Checkpoint 2
Checkpoint 2
Checkpoint 2
*Present address. 13eparunent of Mc)lecular and Cellular Biology, Univcrs~ty of
Arizona, Tocson, AZ 85721.
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DNA ligase illustrates the effect of the RAD9 checkpoint (Fig. 2).
The analysis exploits the fact that in S. cerevisiae different phases of
the cell cycle are accompanied by distinctive changes in daughter
bud morphology. During incubation at the restrictive temperature
for 3 hours, GI (unbudded) cells containing the cdc9 mutation
became blocked before mitosis (large budded cells) (Fig. 2, A and
B). Arrested cells had completed the bulk of DNA synthesis
[confirmed by analysis of DNA content by flow cytometry (27)],
but become arrested presumably because many unligated singlestrand lesions remain in the DNA (28). In contrast, cdc9 GI cells that
also have the rad9 defect typically proceed past mitosis and enter the
next cell di$sion at the restrictive temperature (Fig. 2, C and D).
Analysis of m'st nuclear morphology of growing cells shifted to the
restrictive temperature confirms that cdc9 cells are blocked before
chromosome separation in mitosis (Fig. 2E), whereas cdc9-rad9 cells
are not arrested, but display a distribution of cells in different phases
of the cell cycle.
The cdc9-rad9 double mutant illustrates a principle that we think
may apply to many checkpoints, that elimination of the checkpoint
may have catastrophicor subtle consequences depending on prevailing conditions. Temporary inactivation of DNA ligase activity is not
lethal for most cells, as shown by the ability of cdc9 mutant cells to
retain viability after a brief incubation at the restrictive temperature.
In the absence of RAD9, however, DNA ligasdeficient cells die
much more rapidly at the restrictive temperature (Fig. 3) (29).
Therefore, relief ox the dependence of mitosis on DNA synthesis is
lethal when completion of DNA synthesis is blocked. Alternatively,
if cells are not perturbed by an interruption of DNA replication (or
by extrinsic DNA damage, see below), then RAD9 is not an essential
function; cells have indistinguishablegrowth properties whether the
RAD9 gene is intact or defective (27). The only effect of complete
deficiency of the RAD9 checkpoint is that rad9 cells lose chromosomes spontaneously at a rate 21 times higher than that of wild-type
cells [rate of loss of one chromosome from a disome strain; 6.0 x
in a rad9 deletion and 2.9 x
in Rad' (27)l. We imagine
that these two phenotypes, cell death or chromosome loss, are
extremes of the same primary role of this checkpoint, to ensure that
chromosomes have been fully replicated and are intact before mitosis
is initiated. Thus the order of DNA synthesis and mitosis is
apparently established independently of the RAD9 checkpoint, but
the RAD9 product ensures the order if DNA synthesis is intermpted. An attractive hypothesis to explain how RAD9 inhibits mitosis is
to suggest that it negatively regulates a function essential for mitosis.
It will be of interest to determine whether the RAD9 gene product
interacts with MPF or other components known to play essential
roles in the initiation of mitosis.
The RAD9 control system was initially identified in a search for
mutations that permit cell division of cells with defective genomes
due to damage induced by x-irradiation (27). Mutations in the
RAD9 gene allow cells with DNA damage to proceed through cell
division, whereas irradiated wild-type cells arrest in Gz until the
damage is repaired. Mitosis in most other eukaryotic cells (30) is also
dependent on undamaged DNA, since x-irradiation and other DNA
damaging agents arrest cells before mitosis. The dependence of
mitosis on completion of DNA replication is relieved in mammalian
somatic cells by caffeine (31). Like rad9 defects in S. cerevisiae,
caffeine treatment of irradiated mammalian cells permits their entry
into mitosis (and decreases cell viability) and yet has no observable
effect on this transition in unirradiated cells (32).
Temperature-sensitive recessive mutations in mouse BHK cells
(tsBN2) and Aspergillus (bimE7) qualify as checkpoints since both
relieve dependency of mitosis on DNA synthesis (33). In both
mutants, cells blocked in DNA synthesis enter mitosis without
completing DNA synthesis when mutant cells are shifted to the
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. E
made initially
at the time
the restrictive temperature for DNA ligase (A
and C) and 3 hours later
(B and D). Unbudded
cells have not replicated
DNA and require ligase activity in the first cell cycle. The fate of GI
(unbudded) cells was quantitated by analysis of several fields; 78% (49 out of
63) of GI cdc9 cells are arrested with one large bud, whereas only 21% (12
out of 57) of GI cdc9-rad9 cells are arrested with one large bud. Most cdc9-rad9
GI cells (79%,45 out of 57) generated at least a third bud indicating the
original GI cell had proceeded through mitosis and one progeny cell had
initiated bud formation (and DNA synthesis) in the next cell cycle. The fates
of cells that were budded at the time of ligase inactivation were also analyzed
[note three in (A) and two in (C)]. Most of the budded cells have completed
replication and do not require ligase activity in the first cell cycle but do
require ligase for the second cell cycle. Eighty percent of budded cdc9 cells
generate two cells each arrestingwith one large bud, whereas 45% (45 out of
99) of budded cdc9-rad9 cells generate two cells each with one large bud and
55% (54 out of 99) proceed to a subsequent cell cycle. Combining data from
unbudded and budded cells 79% of cdc9 cells and only 36% of cdc9-rad9 cells
are blocked as large budded cells after 3 hours. Cytological examination
(described below) shows that even the few cdc9-rad9 cells that are arrested
with one large bud have proceeded past mitosis, whereas most of the cdc9
cells have arrested at mitosis. About 40% of the cdc9-rad9 cells at the time of
plating were inviable and did not change their shape after 3 hours [note
unchanged large budded cell in the comer of (C) and (D)]; these cells were
excluded from quantitative analysis. (E) DNA ligase inactivation results in
the arrest of cells before mitosis. cdc9 cells grown at the permissive temperature (23C) were shifted to restrictive temperature (36C) for 3 hours, fixed,
and analyzed for cell (top), nuclear (middle), and microtubule (bottom)
morphology. Two cells are shown. M, mitochondria; N, nucleus; S, spindle;
C, cytoplasmic microtubules. Cell morphology was determined by differential-interference-contrast microscopy and nuclear and microtubule morphologies, by epiiluorescence from the DNA-binding dye DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindoledihydrochloride) and from FITC-conjugated antibodies to antibodies to tubulin, as described ( 3 8 ) .The position of the nuclei and
the presence of a short spindle at the neck of each large budded cell has been
described (36). When cells were shifted from growth at 23C to the
restrictive temperature for cdc9, the percentage of cells with DNA at the neck
of a large budded cell increased from 11to 84% for cdc9 and only from 11to
32% for cdc9-rad9. As expected, the distribution of cells in other parts of the
cell cycle showed that most cdc9 cells were arrested before mitosis, whereas
most cdc9-rad9 cells were not arrested before mitosis (27). Strains: 598-3
M A T a , cdc9-8 ura3 ade2 ade3 leul can1 cyh2 sap3 trpl SCE:: U R A 3 (provided
by L. Kadyk), and 7851-3-2 M A T a cdc9-8 rad9:: T R P l hpl ura3 leu2 ade3 ade2
his3 leul. Both are congenic with A364a. The R A D 9 deletion we constructed
by deleting 93% of the internal coding sequence and inserting a DNA
fragment containing the T R P l gene, and will be described in detail
0 1 . 5 3
irradiation, some einbryos seem to be insensitive to brokcn DNA crrors in thc scgrcgation of other organellcs. A likcly period to look
sincc Rana pipiens oocytes fertilized with heavily irradiated sperm for thc deliberate elimination of defective cells is at the time when
divide to proctucc haploid organisms (55) and carly cleavage stage cell divisions slow down, transcription begins, groups of cclls
Dvosophila embryos continuc nuclear division, DNA rcplication, and become asynchronous, and gastrulation commences (thc mid-blasccntrosoine duplication for sevcral cycles with little or no initotic tula transition in Xenopus and division fourteen of Dvosoplzila). It
delay aftcr x-irradiation (56). We spcculate that the Rana pipiens and may be pertincnt that nuclei of Drosophila cmbryos that fail to dividc
Dvosoplzila analogs of thc KAD9 checkpoint are inactive in these or that merge with other nuclei fall into the intcrior of thc cgg at this
time in einbryogenesis and do not contribute to the larval cclls (65).
Thegnu mutation of Drosophila has a phenotype that supports the Thc Drosophila embryo has the capacity to replace lost nuclei even
idea that many cell cycle cvcnts are indcpcndcnt of one atlothcr in when the number lost is quite large; when nuclei are inactivatcd by
the embryo (57); gnu embryos replicate DNA and centrosomcs ultraviolet irradiation before the fourtecnth division, compensatory
without undergoing nuclear division. In contrast, yeast mutations divisions occur that approximately restore the appropriatc numbcr
that block nuclcar division also prcvcnt the next round of DNA of nuclei before ccllularization (66). The existence of a monitoring
system for ancuploicty cdoes not seem too difficult to imagine in vicw
replication (58) and spindle pole bocty duplication (36).
Quite dramatic results have becn obtained in thc study of of the phenomena of dosage compensation (67) and X chronlosome
enucleatcd einbryos where centrosome duplication and cortical inactivation (68), situations in which differences in chromosome
contractions characteristic of cytokinesis continue for many cycles, ratios are dctccted.
A variety of abnormal cells arising from infidelity of the mitotic
often with normal kinetics (515, 59, 60). However, thcse results arc
not necessarily informative with respect to our search for thc proccss havc been detected in humans including aneuploidy, genc
presencc of checkpoints, sincc thcse control mechanisms probably amplification, and lnultipolar nlitoses. Sporadic cases of mitotic
require signals gcnerated by the failurc of onc evcnt that are received infidelity may not inerit special attention since inany causes are
by and serve to inhibit soine other event; with thc nucleus or possible. However, when initotic infidelity is rampant and rcproanother organelle rcmoved it is unavailable to send signals. For ct~icibleas it is in many typcs of human tcilnors it may be fruitful to
cxample, sca urchin embryos havc becn rcported to continue to consider pcrturbations of the checkpoints that norinally ensure
prelnaturcly condensc thc chromosomes of fertilizing spcrin aftcr initotic fidelity as potential causcs.
cnuclcation but not after inhibition of DNA synthesis with aphidicolin (62).
a i d Cell B~ologyScrlcs (C;.~~ilbridge
Illli\.. I'rcss,
:\lodi,i\, \,ol. 18 of l)cvcloprnc1it~1l
64. J. J. Yilnis, .Siil'irii, 221, 227 (1983); J. M . Bisllop, ihr~l.235, 305 (1987); 1:
Mitclniati, .\'1111i17, 310, 325 (1984); E. M . K~lllliJ I ~ Lb.
~ 'I'I1cr111~1t1.( :oiri(,i (;i.riti
22, 1 (1986); R. Holliday, 'Ticri~b(;orci. 5, 42 (1989).
65. W. Sullivan, J. S. Mindcn, B. M. Alberts, J . G.11 Riol., in press; J. S. Mindcn, 1). A.
Agard, J. W. Scdat, li. M. Alberts, ihiii. 109, 505 (1989).
66. G. Ydsuda and G . Schubigcr, persoslal communication.
67. E. Jdffc and C. l a r d , 'Tuciiiic Gciicr. 2, 316 (1986).
68. S. G. Gmnt and V. M. Chapman, Annir Rcll. Gcrrci. 22, 199 (1988).
69. Wc thank H. Hrcwcr, B. Bycrs, F. (:ross, W. Fatlg~llati,N IIolli~lgs\vortll,C;.
Mann, (:. Masloil, and G. Schuhigcr for criticlstll of'the rnanuscrtpt; M. Dasso, L.
Edgar, A. Murray, J. Nc\\,port, (:. Kiedcr, G. Schuh~gcr,J. S/ost,~k,13. S u l l ~ v ~ ~ n ,
and G. Yasuda fbr unpuhl~shcdinfbrtllation. O u r work was supported hy grants
from the NIII (GM17709)Institute of General Medical Sctcnccs and the Amcrlcan
Hustness Foundation fix (hnccr Kescarcli. 'I.A.W. was supported by a f'cllo\\~shi~~
fi-om the Jane (;oftin Chllds Foundation.
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