side) become penalties when using this
power. For example, If a Jedi has two Dark Side Points from embracing
the Dark Side (which usually grants a +4D bonus when using Force
Skills), suffers a -4D penalty to all rolls when activating or keeping
up this power. Also, it is impossible for any character with six or
more Dark Side Points to manipulate the Light Side enough to use this
Effect: A Jedi using this power radiates the light side of the
force, sending waves of peace and happiness washing over his targets.
Unwilling targets resist with either Willpower, Perception, or Control
(whichever is higher), with a +2 to their resistance for each Dark Side
Point they possess. The game affect of this power is that all targets
may not make any violent or angry actions (attacks etc..) while under
its influence. People under the influence of this power lose one Dark
Side Point for every hour. A target may attempt to break the influence
of this power by rolling their resistance once a round, against the
Jedi's Alter roll (from when the power was activated). Each failed
resistance attempt incurs a -3 penalty on the next attempt (cumulative).
Editorial Note: Like everything else in this Handbook, the effects
of this power are up to each individual GM. I personally, think there
is a great distinction between calming down and washing away sin.
Therefore, I would not allow use of this power to eliminate Dark Side
Points. Evil acts should be atoned for through great sacrifices and
hardships, but it is really up to each individual GM to decide how it
effects their game.
Release Spirit
Control Difficulty: Very Difficult modified by relationship
Sense Difficulty: Heroic
Alter Difficulty: Heroic
Time to use: 30 minutes
Effect: Allows user to release a spirit contained in a Sohl-Ja
(see Discharge Spirit). Upon release, the spirit may attempt to reenter its own body or use Transfer Life to take over another body.
Failure causes the spirit to dissipate at the rate of 5 character points
per turn. When the spirit has reached 0 character points, it must sell
off attribute dice to sustain life. When any attribute drops below 1D,
Special Powers
Sense Disturbance
Sense Difficulty: Very Easy, Modified by proximity
Effect: this enables a character to sense a disturbance in the
Force. This does not give the character specific details, but instead a
vague feeling of what has occurred.
Once learned, this power is effectively up at all times. When a
disturbance happens, the Jedi can take a free action roll to sense the
disturbance. The GM should have the player roll his characters Sense
against the modified difficulty. What effect the disturbance has on the
Jedi is up to the GM.
If successful, the GM should secretly inform the player that his
character senses a tremor, or a stirring in the Force, tell the player a
vague feeling of who or what the disturbance is about, and if it is of
the Light or Dark Side.
Proximity Modifiers:
Add to difficulty:
Add to difficulty:
Kanz Disorders
Birth of Yoda
Birth of Chewbacca
Birth of Jorus C'baoth
Activation of C-3PO Human/Cyborg Relations Protocol Droid
Launch of the Outbound Flight Project
Project: Nova
Birth of Obi-Wan Kenobi
Birth of Anakin Skywalker
Birth of Mon Mothma
Beginning of the Clone Wars
Official End of the Clone Wars
The Jedi still are fighting remnants for the next 3
Episode 1
Birth of Han Solo
Episode 2
Beginning of Anakin Skywalkers Fall/Rise of Darth Vader
The Great Purge of the Jedi Knights begins
Episode 3
President Palpatine declares himself Emperor
Formation of the Alliance to Restore the Republic
Signing of the Corellian Treaty
Birth of the Skywalker Twins (Luke & Leia)
Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu
Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon
Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of Thonboka
Han Solo discharged from the Imperial Navy
Han Solo wins the Millennium Falcon from Lando Calrissian
Han Solo at Star's End
Droids comics
Leia Organa elected to the Imperial Senate
Han Solo's Revenge
Han Solo and the Lost Legacy
Han Solo dumps Jabba's Spice
Episode 4: A New Hope
The Destruction of Alderaan
The Battle of Yavin
Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina
Star Wars Holiday Special
Splinter of the Mind's Eye
River of Chaos comic
Episode 5: The Empire Strikes Back
The Battle of Hoth
Shadows of the Empire
Tales from the Bounty Hunters
Tales from Jabba's Palace
Episode 6: Return of the Jedi
The Battle of Endor
First recorded death of Palpatine
Truce at Bakura
Formation of the New Republic
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron comic
X-Wing: Rogue Squadron
X-Wing: Wedge's Gamble
X-Wing: The Kytros Trap
X-Wing: Rogues Unbound
The Courtship of Princess Leia
Marriage of Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa
Heir to the Empire
The Battle of Sluis Van
Force Enhancer
This is a Republic-Era artifact used by the Jedi for enhancement of Force Skills
and is always programmed with Force Powers. Usually only used by new Jedi, it is
presumed that Jedi Masters never used these devices as they were too weak.
Force Scanner
This is a type of detection tool used to determine the Force potential of a person.
The scanner is very delicate and can be broken easily.
Force Shard
This is a large (1 meter across) crystal that greatly enhances a character's Force
Powers. The shard can only be held with both hands as it is very heavy. It is usually
placed in a base or statue. It seems to have been faceted at one time, but there are chips
and cracks throughout the Shard. The Shard imparts +8D to all Force Skills while
touching the Shard. The Shard glows with an inner light when touched. The Shard will
also impart a random bonus Force Power if the Shard is touched for four hours at one
time without any distractions. Note: This cannot be done while in Hibernation Trance,
Rage, etc.... (Careful, this is a very, very powerful artifact and can easily unbalance the
game; It is my recommendation that this artifact be destroyed or shattered somehow
during the course of the adventure. It would be very hard to go against a villain that starts
at 12D Force Skills boosted to 20D! Not to mention how many Powers the villain could
Force Splinter
This is a chip from the Force Shard. It enhances a character's Force Powers just
like the shard; although not as strongly. A splinter is usually worn in a pendant or amulet.
There are 7 known Small Splinters at about 1 inch long; they impart a +1D to all Force
Skills while touching the Splinter. There are 3 known Medium Splinters at about 3
inches long; they impart a +2D to all Force Skills while touching the Splinter. There is 1
known Large Splinter at about 5 inches long; it imparts a +3D to all Force Skills while
touching the Splinter.
The New Jedi Holocron is an interactive teaching device that becomes active
when held by Force-Sensitive characters. Organic crystals inside the Holocron sense the
Force of the user determining whether the user is with the Light or Dark Side of the
Force. The Holocron then senses the surface thoughts of the user, presenting them with
Jedi wisdom. The Holocron can be used as a Jedi encyclopedia or as a training instructor.
The Holocron holds about 200 Force Powers.
This is a specialized version of a lightsaber and is thus very rare. Some
lightsabers have the lightblade as one of the settings. The blade is one-quarter of the
length of a normal lightsaber, but is the only setting able to be used. Damage is 2D.
Light Boomerang
The Light Boomerang was once, during the time of the Old Republic, a highly
prized weapon. But its technology and use has been forgotten by all but a few. When
activated, the Light Boomerang causes 5D damage. When not activated, this weapon
looks like a tiny (1mm in thickness) metal boomerang, but with no curves or bends that a
proper boomerang would have. It can only be activated telekinetically, otherwise the
user's fingers would be instantly removed upon ignition. The user throws the boomerang,
using his telekinesis powers to steer, activate, and return it to their hand. Attempting to
use this weapon without intense training is suicidal.
Known throughout the Galaxy as the symbol of the Jedi Knights, a lightsaber is an
elegant and very lethal weapon in the right hands. How to create a lightsaber is a carefully
guarded secret and a lightsaber will never be sold on the open market.
Lightsaber, Ancient
This is a lightsaber that has survived eons of use and has been left with a residue
from it's users. It will give a character bonus of +2D to their Sense power and when first
held, will give the character a symbolic vision - a type of Farseeing.
The lost and highly prized weapon of many Siths and Dark Jedi, lightwhips are
harnessed energy coiled around incredibly strong alloy whips capable of cutting through
the densest of materials. See Part VIII: The Weapons of a Jedi.
This describes a number of different methods of recording Force Powers. It
includes but is not limited to: Scrolls, Books, Manuscripts, or Datatapes.
Natural Ilum crystals
Ilum crystals where used in ancient times to build lightsabers. These crystals,
only found in the Adegan system, spontaneously emit powerful bursts of light and energy
when resonant frequencies are run through them.
Null Sphere
A Null Sphere is a smoky glass-like sphere (nearly impossible to destroy) that
resonates with a negative Force. These artifacts were created by unknown means for
unknown uses and have only come to light from archaeological digs in areas where the
culture largely self-destructed without a logical reason why. Basically, a Null Sphere has
the effect of an Ysalimir, canceling out the Force in a specific area around itself. The
degree of cancellation is variable, but usually extending several meters in diameter.
Plasma Blade
This is the Elven version of the Lightsaber with a few differences. All Plasma
Blades have a rippling blue blade. Unlike lightsabers, the blade has a small weight to it,
giving it an appreciated balance. It can also parry other weapons, but it cannot deflect
blaster fire or force lightning. The Elves guard the Plasma Blade's construction as closely
as the Jedi do with the lightsaber. The damage done by the Plasma Blade is 4D instead of
5D as with a normal Lightsaber.
Sonic Blaster
This weapon concentrates, focuses, and enhances the voice of the user and turns it
into a highly concentrated blast of sonic force. Damage is 2D + Control.
8 Blue
9 Violet
10 Orange
11 White
12 Cycling Colors (all colors...Ooze)
Roll 1D
1 25 centimeters
2 26 centimeters
3 27 centimeters
4 28 centimeters
5 29 centimeters
6 30 centimeters
Roll 1D
1 1.0 meters
2 1.1 meters
3 1.2 meters
4 1.3 meters
5 1.4 meters
6 1.5 meters
modified as necessary to make sense (a Sith text is much more likely to have been written
in Sithian or Massassi than in Gotalese).
Type of text (3D6):
5D Holocron
4D Tome
3D Holocron
3D Tome
2D Tome
8, 9
1D Scroll
10, 11 1D Tome
12, 13 0D Stone Tablet
1D Datapad
2D Datapad
2D Scroll
3D Datapad
4D Holocron
Language (2D6)
2 Sithian
3 Old Tatooini
4 Old Corellian
5 Miralukan
6 Basic
7 Massassi
8 Tetan
9 Vultan
10 Nazzarese
11 Twilek
12 Gotalese
Common Powers:
Absorb/Dissipate Energy, Accelerate Healing, Concentrate, Control Pain, Detoxify
Poison, Emptiness, Hibernation Trance, Remain Conscious, Remove Fatigue, Resist
Stun, Life Detection, Life Sense, Receptive Telepathy, Sense Force, Telekinesis, Lesser
Force Shield, Calculate, Calm, Cognitive Trance, Blind Sense, Direction Sense, Sense
Force Strength, Time Sense, Light, Raise/Lower Temperature, Resonate, Strengthen
Object, Fertilize, Group Mind, Induced Sleep, Sense Weight, and Storytelling.
Uncommon Powers:
Contort/Escape, Enhance Attribute, Force of Will, Instinctive Astrogation (Control),
Rage, Reduce Injury, Short-Term Memory Enhancement, Beast Languages, Combat
Sense, Danger Sense, Instinctive Astrogation (Sense), Life Web, Magnify Senses,
Postcognition, Sense Force Potential, Sense Path, Shift Sense, Translation, Weather
Sense, Injure/Kill, Life Bond, Lightsaber Combat, Projective Telepathy, Accelerate
Anothers Healing, Control Anothers Disease, Control Anothers Pain, Control Breath,
Detoxify Poison in Another, Place Another in Hibernation, Remove Anothers Fatigue,
Return Another to Consciousness, Transfer Force, Affect Mind, Enhanced Coordination,
Force Harmony, Projected Fighting, Telekinetic Kill, Dim Others Senses, Aura of
Uneasiness, Force Wind, Control Disease, Enhance Skill, Force Charged Strike, Heal,
Cyber Sense, Radar Sense, Track Hyperspace Trail, Truth Sense, Cell Burst, Empower
Weapon, Power Drain, Projected Force, Resonate Material, Warp Matter, Anticipation,
Call Animal, Daisho Combat, Mediation, Share Senses, Speak with Machines, Control
Weather, Force Transduction, Heal Another, Precipitation, Affect Emotions, Remove
Force Print, Sensory Overload, Thermogenesis, Conduit, Control Animal, CyberLocke,
Dark Side Dissipation, Eclipse, Force Bolt, and Transmutation.
Rare Powers:
Predict Natural Disaster, Farseeing, Feed on Dark Side, Force Lightning, Inflict Pain,
Battle Meditation, Control Mind, Doppleganger, Drain Life Essence, Transfer Life, Bolt
of Hatred, Dark Side Web, Electronic Manipulation, Waves of Darkness, Drain Life
Energy, Memory Wipe, Postcognition, Anger, Blackness, Nullify Gravity, Blaster
Combat, Death Sense, Disguise, Eyes of Eagle, Force Explosive, Lightwhip Combat,
Commune with Nature, Commune with Machines, Greater Force Shield, Block Force,
Create Gravity Wells, Create Homunculus, Light Boomerang Combat, Vampirism, Force
Archery, Force Static, Break Bones, and Lightbo Combat.
Ultra Rare Powers:
Create Force Storms, Ka, Empower Self, The Cleansing, Corporeal Translocation,
FZOOK, Aiki Combat, The Dragon, Jhemadan Combat, and Empowered Lightbo
The Krath
Maja Apprentices
Grand Majus
Minions of the Emperor
The Emperor's Hands
Imperial Sovereign Protectors
The Inquisitors
Jedi Hunters
Dark Side Adepts
Imperial Sentinels
Dark Troopers
Dark Side Executor
Ancient Neti Masters
Teepo Paladins
Witches of Dathomir
The Order of Aiki
The Shadow Dragons
Grand Masters
Characters Name:
Players Name:
How Old are you?
Where were you born?
Who are your relatives and how close are you?
Physical Traits:
Mental Traits:
Social Traits:
Who was your Master and how did you meet him?
What conflicts may arise during the adventure due to your past?
What is your level of education? Do you hold any degrees? Where did you study?
Are you (have ever been) married or romantically involved? With who? Where is he/she
now? What is the current status of your relationship?
Character Type/Discipline:________________________
Character's Name:_________________________________
Player's Name:____________________________________
Height:_________ Weight:__________ Sex:___________
Physical Description:_______________________________________
B. Parry___________
H. Weapons_________
M. Parry___________
L. Saber___________
Alien Races________
Beast Riding_______
S.Ship Gun_________
S.Ship Pilot_______
S.Ship Shield______
Comp. Prog._________
Droid Prog._________
Other Skills
\ __ /
\ __ /
Dark Side
\ __ /
\ __ /
Force Powers:
Aiki Jedi
Shadow Dragon
Shimuran Monk
Teepo Paladin
* These are merely suggestions. Any set of codes may be manipulated as a player sees fit
as long as the total equals 18D.
** The above die codes are designed for human characters. Alien characters may have to
adjust the die codes to fit their races Attribute Dice plus 6D (as usual).