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Acknowledgement: Establishment, Functions and Powers of SEBI

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Establishment, Functions and Powers of SEBI

The success and final outcome of this project required a lot of guidance and assistance from
many people and I am extremely fortunate to have got this all along the completion of my
project work. Whatever I have done is only due to such guidance and assistance and I would
not forget to thank them.
I respect and thank Mr Deepak Thakur for giving me an opportunity to do the project work
and providing me all support and guidance which made me complete the project on time. I
am extremely grateful to her for providing such a nice support and guidance.

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Establishment, Functions and Powers of SEBI

1) Introduction ..3
2) Establishment 4-6
Management of Board ..4-5
Removal of member from office ..5
Meetings 5
3) Powers and Functions 7-14
4) Conclusion .14
5) Bibliography ..15

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Establishment, Functions and Powers of SEBI

Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) was set up in 1988 to regulate the functions of
securities market. SEBI promotes orderly and healthy development in the stock market but
initially SEBI was not able to exercise complete control over the stock market transactions.
With the growth in the dealings of stock markets, lot of malpractices also started in stock
markets such as price rigging, unofficial premium on new issue, and delay in delivery of
shares, violation of rules and regulations of stock exchange and listing requirements. Due to
these malpractices the customers started losing confidence and faith in the stock exchange. So
government of India decided to set up an agency or regulatory body known as Securities
Exchange Board of India (SEBI). It was left as a watch dog to observe the activities but was
found ineffective in regulating and controlling them. As a result in May 1992, SEBI was
granted legal status. SEBI is a body corporate having a separate legal existence and perpetual
succession. in 1995, the SEBI was given additional statutory power by the Government of
India through an amendment to the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992.
SEBI was set up with the main purpose of keeping a check on malpractices and protect the
interest of investors. It was set up to meet the needs of three groups. These are:

Issuers: For issuers it provides a market place in which they can raise finance fairly

and easily.
Investors: For investors it provides protection and supply of accurate and correct

Intermediaries: For intermediaries it provides a competitive professional market.

The overall objectives of SEBI are to protect the interest of investors and to promote the
development of stock exchange and to regulate the activities of stock market. It prevent
fraudulent and malpractices by having balance between self-regulation of business and its
statutory regulations.
In this project the establishment, powers and functions of SEBI have been discussed in detail
in accordance with the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992.

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Establishment, Functions and Powers of SEBI

Chapter 2 of the SEBI Act, 1992 provides for the establishment and incorporation of the
board. Section 3 provides that a board by the name of the Securities and Exchange Board of
India shall be established by the Central Government with effect from the date notified by
them. It further provides that the board shall be a body corporate, having perpetual succession
and a common seal, with power subject to the provisions of this Act, to acquire, hold and
dispose of property, both movable and immovable, and to contract, and shall, by the said
name, sue or be sued.
Sub-section (3) states that the head office of the board shall be at Bombay. However, the
Board may establish offices at other places in India.

Management of the Board:According to section 4, the SEBI is managed by its members, which consists of following:
1. A chairman who is nominated by Union Government of India.
2. Two members, i.e., Officers from Union Finance Ministry and administration of the
Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956).
3. One member from the Reserve Bank of India.
4. The remaining five members are nominated by Union Government of India, out of
them at least three shall be whole-time members.
The general superintendence, direction and management of the affairs of the Board is vested
in a Board of members, which may exercise all powers and do all acts and things which may
be exercised or done by the Board. The Chairman also has powers of general superintendence
and direction of the affairs of the Board and may also exercise all powers and do all acts and
things which may be exercised or done by that Board.
This section requires that the Chairman and the other members shall be persons of ability,
integrity and standing who have shown capacity in dealing with problems relating to
securities market or have special knowledge or experience of law, finance, economics,
accountancy, administration or in any other discipline which, in the opinion of the Central
Government, shall be useful to the Board.
Section 5 provides that the term of office and other conditions of service of the Chairman and
the members shall be such as may be prescribed. The Central Government shall have the right
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to terminate the services of the Chairman or a member appointed under clause (d) of subsection (1) of section 4, at any time before the expiry of the period prescribed, by giving him
notice of not less than three months in writing or three months salary and allowances in lieu
thereof, and the Chairman or a member, as the case may be, shall also have the right to
relinquish his office, at any time before the expiry of the period prescribed, by giving to the
Central Government notice of not less than three months in writing.

Removal of member from office:Section 6 provides that the Central Government shall remove a member from office if he
1) is, or at any time has been, adjudicated as insolvent;
2) is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court;
3) has been convicted of an offence which, in the opinion of the Central Government,
involves a moral turpitude;
4) has, in the opinion of the Central Government, so abused his position as to render his
continuation in office detrimental to the public interest.
Provided, that no member shall be removed under this clause unless he has been given a
reasonable opportunity of being heard in the matter.

Meetings:Section 7 provides the following provisions regarding the meetings of the board:1) The Board shall meet at such times and places, and shall observe such rules of
procedure in regard to the transaction of business at its as may be provided by
2) If the Chairman he is unable to attend a meeting of the Board, any other member
chosen by the members present from amongst themselves at the meeting shall preside
at the meeting.
3) All questions which come up before any meeting of the Board shall be decided by a
majority votes of the members present and voting, and, in the event of an equality of
votes, the Chairman, or in his absence, the person presiding, shall have a second or
casting vote.
Section 7A of the act states that any member, who is a director of a company and who as such
director has any direct or indirect pecuniary interest in any matter coming up for
consideration at a meeting of the Board, shall, as soon as, disclose the nature of his interest at
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such meeting and such disclosure shall be recorded in the proceedings of the Board, and the
member shall not take any part in any deliberation or decision of the Board with respect to
that matter.
Section 8 provides that no act or proceeding of the Board shall be invalid merely by reason of

a) any vacancy in, or any defect in the constitution of, the Board;
b) (b) any defect in the appointment of a person acting as a member of the Board;
c) (c) any irregularity in the procedure of the Board not affecting the merits of the case.
Section 9 states that the Board may appoint such other officers and employees as it considers
necessary for the efficient discharge of its functions under this Act. The term and other
conditions of service of officers and employees of the Board appointed under section 9 shall
be such as may be determined by regulations.


Chapter 4 of the SEBI Act, 1991 deals with powers and functions of the board. The Preamble
of the Securities and Exchange Board of India describes the basic functions of the Securities
and Exchange Board of India as to protect the interests of investors in securities and to
promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market and for matters connected
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therewith or incidental thereto. SEBI has three functions rolled into one body: quasilegislative, quasi-judicial and quasi-executive. It drafts regulations in its legislative capacity,
it conducts investigation and enforcement action in its executive function and it passes
rulings and orders in its judicial capacity.
Section 11 of the Act provides the functions and also some powers of the board which are
listed below:1) It shall be the duty of the Board to protect the interests of investors in securities and to
promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market, by such measures
as it thinks fit.
2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, the measures referred
to therein may provide for
regulating the business in stock exchanges and any other securities markets;
registering and regulating the working of stock brokers, sub-brokers, share
transfer agents, bankers to an issue, trustees of trust deeds, registrars to an issue,
merchant bankers, underwriters, portfolio managers, investment advisers and such
other intermediaries who may be associated with securities markets in any
registering and regulating the working of the depositories, participants, custodians
of securities, foreign institutional investors, credit rating agencies and such other
intermediaries as the Board may, by notification, specify in this behalf;
registering and regulating the working of venture capital funds and collective
investment schemes], including mutual funds;
promoting and regulating self-regulatory organisations;
prohibiting fraudulent and unfair trade practices relating to securities markets;
promoting investors education and training of intermediaries of securities
prohibiting insider trading in securities;
regulating substantial acquisition of shares and takeover of companies;
calling for information from, undertaking inspection, conducting inquiries and
audits of the stock exchanges, mutual funds, other persons associated with the
securities market, intermediaries and self-regulatory organisations in the securities
calling for information and records from any person including any bank or any
other authority or board or corporation established or constituted by or under any
Central or State Act which, in the opinion of the Board, shall be relevant to any
investigation or inquiry by the Board in respect of any transaction in securities;
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calling for information from, or furnishing information to, other authorities,
whether in India or outside India, having functions similar to those of the Board,
in the matters relating to the prevention or detection of violations in respect of
securities laws, subject to the provisions of other laws for the time being in force
in this regard: Provided that the Board, for the purpose of furnishing any
information to any authority outside India, may enter into an arrangement or
agreement or understanding with such authority with the prior approval of the
Central Government;
performing such functions and exercising such powers under the provisions of the
Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (42 of 1956), as may be delegated to
it by the Central Government;
levying fees or other charges for carrying out the purposes of this section;
conducting research for the above purposes;
calling from or furnishing to any such agencies, as may be specified by the Board,
such information as may be considered necessary by it for the efficient discharge
of its functions;
performing such other functions as may be prescribed.
3) The Board may take measures to undertake inspection of any book, or register, or
other document or record of any listed public company or a public company which
intends to get its securities listed on any recognised stock exchange where the Board
has reasonable grounds to believe that such company has been indulging in insider
trading or fraudulent and unfair trade practices relating to securities market.
4) The Board shall have the same powers as are vested in a civil court under the Code of
Civil Procedure, 1908 (5 of 1908), while trying a suit, in respect of the following
matters, namely :
the discovery and production of books of account and other documents, at such
place and such time as may be specified by the Board;
summoning and enforcing the attendance of persons and examining them on
inspection of any books, registers and other documents of any person referred to
in section 12, at any place;
inspection of any book, or register, or other document or record of the company;
issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents.
5) The Board may, by an order, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in the interests of
investors or securities market, take any of the following measures, either pending
investigation or inquiry or on completion of such investigation or inquiry, namely:
suspend the trading of any security in a recognised stock exchange;

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restrain persons from accessing the securities market and prohibit any person
associated with securities market to buy, sell or deal in securities;
suspend any office-bearer of any stock exchange or self-regulatory organisation
from holding such position;
impound and retain the proceeds or securities in respect of any transaction which
is under investigation;
attach, after passing of an order on an application made for approval by the
Judicial Magistrate of the first class having jurisdiction, for a period not
exceeding one month, one or more bank account or accounts of any intermediary
or any person associated with the securities market in any manner involved in
violation of any of the provisions of this Act, or the rules or the regulations made
thereunder : Provided that only the bank account or accounts or any transaction
entered therein, so far as it relates to the proceeds actually involved in violation of
any of the provisions of this Act, or the rules or the regulations made thereunder

shall be allowed to be attached;

direct any intermediary or any person associated with the securities market in
any manner not to dispose of or alienate an asset forming part of any transaction
which is under investigation. the Board shall, either before or after passing such
orders, give an opportunity of hearing to such intermediaries or persons

Section 11A empowers the Board to regulate or prohibit issue of prospectus, offer document
or advertisement soliciting money for issue of securities. It provides that the Board may, for
the protection of investors,
1) specify, by regulations
the matters relating to issue of capital, transfer of securities and other matters
incidental thereto;
and the manner in which such matters shall be disclosed by the companies;
2) by general or special orders
prohibit any company from issuing prospectus, any offer document, or
advertisement soliciting money from the public for the issue of securities;
specify the conditions subject to which the prospectus, such offer document or
advertisement, if not prohibited, may be issued.
The Board may specify the requirements for listing and transfer of securities and other
matters incidental thereto.

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Section 11B further gives power to the Board to issue directions. If after making or causing to
be made an enquiry, the Board is satisfied that it is necessary,

in the interest of investors, or orderly development of securities market;

or to prevent the affairs of any intermediary or other persons referred to in section 12
being conducted in a manner detrimental to the interest of investors or securities


or to secure the proper management of any such intermediary or person, it may issue
such directions,
to any person or class of persons referred to in section 12, or associated with the
securities market;
or to any company in respect of matters specified in section 11A, as may be
appropriate in the interests of investors in securities and the securities market.

The power to issue directions under this section includes the power to direct any person, who
made profit or averted loss by indulging in any transaction or activity in contravention of the
provisions of this Act or regulations made thereunder, to disgorge an amount equivalent to the
wrongful gain made or loss averted by such contravention. Also the amount disgorged,
pursuant to a direction issued, under this section is to be credited to the Investor Protection
and Education Fund established by the Board and such amount shall be utilised by the Board
in accordance with the regulations made under this Act.
Section 11C provides the board with the powers regarding investigation, It states:1) Where the Board has reasonable ground to believe that
the transactions in securities are being dealt with in a manner detrimental to the
investors or the securities market;
or any intermediary or any person associated with the securities market has
violated any of the provisions of this Act or the rules or the regulations made or
directions issued by the Board thereunder,
it may, at any time by order in writing, direct any person (hereafter in this section
referred to as the Investigating Authority) specified in the order to investigate the
affairs of such intermediary or persons associated with the securities market and to
report thereon to the Board.
2) It shall be the duty of every manager, managing director, officer and other employee
of the company and every intermediary or every person associated with the securities
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market to preserve and to produce to the Investigating Authority or any person
authorised by it in this behalf, all the books, registers, other documents and record of,
or relating to, the company or, as the case may be, of or relating to, the intermediary
or such person, which are in their custody or power.
3) The Investigating Authority may require any intermediary or any person associated
with securities market in any manner to furnish such information to, or produce such
books, or registers, or other documents, or record before him or any person authorised
by it in this behalf as it may consider necessary if the furnishing of such information
or the production of such books, or registers, or other documents, or record is relevant
or necessary for the purposes of its investigation.
4) The Investigating Authority may keep in its custody any books, registers, other
documents and record for six months and thereafter shall return the same to any
intermediary or any person associated with securities market by whom or on whose
behalf the books, registers, other documents and record are produced :
Provided that the Investigating Authority may call for any book, register, other
document and record if they are needed again and further that if the person on whose
behalf the books, registers, other documents and record are produced requires
certified copies of the books, registers, other documents and record produced before
the Investigating Authority, it shall give certified copies of such books, registers, other
documents and record to such person or on whose behalf the books, registers, other
documents and record were produced.
5) Any person, directed to make an investigation under sub-section (1), may examine on
oath, any manager, managing director, officer and other employee of any intermediary
or any person associated with securities market in any manner, in relation to the
affairs of his business and may administer an oath accordingly and for that purpose
may require any of those persons to appear before it personally.
6) If any person fails without reasonable cause or refuses
to produce to the Investigating Authority or any person authorised by it in this
behalf any book, register, other document and record which is his duty to
or to furnish any information which is his duty to furnish;
or to appear before the Investigating Authority personally when required to do so
or to answer any question which is put to him by the Investigating Authority;
or to sign the notes of any examination.
he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year,
or with fine, which may extend to one crore rupees, or with both, and also with a
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further fine which may extend to five lakh rupees for every day after the first during
which the failure or refusal continues.
7) Notes of any examination shall be taken down in writing and shall be read over to, or
by, and signed by, the person examined, and may thereafter be used in evidence
against him.
8) Where in the course of investigation, the Investigating Authority has reasonable
ground to believe that the books, registers, other documents and record of, or relating
to, any intermediary or any person associated with securities market in any manner,
may be destroyed, mutilated, altered, falsified or secreted, the Investigating Authority
may make an application to the Magistrate or Judge of such designated court in
Mumbai, as may be notified by the Central Government for an order for the seizure of
such books, registers, other documents and record.
9) The authorised officer may requisition the services of any police officer or any officer
of the Central Government, or of both, to assist him for all or any of the purposes and
it shall be the duty of every such officer to comply with such requisition.
10) After considering the application and hearing the Investigating Authority, if
necessary, 40[the Magistrate or Judge of the Designated Court] may, by order,
authorise the Investigating Authority
to enter, with such assistance, as may be required, the place or places where such
books, registers, other documents and record are kept;
to search that place or those places in the manner specified in the order;
and to seize books, registers, other documents and record, it considers necessary
for the purposes of the investigation:
Provided that the Magistrate or Judge of the Designated Court shall not authorise
seizure of books, registers, other documents and record, of any listed public company
or a public company which intends to get its securities listed on any recognised stock
exchange unless such company indulges in insider trading or market manipulation.
11) The Investigating Authority shall keep in its custody the books, registers, other
documents and record seized under this section for such period not later than the
conclusion of the investigation as it considers necessary and thereafter shall return the
same to the company or the other body corporate, or, as the case may be, to the
managing director or the manager or any other person, from whose custody or power
they were seized and inform the Magistrate or Judge of the Designated Court of such
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Provided that the Investigating Authority may, before returning such books, registers,
other documents and record as aforesaid, place identification marks on them or any
part thereof.
Lastly, Section 11D vests the board with the power to cease and desist proceedings. If the
Board finds, after causing an inquiry to be made, that any person has violated, or is likely to
violate, any provisions of this Act, or any rules or regulations made thereunder, it may pass an
order requiring such person to cease and desist from committing or causing such violation:
Provided that the Board shall not pass such order in respect of any listed public company or a
public company which intends to get its securities listed on any recognised stock exchange
unless the Board has reasonable grounds to believe that such company has indulged in insider
trading or market manipulation.
All these sections i.e. section 11 to 11D, Encompass all the statutory functions and powers of
the SEBI.

It is clear that the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is the regulator for
the securities market in India. Initially SEBI was a non-statutory body without any statutory
power. It was given statutory powers in 1992 with SEBI Act 1992 being passed by the Indian
Parliament. The Act not only provided with its detailed establishment but also listed the
functions to be performed by SEBI and vested it with vast powers necessary for discharging
all its functions in a proficient manner.
The overall objectives of SEBI are to protect the interest of investors and to promote the
development of stock exchange and to regulate the activities of stock market, to regulate the
activities of stock exchange, to protect the rights of investors and ensuring safety to their
investment, to prevent fraudulent and malpractices by having balance between self-regulation
of business and its statutory regulations, to regulate and develop a code of conduct for
intermediaries such as brokers, underwriters, etc. The SEBI performs functions to meet its
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objectives. To meet three objectives SEBI has three important functions. These are: Protective
functions, Developmental functions and Regulatory functions. For the discharge of its
functions efficiently, SEBI has been vested with the basic powers to prove bylaws of stock
exchanges, to require the stock exchange to amend their bylaws., inspect the books of
accounts and call for periodical returns from recognized stock exchanges, inspect the books
of accounts of financial intermediaries, compel certain companies to list their shares in one or
more stock exchanges and registration brokers.



10-2016, 10:00 am.

http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/education/sebi-the-purpose-objective-andfunctions-of-sebi/8762/, 09-10-16, 10:30 am.
http://www.sebi.gov.in/sebiweb/stpages/about_sebi.jsp, 09-10-16, 11:15 am.
http://www.business-standard.com/search?type=news&q=Sebi, 09-10-16, 11:55 am.

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