Topic-Theme Statement
Topic-Theme Statement
Topic-Theme Statement
In this unit plan, the unifying topic is, of course, The Odyssey.
However, there is a more specific connection to students lives. The
Odyssey addresses issues that are still relevant to todays society. The
Odyssey is a story about the journeys of an epic hero. The story takes
place 10 years after the fall of Troy Odysseus. Eventually Odysseus is
reconnected with his family. The Odyssey is a story about
perseverance. Perseverance is important especially in the lives of my
students as I am at an urban, inner-city school. These students have
faced things that most people even older than them have not suffered
through. The broad theme of perseverance applies directly to the lives
of these students, especially as they continue on in their high school
Additionally, this unit plan applies to the broader curriculum. The
Odyssey is a famous text that is not going anywhere. As students
continue in their high school career and if they wish to continue to
college, understanding this text will be critical to discussions to come.
Also, they unit plan pushes students toward high order thinking. They
must critically identify two major themes and three major events in the
text and then creatively incorporate them into song lyrics. This analysis
will provide these 9th and 10th grade students with the practice they
need to continue this task later on.