Note Taking

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Note taking is the primary responsibility of the assistant moderator

Clarity and consistency are important. Anticipate that others will use your notes days or
weeks later when memory has faded.
Before conducting focus groups determine:
1. How thorough should the notes be? Is the moderator expecting near verbatim notes?
What are cues from the moderator about important information to capture?
2. What demographic information should be recorded about participants?
3. Should note taker record the seating arrangement?
4. Should the note taker track who said specific quotes? At minimum, note taker should flag
if the same participant states an opinion multiple times to avoid over-emphasizing the
view during analysis.
5. How, if at all, should the note taker communicate with the moderator during the session?
Notes contain 6 main types of information
1. Quotes These are the well-said sentences or phrases that illustrate an important point of
view because they are enlightening or eloquently expressed. Place name or initials of
speaker next to quote as you will most likely not be able to write the quote in its entirety.
The addition of initials will make it easier to find the statement in the tape recording.
2. Non-verbal cues from participants Head nodding, laughter, discomfort, pauses.
Remember during analysis that non-verbal cues can mean different things on different
cultures. Make note of non-verbals but dont make assumptions about what they mean.
3. Wording and timing of probes Note language that the moderator uses as well. At what
point in the questioning did the moderator ask a probe? Helps determine unaided
responses and possible differences in how a question was asked.
4. Key points and themes for each question These will likely be identified by several
different participants. Or sometimes they are said only once, but in such a manner that
deserves attention.
5. Follow-up questions that could be asked The moderator is busy directing the discussion
and may miss the importance of a particular follow-up.
6. Big ideas, hunches or thoughts of the note-taker Occasionally the assistant moderator
will discover a new concept that will be helpful in later analysis. Jotting these down
increases the likelihood they will be remembered during the analysis phase.


Date of Focus Group
Location of Focus Group
Number of Participants
Category of Group
Moderator Name
Asst. Moderator Name

April 17, 2006

Early Childhood Center Ely, MN
14 total 6 men, 8 women, all Caucasian
Parents of preschoolers
Melissa Smith
Jaime Jones

Responses to Questions
Q1. What was the problem and how did you get your answer?
Brief Summary/Key Points

Notable Quotes

Q2. What do you consider when deciding where to go for help?

Brief Summary/Key Points

Notable Quotes

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