Pam T Mux

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1. Objective
In this experiment, several messages are sampled and their samples are interlaced to form a
composite, or Time Division Multiplexed-TDM signal.
2. General Information
By using quite short carrier pulses (small width), other sampled pulses can be placed in the
gaps between the pulses of PAM (Pulse Amplitude Modulation). This process is called as Time
Division Multiplexing (TDM). Therefore, more than one message signal can be carried via a
single communication channel. The operational fundamentals of TDM will be examined by
using the PAM, however TDM can be applied to other type of pulse modulations as well.
If two messages are sampled at the same rate but at slightly different times, then two of trains
of samples can be added without mutual interaction. In Figure-1.a the signal x(t)
and the corresponding PAM signal are depicted. Also in Figure-1.b, TDM of two signals is



Figure 1.

(a) The signal x(t) and its PAM signal
(b) TDM of two signals

The block diagram of PAM/TDM signal production is given in Figure 2 below:

Figure 2. Production of TDM Signal

In Figure 2, if the band-widths of both signals (x 1(t) and x2(t)) is 3 kHz, according to the sampling
theorem each signal should be sampled with the frequency of 6 kHz. But in this case the clock
frequency should be 12 kHz. The distance between the pulses is Tn=Ts/n. Here, n indicates the
number of the input signals, and Ts denotes the sampling period required for one signal. The
obtained TDM wave is shown in Figure 3.


Figure 3. PAM(TDM) Wave

As considered before, if two different signals have the frequency of 3 kHz, the sampling period of
each signal will be Ts=1/6000 = 166.7 sec. Since number of input signals n=2, from Tn=Ts/n; the
distance between samples becomes Tn=Ts/2 = 83.3 sec. Therefore the
minimum bandwidth to transmit these samples by TDM should be :
B 166.7 .106
kHz. A TDM receiver block diagram is shown in Figure 4 below. The most significant issue in
recovery of input signals from TDM signals is the requirement for the proper synchronization
between TDM transmitter and receiver. Therefore, the clock signal in the transmitter should be
passed to the receiver correctly.

Figure 4. TDM Receiver Circuit

3. Experiment Set

PC & LabView Software


Elvis board

3. Experimental Procedure

Generate two sine-wave input signals for TDM transmission. Arrange the frequencies and
amplitudes of both signals to be able to be changed by user. Take the display duration
T=0,1sec and the duration between each sample dT=0,0002sec.
The sampling function for TDM modulation will be provided by the laboratory assistant as
a sub-vi file. Display two input sine-wave signals and the tdm sb-vi output in a single
waveform graph.
The provided sub-vi will also provide the operation in Figure-4 up to the application stage
of low-pass filters.
Connect the sampled and hold outputs of the provided sub-via to appropriate low-pass
filters and display both of the sub-via and filter outputs in the waveform graphs
Repeat the previous step of the experiment by setting appropriate LPF circuits on the board
as illustrated below figure. Pass the sub-via outputs through the filter and observe the
recovered input signals.

Figure 5. Low-pass filter circuit

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