Адонис обраќање (Меридијани) англиски

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Adonis A text for the Struga Poetry Evenings

The human of today is more and more integrated in a universal cultural machine
which does the thinking instead of them. And as such, that machine repeats itself,
one way or the other. Because of that repetition, the machine imposes certain
ethical and art criteria. It is based upon things previously determined, which keep
Poetry, by definition, must come out of that factory. It will not step out of the routine
by inventing a new comfort for man which would transform it into a new kind of
preaching and would become a discourse of banality and information.
That poetry will escape this aporia, this sclerosis, when humans will write for
themselves, questioning themselves about their troubles and punishments, either
physical or metaphysical. By saying things with no knowledge and out of every
system of thought.
The poets have nothing to learn. They are, on the contrary, on an endless search for
knowledge. They themselves are a singular being of confusion, of questioning. Thus,
they will also overturn each and every system.
They will shove, shatter stereotypes. Poetry is an everlasting movement towards
the discovery of the creative energy of the world. The energy of change and
creation. Creation of new forms in which that energy is being incarnated.

In every form, created by the poet, the world gains new meaning and new image.
The poetic language here, is by nature, unique and cosmic at the same time. Poetry
cannot separate the meaning from the thought, the physical from the spiritual.
The poetic language is the NOW which embraces existence. Poetry, same as love,
allows us to discover our life, to better understand others and the world. No two
people dream the same dream. Nobody can repeat the same feeling in another
person, nor the same fantasy.
Dreams, emotions, and fantasies are the primary sources of poetry. The basic
sources of difference and plurality. These sources allow man to resist time and to
make their unique tempo of creativity within the frame of that time of habits.
Because of that, poetry is a problem of today open towards that which should
happen. It is, without a doubt, on the side of that which needs to happen, not on the
side of past and history.
One is plural and varies. The identity which derives from that ONE is one of infinite
innovation. That innovation overcomes every affiliation of any national language. It
is a variation of a cosmic being.
And thus, all poets, outside the difference of their languages, live together, beyond
time and space.

There, the highest form, which of the specificity of man and the specificity of the
world, created by poetry, are incarnated.


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