9.2. Jit 1-2001 PDF
9.2. Jit 1-2001 PDF
9.2. Jit 1-2001 PDF
Svensson, Goran
Management Decision; 2001; 39, 10; ABI/INFORM Complete
pg. 866
Goran Svensson
Vaxj6 University School of Management and Economics, and
G6teborg University. School of Economics and Commercial Law, Sweden
Just-in-time, Organizational theory
Many widespread managerial
concepts are expressed as
abbreviations of two or three
letters. In addition, they have
often been introduced and treated
as new-to-the-world by both
scholars and practitioners. For
example, Just-In-time (JIT1 is a
managerial concept that has been
heavily promoted In the world-wide
automotive industry. Its underlying
principles have been implemented
by most car manufacturers or car
assemblers for many decades. JIT.
as a phenomenon. has been
named differently at different
times during the last century.
Therefore. the newness of JIT and
its underlying principles is
questioned in the article. The
article describes parts of the
histone evolution of JIT during the
twentieth century in literature. It
is concluded that JIT is just a
reincarnation of past theory and
Many of today's widespread managerial
concepts have been introduced and treated as
new-to-the-world.However, this is mostly
due to ignorance or a lack of knowledge.
Despite the fact that the accumulated
knowledge on the subject in literature is very
often enormous, for some reasons it is often
either forgotten or hidden. Sometimes, these
concepts have been heavily promoted by
busi ness people, consultants, consultant
agencies and so on. Unfortunately, the true
origin of managerial concepts is seldom
There have emerged various managerial
concepts at different times in the past and
new ones are certain to emerge in the future.
Most of them are expressed as an
abbreviation of two or three letters, for
example just-in-time (JIT). JIT signifies a
continuous search for waste reduction and to
make only what is needed "just in time"
(Toyoda, 1987).It is a concept that has been
frequently promoted and has attracted firms
and their executives in many different
industries. Its underlying principles have
been widely implemented in the world-wide
automotive industry. By many practitioners,
and some scholars, JIT has been regarded as
an innovative and new-to-the-worldconcept.
Like many other recent managerial concepts,
JIT is suffering from the absence of roots in
literature. The objective of this article is
therefore to describe the historical evolution
of JIT in literature from the beginning of the
twentieth century. The contents of the article
are supported by references in literature
from the beginning of the twentieth century
until today.
Because of the keen competition in the
automotive industry, car manufacturers
have been searching for different means of
Management Decision
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
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Gbran Svensson
Just-in-time: the reincarnation
of past theory and practice
Management Decision
39/10[2001] 866-879
create situations where executives suboptimise their business efforts (Kailash and
Campbell, 1991).
In literature, there are many
interpretations of JIT, some of which are
described later in this article. Initially, in
order to clarify its meaning to some extent,
one might state that JIT embodies a
philosophy of excellence to establish demandpulled inventory practices that produce
products to design specifications at a rapid,
smooth, delivery rate with no idle inventories,
no unnecessary lead-times, and increased
employee involvement in the marketing
channel (Fogarty et al., 1989).Thus, JIT is a
commonly used concept, whose significance is
normally referred to as the removal of waste
and to make just what is needed, in order to
add value through the supply chain. This may
lead to reduced costs, to improved quality and
to flexible companies, which in turn may
create competitive advantages in the
marketplace (Waters-Fuller, 1995).
It should be noted that JIT is not an
academic concept or a concept created by
consultants, but was a concept created at
Toyota Motor Company (e.g, 'I'oyoda, 1987;
Sohal et al., 1988;Singh and Brar, 1992;Ohno,
1988)in order to manage its internal
activities and the relationships to subcontractors as efficiently as possible (Heiko,
1989).An interesting comparison might be
made to two other managerial concepts,
namely "supply chain management" and
"efficient consumer response". The former
was founded in the beginning of the 1980sby
scholars (Oliver and Webber, 1982),the latter
being defined by a consultant agency (Kurt
Salmon Associates, 1993).This is a concept
widely promoted and used by them and
others in the grocery and retail industry (e.g.
Coopers & Lybrand, 1996;GEA Conulenti
Associati di Gestione Aziendale, 1994,).
The concept of "just-in-time" may also be
interpreted as "at the last minute", which is
well in accordance with the ideas of the
originator Kiichiro Toyoda (Toyoda, 1987).
Another similar concept is "just-in-case",
which should not be interpreted as JIT, but
as a precursor. It was the western world's
traditional approach to manage the supply
chains or the marketing channels (e.g.
Nelleman and Smith, 1982;Rajan and de
Treville, 1987).Thus, JIT is basically a kind
of stockless production technique or on-theroad inventory philosophy.
I Other
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G6ran Svensson
Just-in-time: the reincarnation
of past theory and practice
Management Decision
Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.
Goran Svensson
Just-in-time: the reincarnation
of past theory and prac tice
39/10[2001] 866-879
I Theoretical
I The essence
of JIT
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G6ran Svensson
Just-in-time: the reincarnation
of past theory and practice
Management Decision
39/10[2001] 866-879
One general method which can be applied in too late. Monden (1981a,b) defines JIT as the
promotingthe efficiencyof a marketing
idea of producing the necessary units in the
system is the postponementof differentiation necessary quantities at the necessary time.
the principle of postponementrequires that
Rao and Scheraga (1988)comment that JIT is
changesin form and identity to the latest
an approach to production management that
possiblepoint in the marketing flow;
can yield enormous productivity increases,
postponechanges in inventorylocationto the
inventory reductions, and quality
latest possiblepoint in time.
improvements. Schonberger (1982)states that
This principle is based on the fact that a firm JIT is manufacturing without inventories,
outsources activities to others in the
and the elimination of waste. Shingo (1984)
looks at it slightly differently. JIT is a system
marketing channel (Stigler, 1951),without
to eliminate everything that is not necessary,
affecting the total outcome of the channel
and JIT signifies that each process should be
negatively. These functional
provided with the right components, the
interdependencies might be seen as the
foundations of the holistic approach (Culliton right quality and at the right time. Vollmann
et al. (1988)focus on JIT as a philosophy of
et al., 1956;Brewer and Rosenzweig,1961).
pursuing zero inventories, zero transactions,
From time to time interdependencies are
and zero disruptions. Finally, De Treville
emphasised in terms of JIT. Culliton et al.
(1987)identifies four categories of JIT,
(195Gp, p. 64-5)use "the total cost concept"
and Brewer and Rosenzweig(1961,p. 70)use namely:
1 JIT flow control only;
the concept of "rhochrernatics'', which
2 flexible resource allocation;
the scienceof product or materials flows. 3 disruption and learning; and
The term is connotedto mean scientificor
4 all JIT elements.
systematic approachesto the managementof
In literature, the richness of different
materials flows(Brewerand Rosenzweig,
definitions is overwhelming. Thus, published
1961, p. 70).
definitions of JIT are often given different
A JIT system should be regarded as a holistic meanings. However, two main components of
vertical approach or system.
the definitions seem to appear repeatedly,
namely, a continuous search for waste
reduction and to make only what is needed
just in time. This is well in accordance with
the concept's original definition (Toyoda,
In order to catch a more profound and
comprehensive picture of JIT, some
I Objectives
In the same way that the meaning of JIT is
unclear and ambiguous in literature, the
objectives of JIT are nevertheless very much
dependent upon the author. For example,
Aggarwal (1985)sees JIT's core objectives as
obtaining low-cost,high-quality, and on-time
production. Hall (1983)writes that the
objectives of JIT are a stockless production
and an elimination of waste. Monden (1981a,
b) defines the goals as the reduction of costs
surrounding production processes, and the
system also helps to increase the turnover
ration of capital. Rao and Scheraga (1988)
comment that the purpose is to eliminate all
waste. Waste refers to any incurred cost,
such as inventory, set-up, scrap, and rework
that does not add to the value of the product.
Schonberger (1982)states that the objectives
are to produce and deliver all kinds of goods
only at the time needed. Shingo (1984)looks
at its goals as achieving stockless
manufacturing, that is, each process should
be provided with the right components, the
right quality and at the right time. Vollmann
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Gbran Svensson
Just-in-time: the reincarnation
of past theory and practice
I Means
Firms may, according to the literature, take
many different actions to achieve the main
objectives of JIT, which certainly vary to the
same extent as the definitions and the
objectives. For example, Aggarwal (1985)
states that to achieve the objectives of JIT the
system strives to eliminate stock or buffers
between rhe successive processes, and to
minimise any idle equipment, facilities, or
workers. Hall (1983)writes more concisely
that it is a matter of reducing inventories.
Monden (1981a,b) argues that the JIT ideal is
achieved through the smoothing of
production, the design of processes, and the
standardisation of jobs. Rao and Scheraga
(1988)state that it is to design product
structures so that a small number of
materials and parts can be purchased,
fabricated and assembled into components, to
install pull signals on the shop floor, and
improved reporting of quality performance.
Schonberger (1982)says that it is about total
quality management and continuous
improvements. Shingo (1984)argues for a
shorter manufacturing run-through.
reduction of machine failures, diminished
set-up times, flexible manufacturing, and so
on. Vollmann et al. (1988)state that it is about
changes in physical systems. the reduction of
set-up times, and a drive towards lot sizes
that are constantly smaller, as well as the
reduction of inventory levels et cetera.
Finally, De Treville (1987)argues that it is to
reduce buffer size, and to use disruption to
cause learning in order to remove
organisational slacks.
The potential in literature through the
implementation of JIT is regarded as
substantial (Kellock, 1985).There are
however differences between, for example,
American and English companies in their
implementation of JIT (Billesbach et al.,
1991).In developing countries, other
problems appear (Msimangira, 1993).It
should be remembered too, that inventory
reduction in Japan was not an objective in
itself, bur rather a necessity since the
a historic review
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G6ran Svensson
Just-in-time: the reincarnation
of past theory and prec (ice
Management Decision
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G6ran Svensson
Just-in-time: the reincarnation
of past theory and practice
39/10[2001] 866-879
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Giiran Svensson
Just-in-time: the reincarnation
of past theory and practice
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G6ran Svensson
Just-in-time: the reincarnation
of past theory and practice
Management Decision
39/10[2001] 866-879
I Conclusions
The main message in this article is that JIT is
not new-to-the-world, but a suitable and
attractive etiquette or name that has gained
world-wide acceptance in the last decades.
However. its underlying thoughts and
principles are long since documented in
literature. For example, optimisation of
inventory management, supplier sourcing,
and outsourcing have been well known for
many years. Ford was a man of visions.
According to Faurote (1928, p. 305) he said:
We know very little about the smallest thing,
the atom, and practically nothing about the
largest thing, the universe ... There is plenty
of room for thinkers.
In some aspects he was a man of modern
thoughts. At the time, he knew the
importance of the holistic approach. The
principal question of whether JIT had any
novelty value at the time it was introduced,
namely that it was new-to-the-world, has
been answered. However, the author of this
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Goran Svensson
Just-in-time: the reincarnation
of past theory and practice
39/10[2001] 866-879
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G6ran Svensson
Just-in-time: the reincarnation
of past theory and practice
Management Decision
39/10[2001] 866-879
(1994),Supplier-Retailer Collaboration in
Supply Chain Management, Coca-Cola
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G6ran Svensson
Just-in-time: the reincarnation
of past theory and practice
R. (1998),
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Goran Svensson
Just-in-time: the remcarnation
of past theory and practice
Management Decision
39/10[2001] 866-879
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