Gothic Architecture
Gothic Architecture
Gothic Architecture
Lesson Plan #3
Anticipatory Set
Pointed arch
Side Aisle
Radiating chapels
Rose window
What can sacred mean? How can certain elements make a
space feel sacred?
Jacqueline Abend
Students who finish the worksheets early can take the time to
explore the cathedral on their own, but they MUST meet up at the
entrance to the cathedral at the designated time.
1.1.8 A 1
1.1.8 A 2
Jacqueline Abend
Name: _______________________
Date: _________
2) Walk along the nave as indicated on the floorplan to the right. Identify the architectural
elements you see on the left hand side, outlined in the image below:
3) Choose one of the architectural features you defined in the question above. Describe in a few sentences how that
feature supports the structure of the cathedral, and the resulting aesthetic effect it has on the overall appearance of
the space:
Jacqueline Abend
4) Walk through the ambulatory and stop in each of the radiating chapels (marked with a
different colored x on the floorplan at the right). Each of these chapels honors the patron
saints of different ethnic groups that represented the many immigrants living in Newark
when the Cathedral was completed. Write down the names of the patron saints
represented in the stained glass windows in each chapel (the names are found in the
stained glass underneath the image of each saint).
a. St. Patricks Chapel, dedicated to the Irish and English:
Chapel of St. Anne, depicting saints of African Ancestry, Spanish ancestry, and Asian Americans:
5) Stop in the east transept and look up at the east rose window. Notice the
light streaming through. What kind of effect does the light have on the
inside of the cathedral?
Jacqueline Abend
6) Notice the tympanum above the doorway, also located in the east transept.
Observe the figures carved in relief. What kind of postures are they in? What
objects are they holding? Write a few descriptive words about how they appear
overall (for example: smiling, happy, serious, sad)
7) In a paragraph, describe what you thought of the cathedral overall by answering the following questions. Recall
our previous class discussions about sacred spaces. How did the space feel to you? What kind of effect did the
elements of gothic architecture create overall? Did you think the space was welcoming to people of all colors,
races, and ethnicities (think back to the patrons represented in the radiating chapels)?