2 Marks
2 Marks
2 Marks
1.What do you mean by turbine?
The hydraulic machine which convert the hydraulic energy in
to mechanical energy is called turbine
2.Define pump :
It is defined as the hydraulic machine which convert
mechanical energy in to hydraulic energy
3.Define sub critical flow:
If the froude number is less than one then the flow is said to be sub
critical flow
4.Define critical flow:
If the froude number is less equal to one it is called as critical flow.
5.Define supercritical flow:
If the froude number is greater than one it is called as super critical
6. What are the possible types of flow in open channel with respect to
space and time?
A,steady and unsteady flow
B,uniform and nonuniform flow
7.what do you know about uniform and non uniform flow?
Uniform flow: If the given length of the channel ,depth ,velocity
,the rate of flow, cross section are constant.
Non Uniform flow: If the given length of the channel ,depth
,velocity ,the rate of flow, cross section are not constant.
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8.Define specific energy:
It is defined as energy per unit weight of the liquid with respect to
the bottom of the channel.
9.What is meant by wetted perimeter?
The wetted perimeter (p) is the length of the line of intersection of
the channel wetted surface with the cross section plan normal to the
direction of flow.
10.Define critical depth:
It is defined as the depth of flow of water at which the specific
energy is minimum.
11.Define critical velocity:
The velocity of flow at the critical depth is known as critical
12.Define the term most economical section of the channel:
A section of the channel is said to be most economical when the
cost of construction of the channel is minimum. But the cost of
construction depend up on the excavation and lining to keep the cost
minimum The wetted perimeter for a given discharge should be
13.Define gradually varying flow
If the change in depth in a varying flow is gradual so that the
curvature of the streaming line is not excessive such flow is called
gradually varying flow.
14.Define Rapidly varying flow
If the curvature in a varied flow is large and depth changes
appreciably over short length it is called rapidly varying flow.
15.Define affux
The maximum increase in water level due to obstruction in the
path of flow is known as affux.
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22.Define Hydraulic Efficiency:
It is defined as the ratio of power delivered to the runner to the
power supplied at the inlet.
23.Define mechanical efficiency
It is defined as the ratio of power at the shaft of the turbine to the
power delivered by the water to runner.
24.Define volumetric efficiency
It is defined as the ratio of volume of water actually striking the
runner to the Volume of water supplied to the runner.
25.Define over all efficiency
It is defined as the ratio of shaft power by water power
26.Explain impulse turbine
If at the inlet of the turbine the energy available is only kinetic
energy the turbine is known as impulse turbine.
27.Explain Reaction turbine
if at the inlet of the turbine the water possesses kinetic energy as
well as pressure energy the turbine is known as reaction turbine.
28.Explian tangential flow turbine
If the water flows along the tangent of the runner, the turbine is
known as the tangential flow turbine.
29.Expain radial flow turbine
If the water flows in the radial direction through the runner the
turbine I called radial flow turbine.
30.Explain inward flow radial turbine
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If the water flows from outwards to inwards radially the turbine is
called iward radial flow turbine.
31.Explain outward flow radial turbine
If the water flows radially from inwards to outwards the turbine is
known sa outward radial flow turbine.
32.Define axial flow turbine
If the water flows through the runner along the direction parallel
to the axis of rotation of the runner the turbine is called axial flow
33.what is Pelton wheel:
Pelton wheel or Pelton turbine is a tangential flow impulse turbine.
The water strikes the bucket along the tangent of the runner . The energy
available at the inlet of the
Turbine is only kinetic energy.This turbine is used for high heads.
34.What is breaking jet?
When the nozzle is completely closed ,the amount of water striking
the runner reduces to zero but the runner due to inertia goes on revolving
for a long time to stop the runner in a short time a small nozzle is
provided which direct the jet of water on the back of vanes .This jet of
water is called breaking jet.
35.What is jet ratio?
It is the ratio of pitch diameter (D) to the diameter of jet (d).
36.What is Draft tube?
A tube or pipe of gradually increasing area is used for discharging
water from the exit of the tubine to the tail race is called draft tube.
37.Define Degree of Reaction (R)
It is defined as the ratio of change of pressure energy inside the
runner to the change of total energy out side the runner.
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2.Operating characteristic curve
3.Muschel characteristic curves
45.What is specific speed of the turbine?
It is defined as the speed of a turbine which will develop unit
power under unit head.
46.Define unit quantities;
Unit quantities are the quantities which are obtained when the head
on the turbine are unity.
47.Explain about characteristic curves of a hydraulic turbine
Characteristic curves of a hydraulic turbine are the curves with the
help of which the exact behaviour and performance of the turbine under
different working conditions can be known.
48.What is meant by conveyance of the channel?
The conveyance of the channel is denoted by k and is given by
49.Define the term most economical section:
A section of the channel is said to be most economical when the
cost of construction of the channel is minimum. But the cost of
construction mainly depend up on the excavation and lining to keep the
cost minimum ,the wetted perimeter for a given discharge should be
50.What are the conditions of rectangular channel of best section?
The two conditions are breadth is equal to two times the depth
(b=2d) and hydraulic mean depth is equal to half the depth (m=d/2)
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1.Half the top width is equal to one of sloping side (b+2
2.Hydraulic mean depth is equal to half the depth.
52.Write down the conditions of most economical circular channel with
maximum velocity?
53.What do you mean by open channel flow?
1.Open channel flow has a free surface which is subjected to
atmospheric pressure.
2.In open channel flow the cross section is irregular.
54.What do you mean by pipe flow?
1.Pipe flow has no free surface and subjected to hydraulic pressure
2.The cross section of the flow is fixed
55.List the instrument used to measure open channel flow
1.pitot tube
2.ultrasonic flow instrument.
3.Dropper instrument
4.Gurley instrument.
56.What is the best side slope for trapezoidal channel ?
=60 is the best side slope for trapezoidal channel.
57.what do mean by M1 profile?
The most common of all gradually varying flow is of M1 type
which is a sub critical flow condition obstructions to flow such as wiers,
dams etcwhich produce M1 profile.
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58.What are the types of flow profile?
Mild slope profile
Steep slope profile
Critical slope profile
Horizontal bed profile
Adverse slope profile
59.What do you mean by M2 profile?
The M2 profile occurs at a sudden drop in the bed of the channel in
to the ponds or pools or lakes.
60.What do mean by M3 profile?
The M3 profile occurs the flow yielding from a spillway or a sluice
61.What is speed ratio?
Where U1 tangential velocity of wheel at inlet
-speed ratio
H Head of the turbine.
62.What do you mean by coefficient of velocity?
V1=Cv (2gH)
V1 = velocity of jet
Cv = coefficient of velocity
H = head of the turbine.
63.What are the main parts of pelton wheel turbine?
1. nozzle and flow regulating arrangement
2. runner with buckets
3. casing
4. breaking jet
64.What are the main mechanism of Radial flow reaction turbine?
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2.guide mechanism
4.draft tube
65.Define Multistage pump:
If centrifugal pump consists of two or more impellers the pump is
called multistage pump. To produce a high head impellers are connected
in series .To produce high discharge impellers are connected in parallel.
66.Define Manometric head:
Manometric head is the head against which a centrifugal pump has
to work.
Hm = Hs +hd +Hfs +Hfd + (vd2/2g)
Where Hm manometric head
Hs - suction head
Hd delivery head
Hfs friction head loss in suction pipe
Hfd friction head loss in delivery pipe
67.What is Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) ?
NPSH is defined as the total head required to make liquid flow
through suction pipe to pipe impeller.
68.Define slip of a reciprocating pump and negative slip:
Slip is defined as the difference between theoretical discharge and
actual discharge.
If actual discharge is greater than theoretical discharge negative value is
found this negative value is called negative slip.
69.What do you know coefficient of discharge?
It is defined as the ratio of actual discharge by theoretical
discharge. It is denoted
By Cd .
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76.What are the methods used for finding gradually varying flow
1.Direct integration method
2.Numerical method
3.Graphical representation method.
77.What are the classification of hydraulic turbine according to the type
of energy at
inlet ?
(a)Impulse turbine and
Reaction turbine
78.What are the types of turbine according to direction of flow through
(a)Tangential flow turbine
Radial flow turbine
(c)Axial flow turbine
Mixed flow turbine
79.What are the types of turbine according to the head at the inlet of the
(a)high head turbine
medium head turbine
(c)low head turbine
80.What are the types of turbine according to the specific speed of the
(a)Low specific speed turbine
Medium specific speed turbine
(c)High specific speed turbine.
81.Write down the expression for energy loss due to hydraulic jump?
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HL = (d2-d1)3 / (4d1d2)
HL energy loss due to hydraulic jump
D2 - depth of flow after the jump
D1 -- depth of flow before the jump
82.What do you mean by length of hydraulic jump?
This is defined as the length between the two sections where one
section is taken before the hydraulic jump and the second section is
taken immediately after the jump.
83.What are the classification of flow in channels?
1.steady flow and un steady flow.
2.uniform flow and non uniform flow.
3.Laminar flow and turbulent flow and
4.sub critical , critical and super critical flow.
84.What are the types of Non uniform flow?
(i) Rapidly Varied Flow (R.V.F)
(ii) Gradually Varied Flow (G.V.F)
85.What do you know about laminar and turbulent flow?
Laminar flow:
The flow in open channel is said to be laminar if the Reynolds
number( Re) is less than 500
Turbulent flow:
If the Reynolds number is greater than 2000 it is called
turbulent flow.
86.What do you mean by specific energy curve?
It is defined as the curve which shows the variation of specific
energy with respect to depth of flow.
87.Write the manometric efficiency of the pump?
Manometric efficiency = (gHm)/(Vw2U2)
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Hm manometric head
88.Write the expression for over all efficiency ?
over all efficiency = (g QHm)/(1000 x P)
Hm manometric head
P - power
89.What is the minimum speed for starting the centrifugal pump?
N=(120 manVw2 D)/((D22-D12)
man manometric efficiency
Vw2 _- Whirl at out let of the turbine
D2 - diameter of impeller at out let
90. Write down the use of centrifugal pump?
1.Used in deep sump and basement
2.The high discharge capacity
3.It is driven by electric motors
91.Define open channel flow?
The term open channel flow denotes the gravity-driven flow of a
liquid with a free surface.
92.What do you mean by stream lining?
`Streamlining is adding a faired tail section to reduce the extent of
separated flow on the downstream portion of an object .
93.What is centrifugal pump?
The hydraulic machines which convert mechanical energy in to
pressure energy by means of centrifugal force is called centrifugal
pump.It acts a reverse of inward radial flow turbine.
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94.What do you know about Hub or Boss?
It is the core part of the axial flow turbine where the vanes are
95.Under what head the propeller turbine take water?
About 100 m head the propeller turbine take water.
When the vanes are fixed to the hub and they are not adjustable the
turbine is called propeller turbine.
96.What are the uses of Kaplan turbine?
1.To produce more out put.
2.The efficiency of the turbine is more
97.Define unit speed:
It is defined as the speed of the turbine under unit head
Nu = N/H
Nu unit speed
N number of rotations
H- head of the turbine
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It is defined as the power developed by the turbine working under
unit head.
Pu = P/H3/2
Where Pu - unit power.
P - Total power.
H- head of the turbine.
100.What are the main parts of centrifugal pump?
1.Suction pipe with foot valve and strainer
4.delivery pipe
101.What are fluid machines?
The machines which use the liquid or gas for the transfer of energy
from fluid to rotor or from rotor to fluid, are known as fluid machines.
102. What are hydraulic machines and thermal turbo machines?
If liquid is used for the transfer of energy, then machines are
known as hydraulic machines whereas if gas is used then machnes are
known as thermal turbo machines.
103.How are fluid machines classified?
Fluid machines are classified into 2 categories depending upon the
direction of
transfer of energy :
1. Turbines
2. Pumps or compressors..
104.What is the purpose of an air vessel fitted in the pump?
1.To obtain a continuous supply of liquid at a uniform rate.
2.To save a considerable amount of work in overcoming the
frictional resistance in the suction and delivery pipes, and
3.To run the pump at a high speed with out separation.
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105. What is the work saved by fitting a air vessel in a single acting
,double acting pump?
Work saved by fitting air vessels in a single acting pump is
In a double acting pump the work saved is 39.2%.
106.What is Discharge through a Reciprocating Pump in Per sec ?
For Single acting
Discharge (Q)=ALN/60
A=Area of the Cylinder in m2
L=Length of Stroke in m.
N=Speed of Crank in RPM
For Double acting
107. What is the Workdone by Reciprocating Pump Per sec.?
Workdone = gALN(hs+hd)/60 (for single acting)
For Double acting:
Work done= 2gALN(hs+hd)/60
=Density of Water in kg/m3
A=Area of the Cylinder in m2
L=Length of Stroke in m
N=Speed in rpm
hs,hd=Suction and Delivery head in m
108. What is the Pressure head due to acceleration in the Suction &
Delivery Pipe ?
hf=4fl(A/a*r sin)2/2gd
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f=Co-efficient of friction.
of pipe in m2.
= Angular speed
a = Area
r = Radius of crank
109. What is the relation between Work done of a Pump and Area of
Indicator Diagram ?
Work done by the pump is Proportional to the area of the Indicator
110.. What is the Work done by the Pump per sec due to acceleration
and friction in the
suction and delivery Pipes ?
For single acting
W= gALN(hs+hd+0.67hfs+0.67hfd)/60
For Double acting
hfs, hfd =loss of head due to acceleration in the suction and
delivery Pipe.
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1. Explain any two formulae for estimation of velocity in open channels?
2. A trapezoidal channel has side slopes of 1 horizontal to 2 vertical and
the slope of the bed is 1 in 2000. The area of the section is 42 m2. Find
the dimensions of the section if it is to be most economical. Determine
the discharge of the most economical section of C = 60.
3. Describe various types of flow in an open channel.
4. A rectangular channel with a base width of 0.60 m carries a discharge of
100 lps. The Chezy's C is 60. If the depth of flow is 0.25 m, determine the
bed slope of the channel
5. In a flow through a rectangular channel for a certain discharge froude
number corresponding the two alternate depths are y1 and y2. show
(F2/F1) (3/2)=(2+F22)/(2+F12)
6. A rectangular channel 1.5m wide and depth 2.25m, discharge is
10m3/sec. calculate the specific energy and depth alternate to the given
7. A trapezoidal channel has a bottom width 6m, and side slope of 2h to
1v if a depth of flow is 1.2m at a discharge of 10m3/sec. compute the
specific energy and critical depth.
8. Define wide open channel and also what are the important assumptions
in hydraulic parameters?
9. The rectangular channel carries a discharge of 30m3/sec. The bottom
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width of the channel is 6.0m and flow velocity is 1.75m/sec. Determine
two alternate depths possible in the channel.
= (2y12y22) / (y1 + y2) And hence the specific energy E = (y12 + y1y2 + y22)
/ (y1 + y2)
Show that
Page 20
at a given section when the approaching depth of flow is 2m, what rate
flow will be indicated by a drop of 0.15m in the water surface elevation
at the contracted section?
How to estimate the hydraulic jump and draw sketch of the jump?
1. A canal is formed with side slopes 2 : 1 and a bottom width of 3.0m.
The bed slope is
1 in 4500. Using mannings formula and assuming mannings n as 0.025.
Calculate the
depth of water for a discharge of 3.0m3/sec for a uniform flow.
2. Determine the dimensions of the most economical trapezoidal
channel with mannings
n = 0.02, to carry a discharge of 14m3/sec at a slope of 4 in 10,000.
3. Determine the longitudinal slope of a triangular channel carrying
1.2m3/sec for a normal
depth of flow 0.75m and a side slope 2 : 1. Take chezys C = 45.
4. A trapezoidal channel with side slope 1 to 1 has to be designed to
convey 10m3/sec at a
velocity of a 2m/sec so that the amount of concrete lining for the bed and
sides is the
minimum. Calculate the area of lining required for one metre length of
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Page 22
flow half full. Determine the slope of pipe to be laid in the ground.
Assume mannings n=0.013 for concrete pipe. Also determine the
depth of flow if the pipe is laid in a slope of 0.01.
open channel
Page 23
and the value of manning constant n is 0.012.
0.6m is 0.15 cumecs . determine the slope of bed of the channel for
maximum velocity. Assume c as 60.
1. A rectangular channel of width 5m flows 1.5m in uniform flow bed
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slope of channel is 0.005. the uniform flow is blocked be a weir and
flow depth of 4m from bed of the channel. Determine the length of
the back water profile between 4m to 2m. use direct step method and
assume mannings n as 0.015
2. Discuss briefly the types of hydraulic jump, its application
3. Explain the development of M, S and H profiles with neat sketches
4. Briefly explain the direct step method and standard step method to
determine the gradually
varied flow profiles.
5. Define gradually varied and rapidly varied flow in open channel?
6. Derive the relation between sequent depths in open channel?
7. Derive the dynamic equation of gradually varied flow.
8. Determine the slope of the free water surface in a rectangular channel
of width 20m , having depth of flow 5m. the discharge through the
channel is 52 cumecs. The bed slope of the channel is 1 in 4000.
Assume chezys constant c as 60.
9. During an experiment conducted on a hydraulic jump, in a rectangular
open channel 0.5m wide , the depth of water changes from 0.2m to
0.5m. determine the discharge in the channel and the loss of head due
to the formation of hydraulic jump.
10. Show that the loss of energy in a hydraulic jump /\E=(y2-y1)3/(4y1y2)
where y1 and y2 are the conjugate depths.
11. Explain the direct step method for computing the length of the water
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surface profile.
12. State the application of hydraulic jump.
13. A partially open sluice gate discharges water at 10m/sec with 1m
depth in a horizontal rectangular channel of width 5m. can a hydraulic
jump occur. If so find the sequent depth and energy loss.
14. Define uniform flow and draw the hydraulic gradient line, total energy
lice and water surface for uniform flow.
15. A concrete lined trapezoidal channel (n=0.015) is to have a side slope
of 1 horizontal to 1 vertical. The bottom slope is to be 0.004. find the
bottom width of the channel necessary to carry 100m3/sec of
discharge at a normal depth of 2.5m.
16. Define most economical section in open channel and obtain the
relation for a trapezoidal channel.
17. A rectangular channel 10m wide carries a discharge of 30m3/s. it is
laid at a slope of 0.0001. if at a section in this channel, the depth is
1.6m, how far upstream or downstream from the section will the
depth be 2.0. take mannings n as 0.015.
18. Show that the head loss in a hydraulic jump formed in a rectangular
channel may be expressed as /\E=(V1-V2)3/2g(V1+V2)
19. A horizontal rectangular channel 4m wide carries a discharge of
16m3/sec. determine whether a jump may occur at an initial depth of
0.5m or not. If jump occurs determine the sequent depth to this initial
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20. A rectangular channel having bottom width 4.0m, mannings n=0.025,
bottom slope 0.0005. the normal depth of flow in the channel is 2.0m.
if the channel empties into a pool at the downstream and the pool
elevation is 0.060m higher than the canal bed elevation at the
downstream end, calculate the coordinates of the resulting gradually
varied flow profile.
21. A sluice gate discharges 2.5m3/sec into a wide horizontal rectangular
channel. The depth at the vena contracts is 0.2m. the tail water depth
is 2.0m assuming the channel to have a mannings n=0.015, determine
the location of the hydraulic jump.
22. What are the assumptions made to derive the gradually varied flow
from the basic energy equation and derive an expression for water
surface slope?
23. How dynamic equation of gradually varied flow is simplified in wide
rectangular channel?
24. How surface profiles of Gradually Varied Flow are classified and
explain them with sketches
25. Derive the dynamic equation of gradually varied flow in an open
channel and also state the methods of estimating the flow profile.
26. A river 100m wide and 3m depth has an average bed slope of 0.0005.
estimate the length of the gradually varied flow profile between 4.5m
to 4m depth of flow. This back water profile produced by a low weir
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which raises the water surface just upstream of it by 1.5m from normal
depth. Assume n=0.035
1. Determine the speed of a pelton wheel, its diameter, number of jet
required and the size of
each jet if it develops 13,800 MHP under a head 0f 430m. Its specific
speed is 42. Assume
necessary suitable values.
2. Explain the momentum principle with its application.
3. Explain the working of radial flow turbine with neat sketch.
4. Distinguish between impulse and reaction turbines.
5. Derive an expression for specific speed of a turbine.
6. Prove that the maximum efficiency is only 50%. When a liquid jet
strikes a series a flat vanes mounted on the periphery of a wheel.
7. A reaction turbine works at 450 rpm under a head of 120m. the
diameter at inlet is 120 cm and the flow area is 0.4m2. the angles
made by absolute and relative velocities at inlet are 20 and 60
respectively with the tangential velocity. Find i) discharge ii) power
developed and iii) hydraulic efficiency. Assume velocity of whirl at
outlet is zero.
8. What is the main advantage of fitting draft tube in francis turbine?
9. The velocity of whirl at inlet to the runner of an inward flow reaction
turbine is 3.15H m/sec and the velocity of flow at inlet is 1.05 H
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m/s. the velocity of whirl at exit is 0.22 H m/s in the same direction
as at inlet and the velocity of flow at exit is 0.83 H m/s, where H is
head of water 30m. the inner diameter of the runner is 0.6 times the
outer diameter. Assuming hydraulic efficiency of
80% . compute
turbine are 1.2m and 0.6 respectively. The head on the turbine is 22m
and velocity of flow through the runner is constant and is equal to
2.5m/s. the guide blade angle is 10 degree and the runner vanes are
radial at inlet. The discharge is radial at outlet. Determine i) the speed
of the turbine ii) the vane angle at outlet iii) hydraulic efficiency
a neat sketch.
available head is 5.6m. the speed ratio is 2.09 and the flow ratio is
0.68. the overall efficiency is 86% and the diameter of the boss is one
third the diameter of the runner. Determine the diameter of the
runner, speed and specific speed of the turbine.
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The external and internal diameter of the runner are 1.35 m and 1.0 m
respectively. The angle of guide vane is 15? and the moving vane are
radial at inlet. Radial velocity of flow through runner is constant and
equal to 0.2 There is no velocity of whirl at outlet. Determine the
speed of the runner and the angle of vanes at outlet.
Page 30
1. The centrifugal pump has the following characteristics. Outer
diameter of impeller is
800mm: width of the impeller vane at outlet = 100mm: angle of the
impeller vanes at outlet is 40 degree. The impeller runs at 550 rpm and
delivers 0.98m3/sec under an effective head of 35m. A 500kW motor is
used to drive the pump. Determine the manometric, mechanical and overall
efficiencies of the pump. Assume water enters the impeller vanes radially at
2. A single acting reciprocating pump discharges 5l / sec with cylinder
bore diameter 200mm
and its
stroke length 300mm. The pump runs at 350rpm and lifts water
through a height of 25m.
The delivery pipe is 30m long and 100 mm in diameter. Find the
theoretical discharge and
theoretical power required to run the pipe and determine the percentage
slip and also determine
the delivery head due to acceleration at beginning, middle and end
3. Distinguish between single stage pump and multistage pump.
4. The diameters of a impeller of a centrifugal pump at inlet and outlet
are 300mm and 600mm
Respectively. Determine the minimum starting speed of the pump of it
work against head of 28m.
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5. Explain the working principle of single acting reciprocating pump with
neat sketch.
6. A single acting reciprocating pump running at 50rpm delivers
0.01m3/sec of water. The diameter of the plunger is 200 mm and the
stroke length is 400mm. the delivery and suction head are 10m and
5m respectively. Determine the theoretical discharge, slip, percentage
slip, coefficient of discharge and the power required to derive the
7. Define manometric efficiency and net positive suction head (NPSH).
8. A centrifugal pump works against a net head of 20m at a speed of
1200rpm. The vane angle at outlet is 30deg the empeller diameter
and with at outlet are 40cm and 6cm respectively. Find the discharge.
Take manometric efficiency as 95%.
9. Explain the working of single acting reciprocating pump with air
vessel .
stroke length of 40cm and piston diameter of 20cm. the suction head
is 3.0m and length and diameter of suction pipe are 6m and 10cm
respectively. Take f=0.02 and Hatm=10.3m of water. Find the absolute
pressure head inside the cylinder at the beginning middle and end of
suction stroke.
Page 32
water flowing at the rate of 0.7m3/s under a head of 30m. the buckets
deflects the jet through an angle of 160 degree. Calculate the power
given by water to the runner and the hydraulic efficiency of the
turbine. Assume coefficient of velocity as 0.98.
pump is 150mm. and its stroke length is 300 mm. the pump runs at
50 rpm and lifts water through a height of 25m. the delivery pipe is
22m long and 100mm in diameter. Find the theoretical discharge and
the theoretical power required to run the pump. If the actual
discharge is 4.2 litres/s,find the percentage slip.
water level in the pump. The suction pipe is 20cm in diameter and
10m in length. The piston is of 30cm diameter and has 50cm stroke.
Determine the speed at which separation may take place. Take
Hatm=10.3m of water and Hsep=2.5m of water absolute.
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30m, head lost in the suction and the delivery pipes due to friction
are 0.8m and 3m respectively. The diameter of both the suction and
delivery pipes is 5cm. find the power of the prime mover required if
overall efficiency is 70%. Take manometric efficiency as 85%. Also
determine the negative head at the suction side and positive head at
the delivery side. Actual head developed is 40m.
What is an air vessel? Describe the function of the air vessel for
Page 34
centrifugal pumps?
impellers in series
runs at 750 rpm and discharges 140 lps against a head of 10 m. The
water enters the impeller without whirl and shock. The inner diameter
is 0.25 m. The vanes are set an angle of 45? at the outlet. The area of
flow is constant from inlet to outlet of the impeller and equals to 0.06
Determine(1)Manometric efficiency of the pump (2) Vane angles at inlet.
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