Epidemiological Transition, Medicalisation of Childbirth, and Neonatal Mortality: Three Brazilian Birth-Cohorts

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Epidemiological transition, medicalisation of childbirth, and

neonatal mortality: three Brazilian birth-cohorts
Over the past two decades, Brazil has seen improvements
in womens nutritional status, education, smoking habits,
and antenatal care. Neonatal mortality rates (deaths of
liveborn infants up to 1 month of age), however, have
changed little. In this issue of The Lancet, Fernando Barros
and colleagues present fascinating data from three birthcohorts which suggest that falling mortality in term
infants (37 weeks gestation or more) has been offset by a
rise in preterm births and deaths, resulting in little change
in neonatal mortality. Brazilian health authorities can
claim fairly that more preterm infants survive because of
better neonatal care: gestation-specic mortality rates
have fallen by 50% since 1982. Nonetheless, many
preterm deliveries result from pregnancy interruption,
either by caesarean section or induction. Such early
delivery is often a direct consequence of inappropriate
The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and
efforts to improve perinatal care have often had unintended consequences.1 Diethylstilbestrol was used in
www.thelancet.com Vol 365 March 5, 2005

millions of pregnancies before its association with vaginal

cancer in offspring was noted. Uncontrolled use of
oxygen and sulphonamides to treat respiratory distress in
premature infants in the 1950s triggered epidemics of
retinopathy and kernicterus, respectively. A proportion of
the epidemic of sudden infant deaths was attributable
to paediatricians encouraging prone sleeping for term
infants, drawing incorrectly on their experience of nursing
preterm infants in this position to avoid aspiration.2
Arguably the most pernicious example of medicalisation,
however, is the promotion of formula milks. The increased health risks of formula feeding have been well
documented in communities where illiteracy, poverty,
and lack of a clean supply of water are the norm. Formulafed infants aged under 2 months are nearly six times more
likely to die than breastfed infants,3 but inappropriate
promotion by milk companies remains widespread.4
Two medical interventions that are potentially lifesaving, antenatal ultrasonography and caesarean section,
are particularly prone to misuse. Sen estimates that over

See Comment pages 821, 822,

and 827
See Articles page 847
See Series page 891



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Child healthcare, Siquiere, Brazil

100 million women are missing as a result of sex bias in

health care and termination of pregnancy after antenatal
ultrasound.5 Despite parliamentary legislation against sex
determination, Indias northern and western states still
have much lower female-to-male birth ratios than
expected. Barros and colleagues document another
potential adverse effect of ultrasound, suggesting that
overestimation of gestational age by private-sector scans
can lead to unnecessarily preterm delivery. This result is
worrying given that premature birth in itself is probably a
greater risk for neonatal mortality than low birthweight in
term infants.6
It is unwise to assume that the wholesale adoption of
medical activities will lead to better childbirth outcomes.
We have little evidence, for example, that the average
eight antenatal visits documented by Barros and colleagues translates into better outcomes.7 A caesarean
section rate of 1015% is generally considered appropriate for obstetric complications. Lower rates in poor
countries do indicate a lack of access, but operative
delivery rates in Latin America are the highest in the
world. In the Brazilian cohorts, rates rose from 28% to
43% over 20 years, with a staggering 82% in the private
sector. This rate rise accompanied a rise in induction rates
from 3% to 45%. In Chile, women with private obstetricians also have consistently higher rates of caesarean
section than those cared for in public hospitals.8
In the broader context, medicalisation might be an
inappropriately narrow strategy to tackle a public-health
problem. Many policymakers and academics attribute the

continuing high maternal mortality ratios in the developing worldwhere more than 50 countries have a
maternal mortality ratio greater than 400 per 100 000
livebirthsto a lack of access to obstetric and midwifery
care. Yet history and recent trials suggest that large
reductions in maternal mortality ratio in the poorest
countries can be achieved by social or community interventions, particularly when service use is low.9,10 Access to
essential and emergency obstetric care is certainly a key
component of any national programme for safer motherhood, but broader public-health measures deserve similar
In middle-income countries with high use of institutions for health care, a focus on the quality of perinatal
care is a priority, and health outcomes must be monitored
rigorously. Doing the simple things better is probably the
most cost-effective policy: increasing coverage of syphilis
screening, making sure that unimmunised women
receive tetanus toxoid, and careful monitoring in labour.
As Barros and colleagues show, the risks of medicalisation
should not be ignored because they might offset the
gains resulting from improved maternal health and
survival of newborn infants.
*Anthony Costello, David Osrin
International Perinatal Care Unit, Institute of Child Health,
University College London, London WC1N 1EH, UK
[email protected]
We declare that we have no conict of interest.

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www.thelancet.com Vol 365 March 5, 2005

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