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Alstom Tech Solutions For Nuclear Plant US EP08

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Alstom technology solutions for the

1200-1700 MW range Nuclear Turbine

Island developments for the USA
Paper presented at Electrical Power 2008



Vincent Jourdain

The last 3 decades saw the business activity in nuclear energy in the US at a low level. Interest in nuclear power plants
has markedly grown in the last 10 years, as shown by a very active nuclear retrofit market. The 2005 Energy Policy Act
now clearly demonstrates the commitment to support a large scale of new nuclear construction.
The nuclear winter in the US and in many European countries did not prevent that new solutions were developed and
validated for other markets, notably France and several main Asian countries. Fleets of operating plants are now existing
with more under construction, and feedback of experience can be maximized.
Several nuclear reactors are now competing on the US market, and an associated range of Turbine Island equipment and
solutions are required. The article will detail the specific features of Alstom products and solutions matching the new
plants under development in the USA. Alstom has developed very effective solutions around the ARABELLE steam
turbine, the world largest machine with a unique architecture featuring a combined HP/IP module. Specific features of
the Steam and Water cycle are discussed, and in particular the impact of circulating water pumps technology on the
complete system. The experience from previous nuclear plants is used to maximize reliability and reduce maintenance
time. Maximum fleet standardization is achievable, and the best availability can be obtained.

1 Present development of new Nuclear Power Plants for the US market

1.1 Development of nuclear Power in the US
The USA have been a world pioneer of nuclear power development. Major construction programs got under way in the
late 60s. From the mid 70s a slowdown in the number of orders was noted, possibly driven by delays and cost overruns
experienced at several sites, and a halt came after the 1979 Three Mile Island INES level 5 accident.
Nuclear electricity production nevertheless kept increasing, due to a combination of capacity factor reaching best in class
levels, and performance projects designed to increase unit capacity. The share of nuclear electricity from the 103
operating reactors is still around 20% of the total electricity generation as first reached in 1992, despite the increase of
overall production.
In the recent years, several steps were taken which will permit a new construction phase for nuclear plants in the US.
The industry has regrouped, with major utilities now concentrating most of the existing nuclear fleet. These mature
plants have reached high loading factor levels and demonstrate very competitive kWh costs. The provisions of the 2005
Energy Policy Act are a further incentive for development. Projects are being developed at a rapid pace, with the
involvement of utilities (with or without nuclear operating experience), the Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS)
suppliers and the Administration. The target to have new nuclear plants operating in 2015 is within reach.
Alstom has a long-standing presence in US nuclear plant conventional islands with 4 turbine generator units operating
since the 80s. More recently, Alstom has been active in retrofitting nuclear units originally supplied by others OEMs.
Today another 12 nuclear units operate using Alstom low-pressure turbine rotors (in some cases with high pressure
turbine rotors as well), with more under construction.

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avoidance of doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

Alstom technology solutions for the 1200-1700 MW range Nuclear Turbine Island developments for the USA, May 2008

Alstom as a major supplier for turbine island of Nuclear Plant is closely following these developments on the USA nuclear
sector, and has developed solutions to match all the new large Light Water Reactors which are being introduced now.

1.2 Corresponding development in France

After an initial development of nuclear electricity in the 50s based on gas cooled reactors (GCR), the decisive move was
for France, and its single electric utility EDF, to adopt the PWR technology. The French nuclear reactor manufacturer
(now AREVA NP) became a Westinghouse licensee. Fleets of machines rated 900 MW, 1350 MM and 1550 MW were
progressively commissioned. Civaux 2 is the 58th and latest unit, in operation since 2000. Adding the 230 MW PHENIX
Sodium Cooled Fast Neutron reactor commissioned in 1973, the 59 operating French nuclear units provide up to 80% of
the French electricity generation, depending on the hydraulic electricity production, significantly helping France in
reducing CO2 emissions.
The fleets average age in 2008 will reach 25 years of operation, and a program of life extension is developed with the
French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN for the French Acronym). EDF launched in 2006 a new generation of nuclear
plants with the first French European Pressurized Reactor (EPR) in Flamanville 3, aiming at preparing for the
replacement of the present fleet.
Alstom provided the steam turbines and generators, the condensers and Moisture Separator Reheater (MSRs) for all the
French operating nuclear plants. Alstom also provided a significant number of other main equipment such as circulating
water pumps and condensate extraction pumps, boiler feed pumps with associated turbine drive, emergency diesel
generators (EDG), etc..
It is to be noted that Alstom secured in 2006 the international bidding for the Turbine Island and other equipment of the
Flamanville 3 1750 MW unit.

1.3 Present Nuclear Plants Development Trends

Changes in reactor technology now introduced may have an impact on the turbine island equipment and solutions, as
detailed below.

1.3.1 Continuous Domination of LWRs

The present renaissance of nuclear energy in the US is building on the most advanced solutions now proposed by the
leading reactor manufacturers. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) reported (3/2008) application review for 4
reactors featuring large steam cycles: AP1000, ESBWR, US-APWR and US EPR. 3 Pre-application reviews are also
reported for reactors of lower size which are outside the power range considered in this paper. To this list should be
added the already certified ABWR, for which a Combined construction and operation License application is expected this
Because about the same thermal conditions apply in the proposed reactors, no technology impact is expected to
challenge the Turbine solutions applicable today.
Generation 4 reactors are being studied and developed challenging the current LWR dominance. Specific power
conversion systems will be developed to match their characteristics. The commercial availability of the first generation 4
(GEN 4) solutions is nevertheless not foreseen before 2020.

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without notice. No representation or warranty is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. For avoidance of
doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

1.3.2 Larger Unit Sizes

Unit size in Top 3 Nuclear Countries
Electrical output in MW


USA: 103 units

France: 59 units
Japan: 55 units



Year of operation



The above graph by rating and year of operation shows the 217 operating nuclear units in the 3 countries with most
nuclear units, representing close to half the world fleet. A significant spread of unit size exists in the US and Japan for
historical reasons compared to the more standardized fleets in France developed by the single operator. The same trend
of increasing unit size appears in the three countries. Several issues converge to explain the commercial success of larger
units, starting with the reduction of the specific investment cost and of O&M cost, but also important in this trend is the
time saving achieved in the certification process and local acceptance efforts to reach a certain capacity with fewer units
of larger size.
The present generation of large reactors covers the range from 3400 MWth to 4600 MWth, and Turbine inlet pressure
covering a 800 psia to 1100 psia range. From the conventional island point of view, this represents a range of 1200
MWe to 1700 MWe, well above the average 1000 MWe of operating units in the US. In particular, 3 reactors (ESBWR,
US-APWR and US EPR) are designed for the 1700 MWe range, clearly two steps ahead of existing Turbine Island
solutions in the US.
Basically, the LWR technology whether BWR or PWR has limited influence on the design of the Turbine Island itself.
Significant changes mostly concern the turbine hall containment structure, the by-pass system and the feedwater
control, specific loading and de-loading requirements, cycle water chemistry and material limitations to name a few.
The following chapters will detail how Alstom was able to develop solutions matching these higher thermal output for 60
Hz grid frequencies, for both families of LWR.

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change without notice. No representation or warranty is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. For
avoidance of doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

Alstom technology solutions for the 1200-1700 MW range Nuclear Turbine Island developments for the USA, May 2008

2 Turbine Island Equipment and Solutions for new US Nuclear projects

2.1 ARABELLE Technology is at the core of Alstom solutions
Alstom spearhead is the technological success demonstrated by the 4 ARABELLE turbines, operating in France since
2000, at a 1550 MW world record level ever since. The development of this innovative solution in the end eighties could
already benefit from a sum of experience drawn from the design, manufacture and operation of the units of previous
generations. Main objectives set for the new plants were higher efficiency, reduced investment costs of the turbine hall,
reduced maintenance costs, and maximum reliability. With the continuous support and pressure from EDF, the
ARABELLE concept was developed, at a time where most turbine manufacturers where limiting their ambitions in front
of the bleak commercial prospects of nuclear power. With the present nuclear renaissance, a fully validated and
advanced ARABELLE design provides proven reliability and performance to the Customers of the new generation of
Reactors. Some key technological element of the ARABELLE technology will be given below.

2.2 Turbine Configuration for Performance

2.2.1 A New Architecture
Nuclear turbines of previous generations feature one double-flow high-pressure (HP) cylinder in which the main inlet
steam flow is divided into two symmetrical flows. After expansion, the steam is led to the MSRs, where it is first dried
and then superheated by a derivation of the main steam. Superheated steam is fed to each of the 4 or 6 low-pressure
(LP) flows (with 2 or 3 LPs respectively) for final expansion down to the condenser pressure.
In an ARABELLE turbine, the steam expands in a single flow HP path. Then divided to feed the 2 MSR, the 2
superheated steam flows are again joined and expanded in a single flow IP part. This intermediate-pressure (IP) section
is unique, and ARABELLE is the only saturated nuclear steam turbine to date with an IP expansion not integrated in the
LP modules. Final split to feed 2 or 3 double flow LP cylinders is done at a relatively low-pressure level - about 3 times
lower than for turbines of the previous generation.

ALSTOM 2008. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability for information purposes only and is subject to change
without notice. No representation or warranty is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. For avoidance of
doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

In order to reduce overall turbine length, the HP and IP expansions

have been regrouped in a combined HP/IP cylinder, similar to the ones
sometimes used in fossil fired applications except for their much larger
size. Recall that a saturated nuclear steam turbine will accommodate
an inlet volume flow roughly 5 times bigger than a fossil fired unit of
the same nameplate rating, because of the combination of much lower
steam pressure and temperature.
To illustrate that, a complete HP/IP module for a 1750 MWe unit
weighs close to 600 tons, which is still not so heavy for a module
delivering 1100 MWmech.
Instead of the successive split of flows of the previous structure, the
most striking feature of ARABELLE is the architecture that makes the most use of the best efficiency single-flow steam
expansion. Single flow arrangement ensures higher efficiency due to the reduction of secondary losses that develop at the
root and at the tip of the steam path.
With this arrangement, the single-flow steam expansion is maintained typically from the inlet pressure of 1000 psia
down to 50 psia, thus representing more than 60% of the expansion performed with the best efficiency. The overall gain
in efficiency permitted by the single flow architecture as compared to the former architecture is estimated to be 1%.

2.2.2 LP Exhaust Area and Last Stage Blade Selection

Water is a scarce resource and when available needs to be shared by multiple users. In the USA, access to direct cooling
water in open loop is difficult for the power industry, and even more for nuclear units because of the very large volumes
required. Potential for direct cooling would thus be limited to very few projects and would not justify developing a
standard direct cooling solution. The nuclear projects now being developed plan an indirect cooling system based on wet
cooling towers.
Summer times are usually hot in North America, and the electricity reserve margins in summer are reduced by the
increase in electricity consumption amplified by a production reduction caused on power plants by hot ambient
conditions. Although nuclear plant are les sensitive to external conditions that Combined Cycle plants for instance, a
notable power drop in Summer can be noted. The design and optimization of the heat sink has a significant influence on
the depth of this power drop as illustrated below.
The graph shows the reduction of power
output as condenser backpressure
increases for 2 solutions.
Output for the solution optimized for hot
conditions decreases less in summer than
the solution optimized for cold conditions.
At one point, it overcome its initial
performance deficit and can produce
significantly more MW during the peak
summer demand.
Nuclear plants, which operate in base
load would thus best be optimized for
maximum output in the summer case in
order to reduce the amount of fossil fuel

ALSTOM 2008. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability for information purposes only and is subject to
change without notice. No representation or warranty is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. For
avoidance of doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

Alstom technology solutions for the 1200-1700 MW range Nuclear Turbine Island developments for the USA, May 2008

consumed for peaking capacity. It thus makes sense to define a standardized backpressure in the 2.5 Hg range, valid
for the complete fleet.
Because of the high thermal load of the current proposed reactors, it is logical to use a longer Last Stage Blade (LSB)
than what was used before. Alstom standard LSB for nuclear application now includes a 56 LSB for 1800 rpm, first
applied for the Diablo Canyon Nuclear LP retrofit operating since 2006 in California. This blade provides a LP cylinder
exhaust area well suited to the proposed range of reactors. The design of this blade with an integral snubber for reliable
operation and a fir tree attachment for easier access for inspection is well adapted to the long inspection intervals
targeted with present generation of Nuclear plants.
Because of the vibration control provided by the snubber connection, this type of blade has the benefit of a reduced
weight compared to free standing blades for instance. With these relatively light blades, it is possible to define a bearing
structure able to withstand the unbalance created by a LSB failure. This criterion is very valuable in reducing the severity
of this accident type, which is extremely large otherwise if the shaft line integrity cannot be maintained. This accident is
of course very rare, but it is statistically significant worldwide as remembered by insurance companies.
Aerodynamics has also been optimized and the last stages benefits from the 3D profiles developed by advanced
calculations and now made possible by modern manufacturing techniques. In particular, the last 2 diaphragms features
bowed profiles and not the strait profiles used in previous generation of machines.

2.3 Technology for manufacturing: Welded Rotor Technology

Welded rotor technology is a key Alstom steam turbine and gas turbine feature. It is an industrial setup that Alstom has
developed during the last 80 years, and which have benefited from continuous investments to increase capacity and
maximum part size. For very large rotors, it permits the best control of the material inner properties and initial defects
size. Because of the reduced stress compared to shrunk on disks design, steel with lower yield strength can be selected
for better resistance to Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) while maintaining the required properties for the disks
supporting the last stage blades.
Huge forgings required for monobloc solid rotors face a very severe shortage situation, with an extremely narrow range
of potential suppliers. In this strongly reviving market, this shortage situation becomes a handicap for plant planning, or
a nightmare for the plant construction if anything happens during manufacturing. With its welded rotor technology,
Alstom is able to procure smaller forgings, which can be provided by a reasonably larger number of qualified vendors in
the world. Planning and actual plant construction can thus benefit from much more flexibility and safety. Alstom already
owns several welding facilities fit for the welding of such rotors, and is developing a new one in its Chattanooga (TN)
factory to be able to provide the additional capacity required for the development of the US market.

2.4 Turbogenerator Technology

To match the reliable and performing steam turbine solution, a GIGATOP 4-pole hydrogen and water cooled generator
will be selected. The GIGATOP 4-pole generator initial design is based on the referenced solutions used for the French
nuclear fleet for the 50 Hz applications and for the Korean Ulchin 1&2 for the 60 Hz applications.
This design is continuously developed for increased performance - today up to 2000 MVA - for low maintenance and
increased lifetime, using the most suitable design elements, selected and adapted according to Alstoms design quality

ALSTOM 2008. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability for information purposes only and is subject to change
without notice. No representation or warranty is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. For avoidance of
doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

The stainless steel cooling pipes technology have been introduced for the direct water cooling of the stator bars. This
technology eliminates the risk of clogging due to copper oxidation phenomenon, which exists with copper hollow
conductors. It does not require a close follow-up of deionised water chemistry, nor a specific careful maintenance.
Availability and ease of operation has been improved as demonstrated by experience feedback from our fleet of
GIGATOP 2- pole generators.
The directly hydrogen cooled rotor winding with a large number of forward flow cooling zones provide a nearly
uniform temperature all along the rotor body, minimizing the risk of thermal unbalance. The two single stage axial
fans have a positive impact on the efficiency, and also on the ease of maintenance.
Triple circuit hydrogen seal rings have been introduced for a very low hydrogen consumption, thus reducing
operating costs. This triple circuit is a well-referenced solution on all large fossil fired plants. With this design, a
hydrogen pressure up to 6 bar (87 psig) can be selected with a higher power density that enable a smaller generator,
which is still transportable by rail.
Two excitation systems are available :
Brushless excitation based on a very compact, bearing less, advanced exciter design (This technology is
referenced on the French nuclear fleet.)
Static excitation cooled in closed circuit with an active humidity control for minimum brush wear (This is
also a well referenced solution on all large fossil fired plants.)
Base design principles and above improved technologies, largely referenced in 50 Hz and 60 Hz applications, will provide
high reliability and performance benefits to the nuclear turbogenerators for the US market.

2.5 Thermal Cycle Efficiency

To achieve an all over high efficiency of the cycle, not only the steam turbine needs to be looked at, but the full steam and
water cycle, i.e. all elements of the steam and water cycle need to be analyzed and the efficiency losses minimized while
maintaining reasonable investment and O&M costs. A full integration capacity requires in depth knowledge of the
operating principles and knowledge of the influence of external parameters on equipment design.
A key optimization element is the assessment of cost implications of options to increase performances. This specific
optimization corresponds to one of the core competences of Alstom as Plant Integrator, as Alstom is designing and
manufacturing most of the main equipments of the steam and water cycle.

ALSTOM 2008. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability for information purposes only and is subject to
change without notice. No representation or warranty is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. For
avoidance of doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

Alstom technology solutions for the 1200-1700 MW range Nuclear Turbine Island developments for the USA, May 2008

2.5.1 Moisture Separator Reheater with 1 or 2 Reheating Stages

The heating steam is taken from the live steam in a majority of operating units, and the steam reheat is achieved in a
single stage reheater.
With modern units however, the thermodynamic cycle is improved by the addition in the MSR of an additional heating
stage, fed from a HP cylinder steam path extraction point. Final reheat temperature is kept the same using only half the
live steam flow used for single stage reheater. This replacement of main steam by already partly expanded HP extraction
steam is providing a very valuable cycle efficiency benefit (between 0.3% and 0.6% according to cycle conditions). As
always, MSR terminal temperature difference and pressure drop have a direct impact on unit efficiency. Nuclear plants
are used for base load, thus high performances will be generally selected.

2.5.2 Feed Heaters and Mechanical Balance of Plant

In line with the performance objective for advanced nuclear plants, the feed heaters configuration has been upgraded
compared to previous generation of nuclear plants, also in line with the solution implemented in modern fossil fired units.
The final feedwater temperature in any LWR is a mandatory reactor requirement, because it directly or indirectly
influences the average core temperature. It is an important parameter in the plant certification. The steam turbine will
be adapted to a specific reactor by selecting the pressure of the HP extraction feeding the last HP heater to match this
temperature. Experience shows for ARABELLE that the steam is best extracted after the HP 4th stage, both for 50 Hz
and 60 Hz versions for the reactors considered, and that the desired feedwater temperature can be reached by simple
steam path adaptation.
To raise the feedwater temperature to this level, a series of regenerative feed heaters using extraction steam from the
turbine will be used. The recommended configuration includes 7 extractions with 4 LP heaters, 1 deaerator and 2 HP
heaters, i.e. 1 heater more than previous generations. From the Turbine Island point of view, this solution applies to both
PWR and BWR, which now require very similar final feedwater temperature. In addition, forward recovery pumping of
condensate of LP heaters is used to significantly increase the plant net output. Both modifications have a measurable
impact on the plant output, and cost adders are paid-off.
One question raised in the US by nuclear plants operators and recorded in the user requirements document (URD) is the
validity of the LP heaters condensate recovery pumping compared to the former cascading configuration, taking into
account the overall availability of the plant and the maintenance cost. The designers job is not only to balance the gain
of several MW on net output and the related cost adder. Availability and maintenance are always part of the design
objectives, and experience learning is a condition of success. The first 4 ARABELLE units in France were designed with
condensate recovery pumps on LP 2 heater. After more than 200,000 h of cumulated operating hours, no adverse effect
on the plant availability can be detected.
It can be noted that the shut down for any reason of a LP heater condensate recovery pump does not jeopardize the
production, because the corresponding condensate flows are then automatically cascaded to the condenser.
Maintenance costs are limited, mostly a replacement of sealing components. EDF operate those units, and they are also
experienced with the cascading configuration applied in the previous generation of plants. The fact that EDF in 2006
ordered for Flamanville 3 a balance of plant with even more condensate recovery pumps for the LP heaters is a clear sign
that for this particular Operator the pros exceed the cons. Alstom is recommending using such configuration for the new
series of nuclear plants in the US.

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without notice. No representation or warranty is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. For avoidance of
doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

2.5.3 Backpressure Optimization

As discussed above, the intent to develop a fleet of projects optimized for warm conditions is a clear guidance to define
the optimization range. Site optimization will be done by adapting the cooling system according to site constraints and
weather conditions, with limited impact on the turbine hall equipment.
Wet cooling tower will be used, and often mechanical draft will be required because of local architectural constraints.
Natural draft cooling tower are more energy efficient, but they require much higher height and this architectural impact
is not always acceptable. Significant auxiliary power is required for the fans, and thus the selection of natural draft
would result in a typically 0.5% plant net output increase compared to a forced draft tower configuration, and the decision
of the tower type needs to be carefully considered.
In both case the practice is to limit the circulating water flow compared to an open circuit, because of the strong
influence of the water flow on the cost of the tower.
Large steam turbine for power plant generally feature several LP modules, 2 or 3 in general.
Two configurations of the circulating water can be used, the so called series or parallel condenser arrangement (see
below sketch, where the water lines have been coloured for better readability)

from the turbine point of view, the parallel condensers arrangement corresponds to all LP exhaust operating at the same
pressure, when the series arrangement corresponds to different backpressure levels at each LP exhaust.
In a series condensers, the circulating water temperature leaving the condenser 1 is much colder than in the parallel
case, and a lower backpressure can be achieved for a given inlet water temperature. According to the optimization, one
can reach with triple pressure condensers for example the same average backpressure hence about the same turbine
output than with the series condensers, but with a reduced flow. Alternatively, with the same circulating flow one can
achieve a lower average backpressure and a higher turbine output. All scenarios in-between can be considered, and it is
a significant task for the Conventional Island designer to optimize the cost versus output of the heat sink optimization.
The net output of the plant shall always be assessed, as gains on gross output can be reduced or cancelled after
correction for differences in auxiliary power due to flow and pressure losses variations for instance.
A recent study for sites in the East coast of the US cooled by cooling tower indicate that the series condenser is more
economical in a wide range of cost of electricity and of monthly distribution of electricity price than the parallel
condensers. For very large plants, the saving on the tower and circulating water system with the reduction of circulating
water flow of the series condenser in particular has a very favorable impact on the project economy. Multiple pressure
condensers also demonstrate less power reduction in summer, which can be quite interesting according to actual
electricity price in hot summers in the East.
Influence of this series arrangement of condensers on the turbine is minimum, but it has a significant impact on the
Turbine hall and plant layout and it needs to be defined early in a project. Because one of the main reasons of the finding
is the cost of the cooling tower, it is no surprise if we believe that the single pressure condensers remains a simple and
economical solutions for sites with direct cooling, where anyhow the higher temperature raise of the circulating water in
a multiple pressure condenser would be a handicap for environmental issues.

ALSTOM 2008. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability for information purposes only and is subject to
change without notice. No representation or warranty is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. For
avoidance of doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

Alstom technology solutions for the 1200-1700 MW range Nuclear Turbine Island developments for the USA, May 2008

2.6 Main circulating water system

2.6.1 Circulating water systems parameters for large NPP
Because Nuclear units are so large, huge flows of water are required for condenser cooling. A 1700 MW unit for instance
would require between 650,000 gpm and 1,500,000 gpm of cooling water according to water temperature and
optimization. To illustrate this order of magnitude, 1,500,000 gpm corresponds to a typical Summer flow of the river
Seine flowing along Alstom offices in Paris, France. This huge flow will be provided by a number of pumps operating in
parallel. Depending upon the selected pumps technology and the maximum capacity they can deliver, 2, 4 or more
pumps will be required, and the circulating water circuit configuration will thus vary significantly. Knowing that the cost
of the circulating water piping can be of the same order of magnitude than the cost of the pumps themselves, the full
picture needs to be considered to make an economically valid design.
The power consumed by the circulating water pumps in a nuclear power plants varies significantly according to site
layout and choices made at design stages, and a range of 0.5 % to 1.5% of the plant gross output can be noted. This range
corresponds to the variation of the pumped flow, but also and very sensibly to the variation of total pumping head. It is
thus an important aspect to consider when first designing a Conventional Island to try to minimize these auxiliary power
losses by an optimum layout, reducing distance between the ultimate heat sink and the condenser, reducing the
geometric height and the circuit pressure losses, properly designing siphons, weirs and other devices to make the best
recovery of the pumping head. For sites using cooling tower, solutions with the cooling tower at one diameter distance
from the turbine hall should be favored. Complex circuits with collectors, valves, sharp bends and other singularities
which create significant pressure losses should be avoided. The additional pressure losses of the condensers when they
are arranged in series need to be considered when comparing to the parallel arrangement. A total head range of 60-90 ft
can be expected for the circulating water circuits of a nuclear plant, but circuit configuration can significantly alter this
figure in plus or minus.
Circulating water quality is quite diverse, ranging with fresh water, sea water and closed cooling circuit water, and with
variable sand and other particulate content. For indirect cooling, the evaporation will concentrate the circulating water
and total dissolved solid concentration will quickly raise up to a level adjusted by the blowdown drain. This is particularly
important for tower where water losses are compensated by sea water make-up. The circulating water circuits and the
pumps material must be designed to accommodate the resulting water chemistry.

2.6.2 Concrete Volute Pumps or Vertical Turbine Pumps?

Two types of pumps can be traditionally used for circulating water circuits of power plant: Vertical Turbine Pumps (VTP)
and Concrete Volute Pumps (CVP).
VTP are medium speed wet pit full metal pumps which arrive fully assembled, ready to be positioned in the pumping
station. They can be designed to deliver high heads up to 300 ft with multiple stages, and flow from 30,000 to 200,000
gpm can be accommodated.
CVP are low speed dry pit pumps which concrete volute is poured on site during the first erection. This implies early
selection of the pump supplier, and a close integration of the Civil Works activities. CVP can be designed to deliver heads
up to 100 to 130 ft as detailed below. Their flow capacity is very large, 500,000 gpm and more. For adverse water
chemistry, special material use is limited to the impeller, the embedded parts and the casing cover, and the cost adder is
relatively limited. When we add the 3 characteristics mentioned above for Nuclear Power Plant, huge flows at moderate
head of sea or tower water, we describe the operating case of Concrete Volute Pump technology.


ALSTOM 2008. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability for information purposes only and is subject to change
without notice. No representation or warranty is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. For avoidance of
doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

100,000 gpm/50 ft VTP

900 MW NPP, Tricastin France

370,000 gpm/23 ft CVP

Concrete volute pump main benefit for application in circulating water circuits of nuclear plant is their capacity to handle
very large flows of water at a competitive cost. It is perfectly achievable to design and manufacture a Concrete Volute
Pump with an impeller diameter of 13 ft in diameter, capable of delivering 500,000
gpm and more, cast in the material required according to the water chemistry.
Around this large impeller, a large concrete volute creates the required head at
optimum efficiency and at an affordable cost. The sheer size of the volute of an
equivalent full metal pump would make it prohibitively expensive if achievable. It is
generally achievable to design the system with 2x50% circuits, each fed by one large
CVP. These independent circuits can be valves-less in the general case, and a
significant reduction in pressure losses compared to the collectors and isolation
valves required when VTP of smaller capacities are used. The CVP will start and
stop easily, without the need of outlet valve closing and air venting. They require low
NPSH, and do not suffer from cavitation even with inlet pipes up to 600 ft lenght,
CVP 13 ft impeller
which allows in many cases to install the pumps in the machine room for a very
450,000 gpm
compact plant arrangement.
Fresh water
CVP are low speed pumps (120 to 250 rpm range) using a planetary reduction gear
Saint Alban1300 MW
or a low speed motor. They demonstrate sustained very low vibration level and low
France NPP
noise. The low impeller velocity is also favorable to reduced secondary losses, and a
carefully designed formwork will achieve a finished volute with a very effective pressure recovery, resulting in a CVP
hydraulic efficiency benefit of a minimum to 2 % points above VTP.


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avoidance of doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

Alstom technology solutions for the 1200-1700 MW range Nuclear Turbine Island developments for the USA, May 2008

The resistance of concrete volutes pumps in service is proven to be very good.

The reinforced concrete will suffers no corrosion even with difficult water
chemistry. With the flow velocities considered , no sand abrasion is to be
feared. The image (right) shows the inside of a concrete volute in operation
on sea water on the Ulchin (Korea) 1000 MW nuclear unit, as it was found at
its first opening, after 16 Years of operation.
Excellent condition after 16 Years
490,000 gpm, Sea Water, 1000 MW NPP

2.6.3 CVP for higher head range

Head of concrete volute pumps for Circulating water circuits is typically 60 ft in open circuit, and 80 feet for cooling
towers. It is generally sufficient for Nuclear application for locations where a nicely designed circulating water circuit can
be installed. In other cases, such as remotely positioned cooling tower due to some architectural constraint and series
condenser configuration higher head reaching 100 feet and higher will be required.
To reach higher head in a rotodynamic pump requires higher initial water velocities. Above typically 35 ft/s, standard
reinforced concrete would start to suffer from erosion, and specific features will be used to protect it. A solution for the
pump designer is to insert a diffuser between the impeller and the concrete volute which will already convert part of the
water velocity into head. Water velocity at the outlet of the diffuser would be reduced to a harmless figure. In addition,
the radial thrust on the impeller with a diffuser is greatly reduced (up to a factor of 5), leading to less shaft deflection and
bearing loads. This contributes to the sustained reliability of the shaft line. The second solution is using protections such
as a steel liner to protect the concrete volute on location with exceeding flow velocities. Combining both features permits
to reach 100-130 ft total head in a reliable manner. A pump with steel liner would still be called a Concrete Volute pump
because of its conception, despite the metal content of the volute in high velocity locations.

CVP with Steel Liner

380,000 gpm/100 ft
Cooling Tower
1350 MW NPP
CVP with diffuser


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without notice. No representation or warranty is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. For avoidance of
doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

2.6.4 CVP for highest reliability and availability

Reliability of circulating water systems is ranked in the TOP 25 system component cause for primary cause for outage or
de-rating by the North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC). As no redundancy is foreseen on the circulating
water system, each incident on one pump leads to a damaging load reduction. A decisive criteria for the circulating
water system design must really be its reliability and availability.
As mentioned above, the low rotation speed of the CVP, the resistance of the concrete volute to erosion and corrosion,
the dry pit concept with the oil auto-lubricated bearing out of water, the valve-less circuit with simple start and stop
sequence is very favorable to highest availability. Alstom has conducted a RAM study based on 167 CVP pumps sets
(thermal and nuclear French Power units), for which accurate and continuous operational feedback since their
commissioning was available. The results are quite impressive in terms of Mean Time Before Failure:
Water type
Fresh Water
Sea Water

Operating hours
7,000,000 hours
4,700,000 hours

Measured MTBF
518,000 hours
350,000 hours

MTTR estimate
20 hours
20 hours

In average, a sea cooled plant designed for 60 Years with 2 VCP in 2 x 50% configuration
will experience de-rating due to a pump failure probably only twice, and probably once
only with fresh water. The short Mean Time To Repair is explained by the simple pullout
concept of the CVP, where the rotating part can be easily dismantled for inspection of
the wear ring and of the bearings.
A specific study by EDF on the 68 CVP used on the 34 900 MW Nuclear units in France
proved a reliability of 99.98%. EDF has selected Alstom for the 2 x50% seawater CVP
pumps in valve-less arrangement for the 1750 MW unit under construction in
Flamanville 3.


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change without notice. No representation or warranty is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. For
avoidance of doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

Alstom technology solutions for the 1200-1700 MW range Nuclear Turbine Island developments for the USA, May 2008

2.6.5 CVP for Circulating water circuits in Nuclear Power plants

All indications are that CVP are the appropriate solution for the circulating water circuits of all Nuclear Power Plants. The
latest developments of concrete volute pumps led to a significant extension of their field of application. Specific design of
the shape of the concrete volute makes it particularly cost effective on the civil engineering works, while maintaining very
high level of hydraulic efficiency. Reliable features can be introduced to accommodate the higher head sometimes
required. The solution is also cost effective because of the simplification its promotes for the complete circuit, and the
relative low material cost for aggressive water conditions. Highest reliability and minimum maintenance cost, reduced
operation cost due to lower power consumption are further incentive to fully apply this technology for the Nuclear
renaissance in the US.
Ulchin 1&2, Korea
1000 MW NPP
2x50% CVP
low speed motors
in pumping station
Civaux, France
1550 MW NPP
2x50% CVP
Pumps in factory

2.7 Alstom solution for Condensate extraction pumps integration

ALSTOM manufactures condensate extraction pumps, which large sizes are particularly
dedicated to Nuclear Power Plant use.
The hydraulics have been specially designed, to ensure trouble free running at low available
NPSH, with the high flows and heads needed in such power plants. These pumps are
multistage, barrel type, with double suction first impeller, to minimize pump length. The
other pressure bowls in martensitic steel are located just below the discharge elbow, to
reduce the length of the high torque shaft-line portion.
The construction, with fabricated carbon steel, is very sturdy, in order to withstand the
heavy constraints induced by the severe running conditions. The thrust bearing is a tilting
pads type. The shaft sealing is generally a stuffing box, soft packing type (but mechanical
seals can be installed). The electrical motor is located on a separate floor, and never
supports the pump download thrust.
Integration by Alstom of the pumps in the extraction circuit permits to optimize the recirculating line, the valves and pipe sizing and thus to reduce auxiliary power consumption,
noise and vibration level, improving the reliability and availability of the complete system. All
these construction details participate to long lifetime duration with main overhaul every 8
years in average.

ALSTOM 2008. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability for information purposes only and is subject to change
without notice. No representation or warranty is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. For avoidance of
doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

Operating experience of the 62 nuclear units using 186 Alstom condensate extraction pumps in 3x50 % solution is
excellent. The order by EDF in 2006 of the 3 x50 % pumps for Flamanville 3 1750 MW unit is a further sign of their
confidence in Alstom technology.

3 Customer Benefits of the Alstom Solutions

One of the key performance criteria for a nuclear plant is the number of hours it will operate. Reactors manufacturers
have relentlessly developed their products to increase availability, in particular increasing the intervals between
successive refueling outage and shortening the refueling outage duration. Alstom experience is that turbine island
equipment maintenance can still be accommodated within the reactor maintenance plan provided a careful organization
of inspections programs and maintenance policy are adapted. Alstom has demonstrated during the last 10 Years in the
US its capacity to serve the maintenance needs of its Customers, performing in particular several large nuclear retrofits in
record time, without extension of the refueling outage time. The owners of new Nuclear plants will benefit from fully
trained and skilled service.
With the plant maintenance plan established, the main factor influencing plant availability will then be the number and
duration of the forced outages due to equipment and systems failures. The so-called Forced Outage Rate (FOR) is
commonly used measurements to evaluate this. Statistical analysis of past experience can be used to evaluate a design
The Alstom French Fleet reliability performance is closely monitored by EDF, and a decade of periodic exchange of data
and analysis between EDF and Alstom have contributed to highlight any weakness and permitted improvement to the
reliability of the units. The reliability of Alstom nuclear turbines as measured by EDF in France fleet is high with a FOR of
0.1% in the last 15 years (842 Turbine Year), about half the average value for the existing US fleet. Among those, the 4
ARABELLE turbines have demonstrated an even lower FOR of 0.025% in the last 7 years (28 Turbine Year).
As noted above, the selection of Alstom CVP solution for the circulating water system will also contribute to the reliability
and availability of the plant.
In addition to the sound design principles, long time honing of the solutions based on 35 years of continuous experience
on the largest fleet worldwide of nuclear units is an important contributor to Alstom reliability records in eliminating the
causes of even infrequent incidents.
The decision end 2007 by Alstom to develop in its Chattanooga (TN) factory large manufacturing capacities for the main
equipment of the conventional island to serve US Nuclear Customers is also important in securing on time delivery, repair
capacity and generally high US content of Alstom solutions.


ALSTOM 2008. All rights reserved. Information contained in this document is provided without liability for information purposes only and is subject to
change without notice. No representation or warranty is given or to be implied as to the completeness of information or fitness for any particular purpose. For
avoidance of doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

Alstom technology solutions for the 1200-1700 MW range Nuclear Turbine Island developments for the USA, May 2008

4 Conclusions
Although nuclear power activity in the last 30 years was low in the US, the activity never stopped in the world. France in
particular kept developing new projects and increasing the worldwide nuclear energy production. In the last 10 years a
change has been noted in the USA, where nuclear utilities have boosted production by investment in retrofit solutions for
higher output and reliability. This competitive market has been a further play ground for technology improvements, and
Alstom retrofit solutions have demonstrated the validity of our technologies. Now is the time for developing new nuclear
projects in the USA, driven by the recognized need for clean energy and by the low cost of nuclear electricity.
The industry is willing to develop standardized fleets of solutions for maximum benefit, and utilities are teaming with
industrial partners to achieve this. The average reactor size is clearly above the present generation of machines, and new
turbine and generator solutions have been introduced. New Conventional Island solutions are also available. Among
those, the use of 2 x 50 % concrete volute pumps for the circulating water circuit is a well established optimum.
Alstom integrated nuclear solutions that have been validated on the world new and retrofit market provide the required
performance and reliability levels to maximize the benefits of the nuclear renaissance.

5 References
[1] US Nuclear Power Industry, World Nuclear Association, June 2007
[2] Several Country analysis and reference documents from the same WNA
[3] ARABELLE 1550 MW, Review of the First Years of Operation
G. Audet, G. Franconville, O. Mandement
Power-Gen Europe 2004
[4] GIGATOP Alstoms Turbogenerator for Nuclear Steam Turbine Applications
M. Verrier, Y. Sabater, M. Delevoye, A. Ziegler
Power-Gen Europe 2006
[5] Alstom Technology Solutions for the 1200-1700 MW Range Nuclear Steam Turbine Developments for the USA
R. Pangrazzi, V. Jourdain, F. Lamarque
Nuclear Power International 2007
[6] Latest developments of Vertical Concrete Volute Pumps,
R. Canavelis, J.P. Daux, J.F. Lapray
ASME Pumping Machinery Symposium, San Diego 1989


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doubts, the financial models presented in this paper are illustrative in nature and shall not be taken as guaranteed profit returns.

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- ALSTOM 2008
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