A Multipitch Approach To Tonic Identification in Indian Classical Music
A Multipitch Approach To Tonic Identification in Indian Classical Music
A Multipitch Approach To Tonic Identification in Indian Classical Music
Justin Salamon, Sankalp Gulati and Xavier Serra
Music Technology Group
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
The tonic is a fundamental concept in Indian classical music since it constitutes the base pitch from which a lead
performer constructs the melodies, and accompanying instruments use it for tuning. This makes tonic identification
an essential first step for most automatic analyses of Indian
classical music, such as intonation and melodic analysis,
and raga recognition. In this paper we address the task
of automatic tonic identification. Unlike approaches that
identify the tonic from a single predominant pitch track,
here we propose a method based on a multipitch analysis of
the audio. We use a multipitch representation to construct
a pitch histogram of the audio excerpt, out of which the
tonic is identified. Rather than manually define a template,
we employ a classification approach to automatically learn
a set of rules for selecting the tonic. The proposed method
returns not only the pitch class of the tonic but also the precise octave in which it is played. We evaluate the approach
on a large collection of Carnatic and Hindustani music, obtaining an identification accuracy of 93%. We also discuss
the types of errors made by our proposed method, as well
as the challenges in generating ground truth annotations.
One of the fundamental concepts in Indian classical music is the tonic. The tonic is a base pitch chosen by the
performer, and serves as the foundation for the melodic
tonal relationships throughout the performance. Every performer chooses a tonic pitch which best allows them to
fully explore their vocal (or instrumental) pitch range for a
given raga exposition [3]. Consequently, all accompanying
instruments are tuned with relation to the tonic chosen by
the lead performer.
Since the entire performance is relative to the tonic (corresponding to the Sa note of the raga), the lead performer
needs to hear the tonic pitch throughout the concert. This
is provided by a constantly sounding drone which plays in
the background and reinforces the tonic. The drone may be
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c 2012 International Society for Music Information Retrieval.
Audio signal
Sinusoid extraction
Spectral peaks
Time-frequency salience
Salience function
Tonic candidates
Time (s)
Figure 1. Spectrogram of an excerpt of Hindustani music with two clearly visible types of harmonic series, one
belonging to the drone and the other to the lead voice.
is not exploited if we only extract a single pitch estimate
for each frame of the recording. To illustrate this point, in
Figure 1 we display the spectrogram for an excerpt of Hindustani music [2]. Two types of harmonic series are clearly
visible in the spectrogram: the first type of harmonic series,
which consist of almost perfectly flat lines, belong to the
notes of the drone instrument (playing Sa and Pa). The second type of harmonic series (which starts roughly at time
2s) belongs to the voice of the lead performer. Evidently, if
we only consider the pitch of the lead performer, we loose
the pitch information proportioned by the drone instrument
which in this case is a better indicator of the tonic pitch.
At the outset of this study, we defined three goals for
the method to be developed: first, it should be applicable
to a wide range of performances, including both the Carnatic [18] and Hindustani musical styles, male and female
singers, and different recording conditions. Second, the
approach should identify the tonic pitch in the correct octave, without restricting the allowed frequency range to a
single octave. Finally, the approach should be able to identify the tonic using a limited segment of the full recording,
and this segment can be taken from any part of the piece.
The structure of the remainder of the paper is as follows. In Section 2 we present our proposed tonic identification method. In Section 3 we describe the evaluation
methodology employed in this study, including the music
collection used for evaluation and the annotation procedure
used to generate the ground truth. Then, in Section 4 we
present and discuss the results of the evaluation, and finally
in Section 5 we provide some conclusions and proposals
for future work.
The proposed method is comprised of four main blocks: sinusoid extraction, salience function, candidate generation
and tonic selection. The first two blocks of the system were
originally proposed as part of a predominant melody ex-
Tonic selection
Xl (k) =
l = 0, 1, . . . and k = 0, 1, . . . , N 1
where x(n) is the time signal, w(n) the windowing function, l the frame number, M the window length, N the
FFT length and H the hop size. We use the Hann windowing function with a window size of 46.4ms, a hop size of
2.9ms and a 4 zero padding factor, which for data sampled at fS = 44.1kHz gives M = 2048, N = 8192 and
H = 128. Given the FFT of a single frame Xl (k), spectral
peaks are selected by finding all the local maxima km of
the magnitude spectrum |Xl (k)|.
The location of the spectral peaks is limited to the bin
frequencies of the FFT, which for low frequencies can result in a relatively large error in the estimation of the peak
Normalised count
Upper Pa (5th)
Frequency (cents)
Lead voice
Sa (tonic)
1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200
Frequency (cents)
Lower Pa (5th)
tion [12], they were constructed using only the most predominant pitch at each frame, which means that in many
cases the tonal information provided by the drone instrument is not taken into consideration.
We start by taking the peaks of the salience function at
each frame. Since the frequency range for the tonic pitch
selected by singers in Indian classical music is relatively
limited, we can reduce the range from which salient pitches
are selected. To ensure we cover the complete range for
both male and female singers, we consider salient pitches
with a fundamental frequency ranging from 110 Hz to 370
Hz. Importantly, note that this range spans almost 2 octaves, meaning the system must be able to identify not only
the correct tonic pitch class, but also the octave in which it
is played. Within this range, at each frame we take the top
five peaks (pitches) of the salience function.
The selected pitches are used to construct a pitch histogram. As the drone is usually weaker than the lead voice,
we avoid weighting each peak by its magnitude. The resulting pitch histogram goes from 110 Hz to 370 Hz and
has a resolution of 10 cents. Peaks of the histogram represent the most frequent pitches in the excerpt, one of which
will be the tonic. In Figure 4 we present the histogram
computed from the complete 3 minute excerpt used in the
previous examples. The pitch axis is plotted in cents, and
the histogram is normalised by the magnitude of its highest
peak. For the excerpt under consideration, we note three
clear peaks: the tonic Sa (2040 cents), the upper Pa (2740
cents) and the tonic again, one octave up (3240 cents). This
illustrates one of the challenges the system will have to
deal with selecting the tonic at the correct octave. It also
highlights another important issue the peak corresponding to the tonic will not always be the highest peak in the
histogram, meaning the (perhaps nave) approach of selecting the highest peak of the histogram would not provide
satisfactory results.
As explained earlier, the peaks of the salience function represent the pitches of the voice and other predominant instruments present in the recording at every point in time.
Thus, by computing a histogram of the pitch values for the
entire excerpt, we obtain an estimate of which pitches are
repeated most often throughout the excerpt. Though pitch
histograms have been used previously for tonic identifica-
As the tonic will not always be the highest peak of the histogram, we take the top 10 peaks of the pitch histogram
pi (i = 1 . . . 10), one of which represents the pitch of the
tonic. As mentioned in the introduction, all other notes
present in the musical piece are tuned with relation to the
tonic. Bearing this in mind, we hypothesize that the tonic
can be identified based on the pitch intervals between the
Time (s)
most frequent notes in the recording and their rate of occurrence. For example, in the excerpt in Figure 3, the drone
plays the tonic alongside the lower and upper fifth. Thus,
a fifth relationship between two frequent notes might serve
as a good indicator for the tonic.
In the study of Western music, templates learned from
music cognition experiments have been used for the related task of key detection, where a pitch histogram (derived from a symbolic representation of the musical piece)
is matched against templates representing the probability
of different pitch classes given a certain tonal context [10].
Approaches based on training a classifier to determine the
key of a musical piece using chroma features automatically extracted from the audio signal have also been proposed [5]. In this study, we propose a classification approach to automatically learn the best set of rules for selecting the tonic, based on the pitch intervals between the
most frequent notes in the piece and their relative rate of
occurrence (as indicated by the magnitude of the peaks of
the pitch histogram).
We start by annotating for each piece the rank i = I
of the tonic (in terms of peak magnitude) out of the top 10
peaks pi of the pitch histogram. Then, we encode the 10
tonic candidates as the distance (in semitones) between every candidate pi and the highest candidate in the histogram
p1 . This gives us a set of features fi (i = 1 . . . 10), where
fi represents the distance (in semitones) between pi and
p1 . The features fi and the annotated rank of the tonic I
are used to train a classifier for selecting the tonic. That
is, we pose the task of tonic identification as a classification problem where we have 10 classes (10 candidates) and
the classifier must choose the rank of the candidate corresponding to the tonic. Note that for all files in our collection the tonic was always amongst the top 10 peaks pi of
the pitch histogram.
For classification we use the Weka data-mining software [7]. We start by performing attribute selection using
the CfsSubsetEval attribute evaluator and BestFirst search
method [6] with a 10-fold cross validation, only keeping
features that were used in at least 80% of the folds. The
selected features were: f2 , f3 , f5 , f6 , f8 and f9 . Then, we
train a C4.5 decision tree [11] in order to learn the optimal
set of rules for selecting the tonic based on the pitch intervals between the tonic candidates. Note that we also evaluated other classification algorithms, namely support vector
machines (SMO with polynomial kernel) and an instancebased classifier (k*) [19]. However, the accuracy obtained
using the decision tree was significantly higher (6% better
than SVM and 5% better than k*), and so for the rest of
the paper we will focus on the results obtained using this
classifier. Additionally, using a decision tree has the advantage that the resulting classification rules can be easily
interpreted and, as shall be seen, are musically meaningful.
The resulting tree is presented in Figure 5. As it turns
out, only 3 features are finally used: f2 , f3 and f5 . Another
interesting observation is that the pitch intervals used by
the tree for making decisions correspond quite well to the
intervals between the notes commonly played by the drone
<= 5
<= -7
> -7
<= 5
<= -6
> -6
<= -11
> -11
3.1 Music Collection
The music collection used to evaluate the proposed approach was compiled as part of the CompMusic project
[17]. It consists of 364 excerpts of Indian classical music
including both Hindustani (38%) and Carnatic (62%) music. The excerpts were extracted from 231 unique performances by 36 different artists, including both male (80%)
and female (20%) singers. Every excerpt is 3 minutes long,
and extracted from either the beginning, middle or end of
the full recording (for recordings longer than 12 minutes
we are able to extract all 3 excerpts, for shorter recordings a single excerpt from the beginning of the piece was
taken). Including excerpts from sections other than the beginning of the piece is important, since in both the Hin-
Number of instances
Classification Accuracy
Female singers
Male singers
Figure 6. Distribution of tonic frequency for male and female vocal performances in our music collection.
dustani and Carnatic music traditions different sections of
a performance can have very different acoustic characteristics. In Figure 6 we display the distribution of tonic frequencies in our collection for both male and female singers.
3.2 Annotation Procedure
The tonic frequency for each excerpt was manually annotated by the authors. To assist the annotation process, we
used the candidate generation part of our proposed method
to extract 10 candidate frequencies for the tonic in the range
of 110 Hz to 300 Hz. The annotator could then listen to the
candidate frequencies one by one together with the original
recording in order to identify the tonic frequency. Note that
for all excerpts in our collection the true tonic frequency
was present in one of the 10 candidates provided by the
It is worth noting that as part of the annotation process,
the listener must determine the octave in which the tonic
is played. Since the drone instrument may play the tonic
pitch in two octaves simultaneously, the octave of the tonic
is determined by the vocal range of the singer rather than
the drone instrument directly. Whilst in most cases the correct octave is fairly unambiguous for vocal performances,
we encountered a small number of cases in which determining the octave of the tonic was more difficult. In future
work, we intend to study the relation between performer
and drone instrument in greater depth, as well as conduct
listening tests to assess the degree of agreement between
listeners when asked to determine the octave of the tonic.
We evaluate the proposed classification-based approach using 10-fold cross validation. The experiment is repeated 10
times, and the average results for all 10 repetitions are reported. In Figure 7 we present the classification accuracy
obtained for our collection of 364 excerpts, as well as a
breakdown of the results based on musical style and gender of the lead performer.
We see that the proposed approach obtains a classification accuracy (hence tonic identification accuracy) of 93%
for our complete collection. Importantly, since the allowed
Hindustani Carnatic
Figure 7. Classification accuracy for the proposed approach. All excerpts 93%, Hindustani 98%, Carnatic 90%,
Male 95% and Female 88%.
tonic frequency range spans more than one octave, it means
we are correctly identifying not only the pitch-class of the
tonic, but also the octave at which it is played. Next, we examine the results depending on the musical style. We see
that we have almost perfect classification for Hindustani
music (98%), whilst for Carnatic music the performance
is somewhat lower (90%). When examining the data, we
noted that in the Carnatic excerpts there were more cases
where the Tanpura was quite weak (in terms of loudness).
Consequently, this results in frames where the pitch corresponding to the tonic does not have a prominent peak in
the salience function. This in turn means the peak of the
pitch histogram which corresponds to the tonic has a fairly
low rank, leading to incorrect identification of the tonic.
When considering identification accuracy as a function
of the gender of the lead performer, we see that the system
performs better for pieces performed by male singers compared to those performed by female singers. A possible
cause for this is the different amount of male and female
performances in our collection. Since there are considerably more male performances, the rules learned by the system are better suited for identifying the tonic in this type
of musical material. Another factor that was identified as
influential was the frequency range used to compute the
pitch histogram. Whilst our frequency range covers the
entire range in which we expect to find the tonic for both
male and female cases, for high frequency tonics this range
will not include the higher Sa one octave above the tonic.
As it turns out, the presence of a higher Sa is one of the
cues used by the system, and for many female excerpts it
is outside the range of the pitch histogram. In the future,
we intend to experiment with different frequency ranges
for the pitch histogram, as well as consider separate ranges
for male and female performances to see whether performance can be improved by including this extra piece of
information prior to classification.
As a final step in our analysis of the results, we checked
what types of errors were the most common in our evaluation. We found that for male singers the most common
error was selecting the higher Pa or Ma as the tonic, whilst
for females it was selecting the lower Pa or Ma. This is understandable, as these are two important notes that are often played by the drone instrument in addition to the tonic.
The difference in tonic frequency for males and females,
together with the frequency range used for the pitch histogram, explains why for males we erroneously select a
higher note, whilst for females we select a lower one. Additionally, for female singers we found that the confusion
was often caused due to the use of Ma tuning (Sa - Ma - Sa)
of the drone instrument. If the higher Sa is not present, the
Ma tuning is equivalent to a rotated version of Pa tuning,
resulting in the wrong rule being applied.
In this paper we presented a novel approach for tonic identification in Indian classical music. Our method is based
on a multipitch analysis of the audio signal, in which the
predominant pitches in the mixture are used to construct
a pitch histogram representing the most frequently played
notes in the piece. In this way, our representation also captures the notes played by the drone instrument, and not
only the pitch of the lead performer. Using a classification
approach, we were able to automatically learn the best set
of rules for tonic identification given our pitch histogram
representation. The resulting decision tree was evaluated
on a large collection of excerpts consisting of a wide selection of pieces, artists and recording conditions, and was
shown to obtain high tonic identification accuracy. Importantly, the approach is suitable for both Hindustani and
Carnatic music, male and female performances, and only
requires a short excerpt of the full performance. In addition, the rules learned by the system are easy to interpret
and musically coherent.
Following presentation of the results, we discussed the
types of errors most commonly made by the proposed tonic
identification method, and the main causes for these errors
where identified. Finally, we proposed some directions
for future work, including a study of tonic octave perception, considering different frequency ranges for the pitch
histogram in our proposed method, and devising genderspecific tonic identification approaches.
The authors would like to thank Joan Serr`a, Emilia Gomez
and Perfecto Herrera for their useful comments. This research was funded by the Programa de Formacion del Profesorado Universitario (FPU) of the Ministerio de Educacion de Espana and the European Research Council under the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme
(FP7/2007-2013) / ERC grant agreement 267583 (CompMusic).
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