Dec 2011

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I I I I I I .1 I I I I
Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, December 2011
Design of Structures - R C C

Time: 3 hrs.

Max. Marks:lOO

Note: I. Answer any FIVE full questions, selecting

at least TWO questions from each part.
2. Use of IS456-2000 is permitted.
3. Solve all the problems by limit state design.


Distinguish between under reinforced, balanced and over reinforced, with sketches.
(05 Marks)

b. Explain:
i) Partial safety factors for loads and materials.
ii) Characteristic loads
iii) Characteristic strength

(09 Marks)


What are the principles of limit state design?

(06 Marks)


Obtain the stress-block parameters for limit state of collapse.

(08 Marks)

b. Determine the moment of resistance of a T-beam for the following data:

Effective depth = 400mm
Breadth of the flange = 740mm
Breadth of the web = 240mm
Area of steel = 5 - 20
Depth of flange = 11 Omm
Adopt M20 grade concrete and Fe415 grade steel.
(12 Marks)

A simply supported beam of rectangular section spanning over 5 .5m has a Vvidth of 300rru11 a...1d
overall depth of 600mm. The beam is reinforced with 4 bars of 25mm diameter on the tension
side, at an effective depth of 550mm spaced at 50mm centres. The beam subjected to a working
load moment of 160 kN.m at the centre of the span section. Use M-25 grade concrete and
Fe-415 grade steel. Check the beam for the serviceability limit state of cracking, according to
18456-2000 code method. Take m = 11 , Es= 2x10 5 N/mm2
(20 Marks)


Design a reinforced concrete beam of rectangular cross-section, using the following data:
Effective span = 5m, Width of the beam = 250mm, Overall depth = 500mm, Service load
including dead load and live load= 40 kN/m, Es= 2x10 5 N/mm2, Effective cover= 50mm.
Adopt M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade steel. Sketch the reinforcement details. (20 Marks)



Design a RC slab for a room, measuring 4mx5m from inside. The slab carries a live load of
2 kN/m 2 and is finished with 20mm thick granolithic topping. The slab is simply supported at all
the four edges, with comers free to lift. Use M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade steel. Sketch
the reii-Uorcement details.
(20 Marks)
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a. What are the assumptions made for limit state of collapse in compression?

(05 Marks)

b. What are the codal guidelines for longitudinal and lateral reinforcements in columns?
(05 Marks)

c. Design a column, 4m long restrained in position and direction at both ends to carry an axial
load of 1600 kN. Use M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade steel. Sketch the reinforcement
(10 Marks)


Design an isolated footing of uniform thickness of a RC column, bearing a vertical load of

600 kN and havin a base of size 500x500mm. The safe bearing capacity of the soil may be
taken as 120 kN/m . Use M-20 grade concrete and Fe-415 grade steel. Sketch the reinforcement
(20 Marks)

Design a dog-legged stair for an office building in a room measuring 2.8mx5.8m. Clear vertical
distance between the floors is 3.6m. The width of flight is to be l.25m. Assume live load of
3 kN/m2 Use M-20 concrete and Fe-415 grade steel. Assume that the stairs are supported on
230mm at the outer edges of loadings slabs. Sketch the reinforcement details.
(20 Marks)


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