The Philosophy of Sdom: This Issue Is Sponsored by Linda and Joey Fried in Memory of Their Dear Friend, Ezra Lwowski Z"L
The Philosophy of Sdom: This Issue Is Sponsored by Linda and Joey Fried in Memory of Their Dear Friend, Ezra Lwowski Z"L
The Philosophy of Sdom: This Issue Is Sponsored by Linda and Joey Fried in Memory of Their Dear Friend, Ezra Lwowski Z"L
Vol. 8 Num. 11
Yaron Perez
genuinely believes that each person
receives that which he deserves.
However, if Whats mine is mine is
driven by selfishness, such that one
also declines to receive lest he be
obligated to reciprocate, then this
displays the philosophy of Sdom.
Is it that bad?
However, the gravity of this equation to
Sdom remains difficult; how could an
approach which is potentially
inoffensive, and even logical, lead to the
evil associated with Sdom? Perhaps the
answer lies in the way that the worst
aspects of this approach mask
themselves as reasonable.
Whats mine is mine, and whats yours
is mine promotes theft. The actor, and
the community surrounding him,
recognize the corruption of this
philosophy, and even a wicked person
can experience regret, repent, and mend
his ways. On the other hand, Whats
mine is mine and whats yours is yours
is justifiable, and therefore repentance
i s m ore di ffi cul t. By ele vating
selfishness to the status of legitimate
political philosophy, Sdom eliminated
the possibility of repentance.
Enshrined in law
Our sages sought to combat this wicked
attribute by empowering the courts to
prevent people from standing on their
property rights. If a property owner
could allow someone else to benefit from
his property without any cost to the
owner, then the courts may compel him
to comply; one may not act in the
manner of Sdom.
We are grateful to
Continental Press 905-660-0311
Rabbi Lau has written several volumes of responsa, Yachel
Yisrael, covering all areas of Shulchan Aruch, as well as
modern medical issues. While sometimes he will offer a final
halachic position, at other times he argues that the issue
should be left to Torah scholars to weigh in on the halachic
and ethical issues involved. See, for example, Yachel Yisrael
89 regarding defining motherhood in cases of surrogacy.
Following Rabbi Shlomo Zalman Aurbach, he allows some
dying patients to reject medical care rather than endure
pain, while encouraging them to extend their lives if they are
so willing. (Yachel Yisrael 54-55)
Rabbi Lau engages many pressing modern issues. For
example, he devotes a lengthy responsum to the question of
why, and to what extent, customs are binding now that
historical communities have relocated to centres like Israel
and North America where many traditions are represented
(Yachel Yisrael 9-10). He also deals with ethical questions,
such as the parameters of the obligation to speak the truth.
(Yachel Yisrael 11)
Rabbi Lau is also known for his relatively lenient practice
regarding interfaith dialogue, and he met with Pope John
Paul II personally.
[email protected]
Rabbi Chaim
A Democratic Mashiach?
Rabbi Chaim Hirschensohn, Malki baKodesh Vol. 1 #1
... ...
11 Josephine Rd
Yaron Perez
You, too
can create Angels!
Clanton Park
R Mordechai Torczyner
Avraham 1, Angels 0?
Clanton Park
Adam Friedmann
After hashkamah
Special Notes
Shaarei Tefillah
R Jonathan Ziring
Or Chaim Minyan
R Mordechai Torczyner
Do Angels Live
in Heaven or on Earth?
Shaarei Tefillah
After minchah
Adam Friedmann
What is an Angel?
Or Chaim Minyan
After minchah
R Shalom Krell
Topic TBA
Yaron Perez
Parent-Child Learning
Shaarei Shomayim
8:45 AM
R Jonathan Ziring
9:15 AM
R Shalom Krell
Book of Shemuel
Associated North
Adam Friedmann
Simcha Suite
Ulpanat Orot
University Women
7:00 PM
R Mordechai Torczyner
Shaarei Shomayim
Laypeople welcome
8:30 PM
Adam Friedmann
Clanton Park
8:30 PM
R Jonathan Ziring
Avodah Zarah 3 of 6:
Art in Halachah
Shomrai Shabbos
Ulpanat Orot
University Women
R Jonathan Ziring
Business Ethics:
Insider Trading
R Mordechai Torczyner
Ezra 2: Names?
Shaarei Shomayim
Ulpanat Orot
10:00 AM
R Jonathan Ziring
Beth Emeth
12:30 PM
R Jonathan Ziring
2:30 PM
R Jonathan Ziring
Narratives of Exodus
8:00 PM
Adam Friedmann
Why do we?
Shaarei Tefillah
Ulpanat Orot
University Women
R Mordechai Torczyner
49 Michael Ct.
R Jonathan Ziring
Laws of Onaah
Yeshivat Or Chaim
After musaf
4:50 PM
6:00 PM
Simcha Suite
Sun. Nov. 20
10:00 AM to
11:20 AM
Mon. Nov. 21
9:30 AM-Noon
Tue. Nov. 22
9:30 AM-Noon
12:30 PM
1:30 PM
Wed. Nov. 23
9:30 AM-Noon
University Women
There is a fee; see
Zeifmans LLP
Lunch served; RSVP
201 Bridgeland Ave to [email protected]
Thu. Nov. 24
9:30 AM-Noon
1:30 PM
Fri. Nov. 25
10:30 AM