Introduction, Abstract, Conclusion, Reference
Introduction, Abstract, Conclusion, Reference
Introduction, Abstract, Conclusion, Reference
Objective of experiment:
i) To measure head loss in pipes for different water flow rates, pipe diameters and pipe
ii) To estimate the values of loss coefficient for pipes of different flow conditions, diameters
and roughness.
iii) To study the effect of the velocity of the fluid, the size (inside diameter) of the pipe, the
roughness of the inside of the pipe on the values of loss coefficient.
iv) To study the effect of sudden change in pipe diameter and flow direction on the total
energy or head losses in pipes.
Scope of experiment
This experiment has been done in order to determine head loss in pipes, estimate value of
loss coefficient for pipes, study the factors that affect the values of loss coefficient and
also study the effect of sudden change in pipe diameter as well as flow direction on the
total energy or head losses in pipes. During the experiment, rubber tubes of water
manometer are connected at inlet flow pressure (H1) and outer flow pressure (H2) for
different pipes and surfaces. The flow rate is being adjusted and the values of H 1 and H2
are recorded.
Significance of experiment
Below are the significance of this experiment:
This experiment helps the students to understand the factors that cause a pressure
drop or head loss in a pipe and find out loss coefficient as well as the factor that affect
The development and accurate experimental results of friction loss in pipe apparatus
allows the detailed study of the fluid friction head losses which occur when an incompressible
fluid flows through pipeline. In this experiment, we are required to study the friction loss in
different pipes with different internal surfaces and minor loss in sudden enlargement, sudden
contraction pipe, and elbows or bend pipe. In order to determine the inlet flowing pressure (H 1)
and outlet flowing pressure (H2), firstly, the valve of the pipe is opened to allow water to flow in.
The flow rate is then being adjusted by using the control valve to different values. Five flow rates
is determined from highest value to lowest value as stated in experimental procedure. The value
of H1 and H2 is recorded in the tables and being organized. Relevant calculations are made to
compare results at different pipe, different diameter, different inner surfaces of pipe and different
flow rate of water with the theoretical value by using appropriate equations or formulae. From
the calculations and results, it was found that fexp of pipe 2A, 1A, sudden enlargement pipe and
90 bend pipe are quite far deviated from ftheo, which is , respectively./ loss coefficient On the
other hands, fexp of pipe 2B, 1B, sudden contraction pipe and elbow pipe show a small deviation
from ftheo, which is , respectively. Besides that, the values of K and n are determined from the
plotted graph and equation. The difference between the experimental and theoretical results are
compared and the effect of fluid flow rate as well as pipe geometry on energy loss is discussed.
The inaccuracy of the results obtained might due to some errors that have been proposed in this
report which also come with some suggestions to overcome it.
In conclusion, for the effect of pipe diameter and roughness, it showed that the friction losses are
inversely proportional to the Reynold Number that is proved by Blausius equation. The higher
the velocity of fluid will increase the friction loss in pipe. Friction losses for turbulent flow are
dependent to the pipe surface. The increase of diameter of the pipe decreased the friction losses.
The effect of sudden change in pipe diameter and flow direction showed that, for sudden
enlargement, the minor losses increases with the flow rate value. The minor loss decreases
between the theoretical and the experimental value for sudden contraction. Moreover, the elbow
pipe has the highest value of the loss coefficient (K) which had the greatest gradient of 1.2176.
Also the sudden pipe enlargement, its average value of Kavg is very much lower than the
theoretical value with 97.04% difference and the 90 bend pipe, its Kavg value is much closer to
the theoretical value with only 21.88% of difference.
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