Budwig Diet Protocol For Cancer
Budwig Diet Protocol For Cancer
Budwig Diet Protocol For Cancer
One of the most common questions I have
been asked over the years is what is the
best diet for cancer? And while I dont
claim this to be a cancer cure I do believe
there is sufficient evidence to prove that
there are certain healing foods, herbs and
treatments that fight and prevent cancer.
One of those protocols that has been
proven to fight cancer is the Budwig
Protocol or the Budwig Diet.
Along with treatments like Gerson
Therapy I believe this to be something that
is excellent for cancer prevention and
natural cancer treatment.
The Budwig Protocol also has the following benefits:
Cancer Recovery
Improving diabetes
Improving arthritis
Balancing hormones
Most all of us are aware how bad fats can block our arteries, but bad fats create
problems through your entire body also leading to cell congestion and inflammation.
According to Guytons Medical Physiology your brain and nervous system control the
function of your entire body. 60% of your nervous system is made up of fat and every
cell in your body is made up of fat in order for your organs to function.
For your cells to work properly you must have healthy energized cells. Your body
produces over 500 million new cells a day yet when the electric balance (battery) is off
you cant create healthy cells.
In simple terms, these conventionally processed fats and hydrogenated oils are shutting
down our cells electrical power which causes diseased cells.
How The Budwig Diet Works
So whats the solution?
First, STOP consuming processed fats, oils, and GMO foods.
Second, start consuming healthy unsaturated fatty acids and saturated fatty acids to
repair the damaged cell membranes or in laymans term recharge your dead batteries!
Dr. Budwig found that the health of your cells can quickly be reversed by consuming a
mixture of cottage cheese (quark), flaxseeds, and flaxseed oil.
Cottage cheese is rich in sulfur protein and saturated fats and flaxseed oil is high in
electron rich unsaturated fatty acids. When cottage cheese and flax are combined
together it makes the fats more soluble and can now easily be absorbed into the cell
membrane healing your cells.
Dr. Budwig also discovered this wasnt just effective in the treatment of cancer, but also
in healing heart disease, diabetes, eczema, psoriasis, arthritis, hormone imbalance, and
neurological conditions.
In addition to consuming the Budwig protocol meal, Dr. Budwig also recommended the
following diet and lifestyle strategies to fight cancer:
Juicing Vegetables can give you body a large concentrated dose of enzymes,
vitamins, minerals and antioxidant that can support the body in cancer recovery.
Frankincense essential oil was recommended by Dr. Budwig especially when it comes
to fighting brain tumors. Rub this essential oil on your body (neck area) 3x daily and
take 3 drops internally 3x daily.
Sunshine therapy with getting 30 minutes of direct sunlight exposure daily
can increase low vitamin D3 levels which can help fight cancer.
This full on protocol including all of the above therapies is called the Cellect Budwig
Choose Quality Dairy
The Budwig Protocol is an amazing formula for regenerating your cells and fighting
cancer and other diseases, but in todays world we run into a problem. Most
conventional store bought cottage cheese isnt as good as it was back in 1952 in
As I mentioned in previous articles and books there are three major problems with most
dairy today:
Ultra High Temperature Pasteurization (280 F) This heat can damage many
of the vital nutrients including the proteins and probiotics.
Chemicals Most Dairy today is loaded with hormones, antibiotics, pain killers,
and pesticide residue.
A1 Casein There are two types of protein in milk, Casein and Whey. In the last
1000 years there has been a genetic mutation in some dairy cows that has caused
them to produce an irregular type of protein called Beta-Casein A1. A1 Casein is a
protein that for some people can be highly inflammatory similar to Gluten. This type
of dairy isnt found in certain cattle and is never found in human, goats, sheep,
buffalo, and A2 cows. To learn more read Devil in the Milk.
So again, when shopping for dairy, look to buy ideally organic cottage cheese, goats
milk kefir, raw yogurt or amasai from A2 cows.
The Budwig Protocol Plus Turmeric
Because of the changes in agriculture I want to give you a combination of foods today
that may have similar benefits to the traditional Budwig Protocol but may even go
beyond in benefits.
I recommend the following:
1. Cultured Dairy: Kefir (Goat Milk), organic cottage
cheese, Amasai (A2 Cows Milk), or Yogurt (Sheep or
Goat Milk) Make sure these products are low-temp
processed or raw and that they are organic and come
from grass-fed animals.