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Math Battleship

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Bluefield State College

Daily Lesson Plan (Template)

Name: Tanya Gibson

Date: 4-20-16

Subject: Mathematics
Battleship coordinates


Grade: 5th grade

Lesson: 1 hour

Length of

Introduction (Essential Question):

Can we learn (x, y) coordinates by playing battleship?
Standard: Geometry
Cluster: Concrete Geometric Representation (Physical Modeling)
M.5.G.1 Use a pair of perpendicular number lines, called axes, to define a coordinate system, with
the intersection of the lines (the origin) arranged to coincide with the 0 on each line and a
given point in the plane located by using an ordered pair of numbers, called its coordinates
and understand that the first number indicates how far to travel from the origin in the
direction of one axis and the second number indicates how far to travel in the direction of
the second axis, with the convention that the names of the two axes and the coordinates
correspond (e.g., x-axis and x-coordinate, y-axis and y-coordinate). (CCSS Math.5.G.1)
Specific Objective:
Students will be able to define (x.y) coordinates by using the game battleship. Students will
be allowed to make their own graphic organizer. Students will show 80 % mastery.
The teacher will start the lesson by reinforcing how to plot coordinates and why this done. Students have been
previously taught the knowledge needed of (x, y) coordinates and how to plot them. So, this lesson will be used
a re-enlightening period. Once students have shown the correct knowledge of plotting the coordinates the
teacher will introduce the game Sink my coordinates, which is played just like the game Battleship.

File folders laminated

Coordinate paper
Dry erase markers
Binder clip

Direct Instruction:
This lesson is being used as a refresher material for (x, y) coordinates. The teacher will go over why and how
we plot x and y coordinates.
- The horizontal number line is called the "x-axis", the vertical
Number line is the y-axis.
- (5,3) The 5 will move on the x-axis, and the 3 moves on the y-axis.
- Depending on if the numbers and positive or negative will depend on if the plotting point goes left or
right and up or down.
Once the teacher has done the refresher, a coordinate plan will be draw on the board or brought up on the Smart
Board. Students will be randomly asked to go up front to the board and plot given coordinates. Once the teacher
feels the students have shown mastery of the plotting then she will introduce the game sink my coordinates.
The game boards will already be premade so that students can grab one and set down to wait for partner
placement. Each student will have a game board and dry erase markers. The teacher will now divide students
into pairs.
Guided Practice:
The teacher has divided the students into pairs and made use that each student has a game board and appropriate
materials needed. Now once the teacher has modeled how the students are to set up their game boards, which
have the rules and instructions on each board. The teacher will have each student plot where he or she would
like his or her three boats placed. The can be placed vertical and horizontal only. If students have them placed
diagonally then they will be disqualified. The students are not allowed to say where they have plotted their
boats. Now, the students can bring to play. Each student will take a turn one after the other trying to sink a boat
of the other player. The students will need to call out each coordinates. If there is a direct hit then the first
student mark their partners board on the game sheet they have their game board. It goes for the other player; he
or she will mark their game board with this information. Once the three boats have been sunk then the game is
over and this students.
Tier 1 students will be the struggling learners that need move one on one with the teacher. The teacher may need
to reteach the lesson and do several plotting planes together,
Tier 2 students are the on point/task learners. These students will join into a small group instruction to ensure
they each have answered all the questions to their ability.
Tier 3 will be the enlightened student and the teacher will have another section on numbers that they will need
to plot.
The students must so the got the answers.
Lesson Closure:
The teacher will bring all students back to a whole group instruction and ask the students what they have
learned. He or she will then ask the essential question again.
Independent Practice:

There will be no independent practice since this is a refresher and

Students will be able to define (x.y) coordinates by using the game battleship. Student will be allowed to make
his or her own graphic organizer. Students will show 80 % mastery.

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