In The Matter of Blanche O'Neal v. City of New York, Et Al.

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eCLAIM Receipt You have successfully fled your claim. By successfully filing your claim, you have certified that all information provided is true and correct to the best of your knowledge and belief. You also understand that the willful making of any false ‘statement of material fact herein may subject you to criminal penalties and civil liabilities. Please allow up to 30 days to receive an email acknowledging your claim. if you have any questions please contact 212-669-3916. Your Receipt Number is the following: 201600027537 You uploaded: Claim Form: 4 Supporting Documents:1 9/19/2016 3:22 PM Claimant Last Name:O'Neal Claimant First Name:Blanche AS Office of the New York City Comptroller 1 Centre Street iy New York Cty Comptroller FE Scott M. Stringer New York, NY 10007 Form Version: NYC-COMPT-BLA-PIT-C Personal Injury Claim Form Electronically filed claims must be fled at the NYC Comptroller's Website. If your claim is not resolved within 1 year and 90 days from the date of occurrence you must start legal action to preserve your rights. lam filing: On behalf of myselt @ Attomeyis fling. cr behalf of someone ese. fon someone else's Attorney Information (if claimant Is represented by attorney) behalf, please provide the following information, << Claimant Information — fewrons ~ see Ba — oa Zee Ted ‘The time and place where the claim arose rate = ° 7 *Date of Incident: [08/06/2014|Format: MM/DD/YYYY Soc, Sec. # Incident: through the New York City Department of (Medicare #) aon [fos nwoor ron City Employee? GYes ONo CNA * Denotes required fields. A Claimant OR an Attorney Email Address is required. Office of the New York City Comptroller 1 Centre Street New York, NY 10007 (Claimant, is an African-American female appointed to the postion of police officer, City of New York (NYPD), Based claim arose: jupon the bias and corrupt investigation by New York City Department of Finance, Sherif Division, Bureau of {criminal investigations Investigator Theresa Russo and supported by her management, Claimant was falsely larrested on October 19, 2015, for Grand Larceny in the Second Degree, Criminal Possession of Forged instrument in| Ithe Second Degree, Offering a False Instrument for Filing n the First Degree and Perjury In the Fist Degree, |claimant alleges she is the owner of 23 Vernon Avenue, which is a3 family home but in 1899, located in the Bedford Stuyvesant Section of Brooklyn. This area and other similarly situated areas are undergoing significant lgentrifcation with African-Americans and other persons of color losing thelr homes to unscrupulous Jewish jinvestors. The property have afair market value of approximately $2 million dollars {Claimant alleges on July 25, 2012, she acquired title via Bargain and Sale Deed with good consideration ($10,000 [USC and to settle a default judgment of $5 milion dollars obtained against the Estate of Lillian Hudson, the owner lof 23A Vernon Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11206) from now deceased distributee Colie Gallman, Jr. At the time of the ‘sale, Decedent Gallman claimed he was the SOLE heir of Lilian Hudson's estate. Immediately after the sale and kecording of the deed, she began to rehabilitate the dilapidated property and remove squatters from the premise. {claimant alleges since April 2013, ‘Ruben’ and Tom’ representatives of Yotam Michaeli threatened to take her job jbecause they ‘knew people in the Department and DA'S Office" if she does not sell the property to them. {claimant alleges on July 24, 2014, 23A Vernon Avenue, LLG, located at 48 South Service Road, Suite 404 Melville, NY 1 1747, was formed as a Domestic Limited Liability Company in the State of New York. The company is allegedly lowned and managed by Yotam Michael. She claims Mr, Michael sa Jewish investor, specifically targeting areas |such as Bedford Stuyvesant. She claims Mr. Michaeli uses governmental agencies, its enforcement powers through biased and corrupt employees’ such as Investigator Russo to In essence ‘steal’ high value real estate properties for Jpennies on the dollar from African-Americans and other persons of color. {claimant alleges on August 6, 2014, 23A Vernon LLG, filed a false instrument (Quitclaim Deed) with the New York {city Department of Finance claiming Lula Mae Brown transferred her 1/6 interest in the Estate of Lillian Hudson. {claimant alleges on August 19, 2014, 23 Vernon LLG, filed a false instrument (Quitclaim Deed) with the New York {city Department of Finance claiming Minnie Davis transferred her 1/6 interest inthe Estate of Lillan Hudson, {claimant alleges on September 13, 2014, 23A Vernon LLG filed a false instrument (Quitclaim Deed) with the New York City Department of Finance claiming Colie Gallman, Jr, transferred her 1/6 interest in the Estate of Lilian |Hudson {claimant alleges on October 30, 2014, 23A Vernon LLG, filed a false instrument (Quitclaim Deed) with the New York {city Department of Finance claiming George Long, Jr, transferred her 1/6 interest in the Estate of Lilian Hudson. laimant allege on March 16, 2016, three (3) of four (4) criminal charges were dismissed, The sole reaming criminal harge relates to one (1) count of perjury for alleging she owned 23A Vernon Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11206 after fling a burglary complaint. The matter is scheduled for tial on September 21, 2016. {Claimant alleges based upon the actions of Respondents THE CITY OF NEW YORK and THERESA RUSSO in collusion ith 23A Veron Avenue, LLC and Yotam Michaeli she sustained substantial damages. * Denotes required field, New York City Comptroller Scott M. Stringer ‘The items of 300000 damage or injuries! claimed are (include dollar Office of the New York City Comptroller 1 Centre Street New York, NY 10007 Office ofthe New York Cty Comptroller 1 Centre Street New York, NY 10007 Medical Information Witness 1 Information 1st Treatment Date: [format-aamvoorvvry LastName: Hospital/Name: FirstName: Address: Address a Address 2: Address 2: iy ity state state: Zip Code: Zip Code: [TJ Phone: | Date Treated it format: MM/DD/YYYY Emergency Root Was claimant taken tohospialby Ces CNo @NA an ambulance? Employment Information (If claiming lost wages) Employes Names Adress ess: ty tai Witness 3 Information ZipCode: en Lasttome ok DapsLost a First Name: Amount Eamed — Weekly: Address ‘Treating Physician Information ‘Address 2: _ ci Last Name: ge } - state FistName - 2in code Phone Aes Aaiess2: Witness 4 infomation dy Last tome state: FirstName: ZipCode zi Adtress oe dies: City: state: : Zipcode Phone Office of the New York City Comptroller 1 Centre Street New York City Comptroller New York, NY 10007 § Scott M. Stringer Complete if claim involves aNYC vehicle Owner of vehicle claimant was traveling in Non-City vehicle driver Last Name: Last Name: First Name: First Name: Address Address Address 2: Address 2: city diy state: state: Zip Code: a) Zip Code: Insurance information Non-City vehicle in Insurance Company] Make, Model, Year [~ Name: of Vehicle: Address Plate f Address 2: | VIN Chey City vehicle information state | a — Pitt Zip Code: La Policy: 7 _ Phone # ity Driver Last | iamne: _ Descriptionof — Q)oriver_ «Passenger City Driver First bial CPedestrian —CBicyclst ia Ld Omotoreyclst Cother Total Amount [5 conoo000 JFormat:De notincude "or Claimed: le The Total Amount Claimed can only be entered ance the following required fields are entered Claimant Last Nome Claimant FirstName Claimant Address,City,State,Zip Code, and Country Claimant Email or Attorney Email Date of ncident Location of incident (including State) ‘Manner in which claim arose 1 certify that all information contained inthis notice i true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. understand that the wilful ‘making of any false statement of material fact herein will subject me to criminal penalties and civil liabilities. EXHIBIT 1 NEWBERRY COUNTY PROBATE COURT case: 2007253600825 TOTALFEES: = $2000 MAGGIE LEE GALLMAN PAYMENTS: $20.00 Payor: ward Hing ENDING BALANCE: $0.00 ‘Rocolpt Number: 1000011512 ‘AccOUNT: offear: ‘AMELA COMMENTS: -COOEP ‘Gash or Cheeks: mo 22058055482 Dato of Receipts 07142015 NEWBERRY COUNTY PROBATE COURT ne pasrorrce x 4 beat ssa soraebe: SOU WoL 20008 Sere 328 July 18,2015, ‘Edward Harold King, Esquire EDWARD HAROLD KING, PLLC. Avenue, tite 204 Yor Ht Se: Hamat oe Probate Court File OOTESS&(528, Dor Me. Ringe aviosed are the copies of the above refereed exute which were reine fost you “ et your direions. Please note, ths isan old esate which was sloved in 2°08. ‘nul is esate is re-openee. the pesoral represematice dogs tu have the suthorty 0 poNTUENT ‘opteanvPeione: Cole Galan, ‘odoss: 22 Garin deel Wait, Cannes DEBE Toiphen( 208) 735.3850 —_—___—— | ARLAPPUGANTSPETITONERS MUST CONPLETE THIS SECTION B 1. fuses son Sem ge 0 2. ose intron goo : " g > m EB 0 HD Decadent est domed Sut Sourty at date a eos 2 Dnokden ne hoa gl acto ee carters sa amas ne assess senses es of es me - io riot oie cota mrowsen Cron, watery, C0804 an awe Le Os {te uo ave, Witton, CN O8705 ght : {sevens caine {4 eta at bo, Comin, £6 20212 pancen ETA camaamnnezcom = Seas LAST WiLL Ako TESTAMENT oF MAGOIE LEE GALLMAN Z, Maggie Los Gallman, a resident of and doniciled in the county of Kesberry and state of South Caroling, do hereby make, » bexedy by oe 21 and Testanen publish and dectace th to be ny Last W revoking all Wille and CoBietle at any tine heretofore 5 éseact 21 ay gust debts, racured and unsecured, 5e he 2 Gt! 4 as acon a6 practicable afte: my & that ay ve may cacse ony Gebt to be carried, renewed s+ push terme and nak v8 may Gtvided in approximate squel grandson Jemes Rot vavss ys allowed to Live tn this hone and the house shel? not be sold ws 2ut his consent. rE 1X give and bequeath 0) my personal prozarty, and household effects of every sind inc Hinz but act Limtted to furniture, ree 2 fae appliances, furnichings, pictures. etivernace, chin poste, sutenobiles and other vi Jewaley, wenring opp and a1 policies of Lira, burglary and property demage aad other H#suvance on or n connection with the use of thts property to my son, olde Gallmen, ar., my daughter, “Minnis tes Davis end ay oquel grandaon, Loo Verne Gallnan to be divided “in approxins 1 request, but 60 aot require, that my 42 by any nonorandum by me shares, per stizpes. Personal Representative end my issue ye disposition of this py. ety or any port thersof. 1 sona) Represertetive any bes Atstrtbute even minor's share to such miner or Zor such minor's, ntrol sf such 1 give, devise and boqueath ali the rest, residue and remainder of ny pr: perty of avery kind and description (sacluding and whether sequired Lapsed legacies ¢ deviser ho. war situa inte WALL abeolvtely and in fee san, Jes. ny Azughter, Minnie tee Davis sae Gallnan to be divided in appzoxin and my grandson, Lee ejuel shares, por stizpes. by nominate, constitute and epgoint es ay Fersonsl hives of this ry Lest Wi) and Testanant ae Zoliove: ja: cole Galimen, 5 Personal Respresent pirst Alternative: winnse tes novis Second Alternative: eo Verne Galinan bond. 3 and dizect thet they shall serve withou! ble te serve or unwilling to Shey are Je. then 1 nezehy ésvect ths sent gy astete end éizect tnst he or she Ra, wcthont bone S ee eget spree! ve shell recsive the novo: provide af Representative, then ny Persons) Repre to a reasonable coapensation for services rendered. rey vet 12 not of Limitation, and in 888 Sy way of (ustration to any inherent, implied or statutory povers granted to 2 fepresentative or successor Representative generally, ny Peres Personel Representative is specifically authorized end anpoxered: 1 eellect, contract with respect to, to alict, assign, buy, care tine, esnvey, convert, deal with, 4 continue any business of worove, invest, esso, manage, of, enter into, exchange, bold. te, take moztgage, grant and exercise options with possession of, pledge, receive, rotezse, woment of my Am general to exercise all the 2 152 in the managenect estate which any inétviéual could axe pon such eres simiter property owned in his om ri se whicn ny Parsonal Ropveses: ineteuments and to éo #12 sentative may don £13: purposes pecitie grants ci powar mide, and thie WiA2, wethout bedng 2 to carry out 2 any way Ly the of 8 court, new ax eras of this WELD any money is bequeathed or ery IE under t! property is devised to or becones distributable to a beneficiary at the date of who has not obtained the age of eighteen (18) ye Goath, thea notwithstanding the provisions of this Wil devising or bogueathing such money or property to such beneficiary, 7 give, devise and bequesth euch nensy or property under the South Caroline onsform Giger co Hinore benegtetary, wren x My Personal Roprocentative shall heve the absolute discretion bot shel aot be required to make adjustments in the rights of a beneticierses or among the principal and tncone of any tex decision or ale compeneete for the consequenc sdntetatr: tvs decision that ny of any tavesen iva belioves hac had the effect, esenctly Bape! or prefer: othere Lisbitities of ay ant “Assue" and “descendents” means the lawful Blood descendants In any Gogres of the ancestor designated; provided, however, thet 1f the ‘person has been adopted, that person shall be considered child of ‘such adopting parent and such adopted child and his issue shal? be coriasdered af issue of the adopting parent or parents or of anyone tho 15 by blood or adoption on encestor of the adopting parent or aither of the sdopting parente. The tams *chi2é*, *chiiarsn= “tegus", "descendent and “descendants” or thozs tars preceded by the terms “Living" or ‘then Living” ahsll énclude lawful bles’ 4 ‘though such descendent 1¢ born efter the death of such parent. the scondante in the first degre of the parent desicnsted even anti-Lapee statute shell act apply to this my Wi2L, ax in el2 cxzee where F intended to specify » contingent taker, = have porpossly ze wrvinss asor, Z tare berquate set py tnd and ound, at agborry, South carctine, this 25 a0y of ‘Ques es, ona bbe A gala Mendota | _ _. ‘ “ORDER OF APPONTHENT he | a "iS heneeREREO ft eh eran sine pnp RTI the en a rei, etn snags. Sig nie Bakes near eee yor Deuter ze acct ie 1 eyo. 0 Tal ae QUALIFICATION AND STATEMENT OF ACCEPTANCE 1 acral apis sn age peta the ane a charge eprint ofthe eae a of te of Pons eae rsa PROBATE COURT =FORM 1011: EXEMPLIFIED COPY OF RECORD. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, INTHE COURT OF PROBATE, ‘COUNTY OF NEWBERRY Analisi Abide) Cheah tne comottonact "Newerty County and Stat of South Carine, do hereby cenit he foregoingtobe atro and citect exemption ofthe ste men re pa ei nk Cay St, re gop oe AE ayer Meret 20.07 and crt in id Cour InTestimony Wherot, avg here sem ofl sigrateas_ Clee __ of is Cour withthe Seal fi cout ata pis__1 3 ey of Thy Inthe yearof our Lord two tossed ad ‘they Yow ' LW. Phe — Cheer. coro Probate STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, IN THE COURT OF PROBATE, COUNTY OF NEWBERRY Kelly B. Nites saponin steal doy ety ot lie [Tilden sede eg cheake rempienton te of si Coun of eb ob Cay of ewe ad hal thant ceo det ti tal. teeta he eae woh exemple ite el of ur Cou of Prob and thal he teston thet nde fo and cal tthe frosts of his Ste pave Tip. 13, 20/5 se, Tile, Court of Probate. ‘STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, INTHE COURT OF PROBATE. ‘COUNTY OF NEWBERRY GrmabisN Phill? be Cou of Pabieo the Coun tebe sory ety ton Key B Nobles hone ume inscribed the preceding cerifcnt, i the Presiding Judge ofthe Cour of Probate ofthe County of Newbery, duly eee, sworn and qualified and hat he signature of sid Judge to sid eta een. 13th In Tesimoay Whee ave eet set my Ha aS of id Co, nis__1 3 day of 05. - —CGirahioW, Chink) con of ratte EXHIBIT 2 NYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE OFFICE OF THE CITY REGISTER This page is par of the instrument. The City Register willrely on the information provided by you on this page for purposes of indexing this instrument. Te information on this page will control for indexing purposes inthe event [of any conflict with the rest of the document, RECORDING AND ENDORSEMENT COVER PAGE. a 2012091400485001001ED697__ ie PAGE 1 OF 4) Document ID: 2012091400485001 Document Type: DEED [Document Page Count: 3 Document Date: 07-25-2012 Preparation Date: 09-14-2012 PRESENTER: KNICKERBOCKER ABSTRACT CO,, INC. PICK UP BY HARRIET GRUNFELD 15 OCEAN AVENUE BROOKLYN, NY 11225 RETURN TO: KNICKERBOCKER ABSTRACT CO., INC. PICK UP BY HARRIET GRUNFELD [15 OCEAN AVENUE BROOKLYN, NY 11225 718-284-0500 KNIC-3326-K - COURTESY RECORDING L 718-284-0500 KNIC-3326-K - COURTESY RECORDING Borough Block Lot BROOKLYN 1754 79 Entire Lot PROPERTY DATA Unit “Address 23A VERNON AVENUE Property ‘Type: DWELLING ONLY - 3 FAMILY 122 GARDEN CIRCLE WATERBURY, CT 06704 ‘CROSS REFERENCE DATA CREN or Document ID. or Year___ Reel __ Page __ or File Number_ PARTIES ]GRANTOR/SELLER: |GRANTEE/BUYER: JOLIE GALLMAN JR. BLANCHE ONEAL 4 VERNON AVENUE, APT. 2-C BROOKLYN, NY 11206 FEES AND TAXES Mortgage Filing Fee [Mortgage Amount: {s 0.00 os 125.00 __| [Taxable Morigage Amount: _|$ 0.00 NYC Real Properly Transfer Tax: Exemption: $_ __0.00 FTAXES: County (Basie) NYS Real Estate Transfer Tax: City (Additional _ Ss 40.00 RECORDED OR FILED IN THE OFFICE Geen yal here, whee | srt nt Ca a on oe ete «Hy Pate dt oy Ch — a enhance Er ARAL 20 es eemecel etait |utn pey! CORE, Go ok tnptnentnenananerietnae tert | abana oreo tee saan Sin aonmer td tego, EXHIBIT 6 [RYC DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE DFFICE OF THE CITY REGISTER ses pu be net The City Regier sateen provid by you ths ae te pepo ding ise Tern on ge eel ines posi he even Stay eet wih hee he oewnent '2014120200579001004ED7E4 THECORDING AND ENDORSEMENT COVER PAGE. PAGEL OFS [ccwsoar t= tsa on00s79001 ‘Docuen: Dc: 10-303014 Pepaion Date 02-06-2015] Docume Type! DEED Joc Paps Cou: 3 JpnesenteR: [RETURN TO: 3A VERNON Luc ba veqnon nic fe SeRvice ROAD las SERVICE ROAD fsurre coe MELVILLE. Ny 11747 MELVILLE, NY 11747 RIYDATA Borough lock Let Uae aban rockin se tata 24 VERNON AVENUE Property Type: DWELLING ONLY -3 FAMILY . OSS REFERENCE DATE UN oom Ye ted Fao Wienke TRS onaxronsenten: fekuvreemuver: JGeanGe tone ib srewuTee leavenon ii estisconn VENUS a’ ex Hono, SUTE 0s lonooxrsexe Haie fauusinne wy et {2 dtp uns Liteon Couinoion ge SANTEE bsoranse: ng ee: Pre ema ow ‘ nso feb wg: aa St ema pa Taare Eee : oo» fae carats a a Tie eeiaseerts ott A ow Se asa ta RECORDED On FLD IN THEOFRICE Tas OFTHE CITY REGISTER OF THE as te BBS cry ormewvorx 3 Sees etasie Rasa {s Soiaenrenaeioe — a me Atanas + Gaasteteia Cie Register Offical Signature Nvc DEPAMIMENT OF FINANCE OFFICE OF THE CLTY REGISTER i 2014120200579001004CD564 = CORDING AND ENDORSEMENT COVER inva FAGETOFS Document Ds Zots13020057900) ‘Decuem Daz: 1030-2018 Prpariion Date 01-06-2015 Docu Type: DEED PARTIES IGRANTORISELLER: EIA US 10 COUKTLAND A\ WATERBURY. cr ~~ ~ COAG WIT aswoerrns ere 20 tone Saar rd Glo 2,1 ee Deven At bern ae oe HY “etter patentee on i att do ytd erp tna ‘ign atpyctaept e pene pce oti ei tare ek a a Samet ren baa 4 Ye rt ‘seismetomy ewof orgoi eee {REIN tn, pa ee 9 meena tepeensay etanaonc nator eee ees cS there demas feu ini rs WHERE Spy aa a by ide pr a tng Beate ‘ecrrnra torte co sade pog td arg Beant rata, Brel Cy of ngs ly an Sant Naw Yet, ued ape ented [BEGINNING ata point on tha north sto of Veron Avonuo,datart 258 foct ‘caste fom de norhoastety comar cf Nosband and Veman Avenue; [RUNNING THENCE northety paral! wh Noaband Avenue and part the datenco Bough a pany wal, 10 fst: “THENCE cestty paral wth Venton Aver, 19 fea, ‘THENCE southerly parallel with Nosiand Avenue and part ofthe distance through anater party wal 100 foo the thee of Verran Aver, “THENCE wet along the nor eof Vernon Avenue, 19 fat th pnt orplace of BEGINNING. set ayityd tye steam amines stan nat dasod 6/14/54 ant racordedt/18730 ta foal 62 MIS an tho Kinga County Otty Register's OEfte, en omy CAO eT naar ean Sintec ‘Srattngecrear tomy ‘mp ota ager Satan chtamine oom ‘Bargain nnd Sale Deed ‘With Covenants ip ts Jonas et era ae mcr manatees tty aneetarnarasesnema tatoo ecient Scien term teased

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